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If the tri suit fits, wear it?



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,165 ✭✭✭insinkerator

    Despite all my talk about wanting to go running, I didn't make it out yesterday :o

    I did today though, 2 slow kilometres in the howling wind and cold. I plodded along, got a stitch after about 3 seconds, and loved every bit of it. Didn't get any pain in my leg :D

    Will probably let it off tomorrow and do the same on Friday or something. Physio told me to get back to her after the run, so I'll do that and see what she says. :)

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Lovely weather for running, wasn't it? :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,165 ✭✭✭insinkerator

    The best! :)

    Wow, I have been online a fair bit recently, really thought I had updated this. Haven't actually done much to report anyway, but...

    Three cycles - 67.4km - 28.1km - 17.7km

    One run. Run was dead slow, dragged the dog out, and I had to slow down for him in the third km (dog is kind of overweight :o )

    One Swim. 600m. Felt like a brick.

    Since my training, outside of cycling, has all been pretty **** this far, time to reflect(hopefully motivate myself at the same time).

    I have what my physio reckons will be my last appointment with her tomorrow. I don't know what to think to be honest. She said it was patellar tendonitis, and treated me for it. However, the sore area can still be quite tended to the touch, but it hasn't hurt me yet whilst running, just a bit tender afterwards, which she says is normal. Not sure if I'm being paranoid or not, but I just get the impression that as soon as I try to up the distances again, i'm going to be back in square one.

    At this stage, my running has gone to pants. Cork Marathon on June 4 is a no go. Maybe the half if I can get my act together. Longford marathon was something that I thought about, but it's 6 days before my "A" race. So that's out. I can always fall back on Dublin City, but I wanted to do one during the summer... Not much can be done about that now. I might consider going abroad during the summer for one, we'll see...

    Cycling is going well. I just seriously need to shift some of my weight. I can't continue to lug around my tubby 97kg self around the place. I'm getting some good speeds though, and I am improving, so if I could just shift some of the excess, I reckon I'd see some massive improvements.

    Swimming. Not enough consistency. Each time I'm in the pool, it's like I'm starting again. Need to take a leaf out of Bally8's book :).

    Work starts now.<-- look at me being hard on myself :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,165 ✭✭✭insinkerator

    It was my birthday a couple of weeks ago, and I got a voucher for amazon, so I picked up some aerobars, which arrived today. Profile design T2+. Took them out for an easy enough spin. They seem lik they will be pretty comfy once I get used to them. I think I should look at getting a bike fit soon enough, just to make sure everything is ok though. Since every thread is worthless without pics, here is my chariot with her new bars:)


    Had my last (hopefully) physio appointment today. She seems a lot more upbeat about it all than I do. Anyway, she said just gradually increase the distance, don't worry about the times I am doing for about a fortnight, and see how I get on. If I get any pain, to call her straight away. Good news, I guess. I can't help but feel pessimistic though :)

    So the cycle was good anyway. Enjoyed getting down on the bars when I did.

    35k / 30.1kmh / 90.45 cadence.

    If there are any cycling stats people reading this, is that an OK cadence to cycle at? It feels comfortable, but should I slow it down and push a harder gear, or speed it up?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Ahhh....she's beautiful!! And happy birthday a few weeks late! Don't know a thing about cycling stats, but I sure know a good looking ride bike when I see one! ;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Yep 90 is about bang on efficient. Just make sure you use your gears effectively and shift accordingly to maintain that cadence on the hills. On a flat stretch I might push a bigger gear at 85 but I would optimally stay around 90 myself, even 95 for shorter events

    For training purposes, slowing the cadence and grinding up hills in a bigger gear will develop your strength

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,165 ✭✭✭insinkerator

    Cool! Thanks for that! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,165 ✭✭✭insinkerator

    Did 45 minutes stretching, rolling and a little core work. After the physio's attention, my left leg is a lot less stiff and a lot more flexible than my right, but that can be fixed easy enough.

    Lost track of the day and no longer have time for a swim. Did go for a run though. 3.77k in 21:52. 5:49/km. Slow pace, but I'm doing what I am told at least :). Will try the same again on Monday, and then might try up the distance to 5k later in the week, just to see how I get on.

    No pain, so all is good guess :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,165 ✭✭✭insinkerator

    Cycle with the tri club today. Left my new bars on, but didn't really use them much. Still a little unsure I guess. Other than that, it went well, felt a little spent towards the end, but still happy enough. Had visions of getting to the pool afterwards, but I got in too late, and I have to head off to work now.

    95.8km / 27.3km average / 87.37cadence(from looking at the graph, I started dropping off at the end as I got tired).

    Stretched for ~25 mins afterwards. Hamstrings were quite tight.

    Plan for tomorrow involves STUDY... yuck. Will also get in a short run, and a swim :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,165 ✭✭✭insinkerator

    600metres of drowning in the pool yesterday :rolleyes:

    Hopped on the turbo for the first time today. Christ it was an experience. For starters I didn't actually know it was possible for someone to sweat that much. I had to take two short breaks just to cool myself down, something I assume I'll just acclimatize to.

    No idea how to use the computer on the flow. Got it set up and calibrated after a while, but not sure how one actually goes about setting it so that it knows I'm going to 45 mins on it, and keep track of averages for me. I used my Garmin too, to measure the cadence (found the included cadence magnet afterwards :pac:), and to compare speed readings. Speed readings are pretty much spot on between my Garmin and the turbo, I assume that's how it is supposed to be.

    Watched an episode of the Wire while I pedalled. Happy to report that my laptop goes plenty loud enough to hear over the turbo (or am I just not pedalling hard enough? :o)

    As for the actual stats: 23.1km in 45 mins. 30.5km/hr average. 93 average cadence.

    In terms of watts, I couldn't find an average reading, but for the first 10 minutes I went off, kept the wattage around 280ish, but I couldn't sustain that, so I dropped back and for the rest of the session I hovered in the region of 210 - 240, and sprinted at the end for a high of 482. Not that I know what any of it means, but man do I feel like a seasoned triathlete banging on about wattage :pac:

    If someone could translate any of it, or give me any pointers, then I'd be grateful :o

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    I would first suggest buying a fan, really helps with the overheating,

    Regarding training with power, I would sepnd time on it first to get used to the slight differences between the road and turbo, then do an FTP test (thers is a thread on it to shed more light).
    this will allow you to set your training zones, which will really help the sessions.

    hope this helps.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,165 ✭✭✭insinkerator

    Thanks for that! I'd hate to see what sort of position I'd be in without all you wise people in the logs.

    Wednesday: 5k run.

    First 5k run since February 19th. :). No running pain, but shin is still strains a little for the few hours after, and it has yet to stop being painful if I poke at it. Whilst its great to be getting back into running, I'm don't think I'll ever become fully confident of being injury free until those little niggles go away. I keep on thinking the next time I hit the ground, something will snap and I'll be back in square one. Soooo frustrating. I may try a different physio, just as a second opinion and see what they say. As far as the run went, it was slow - 27:29, it rained, and then it hailed, and the wind howled, and it all stopped and the sun came out when I got home :rolleyes:

    175m Swim. Barely worth talking about really, 7 lengths? It was more of a psychological thing of getting to the pool as often as possible though, so a succesfull session in that sense.


    62.2km cycle. Closer to 68k really. Paused the Garmin again, and forgot to reset it. I may tape a reminder to the inside of my sunglasses to stop doing this in future :pac:. Tried to grind up the hills as best I could as per shotgun's advice. Got some decent enough(for a newbie anyway) stretches on the TT bars. Starting to feel a lot more comfortable on them. Might try the local Tri shop for a bikefit tomorrow, as I have never had a proper one done. Had three prolonged breaks on this cycle, so it wasn't as good as it could have been. Always good to get out though, and if nothing else, I got some work in on my tanlines (in between the hail showers) :)

    66.2km / 26.3kmh

    500m swim drown.

    Tired pretty quickly, put I really concentrated on stretching my arms out long, high elbows and twisting my body in the water. Did most of the session with a pull buoy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,165 ✭✭✭insinkerator

    Went for my first OW swim today!! Certainly an eye opener to say the least.

    Used a bog standard cheap wetsuit that I had lying around. It was absolutely freezing. Went in with a friend of mine, who is a lot more experienced than I am, and he admitted that it was one of the coldest swims he has done, with the worst visibility. It's a huge boost for me though, mainly because I didn't drown (only kind of joking :pac:), and never really felt under any pressure whilst in the water, which is a definite first for me ever, not just with this triathlon business. Now I know that no matter what, I will definitely finish the triathlon, so I can stop worrying, and start properly training, if all of this make any sense :).

    In terms of actual technique, I found it a lot harder to get my body straight, but to do so, my head got very cold, so that was part of it. I was also kind of freaked out by the lack of visibility. Covered about 50m, if that, but couldn't be happier! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Good job, insink! If you haven't already done so, you might want to look into a neoprene swim cap to help keep your head a little warmer (if that's possible with your freezing cold water temps). :rolleyes::eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,165 ✭✭✭insinkerator

    EDIT: I got a silicone cap. Not really the same thing, but it looks cooler :pac:

    SundayMissed the tri club cycle, and just lazed in bed for most of the morning. Went to the pool for a swim around lunchtime. Got in to the pool and felt kind of cold. Laughed at the fact that the pool @ 30 degrees celsius was 17 degrees warmer(the friend i went swimming with reckons the sea was around ~13c) than the water I had been swimming in about 18 hours previous. There was a couple of lengths where I felt pretty strong. I seem to be getting back to the highpoint I was at a few months ago where proper regular swimming was featuring in my timetable. Still concentrating mostly on just stretching out my arms and twisting in the water.

    Hopped on the turbo after work. 47mins, 23.6km. 82.02 cadence. I find it harder to keep my cadence high on the turbo than I do on the road. If I set off on the bike, I seem to hit 85ish pretty much off the bat, on the turbo, for the first 15 minutes, I struggle to hit 80, and I have yet to feel comfortable at 90. I assume I'll get used to it though. Didn't need to stop to cool off, unlike the last time. My turbo is out in cold shed though, and this was at night, rather than daytime the last time. Watched a bit of contraband. Pretty average at best.


    Went out for a cycle. 12.5km in I snapped a spoke, so that was the end of my day. Luckily I had just done a short loop and had passed my house again. So I wasn't too far out. Still got collected though :). While my wheel was being fixed, I took the time to clean my bike thoroughly. She's looking lovely now. (Have a bike fit on Wednesday and I would have been embarassed to bring her in looking the way she was :o)

    Grabbing a quick bike to eat now, and am heading straight into the pool. Determined to get it right :).

    In other news, I've signed up for a couple of events.
    1) Ring of Kerry.

    2) Wicklow 200. Since any hope of me doing the Cork Marathon are well and truly out the window, I've bitten the bullet and signed up for this. Have no intention of flying around the course, just plan on getting around in a reasonable time.

    3)Finally, made a bit of a mistake I think. Signed up for a small local sprint tri - TriMonkstown. It's in it's second year. However it's a week after the WW200. :rolleyes:. It only clicked with me after I had paid entry for both, what I had done. Not sure what I'll do to be honest. If I take the 200 easy, and rest up for the week in between, I shouldn't be too bad?? Cycling is my strongest discipline really, and I've done 130k plus cycles on back to back days with no ill effects.. I'm not fishing for a time in the tri either. Literally just want to have a go off the it and not drown on the swim... :pac: thoughts?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,165 ✭✭✭insinkerator

    Concentrated on swimming the last few days. 3 sessions totalling 1.6km.

    I seem to be sitting on the same distances all the time in the pool. I must free up a nice bit of time some time soon, and just go and push up to the 1k barrier, and see how everything holds.

    Being honest about it, swimming is actually going quite well (:)!). The focus on stretching my stroke and twisting my body is paying off, and my default stroke is gradually reaching further and requiring less concentration with each session. My breathing is still a little out of whack. I'm more tilting my head out of the water than rolling it with my chest, but I think that is showing signs of improvement as my rolling in the water gets better. I need to work on slowing down my kick too, I let it get of check at times and it just speeds up like crazy, tiring me while probably slowing me down too.

    Monday and Tuesday I spent in the slow lane. Clocked in a couple of lengths at 25 seconds (25m pool), which is 5 seconds faster than I can ever remember swimming. I tried swimming "faster" than that, but it just led to me splashing more, tiring myself, and seeing no improvement. :o

    Last night, there was late swimming lessons on and as a result there was no slow lane. When there is no designated slow lane, the medium lane becomes the slow lane, but I never wanted to be "that guy" holding up everyone in the lane :o. I chanced it last night though. The lane was jammed - 5 of us in there at one point. The peer pressure really forced me to suffer and drive on, where I normally would have rested if I was in the emptier slow lane. I hit 500m at the 25minute mark with a lot less resting, which is the fastest I have ever done I think, and I left at that point, red faced and panting, to try and beat the rush on the showers as the pool was closing.

    With my exams starting Monday, time for training is being majorly cut, but what little I do have, I'll continue to focus on swimming. Dday has been brought forward to June 17th. If at all possible I'd like to not drown, and not be last out of the water :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    EDIT: I got a silicone cap. Not really the same thing, but it looks cooler :pac:

    3)Finally, made a bit of a mistake I think. Signed up for a small local sprint tri - TriMonkstown. It's in it's second year. However it's a week after the WW200. :rolleyes:. It only clicked with me after I had paid entry for both, what I had done. Not sure what I'll do to be honest. If I take the 200 easy, and rest up for the week in between, I shouldn't be too bad?? Cycling is my strongest discipline really, and I've done 130k plus cycles on back to back days with no ill effects.. I'm not fishing for a time in the tri either. Literally just want to have a go off the it and not drown on the swim... :pac: thoughts?

    Get another silicone hat and wear the two of them and if funds allow look into buying a tri wetsuit they are far easier to swim in and should bring you on a lot

    You should be fine for the triathlon, you will be destroyed from Wicklow but recovery time is much quicker from the bike, would love to do that race sometime but it never suits me time-wise!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Best of luck with the exams insink, might give me a chance to catch up with you on the bike :D

    I've registered for the Ring of Kerry too, should be a fun day

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,165 ✭✭✭insinkerator

    catweazle wrote: »
    Get another silicone hat and wear the two of them and if funds allow look into buying a tri wetsuit they are far easier to swim in and should bring you on a lot

    You should be fine for the triathlon, you will be destroyed from Wicklow but recovery time is much quicker from the bike, would love to do that race sometime but it never suits me time-wise!

    Not sure if I'll have the money for the tri wetsuit by then. And if I do, I need to lose a bit of flab before i drop money on one, because I want to make sure it fits for as long as possible. Cadbury's fingers are on offer though :rolleyes:

    They let you change the group from the 200 to 100 whenever you want, but switching to the 100k would make me feel like an awful copout :o
    Bally8 wrote: »
    Best of luck with the exams insink, might give me a chance to catch up with you on the bike :D

    I've registered for the Ring of Kerry too, should be a fun day

    1 down 6 more to go. Exams seem to be going the same way as my swimming, make it out alive :pac:

    Cool, I'll keep an eye out for you :). Did you get your pack? They want us to start at like 6:30am? :eek: I don't mind early starts, but.. jeeeeeeeeeeeeeez :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,165 ✭✭✭insinkerator

    Got out for a short run on Saturday, 3.87k in 18 minutes or so. First sub run since I got back that I ran at a decent pace (sub 5min/km). No pain, things are looking up :)

    Sunday became a rest day. Was absolutely wrecked all day for some reason.

    Fueled on more Monster and junkfood than sleep, I struggled through my Business Finance exam, home for a nap, back to the pool. Was feeling refreshed, not sure what to expect. I didn't feel as fast as the last time, but I was able to keep going :D

    200m pull
    100m freestyle
    50m kick
    250m pull
    200 freestyle
    250m pull

    1.05km total! :cool:

    First time breaking the 1km mark in a session. Breaks were had obviously, but I did have some good straight runs too. It's a lot harder to keep a good position in the water without the pull buoy. Sometimes I wish I could see myself swimming, just to see what it's like. Another OW swim on the cards for saturday. Gonna try and get some sort of decent distance done this time.

    Got an email from runkeeper telling me I hit my best swimming distance, and best swimming distance in a month. The little things in life eh? :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Great going with the swim! When and what is your Ring of Kerry event? It's funny that you have to start so early - 6:30 - cuz that's the time my marathon started a few weeks back. When I woke up that morning, however, I was wishing that the start had been 5:30 so I would have had an hour on the event! :)

    Study hard!!!!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,165 ✭✭✭insinkerator

    It's a 180km charity cycle. With good weather, I doubt you could get a more picturesque cycle anywhere. Some really great views. They want clubs on the road by 6am, and individuals to head off at 6:30 (there's no official start time, it's a pretty casual set up).

    Hit the pool at lunchtime. Making a conscious decision to hit the 1km mark in every swim this month. Need to get the distance and endurance in. I hit 1km on the button :) Arms tired towards the end, but nothing major.
    200m pull
    200m freestyle
    50m kick
    250m pull
    50m kick
    250m freestyle.

    Should probably incorporate more kick into sessions. Will aim for 200m tomorrow I guess. Now to the books. :/

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,165 ✭✭✭insinkerator

    So, I pulled an all nighter Tuesday night, with the exception of a 25 minute doze a little after 4am. I know it's more important to have a good nights sleep than the little you can pick up the night before, but If i had taken the night's sleep option, I wouldn't have had anything to write :o Scraped through it anyway :pac:

    Went out for a run after my exam. Probably not the brightest idea, considering the amount of monster(energy drink) I had consumer in the last 24 hours. Probably liable to give myself a heart attack. Happy enough with how it went, longest distance yet since my injury. Thinking of going out tomorrow and doing a short warm up and pushing faster for about 2k, and see how my leg holds up. It was a fantastic day considering the weather the day before, and today. Underestimate how warm it was going to be.

    6.47k in 32:48 -

    Went for a swim later that evening (not sure how I was still standing with the lack of sleep). Didn't do the extra kick like I said I would, I think my legs were a little tired from the run?. Took a couple of elongated breaks in this session, as I was chatting to my friend who came with me (a much better swimmer than me). Enjoyable swim though, and my longest distance yet, by a whopping 50m:). Going to invest in some sort of simple stopwatch or something so I can properly track how much time I spend swimming and resting when in the pool.

    1.1km broken down to:
    200 pull, 200 free, 50 kick, 350 pull, 50 kick, 250 free.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,165 ✭✭✭insinkerator

    Slept most of yesterday recovering from the lack of sleep before it. Finally dragged my ass into gear for a short 35 minute turbo session before work.

    19km / 32.6kmh / Cadence: 91

    Listened to music this time instead of watching a movie or tv series, which I think made it all a little more bearable. Music of choice: Highly recommended :).
    Since I think pictures make everything a bit more interesting, exclusive snap of my own "pain cave". As you can see, it's rather messy... 16719pg.jpg.

    Hit the pool after work. I knew it would be a struggle to hit the 1k that I mentally promised myself I would do everyday this week, as time was limited, but I just about squeezed it in :).
    200 pb
    50 kick
    200 fs
    300 pb
    200 fs
    50 kick
    Didn't do the extra kick. I'll do it today I swear :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,165 ✭✭✭insinkerator

    Swam on Friday too. Memory is a bit foggy, but if I do recall properly, I was TIRED. Not sleepy, just my body was feeling the toll of the week. To be fair though, if you pick a distance you have never swam before, and then swim it 5 days in a row, it's to be expected :rolleyes:

    Took a dip in the OW on Saturday. It was fairly rough for my liking (keeping in mind this is my second ever OW swim). I think I covered about 250m. I kept stopping and starting, but when I was stopping, I'm not sure why I was doing it.. I wasn't out of breath, or particularly struggling. I don't think anyway. Will work on that tomorrow.

    Did nothing Sunday or Monday. Was working, (pretending to) studying, and just didn't get out. Probably should have, but it's done (not done) now.

    Headed to the pool after work today. Did 250 pull, 300fs, 50kick, and then for the craic said I'd finish out the KM straight with the pull buoy, ended up convincing myself to go the extra bit to push for 500m. Timed roughly at around 14 mins. Happy with that. For my first tri on June 17th, I'm hoping to hit 25mins for 750m, so I reckon it should be within the realms of possibility :).

    OW swim tomorrow morning. Water is cold.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Not only are you doing super with your swimming perseverance, but you are a breath of fresh air. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,165 ✭✭✭insinkerator

    A breath of fresh air is what I seem to be missing most when swimming! Glad you enjoy the log though :).

    As promised, I took to the seas this morning with a friend of mine. Did a quick jog on the beach before we got in, to get the blood flowing. Didn't really make the water less cold... Swam in circles for a bit. No idea what distance I covered. I'm gonna say 200m. Pulling it out of thin air really. Rubbed toothpaste on the inside of my goggles, which stopped them from fogging up, so will be doing that again.
    Nothing else major to report about the swim. My stroke is crazy fast when in the sea. I think it's partially due to the fact that I spend half the time thinking "oh christ im swimming in the sea"(Up until I was about 13 I refused point blank to go into sea water I couldn't stand in out of sheer terror even if I had a life jacket on :o) So I guess it's a pretty big deal. The other big thing that throws me, is coming off the crest of a wave, when I go to 'land' - hopefully that makes sense - my stroke, but because I've gone over the wave, I get this sinking feeling as I don't hit the water as fast I as I expected. Kinda like the feeling of coming down the stairs in the dark, and thinking you're at the bottom, but there's actually one more step :pac:

    I'm determined to get the hang of it though. So I'll be dragging myself out of bed again tomorrow, and down to the beach. For my sins.:cool: One brave crazy chap was down there this morning in nothing but togs! Went for a short jog after getting out of the water. General movement seemed to be an issue. Should be interesting.

    Did a quick (25min) turbo session before work. The main purpose behind it was as much psychological as it was anything else, just to prove myself I could get the session in. First time doing proper intervals on the turbo. 5min warmup and 4 x [1min hard, 4 min easy]. Rewarded in the end by a nice graph clearly identifying the hard and easy (simple things in life :) )

    Tore into the pool after being late out of work. Got into the dressing room to find that I had brought my wetsuit and no hat, togs, goggles or towel. Nice work:rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Toothpaste inside goggles? Really? Do you wipe the toothpaste on then wipe it off? Any brand or flavor better than others? :rolleyes:;):confused:

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    I'd heard of using toothpaste in a dive mask but only to initially before using for the first time. Isn't it abrasive? Well done on your ow dips. More than I've done yet this year :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,165 ✭✭✭insinkerator

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Toothpaste inside goggles? Really? Do you wipe the toothpaste on then wipe it off? Any brand or flavor better than others? :rolleyes:;):confused:

    Eh, I just used regular colgate extra whitening or whatever it is I have in the bathroom. I was expecting the minty-ness to sting my eyes at the start, but it didn't.

    Yeah, just a small pea sized amount on the inside of the lens, rub it around, stroll down to the water and wash it out. I didn't do an excellent job of washing it out to be fair, but it still worked. A quick google suggests that spit and shampoo work just as well...
    Oryx wrote: »
    I'd heard of using toothpaste in a dive mask but only to initially before using for the first time. Isn't it abrasive? Well done on your ow dips. More than I've done yet this year :)

    It probably is abrasive alright :

    I'm not too worried though, my goggles are cheap. I don't think you need to do it everytime, I forgot to bring toothpaste this morning and my goggle's didn't fog up. Mind you there was still a slight ring of blue around them due to the crappy cleaning job I did the last time :p

    I tend todo more resting and treading water in OW than I do swimming though , so I'm not sure does it count the same :). I'm going to apply the same theory to OW swimming as I did to pool swimming. Blindly hack away at it every day and hope to improve :D
