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New Year Resolutions



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,303 ✭✭✭Ramette

    1) Lose weight/get fit
    2) Be positive EVERY day
    3) Write about my feelings everyday
    4) Keep a gratitude journal (started one this year but it went by the
    wayside but it does improve your mood!)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,595 ✭✭✭The Lovely Muffin

    I rarely make resolutions as I never keep them, but this year, that will change.

    The one and only resolution I'm making it to join a gym (when I get the money together) and to get fit/tone up and loose the pot belly.

    Happy New Year everyone, hope it's a great year for you all!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 767 ✭✭✭HxGH

    1) Stop giving up on tasks and goals.
    2) Stop setting tasks and goals.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,342 ✭✭✭✭starlit

    • Find myself a job;
    • Get back to learning to drive again;
    • Be more positive, happy and confident;
    • Get out more, take up a new hobby/sport/interest;
    • Enjoy life more and don't hold back and stop procrastinating;
    • Improve routine as in going to bed earlier getting up earlier and; having a proper daily routine;
    • Help around house;
    • Leave home again if possible;
    • Cut back on the drink;
    • Cook myself more.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,185 ✭✭✭Snoopy1

    Stop shopping
    Be more posotive
    Stop stressing about work
    Stop stressing about the small things
    Stop being so insecure and paranoid
    Try to make some friends

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,579 ✭✭✭Webmonkey

    I never had resolutions before but I'm going to make up for them this year. Recently done a move to Dublin and liking it here and want to try change my life a bit!

    - Daily Gym to improve posture and build up a bit.
    - Pick up a martial art, maybe Kung Fu.
    - Learn to play the keyboard. Going to use Synthesia to help.
    - Read a chapter a day of a programming book. (40min commute on train)
    - Read a few chapters a day of a normal book.
    - Learn to cook properly
    - Play an hour of PS3 a day. Gotta make use of it.
    - Start a pet project like build a robot to play my keyboard. (I'm a nerd). - also develop a blog/personal website.
    - Do more exploring at weekends instead of sleeping in.
    - Get into work for 8am so can leave at 4pm to do all these resolutions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,872 ✭✭✭✭Busi_Girl08

    - Lose weight and keep it off.
    - Make and maintain new friendships
    - Build my confidence
    - Stop biting my nails
    - Improve my work ethic (regarding internship on Tuesday, and college next autumn)
    - Read more, watch tv less
    - Be more organised and tidy

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 249 ✭✭bernyh

    Hey first post on the ladies lounge... but here goes for my resolutions for 2011

    *lose weight
    *make a concerted effort to find a new job
    *spend more time with my daughter (achieved by finding a new job)
    *turn my cake toppers craft into a viable business that might enable me to give up full time work.
    *stop smoking
    *make some friends in Dublin!!!
    *stop stayin up late

    Hope u all have a fabulous 2011!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 593 ✭✭✭Rockery Woman

    Here goes:

    Give up smoking (again:o)


    Learn Polish

    Eat healthy food:eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 937 ✭✭✭newbee22

    Get fit again
    Cut down/give up on the smokes
    Stop being so negative

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,698 ✭✭✭✭Princess Peach

    Faith wrote: »

    - I will finally get my ex out of my head

    Add this one to mine :P Good luck! xx

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,740 ✭✭✭Asphyxia

    *Work out more
    *Eat more healthily
    *Work harder at college
    *Read at least 50 books
    *Go back playing music
    *Rediscover my passion for art and painting and draw more
    *Take as much photos as possible :D

    I have way too many to write but I will try my best this year to do everything.

    Good Luck to everyone :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,660 ✭✭✭G86

    Deadlift 140kg

    Get another tattoo.

    Start a new blog with the photo a day thingy:)

    I can't think of anything else, there's nothing I have any particular resolve to do just because it's Jan 1st..

  • Registered Users Posts: 13 yellowfolder


    1. Finish my masters with at least a 2.1

    2. Get a job

    3. Go to the gym at least 3 times a week

    4. Eat healthily (i.e. a lot less chocolate)

    5. Take up one new activity

    6. Most importantly, BE HAPPY, and make this the best year of all!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,026 ✭✭✭terlywerly

    I always used to make resolutions and have given up on them within a few weeks, but last year was the first time I actually achieved something. On 31/12/09 I stood on the scales at 178lb and swore I would lose weight. Yesterday the scale said 138lb!! So thats a 40lb loss in the year!
    This year I hope to keep up my good eating habits, keep exercising and get back into my jogging and skipping. Also hoping to start yoga soon.
    I think the whole thing with resolutions is to keep reminding yourself why you made them in the first place, I never thought last January I'd be able to fit into a size 8 skirt yet here I am wearing one!

  • Registered Users Posts: 892 ✭✭✭mariebeth

    My new years resolution this year is to be happy & make 2011 the best year yet for me. As part of that, it also includes losing 2stone :) I'm not overweight, but I know that if I lost the weight that I want to that I would look & feel a whole lot better than I do at the moment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,953 ✭✭✭Vinta81

    See inside of a gym.

    Don't be a dial-a-drunk.

    Smile more.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,070 ✭✭✭Birroc

    Try eating things that I don't currently like (or think I dont) e.g. cucumber, beetroot, celery, liver, soya milk etc etc

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,729 ✭✭✭Acoshla

    The usual eat better, exercise more blah blah blah.

    Work my bum off and be successful.

    Learn to live with my boyfriend's awkward job and it's awkward hours (and to actually pretend I like it, that's the bit I struggle with!)

    Learn at the ripe old age of 25 how to keep my bedroom tidy and not throw clothes in a heap, an idea that has eluded me so far....

    Learn how to walk in high heels without falling down or crying in pain.

    *Finally* shake off the niggling health things that have been plaguing me for a year and a half, this really is a must, because they get me down more than anything else, and I hate what I'm like when I'm in that mood.

    Yay for 2011!

  • Registered Users Posts: 67 ✭✭NeuroticMonkey

    The massive one for me is Worry less/Be more positive/Stop trying to control every aspect of my life.

    Others include eating healthier so I have more energy and get back to my 3 times a week gym routine as many weeks as possible.

    Take more photos....and be in more photos :)

    Get my TKD blue belt or blue tip.

    Get into my Master's of choice which involves leaving this godforsaken country for a lil while :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭sarah88

    Never one for the new years resolutions, but this year i'm going to make them stick

    *Eat more and gain about a stone

    *Start reading books that I would'nt usually read

    *Work my ass off in my new job


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11 Ava Adored

    - Eat less

    - Go to the gym more often

    - Learn to play guitar (one day, one day!)

    - Get a tattoo/piercing


  • Registered Users Posts: 486 ✭✭nesbitt

    Manage my money, have worked out detailed income/expenditure
    Save (see above!)
    Read with two youngest children
    Relax more

  • Registered Users Posts: 688 ✭✭✭UpCork

    Keep up the weight loss I started last year
    Finish my thesis
    Take a tough line with a few pals of mine.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,166 ✭✭✭carolinespring

    I was very good at keeping the resolutions I made last year.

    This year I aim to.

    (1) Continue to eat as well as I can for my body and health (down over 4 stone since june 2009)

    (2) Read as many books as I can

    (3) To only spend time with people I want to and to keep away from toxic people

    (4) To join the gym for 3 months until the morning are bright to go walking early

    (5) To keep up to date wiith all my paperwork.

    (6) to try lots of new experiences (legal)

    (7) To take some time out for myself each week.

    (8) To save more and not buy magazines

    (9) To stay positive and believe.....

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    I honest in saying this I am going to stop going after men who have girlfriends!

    I am going to more proactive, finally get off my ass and do something

    Stop being a walk over!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,441 ✭✭✭pampootie

    Eat better, which I can't wait to start after the Christmas eating madness-feel so unhealthy at the moment. Want to lose a bit of weight too. (All that said there's no food in my house at the moment, meaning breakfast AND lunch tomorrow will be based on white bread. Oh dear.)

    Work hard at my job, enjoy it a bit more and be as good as I possibly can at it. At the moment I'm working around a variety of locations, my aim is that by this time next year I'll have worked up into a position where I'll be in one permanent location.

    If I do manage the above at any point during the year, it'll mean I'll get a bit of a routine going again, so I want to join some kind of evening class. Photography maybe, or dressmaking.

    Make more of an effort to keep in touch with friends of mine that are living in different countries/counties, cos I miss them! Must also fix my skype to help with this.

    Try to keep my car clean. I know that sounds weird but it's always such a mess, I never care and then someone asks me for a lift and I'm mortified! It's so disgusting at the moment after our NYE roadtrip!

    Try to do all the ironing of my work clothes once a week in an organised fashion, instead of running round the house in the morning muttering obscenities about being late and ironing toast crumbs into my skirt cos I spent an extra 10 mins in bed. christ, I hate ironing.

    Read more books and less AH threads :) In fact I reckon I need to limit my internet usage in 2011, I'm in such a bad habit of spending all evening with my laptop on my knee!

    Start running again.

    And finally be nicer to the OH-I was a really down and grumpy there for a while after changing jobs and the poor fella had to put up with a whole lot of whinging. Which he did, always cheered me up and made me tea because he's fantastic. Want to have loads of fun with him in 2011 and do as many nice things for him as I can, cos he deserves it. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 325 ✭✭Daisy03

    My new years resolution is to learn to drive. I also want to take up kayaking. Hopefully will do a course during the summer (once college exams are over) and finally, not sweat the small stuff so much.

  • Registered Users Posts: 160 ✭✭annieire

    -Tone up

    -Smile more

    -Check out the library!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 47 kanedaly60

    Cut out white bread and crappy cereal bars.
    Get back into the gym, 3+ times a week.
    Cut down on the smokes.
    Stop relying on other people to take me places, be more independent.
    Get over the eating issues that have plauged my life for 8 years now. Learn to like myself.
    Write stories again.
    Stop over-thinking every tiny detail.
