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Spookiest experience of your life



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,789 ✭✭✭Caoimhín

    I get night terrors. Pretty scary stuff especially when you wake and find yourself paralysed and in a state of pure terror.

    This explains it better than I can;

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,048 ✭✭✭Da Shins Kelly

    I remember when I was about 10 my brother and I went to stay with my grandmother, who lived in a very rural area in Mayo. I never really liked her home (now or then), it always made me feel a bit weird. Anyway, my brother and I always slept in the same room and one night after we went to bed I couldn't sleep and I was just lying there in the darkness. Next thing I hear this frantic rapping on the window beside me. I just lay there, absolutely stock still, pretty much frozen with terror. The knocking went on for a good few seconds and was quite loud until it eventually just stopped. After a minute or two I called over to my brother to see if he had been woken up by it, but he hadn't. I barely slept that night, and I remember being absolutely convinced that a ghost had been there. I mentioned it to my grandmother the next morning and she said that she couldn't definitively say what had happened, but that it may have been the son of the people living down the road who had quite severe paranoid schizophrenia and often went wandering at night. I remember being unconvinced and still thinking it was a ghost at the time, but in hindsight it probably was just her neighbours' mentally ill son. Still freaks me out to think of it though. Later that year he committed suicide after setting fire to his father's bog in the middle of the night.

  • Registered Users Posts: 415 ✭✭Degringola

    Was in this small town in France and practically all the hotels were full for some reason. I ended up in this tall skinny hotel down a side street which this young couple had bought and were doing up. The bedrooms were clean but really decrepit, not shabby French chic, just shabby. Wallpaper peeling off the walls, loo down the corridor.

    The bed was in the middle of the room and had no headboard. At about 1 am I was propped up on my elbow, facing the old door which had big iron fixings, reading away and munching on the nougat I had bought to bring home to my son (as you do). Next thing the big old door handle started slowly turning downwards, got to the bottom and as the door was locked slowly returned to its original position. There was no sound of either approaching or retreating footsteps. It was so freaky, my stomach was churning.

    Slept only intermittedly for the rest of the night and got out of there like a bat out of hell next morning before 7.

    tl;dr Always lock your hotel room door.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,540 ✭✭✭Giselle

    Caoimhín wrote: »
    I get night terrors. Pretty scary stuff especially when you wake and find yourself paralysed and in a state of pure terror.

    This explains it better than I can;

    I get night terrors combined with sleepwalking, where I wake up convinced I'm warding off an attacker, or there's an alien under the bed, or a monster in the wardrobe...anything really.

    I'm convinced I'm fully awake and its actually happening. Its a horrible experience, especially when its some nightmare demon and you wake up in the living room with your heart exploding out your chest. :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,186 ✭✭✭Squaredude

    While reading this,got a phone call.I forgot that i changed my ringtone to the theme song from halloween the movie,gave me a bit of fright.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 845 ✭✭✭softmee

    I heard similar noises when I was on my own one night in summer house near big lake.. :(

    (the whole night sitting in one corner with knife in my hand -horror)

    Cats can make horrible sounds like not from this world. The one I heard was like some crazy person or a demon, I don't know.
    I was so scared I couldn't move!

  • Registered Users Posts: 211 ✭✭Johnny D. Mudd

    Well this particular story isn't a scratch on some of the other stories I've read and is a dream rather than any real world occurrence so I don't know how relevant it is, It's not very impressive but I'll tell it nonetheless.

    About a month ago, I awake in the early hours of the morning, my head deep under the covers. I can hear the thunder rolling outside and feel all snug and warm under the blanket. As we all do whenever the rain patters against the window pane or the lightning flashes across the sky, I press my weary head into the pillow and listen hypnotically to the heavy thunder. The thunder rumbles across the sky once. Then suddenly, before I know what's happened, my head buried deep under the sheets, I hear this ear-splitting BOOM, like a shot from a rifle, that shocks me to my very core, shaking my nerves and leaving me bewildered. This is then followed by an ear-shattering crash of the glass in my window being decimated by some unseen force. I then awake for real with the morning sun shining through the curtains and am thoroughly shaken.

    It's not that terrifying for those of you who are reading this but for a brief moment I was stunned and literally shaken to my core. It seemed so real and so terrifying and left me quite horrified for about an hour after.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭vampire of kilmainham

    Ben Hadad wrote: »
    I arrived late at night at a beach place in India on my own after a long train journey. Was absolutely knackered and just wanted somewhere to kip, but it was pitch black on the beach and everything was closed.

    I saw a light on in one gaff on the beach and walked up hoping someone was up and could give me a place to crash. I knocked on the door, but got no answer so I slowly opened the door. The room was empty except for a long black item that was sitting on the table in the middle of the room. I couldn't really make out what it was so I stepped into the room to get a better look. Suddenly it dawned on my, it was an open coffin and I am staring at a dead body with a crucifix around his neck. I got the shock of my life and legged it out of there; not what I was expecting at all. I waited on the beach till dawn, sleep wasn't that important anymore.
    why dident ya dump the body and sleep in the coffin:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭vampire of kilmainham

    Piriz wrote: »
    These are some of the best photos, this is as bright as it got with the flash..when the flash was gone it was pitch dark again as you can imagine:
    spookey place id love a wander around there

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,296 ✭✭✭EdenHazard

    two lads i know driving home along the big long road into kilternan(you know the 1 from shankill?) at about 1am in the morning, anyway so they're driving when what do they see but a giant women in all white just literally taking big strides down the road, the way they described it was as if the walk was a joke just over the top and exagerrated. none of them said anything then bout 2 mins later they both look at each other and were like 'did you see that ye' kept driving and that was that

    why do ghosts seem to come in oversized form?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭vampire of kilmainham

    bmcc10 wrote: »
    A good 10 years ago or so me my mother,brother and sister were coming home from our aunties it was at least 2am and one of the foggiest nights i can remember.

    Anyway theres this spooky old farm house across the road from us with massive gates and a big drive-way.

    We were driving past it and i saw this massive old man standing facing the wall,he was wearing a farmers hat and it looked like he was holding a brown paper bag.I said it to them and they saw nothing.

    I got mam to drive down the road and turn then right past our house this huge huge man was walking down the middle of the road in the dirction of the car.Bearing in mind the fog that night we were absaloutly terriefied.

    So theres a guard that lives beside us so we went into him incase the man was in danger or drunk walking the roads.He was inside his house with another neighbour so they took a spin down the road and saw nothing.

    Still spooks me this and when i walk the road,it makes it even worse that its right outside our house..Also last two times i tried to post this it said i was logged out..:eek::eek:
    he's behind ya :eek::eek::eek:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 349 ✭✭talkinyite

    Me and a mate took his mas car out in the early morning a few years ago and went driving through the mountains. Seen a bunch of lights moving around the place, turned out to be a bunch of occultists doing some mad ritual. We shouted a bit of abuse at them for the laugh and ended up getting chased down the mountains.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 35 virtus1

    I read the thread title as "Snookiest experience" and had a great story lined up. But nah, no particularly spooky experiences :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,191 ✭✭✭CardBordWindow

    In my local, there used to be a barman (paddy) who refused to close up at night after being spooked. He was after closing up after a relatively quite night for a country pub, when a guy in his early 20s wearing a hoodie walks out from the toilets. He walks along the bar and out the front door without saying a word. Paddy didn't recognise the guy as having been there, but didn't take too much notice in case someone ran in the back door when he wasn't looking.
    So Paddy goes to re-lock the front door to find it still locked. He looked outside and couldn't see anyone.
    He mentions it to the other staff, as you would, and one of the older lads says that he's often seen the same thing, he just ignores it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,094 ✭✭✭stargazer 68

    I dont believe in spooks and the paranormal etc - as far as Im concerned put some people in a room, turn off the lights and sooner or later someone will see 'something'! Ive done the tour of Bodmin Jail in the UK and the ghost walk in Edinburgh etc.

    However I was in my friends house one night and all the girlies were on the vino and talking about these 'paranormal' programmes on tv. I said the above and how it was all rubbish etc etc. Suddenly the bulb in the lamp blew and we were left in the dark!! My mates sister nearly passed out - they are coming to get me as far as she is concerned!! :eek::eek::D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,933 ✭✭✭smurgen

    was coming home one night from a house party in Blarney my friend was driving and I was **** faced drunk in the passanger seat. We were heading back to Cork using the dual carridgeway that comes up past the commons.

    It was about 3 in the morning and we were in an area of the dual carridge way where there were no light or cars or anything around us. Two of us were silent and next think a soccer ball hit the windscreen really hard and dead on coming from the direction of the centre of the road. Two of us got the fright of our lives and the friend nearly crashed the car, duno how it happened til this day!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,736 ✭✭✭ch750536

    Fishooks12 wrote: »
    Was walking home alone from college in Limerick one night

    Made it more spooky for you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 389 ✭✭LisaLee

    I used to work in an old Distillery Museum as a tour guide. I'd heard rumours that it was haunted as some workers had been killed there (drowning in brewing vats, fermentation vats, fires etc.) But I didn't believe in it.

    Each evening we had to lock up the distillery and it was my turn to lock up the Cooperage (where barrels are repaired), I had already locked up the rest of the buildings, closed the last door and I heard this weird noise.

    We had one of these (the large tool for boring holes, against the wall) hanging from a piece of wire to show tourists the old tools used. It was spinning, I mean properly whirling around at speed. I have never ran out of a room so quickly in my life.

    I had some friends who worked in the kitchen area and their stories gave me goosebumps. :(

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators Posts: 18,146 Mod ✭✭✭✭CatFromHue

    I don't really have any!

    I was driving along in the summer at about 80kph on a nice sunny day when I hear this loud music. I look at the radio but it's off. I've no idea where the music is coming from and I'm going way too fast for it to be outside the car. So I'm starting to get fairly uneasy. Then I realised that my phone which I always keep on silent is ringing. I was expecting a call so turned it off silent and forgot about it. :o

    The family home was built about 1870 so is really old. My brother says he was watching TV by himself one night when he turned around to see an old lady behind him. He asked her who she was, she just looked at him and disappeared!

    We used to share a room up til when I finished college. When he moved out he told me that he used to hear someone walking around the room and/or banging on the door which he attributed to a ghost. Our bedroom would have been the bedroom of the lady who owned and lived in the house for years and years before we moved in. I think it was just me coming home pissed but he says it happened when I was away at college. His now wife and her family are kinda into stuff like this and they got a priest to bless the room. Seemingly he says there was never any problems after that. He wouldn't stay in the room though the last time he had to stay over.

    Actually I do have one strange phenomenon. When I was in New Zealand I went to Lake Tekapo, we where hoping to do the star gazing trip in the local observatory but it was cancelled. Anyway myself and a mate were down walking by the lake when we saw a late moving really fast and erratically in the mountains in the distance. It was at night and in Winter. The thing was the the light was moving as if it were being waved by someone only a few meters away from us but was coming from the mountains miles and miles away. So the distance and fluidity of the movement kinda freaked me out as it wasn't possible. We stood and watched it for a few mins and then just turned around and went home.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,156 ✭✭✭vixdname

    Piriz wrote: »
    I’ve recently been on a clinical placement in a mental health hospital in Maryland in the US. The hospital dates back to the late 1800s it is made up of scores of buildings on a huge campus: twice to three times the size of St.Stephens Green. Many of the buildings are disused and dilapidated surrounded by overgrown grass, weeds, ivy, trees etc. The dilapidated buildings are very impressive red brick with great features and lower windows and doors are boarded up. The hospital once held 4000 mentally ill patients, now its about 600 after deinstitutionalisation etc.

    I was staying in the employees dorm on the campus and felt safe around the place. After a night out on the beer I went up to an area on my own where there is about 20 derelict buildings. Its pitch black but im not really a believer of the paranormal etc. and was quite drunk and considering the history of the place I thought it’d be fun and spooky. So I had a wander around right through for a while and really enjoyed it.

    The following weekend after the pub I decided I would do it again but this time borrowed a camera off my intern buddy to capture the spookiness. Again I was on my own, it was colder and darker and I was less drunk and a little bit more scared and cautious.

    It was about 2am & so dark i needed to stand so close to the buildings to get the flash to light up the picture.. anyway i was walking on a 4 direction open walled roofed path that linked 4 huge buildings.. I was nearing the intersection looking forward into the darkness. This is the best part of the whole place and my camera stopped working when I got onto the 4 way path. All of a sudden as im walking forward into the pitch darkness there is this loud bang sound; like if you pushed over a table, the sound came from straight ahead somewhere in the pitch black, i stopped dead in my tracks and starred forward with my heart beating... my bottle of beer became my weapon of defence as i switched the way i held it in my hand.. i waited to hear further sounds to get more information..i heard nothing and after about 15 seconds i decided to get the hell out of there... i turned and ran, turning to look back to see if i was being followed every few seconds... i got to a lit up part within 20 or 30 seconds and started walking again..i decided to give was too freaky..and the camera i had borrowed had died..then all of a sudden..a flash came from the direction i had ran away was ****in weird..i thought ‘was that a camera or what is going on, did someone just take a picture of me from the darkness?’.. im not entirely sure what happened up there that night but i didnt going up there again... i am trying to upload some of the pics i got

    Was this the Glen Dale hospital by any chance..if so, have a read of this:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 745 ✭✭✭csi vegas

    smurgen wrote: »
    was coming home one night from a house party in Blarney my friend was driving and I was **** faced drunk in the passanger seat. We were heading back to Cork using the dual carridgeway that comes up past the commons.

    It was about 3 in the morning and we were in an area of the dual carridge way where there were no light or cars or anything around us. Two of us were silent and next think a soccer ball hit the windscreen really hard and dead on coming from the direction of the centre of the road. Two of us got the fright of our lives and the friend nearly crashed the car, duno how it happened til this day!

    That'll be the riff-raff from Onslow Gardens/Parklands again, 'batein de ball down off the height boi for an oul' laff!' :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 221 ✭✭IcedOut

    smurgen wrote: »
    was coming home one night from a house party in Blarney my friend was driving and I was **** faced drunk in the passanger seat. We were heading back to Cork using the dual carridgeway that comes up past the commons.

    It was about 3 in the morning and we were in an area of the dual carridge way where there were no light or cars or anything around us. Two of us were silent and next think a soccer ball hit the windscreen really hard and dead on coming from the direction of the centre of the road. Two of us got the fright of our lives and the friend nearly crashed the car, duno how it happened til this day!

    A soccer ball hit your car from nowhere?

    Thats Cork football for ya

  • Registered Users Posts: 357 ✭✭MmmmmCheese

    Fishooks12 wrote: »
    Was walking home alone from college in Limerick one night after playing a late night poker game in red raisins. My home was a mile outside the college (Briarfield for Limerick peeps)

    It was about 4am and very foggy and cold

    I was going to take the usual short cut through Elm Park (housing estate across from UL) when I noticed a woman standing 100 yards ahead of me in a white dressing gown. Her back was to me and she was staring further up the estate to a group of hooded individuals all wearing black under a tree.

    She stood still for a second (I was rooted to the spot with fear at this stage) until she took off running toward the hooded group screaming.

    When she reached them one of the hooded men put his hands on her shoulder and she immeaditaly turned around to face down in my direction

    They all then started slowly marching down towards me in tandem

    Needless to say I ****ing bolted around by the lodge to get home

    Had to wake everyone up when I got home I was so frightened

    getting the creeps even typing this

    Weird. I used to live in Elm Park. What part of the estate is this? I've often heard rumours about Elm Park being haunted.

    I do have one slightly spooky story of my own. One time when I was about 10 years old I was cycling around my Granny's yard when I saw this man standing across the road wearing a wearing a top hat and a tailcoat. He was kind of standing in the ditch and looking over it into the field. Bear in mind this would only have been about 10 years ago and in the middle of the country so I don't know why he would have been so dressed up. Anyway something about him spooked me good because I dropped my bike and ran.

    The curiosity got the better of me though so I came back immediately to have another look but he was gone! :confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 247 ✭✭MadameGascar

    Last summer I was staying in a big old house, 300 years old it was, in the Tuscan countryside. We all lived in the upstairs part as the ground floor was half gutted and had trees growing in it anyway. One evening it was only my friend, her two babies and I at home when we decided we needed a pizza-I stayed home while she went out with the kids. After a while, I heard someone walking up the stairs, so obviously somebody, & went out to give her a hand to carry everything. There was nobody there, all the lights were still off like they had been except for our bedroom. Now, we did always leave the front door open, and it was, but no way was there anyone upstairs with me.

    A few nights later I was in the kitchen on my laptop when everyone was in bed, when the door creaked open, and footsteps started moving across the room. It was a huge Italian kitchen with stone floor and I could actually follow the sound going from one end to the other. This time I didn't freak out at all.

    I went for a bath a while later, had the window open and my back to it as I was lying there. Suddenly I felt electricity running over my back from my scalp to my shoulders, was more intense than I've ever felt electricity. I turned around and a full moon was just moving into the frame of the window. I do get more electric shocks in the paws around the full moon, could it have had something to do with it?...

    I've always been fascinated by the 'paranormal', though always skeptical. I didn't just want to believe something, I don't even like to think about what the **** happened those nights! :(:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,333 ✭✭✭RichieC

    I was attacked by a chupacabra.. turns out it's just a ****ty ass dog. I kicked its ass.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,491 ✭✭✭thebostoncrab

    The office I used to work in was in an old barracks. Lots of deaths on the grounds and in my building years ago. To this day I will gladly testify that the building was haunted and one would respond to calls if it started doing anything.

    Now I don't mean seeing a white figure, it would vary to small things like tapping on walls to small items going missing to windows opening themselves, large bits of furniture moving across rooms and very loud bangs across the whole building. There was always one who would move my chair around and would always stop if you told it to. I know it sounds like bs and to be honest I wouldn't have a problem with people saying so. But thankfully my fiancée was present one night and sure enough the chair moved and slammed against the wall. Rather than being scarred though I loved staying late in the building and would do so regularly.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,556 ✭✭✭Nolanger

    Went to a job interview for AIB in the Burlington Hotel one morning. The woman at reception said there were no interviews on and the Garda were doing some work upstairs. As I left some guy walked up to me and said don't mind what she said and he brought me upstairs. Went into the waiting room and there were about ten people sitting there. About one minute later a man entered and called my name. Thought it was strange that I got called first. Went into the interview and got asked really strange questions e.g. am I on medication? Was not asked anything about the AIB job. Left the interview and was given wrong directions to leave the hotel. Never heard anything back from that interview. To this day I don't know why the Garda were checking me out by pretending to interview me for a job in the AIB?

  • Registered Users Posts: 334 ✭✭B_Fanatic

    pragmatic1 wrote: »
    When I died and went to hell on magic mushrooms.

    My experience was similar.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 318 ✭✭Kaneda_

    My life is so sad and pathetic that the closest thing i have had to a shocking experience was when i found out my goldfish,Goldie died,she was so bored with being my pet she jumped out of the bowl and killed herself.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,986 ✭✭✭Red Hand

    I remember something quite freaky from years ago. I was about three and playing in my sister's room when I stopped and glances out the window and what I can only describe as a fiery spider dangled and flopped against the window. It was about the size of an adult hand.

    At the time I didn't freak out or anything cause I was so small I didn't know that such a thing couldn't be.
