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Crazy from Carbs!

  • 08-07-2011 7:24pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 1,034 ✭✭✭Resi12

    Hey there, I started eating healthy Monday and from that I have switched to all wholemeal pasta/rice/etc, cut out all sweets (had 4 squares of dark chocolate watching my weekly show last night and plan to keep it that way as far as sweets are concerned for a while), only drink green tea and water and have stopped salt altogether.

    However with fruits as well I am still worried I am eating too many carbs but am not sure if it's bad considering they are coming from wholemeal and fruit mainly.

    Can someone help me out/stop me from worrying that I am ruining my diet? I feel like all my good choices are being undone. Saying this however I only eat like 1,600 calories max (954 calories today) and every night go for a swift 50 minute 7km walk which burns off about 600 calories apparently. I'm just still worried though, am I being silly?

    For example today I had:


    Whole Wheat Toast With Mashed Up Bananas (2 slices, I large banana)
    Green Tea


    Apple (Was full for a while from breakfast)


    Cod Fillet
    Green Beans
    3 Potato Waffles

    6 glasses of water so far.

    Today was an odd day, I feel a bit bad for the waffles.



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,775 ✭✭✭EileenG

    You are not eating enough. And the only protein you have in there is the cod.

    Try some eggs for breakfast, or some cottage cheese, or greek yogurt.

    Fruit is not bad unless you go overboard, but veg is a better use of your calories. At the moment, forget the bananas and pig out on strawberries and cherries and gooseberries, local if possible.

    Tea and coffee and salt are not bad. You'll find that if you are eating whole foods, your taste buds tell you if you need more salt. it's the processed foods where salt and sugar are combined in an addictive combination that tend to cause the problems.

    If you want carbs, eat new potatoes. Much better than waffles.

  • Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 5,620 ✭✭✭El_Dangeroso

    I saw a study recently that 90% of Irish people's salt consumption comes from processed food (bread and breakfast cereals being the most common sources).

    So if you cut out all processed food you've automatically cut out 90% of your salt intake and can therefore be quite liberal with it in your cooking.

    Too little salt is actually just as bad as too much.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,034 ✭✭✭Resi12

    EileenG wrote: »
    You are not eating enough. And the only protein you have in there is the cod.

    Try some eggs for breakfast, or some cottage cheese, or greek yogurt.

    Fruit is not bad unless you go overboard, but veg is a better use of your calories. At the moment, forget the bananas and pig out on strawberries and cherries and gooseberries, local if possible.

    Tea and coffee and salt are not bad. You'll find that if you are eating whole foods, your taste buds tell you if you need more salt. it's the processed foods where salt and sugar are combined in an addictive combination that tend to cause the problems.

    If you want carbs, eat new potatoes. Much better than waffles.

    I know it looks like I'm not eating enough but honestly I'm just not that hungry, maybe it's my body just adjusting to the better food or what have you but I guarantee you I'm not purposely trying to eat as little as possible.

    Is 3 pieces of fruit a day overboard? That's not everyday but I might have something for breakfast and a snack later in the day most days? OK, I will go get some strawberries today then, thank you! Hate cheese and isn't Greek Yoghurt higher in carbs than protein?

    I'm not a tea drinker anyway and only drink latte's mostly if I am having coffee which is like once every two months so that's not a big deal for me. I actually enjoy green tea more than normal tea so that's not me being tough on myself thankfully.

    OK I take on the advice with salt. Like I said though yesterday was an odd day and the waffles were a last minute thing so it won't be happening again.

    Today I have had:


    1 slice of Wholemeal Toast
    Boiled Egg


    Slice of Turkey


    3 boiled potatoes
    Boiled chicken breast
    Green beans

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,775 ✭✭✭EileenG

    Unless you are very small, or extremely inactive, it looks like a very small amount of food. If this is enough for now, fine, but don't be surprised if your body starts demanding more.

  • Registered Users Posts: 668 ✭✭✭blow69

    A slice of turkey and an orange for lunch is very poor IMO. I would hardly consider that a snack.

    How about a medium chicken breast/fish with a selection of vegetables.

    Are you usually a small eater or is this just part of your new diet?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 34 Rakish

    OMG, that is enough food for anyone. Even if you are dieting.

    You need to add lean protein with each meal at the very least.

  • Posts: 0 ✭✭✭✭ Malaya Inexpensive Van

    eat way more. Use something like to track your calories. You are way way under-eating and are in danger of damaging your health.

    Also, brown bread is only very slightly less bad for you than white, just dump them altogether.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,114 ✭✭✭corkcomp

    theres a lot wrong with that diet. your not eating enough and what you are eating isnt very nutritious. Today is Saturday, so if you only started on Monday give yourself a chance, if you go head first into a diet like that it wont last. I dont even follow a low carb diet but I still wouldnt be having waffles and id tend towards other fruit other than bananas..

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,034 ✭✭✭Resi12

    corkcomp wrote: »
    theres a lot wrong with that diet. your not eating enough and
    what you are eating isnt very nutritious. Today is Saturday, so if you only started on Monday give yourself a chance, if you go head first into a diet like that it wont last. I dont even follow a low carb diet but I still wouldnt be having waffles and id tend towards other fruit other than bananas..

    Wow, OK. No offence but this reads as very condescending. None of it is helpful in the slightest.

    I'm not even on a low carb diet so I have no idea where you got thay from. Instead of saying things like "what you are eating isnt very nutritious" and "id tend towards other fruit other than bananas..." how about you tell me where I can get nutrition in and what fruits are better.

    If anything is going to hinder me eating better it's ****e like this. Thanks, you've made me feel like sh!t now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,991 ✭✭✭metamorphosis

    you are taking his remark way too seriously. He didn't intend to come across lime that at all at all. You're going to need to toughen up that skin to succeed at this and i speak from direct experience.

    give the stickeid threads here at the top of this forum and in the main health and fitness forum a read. They will set you on the right path for sure. They will help you out and narrow things down for you

    People can guide you where to go, but it's ultimately you and only you who can learn and do this.

    Id say read the stickeis to narrow things down and then come back with specifics. Worth a shot

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,034 ✭✭✭Resi12

    you are taking his remark way too seriously. He didn't intend to come across lime that at all at all. You're going to need to toughen up that skin to succeed at this and i speak from direct experience.

    give the stickeid threads here at the top of this forum and in the main health and fitness forum a read. They will set you on the right path for sure. They will help you out and narrow things down for you

    People can guide you where to go, but it's ultimately you and only you who can learn and do this.

    Id say read the stickeis to narrow things down and then come back with specifics. Worth a shot

    I have no idea what you mean, why would I need thick skin to be on a diet? Mental strength perhaps but thick skin? I don't need any more of that (lolz).
    People can guide you where to go, but it's ultimately you and only you who can learn and do this.

    Seriously though, I am not expecting people to point me in the direction of a magical pill to lose all the weight. I of course know it's all down to myself but what I would like to know is what I asked, not to be told off by somebody who isn't even right in what they are saying (low carb diet remark) and in doing so being a bit bitchy (the other fruit remark).

    All I am saying is I came here to ask for some help, not to be criticised. Sorry, not to sound stupid (most likely will) but specifics for what?

  • Posts: 0 ✭✭✭✭ Malaya Inexpensive Van

    It is completely constructive criticism.

    Tough love is exactly what will help you, not people saying "ah don't worry, you tried, unlucky".

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,034 ✭✭✭Resi12

    It is completely constructive criticism.

    Tough love is exactly what will help you, not people saying "ah don't worry, you tried, unlucky".

    Can you show me where the constructive part is from it?

    EileenG's first post was great constructive criticism. I'm not expecting anyone to patronise me and I'd rather not considering I'm not 5 but I'd also like to be talked too rather than down at.

    What have I failed at to be told that or was that an example? What's with all the agro posters all of a sudden on here..

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,897 ✭✭✭Kimia

    To be fair it looks like you're the only one getting agro on here. I saw nothing wrong with Corkcomp's advice - he basically told you straight up where you are going wrong without sugar coating it.

    I wouldn't put so much weight into it - take it for what it is which is just advise, like you asked for...

    ps so many weight puns! non-intentional. :pac:

  • Posts: 0 ✭✭✭✭ Malaya Inexpensive Van

    Corckcomp told you that you're not eating enough, and what you're eating isn't very nutritious at all (both of which are correct), this is constructive.

    You wont get a meal plan online that suits you, due to tastes etc, what you need to do is start to learn what your body needs to make you look like you'd want, where you can get these things from and how to avoid falling off the wagon.

    Piece of advice I give everyone is really very straightforward, for the next week, eat as you normally do, but weigh absolutely everything you eat, and log absolutely everything ( / mynetdiary app on iphone / pen and paper / etc etc). You need to learn about what it is you're eating, but if someone just tells you, it wont be half as beneficial as htre above.

    Questions like "why is a banana less good than an orange?" all stem from a basic lack of understanding of the composition of food, and the needs that your body has. Instead of trying to locate specific individual differences, you will learn far more by using one of the apps I've mentioned above, and seeing for yourself what you are putting in your body.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,034 ✭✭✭Resi12

    Kimia wrote: »
    To be fair it looks like you're the only one getting agro on here. I saw nothing wrong with Corkcomp's advice - he basically told you straight up where you are going wrong without sugar coating it.

    I wouldn't put so much weight into it - take it for what it is which is just advise, like you asked for...

    ps so many weight puns! non-intentional. :pac:

    To be honest, I saw nothing helpful from it. I appreciate him telling me I was going in the wrong direction but he wasn't very helpful besides that (what nutrients and where from, what fruit besides banana's and also he got my diet wrong which show he didn't even read my posts properly) and that's all I'm saying.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,034 ✭✭✭Resi12

    Corckcomp told you that you're not eating enough, and what you're eating isn't very nutritious at all (both of which are correct), this is constructive.

    You wont get a meal plan online that suits you, due to tastes etc, what you need to do is start to learn what your body needs to make you look like you'd want, where you can get these things from and how to avoid falling off the wagon.

    Piece of advice I give everyone is really very straightforward, for the next week, eat as you normally do, but weigh absolutely everything you eat, and log absolutely everything ( / mynetdiary app on iphone / pen and paper / etc etc). You need to learn about what it is you're eating, but if someone just tells you, it wont be half as beneficial as htre above.

    Questions like "why is a banana less good than an orange?" all stem from a basic lack of understanding of the composition of food, and the needs that your body has. Instead of trying to locate specific individual differences, you will learn far more by using one of the apps I've mentioned above, and seeing for yourself what you are putting in your body.

    I already am using and have been logging since I started, it's actually why I asked my original question.

    I always seemed to come up with more carbs and was unsure if it was a good thing or not considering they were coming from fruit and wholemeal. Saying that though I was always under my guided 224 to 336g of carbs daily.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,991 ✭✭✭metamorphosis

    Ok lets move on shall we? Thing about the internet is that tone can be easily picked up on wrong. having CC post here for years, he gets to the pont but no offense is intended, that's generally the posting style of many users here. Anyway, back on topic to stuff to help!

    Have yo read the stickies threads at the top of this forum?


    These should be of help

  • Posts: 0 ✭✭✭✭ Malaya Inexpensive Van

    What calorie count are you aiming for a day?

    What split in terms of macro-nutrients?

    If you are going low carb, you need to up your fats, what kind of level of the days calories are you aiming for from fat?

    Personally I am on a keto diet at the moment, and am aiming for ~ 1900kcals a day, with a 55,5,40 split between fat, carbs and protein.

    Carbs from brown bread = carbs from white bread
    Fruits high in fructose = carbs

    You need to figure out a way to work out your food. For me I think of it like a budget.

    I have to eat ~1900kcals, which must consist of foods that match the ratios I have above, I plan meals for a day or two in advance. It is difficult at the start to get into the habit, and be carefully measuring everything, but it won't take too long for it to become second nature.

  • Posts: 0 ✭✭✭✭ Malaya Inexpensive Van

    Resi12 wrote: »
    Saying that though I was always under my guided 224 to 336g of carbs daily.


    Are you a marathon runner?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,034 ✭✭✭Resi12

    What calorie count are you aiming for a day?

    What split in terms of macro-nutrients?

    If you are going low carb, you need to up your fats, what kind of level of the days calories are you aiming for from fat?

    Personally I am on a keto diet at the moment, and am aiming for ~ 1900kcals a day, with a 55,5,40 split between fat, carbs and protein.

    Carbs from brown bread = carbs from white bread
    Fruits high in fructose = carbs

    You need to figure out a way to work out your food. For me I think of it like a budget.

    I have to eat ~1900kcals, which must consist of foods that match the ratios I have above, I plan meals for a day or two in advance. It is difficult at the start to get into the habit, and be carefully measuring everything, but it won't take too long for it to become second nature.

    1,000 to 1,500 I think is fine and is roughly what I have been at now since I started. I think that's fine so it's surprising for people to say I should eat more..

    Why do people keep mentioning low carb? I'm no going or on that diet at all, I am simply trying to lose weight by lowering my intake on junk and increasing nutrition. I'm not trying to cut out one thing or any of that. Personally I think I would lose interest on diets like that.

    See that's not me at all/doesn't appeal to me. I don't want my diet to become that big, I just want to clean it up a bit.


    Are you a marathon runner?

    I KNEW THAT WAS TOO MUCH! Thank God I wasn't aiming to reach it and have never anyway! Stupid website! :mad:

    How much should I be aiming for, 80-100 max?

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Politics Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 81,309 CMod ✭✭✭✭coffee_cake

    Resi12 wrote: »
    I am still worried I am eating too many carbs
    Resi12 wrote: »
    Crazy from carbs!
    Resi12 wrote: »

    I'm not even on a low carb diet so I have no idea where you got thay from.

    THAT'S where they got it from. Your whole thread is called carbs.

    Eat more veg and protein and no more waffles and you'll be doing better

  • Posts: 0 ✭✭✭✭ Malaya Inexpensive Van

    1,000 to 1,500 kcals is very low imo.

    Do you know your maintenance intake? If you're aiming to kill yourself, eating way below maintenance is a good way of doing it, if you're aiming to get trim, take 500kcals off maintenance a day as a general rule.

  • Posts: 0 ✭✭✭✭ Malaya Inexpensive Van

    Resi12 wrote: »

    How much should I be aiming for, 80-100 max?

    Depends on about 30 different questions.

    What are your goals?
    What is your current weight?
    Body Fat %?
    Activity level?
    What is your ideal weight?
    Ideal Bodyfat %?
    Do you have time to make X meals from scratch a week?
    Do you eat out?
    Do you do any resistance training?
    Do you do any HITT?
    Do you do a lot of steady state cardio? (brisk walks etc)

    etc etc etc

    For the most part, people eat far too many unnecessary carbs. But by how much, and when, and how is different for everyone.

    EDIT: Also, if you are serious about losing weight / "toning" up (sic) then this is a must read

    Lifting weights will make the process exponentially faster btw.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 147 ✭✭Ice.

    Resi12 wrote: »
    Saying that though I was always under my guided 224 to 336g of carbs daily.


    Are you a marathon runner?

    You wouldn't be much of a marathoner on that many carbs. I usually consume a minimum of 800g of carbs per day and I don't do a massive amount of exercise either nor am I overweight.

  • Posts: 0 ✭✭✭✭ Malaya Inexpensive Van

    Ice. wrote: »
    You wouldn't be much of a marathoner on that many carbs. I usually consume a minimum of 800g of carbs per day and I don't do a massive amount of exercise either nor am I overweight.

    Carbohydrates: 1 gram = 4 calories

    so 3,200 kcals before you have any fat and protein?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 147 ✭✭Ice.

    Carbohydrates: 1 gram = 4 calories

    so 3,200 kcals before you have any fat and protein?

    All natural foods contain carbs, fats and proteins, so yes I easily eat that many calories per day.

  • Posts: 0 ✭✭✭✭ Malaya Inexpensive Van

    Ice. wrote: »
    All natural foods contain carbs, fats and proteins, so yes I easily eat that many calories per day.

    Firstly how can you be eating 3.2k Kcals from carbs alone and not be either
    1 - Way overeating on kcals when considering your calories from fats and proteins?
    2 - Way undereating protein and/or fats?

    Secondly, would you recommend such a diet as a suggestion for the OP? If not, why are you posting here?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 147 ✭✭Ice.

    Firstly how can you be eating 3.2k Kcals from carbs alone and not be either
    1 - Way overeating on kcals when considering your calories from fats and proteins?
    2 - Way undereating protein and/or fats?

    I eat that many kcals because I don't restrict my calories. If you eat enough calories you will get enough carbs, fats and proteins.

    Secondly, would you recommend such a diet as a suggestion for the OP?

    I'd recommend such a diet for everybody :D
    If not, why are you posting here?

    To offer an opinion. Thats still allowed isn't it?

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  • Posts: 0 ✭✭✭✭ Malaya Inexpensive Van

    So an unrestricted calorie diet is your recommendation for someone who is obviously trying to lose weight?

    Stop trolling
