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WeightWatchers & "How Many ProPoints?" Thread MkII



  • Registered Users Posts: 26 Steelpony

    Back in the gym today, and tracking, hopped on the scales and it looks as if I am only up about a pound over the Christmas, next weigh in Jan 4th. hope to be down.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,090 ✭✭✭tiny_penguin

    2012 and I'm rejoining weightwatchers on tuesday. Its been a bit of a crazy year for me. Got back from travelling in the end of 2010 4 stone heavier than when I went, which is a full stone heavier than the heaviest id ever been. Joined last year and managed to lose a stone before meeting my boyfriend and falling off the wagon. I havent weighed myself but I have most definitly put back on at least that if not more.

    Am fed up of having no will power to say no to anything fried or covered in cheese or butter. I am so determined at the moment and i seriously hope that it lasts.

    4 stone in one year is a big goal - prob too big and a little unachievable. But broken down its only a little over a pound a week. Anyway I used to post here last year and found the support brilliant so gonna be hopefully be back here again and this time not falling off the wagon at all!

  • Registered Users Posts: 201 ✭✭ShindyB

    I'm starting again too so here goes! best of luck :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 26 Steelpony

    At the end of the day if your lifestyle has put on some weight, then a change of lifestyle is required to lose that weight. I think we all have to accept that. Lifestyle change usually requires additional exercise and reduced calorie intake, we need to burn off a few extra calories, not easy, but over a period of time you can gradually grow into the better way of living. Not easy, if it was no one would have a weight problem. Best of luck to all you guys over the coming year, we will all do our best to stick to the task.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14 amg23

    Hi everyone,

    Im hoping someone can help me. I have been to ww last year and i want to try again on my own. i cant remember how many daily propoints im supposed to have. Im 31, 5 foot 11 and 16 and a half stone. im female.:)

    if someone can tell me, that would be great.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 153 ✭✭Elliejo

    According to my calculator you have 38 ProPoints.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14 amg23

    thanks a mill.:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,089 ✭✭✭✭LizT

    Anyone else dreading their post christmas weigh in? I didn't track for one single day over christmas :o

    Expecting to be up 5 or 6 pounds :(:o

  • Registered Users Posts: 288 ✭✭MaggieMay2

    lizt wrote: »
    Anyone else dreading their post christmas weigh in? I didn't track for one single day over christmas :o

    Expecting to be up 5 or 6 pounds :(:o

    I'm dreading it and then some!!!!! However I'm realistic. I consciously decided to not do WW at Christmas. It's the one time in the year I enjoy and I'm a diabetic so it's almost like a little holiday for me as I work so hard at it all year. So I'm up I know I am and no one else is responsible for that but me.

    I'm get quite bogged down by the numbers on the scales so I'm going to wait an extra week before I go back and be very good and hope the damage is lessened slightly. Looking forward to getting back on track though. 2012 is going to be a good one.

    First mini goal of the year always good to get you moving! My birthday is Feb 18th, I'm gonna be down I hope 7 pounds! Happy New Year y'all :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,014 ✭✭✭Monife

    MaggieMay2 wrote: »
    I'm dreading it and then some!!!!! However I'm realistic. I consciously decided to not do WW at Christmas. It's the one time in the year I enjoy and I'm a diabetic so it's almost like a little holiday for me as I work so hard at it all year. So I'm up I know I am and no one else is responsible for that but me.

    I'm get quite bogged down by the numbers on the scales so I'm going to wait an extra week before I go back and be very good and hope the damage is lessened slightly. Looking forward to getting back on track though. 2012 is going to be a good one.

    First mini goal of the year always good to get you moving! My birthday is Feb 18th, I'm gonna be down I hope 7 pounds! Happy New Year y'all :)

    Doing the exact same. Not going back til I shift a few of the Christmas pounds plus I don't have the money for the re-join fee (haven't been in 5 weeks). Started the day off with a homemade banana and frozen berries smoothie. Going to dive right in and get out for a 5k walk in a little while (haven't exercised in those 5 weeks). Best of luck for 2012 girls :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 153 ✭✭Elliejo

    At the last meeting before Christmas, our leader was trying to encourage everyone to come back to the first meeting in January. Her point was that you put it off for a couple of weeks to try and undo the damage, but in reality, the majority of people don't lose anything in that time, and often put some up. She feels it's better to face the damage, and then start afresh. I've been that soldier, so I would have to agree with her, but obviously each to their own. I know that I'm going on Wednesday, even though I know I'm up and can't stay to class.

  • Registered Users Posts: 64 ✭✭Niamh94

    So I was up bright and early this morning, dreading the scales but determined to WI (doing ww@home). I was fully expecting the be up at least 5 pounds as I really went for it over Christmas but, to my utmost surprise I was only up .25 of a pound!! Still in shock here, as I paid no attention whatsoever to what I was eating, and haven't exercised in about 2 weeks! I think this just proves how much your mindset changes doing a plan like ww? It shows it's obviously a lifestyle change, and it alters your perception of being "bad". Obviously my subconscious told me to stop eating, whereas before my hand would have been stuck in a continuous loop from sweets to mouth!! I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas, because after all, we're all losing weight to enhance our lives, not to miss out on the events that make them special :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 261 ✭✭Danii86

    Niamh94 wrote: »
    So I was up bright and early this morning, dreading the scales but determined to WI (doing ww@home). I was fully expecting the be up at least 5 pounds as I really went for it over Christmas but, to my utmost surprise I was only up .25 of a pound!! Still in shock here, as I paid no attention whatsoever to what I was eating, and haven't exercised in about 2 weeks! I think this just proves how much your mindset changes doing a plan like ww? It shows it's obviously a lifestyle change, and it alters your perception of being "bad". Obviously my subconscious told me to stop eating, whereas before my hand would have been stuck in a continuous loop from sweets to mouth!! I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas, because after all, we're all losing weight to enhance our lives, not to miss out on the events that make them special :)

    doing ww onmy own aswel and i stood on the scales yesterday only to discover i was down 2lbs!!!!!!! WFT i have absolutly no idea how that happened, all i can think of was that my appetite for big dinners wasnt all that great so i only had one plate full and i was soooo full everytime i didnt eat for the rest of the day hardly, even the thought of trying to pop a chocolate into my mouth made me feel a bit ill!!!! now thats not to say i avoided the chocolates completly....i sat down the other evening and bate in to 6 rafiallos (?) and will prob finish the box tonight!! its head to get back to tracking when theres still soooo much nice stuff to finish!!!
    got 2 sets of vouchers for 6 spinning classes (12 classes in total) for christmas as my family know moneys been tight for me and i havnt been able to afford my beloved spinning classes, going to ring the gym tomorrow and book myself in!!! YIPEEE!!!

    oh and HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL......may we be on the downward spiral all year!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 352 ✭✭rainshowers82

    Back on the WW wagon officially ...... 13 stone 2lbs :( 4 of my friends are doing it as well so hopefully be motivation for each other .. alot has gone on the last few months and enough is enough !!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5 Hobnob lover

    Hi everyone I'm a newbie :) I started ww today. doing it myself at home. My girlfriend did ww this time last year and lost 66lbs in 6 mths so she is guiding me with her iron fist :). Ive set a target of 6 mths with a few mini targets in between and i want to lose 40lbs to reach 172lbs. So here i go.............:eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 56 ✭✭ladysaint

    Elliejo wrote: »
    According to my calculator you have 38 ProPoints.

    Hey Guys,

    How do you work out the points allowance? Thought it wasn't as easy as on the old points plain and only their system could do it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 122 ✭✭Fungums

    ladysaint wrote: »
    Elliejo wrote: »
    According to my calculator you have 38 ProPoints.

    Hey Guys,

    How do you work out the points allowance? Thought it wasn't as easy as on the old points plain and only their system could do it?
    Hey you cant do it yourself but theres a calculator online, dont have the link to hand but il get it! Can also be done with the ww calculator

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,819 ✭✭✭fussyonion

    I've been in WW two years now and for the first year, I did really well. It all went downhill from then but it was my own fault, over eating.
    The ProPoints plan really does work but you need to track everything.
    Over the Christmas I did eat what I wanted but I also stopped eating when I was full.
    I'm getting weighed this week and I'm not overly concerned because gaining over the festive period isn't unusual; however 2011 wasn't a great year for me, mostly because I didn't put in the work, but I am determined that this year is going to be my year.
    I am not happy the way I am and I don't want to be back here next year saying the same thing, so keep up the encouragement everyone, it really helps!

  • Registered Users Posts: 56 ✭✭ladysaint

    Hi All got this emailed to me this morning.

    I'm guessing they cant be used in Ireland - it only states Northern Ireland.

    Can anyone confirm?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    lizt wrote: »
    Anyone else dreading their post christmas weigh in? I didn't track for one single day over christmas :o

    Expecting to be up 5 or 6 pounds :(:o

    I know I'm up that much :eek: have been tracking of sorts and exercising to limit the damage !dreading Thursday weigh in but wouldn't miss it either!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 365 ✭✭dammitj

    Happy New Year everyone!

    I know I've put on weight over Christmas but I know I'm not alone in that boat!
    I did exercise as much as possible though to try to limit the damage - any day the gym was open I was there!

    I've decided to give up bread for January (did it in November too and it felt good) - I'd like to give up the drink too but I'm off to London on Friday week so it just doesn't seem doable!

    Anyway, my plan for 2012 is to get to goal. I was only a few lbs away before Christmas but I'm sure I'm further away now. Ah well, onwards and downwards!

    Best of luck to you all in your ww journey in 2012!


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,193 ✭✭✭Eircom_Sucks

    Starting back tonight myself after stopping ww back in october as i just hadn't the will power or drive , was going to meetings , up 1 and then down 2 and then up 2 and down 1 , like a yo yo so said id just stop it and enjoy myself and make a fresh start tonight :)

    looking forward to it

  • Registered Users Posts: 283 ✭✭Kay_80

    Hey everyone :) nice to see some familiar posters! I've been checking in everyday but not posted.

    So since I was last here I went on hols to NYC the first 2 weeks of Dec didn't track bit did watch my portion size but pretty much ate a little of what I fancied but only really had 2 meals per day & snacked on fruit but the killer was prob the cocktails but I did walk alot so that did offset some of the damage post holiday WI I was up 1.5lb which I didn't mind & knew I'd be up & I didn't go crazy ( pre WW I'd have scoffed pancakes & desserts all round me!!)

    So then with Xmas I tracked everything with tge exception of Xmas day & Stephens day but I used my weeklies as well ( alcohol & chocs don't you know!) so faced the music & was up 1lb at my WI on NYE. (doing it at home) so all in all not too bad. But I did do alot of exercise last week too!

    From looking at my graphs I'm at this now 11 months I have 33lbs gone & I want to lose at least 21 more so the head is down & I'm focused on getting out off the 11's into the 10's & then hopefully the 9's I want to get to goal by the end of the year & be maintaining. I didn't go crazy over Xmas but part of that was fear of nxt Monday - I'm being fitted with a blood pressure monitor for 24 hrs & getting my bloods & cholesterol checked I didn't want to have a massive gain since the last time I saw my Dr - all the tests are precautionary because I have had high BP in the past.

    I think getting to goal this year will be the best pressie I can give myself. Best of luck everyone & welcome to all the newbies we can all do this it's just a matter of getting the head into it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,089 ✭✭✭✭LizT

    Back to ww this morning. Was so bad over Christmas, seriously had 3 takeaways, loads and loads of alcohol, biscuits and chocolates galore ( got through a terry's chocolate orange a week *blushes*)

    Imagine my surprise when I stepped on the scales - .5 down!! Don't know how I managed that, it will probably catch up next week.

    I am determined to lose at least a pound next week which will bring me to 10%. Would love to have another silver seven by the end of the month to get me to 2 stone gone. I want to lose another stone then by April for my birthday and Easter. Ambitious I know, but the Easter countdown starts here. 22 pounds to go!!

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators Posts: 17,231 Mod ✭✭✭✭Das Kitty

    Post festivities WI tomorrow. Think I will have gained 2. I didn't go too mad all told and shipped most of the biscuits etc out nearly as soon as they came in. Back tracking the last 2 days now. Can't wait to get back on track to goal. I sorted my wardrobe over the holidays too. It's a great feeling!

  • Registered Users Posts: 852 ✭✭✭shortstuff!

    Well I bit the bullet & went back today, Ive put on a stone over the last year & I want that gone! 1st aim is to get back to being gold so that's 4lb I'm aiming to loose by end of jan. Changed meetings to one near work at lunchtime, at least that way I've no excuse not 2go if I end up working late.

    From my meeting today, you can now use a daily allowance of 26 if you want, gave out a little booklet of 7days meals planned based on that, said I'd give it a go, but used 27 already & fancy a slice of toast once I get home from work! Maybe tomorrow, 26 seems kinda low doesn't it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    Well I bit the bullet & went back today, Ive put on a stone over the last year & I want that gone! 1st aim is to get back to being gold so that's 4lb I'm aiming to loose by end of jan. Changed meetings to one near work at lunchtime, at least that way I've no excuse not 2go if I end up working late.

    From my meeting today, you can now use a daily allowance of 26 if you want, gave out a little booklet of 7days meals planned based on that, said I'd give it a go, but used 27 already & fancy a slice of toast once I get home from work! Maybe tomorrow, 26 seems kinda low doesn't it?

    yea it does, depends I guess good for a start off week kick start back in to it, as long as its the right foods might try it! do you still have the same weeklies

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,089 ✭✭✭✭LizT

    Baby75 wrote: »
    yea it does, depends I guess good for a start off week kick start back in to it, as long as its the right foods might try it! do you still have the same weeklies

    Yes weeklies are the same.

    Our leader advised that if you are getting good losses on 29 then don't reduce yourself.

    They will also be bringing in simply filling days which I think will be great, I like the simply filling technique.

  • Registered Users Posts: 115 ✭✭RachaelFergie

    Hi all hope ye had a nice Christmas, can I ask how people point frozen veg? Do ye count as. Zero or by packet nutritional label? (I've had aldi Mediterranean veg for dinner)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 72 ✭✭colliewobbles

    gggrrrrr missed my wi this evening, couldn't get out of a meeting and i really wanted to continue this week.

    Gonna just have to do it alone, really enjoy the support of the meeting though, keeps me focused for the week ahead.

    Good luck to all those with their post Christmas wi's this week.

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