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WeightWatchers & "How Many ProPoints?" Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 10,917 ✭✭✭✭GT_TDI_150

    Shoe Lover wrote: »
    It was just some chicken, whatever veg I had in the fridge, half a packet of the chow mein noodles from Lidl and a packet of the Blue Dragon Teriyaki sauce. Ended up with a massive portion for only 7pp (total dish was 14pp between the two of us). :) Although, tbh, the sauce wasn't the nicest out of the Blue Dragon range, I prefer the S&S one.

    WI tonight. Would like to be down 1lbs to bring me to my next goal of 10st 2lbs but not sure as didn't have the best weekend! And also because tomorrow is my bday, so I'm going to be having a fairly indulgent weekend :D

    I use tend to use the bottles of sweet chili dip to put into my stirfry ....... can be spicy though!;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 184 ✭✭izzy24

    feeling alot more positive today:)... im wearing the top that my mum bought me and everything:D... i was just bloated yesterday so today is a new day and back to my routine:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 365 ✭✭dammitj

    GT_TDI_150 wrote: »
    nothing usefull to say, just wanted to own post 12,000 on this thread!

    Ha ha, good one!!

    Well I've decided I'm going to WI this evening just to see what happens.

    If I'm the same or up again this week I think I'll take a break from WW for a few weeks and continue with all the exercise and see how I get on.

    I would like if I could see a result on the scales, but as I've said already, at this point I really need to tone up!!! I have only about 9lbs to get to goal but I don't wanna be thin and flabby, ha ha!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9 kate1985

    Hi folks,

    Had WI yesterday and stayed the same! Wasn't impressed because I had such a good week. Stuck to my points and exercised every day. Drank plenty of water. Was getting up before work for the gym, and going to classes in the evenings. Counted EVERYTHING...
    I was feeling quite bloated though, so half expected it. I really hope I see the results next week.
    Fair play to everyone else with their losses! Lovin your work!!!

    Think I'm gonna up my fruit intake this week, as I didn't eat as much this past week as in previous weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    As i'm going on the mother of all sessions tonight as its the last week in college, decided to have a sneaky peak on the scales :O

    it says i'm down 2lbs since last saturday Wooo :P now we'll see what damage tomorrow night will do haha! I only drink spirits as i just dont like beer and wine....gross as it may be....i find i tend to almost sweat the drink out of me.

    Official WI not till saturday morning, so going to drink buckets of water friday to try and counter act any dehydration from the booze.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 365 ✭✭dammitj

    Eabhabear wrote: »
    Up 1lb tonight :mad: Fuming as I stuck to plan and have done loads of exercise. I haven't lost any weight since Jan yet I've been sticking to the plan. I am at a lost as to what to do. I'm switching back to pro points to see does it help.

    After my WI I was so demotivated but the meeting was actually very good. We got to hear from a few people who have lost 4-5 stone so it has made me more determined just wish it'd work.

    Sorry for the rant just in a bad place atm! Well done to everyone who had losses.

    I'm in a bad place too!
    Have you tried changing what you're doing? Upping/relaxing on exercise, etc?

    I've lost very little since January and it's very frustrating as I've never felt as healthy!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    dammitj wrote: »
    I'm in a bad place too!
    Have you tried changing what you're doing? Upping/relaxing on exercise, etc?

    I've lost very little since January and it's very frustrating as I've never felt as healthy!!

    well you must be doing something right if your feeling so healthy! WELL DONE!

  • Registered Users Posts: 365 ✭✭dammitj

    Ah thanks missus!

    Feeling good is the real goal isn't it?


  • Registered Users Posts: 371 ✭✭Catxscotch

    dammitj wrote: »
    I'm in a bad place too!
    Have you tried changing what you're doing? Upping/relaxing on exercise, etc?

    I've lost very little since January and it's very frustrating as I've never felt as healthy!!

    Really feelin ur pain girls!!
    I was about 3 pounds away from goal, then just lost all interest! weighed myself this morning, Im now 5.5 from goal!!! Grrr its just so hard to motivate!
    I had my nieces birthday on Mon evening, Im actually embarassed at how much I ate, Im like a secret alcoholic, hidin chocolate bars and eatin my THIRD slice of cake with my head stuck in the fridge so no one will see me!!! What the hell is wrong with me??!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 365 ✭✭dammitj

    Catxscotch wrote: »
    Really feelin ur pain girls!!
    I was about 3 pounds away from goal, then just lost all interest! weighed myself this morning, Im now 5.5 from goal!!! Grrr its just so hard to motivate!
    I had my nieces birthday on Mon evening, Im actually embarassed at how much I ate, Im like a secret alcoholic, hidin chocolate bars and eatin my THIRD slice of cake with my head stuck in the fridge so no one will see me!!! What the hell is wrong with me??!!

    Oh my God I'm exactly the same, ha ha!!!

    I dunno, it must be some kind of psychological thing like "Oh I'm nearly there sure it's ok to be bold!"


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  • Registered Users Posts: 210 ✭✭amira

    Monife wrote: »
    Well, down 0.5lb, which is only the bloody half a pound gone that I put up last week. Really disappointed and annoyed. Like weightwatchers say DAILIES + WEEKLIES + ACTIVITY = 1 - 2LB LOSS PER WEEK!!!!! I admit, I ate all my dailies and weeklies, but I went for a jog on Thursday, Saturday, 3 hours of housework on Sunday, walk at lunch on Tuesday and a jog in the evening. Like, I really just don't understand. I have sooo much to lose it looks like I am never going to get there. People who have less to lose than me, and exercise less than me get great losses and I am just stuck in a rut!!! :(:(:(

    Ok rant over, I needed that. Now, contingency plan. Going to kill myself with the exercise this week, plan (and hopefully will stick to the plan) to do the couch to 5k on Friday, 5k walk on sat, 6k walk on sun, couch to 5k on Monday and 5k walk on tuesday. My mum suggested that I try and cut down on my carbs, so from Saturday (shopping day) I am having no carbs for breakfast or lunch, only dinner. For breakfast, going to have mini fry on the weekend (medallions, egg, beans) and then weekdays going to have fruit salad and yoghurt. For lunch (don't eat lunch on weekends, just big brunch) so Mon, Tues, Weds going to have some interesting protein rich salads.

    I think I just need to, as my leader says, build a bridge and get over it lol

    I had a bit of a f**k you weightwatchers moment this evening and got chicken nuggets and chips from the chipper and am having a vodka now but from tomorrow, I am going to try and be sooo good!!!

    Sorry for the long post.

    Hey Monife,
    feel your pain.. at least you were down tho.. i was one up!! :mad:

    I didnt go on a binge tho.. i had a super healthy dinner and two plums for snack and i am gonna be as healthy as that all week.. if i don't have a loss next week i'm on the verge of quitting.. i know myself and i'll go from bad to worse!! so really need to see a loss, and hopefully more than i went up this week!

    Gonna go on long walks on the weekend, but not the rest of the days.. i usually have a walk everyday with the dog, they're not long, but sure it's better than sitting on the couch.. and i'm gonna try doing something on the wii or dvd a couple of nites.. see if that works.. really fed up with the small losses..

    Really good of you to draw up a contingency plan.. i can't give out carbs in the morning, my bowl of porridge is what keeps me full until lunch time, but instead of the pitta bread i usually have for lunch, gonna try the protein salads like you.. i usually dont have carbs for dinner tho.. so never thought that i should be lowering my carbs..
    Dunnes are selling now already cooked chicken pieces and gonna have them in salads, other days i'll have boiled eggs through the lettuce.. for a change..

    and i think last week i wasnt as good with the water.. gonna aim for 3 ltrs a day this week.. see if i manage!!

    Here to a better week for us, the ones that were disappointed this week!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 277 ✭✭kashmir

    Lady Lainy wrote: »
    oh this sounds georgous! and i'm not a great soup lover!

    but i love garlic.....and shallots are like my new favourite veg

    ProPoints® Value Per Serving : 3
    Servings: 4
    Preparation Time: 15 min
    Cooking Time: 35 min
    Level of Difficulty: Easy

    This garlic soup is wonderful. It is aromatic, yet subtle - in spite of using six garlic cloves!

    6 clove(s) Garlic
    285 g Shallots
    5 spray(s) Cooking Spray, Calorie Controlled
    500 g Potatoes, Old, Raw, peeled and chopped
    1 cube(s) Stock Cube, Vegetable, vegetable, make up 950ml with hot water (use 2 cubes if desired)
    1 pinch Salt, and black pepper, freshly ground
    4 sprig(s) (fresh) Parsley, fresh, to garnish

    Preheat the oven to Gas Mark 6/200°C/fan oven 180°C/400°F. Place the garlic cloves on a large square of foil. Add 2 tsp of water and some salt and pepper. Bring the foil together to make a little parcel, then roast for 10-15 minutes.

    Meanwhile, reserve 2 shallots and chop the rest. Put the chopped shallots into a large saucepan with three sprays of low fat cooking spray. Cook gently, without browning, for 3-4 minutes. Add the potatoes and vegetable stock. Squeeze the pulp from the roast garlic and add to the pan. Cook for a further 15 minutes, or until the potatoes are tender.

    Puree the mixture with a hand blender or in a food processor until smooth. Return to the saucepan and season to taste. Reheat.

    To garnish, slice the reserved shallots and fry them in a non-stick frying pan with a couple of sprays of low fat cooking spray, until golden brown. Arrange on top of the soup and garnish with parsley sprigs.

    Anyone know how long a soup like this would stay fresh?

    Stick the pot in the fridge and take a mug a day and you'll get a full week out of it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 277 ✭✭kashmir

    sillysocks wrote: »
    Would anyone hazard a guess at how many points would be in a brie in breadcrumbs starter in a restaurant? I often have it in a restaurant I love but not sure how awful it is - they normally give 4 pieces which are maybe two inches by an inch in size (racking my brains trying to think of something that would be the same size of them like a matchbox or something but brain is dead!)

    Also, would mushrooms in breadcrumps be better or worse? Normally get about 6 of them on the plate in there I think (but they do come with garlic mayo which prob makes them worse!)

    The mushrooms would be better than the brie, but both would be pretty high, nearly sure they are always deep fried. I'd say you'd have to give at least 15pp for it, maybe more. I wouldn't say it's worth it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 277 ✭✭kashmir

    Eabhabear wrote: »
    Up 1lb tonight :mad: Fuming as I stuck to plan and have done loads of exercise. I haven't lost any weight since Jan yet I've been sticking to the plan. I am at a lost as to what to do. I'm switching back to pro points to see does it help.

    After my WI I was so demotivated but the meeting was actually very good. We got to hear from a few people who have lost 4-5 stone so it has made me more determined just wish it'd work.

    Sorry for the rant just in a bad place atm! Well done to everyone who had losses.

    I am apologising in advance for what I am about to say and it's probably not very helpful. But!! You must be doing somethig wrong, even something very small that you are not even realising. Perhaps you just need to keep a journal of your food and exercise for a couple of weeks and ask your leader if you could sit down and go through it, there might be just something you are not seeing. Is there anything, we here, can do to help.

  • Registered Users Posts: 113 ✭✭Garden_Gurl

    Morning everyone!

    Having a good day so far...The fridge is almost empty at this time of the week so dint bring any lunch with me. Thought to myself i'll go get something in the shop at lunch....The thought of a chicken fillet roll came into my head and my tummy actually felt queasy at the thoughts of it! I had one there a couple of weeks ago and had awful cramps all day - so not worth it!!

    Anyway, bought a roll and cheese & onion velvet crunch and an apple so really looking forward to that! YUM...I don't eat butter on rolls / bread so I save PP there and you'd think the roll would be dry but it's not!

    Think I'll do a sweet chilli stir fry tonight (thanks for putting it in my head GTI) the noodles out of M&S and they're only 2PP for quarter of a pack (5 nests in a pack (dunno why they have it as a 1/4 pk with 5 in it) but only 9PP for the whole pack) - Bargain and a nest is a decent size!! I mad 3 nests last week for myself OH and DD's and there was LOADS and I love my noodles!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 863 ✭✭✭Eabhabear

    dammitj wrote: »
    I'm in a bad place too!
    Have you tried changing what you're doing? Upping/relaxing on exercise, etc?

    I've lost very little since January and it's very frustrating as I've never felt as healthy!!
    kashmir wrote: »
    I am apologising in advance for what I am about to say and it's probably not very helpful. But!! You must be doing somethig wrong, even something very small that you are not even realising. Perhaps you just need to keep a journal of your food and exercise for a couple of weeks and ask your leader if you could sit down and go through it, there might be just something you are not seeing. Is there anything, we here, can do to help.

    Thanks for the support girls. I've upped my exercise in the last 2 weeks and I feel slimmer and I know I've lost inches. I switch between walking and swimming. I gave up diet coke. Last week I gave up eating a pasta dish I eat as while it was low points it made me bloated but still no effect. I haven't had alcohol since mid march. I drink average 4L water a day.

    A typical day would look like this:
    Weetabix for breakfast with a glass of OJ.
    Lunch would be 2 slices of McCambridge brown bread, philadelphia and smoked salmon.
    Dinner would be chicken carbonara or an omelette.
    I'd have an apple, a carrot and a packet of skips as snacks. I'm not a big veg person so I'd eat raw carrots as a snack.
    I'd have a WW bar and options in the evening.

    I sat with my leader last night and she went through my tracker and she was completely flabergasted as to why I'm not losing. She said the tracker was as good as she'd ever seen. When I reminded her of my weight she was shocked as she said I didn't look it. She said she was going to think more about it and suggested that for 3 days I eat something completely different for my meals. She offered to give me a plan but as I'm a fussy eater she said it probably wouldn't be beneficial.

    Sorry for the long post :o Just getting really frustrated!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 31 Elemis

    Hi everyone

    Have just been experimenting with some desserts over the past few days and thought I'd share some of my made up recipes!

    Chocolate Orange Cups 3pp each

    1 sachet of sugar free orange jelly
    100g dark chocolate (I used Lidl 74% which works out at 15pp)
    3 egg whites

    1)Make up the jelly and divide into 5 ramekins or cappuccino cups. Refrigerate to set
    2)Whisk the egg whites in a spotlessly clean bowl until stiff.
    3)Melt the chocolate in a large bowl over a pot of boiling water.
    4)Using a metal spoon, fold one spoonful of egg white into the chocolate to loosen up. Then carefully fold in the remaining egg white taking care not to lose too much air.
    5)Divide the chocolate mixture on top of the 5 jelly filled cups.
    6)Refrigerate to set.

    Apple Crumble 2pp! or 4pp with ice-cream!(11 pp per recipe)

    4 large cooking apples
    Sprite zero
    15g plain flour
    35g self raising flour
    1/2 tsp cinnamon
    20g flora light
    20g muscovado sugar
    2-3g Splenda

    1)Peel chop and core the apples and put into a pot with enough sprite zero to cover. Leave stew for 10-15 mins until mushy.
    2)Spoon the apples into 6 ramekins/cappuccino cups.
    3)Put the flour, cinnamon, splenda, sugar, and flora light into a food processor and blend until it resembles bread crumbs.
    4)Spoon the crumble on top of the apples, press down with a spoon, and place in a preheated oven (180c/160fan) for approx 15 mins until golden.
    5) Serve with 50g of tesco light choices vanilla ice cream for an extra 2 points
    Apple crumble and ice-cream for 4pp!! Enjoy!

    Easter Nests 5pp each (makes 20)

    1) Melt 400g tesco milk chocolate in a large bowl
    2) Stir in 150g tesco rice krispies
    3) Spoon into 20 bun cases
    4) Flatten the centre and add 3 cadburys mini eggs in each. (2 x 100g bags needed)
    5) Leave to set.


  • Registered Users Posts: 758 ✭✭✭bubbaloo

    Eabhabear wrote: »
    Thanks for the support girls. I've upped my exercise in the last 2 weeks and I feel slimmer and I know I've lost inches. I switch between walking and swimming. I gave up diet coke. Last week I gave up eating a pasta dish I eat as while it was low points it made me bloated but still no effect. I haven't had alcohol since mid march. I drink average 4L water a day.

    A typical day would look like this:
    Weetabix for breakfast with a glass of OJ.
    Lunch would be 2 slices of McCambridge brown bread, philadelphia and smoked salmon.
    Dinner would be chicken carbonara or an omelette.
    I'd have an apple, a carrot and a packet of skips as snacks. I'm not a big veg person so I'd eat raw carrots as a snack.
    I'd have a WW bar and options in the evening.

    I sat with my leader last night and she went through my tracker and she was completely flabergasted as to why I'm not losing. She said the tracker was as good as she'd ever seen. When I reminded her of my weight she was shocked as she said I didn't look it. She said she was going to think more about it and suggested that for 3 days I eat something completely different for my meals. She offered to give me a plan but as I'm a fussy eater she said it probably wouldn't be beneficial.

    Sorry for the long post :o Just getting really frustrated!

    The only thing I can think of is that maybe you're over pointing things and actually not eating your full daily allowance?? :confused:
    It must be so frustrating for you. I hope your leader comes up with something innovative for you! Good luck.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    Morning everyone!

    Having a good day so far...The fridge is almost empty at this time of the week so dint bring any lunch with me. Thought to myself i'll go get something in the shop at lunch....The thought of a chicken fillet roll came into my head and my tummy actually felt queasy at the thoughts of it! I had one there a couple of weeks ago and had awful cramps all day - so not worth it!!

    Anyway, bought a roll and cheese & onion velvet crunch and an apple so really looking forward to that! YUM...I don't eat butter on rolls / bread so I save PP there and you'd think the roll would be dry but it's not!

    Think I'll do a sweet chilli stir fry tonight (thanks for putting it in my head GTI) the noodles out of M&S and they're only 2PP for quarter of a pack (5 nests in a pack (dunno why they have it as a 1/4 pk with 5 in it) but only 9PP for the whole pack) - Bargain and a nest is a decent size!! I mad 3 nests last week for myself OH and DD's and there was LOADS and I love my noodles!!

    whats the specific name of those noodles...,must try and pop into M&S sometime....i kinda always found noodles to be a waste of noodles...i just must be looking at the wrong noodles.

    I've never shopped in M& it expensive?

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,917 ✭✭✭✭GT_TDI_150

    Any one else do this?

    whether it's a brisk walk over lunch or a run in the evening/morning, racing other pedestrians without them knowing they're involved in a race?:D

    I see people 50/100m ahead of me, pick a junction, gardergate, .... to which I race them too.

    I find I'm more able to keep a brisk pace this way

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    GT_TDI_150 wrote: »
    Any one else do this?

    whether it's a brisk walk over lunch or a run in the evening/morning, racing other pedestrians without them knowing they're involved in a race?:D

    I see people 50/100m ahead of me, pick a junction, gardergate, .... to which I race them too.

    I find I'm more able to keep a brisk pace this way

    I used to do that in the gym....try and go longer and faster than the person in the next machine....and fecking hell i'd be ready to die after i'd come off the machine....and alot of the time i would out do them....was priceless seeing the toned fit skinny minnies being out run by a marshmallow! i actually remember one day needing to run and get sick....had my very own biggest loser moment right in the gym

    last year my fitness was thru the roof! Im short an HEAVY....and i was out doing 6ft men on the cross trainer......that what i miss about going to an actual gym....but there just isn't any good gyms near me :( so now i just jot down speed and distance in note book and just try to go a lil faster, for a lil longer every week.

    Last summer i was doing 5.1km in an hour on treadmill. at the moment i'm at 4.5km in 40, i'm only about 5ft thats a really FAST walk...running is just an unpleasent sensation...need to shink the boobs a bit more or they'll give me black eye LMAO

  • Registered Users Posts: 846 ✭✭✭tantipie

    i got to GOAL:D i'm so excited i even did a little dance on the scales:cool: anyway,,i have no mainetnance book as the leader didnt have one,,i dont know what the hell i'm supposed to do now:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 365 ✭✭dammitj

    Aw congratulations! Great news!
    Although a bit of a bummer that the leader wasn't on hand with your next steps ....

    Lady Lainy, wow, that's great running!
    I did the Couch to 5K for a bit last year and it's tough going.
    I'm sticking with walking, yoga, hiking and zumba this year as I think it just suits me more, not as much bouncing up and down ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    dammitj wrote: »
    Aw congratulations! Great news!
    Although a bit of a bummer that the leader wasn't on hand with your next steps ....

    Lady Lainy, wow, that's great running!
    I did the Couch to 5K for a bit last year and it's tough going.
    I'm sticking with walking, yoga, hiking and zumba this year as I think it just suits me more, not as much bouncing up and down ;)

    oh i cant run....its walking...i can "run on crosstrainer" cos its easier on the joints and i'm not flopping around....but if i tried to run on treadmill or flat surface...well for starters i'd prob break the treadmill....and yeah the boucing and flopping around aint nice

    it was 5.1k really FAST WALKING in an hour on treadmill at the moment i'm dying after 40 mins where i get about 3.8 - 4k covered.

    bonus of having it at home....can jump into my own shower and just relax....or.....just collapse on the couch until i can move again LOL

    speaking of which....time to earn those drinks tonight....time for the treadmill...but then going to relax and dye my hair....its SO dull after the just dying it my current colour to put a bit of vava voom and shine into it for tonight

  • Registered Users Posts: 365 ✭✭dammitj

    Yep, same as myself after zumba!

    A friend called to the door the other day when I was in the middle of my session, I had to run out and lock it quietly in case he let himself in and me sweating away in a pair of bermuda shorts!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 127 ✭✭aspie mum

    Weigh in today was only down 0.5 lbs a tad dissapointed as on monday i was down about 3 on my scales and then i had the packet of Sun rice which I have been on about all week......Grrr i knew before i got there i would not be down as my scales at home had also put back up the 3 lbs so annoyed with my self as was doing so well .....time to get back on the Horse(crosstrainer) and put some duct tape over my gob between meals as I want to be down next week at least 1.5lbs to get to 15 % total loss:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 364 ✭✭fofany

    tantipie wrote: »
    i got to GOAL:D i'm so excited i even did a little dance on the scales:cool: anyway,,i have no mainetnance book as the leader didnt have one,,i dont know what the hell i'm supposed to do now:(


  • Registered Users Posts: 294 ✭✭intouch44

    Could someone do me a favour and double check the PP in a crispbread for me?

    Protein: 1.1g
    Carbs: 5.3g
    Fat: 0.4g
    Fibre: 2.0g

    Is it 1PP per crispbread or 1PP for 2 crispbreads?

    Thanks in advance :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 758 ✭✭✭bubbaloo

    intouch44 wrote: »
    Could someone do me a favour and double check the PP in a crispbread for me?

    Protein: 1.1g
    Carbs: 5.3g
    Fat: 0.4g
    Fibre: 2.0g

    Is it 1PP per crispbread or 1PP for 2 crispbreads?

    Thanks in advance :)

    Just worked it out on the calculator and it's 1PP for 1 crispbread (2pp for 2!).

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  • Registered Users Posts: 58,456 ✭✭✭✭ibarelycare

    intouch44 wrote: »
    Could someone do me a favour and double check the PP in a crispbread for me?

    Protein: 1.1g
    Carbs: 5.3g
    Fat: 0.4g
    Fibre: 2.0g

    Is it 1PP per crispbread or 1PP for 2 crispbreads?

    Thanks in advance :)

    Coming up as 1pp

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