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a log with no name



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Monday 28th:
    moved another year closer to my free travel, so the kids had a cake for me, so training was postponed till later, then I had to help the eldest with Maths for summer exams, the joys of revising a year of Junior Cert maths, bring back the inter for all us old fellas,
    So the revising was done just after 11 so at that point I was too spaced to do anything.

    Tuesday 29th:
    Had a workshop all day, so lunch time run skipped, Did'nt get out till after 7 so I was mentally spaced when I got home. Had dinner played with the kids and was seriously considering leaving the session, but had a word with myself.

    So brick planned,
    Bike - To help with the boredom stuck on a Sufferfest "fightclub"
    few min easy wu
    6min @ 225w with a few "attacks"
    1min recovery
    Main set was 4 sets of 4min @240w(90+rpm) 2.5min @ 280w(75rpm) 3min spinning.
    Set 1 - 243 ,284
    Set 2 - 242 ,284
    Set 3 - 243, 275
    Set 4 - 236, 274

    by the time I was done it was dark out and I was spent, It was not the hardest session to do but I suffered mentally, not sure if it was the heat or tiredness or age catching up.
    I left the run to spend time with the better half,

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Happy Birthday young fella. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Oryx wrote: »
    Happy Birthday young fella. :)
    thank you, well beyond young at this stage:p

    Wednesday 30th: Lunch time swim
    In late so no warm up,
    set was 2*200,2*100.2*50 - 3 times
    Still feeling ok in the water able to hold feet of the faster swimmers, the 200's were coming in around 3:20-30, with 10-15 sec recovery, the 100 were in 1:40ish with 10 sec recovery,
    On the last set they skipped the second 200 so the full set was 1900, I did an easy 1 to round it to 2K.

    While the young man was training I did my laps of the field.
    1k wu
    plan was 3k,2k,1k,1k,2k,3k @ tempo pace. random recovery (was using the opposite corner of the pitch

    the times
    3k - 4:12,3:58,4:03 -avg 4:04
    2k - 3:59, 4:03 - avg 4:01
    1k - 3:59
    1k - 4:03

    was on the recovery lap stopped for a moment to watch the young man plan their training match, started to run and there was a loud crack from my ankle, which stopped me in my tracks, the pain shot up the leg and I was not sure what the f had happened, gave it a moment and tried to continue, hobbled for a few meters and had to stop could not put any weight on the foot,

    Sat down and did'nt move it waiting on the training to finish, I got up hoping it would be fine and one of them odd thing that happen but alas I limped out to the car,
    After an hour or so it felt ok, I was able to walk.

    This morning I am walking fine, my legs are sore not sure why as the run was not hard enough to do it, so im wondering if there was something odd which I did'nt notice during the sets which had me compensating and using muscles differently ??

    anyway 2 days to my first test and i am nervous to say the least, I know (barring injury) I will get around but the level is high on this boards thing and I would like not to make a fool out of myself and have a "good showing"
    Is this stupid:p

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Everybody worries about placings before a race. And then we pull our times apart afterwards thinking how we shoulda gone faster....

    Which race is it on Saturday?

    Oh, and I hope the leg is ok.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    AH will you stop sandbagging :D

    Your swim is in good shape, your bike is your strongest section and you have recently ran a 3.11 marathon

    You will be well above the mid packers and just below the elite level, I would think a finish in the top 15% to 20%

    I also think you will take home Elvis's boards prize as well for being ahead of whats predicted ;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Thank you, I know its just pre race nerves, its natural enough I suppose.
    I believe the same as your self the doulbe in Athy.

    you set?

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    BennyMul wrote: »
    Thank you, I know its just pre race nerves, its natural enough I suppose.
    I believe the same as your self the doulbe in Athy.

    you set?
    Youll be at least an hour in front of me, so dont stress.

    No I'm not set. Have a wedding tomorrow, no kit packed and I still have to get out of work somehow to get gels and body glide. Half ar5ed as usual.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    catweazle wrote: »
    AH will you stop sandbagging :D

    Your swim is in good shape, your bike is your strongest section and you have recently ran a 3.11 marathon

    You will be well above the mid packers and just below the elite level, I would think a finish in the top 15% to 20%

    I also think you will take home Elvis's boards prize as well for being ahead of whats predicted ;)

    :p not snadbagging honest.
    I am honestly aiming for the top 50%; If I can get into the 20% I would be happy out,

    This will be my second tri and im just unsure and nervous,

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Thursday 31:
    Left my run as my ankle was still a bit on the sore side, and odd pain in my hip.
    I am hoping its just in the head.

    Hopped on the rollers for an hour and spun the legs, no pressure or effort.

    Friday 1st:
    a simple 30min run to test the leg, the ankle is fine no pain but hip a bit sore, will stretch it this evening.

    As set as I will be for tomorrow.
    my bib number is 1211 if anyone is there and would like to say hi,
    Feels a bit odd reading folks training stories and not having a face to the "name"

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    So my first big test, to see if this training lark is\was working.
    I have been nervous all week, as the seeds of doubt were working nicely through my head. the longest session was 4 hours of a bike, how would I do with a swim, bike run up to 6 hours.
    (sorry if a bit long)

    Anyway aim was 5:30, but preparing for 6hours.

    Got there nice and early, racked the bike and had too much time, didnt know what to do with it,

    Swim: aim 1hour - actual 1:00:55 -
    I was not prepared for this, started near the back and this was a bad mistake,
    tried to move up and I had heard about the fun at the start but never really believed it, so now I know,
    took an age to get going for the first few hundred meters seems to be surrounded by bodies.
    Once I got going I could not swim in a straight line to save my life, after 1500m I got a sever cramp in my calf and turned onto my back and ar$ed about trying to stretch it out when I realised I could stand, got this sorted and the other leg went, so once stretched I put the head down and tried to make up the time,

    T1: 03:42
    I need to get a tri suit, the amount of time wasted putting on shorts and a jersey.

    Bike: plan 2:30min - actual 2:16:30 -

    Plan was to ride with HR, so I had the power meter covered.
    On to the bike and aiming to take the first few k slow to allow the hr to come down, the problem was the HR strap was not working. so feeling it was.
    Out the Carlow road and got into a nice rhythm picking riders ahead of me and trying to slowly reel them in,
    The only thing that pi$$ed me off was a certain individual who was drafting, then would go past get a few meters hold it and then die, and come back to draft again. he did this to me for a almost 20k, personally I was not sure what he was doing, so half way through the first lap I lost a bot of concentration and the pace drop. so he finally fcuked off but it was not long before he was back on someone else's wheel.

    The bike was great, only had 1 bad patch but felt under control all the time, even possibly a bit in the tank as I was dreading the run.

    In to T2: took off the cycling shorts and out.

    Run: aim 1:50min - actual 01:38:49

    Out on the run and my stomach was in knots straight away it was bad, stopped for a wee and tried to stretch it but no relief. continued running and noticed I had pressed stop on the watch, restarted it and onto the Barrow track and running ok considering I was doubling up with pain, secretly looking for a porta loo or a gap in a ditch but nothing, legs were starting to get tired and I was nervous taking a gel but after 10k I took a high 5 one and it stayed down(in). at this point I felt dead and felt like I was shuffling more than running, the track was getting narrow as the olympic starting to fill it up and as I was struggling some of them were passing me like I was stopped, with 5K to go I look at the watch and I had 27min to get this done under 5hours, so after a chat to my self I dug deep to up or at least maintain the pace. this was working but the cramps were getting worse, i even was temped just to stop and find a ditch, but the thoughts of a sub 5 won out so after another chat to my self I kept going and the finish came soon enough, looked to the watch and 4:58, happy days then I remembered it was stopped balls.

    Total time of 5:01:08
    I was totally chuffed, while slightl peed I missed the 5.

    Also nice to meet JB, MCOS(in a before and after state) and Tunney

    Body recovery well Sunday, resting HR was normal, the only pain was my calves are in bits and still sore to even touch.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    BennyMul wrote: »
    :p not snadbagging honest.
    I am honestly aiming for the top 50%; If I can get into the 20% I would be happy out,

    This will be my second tri and im just unsure and nervous,

    Awesome result for 2nd Tri! Just saw results now. Excellent placing against a lot of IM heads. 25% is pretty hot. Well done :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Ya well done Benny - looks like I have more confidence in you than yourself, you were always going to do well, in such a stacked field as well - your training is going great!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    catweazle wrote: »
    Ya well done Benny - looks like I have more confidence in you than yourself, you were always going to do well, in such a stacked field as well - your training is going great!

    self-confidence is something I never had, always have that doubt in the back of my head.
    and thanks for the support its appreciated.

    Tuesday 5th:
    Simple 45 min on the rollers, no power, hr, speed only looking at cadence, keeping this up over 95prm

    Wednesday 6th:
    Wee man had a GAA match that night so the traditional run was out, so planned to get up early and run, Woke up and stood up my calves were still sore:eek:, never been this bad before. so I duly got back into bed, Did not see any benefit in making matters worse.

    Swim at lunch time:
    there was less there but it was faster, set was 100,200,300,200,100 by 2
    the first 100 I came in on 1:30 and the lead guy was gone all ready, I died this session,

    Thursday 7th:
    again up early this morning for a run, and the rain was brutal so I chickened out and got back into a warm bed, after reading Oryx I feel brutal and a wimp so going for a run this evening no matter what.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Thursday 7th:

    Got a phone call to ask if the wee man was available to play in an under 12 hurling game (he is 9) so grand no problems, still get my run in after.

    So out to the match and the field was a lake, but the game went ahead, so as a good daddy I stood on the side lines for support within 10-15 min my "waterproof" coat was soaked and a steady steam of cold rain trickling down my back, by full time I was soaked and freezing, he brought a change of clothes, did I think of that nooooooo.
    Got home and it was still bucketing down, and I had not warmed up yet (this is fecking June??) so once again I backed out of a run, hit the turbo for a short session,
    40min at 1/2 IM pace, and this was no problems felt comfortable.

    Slept crap, as the kids trampoline was been blown around in the wind, and I had it tired down but still it was hopping and banging.
    so kept waking up, just after 6 with horizontal rain I decided it was time to grow a pair, so out for a run.
    The run was very slow, my right calf started acting up after 3k and the pace dropped, around 12 way through I had a few GI issues which did not help in the slightest.
    Ohhh to round off a great early morning run, I woke the better half getting my runners, so a few brownie points gone(at this stage im in the red here)

    Dist: 11.5
    Pace 5:01min/km

    Also on a plus, I was talking to an old friend up home over the weekend and he was asking about the Hardman, and what bike i was using, after a few min he offered me a loan of his, :D:D he has a back problem at the moment so its only sitting there. THe frame is large and I usually ride a med so i have to look to see if I can get my position.

    From the trusty steed:

    to this for a few weeks anyway.

    here is the link to the pics as the above are a bit small

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Beautiful - always loved the Venom, tis a sexy bike!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Friday cont:
    On the way for a swim and I got a call to say we had to bring the young man to the doc's so swim off.
    Spent some time on the Vemon and roughly setup my position, (turned out to be very roughly set)

    Saturday 9th:
    Got up late and my planned long spin was out the window, so stuck a set of peddles on the Venom and ride this for 2 hours.
    My position was wrong, Saddle to high and trying to adjust it was not working,
    Also my arms were getting very tired and feeling cramped in the aero position,

    Used the Doon - Rearcross as a "test" cct to see if there is any difference.
    the frame setup did not help the comparison, also the more forward position was weird and not natural.

    Dist: 55.5km
    Time: 1:52
    Pwr : 204
    NrPwr: 220
    Avg Sd: 29.8

    Of the bike and out for a run, didn't get to go as far as I wanted, also a tad bit on the slow side,

    Dist 9k
    Pace 4:33min/km - Bike - Brick Run

    Sunday 10th:
    Up early and out, had a spin planned based on RedB 3 county tour.
    switched back to the giant, due to only 1 bottle cage on the Venom:(

    rode the fist 20k at IM pace (200w, NP 203)
    First climb - Windy Gap: rode this in a low gear for strength, dropped into 6mile bridge and back to Cratloe, and up this, its years since I was on this and could
    not remember the climb. Out to Broadford, Rode this drag at 1/2 im pace,
    Now on to new land, I had heard of the Gap but never went up it, and probably should have stayed that way, its a tuff little cookie.
    possibly would have been a bit better if the surface was half ok, also nearly ended any chance of more kids, climbing out of the saddle and back wheel slipped on grass, :eek: too close for comfort.
    Dropped into Killaoe and was running out of time, (planned 4hours) so I had to skip on the Step,
    Rode the last 10k at IM pace, (191w)
    Was fcuked at the end, spin ran 40min over est. ran out of water with an hour to go, and only had 3 pieces of food, last one consumed on 3 hours.

    Dist: 128k
    Time 4:40
    Pwr: 182(201 if you remove the free wheeling)
    NrPwr: 209
    Cad: 67 (way too low, but a few climds were done at low cad so did not help) Bike

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Monday 11th:
    Had my wet suit with me and planned to meet the tri club at Worlds End, but ended up with a late call so had to pull in the swim,

    Got out of work at 4 and went to Worlds end, not sure if I should head on my own. Got changed and into the water, planned a 40min swim,
    took a few min to get used to the cold water, from the start my stroke felt short and I did not feel ok in the water. So slowed it down and tried to get it together, this worked but concentration was short lived,
    Watch beeped on what it recorded as 1K, this took 19min. So had recalled MCOS said something about overhead wires so continued, after swimming for 30min was getting a bit worried as no sigh of the wires and considered turning around, when they appeared :p. So continued and turned.
    Coming back much of the same, OW swimming is a lonely place,

    So looking back estimate distance of 3K, time 1:02. with a few stops let boats past etc.
    Not sure if it was a mental thing been there on my own but never relaxed in the water and shoulders were stiff.
    OW Swim

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Nice Swim BM. If you got to the wires and back you did 3.2k minimum :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Nice Swim BM. If you got to the wires and back you did 3.2k minimum :)

    thanks that makes me feel a bit better, next the regatta slip;).

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Tuesday 12th:
    Feeling a bit on the tired side starting this session. the plan was 2*20min @90-90% FTP -5min RI. but in my head I was changing it to 4*10, 2*15 etc anything else but 20 min.
    So aimed for 10min, got there and was fine so on to 15, again no problems so feck it 20min, Grand. 5 min recovery
    The second one was similar however I found my mind wandering during the set but quickly got it back, there was a bit more suffering for the last 5min but felt it was controlled.

    Rep 1 - Pwr 244; Cad 87; Hr 147(157max)
    Rep 2 - Pwr 243; Cad 87; Hr 155(163max)

    Was too late in the evening to attempt a third effort, or Im telling myself that anyway.

    Wed 13th:
    lunch time swim, another fast hard session
    Set was (400, 2*200, easy 100)*2 total 1800
    felt ok for most of the session, no idea of times

    Evening got the chance for an evening run so decided to do a few hill reps.
    Hill Resp
    Outside the front door is a nice hill, all fields and no actual track up it,
    Did 20min warmup, then 3 efforts of Bottom to near top (to get to the top you have to start jumping over electric fences) the distance was ~500m at avg gradient of 17% by the 3rd reps my thighs were stinging like feck
    Happy with the effort.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Seems like an age since I have been here, and sweet FA done.

    Thurs 14th:
    90 min on the rollers, keeping a low cad aiming for a Big Gear set. (well kinda)
    while watching the Ireland game, I think looking at paint dry would have been more exciting.

    Avg power 200,
    HR: 132
    Speed 34.5
    cad 70.

    Friday 15th:
    A trip to Disney was booked when IMUK was canned so we are leaving Sunday, and heading to Carlow tomorrow morning,
    So I had my gear for a run and swim, but with the usual last minute "clean up" in here, it was very late getting out so both sessions were canned, this put me in a fowl humour,
    As we were leaving early the next morning got up at an ungodly hour for a run,
    Lay in bed for a bit and my resting HR was high, in the 50's (has been ~40 for the past few months) and in theory I should have stayed in bed, but no.
    The run was crap, slow and the HR was higher than it should have been.
    But I did have a chat with myself, I had planned a few runs and swims while in Paris which the Kids were none to happy about, Im getting the usual "All you do is train" so I decided to leave everything behind and take a few days off :eek:, Was not looking forward to it.
    the week was lovely, with a few cracking days in the high 20's; I could really get used to the fine weather.
    And the kids had a ball so it was all worth it.
    Got back in to Dublin at almost 11 Friday night, the plan was to drive to Carlow, and either get some sleep and then head to Kilkee or drop the kids off and hit limerick for a few min sleep before heading.
    It was almost 1:30 when we hit Carlow and I was spaced driving. the thoughts of driving to Kilkee racing, in this condition I would not do my self justice and then having to drive back to Maynooth for the brothers birthday, I said feck it.
    and after reading the reports I am mighty sorry, would have loved to race\do it.
    So went for a simple run and was dead on my feet struggled to hold 5min/km so probably the right decision made re the race.

    the down side of a week off, I did eat and put on a 5 lbs. the dam joys of an almost stopped metabolism. all I need to do it look at food and weight goes on.
    Ohhh to be a jockey type.

    Monday 25th:
    Put in the swim gear, and if I could finish work early I would hit the water.
    I made sure I did and planned to finish catching up on work at home.
    Also I need to try and start meeting the tri club for these session,

    Got to worlds end, and there was a summer camp on with kids learning to row, so I was not sure if it was safe, but had a chat with one of the instructors and got in, felt ok in the water. hugged the shore line down and kept stopping to look over my shoulder for a boat.
    Went past the wires and turned, I was hoping for a slightly easier swim home, but that didnt happen not sure if it was me dying or the current.

    Time: 1:06 - there was a few min where I was stopped looking for boats and breast stroking out of the weeds,
    Dist 3.43 (Garmin dist)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Small current there last night. My Uncle was out on a Kayak and commented on it. I had been feeling similar to you until then

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Small current there last night. My Uncle was out on a Kayak and commented on it. I had been feeling similar to you until then

    cheers, It does make me feel better, however my time going down was not as good as I thought:p

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Tuesday 26th:
    Mid day run was canned, on my way to get changed and some $hit decided to hit the fan so back to my desk,

    Bike, had been a while since I did a power test so with 2 months to go till D day, now was the time to see if there was any improvement.
    15 min warmup with a few efforts to open the legs out.
    5min blowout, legs feeling sluggish (that happens with nearly 12 days :eek: of no bike)
    The power was up 25watts on the last run, so happy there.
    10 min spinning mentally getting ready.
    20min test. legs felt crap from the off, mentally my head was not there so the pain or discomfort seemed worse. After 10min was averaging my FTP, and planning to increase the power over the next ten, when the back wheel slipped, and again then i noticed I punctured. Balls, I was pissed but secretly happy, Never bothered changing the tube as I would not have put in the effort.
    so stuck on runners and out the door for a 30min run,

    Wednesday 27th:
    Lunch time swim,
    2 * (7*100, 1*200) the 100's off 1:40\45
    was coming in around 1:30 for the 100's
    Half was through the second set and my right upper arm began to sting, and I was unable to put any pressure on it, so missed one length, stretched it. and got back in at the back and swam with no pressure on it.

    Evening Run:
    3 K warm up
    Hill Reps again, the path (if you can call it that) was soft and slippy from the rain, so started off gently, and the off my lower back was sore feck it I carried on.
    Changed the hill slightly, a bit shorted but a lot steeper at the top.
    suffered for the 3 reps, did consider a 4th but the it started to rain and was becoming very slippy and I found it hard to get a footing,
    2k warm down
    Hil Reps

    Just had a sever shock only 57 Days to go,

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Saturday 30th
    Up nice and early, a 5hour spin planned; 2 routes planned depending on the wind, skipped breakfast and intended to start eating on the hour mark.
    Got the bike and rolling it out and the back tyre flat :mad:. changed it and set off. Got approx 4 miles and the second one went down. checked the tube and it was in a different place, stuck in a new tube and started to pump and schhhhhhhhhhhhh, at this point i was cursing like a .....
    repaired the puncture,
    cut the spin short the last thing I wanted was to be stuck in the middle of nowhere trying to give directions. so rode a 30k loop close by the house @ im pace.

    Got back home and took off the wet clothes and got in to running gear, at this point the youngest was up so made him breakie, had a cereal bar as I just remembered I missed breakfast.

    Set off on a run, the legs were fine I did not push it and treated it as a long slow run, around 5k in I remembered I let a bar and drink on the table, what a bloody morning.
    anyway first 20k were lovely and comfortable averaging 4:50min/km.
    At this point I was starting to suffer, dehydrated and starving with a few k to go, the pace started to drop and drop the last k was done @6:05 pace.

    Got in a eat all around me, and took a good while to get myself hydrated again, also was starving for rest of the day.
    Sat watched tennis and the opening stage of the tour, and fought the urge to sleep.

    Bad Bike
    Brick run

    Sunday 1st:
    Up early again, check the Austria tracker and out the door for my spin, Body was tired the lack of food and water took a bit out of me yesterday.

    Planned the spin and on the road met a bunch from Tipp who were doing the same route as me so a bit of company, after a few miles I knew this was a bad idea, but they were nice and kept chatting so didnt want to be a knob and leave them,
    Got to Mitchelstown and we hit the hill, I rode hard up this and felt great the effort was 9min at 300watts and the hr was nowhere near max, got to the top turned around and met them, they had stopped for a coffee so I had the hill again, so rode hard once more, and rode it faster this time, power up and hr same, lovely feeling.
    Got to the top turned around and rode back to the back of the group and paced a few who were dropped back up and got them to the back of the group.
    At this point I sat on the front and rode a nice comfortable pace.

    Got in and had 125k, 4.5hours and felt great, honestly felt like I had done a few hours on the bike,


    Time: 4:26
    Dist 123km
    avg Speed 28km
    Power 160/664
    Nor Pwr: 194
    Hr: 105/154

    Brought the young lad to the pool and spent 90min playing, did a few lenghts with him, he did his first 200m so was chuffed,

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 455 ✭✭Brick Session

    Found it. Serious log, well done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Monday 2nd July

    had my wet suit with me, and was planning headed to head to the river but after the downpours; I decided to leave it was not comfortable swimming on my own; and after the rain I suspect the current to be up.
    So went home early and planned to get back into the meet the tri club, this didnt happen :(, a young man want me to play.

    Tuesday 3rd
    Easy run after work, only 30min just keeping a high tempo. Got soaked again.

    Evening bike 5 min warm up and then 2*20min
    legs were feeling bad on the warm up, start the 20min and power was down about 10watts on what it should have been,
    At the end average was only 233w, (down over ten from the last time)
    started the recovery and $%^$%^%£$% another flat,
    5 punctures in a week, looks like the patched I was using, (new ones pre-glued) don't like the turbo; they lift.
    So at this stage Im getting news tyres & tubes.

    Wed 4th:
    with the kids on holidays, I can now get to the morning sessions in the pool.
    200 warm up
    8*50 off 1:30, lead the slow lane for this, coming in on 45,6
    400,200,100 * 3; started these and I was struggling from the off, looks like I pushed myself too hard on the 50's; these were slow
    6 * 25 hard 25 easy
    finished with 600 easy
    total 3600

    Evening run
    started the warm up and my back was very sore, so left the hill reps, after the rain the track was slippy as feck and didnt want to risk slipping and twinging the back.
    1 K warm up, then ran for 6K @4:20ish pace, felt good but lacked any zip.

    total 10.5
    time 49min

    Thursday 5th
    Back in the pool as its closed tomorrow.
    very quite this morning.
    1K warm up,
    1K with b+b
    1K paddles
    500 cool down.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Thursday 5th cont:
    Got the young man to bed and suggested I was jumping on the turbo; when I received the "look" so turbo cancelled.

    Friday 6th:
    No swim today as pool is closed; planned a lunch time run but as tradition when you really want a run something pops up to prevent it.
    as we are heading to Carlow for the weekend I had limited time, Got out of work at a respectable time and had the house to myself for a bit. turbo out and stuck on Sufferfest revolver, 30min of suffering.

    10 min warm up,
    15*1 min VO2Max sessions with 1 min recovery, feeling good during these, took a few to get the cobwebs out of the legs, made a mistake of leaving email open; as I noticed a few popping in during the session, which I had to respond to (or thought I had) so after the 15 called it quits.

    Saturday 7th:
    Had the alarm set to get up early as get a short spin in before I went running however I slept through this so run only.

    Legs and body felt stiff starting off; and took a bit to get going,
    the run its self was nothing memorable; I did have to stop at someone’s house for water, I drank a bottle in 10miles and was parched.
    i did feel slow running, its amazing how a few months can change things. still a few weeks to get my long running legs back,

    Time 2:50
    Dist: 33k
    Hr: 145/161

    Sunday 8th:
    up early and out, meeting an old friend for some of this.
    10 min warm up to loosen out the legs,
    80min at IM effort - avg w 195, Nor 210, HR 121\138
    30min big gear - avg w213, Nor 213, HR 117\139, Cad 59
    45min easy;
    30min big gear - avg w 211, nor 226, HR 127\146, Cad 60 (felt great on this)
    40min easy, and was back on my own.
    rang the better half to say I was running slightly late, She was at her sisters, so a little smile came on my face, no rush home so
    I have 140K covered at this point so a bit more won’t do any harm will it.
    So off I set and was starting to feel hungry but balls I was out of food, brought 4 bananas this morning as I was aiming for 5 hours, (and had no breakie) so feck it I went on, Knew where I wanted to go and decided to try a new road to get me there, this was fine, a lovely back road with ankle high grass in the middle, this detour added an extra 30min to the journey,
    Got to my intended destination, then I recalled there was a nice drag out of the town, rode it loads and its not bad, today it was and now I had 15k to get home and a head wind to add insult to injury.
    about 5k to go started to bonk, been a long time since I was that bad, Got to the in-laws and sat in my sweaty cycling gear stuffing my face and eating all around me. sugar is soo nice in that state.
    On a side note You would think at this stage of my life I would have more sense and bring enough food for just in case.:p

    Long Bike
    Total 173K
    Time: 6:21
    Avg Pwr; 165
    Nor Pwr; 190
    Spd: 27.5
    Cad 64,
    work 3837

    Monday 9th:
    Evening swim, no family so I hung around work and met the tri club,
    headed off with the group and was losing ground to them but nothing like I would have expected to, a few stops to regroup, at around 1200 they turned back, I continued on to get in the distance.
    the river was busy with a good few boats a few were very close to the edge.]River Swim
    Time: 1:11
    Dist: 3.48ish

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Tuesday 10th:

    Had an empty house, so I hooked up the laptop to the telly in the sitting room, and stuck on a sufferfest, went with the Hunter and twas nice to have it on the "big screen" did 15min warming up to the last few K of the tour of Poland and then down to business.
    2min @ 200w, 6 min @240w, few min recovery
    20min @sweet spot 240watts, ramping up to power to finish 3 min @300watts.
    5min @220
    5min switching between tempo and Vo2, 10,50 - 20,40 etc

    Got to the end and felt good, so stuck on Revolver, and jumped into the main set, instead of doing Vo2, did a over\under set
    1min @220 1min @240-250 * 10

    Once done stuck on the runners and out the door,
    First few K were fine after 8 I was shot. at which point I slowed it down and jogged home,

    Brick Run

    Time 1:40
    Dist: 47K
    Work 1075kj
    Hr 140/168
    Power 192
    Nor Pwr 209

    Time : 42min
    Dist: 8.8k
    Pace 4:49min/km
    Hr 144/166

    Wednesday 11th:
    Woke up to sore legs this morning and feeling tired.
    Got to the pool late and missed the warm up.
    Main set was 200/100 *5Felt crap during these and had to move down the line,
    then 750 of 100,50's
    8 * 50's flat off 1:15
    400 cd.
    total ~3K

    On a down side, noticed that my trunks have become transparent; Im wondering if the group were too polite to tell me:p
    Also my phone got soaked and is now not working, :mad: not a happy bunny
    not happy at all.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Wednesday 12 cont:

    Planned on heading over to Glenstal for a run, so arranged to meet up with 2 lads from the tri club. their plan was 90min, I wanted the two hours.
    So I got there early and did an easy 30min.

    Met the lads and set off, the pace was slow, after 2K one of the lads turned around. so we decided to head up the hill and into the forest for 90min (that's the plan anyway)
    this started with almost 3k of an uphill run to get to the trail, took a wrong turn into the forest, dead end: so instead of doing the sensible thing and turning around we ran through the bog to try and get to the right track, finally on the track and it felt all uphill, the run just kept going, and going,
    My plan of 20k, 2 hours turned into 2:33 and 29K.
    the run was great felt good strong, and it included almost 17K of uphill, noting too steep, just relentless,

    Hilly Run

    Phone still not turning on:(
