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[CoD MW3] - Megabitch Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,838 ✭✭✭doncarlos

    AdamD wrote: »
    Skewed in what way? I don't use snipers, I've no reason to be 'skewed' on this issue. You lot have said that snipers are at an advantage at every range, which is quite frankly a ridiculous thing to say. How many times have you seen a sniper top the lobby? Think about it, if it was as overpowered as you say, people would actually use the things, but they rarely do. In the time it takes somebody to quick scope correctly, you can get 5+ bullets off with your smg/AR, if they're getting the kill, its your fault for missing. If they kill you before you get a bullet off, then they've seen you first, and would have killed you with an smg/ar anyway, think about it; if the sniper has scoped in (even half way) and sniped you before you've gotten a bullet off, he would have gotten 5+ bullets off with his smg/ar before you would have shot your gun, again, he would have killed you anyway.

    This is all forgetting the fact that quick scoping doesn't work everytime, or even close to it. People comparing them to dual FMGS is hilarious aswell, they are on 2 ends of the aiming spectrum. Quick scoping involves a lot higher difficultly of aiming than anything else on cod, and akimbo weapons involve a lot lower difficulty of aiming.

    Somebody else said that the snipers are 'overpowered in the right hands', that is simply ridiculous. The last time I went for the 10k challenge with the magnum (pistol), I topped the leaderboard 3 rounds in a row, would you say that the pistol is overpowered? Obviously not, I was just better than the crap players I was playing against. The same goes for the snipers, you will only see somebody doing well quick-scoping if they are playing against players significantly worse than themselves. Against decent players they will do worse than they would do with an AR/SMG.

    Quick-scoping only annoys you lot because of its reputation, not because its overpowered. If you were looking at it objectively it wouldn't annoy you. Noob tubes annoyed me on previous games, they don't on mw3. Why? Because I'm actually looking at it objectively and am able to see that noobtubes are also underpowered as **** on this game.

    Can you point to any of my posts where I mentioned the word overpowered. Also quickscoping only annoys me because of it's reputation?? What kind of bollox is that?? It annoys me that someone can run around with a sniper rifle and get a good aim in a fraction of a second using a glitch in the game. Quite a lot of times the crosshairs don't even match up to my body in killcam.

    If sniper rifles are so underpowered why do people keep quickscoping then? Why do they use sniper rifles for close combat?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,792 ✭✭✭Gandalph

    I was all upset against quickscoping for awhile, then I got an amazing mid air quickscope headshot and now I dont mind it so much!

    It's random, some times you get the likes of Vasily Zaytsev quickscoping you from the other side of the map but then the same guy can sneak up behind you and miss you with 3 or 4 rounds from point blank range.

    I do complain when ever I get quick scoped but I complain when ever I die in general...I complain a lot. Yesterday I was upset at people launching C4 everywere but sure **** it, it's just all about the rock paper scissors argument! Different situations different advantages!

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,494 ✭✭✭✭AdamD

    doncarlos wrote: »
    Can you point to any of my posts where I mentioned the word overpowered. Also quickscoping only annoys me because of it's reputation?? What kind of bollox is that?? It annoys me that someone can run around with a sniper rifle and get a good aim in a fraction of a second using a glitch in the game. Quite a lot of times the crosshairs don't even match up to my body in killcam.

    If sniper rifles are so underpowered why do people keep quickscoping then? Why do they use sniper rifles for close combat?

    Its not a glitch, and why do people use any underpowered guns? Whenever I've played with boardsies they've all been using shotguns which are underpowered as hell. They use sniper rifles for close combat because its fun.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,340 ✭✭✭yimrsg

    Magill wrote: »
    This argument again...

    Dont be silly... the same **** can happen with any gun. You DO have an advantage vs a sniper in close range, no ifs or buts about it.. anyone that thinks a sniper has the advantage vs ANY gun in close range situations is an idiot.. plain and simple, even a pistol is a better option in close combat.

    For every time a sniper kills you in that sort of situation you'll kill 10 snipers.. if you don't... well thats your problem, either your well below the average skill level (Nothing wrong with that, but its not really game balance as to why your dying) or your extremely unlucky. This game provides enough free kills as it is.

    Even on PC (Where snipers have tradiationally been one of the best weapons in most FPS's for GOOD players, because of how accurate you can be) they are weak compared to almost every other primary weapon, its not even my opinion.. its god damn FACT ! Just look at the stats, how many sniper moabs have you seen, whats your K/D and Score per minute with one !

    People who are bad at the game just need excuses as to why someone killed them, therefore everything is OP, its a joke... man up and get on with it, look at the bigger picture and you'll clearly see how snipers are NOT overpowered.

    Leaving aside the petulance in your post you state that a snipers chances of killing someone up close is about 1 in 10. The problem is that number isn't what's happening in the game. What's happening is you're dying to snipers at close range in about 1 in 5 or 1 in 3 occasions.

    Whether through dodgy hit detection (which is easier to see on a single shot or semi auto gun) or auto aim assist that 10% survival rate isn't accurate. From personal experience it doesn't really matter whether you're far away or up close sniping, the hit detection is abysmal on occasion, shots that should miss, hit and shots that should miss, hit. Some guy got a collateral against myself and lynx last night from about 10 feet, but after watching the killcam fully the shot was left of us by about a foot.

    I put up this video a while back complaining about the hit detection (amongst other things) in the game. If the most accurate guns in the game don't hit their targets then you can infer that all other guns must have similar deficiencies but because of their faster fire rate they're less obvious.

    This edited quote from JFK sums it up quite well:
    Never in the history of gunfire has there been bullets this ridiculous

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,692 ✭✭✭GEasy

    First bitch about quickscoping in mw2 megabitch thread by hypermuse. The date is interesting. I remember there was nothing said about quickscoping being way OP until Treyarch made a big deal about it.
    This was a week or two before blops came out

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  • Registered Users Posts: 13,407 ✭✭✭✭gimli2112

    What game modes are yea all playing? I'm mainly tdm/s&d. Honestly the number of times I've been quickscoped or even sniped is miniscule.

    Seen a fair few snipers in kill confirmed but haven't played it in a while.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,494 ✭✭✭✭AdamD

    That video:

    0:12 - worst choke ever? Anybody who isn't a complete spastic kills you, you also would have gotten the kill with any other gun.

    0:20, pure proof that you're playing spastics when after you getting 2 kills the 3rd guy still runs in blindly, doesn't even consider jumping behind the barrel to challenge you from the headglitch. Also, where's the dodgy hit detection there?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,732 ✭✭✭Magill

    AdamD wrote: »
    Skewed in what way? I don't use snipers, I've no reason to be 'skewed' on this issue. You lot have said that snipers are at an advantage at every range, which is quite frankly a ridiculous thing to say. How many times have you seen a sniper top the lobby? Think about it, if it was as overpowered as you say, people would actually use the things, but they rarely do. In the time it takes somebody to quick scope correctly, you can get 5+ bullets off with your smg/AR, if they're getting the kill, its your fault for missing. If they kill you before you get a bullet off, then they've seen you first, and would have killed you with an smg/ar anyway, think about it; if the sniper has scoped in (even half way) and sniped you before you've gotten a bullet off, he would have gotten 5+ bullets off with his smg/ar before you would have shot your gun, again, he would have killed you anyway.

    This is all forgetting the fact that quick scoping doesn't work everytime, or even close to it. People comparing them to dual FMGS is hilarious aswell, they are on 2 ends of the aiming spectrum. Quick scoping involves a lot higher difficultly of aiming than anything else on cod, and akimbo weapons involve a lot lower difficulty of aiming.

    Somebody else said that the snipers are 'overpowered in the right hands', that is simply ridiculous. The last time I went for the 10k challenge with the magnum (pistol), I topped the leaderboard 3 rounds in a row, would you say that the pistol is overpowered? Obviously not, I was just better than the crap players I was playing against. The same goes for the snipers, you will only see somebody doing well quick-scoping if they are playing against players significantly worse than themselves. Against decent players they will do worse than they would do with an AR/SMG.

    Quick-scoping only annoys you lot because of its reputation, not because its overpowered. If you were looking at it objectively it wouldn't annoy you. Noob tubes annoyed me on previous games, they don't on mw3. Why? Because I'm actually looking at it objectively and am able to see that noobtubes are also underpowered as **** on this game.

    Boom.. nailed it. Logic goes out the window on this forum on this matter tho.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,207 ✭✭✭hightower1

    I've said it once and Ill say it again, people hate quickscoping becuase it removes any chance of a firefight and they are the whole reason why people play shooters. When you have an infinite range one hit kill gun it becomes and excersise less about position, aim and pressure adn more of a point and click game. If you hit someone with a sniper most of the time its one hit kill hence there being no chance for a firefight. in a game so relient on chaining kills and winning concecutive firefights quickscoping removes that balance as one player is playing a firefight game and another i playing a point and click game. No other class in COD uses this mechanic and as a direct result you will find people are not pissed at the amount of kills a quickscoper will get but they are pissed that a quickscoper stopped their streak simply becuase the quicscoper was using a game mechanic unlike any other in cod. You can win 3 firefights in COD with skill all based on the playing field leveled by the simple idea that you will enter a firefight with another player but when your playing against a quick scoper your tactics need to change completely becuase all they need do is catch sight of you. Against and AR, SMG, shotgun or LMG user the playing rules are the same.... move slow, ads, know your weapon, adjust your ROF / aim based on range and be aware of your surroundings.... against a quickscoper you must never ads, sprint and skeet and be ready to knife.... totally different to coming accross any other class in game and THATS the crutch quick scopers rely on.

    Doesnt bother me any more tbh seeing as I traded MW3 and 2 last week for BF3. Just couldnt stand the thought of those patheticly randomized maps that were designed to leave so mch up to chance rather than skill in order to try level the playnig field for noobs. That and the fmg , type 95, quickscoping BS just got way too much.

    COD is going to have to work dam hard to prove its changed its ways before I buy back in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,178 ✭✭✭hypermuse

    LakesKeane wrote: »
    First bitch about quickscoping in mw2 megabitch thread by hypermuse. The date is interesting. I remember there was nothing said about qui

    waahaay... dont drag me into this mess :D

    I feel QS is stupid.. Its the equivalent of having a shotgun with unlimited range..

    The best way to solve it is to have sniper classes move really slowly.. You wanna drag a big ass rifle around a map, then you should pay the consequences! Also slower ADS should be an obvious one.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 571 ✭✭✭Thomasheen

    hypermuse wrote: »
    The best way to solve it is to have sniper classes move really slowly.. You wanna drag a big ass rifle around a map, then you should pay the consequences! Also slower ADS should be an obvious one.

    Yeah none of this slight of hand pro, quickdraw stuff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,732 ✭✭✭Magill

    hypermuse wrote: »
    waahaay... dont drag me into this mess :D

    I feel QS is stupid.. Its the equivalent of having a shotgun with unlimited range..

    really ? lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,732 ✭✭✭Magill

    Thomasheen wrote: »
    Yeah none of this slight of hand pro, quickdraw stuff.

    Yeah, i defo agree with this. I actually think blops in the end, is pretty damn solid in terms of sniping, personally its the CoD i enjoy sniping in the most. Maybe the maps have a helping hand in that, but it just feels much nicer when ya get a kill in BLOPS with a sniper.

    The only problem with making the snipers slower both in terms of runspeed and ADS... is that they'll really be by far the worse classes in the game. If you're gonna do that then they should be a 1hk ANYWHERE on the body (That'd be much more realistic right ?). Get far too many hitmarkers in CoD with the snipers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,178 ✭✭✭hypermuse

    Magill wrote: »
    really ? lol

    Quality logical argument! :rolleyes:

    One shot kill at long range
    One shot kill at medium range
    One shot kill at close range

    So yea lol! really lol!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,838 ✭✭✭doncarlos

    AdamD wrote: »
    Its not a glitch, and why do people use any underpowered guns? Whenever I've played with boardsies they've all been using shotguns which are underpowered as hell. They use sniper rifles for close combat because its fun.

    Of course it's a glitch. What would you call it then? You shouldn't be able to aim accurately when running by scoping for a split second.

  • Site Banned Posts: 26,456 ✭✭✭✭Nuri Sahin

    hypermuse wrote: »
    waahaay... dont drag me into this mess :D

    I feel QS is stupid.. Its the equivalent of having a shotgun with unlimited range..

    The best way to solve it is to have sniper classes move really slowly.. You wanna drag a big ass rifle around a map, then you should pay the consequences! Also slower ADS should be an obvious one.

    Oh no you didn't girlfrieeeeend! :pac:

    edit - haha I wished I could have made a bet mate!

    Said my piece before so not gonna be dragged into again. Rarity I know but there are some funny comments from both sides of divide on quickscoping :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,732 ✭✭✭Magill

    hypermuse wrote: »
    Quality logical argument! :rolleyes:

    One shot kill at long range
    One shot kill at medium range
    One shot kill at close range

    So yea lol! really lol!

    LOlOLOLoL... Except its nothing like a shotgun at close range... theres no spread.. you actually have to aim.. it takes much longer to aim, when you aim your FOV is completely ****ed as you zoom in.. so no.. its clearly not like a shotgun with unlimited range. By your logic anyone that uses a sniper should automatically be doing MUCH better than they would with a shotgun, thats a retarded argument since its obviously the complete opposite.

  • Registered Users Posts: 571 ✭✭✭Thomasheen

    Magill wrote: »
    Yeah, i defo agree with this. I actually think blops in the end, is pretty damn solid in terms of sniping, personally its the CoD i enjoy sniping in the most. Maybe the maps have a helping hand in that, but it just feels much nicer when ya get a kill in BLOPS with a sniper.

    The only problem with making the snipers slower both in terms of runspeed and ADS... is that they'll really be by far the worse classes in the game. If you're gonna do that then they should be a 1hk ANYWHERE on the body (That'd be much more realistic right ?). Get far too many hitmarkers in CoD with the snipers.

    Yeah getting a kill with a sniper in blops feels like you've earned that kill which is real satisfying. As for a 1 hit kill anywhere, I'd agree to that if it ment your bodyparts get blown off like it WAW. That was so awesome though still a 1hk everytime is probably not the best

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,732 ✭✭✭Magill

    Thomasheen wrote: »
    Yeah getting a kill with a sniper in blops feels like you've earned that kill which is real satisfying. As for a 1 hit kill anywhere, I'd agree to that if it ment your bodyparts get blown off like it WAW. That was so awesome though still a 1hk everytime is probably not the best

    Love the sound of the hitmarker/killshot in blops ! Great stuff. 1HK above the legs would do. Armshots etc.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,178 ✭✭✭hypermuse

    Magill wrote: »
    Yeah, i defo agree with this. I actually think blops in the end, is pretty damn solid in terms of sniping, personally its the CoD i enjoy sniping in the most. Maybe the maps have a helping hand in that, but it just feels much nicer when ya get a kill in BLOPS with a sniper.

    The only problem with making the snipers slower both in terms of runspeed and ADS... is that they'll really be by far the worse classes in the game. If you're gonna do that then they should be a 1hk ANYWHERE on the body (That'd be much more realistic right ?). Get far too many hitmarkers in CoD with the snipers.

    This exactly map point thou..

    The reason they should have a slower run speed and slow ADS is cause that is what a sniper class is.. A huge heavy weapon is not a weapon you should be able to run around the middle of a map firing from the hip/getting headshots at will!!

    A sniper should not need to move.. The idea is that they should be slow and cumbersome and thus encourage sniping.. and QSing, aint sniping!!

    Yea, a sniper should be a one hit kill, definitely, its stupid to argue otherwise! You get shot in the leg with a barret then you don't have a leg left..

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,838 ✭✭✭doncarlos

    Magill wrote: »
    LOlOLOLoL... Except its nothing like a shotgun at close range... theres no spread.. you actually have to aim.. it takes much longer to aim, when you aim your FOV is completely ****ed as you zoom in.. so no.. its clearly not like a shotgun with unlimited range.
    Much longer??? It only takes a split second to quick scope. Also semi auto snipers can get another shot off before a non auto shotgun does.
    Magill wrote: »
    By your logic anyone that uses a sniper should automatically be doing MUCH better than they would with a shotgun, thats a retarded argument since its obviously the complete opposite.

    How is it a retarded comment, because you say so? Have you any evidence to back this up? Once again you are saying people are choosing weaker guns and are happy to do worse :confused:. You are talking out of your arse.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,178 ✭✭✭hypermuse

    Have to agree that sniping in black ops was much better.. Its was more akin to actual sniping! Even if the hit detection was pretty dodgy at times

    And the satisfaction when you got a kill was much better!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,721 ✭✭✭Kells...

    Blah blah quickscoping is gay blah bloah blah.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,494 ✭✭✭✭AdamD

    doncarlos wrote: »
    Much longer??? It only takes a split second to quick scope. Also semi auto snipers can get another shot off before a non auto shotgun does.

    How is it a retarded comment, because you say so? Have you any evidence to back this up? Once again you are saying people are choosing weaker guns and are happy to do worse :confused:. You are talking out of your arse.

    Are you kidding me? Some people are just awful at seeing what guns are good and bad. I've had people telling me that the G36c and the Scar are better than the ACR, lol. And as I've pointed out, people on boards especially use underpowered guns like the shotguns which are just awful.

    Just lol at the people only looking at the power of the snipers. OMG ITS 1 HIT KILL AT EVERY RANGE. Yeah because thats the only way we look a guns to judge them. Forget the hitmarkers, forget the fact that you'd be doing amazingly well to hit over 50% of quick scopes (bare in mind that if you miss you're dead.), forget the fact that its near impossible to quick scope anybody who has jumped around a corner, forget the fact that in a lobby that has a dodgy connection you can't use sniper rifles, you need an automatic gun. Forget all of those things, its all about the damage.

    I'm out, logic free arguments from people who quite clearly haven't tried quick-scoping on this game..

    I'd throw up an example of how people playing for money don't go near sniper rifles, but I'd get mindlessly flamed..

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,207 ✭✭✭hightower1

    hypermuse wrote: »

    The best way to solve it is to have sniper classes move really slowly.. You wanna drag a big ass rifle around a map, then you should pay the consequences! Also slower ADS should be an obvious one.

    Now THAT would be common sense... but as we see IW see common sense as a secondary concern compared to pandering to the niche groups.

    Quickscoping was left in becuase the minorty that do it are very very vocal - upload vids doing and discussing it so removing their exploits would damage the free publicity they generate.

    They saw noobs complain that skilled players could hold and dominate parts of the maps so they made each and every map so symetircal that encounters are now mostly won by who chance.

    Im shocked they fixed noobtubing and MLC tbh but I think thats simply because every single cod player considered each tatic to be cheap as chips and there was no argument that one could put against that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,732 ✭✭✭Magill

    doncarlos wrote: »
    Much longer??? It only takes a split second to quick scope. Also semi auto snipers can get another shot off before a non auto shotgun does.

    Well yes... a split second might not sound a lot, but its generally how long a 1v1 situation lasts...

    And no **** a semi auto sniper can get a second shot off before a non auto can.. but a striker can get 5 or 6 ACCURATE shots off before a bolt action...

    How is it a retarded comment, because you say so? Have you any evidence to back this up? Once again you are saying people are choosing weaker guns and are happy to do worse :confused:. You are talking out of your arse.

    Well... yes... stats. I guarantee you that 9/10 people on here have better stats with shotguns than snipers. If i go on MW3 i know for a fact my first game with a shotgun i'll top the scoreboard and have a pretty decent K/D while playing the objective, using supportstreaks and scratching my balls at the same time. Not gonna happen with a sniper (Well.. unless im really lucky or playing extremely well) and im pretty damn good with a sniper compared to most people !

    The reason people choose to snipe is simple... its fun/different/challenging. Same reason some people on here pride themselves on using lesser guns. Not everyone is a try hard type 95 hero. I mean even comparing snipers to shotguns is pointless, because once you take the striker out of hte equation (I'll admit i was wrong on this one ! The gun is pretty damn good, not the best gun in the game but pretty good) there really isn't much to sing about.. we're just comparing the bad to the worst.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,340 ✭✭✭yimrsg

    Found this (disheartening for me) image when looking at gun stats. It shows that lmgs have damage drop off for lmgs, for the first time in the CoD series.

    Nothing worse for me than losing the rare long range shootouts to a standing enemy using a silenced assault rifle whilst I'm using an lmg with a grip whilst prone.


    The picture ranks the M60 the worst out of 18 guns, I've got it to level 31.
    UMPs rank 17 out of 18, I've got it to level 30, nearly 31.
    L86 ranks 16th, I've got it to level 30.
    MG36 ranks 15th, I've got it to level 28.

    I can't remember what poster said their ideal CoD would only have 3 guns, clearly they have something approaching that now.

    If you use anything that's not all powerful you're leaving yourself open to frequent posting in this thread and having mlg super elite professional players gloating at you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,732 ✭✭✭Magill

    That table can't be accurate ? I thought there was a runspeed reduction with the barret ? feels incredibly slow whenever i use it anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,494 ✭✭✭✭AdamD

    Says that MP5s better than UMP/PP90, which just isn't true.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,340 ✭✭✭yimrsg

    Magill wrote: »
    That table can't be accurate ? I thought there was a runspeed reduction with the barret ? feels incredibly slow whenever i use it anyway.

    I'd say there are plenty of errors or oversights in it as the recoil/hipspray has been tweeked on some guns overtime.

    Then there are things just wrong such as the Barret and one other sniper rifle having lower movement speed than others in the class such as the Rsass. Some move like you're using an LMG, others like an AR but definitely not like a shotgunner or SMG user. The fad is meant to be faster than the other ARs and closer to SMGs in speed. That's without touching on how the gun rankings where calculated and if there was any calculation errors.

    I was just using it as a basis for showing how poor the lmgs are in the game now (perhaps using flawed stats) that they now have damage drop off and other things to contend with. They're a pale shadow of what they were in past games.

    As it stands they're the weakest groups of guns, you lack the mobility of all other classes, suffer from the slowest gun draw, aim and reload times, have the worst iron sights, have drastic bullet damage drop off whilst playing on maps which favour close quarters and mobility over all else.

    Robert Ballbag and co. would be better served sticking damage on sniper rifles and lmgs (or removing bullet damage drop off) to encourage variety, rather than trying to get infected working as a game mode on maps that aren't just suitable or make 10 new prestige emblems.
