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What Pet Peeves Do You Have?



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 34,418 ✭✭✭✭hondasam

    People talking about their kids at work.
    People who chew with their mouths open.
    Shop workers talking to co/workers while I'm standing there.
    People having phone conversation for all to hear.
    people who keep scraping the yoghurt tub, it's empty, bin it ffs.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators, Regional Midwest Moderators Posts: 23,951 Mod ✭✭✭✭Clareman

    People cycling without helmets.
    People cycling on motorways.
    People at games who think they should give a running commentary for the game, when it's clear they know nothing about the game.
    People being late for events.
    Events not starting on time because of people arriving late.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,390 ✭✭✭Bowlardo

    "Bring your rubbish with you"

    2 Lane motorway,
    Truck in lane 1 of motorway doing 88 Kph
    Truck in lane 2 or motorway doing 88.2 Kph

    BMW's & Mercs in Lane 2 of the M50 doing 60 Kph with the driver clamping a phone to ear.

    Drivers at the lights in the morning with coffee in one hand and makeup in the other.

    Teachers that stand in the middle of the road after the green man has long gone and teach the kids from a very young age that the rules of the road don't apply to them, and that red lights are only advisory.

    Kids who learnt from the teacher above who have now graduated to bikes.

    Cyclist in dark clothing and with no lights on the bike that looked at me as much as to say it was my fault when I nearly killed him as he came towards me the wrong way round the corner on a one way street (City Quay/Lombard St E) at 9Pm on a wet December night.

    Dublin Airport Authority.

    The insane supposed traffic management system in central Dublin.

    60Kph speed limits on a road that 2 years ago was deemed safe for 100Kph, and now the motorway's open, it has almost no traffic in comparison.

    "The fact of the matter", especially when spouted by a politician.

    Politicians that still haven't got the message that they are out of touch and despised by the vast majority of the country.

    People that assume that I love donating my hard earned skills for free to solve their unsolveable problem.

    The system that assumes that Capitalists get a nice comfortable warm cosy feeling from doing the job properly.

    Capitalists that rip the world around them off.

    Socialists that think that all men are equal

    People that take sick days because "I'm entitled to them"

    The concept that no matter how serious or significant the mistake, no one in the civil service can ever be made to answer for the mistake.

    The fallacy that taking a local authority to court and fining them is going to change anything other than the level of service that is then provided

    The fallacy that a job in the civil service is a pension for life.

    The rugby scrum at the boarding gate for a Ryanair flight.

    Having to face the reality of not having the energy or the enthusiasm to do things like I used to, and no longer having the money, or the way to earn it like I used to.

    Seeing good people get fired for doing the job too well, and annoying the union reps as a result.

    Quangos set up to "regulate the industry", and do it by making it uneconomic for the small companies to stay in the business.

    Monopolies and cartels that charge the sun moon and stars for providing their version of "service".

    The crazy price of oil and everything related to it.

    The absence of real deterrents to serious crime, and the over harsh punishment of minor misdemeanours.

    Call centre computerised call routing services that don't.

    "Thank you for calling ********, Your call is important to us. All of our operators are busy, please hold and your call will be answered by the next available operator".

    Voice mail services that are full

    Answering machines that don't.

    Car park spaces that are too short for the vehicle

    Underground car parks that are so congested with pillars that at least 50% of the spaces are only accessible with a Mini.

    Plastic tie wraps all over every light pole in the country.

    Housing estates the size of some small towns that only have one way in and out, and no signs to indicate where that point is.

    Quangos that reply to every point in a letter sent to them that say "that issue is outside of our area of responsibility"

    Having to pay supposed "environmental charges" that are very little to do with the environment and a lot more to do with a particular politicians view of a subject.

    Being forced to pay to rescue the banks from their gambling debts, and then seeing those same bankers pay inflated fees to fat cat solicitors to harass people that haven't a snowflake in midsummers chance of ever being able to pay them back.

    Local authority officers that don't even bother to acknowledge letters sent to them about serious infrastructure defects.

    Planners and architects that still have not learnt that pedestrians and vehicles right outside the entrance to the stores don't mix, especially when it's somewhere like Smyth's Toys, but they still put the main access route past the doors.

    The unprintables that designed the traffic snarl up that is supposedly the Blanchardstown shopping centre.

    The sickening realisation that despite the frenzied efforts of hundreds and sometimes thousands of people, there's sweet fcuk all that we can do to change way too many of the above.

    "press Any key to continue" Where's the fcuking ANY key?????????????

    I feel better after reading that

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,173 ✭✭✭D

    Pregnant women who smoke.

    Smokers who stand up-wind of you.

    Seeing good people get fired for doing the job too well, and annoying the union reps as a result.
    Oh god this.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 31 i90yb8jtdchuwe

    Mine have to be:
    When you're walking outside/entering a building and people are smoking and blowing the ash all over the place. Seriously, I don't want to smell like smoke all day and get ash in my mouth! :mad:

    When you're in a rush to get somewhere and people stop in the middle of the path to start talking. Ffs, some people have places to be! Same goes for people walking REALLLY slowly in front of you, it's almost the same thing and it's just as annoying!

    When people see the dishwasher is full during the night, don't bother to put it on and you're left washing dishes by hand in the morning so you can eat something.

    There's definitely more, I just can't think of them right now...

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,851 ✭✭✭Cill Dara Abu

    Lorry drivers driving on country roads like mad men, they don't slow down or even attempt to move in and expect you to drive into the ditch so they don't have to slow down. ****!

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,569 ✭✭✭✭ProudDUB

    So called "friends" who never carry cash on them as they pay for everything with plastic. So if you are out for a night with them, or away for the weekend with them, they never have cash on them to pay for cash only sundries such as motorway tolls, taxi's, parking meters, early morning runs to the Starbucks or McDonalds drive thrus, sidewalk hot dogs & ice creams, tips for tour guides, hotel parking valets etc etc.

    These things are only ever a few quid at a time, so you look cheap if you put your foot down, and insist on these cheapskates putting their hands in their bloody pocket for once. I split my time between the US and here. On a recent road trip thru New England, my friend and I spent about $25 on highway tolls over the course of the weekend, as we always had $1 and $5 bills in our purses. The other two in our party paid eff all as they never had cash on them. Ever. We were both probably out an additional $100 before the weekend was over. This was despite our driver loudly asking if anyone needed to hit an ATM before we set out on the trip. Resounding silence ! Boy did it get on my nerves. Thank God Ireland has the round system in pubs or I'd probably shoot myself !

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,138 ✭✭✭mrsdewinter

    ProudDUB wrote: »
    So called "friends" who never carry cash on them as they pay for everything with plastic. So if you are out for a night with them, or away for the weekend with them, they never have cash on them to pay for cash only sundries such as motorway tolls, taxi's, parking meters, early morning runs to the Starbucks or McDonalds drive thrus, sidewalk hot dogs & ice creams, tips for tour guides, hotel parking valets etc etc.

    These things are only ever a few quid at a time, so you look cheap if you put your foot down, and insist on these cheapskates putting their hands in their bloody pocket for once. I split my time between the US and here. On a recent road trip thru New England, my friend and I spent about $25 on highway tolls over the course of the weekend, as we always had $1 and $5 bills in our purses. The other two in our party paid eff all as they never had cash on them. Ever. We were both probably out an additional $100 before the weekend was over. This was despite our driver loudly asking if anyone needed to hit an ATM before we set out on the trip. Resounding silence ! Boy did it get on my nerves. Thank God Ireland has the round system in pubs or I'd probably shoot myself !

    Grrrr. And in restaurants, they produce the plastic and say, 'Well, sure, just give me your share of the cash and I'll put it on this...'
    So... just because I was organised enough to get to an ATM and source cash, and you weren't, you get to walk around with loads of cash, while I have to hit up the ATM again tomorrow morning. Nice one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 621 ✭✭✭dave3004

    The smell of a condom

    People who don't pay off their Xtra-Vision debt and claim they didn't rent the movie!


    Ugly people

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,207 ✭✭✭The King of Moo

    Using "literally" instead of "figuratively" or a similar word (eg. "He's literally exploded there!" - Jamie Redknapp) is so amazingly stupid that I find it entertaining more than annoying anymore.

    But what I've seen people doing a lot lately which really bugs me is putting "literally" superfluously in a sentence which could only possible have a literal meaning.
    For example: "I was literally walking down the road when it happened!"

    Really? It's a good thing you told me you were literally walking down the road as I would've assumed that was just a metaphor for the dehumanising effects of war.

    Another very recent development is people typing a statement expressing their confusion or surprise, yet despite it not being a question, ending it with a question mark. I guess it's a written approximation of the annoying habit of people putting an upward inflection at the end of every sentence.
    It really annoys me??

    People who explain why something is funny while watching a comedy.

    "Ha ha! He fell into the hole!"

    Thanks, I hadn't noticed.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,655 ✭✭✭delw

    fooker's that don't know how to or don't bother to indicate on a roundabout

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,598 ✭✭✭boomkatalog

    Being asked irrelevant questions.
    E.g 'My name is Johnny'.

    :mad: WHAT??? I have a cousin that does this all the time, it drives me absolutely mental!

    Can't stand people that chew with their mouths open.

    People who smoke while they're walking on the footpath blowing smoke back in my face. Nice one a$$hole, I'll be taking the inhaler later so!

    People who think it's perfectly acceptable to tell you that you're too skinny or very white. Would you do the same to a fat person, or a black person??

    Pee on the toilet seat, I don't even understand how this happens in women's bathrooms!

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 3,571 ✭✭✭newmug

    Militantly opinionated people. There are quite a few on here!

    Aswell, people who use the words "bug" instead of annoy, "guys" instead of lads or fellas, and the phrase "I guess" instead of I suppose / presume. You're NOT being cool or groovy, the telly show Friends is long out-of-date!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 37,214 ✭✭✭✭Dudess

    People who walk backwards in busy places, not even caring that they could bash into someone/knock stuff over, because they're that wrapped up in themselves.

    People who stand in parking spaces to "reserve" them - or who put something like a bin in a communal residential parking space as if it's their own. Absolute *****.

    People who take forever at the ATM.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,397 ✭✭✭Aisling(",)

    People who smoke on busses.
    Dear god I can't wait till I can afford a car and its maintenance just to avoid that horrid feeling of being stuck on a bus on a long journey with someone smoking down the back.
    It's vile!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,186 ✭✭✭Squaredude

    • People who make completely unnecessary noises while eating,like my friend who sucks in through his front teeth after every bite.:mad:
    • People with prams who assume that the footpath is now theirs and theirs alone.
    • People who have no clue what personal space is.
    • People who unnecessarily lie and make up stories.This drives me crazy!!I know the story your telling is complete BS and so does everyone else.
    • Old people on public transport.Its not your devine right to skip to the front of the line.There's no chance you're getting past me,I've no problem sticking out an elbow or a shoulder to put a stop to your march to the front of the line.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,372 ✭✭✭im invisible


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,406 ✭✭✭Pompey Magnus

    Squaredude wrote: »
    • Old people on public transport.Its not your devine right to skip to the front of the line.There's no chance you're getting past me,I've no problem sticking out an elbow or a shoulder to put a stop to your march to the front of the line.


  • Registered Users Posts: 517 ✭✭✭rich.d.berry

    • People who park their cars on footpaths and cycle paths
    • Second-hand car dealerships who use the footpath as their showroom
    • Able bodied people who park in disabled parking spaces
    • Even worse than above are able bodied people who drive cars with disabled permits and use them in disabled spaces. I would expect you, of all people, who have family members who are disabled, to respect those spaces even more than the rest of us. When the disabled person is not traveling with you then you have no more right to those spaces than anybody else.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,598 ✭✭✭boomkatalog

    The word 'epic'.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 292 ✭✭Eroticfishcake

    The word 'epic'.

    Oh I hate that word. I'm even getting annoyed thinking about it. Hate 'Random' too.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,754 ✭✭✭oldyouth

    People who loudly pronounce their opinions as facts

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,207 ✭✭✭The King of Moo

    People who proclaim anything outside of their usual limited range of habits and tastes as objectively "weird."

    People with no imagination, who come in different varieties, like:

    People who go out every Saturday night to the exact same places, and can't understand if you're not going out on one specific Saturday night, and keep asking you why you're not going out, even though you don't have (and don't have to have) a reason.

    People who won't watch most films or read certain books as "they're not realistic." I don't mean people who refuse to read fantasy or sci-fi (though I don't like when people refuse point blank to do so) but people who complain about fairly normal dramas or thrillers because they're not completely mundane.

    Which reminds me of: people who refuse to read books. I just don't understand how you can go through your life without doing so. I remember one of the goons in Westlife said he'd never chosen to read a book as he didn't see the point, and I nearly exploded with rage.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,800 ✭✭✭CHealy

    People who proclaim anything outside of their usual limited range of habits and tastes as objectively "weird."

    Which reminds me of: people who refuse to read books. I just don't understand how you can go through your life without doing so. I remember one of the goons in Westlife said he'd never chosen to read a book as he didn't see the point, and I nearly exploded with rage.


  • Registered Users Posts: 8,207 ✭✭✭The King of Moo

    CHealy wrote: »

    Humming is weird.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 9,441 ✭✭✭old hippy


  • Site Banned Posts: 2,037 ✭✭✭paddyandy

    All that awful Plastic on Dublin's beautiful Grafton and o'connell streets.

  • Registered Users Posts: 547 ✭✭✭Amzie

    Rude people, please and thank you wouldn't go a miss!

    Taxi drivers bringing you the long way home even though you have told them that's the long way! They ignore you, bloody *****!

    Old people driving micras omg!! Hate their slowness and if they are so terrified of driving then get off the road! Grrr!!

    Kids running into you and their parents glare at you like you've got in the way of their precious sprog!!!

    People going to shops in pjs!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,063 ✭✭✭Greenmachine

    People saying cancel when they should say postpone. The RSA for example.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,186 ✭✭✭Squaredude

    yup.I'm not standing in the cold waiting for the bus just so some old woman can skip past me in the queue.I've no problem blocking them from passing me.
