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jfk taken out by mob??? **Contains Graphic Images**



  • Registered Users Posts: 153 ✭✭fergus o brien

    "All my textual quotes are linked to a site that has the entire text of the Warren Report. Maybe you should try reading it? You made an entire series of claims that I debunked refering directly to the Report."

    i made no claims i responed to yours ,you say i debunked (considering there is one link to one site ) i wonder are you mr mcadams himself.

    "The PO box was under the name A. Hidell as has been already explained in my previous post. End of."

    im happy to let people view my link (regarding the post office box account ) and decide them selves if the name is A hiddel or lee oswald.

    "2/ i think the link above concerns this issue."
    "What link? Be specific please."
    i would have thought that was self evident.

    "Marina took the photos. Common sense would tell anybody that. Who else took the photos? The Fairy Godmother? End of."

    i never said she didnt take a photo (look back at my previous post ) that said she also said she took the photographs with her back to to the stairs ,the photographs as we now see them clearly show the stairs to oswalds right ,thats marinas left and not behind her.

    "I posted a photo of the dissembled rifle next to the brown paper package recovered from the TSBD sniper nest. Why did you ignore it?"

    i think you will find a whole section of my post in bold print ,hardly ignored.

    "Oswald built a wall of boxes around the 6th floor south east corner window which meant he would have been invisible to anybody on the 6th floor.
    Oswald probably hid there until Williams went away.

    Nobody else except Oswald was on the 6th floor when the motorcade came by at twelve-thirty.
    Oswald had ample time to arrive in the lunch room a minimum of 90 secs after the shooting to be confronted by Officer Baker."

    one assumes you have 100% proof of this ,witnesses and such.

    "What other reason would Oswald's prints and the fibers of the blanket from the Paine garage be found on the paper bag found near the sniper nest on the 6th floor? His prints were also found on the boxes stacked around the nest and his palm print and fibres of his work shirt were found on the rifle.

    The only logical explanation is that Oswald took the rifle from the Paine garage in the paper bag and he was there on the 6th floor, built the sniper nest with the book crates, lay in wait for the motorcade and shot the President.

    Any other explanation is frankly ridiculous."

    again he was an order filler on the sixth floor (so he handled many packages and parcels and so his prints would be on them ) the fibres were never matched 100% to the blanket or to oswald .if he was there on the sixth floor laying in wait as you say how come other witnesses saw him on both the first and second floor.

    "Save yourself the trouble and just admit that the physical evidence proves that Oswald's rifle fired the shots that killed Kennedy and wounded Connally. This was clearly established by the forensic investigation of the bullets compared to the rifle."

    this is the famous magic bullet that turned left/right stopped in mid air and pretty much everything arlen spector wanted it to do ,even connally said he wasnt hit by the same bullet and the z film shows this to be true also.

    "The only logical explanation for what Brennan saw when you include all the other evidence that I have already gone over is that Lee Harvey Oswald was the man firing the shots from the 6th floor window.
    The overwhelming majority of the witnesses testimony matches the physical evidence.
    The physical evidence however supersedes the witnesses testimony.
    The physical evidence shows that two bullets struck Kennedy in the back of the neck and the back of the head and that the shots came from above and behind from the direction of the 6th floor window.
    The inescapable conclusion is that Oswald must have brought the rifle to work, Oswald must have fired the rifle and that 3 shots were fired by Oswald, two of whom wounded the President, the final one fatally. "

    "The physical evidence however supersedes the witnesses testimony."
    now who is ignoring what.

  • Registered Users Posts: 153 ✭✭fergus o brien

    "10. Oswald visited his wife's home at the Paine resident only once on a weekday during her stay there. That day was Thurday 21st November 1963. When the police searched the garage where he kept his rifle wrapped in a blanker the rifle was missing."

    so he stayed with his wife and kids a day out of the ordinary ,and the following day there was no rifle in the garage ,was there anyone who saw oswald remove a rifle .i also like how you mix the two together with not a shred of proof.

    "12. Oswald was the only Depository employee who went missing after the shooting."

    this is rubbish ,and your insulting peoples inteligence by saying so.

    "13. A man fitting Oswald's description was seen shooting Officer JD Tippet and identified in a police line up. It was proven that only Oswald's handgun could have fired the fatal shots. The same handgun was found on Oswald when he tried to draw and shoot arresting police officers.
    Oswald's zip up jacket was found in a car lot between the scene of the Tippet shooting and the Texas Theatre where he was apprehended. The same type of ammo used in the Tippet shooting was found in his pockets.
    Oswald must have shot Tippit because he was trying to escape capture."

    i notice you say it was proven that oswalds handgun (could have fired the fatal shots ) if its proven why is it only could have . shall we discuss helen markham the warren comissions star witness ,this is her wc testimony
    Yet, with all that, Markham was the government's best witness, the only one who identified Lee Oswald as the killer of Officer Tippit. And here is how that identification went before the Warren Commission:
    MR . BALL: Now when you went into the room you looked these people over, these four men?
    MRS. MARKHAM: Yes, sir.
    MR. BALL: Did you recognize anyone in the line-up?
    MRS. MARKHAM: No, sir.
    MR BALL: You did not? Did you see anybody- I have asked you that question before -did you recognize anybody from their face?
    MRS. MARKHAM: From their face, no.
    MR. HALL: Did you identify anybody in these four people?
    MRS. MARKHAM: I didn't know nobody.
    MR . BALL: I know you didn't know anybody, but did anybody in that lineup look like anybody you had seen before?
    MRS. MARKHAM: No. I had never seen none of them before.
    MR. BALL: No one of the four?
    MRS. MARKHAM: No one of them.
    MR . BALL: No one of all four?
    MRS. MARKHAM: No, sir.

    two are two witnesses you omit ,aquilla clemmons and frank wright

    [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Frank Wright lived along the street from the spot where Tippit was killed, and heard the shots as he sat in his living room. While his wife telephoned for help, Wright went straight to his front door. He later told researchers: "I was the first person out," and caught sight of Tippit in time to see him roll over once and then lie still. Wright also said, "I saw a man standing in front of the car. He was looking toward the man on the ground. I couldn't tell who the man was on the ground. The man who was standing in front of him was about medium height. He had on a long coat. It ended just above his hands. I didn't see any gun. He ran around on the passenger side of the police car. He ran as fast as he could go, and he got into his car... He got in that car and he drove away as fast as you could see.... After that a whole lot of police came up. I tried to tell [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]two or three people what I saw. They didn't pay any attention. I've seen what came out on television and in the newspaper but I know that's not what happened. I know a man drove off in a gray car. Nothing in the[/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]world's going to change my opinion."[/FONT]

    other witnesses such as barbara and jeannette davis gave different descriptions of the shooter and different times a half hour apart,
    warren commission testimony and sworn affidavits show the shooter wore either a black or a blue coat and that he was short and chunky with bushy hair . lets take the blue or black coat issue first (oswalds zip up jacket that you mention above which is available for all to see in the national archives is neither blue or black its light tan.) and i can provide affidavits of witnesses that say the tippit shooting happened just after 1.00pm when oswald was seen waiting for a bus.yes oswald had a gun and bullets on him when he was arrested ,
    "Oswald must have shot Tippit because he was trying to escape capture."
    this is the same man who in the theatre shouted i am not resisting arrest and i protest police brutality .
    " A man fitting Oswald's description was seen shooting Officer JD Tippet and identified in a police line up."
    i think you need to have another look at the description that was given out of the shooter of jd tippit.

    "14. Oswald tried to assassinate General Edwin Walker which demonstrates he was a violent man. A 6.5mm bullet was used in the attempted murder. Oswald admitted his violent act to his wife. Photographs of Walker's home were found among his possessions."

    yes it seems a photograph was found ,even general walker protested that the bullet/s fired at him were a different callibre to oswalds rifle.

    "15. The ballistic evidence shows that only Oswald's rifle could have been responsible for the two bullets that the autopsy shows struck President Kennedy in the back of the head and the back of the neck. It has been proven that the CE399 bullet wounded both Kennedy and Connally most likely at frame 223 of the Zapruder film."

    again you say "the ballistic evidence shows" and then you say could have been responsible . and your using our friend arlen spectors magic bullet to prove a point a point that even you say (could have ) and you say its proven that the magic bullet passed through jfks back/throath and connallys right armpit,right wrist and his left leg and fell out on a stretcher in parklands in near pristine condition ,even connally says he was hit by a different bullet and the z film backs that up.

    "16. It has been proven that 3 shots could be fired accurately in less than 5.6 secs from the same height and distance as the 6th floor TSBD window at a head and shoulder sized target moving at 11 mph using the same type and model as Oswald's rifle."

    yes in fact shots could be fired a little quicker than that ,but you neglect to say that this is only at a non moving target without a tree in the way ,and also you neglect to say that not one of the wc marksmen could equal oswalds shooting prowess.

    "17. Oswald's USMC training shows that he could have been well capable of killing the President."
    i stand to be corrected but this guy says otherwise

    "18. It has been proven at Oswald could have fired the shots, stashed his rifle, descended the stairs to the lunchroom in time to be confronted by Officer Baker in less than 90 secs after the shooting."
    well im an honest person and so i concede this may be possible ,but will you concede that having fired the shots (never equalled by top marksmen) that oswald ran to the opposite side of the building and stashed the rifle so well (that is was passed numerous times before it was found) and then he ran down 4 flights of stairs and was seen by both baker and truly (between 70 and 90 seconds after the shooting )and was not out of breath . and he also not only bought a coke in that time but opened it and drank out of it .

    "19. It has been proven that Oswald could have left the TSBD, got a bus, changed to cab, retrieved his gun from his boarding house and arrived at the scene of the Tippet shooting in time to commit the murder."

    well he may have got a bus and then a taxi and he may also have gotten into a rambler on elm street (another point you omited) there are sworn affidavits that state the time of the shooting of tippit was just after 1.00pm (and he was seen dead at 1.10 pm) and oswald was seen standing at a bus stop by his landlady till maybe 1.03 or 1.04 (roughly the same time) and tippit was shot a mile or so away from oswalds rooming house .just to show how fast a person could run a mile (roger bannister was the first person to do a four minute mile ,now top athlets might do it in 3 and a half minutes ) so oswald could not have ran or walked a mile or so and killed tippet before 1.10pm.

    "20. Oswald lied repeatedly during police questioning."
    this may be the case but as there are little or no record of oswalds 3 days of questioning its hard to tell unless you were a fly on the wall at the time .

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 170 ✭✭silkworm53

    this is the famous magic bullet that turned left/right stopped in mid air and pretty much everything arlen spector wanted it to do ,even connally said he wasnt hit by the same bullet and the z film shows this to be true also.

    All the conspiracy theorists come up with this lazy rubbish:
    They always assume Kennedy and Connally were sitting directly in line.
    This was not the case at all.
    The House Select Committee on Assassinations produced this diagram based on photographic evidence:

    President Kennedy was seated at the extreme right side of the raised back seat (the backseat could be raised an lowered) with his right arm over the right side of the car waving at the crowd.
    Connally was seated in the collapsible jumpseat which was several inches inboard of Kennedy and several inches closer to the floor.
    At the moment of the CE399 shot - at frame 223 of the Zapruder film when Connally's lapel pops out and after which both men react simultaneously to a bullet impact - he was turned around to his right but his right hand held his Stetson across his lap.
    The bullet struck Kennedy in the back of the neck just to the right of the C6 vertebra and exited the base of this throat. The bullet was slowed by the passage to through the flesh of his neck which caused it to yaw in mid-flight creating an elliptical wound at the rear of Connally's right armpit. The bullet was moving sideways when it struck his fifth rib and created a fist size hole in his right chest below the right nipple. The bullet was now travelling much slower as it smashed his right radius bone in his right wrist and it partially penetrated the flesh of his left thigh - probably base first.
    The trajectory of the bullet is a STRAIGHT LINE.
    This video taken from an award winning documentary called 'Beyond Conspiracy' shows a computer recreation based on a frame by frame analysis of the Zapruder film of the assassination by animator Dale Myers:

    This video is segment from a documentary called 'Beyond The Magic Bullet' which used specially made medical models of Kennedy and Connally in positions exactly simulating their position at frame 223 of the Zapruder film. A marksman fired a Mannlicher-Carcano rifle using the exact same Western 6.5mm ammunition from the same height and distance as the 6th floor window.
    The results were a close match to the trajectory and the wounds created by the CE399 bullet:

    The only conclusion you can draw is that the CE399 bullet was responsible for the wounds to Kennedy and Connally.

    End of.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 170 ✭✭silkworm53

    i made no claims i responed to yours ,you say i debunked (considering there is one link to one site ) i wonder are you mr mcadams himself.

    Instead of attacking me can you look at the evidence?:rolleyes:
    im happy to let people view my link (regarding the post office box account ) and decide them selves if the name is A hiddel or lee oswald.

    The PO box in Dallas was under name A Hidell which was Oswald's habitual pseudonym. I have already shown you that the mail order for both the assassination rifle and .38 hand gun used to kill Tippet was written in Oswald's hand. Game over. So stop with this silly nonsense.
    "2/ i think the link above concerns this issue."
    "What link? Be specific please."
    i would have thought that was self evident.

    I asked you to be specific. Be specific.:confused:
    i never said she didnt take a photo (look back at my previous post ) that said she also said she took the photographs with her back to to the stairs ,the photographs as we now see them clearly show the stairs to oswalds right ,thats marinas left and not behind her.

    Marina Oswald took the photos and Oswald is photographed holding the rifle and handgun. This proves that he owned the assassination rifle and the .38 pistol. So can we please but this to bed too?
    i think you will find a whole section of my post in bold print ,hardly ignored.

    You claimed that the package could not have contained the rifle - I showed a photograph that proves the dissembled rifle could be carried in the package.
    Oswald's fingerprints were found on the paper along with fibers that closely match the blanket in the Paine garage.
    It is quite obvious that Oswald must have taken the rifle from the rolled blanket and put it in the package and the package was the supposed 'curtain rods' he brought to work that morning in Frazier's car.
    So let's put that to bed shall we?
    one assumes you have 100% proof of this ,witnesses and such.

    The presence of the 'curtain rods' paper package, Oswald's prints on the book cartons, the presence of his rifle on the 6th floor, his print on the dissembled gun barrel, the fibers of his shirt on the rifle and witnesses who testify that they saw a man fitting his description in the window in the minutes before the shooting and testimony of Howard Brennan who saw Oswald fire the rifle.

    Beyond all reasonable doubt, Oswald was indeed in the 6th floor window and he fired the shots.

    So just admit it Oswald did it.:D
    he was an order filler on the sixth floor (so he handled many packages and parcels and so his prints would be on them ) the fibres were never matched 100% to the blanket or to oswald .if he was there on the sixth floor laying in wait as you say how come other witnesses saw him on both the first and second floor.

    The witnesses who saw him in the lunch room saw him there before the shooting. Physical evidence which I have already give you proves that he was at the 6th floor sniper nest.
    this is the famous magic bullet that turned left/right stopped in mid air and pretty much everything arlen spector wanted it to do ,even connally said he wasnt hit by the same bullet and the z film shows this to be true also.

    The Warren Commission did not make any such claim that the bullet stopped in mid air. Conspiracy theorists have been making that easily debunked claim for years.
    The Zapruder film shows that at frame 223-224 both Kennedy and Connally are struck by a bullet.

    "The physical evidence however supersedes the witnesses testimony."
    now who is ignoring what.

    Witness evidence is important but physical evidence is more so.
    The weight of physical evidence shows that 3 shots were fired and two struck Kennedy and Connally and that the bullets were fired by Oswald using the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle found on the 6th floor.
    Even if there were no witnesses to the assassination, no motion pictures like the Zapruder film - the physical evidence on it's own would convict Oswald in a court of law.

    Indeed in a specially convened 1986 mock trial - using a judge, a jury selected from the Dallas area, with prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi and Gerry Spence in the role of defence counsel - resulted in Oswald's conviction based on the evidence.

    The case against Oswald is air-tight. He did it. Admit he did it for goodness sake man.;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 153 ✭✭fergus o brien

    "Instead of attacking me can you look at the evidence?"
    i am not attacking anyone im responding to the 20 claims you posted ,im sure you have responded to many such claims your self.

    "The PO box in Dallas was under name A Hidell which was Oswald's habitual pseudonym. I have already shown you that the mail order for both the assassination rifle and .38 hand gun used to kill Tippet was written in Oswald's hand. Game over. So stop with this silly nonsense."
    either your not understanding why i posted the above link or your trying to mislead.

    "Marina Oswald took the photos and Oswald is photographed holding the rifle and handgun. This proves that he owned the assassination rifle and the .38 pistol. So can we please but this to bed too? "

    again no argument that marina said she took a photograph ,but she also the claimed 2 and 3 photographs and it seems she claims to have taken the photographs with her back to the stairs (the stairs on oswalds right in the photograph) there is another photograph with oswald cut out.
    the rifle in the backyard photograph has a different sling mounting to the rifle found in the tsbd .
    there is also a clear problem with oswalds chin ,even oswald him self was reported to have said the picture was a fake.

    "The witnesses who saw him in the lunch room saw him there before the shooting. Physical evidence which I have already give you proves that he was at the 6th floor sniper nest."

    i assume you know that the motorcade was late when it arrived at houston and elm (they were due there at some time between 12.20 and 12.25 and at the trade mart at around 12.30 ),if oswald was the shooter he could have had no way of knowing that. so he would have had to have been up in the snipers perch at the latest about 12.15 as he would have to assemble the rifle and be ready to shoot jfk when arrives at 12.20 or so . now lets look at carolyn arnold who said she saw oswald in the canteen eating his lunch (where he said was) sometime between 12.15 and 12.25 and arnold rowland who says he saw a shooter in a window the other end of the building from the snipers nest (he said the time was 12.15 as he could see the time on the hertz sign on the roof) if carolyn arnold saw oswald at 12.15 in the canteen he couldnt be the man arnold saw who of course was in the wrong window anyway. there was another man bonny ray williams who was on the sixth floor till 12.20 maybe 12.25 eating his lunch and he saw no one ,now again if carolyn arnold who saw oswald was a little out in her timing and she saw oswald nearer 12.20 and 12.25 this again would rule him out of being on the sixth floor .


    If Oswald shot Kennedy then he had to be prepared and waiting at the 'sniper's nest' on the sixth floor at 12:25pm (The motorcade passed at 12:30pm, but it was running five minutes late which would be unknown to the assassin). So what do we know for certain of Oswald's whereabouts around that time?
    Bonnie Ray Williams, a co-worker of Oswald's testified that he was on the sixth floor for 10 or 15 minutes eating his lunch quite close to where the sniper's nest was set up. And as he didn't see anyone there to watch the Kennedy motorcade with, he left and headed for the fifth floor at approximately 12:20pm.
    Mr. WILLIAMS. It was after I had left the sixth floor, after I had eaten the chicken sandwich. I finished the chicken sandwich maybe 10 or 15 minutes after 12. I could say approximately what time it was.
    Mr. BALL. Approximately what time was it?
    Mr. WILLIAMS. Approximately 12:20, maybe.
    Carolyn Arnold, another co-worker of Oswald's testified that she saw Oswald sitting in the second floor lunchroom at 12:15pm. The commission did not hear her testimony (even though she was regarded as a credible witness) or include it in the WR. It was the FBI who interviewed her (It would have posed a few problems for the WC).
    Arnold Rowland, who was standing on Houston street made a statement to the Dallas Sheriff's Department (with regard to looking up at the sixth floor at 12:15pm); see
    and upon looking I saw what I thought was a man standing back about 15 feet from the windows and was holding in his arms what appeared to be a hi [sic] powered rifle because it looked like it had a scope on it. He appeared to be holding this at a parade rest sort of position. I mentioned this to my wife and merely made the remark that it must be the secret service [sic] men. This man appeared to be a white man and appeared to have a light coloured shirt on, open at the neck. He appeared to be of slender build and appeared to have dark hair. "

    "The Zapruder film shows that at frame 223-224 both Kennedy and Connally are struck by a bullet."

    heres the zapruder film

    look at connallys face (non reactive) from about frame 226 ,jfk clearly is hit in the throath behind him yet connally who is supposed to have been struck by the same bullet is non reactive . connally even turns around to his right to see whats wrong with jfk and only on turning back to his left is he hit.
    here are john and nellie connally saying that connally was not hit by the bullet that wounded jfks throath

    "You claimed that the package could not have contained the rifle - I showed a photograph that proves the dissembled rifle could be carried in the package.
    Oswald's fingerprints were found on the paper along with fibers that closely match the blanket in the Paine garage.
    It is quite obvious that Oswald must have taken the rifle from the rolled blanket and put it in the package and the package was the supposed 'curtain rods' he brought to work that morning in Frazier's car.
    So let's put that to bed shall we?"

    The presence of the 'curtain rods' paper package, Oswald's prints on the book cartons, the presence of his rifle on the 6th floor, his print on the dissembled gun barrel, the fibers of his shirt on the rifle and witnesses who testify that they saw a man fitting his description in the window in the minutes before the shooting and testimony of Howard Brennan who saw Oswald fire the rifle.

    Beyond all reasonable doubt, Oswald was indeed in the 6th floor window and he fired the shots.

    So just admit it Oswald did it.

    because the broken down rifle "could be carried in the package" it does not mean its proof the rifle was carried in it,oswald was an order filler so its reasonable to assume his prints were on many parcels/cartons on the sixth floor, i have shown above there is more than one problem with the rifle not least the sling mount ,again you use words like could have or closes matches (the fibres closely matching is not a 100% match ) heres a little piece about the curtain rods.

    "The Commission accepted without question the landlady's assurance that Oswald's room had curtain rods. Had it conducted the least investigation, it could easily have determined that the room did need rods. Black Star photographer Gene Daniels followed many of the events in Dallas on the weekend of the assassination. On Saturday morning, November 23, he went to Oswald's rooming house and obtained a fascinating set of pictures. Daniels explained the circumstances to me:
    I went to the rooming house the following morning and requested permission to make the photograph from the landlady. I'm not sure of her name but I don't think she was the owner. We went into the room and she told me she preferred not to have me take any pictures until she put "the curtains back up." She said that newsmen the evening before had disturbed the room and she didn't want anyone to see it messed up. I agreed and stood in the room as she and her husband stood on the bed and hammered the curtain rods back into position. While she did this, I photographed them or possibly just her I forget right now, up on the bed with the curtain rods etc.B]7[/B
    It seems doubtful in the extreme that the activity of newsmen the night before could physically have removed curtain rods from the wall in Oswald's room. A more reasonable possibility is that the rods had not been up at all until November 23, when Daniels witnessed and photographed the landlady and her husband hammering the rods into the wall. "

    here is a piece about the fibres you mention above and about the package which supposedly contained the rifle.

    "The Report thus far has done some rather fancy footwork with the paper sack, asserting without basis that Oswald was its fabricator when the evidence allows the conclusion only that Oswald once touched the bag. Next in line was the "scientific evidence" that the Commission promised would link the "rifle . . . to paper bag."
    When FBI hair-and-fiber expert Paul Stombaugh examined CE 142 on November 23, he found that it contained a single, brown, delustered viscose fiber and "several" light-green cotton fibers (R136). The Report does not mention Stombaugh's qualification of the word "several" as indicating only two or three fibers (4H80). It seems that these few fibers matched some composing the blanket in which the rifle was allegedly stored, although Stombaugh could render no opinion as to whether the fibers had in fact come from that blanket (R136-37). How does this relate the rifle to the paper bag when it does not conclusively relate even the blanket to the bag? The Commission's theory is "that the rifle could have picked up fibers from the blanket and transferred them to the paper bag" (R137).
    Had the Commission not been such a victim of its bias, it could have seen that this fiber evidence had no value in relating anything. The reason is simple: the evidence indicates that the Dallas Police took no precautions to prevent the various articles of evidence from contacting each other prior to laboratory examination. On Saturday morning, November 23, physical items such as the rifle, the blanket, the bag, and Oswald's shirt arrived in Washington, on loan from the police for FBI scrutiny. It was then that Stombaugh found fibers in the bag (4H75). Prior to Oswald's death, this evidence was returned to the police. However, on November 26, the items remaining in police custody were again turned over to the FBI. Before the second return, some of the items were photographed together on a table (4H273-74). This photograph, CE 738, shows the open end of the paper bag to be in contact with the blanket. Such overt carelessness by the police ruined the bag for any subsequent fiber examinations. If this was any indication of how the evidence was handled by the police when first turned over to the FBI, all the fiber evidence becomes meaningless because the various specimens could have come in contact with each other after they were confiscated.
    There is ample evidence that CE 142 never contained the Mannlicher-Carcano. James Cadigan, FBI questioned-documents expert, disclosed an important piece of information in his testimony concerning his examination of the paper sack:
    I was also requested . . . to examine the bag to determine if there were any significant markings or scratches or abrasions or anything by which it could be associated with the rifle, Commission Exhibit 139, that is, could I find any markings that I could tie to that rifle....And I couldn't find any such markings. (4H97; emphasis added)
    Cadigan added that he could not know the significance of the absence of marks (4H97-98).
    There is, however, great significance, due to circumstances unknown to Cadigan. If Oswald placed the rifle into CE 142, he could have done so only between 8 and 9 P.M. on November 21; he simply did not have time to do it the following morning before going to work.B]12[/B Had he removed the rifle immediately upon arriving at the Depository at 8 A.M., it would still have remained in the bag for at least 12 hours. The bag likewise would have been handled by Oswald during a half-block walk to Frazier's house and a two-block walk from the parking lot to the Depository. It is stretching the limits of credibility to assume that a rifle in two bulky parts (the 40-inch Carcano could have fit into the 38-inch bag only if disassembled) in a single layer of paper would fail to produce obvious marks after over 12 hours of storage and handling through two-and-a-half blocks of walking. More significantly, Cadigan made no mention of oil stains having been found on the bag, but the rifle was described by FBI Director Hoover as "well-oiled" (26H455). It is reasonable to conclude from the condition of CE 142 that this sack, even if Oswald had made it, never held "Oswald's" rifle.

    i already spoke about buel wesly frazer and the package he saw oswald carry but here are the links i posted earlier.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 153 ✭✭fergus o brien

    seeing as your going to use videos from people such as myers to try and make your point lets look at mr myers and his positioning of the victims in the limo and the bullet trajectory.

    this a piece by pat speers at the education forum

    In a recent post on his website, Dale Myers revealed that he's been following this forum. I thought forum members might want to follow our ongoing argument, particularly as he's decided to drag forum members John Simkin (in this post) and Bill Miller (in a previous post) into the fray.

    On May 10, 11:11 am, David Von Pein <> wrote:
    > Dale Myers has added the following comments to his original 5/8/08
    > article posted on his website:
    > ==============================
    > "In a recent post on the UK’s Education Forum, Mr. [Patrick J.]
    > Speer writes, “No one to my knowledge, including Myers, until this
    > response, had ever suggested the images were distorted because the
    > animation – the animation shown round the world to convince people the
    > single-bullet trajectories worked, mind you – was shot at an angle
    > from a computer monitor.”
    > "Mr. Speer doesn’t seem to understand that in the real world
    > there is no need to acknowledge something that is self evident--
    > namely, that Discovery Channel viewers were watching a presentation
    > being given from a vantage point that was not perpendicular to the
    > presentation screen. This is obvious from the Discovery program
    > sequences that show a wide-angle view of the studio in which the
    > presentation was being given. Mr. Speer failed to note that fact and
    > now claims that the Discovery Channel and yours truly conspired to
    > deceive everyone about the single bullet theory.
    > "The so-called distortions Mr. Speer refers to are of course the
    > unintended result of the Discovery Channel photographing the
    > presentation monitor at an angle and have nothing to do with the
    > alignments depicted in the actual images appearing on the monitor. And
    > the trajectory path superimposed over the videotaped sequence by
    > Discovery editors after the fact has no more relevance or accuracy to
    > the images below it (other than to illustrate, in very broad terms,
    > the path of the bullet*) than Mr. Speer’s own attempts to project two-
    > dimensional lines into three-dimensional space.
    > "It’s unfathomable to me that anyone could swallow Mr. Speer’s
    > illogical rationale for dismissing the breadth of my work on the
    > single bullet theory, but in the world of conspiracy theorists bent on
    > embracing anyone and anything critical of the single bullet theory,
    > such idiocy is common place. (The UK’s Education Forum’s
    > administrator, John Simkin, applauded Speer writing, “Congratulations.
    > I am sure all members have been very impressed with your work in this
    > area.”)
    > [Later....]
    > "Mr. Speer further complains that the animated sequence I
    > produced in which Connally is shown sitting inboard of Kennedy by six
    > inches is equally deceptively because it shows Connally and the
    > jumpseat moving in unison. I explained in a recent email that Connally
    > and the jumpseat were moved as one for clarity.
    > "According to Mr. Speer, “This is as good as a confession that
    > Myers knew the jumpseat was not 6 inches in from the door when he
    > created animation showing it to be 6 inches from the door… I wonder
    > how many [millions of viewers] would feel deceived to find out that
    > Connally's sitting comfortably in the middle of his seat was merely a
    > Myers invention designed to ‘clarify’ things for them? Some might call
    > this an out-and-out fraud perpetrated on the public.”
    > "I don’t know how many ways to say it, but Connally was situated
    > six inches inboard of Kennedy at the time they were both hit.
    > Connally’s jumpseat, however, was fixed to a track in the floor of the
    > limousine, the outside edge of the jumpseat cushion measured at 2.5
    > inches from the inside door panel, according to body drafts produced
    > by Hess & Eisenhardt Company.
    > "To demonstrate the difference between a rather common (and
    > inaccurate) drawing purporting to show Connally seated directly in
    > front of Kennedy at the time of the single bullet shot and their
    > actual positions as deduced from the Zapruder film and other
    > photographs, the models of Connally and the jumpseat were moved as a
    > single unit during presentations for ABC News and the Discovery
    > Channel.
    > "The relationship between Connally and the jumpseat are
    > identical in both positions. Moving Connally and the jumpseat in
    > unison was simply easier than moving the two separately given the
    > television time available – especially given the fact that the
    > position of the jumpseat had absolutely no bearing on the single
    > bullet theory.
    > "But for Mr. Speer, focusing on inconsequential minutia is
    > better than acknowledging his own obvious mistakes in photographic
    > analysis and logic. It also allows him to play the martyr for his
    > fellow conspiracy theorists and pretend he has actually proven
    > ==============================

    Here is my response to David Von Pein's post of Myers' comments:

    Thanks, David, for providing this response. Myers is a classic weasel. As he now admits, he DELIBERATELY deceived people about the seat position. When originally confronted on this, he LIED and said the mis-perception that the seat was in the wrong location was Peter Jennings' fault. When I demonstrated on my webpage that it was not Jennings' fault, but HIS fault, he back-tracked and said "Oh yeah, we put the seat in the wrong position, but only "for clarity". Now, he says moving Connally and the seat together "was simply easier than moving the two separately given the television time available – especially given the fact that the position of the jumpseat had absolutely no bearing on the single bullet theory."

    Oh, really? Now let's recall the actual words used in Beyond Conspiracy and Beyond the Magic Bullet to accompany Myers' movement of the seat. In Beyond Conspiracy, Jennings says "In the Stone film diagrams have Governor Connally sitting directly in front of the President, facing forward at the time of the second shot. Not true. Governor Connally was sitting 6 inches inboard of the President, and turned sharply to his right." (During this pronouncement we see an animated Governor Connally siting in front of an animated President, then slid inboard, and turned to his right.) Now compare this to Myers' exact words from Beyond the Magic Bullet, a year later: "Here's the position that most critics believed they were occupied at the time of the single bullet, with Connally directly in front of Kennedy. But that's not true. Actually, Connally's seated about six inches inboards (Here, he slides Connally over, as depicted on the second image in the slide up above). And turned to his right."

    By stating that Connally was "sitting" or was "seated" 6 inches inboard, and then sliding the seat 6 inches inboard, they created what can only be interpreted as a deliberate deception. Now, Myers is trying to weasel out of it by claiming that the position of the seat is irrelevant, and saying, basically, that if people were deceived by his deliberate deception then that's their own problem. Well, I beg to differ. I've spoken to hundreds of people on the Kennedy assassination over the years, and dozens of them have said they were skeptical of the single-bullet theory until they saw Myers' animation, with Kennedy sitting in the MIDDLE of his seat, in a direct line with the bullet. Myers' admitted deception, in other words, has been the single-biggest propaganda tool promoting his position. But he wants us to believe it's inconsequential.


    Similarly, he now admits that the trajectory super-imposed on his animation in Beyond the Magic Bullet is irrelevant. He claims the distortion of his animation from its being filmed at an angle was "self evident"-- an amazingly self-serving proclamation, considering that NONE of his online defenders noticed it until he mentioned it. He says further that lines drawn on three dimensional images are irrelevant--which is a repudiation of Beyond the Magic Bullet's addition of a trajectory line onto his animation as much as my own studies of Myers' work. He fails to explain why he was so SILENT about this when Beyond the Magic Bullet was first broadcast. Myers, after all, and by his own admission, knew they used distorted images. Myers, after all, knew they were projecting a line over his animation. (His own line was noticeably absent). While he criticizes me for "pretending" like I've "proven something" he allowed a TV program broadcast worldwide to use his animation to "pretend" to "prove something." Where is his outrage at their abuse of his work? Oh, that's right. They are on his "team" and are helping him in his goal of saving the world from those darned "conspiracy theorists".


    again another piece by pat speers.

    Hidden within the recent attacks on my character by Dale Myers, posted on the alt.assassination.jfk newsgroup by David Von Pein, are several acknowledgments by Myers that I was correct about some key issues.

    In Von Pein's May 1, 2008 post of an email by Myers, Myers writes "The movements of JBC and the jumpseat (as shown in the ABC/ History Channel program and the Discovery Channel program), demonstrating the differences between prominent conspiracy-based illustrations and reality, were done in unison for clarity. Any charges to the contrary are false."

    This is as good as a confession that Myers knew the jumpseat was not 6 inches in from the door when he created animation showing it to be 6 inches from the door. He now insists the center of Connally was 6 inches inboard of Kennedy, but that the jump seat on which he was riding was only 2 1/2 inches in from the door. I wonder how many millions of people, seeing Myers animation, and seeing Connally sitting comfortably in the middle of his chair in a direct line of a bullet exiting Kennedy's neck, suspected Myers and ABC and the Discovery Channel knew Connally was not sitting comfortably in his chair in the direct line of fire, but was inexplicably scooted way to his left, hanging off the edge of his seat? I wonder how many of them would have believed Myers' trajectories if it showed Connally in this position? I wonder how many of them would feel deceived to find out that Connally's sitting comfortably in the middle of his seat was merely a Myers invention designed to "clarify" things for them?

    Some might call this an out-and-out fraud perpetrated on the public.

    In both Von Pein's May 1, 2008 email denouncing my criticisms, and a May 8, 2008 post of a commentary by Myers from his website, Myers acknowledges another mistake as well. In an effort to debunk my criticism of his using distorted images in his overhead views of the single-bullet theory, Myers has asserted:

    "(Speer) continues to claim that the Connally (JBC) figure was shrunk (as was the jumpseat) to accomodate the SBT. He now uses images of my work culled from the Discovery Channel program "Beyond the Magic Bullet" to promote this nonsense. Even a cursory look at the images should tell anyone with a brain that the images used by Mr. Speer are at an angle to the viewer (i..e, the right side of the image is falling away from the viewer). This is due to the fact that the images are being filmed directly off my computer monitor and that the camera filming these images is viewing the monitor at a considerable angle. This can be seen in any of the wide angle shots in which I am visible alongside the monitor (none of which, BTW, are included in Speer's presentation). If Mr. Speer had shown his viewers those wide angle views, it would be obvious that the reason JBC (and the jumpseat) appears smaller is because of the camera/monitor relationship."

    While Myers attempted to insult my intelligence, he, in fact, overshot and hit his supporters as well. I'd come forward with my complaints about the distorted images years ago. No one to my knowledge, including Myers, until this response, had ever suggested the images were distorted because the animation--the animation shown round the world to convince people the single-bullet trajectories worked, mind you--was shot at an angle from a computer monitor. David Von Pein, one of my Myers' biggest supporters, still has trouble believing it.

    Lost in the catcalls of Myers' supporters (ha ha ha--Myers called Pat stupid--ha ha ha) are the ramifications of his assertion. By admitting the images used in the program were distorted, Myers is as much as admitting that his whole presentation in 2004's Beyond the Magic Bullet was irrelevant. No, it's actually much worse. Since the program's creators added a trajectory angle onto Myers' distorted figures that lined up perfectly with their wounds, Myers is as much as admitting that the single-bullet theory--which he set out to prove some years ago--and which he calls the "single-bullet fact," does not work on undistorted figures.

    While I've given Myers a hard time, and have received a substantial amount of abuse in return, I believe Myers' acknowledgment of the failure of his animation to demonstrate the single-bullet theory, was probably worth it. Now we can all stop pretending the alignment of Kennedy and Connally, and thus the likelihood of the single-bullet theory, has been "proven".

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 170 ✭✭silkworm53

    "Instead of attacking me can you look at the evidence?"
    i am not attacking anyone im responding to the 20 claims you posted ,im sure you have responded to many such claims your self.

    "The PO box in Dallas was under name A Hidell which was Oswald's habitual pseudonym. I have already shown you that the mail order for both the assassination rifle and .38 hand gun used to kill Tippet was written in Oswald's hand. Game over. So stop with this silly nonsense."
    either your not understanding why i posted the above link or your trying to mislead.

    "Marina Oswald took the photos and Oswald is photographed holding the rifle and handgun. This proves that he owned the assassination rifle and the .38 pistol. So can we please but this to bed too? "

    again no argument that marina said she took a photograph ,but she also the claimed 2 and 3 photographs and it seems she claims to have taken the photographs with her back to the stairs (the stairs on oswalds right in the photograph) there is another photograph with oswald cut out.
    the rifle in the backyard photograph has a different sling mounting to the rifle found in the tsbd .
    there is also a clear problem with oswalds chin ,even oswald him self was reported to have said the picture was a fake.

    "The witnesses who saw him in the lunch room saw him there before the shooting. Physical evidence which I have already give you proves that he was at the 6th floor sniper nest."

    i assume you know that the motorcade was late when it arrived at houston and elm (they were due there at some time between 12.20 and 12.25 and at the trade mart at around 12.30 ),if oswald was the shooter he could have had no way of knowing that. so he would have had to have been up in the snipers perch at the latest about 12.15 as he would have to assemble the rifle and be ready to shoot jfk when arrives at 12.20 or so . now lets look at carolyn arnold who said she saw oswald in the canteen eating his lunch (where he said was) sometime between 12.15 and 12.25 and arnold rowland who says he saw a shooter in a window the other end of the building from the snipers nest (he said the time was 12.15 as he could see the time on the hertz sign on the roof) if carolyn arnold saw oswald at 12.15 in the canteen he couldnt be the man arnold saw who of course was in the wrong window anyway. there was another man bonny ray williams who was on the sixth floor till 12.20 maybe 12.25 eating his lunch and he saw no one ,now again if carolyn arnold who saw oswald was a little out in her timing and she saw oswald nearer 12.20 and 12.25 this again would rule him out of being on the sixth floor .;p=3BBCC4CDF73A36CD&amp;playnext=1&amp;index=3;p=3BBCC4CDF73A36CD&amp;feature=BF&amp;index=5


    If Oswald shot Kennedy then he had to be prepared and waiting at the 'sniper's nest' on the sixth floor at 12:25pm (The motorcade passed at 12:30pm, but it was running five minutes late which would be unknown to the assassin). So what do we know for certain of Oswald's whereabouts around that time?
    Bonnie Ray Williams, a co-worker of Oswald's testified that he was on the sixth floor for 10 or 15 minutes eating his lunch quite close to where the sniper's nest was set up. And as he didn't see anyone there to watch the Kennedy motorcade with, he left and headed for the fifth floor at approximately 12:20pm.
    Mr. WILLIAMS. It was after I had left the sixth floor, after I had eaten the chicken sandwich. I finished the chicken sandwich maybe 10 or 15 minutes after 12. I could say approximately what time it was.
    Mr. BALL. Approximately what time was it?
    Mr. WILLIAMS. Approximately 12:20, maybe.
    Carolyn Arnold, another co-worker of Oswald's testified that she saw Oswald sitting in the second floor lunchroom at 12:15pm. The commission did not hear her testimony (even though she was regarded as a credible witness) or include it in the WR. It was the FBI who interviewed her (It would have posed a few problems for the WC).
    Arnold Rowland, who was standing on Houston street made a statement to the Dallas Sheriff's Department (with regard to looking up at the sixth floor at 12:15pm); see
    and upon looking I saw what I thought was a man standing back about 15 feet from the windows and was holding in his arms what appeared to be a hi [sic] powered rifle because it looked like it had a scope on it. He appeared to be holding this at a parade rest sort of position. I mentioned this to my wife and merely made the remark that it must be the secret service [sic] men. This man appeared to be a white man and appeared to have a light coloured shirt on, open at the neck. He appeared to be of slender build and appeared to have dark hair. "

    "The Zapruder film shows that at frame 223-224 both Kennedy and Connally are struck by a bullet.";feature=player_embedded

    heres the zapruder film;feature=related

    look at connallys face (non reactive) from about frame 226 ,jfk clearly is hit in the throath behind him yet connally who is supposed to have been struck by the same bullet is non reactive . connally even turns around to his right to see whats wrong with jfk and only on turning back to his left is he hit.
    here are john and nellie connally saying that connally was not hit by the bullet that wounded jfks throath

    "You claimed that the package could not have contained the rifle - I showed a photograph that proves the dissembled rifle could be carried in the package.
    Oswald's fingerprints were found on the paper along with fibers that closely match the blanket in the Paine garage.
    It is quite obvious that Oswald must have taken the rifle from the rolled blanket and put it in the package and the package was the supposed 'curtain rods' he brought to work that morning in Frazier's car.
    So let's put that to bed shall we?"

    The presence of the 'curtain rods' paper package, Oswald's prints on the book cartons, the presence of his rifle on the 6th floor, his print on the dissembled gun barrel, the fibers of his shirt on the rifle and witnesses who testify that they saw a man fitting his description in the window in the minutes before the shooting and testimony of Howard Brennan who saw Oswald fire the rifle.

    Beyond all reasonable doubt, Oswald was indeed in the 6th floor window and he fired the shots.

    So just admit it Oswald did it.

    because the broken down rifle "could be carried in the package" it does not mean its proof the rifle was carried in it,oswald was an order filler so its reasonable to assume his prints were on many parcels/cartons on the sixth floor, i have shown above there is more than one problem with the rifle not least the sling mount ,again you use words like could have or closes matches (the fibres closely matching is not a 100% match ) heres a little piece about the curtain rods.

    "The Commission accepted without question the landlady's assurance that Oswald's room had curtain rods. Had it conducted the least investigation, it could easily have determined that the room did need rods. Black Star photographer Gene Daniels followed many of the events in Dallas on the weekend of the assassination. On Saturday morning, November 23, he went to Oswald's rooming house and obtained a fascinating set of pictures. Daniels explained the circumstances to me:
    I went to the rooming house the following morning and requested permission to make the photograph from the landlady. I'm not sure of her name but I don't think she was the owner. We went into the room and she told me she preferred not to have me take any pictures until she put "the curtains back up." She said that newsmen the evening before had disturbed the room and she didn't want anyone to see it messed up. I agreed and stood in the room as she and her husband stood on the bed and hammered the curtain rods back into position. While she did this, I photographed them or possibly just her I forget right now, up on the bed with the curtain rods etc.B]7[/B
    It seems doubtful in the extreme that the activity of newsmen the night before could physically have removed curtain rods from the wall in Oswald's room. A more reasonable possibility is that the rods had not been up at all until November 23, when Daniels witnessed and photographed the landlady and her husband hammering the rods into the wall. "

    here is a piece about the fibres you mention above and about the package which supposedly contained the rifle.

    "The Report thus far has done some rather fancy footwork with the paper sack, asserting without basis that Oswald was its fabricator when the evidence allows the conclusion only that Oswald once touched the bag. Next in line was the "scientific evidence" that the Commission promised would link the "rifle . . . to paper bag."
    When FBI hair-and-fiber expert Paul Stombaugh examined CE 142 on November 23, he found that it contained a single, brown, delustered viscose fiber and "several" light-green cotton fibers (R136). The Report does not mention Stombaugh's qualification of the word "several" as indicating only two or three fibers (4H80). It seems that these few fibers matched some composing the blanket in which the rifle was allegedly stored, although Stombaugh could render no opinion as to whether the fibers had in fact come from that blanket (R136-37). How does this relate the rifle to the paper bag when it does not conclusively relate even the blanket to the bag? The Commission's theory is "that the rifle could have picked up fibers from the blanket and transferred them to the paper bag" (R137).
    Had the Commission not been such a victim of its bias, it could have seen that this fiber evidence had no value in relating anything. The reason is simple: the evidence indicates that the Dallas Police took no precautions to prevent the various articles of evidence from contacting each other prior to laboratory examination. On Saturday morning, November 23, physical items such as the rifle, the blanket, the bag, and Oswald's shirt arrived in Washington, on loan from the police for FBI scrutiny. It was then that Stombaugh found fibers in the bag (4H75). Prior to Oswald's death, this evidence was returned to the police. However, on November 26, the items remaining in police custody were again turned over to the FBI. Before the second return, some of the items were photographed together on a table (4H273-74). This photograph, CE 738, shows the open end of the paper bag to be in contact with the blanket. Such overt carelessness by the police ruined the bag for any subsequent fiber examinations. If this was any indication of how the evidence was handled by the police when first turned over to the FBI, all the fiber evidence becomes meaningless because the various specimens could have come in contact with each other after they were confiscated.
    There is ample evidence that CE 142 never contained the Mannlicher-Carcano. James Cadigan, FBI questioned-documents expert, disclosed an important piece of information in his testimony concerning his examination of the paper sack:
    I was also requested . . . to examine the bag to determine if there were any significant markings or scratches or abrasions or anything by which it could be associated with the rifle, Commission Exhibit 139, that is, could I find any markings that I could tie to that rifle....And I couldn't find any such markings. (4H97; emphasis added)
    Cadigan added that he could not know the significance of the absence of marks (4H97-98).
    There is, however, great significance, due to circumstances unknown to Cadigan. If Oswald placed the rifle into CE 142, he could have done so only between 8 and 9 P.M. on November 21; he simply did not have time to do it the following morning before going to work.B]12[/B Had he removed the rifle immediately upon arriving at the Depository at 8 A.M., it would still have remained in the bag for at least 12 hours. The bag likewise would have been handled by Oswald during a half-block walk to Frazier's house and a two-block walk from the parking lot to the Depository. It is stretching the limits of credibility to assume that a rifle in two bulky parts (the 40-inch Carcano could have fit into the 38-inch bag only if disassembled) in a single layer of paper would fail to produce obvious marks after over 12 hours of storage and handling through two-and-a-half blocks of walking. More significantly, Cadigan made no mention of oil stains having been found on the bag, but the rifle was described by FBI Director Hoover as "well-oiled" (26H455). It is reasonable to conclude from the condition of CE 142 that this sack, even if Oswald had made it, never held "Oswald's" rifle.

    i already spoke about buel wesly frazer and the package he saw oswald carry but here are the links i posted earlier.

    Your last post is complete garbage because we have already gone over the evidence - iron clad evidence that in any court in the US would have convicted Oswald.
    Do expect any reasonable person to believe that the Dallas PD collared the wrong man? Or that Oswald was set up?
    Are you seriously trying to suggest that someone stole the rifle from the Paine garage and planted it in the TSBD?
    Someone planted a paper package in the sniper nest with Oswald's finger prints on it with fibers from the blanket in the Paine garage?
    Someone fired three bullets with the rifle and planted the spent cases in the sniper's nest?
    Someone else planted the CE399 bullet on Connally's stretcher?
    Someone planted the two bullet fragments on the front seat of the limousine?
    Someone dented the windshield and cracked the glass to make it look like bullet fragments fired from behind created the damage?
    Someone else shot Tippet and planted the handgun in Oswald's hand and the ammunition in his pockets?
    Someone put pressure on Ruby to gun down Oswald?
    Who were and what happened to all these mysterious people who must have been involved in the plot?
    Do you seriously expect anyone with even a shred of common sense to believe that for almost 50 years all of these people kept quiet despite the literally thousands of investigators who have been trying for years to find some holes in the Warren Report?
    Utterly ridiculous nonsense!
    The obvious implication of what your saying is that practically all the Dallas policemen who investigated the case, all of the FBI, all of the Secret Service and all of the legal counsels and many others who conducted an exhaustive investigation into the assassination must have been (a) morons or (b) conspirators themselves!
    Are you going to tell me that the overwhelming physical evidence is all doctored and all faked and all the witnesses who contradict your conspiracy narrative are all schills or were intimidated into changing their story to fit the government conspiracy?

    You and other conspiracy theorists have transformed what is an open and shut case into a vast conspiracy.

    The physical evidence shows two shots hit Kennedy, the bullets fired could only have been fired from Oswald's rifle and Oswald carried a paper package to work that morning with fibers of the blanket on which the rifle had been wrapped in the Paine garage before it turned up behind boxes on the TSBD 6th floor. The only logical explanation is that Oswald owned that rifle, he took the rifle to work after going to the Paine residence retrieve it and that Oswald fired the rifle.

    You can argue as much nonsense as you like.

    The incontrovertible evidence proves Oswald killed Kennedy.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3 honk bogart

    Warren Commission?

    [SIZE=+2]The Warren Commission Revisited[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=+2]Forty Years of Lies[/SIZE]

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 170 ✭✭silkworm53

    Warren Commission?

    [SIZE=+2]The Warren Commission Revisited[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=+2]Forty Years of Lies[/SIZE]

    What lies? You are just making a statement without any attempt to support what you are saying.

    You obviously have not read any of the posts on this thread discussing the case and you have obviously not read Warren Commission Report.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 170 ✭✭silkworm53

    Warren Commission?

    [SIZE=+2]The Warren Commission Revisited[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=+2]Forty Years of Lies[/SIZE]

    What lies? You are just making a statement without any attempt to support what you are saying.

    You obviously have not read any of the posts on this thread discussing the case and you have obviously not read Warren Commission Report.

    The issues raised in the article have already been discussed at length in this thread and the conspiracy theories have been thoroughly debunked a million times before.

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 2,005 ✭✭✭Di0genes

    Warren Commission?

    [SIZE=+2]The Warren Commission Revisited[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=+2]Forty Years of Lies[/SIZE]

    I did like this bit
    No matter what opinions you may hold of Castro, he is too clever and was in those days certainly too dedicated to the purpose of helping his people, according to his lights, ever to take such a chance. Even the slightest evidence pointing to Castro would have given the American establishment, fuming over communism like Puritan Fathers confronting what they regarded as demon possession, the excuse for an invasion.

    Now I don't for a second believe Castro had anything to do with with Oswald or Kennedy, but the notion that Castro was just too darn nice to consider Kennedy is utterly laughable. During the 1960s Castro was rounding up men and women who's only crime was their homosexuality and sending them to work camps, but nope, Castro loved his people sooooooooo much he couldn't possibly kill Kennedy.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 246 ✭✭Joshua Jones

    So any views on Roger Craigs eyewitness testemony.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 2,005 ✭✭✭Di0genes

    So any views on Roger Craigs eyewitness testemony.

    The Rifle was based on Mauser.

    The obvious point is, why would they plant a different rifle at the snipers nest, and replace it with another rifle with all the necessary hassle and dangerous of changing the weapon after it was entered into the chain of evidence.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 170 ✭✭silkworm53

    So any views on Roger Craigs eyewitness testemony.

    The rifle had the markings, “MADE ITALY”, “CAL.6.5”, “1940”, and the serial number C2766.
    The rifle was a 6.5mm Italian-manufactured Mannlicher-Carcano 91/38 bolt action.
    The weapon was the same weapon that was purchased by mail order by Oswald under the name A Hidell written in his handwriting.
    The photographs taken of Oswald by his wife Marina in his backyard show him with the same rifle.
    Oswald's palm print was found on the rifle plus fibers of his shirt.
    The CE399 bullet found on Governor Connally's stretcher in Parkland hospital plus the two bullet fragments found on the front seat of the limousine were matched to Oswald's weapon.
    So let's put this to bed for once for all.
    The weapon found in the 6th floor of the TSBD was Oswald's rifle and it was the weapon used to murder JFK and wound Governor Connally.

    Conspiracy theorists keep rehashing this canard again and again and again not matter how many times it has been disproved by the physical evidence.:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 246 ✭✭Joshua Jones

    silkworm53 wrote: »
    The rifle had the markings, “MADE ITALY”, “CAL.6.5”, “1940”, and the serial number C2766.
    The rifle was a 6.5mm Italian-manufactured Mannlicher-Carcano 91/38 bolt action.
    The weapon was the same weapon that was purchased by mail order by Oswald under the name A Hidell written in his handwriting.
    The photographs taken of Oswald by his wife Marina in his backyard show him with the same rifle.
    Oswald's palm print was found on the rifle plus fibers of his shirt.
    The CE399 bullet found on Governor Connally's stretcher in Parkland hospital plus the two bullet fragments found on the front seat of the limousine were matched to Oswald's weapon.
    So let's put this to bed for once for all.
    The weapon found in the 6th floor of the TSBD was Oswald's rifle and it was the weapon used to murder JFK and wound Governor Connally.

    Conspiracy theorists keep rehashing this canard again and again and again not matter how many times it has been disproved by the physical evidence.:D

    You know just quoting the official report over and over doesn't make it any more truthful. You believe the Warren Commission. Fair enough. Roger Craig and his colleague clearly identified the rifle as a Mauser. He read it on yhe rifles barrell.

    What is your take on the assassination of Oswald. Its proven that Jack Ruby was a CIA agent. Why would the CIA not want a trial?

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 2,005 ✭✭✭Di0genes

    You know just quoting the official report over and over doesn't make it any more truthful. You believe the Warren Commission. Fair enough. Roger Craig and his colleague clearly identified the rifle as a Mauser. He read it on yhe rifles barrell.

    He's one eye witness he's contradicted by the physical evidence.
    What is your take on the assassination of Oswald. Its proven that Jack Ruby was a CIA agent. Why would the CIA not want a trial?

    Really where?

    Ruby was tried and convicted.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,980 ✭✭✭meglome

    You know just quoting the official report over and over doesn't make it any more truthful. You believe the Warren Commission. Fair enough. Roger Craig and his colleague clearly identified the rifle as a Mauser. He read it on yhe rifles barrell.

    What is your take on the assassination of Oswald. Its proven that Jack Ruby was a CIA agent. Why would the CIA not want a trial?

    I'm curious here. All the documentary's I've seen which re-enacted the events have come to the conclusion that Oswald did it and the shot from the grassy known was impossible. Also the computer simulation using all the available audio and video recordings showed everything fits into the official report.

    Can't find the audio/video simulation right now

    So are there re-enactments that show otherwise?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 246 ✭✭Joshua Jones

    meglome wrote: »
    I'm curious here. All the documentary's I've seen which re-enacted the events have come to the conclusion that Oswald did it and the shot from the grassy known was impossible. Also the computer simulation using all the available audio and video recordings showed everything fits into the official report.

    Can't find the audio/video simulation right now

    So are there re-enactments that show otherwise?

    Oh man if a conspiracy researcher posted a video as shoody as that you guys would have a field day.

    What exactly does that video prove by the way?.

    But anyway lets keep the thread moving away from testimony which refutes the official story shall we.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,980 ✭✭✭meglome

    Oh man if a conspiracy researcher posted a video as shoody as that you guys would have a field day.

    What exactly does that video prove by the way?.

    But anyway lets keep the thread moving away from testimony which refutes the official story shall we.

    But that's exactly the point I'm making. These guys actually went to Deeley Plaza took measurements and re-enacted the event. Sure plenty of people say it's flawed but who else has actually done this. Where are the re-enactments or experiments that show otherwise?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 170 ✭✭silkworm53

    You know just quoting the official report over and over doesn't make it any more truthful. You believe the Warren Commission. Fair enough. Roger Craig and his colleague clearly identified the rifle as a Mauser. He read it on yhe rifles barrell.

    What is your take on the assassination of Oswald. Its proven that Jack Ruby was a CIA agent. Why would the CIA not want a trial?

    The rifle was a Mannlicher-Carcano. It is not a matter of opinion.
    It is a matter of fact.

    This is a still from the Alyea film showing the discovery of the rifle:


    This is a photo of a cop removing the rifle from the TSBD - you can see the clip protruding from the bottom of the rifle.


    This is a photo inside Dallas police HQ


    This is a photo of Oswald with the gun


    This a picture of the assassination rifle compared with a Mauser:


    It clearly was a Mannlicher-Carcano 91/38 bolt action.

    The investigator traced the C2766 identification and found it had been purchased by mail order in Oswald's hand writing.

    It was clearly Oswald's gun and therefore the only reason it was in the TSBD was because Oswald brought it to work and used it to shoot Kennedy.

    The rifle bullet found on Connally's stretcher was fired with the weapon.
    The two bullet fragments found in the limousine came from a bullet fired by the weapon.

    Case closed.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 153 ✭✭fergus o brien

    well you posted 20 claims/points that you believe proves the warren commission case ,so people are entitled to rebut those claims if they feel they are in anyway inaccurate. which is why i replied to all your points in detail.

    "You and other conspiracy theorists have transformed what is an open and shut case into a vast conspiracy."

    so i made up all the stuff i posted in this thread (plucked it out of no where ) because it makes the case for conspiracy.not one but all of the staff who saw the rear of jfks head said it had a massive hole in it (this is not seen in the autopsy photographs ) 50 plus witnesses said that shots came from the grassy knoll area ,witnesses saw oswald on the first and second floor at different times between 11.50 and 12.25 ,bonny ray williams was on the 6th floor till 12.20 maybe 12.25 he never saw oswald ,witnesses say they saw 2 men on the 6th floor ,but you say its all garbage made up by conspiracy theorist.

    "The physical evidence shows two shots hit Kennedy, the bullets fired could only have been fired from Oswald's rifle and Oswald carried a paper package to work that morning with fibers of the blanket on which the rifle had been wrapped in the Paine garage before it turned up behind boxes on the TSBD 6th floor. The only logical explanation is that Oswald owned that rifle, he took the rifle to work after going to the Paine residence retrieve it and that Oswald fired the rifle.

    You can argue as much nonsense as you like."

    i posted what the wc expert said about the fibres and you choose to ignore it and stick to the official story . you as did the wc ignored the un shakeable testimony of buel wesley frazier and his sister regarding the package ,you ignored the evidence that the package (that supposedly contained the well oiled rifle) had no marks or oil on it what so ever .

    "I was also requested . . . to examine the bag to determine if there were any significant markings or scratches or abrasions or anything by which it could be associated with the rifle, Commission Exhibit 139, that is, could I find any markings that I could tie to that rifle....And I couldn't find any such markings"

    i posted a link which shows lee oswalds application for a post office box in the name of lee h oswald (not a hiddel ) the purpose of my posting that link was to show that only post/packages for lee oswald would be delivered to that post office box . here is the link again .

    now who is attacking who ? ,your the one saying all my posts are nonsense and garbage (ill let people judge that for them selves).
    people can read roger craigs account of the rifle that was found in the tsbd in the above link.

    here are few videos of craig saying the same stuff (the book depository revisited) (2 men in dallas part1 ,parts 2 to 5 are the following links)
    here is seymore weitzman sworn affidavit on finding the mauser
    craig said you could see mauser 7.65 printed on the rifle (some people say this is not the case )have a look here .

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 170 ✭✭silkworm53

    well you posted 20 claims/points that you believe proves the warren commission case ,so people are entitled to rebut those claims if they feel they are in anyway inaccurate. which is why i replied to all your points in detail.

    "You and other conspiracy theorists have transformed what is an open and shut case into a vast conspiracy."

    so i made up all the stuff i posted in this thread (plucked it out of no where ) because it makes the case for conspiracy.not one but all of the staff who saw the rear of jfks head said it had a massive hole in it (this is not seen in the autopsy photographs ) 50 plus witnesses said that shots came from the grassy knoll area ,witnesses saw oswald on the first and second floor at different times between 11.50 and 12.25 ,bonny ray williams was on the 6th floor till 12.20 maybe 12.25 he never saw oswald ,witnesses say they saw 2 men on the 6th floor ,but you say its all garbage made up by conspiracy theorist.

    "The physical evidence shows two shots hit Kennedy, the bullets fired could only have been fired from Oswald's rifle and Oswald carried a paper package to work that morning with fibers of the blanket on which the rifle had been wrapped in the Paine garage before it turned up behind boxes on the TSBD 6th floor. The only logical explanation is that Oswald owned that rifle, he took the rifle to work after going to the Paine residence retrieve it and that Oswald fired the rifle.

    You can argue as much nonsense as you like."

    i posted what the wc expert said about the fibres and you choose to ignore it and stick to the official story . you as did the wc ignored the un shakeable testimony of buel wesley frazier and his sister regarding the package ,you ignored the evidence that the package (that supposedly contained the well oiled rifle) had no marks or oil on it what so ever .

    "I was also requested . . . to examine the bag to determine if there were any significant markings or scratches or abrasions or anything by which it could be associated with the rifle, Commission Exhibit 139, that is, could I find any markings that I could tie to that rifle....And I couldn't find any such markings"

    i posted a link which shows lee oswalds application for a post office box in the name of lee h oswald (not a hiddel ) the purpose of my posting that link was to show that only post/packages for lee oswald would be delivered to that post office box . here is the link again .

    now who is attacking who ? ,your the one saying all my posts are nonsense and garbage (ill let people judge that for them selves).
    people can read roger craigs account of the rifle that was found in the tsbd in the above link.

    here are few videos of craig saying the same stuff
    here is seymore weitzman sworn affidavit on finding the mauser
    craig said you could see mauser 7.65 printed on the rifle (some people say this is not the case )have a look here .

    The package had Oswald's fingerprints on it and fibers closely matching the blanket in the Paine garage.
    The dissembled Mannlicher-Carcano fits inside the package.
    The package and the Mannlicher-Carcano were found on the 6th floor.
    Oswald's palm print was on the rifle barrel and his shirt fibers were in the crevice between the butt plate and the wooden stock.

    The evidence is irrefutable.

    So just cut the nonsense.

    The rear of Kennedy's head did not have a big hole in it.

    There was a small hole corresponding the size of a 6.5mm projectile and an exit wound in the top front right side of the skull.

    These are the autopsy pictures and x-rays of the head.






    These are stills from the Zapruder film.



    The top front right of the head has been blasted out.


    If you want to ignore iron-clad evidence but still expect to continue a debate with any reasonable person you are very much mistaken.
    The only reason you cannot move on is because you have been totally and utterly found wanting and you can't face facts.
    I have time and again shown you irrefutable evidence which shows that Oswald fired the assassination rifle that killed Kennedy.
    Case closed.
    My last post which you obviously completely ignored shows photographic evidence that proves that the rifle found in the TSBD was a Mannlicher-Carcano 91/38.

  • Registered Users Posts: 153 ✭✭fergus o brien

    i never ignored your last post (regarding the rifle ) i have posted information on the rifle in an earlier post.

    "The package had Oswald's fingerprints on it and fibers closely matching the blanket in the Paine garage.
    The dissembled Mannlicher-Carcano fits inside the package.
    The package and the Mannlicher-Carcano were found on the 6th floor.
    Oswald's palm print was on the rifle barrel and his shirt fibers were in the crevice between the butt plate and the wooden stock.

    The evidence is irrefutable.

    So just cut the nonsense."

    i have already shown the experts own words regarding the fibres , you might be able to get two dissasembled carcanos to fit in the bag what does that proove, in the same post that i mention above the same expert said the bag bore no indication that the well oiled rifle was ever in it .i posted a link also in a previous post (showing the backyard photographs ) where you can clearly see in atleast one photograph that the sling on the rifle is bottom mounted and the carcano found in the texas school book depository has a sling thats side mounted . hardly irrefutable evidence .

    "The rear of Kennedy's head did not have a big hole in it.

    There was a small hole corresponding the size of a 6.5mm projectile and an exit wound in the top front right side of the skull.

    These are the autopsy pictures and x-rays of the head."

    im well aware of the photographs showing a small hole in the back of the head ,lets see what the staff at parklands said about this small hole and the throath wound shall we .

    "If you want to ignore iron-clad evidence but still expect to continue a debate with any reasonable person you are very much mistaken.
    The only reason you cannot move on is because you have been totally and utterly found wanting and you can't face facts.
    I have time and again shown you irrefutable evidence which shows that Oswald fired the assassination rifle that killed Kennedy.
    Case closed.
    My last post which you obviously completely ignored shows photographic evidence that proves that the rifle found in the TSBD was a Mannlicher-Carcano 91/38."
    i have tried to answer every claim you made and in fact i havent yet finished replying to all your claims so i have not ignored anything. show me where i have been found wanting ("case closed " now your starting to sound like gerald posner ) i have addresses the rifle issue above and in an earlier posts ,did you actually read the posts and visit the links i posted .
    i posted seymore weitzmans sworn affidavit where he said the rifle was a 7.65 mauser and roger craig also said it was a 7.65 mauser (the reason was ) because it had 7.65 mauser printed on ,by the way i posted a link showing a photograph of a mauser with 7.65 on it if you care to look at it .

    the photograph of the carcano in your post (if it is a carcano ) shows the sling has a side mount (the sling on the rifle in the backyard photograph has a bottom mount ) take a close look (you can see it )i posted a link with a blow up in an earlier post just in case, are you aware that recreations were staged as evidence was moved before it could be filmed ,

    one point i hadnt time to get around to till now ,

    the balistics (now im no expert on this as you pointed out in an earlier post )
    "Of the three shell casings, which Bill has assured me were found strewn about the floor of the sniper's nest, one of them (CE 543) was dented.

    That's not ideal for proponents of "Three Oswald shots; Three ejected shell casings".

    The shell in question was connected to Oswald's rifle. As Josiah Thompson (Author, 6 Seconds in Dallas, 1967) points out, "...Of all the various marks discovered on this case, only one set links it to Oswald's rifle, and this set was identified as having come from the magazine follower. Yet the magazine follower marks only the last cartridge in the clip ..." (Thompson, p. 145). In the case of Oswald's rifle, we're told that there was indeed one last round in the clip, but it wasn't this one. This one is different.

    Jim DiEugenio recently summarized the problem with this:

    "Author Michael Kurtz wrote an incisive account of CE 543 in his book Crime of the Century. Kurtz underlined Thompson's point that the only marks 'linking the case to Oswald's rifle were marks from the magazine follower.' Yet he goes on to write that this could not have been done on the day of the assassination since it was not the last round in the clip. But Kurtz also noted that the shell 'lacks the characteristic indentation on the side made by the firing chamber of Oswald's rifle.'"

    In "The Dented Bullet Shell" ( 4/26/01), Conspiracy Theorist and Author Michael T. Griffith describes the conclusion of forensic pathologist, Dr. E. Forrest Chapman who in 1973 was allowed access to Warren Commission assassination materials including CE 543.

    Dr. Chapman made this statement upon analysis of his conclusions: "CE 543 was
    probably "dry loaded" into a rifle. Since the dent was too large for the case to have contained a bullet on 22 November, it was never fired from Oswald's rifle. The empty case, however, for some unknown reason could have been loaded into a rifle, the trigger pulled, and the bolt operated. Dr. Chapman discovered this phenomenon through experiments of his own.

    "Dr. Chapman also noted that Case 543 had a deeper and more concave indentation on its base, at the primer, where the firing pin strikes the case. Only empty cases exhibit such characteristics. The FBI also reproduced the effect. Commission Exhibit 557 is a test cartridge case, fired empty from Oswald's rifle by the FBI for ballistics comparison purposes. It, too, contains the dent in the lip and deep primer impression similar to CE 543."

    "The ballistic anomalies are extensive.

    Gil Jesus has ten reasons Oswald never owned the alleged weapon.

    Craig and Weitzman et al found a Mauser.

    The report of three shells was an edit of an earlier find of two per this Dave Reitzes reference to Noel Twyman, Anna Marie Kuhns-Walko and others:

    A startling, new fact has emerged recently, from where it had been buried
    deep inside the National Archives for thirty-five years: Newly discovered
    documents prove that the Dallas Police did not find three spent shells in
    the Texas School Book Depository; they found TWO, along with one LIVE
    (unfired) round.

    These documents include:

    1) A Dallas Police Department report dated November 22, 1963, signed by
    Lt. Carl Day, the DPD's identifications expert, noting that evidence is
    being turned over to the jurisdiction of the FBI. It states that the
    listed items were found in the Texas School Book Depository between 1:30
    and 2:15 pm that day. The items are the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle, serial
    number C2766 (allegedly traced later to Oswald), and, an exact quote: "2
    Spent Hulls from 6th floor window." Lt. Day's signature is followed by
    that of Officer R. L Studebaker, who witnessed the transfer of the
    evidence from Lt. Day to FBI Agent Vince Drain, who "took possession of
    all evidence."

    2) A copy of the receipt of these items by the FBI: "1 6.5 Rifle # C2766"
    and "2 Spent hulls found at [illegible] School Book Depository."

    3) A handwritten receipt for these additional items from the DPD: "2
    [photographic] negatives + 4 prints of each of two 6.5 hulls + 1 "live"
    round of 6.5 ammunition from rifle found on 6th floor of Texas school
    [sic] Book Depository, Dallas on 11-22-63."

    4) The original FBI evidence sheet for all items in their possession
    purportedly belonging to Lee Harvey Oswald, which lists "Live round 6.5"
    and "6.5 spent rounds (2)." This report was originally introduced into
    evidence as Commission Exhibit 2003, and published on page 260 of the
    Warren Commission's twenty-fourth volume of evidence, but -- as J. Gary
    Shaw and Larry Harris noted in their 1976 book, Cover-Up -- the published
    version's "6.5 spent rounds (2)" has the two altered to a three that
    appears to be handwritten. These and the following items are reproduced
    in full in Noel Twyman's 1997 book Bloody Treason (62).

    5) Commission Exhibits 510 and 512, two police photographs of the three
    spent shells as they were allegedly found near the sixth floor window.
    Noel Twyman points out that in CE 510, one of the three hulls appears to
    be a live round; while the same hull in CE 512 (63) has been
    conspicuously blacked out, with a crude forgery of a shell drawn or
    scratched onto the negative (64).

    6) The original FBI evidence envelope, signed by Special Agent J. Doyle
    Williams, which once contained the above-mentioned negatives and
    photographs of the spent shells from the Book Depository: "2 negatives
    and 4 prints of each," listing, "two 6.5 bullet hulls + 1 "live" round of
    6.5 ammunition from rifle found on 6th floor of Texas Book Depository
    [sic], Dallas on 11-22-63" (65).

    7) And the frosting on the cake, discovered in the National Archives
    recently by researcher Anna-Marie Kuhns-Walko, one of the actual DPD
    photographs depicting (you guessed it) two spent shells and one live
    round (66).

    Subsequently a third spent shell was added to the evidence. Whoever it
    was who ordered this third shell planted was also powerful enough to
    ensure not a single Dallas policeman, Sheriff's deputy or official would
    reveal to the Warren Commission that their signed, dated records of
    evidence had been altered and replaced, and that a third spent shell had
    been introduced as being from the Book Depository.
    "Mr. SPECTER. Now looking at that bullet, Exhibit 399, Doctor Humes, could that bullet have gone through or been any part of the fragment passing through President Kennedy's head in Exhibit No. 388?
    Commander HUMES. I do not believe so, sir.
    Mr. SPECTER. And could that missile have made the wound on Governor Connally's right wrist?
    Commander HUMES. I think that that is most unlikely ... The reason I believe it most unlikely that this missile could have inflicted either of these wounds is that this missile is basically intact; its jacket appears to me to be intact, and I do not understand how it could possibly have left fragments in either of these locations.
    Mr. SPECTER. Dr. Humes, under your opinion which you have just given us, what effect, if any, would that have on whether this bullet, 399, could have been the one to lodge in Governor Connally's thigh?
    Commander HUMES. I think that extremely unlikely. The reports, again Exhibit 392 from Parkland, tell of an entrance wound on the lower midthigh of the Governor, and X-rays taken there are described as showing metallic fragments in the bone, which apparently by this report were not removed and are still present in Governor Connally's thigh. I can't conceive of where they came from this missile.
    Representative FORD. The missile identified as Exhibit 399. Commander HUMES. 399, sir. "
    "Mr. SPECTER. And could it [CE 399] have been the bullet which inflicted the wound on Governor Connally's right wrist?
    Colonel FINCK. No; for the reason that there are too many fragments described in that wrist. "
    From Mr. Frazier, FBI firearms expert:
    "Mr. EISENBERG. Mr. Frazier, did you determine the weight of the exhibit-that is, 399?
    Mr. FRAZIER. Yes, sir. Exhibit 399 weighs 158.6 grains.
    Mr. EISENBERG. How much weight loss does that show from the original bullet weight?
    Mr. FRAZIER. We measured several standard bullets, and their weights varied, which is a normal situation, a portion of a grain, or two grains, from 161 grains--that is, they were all in the vicinity of 161 grains. One weighed--- 160.85, 161.5, 161.1 grains.
    Mr. EISENBERG. In your opinion, was there any weight loss?
    Mr. FRAZIER. There did not necessarily have to be any weight loss to the bullet. There may be a slight amount of lead missing from the base of the bullet, since it is exposed at the base, and the bullet is slightly flattened; there could be a slight weight loss from the end of the bullet, but it would not amount to more than 4 grains, because 158.6 is only a grain and a half less than the normal weight, and at least a 2 grain variation would be allowed. So it would be approximately 3 or 4 grains. "
    . . .
    "Mr. SPECTER. Mr. Frazier, is it possible for the fragments identified in Commission Exhibit 840 to have come from the whole bullet heretofore identified as Commission Exhibit 399?
    Mr. FRAZIER. I would say that based on weight it would be highly improbable that that much weight could have come from the base of that bullet since its present weight is--its weight when I first received it was 158.6 grains.
    Mr. SPECTER. Referring now to 399. Mr. FRAZIER. Exhibit 399, and its original normal weight would be 160 to 161 grains, and those three metal fragments had a total of 2.1 grains as I recall--2.3 grains. So it is possible but not likely since there is only a very small part of the core of the bullet 399 missing."

    guys just click on the link below to see all the above and more
    in essence what these guys are telling the warren commission is that the so called magic bullet (having examined the fragments found ) could not have caused all the wounds to both jfk and connally ,so that means we have a missed shot /the head shot /the magic bullet (that couldnt have caused all the wounds ) thats 3 so far, so how did the victims get the other wounds ? . as you say im no expert on ballistics but it doesnt take an expert to read (the official warren commision testimony ) and see that the warrren commission knew the pristine bullet (the magic bullet ) couldnt have caused all the wounds in jfk and connally ,and because this meant more shots were fired than oswald could have fired they simply ignored their own experts .

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 170 ✭✭silkworm53

    i never ignored your last post (regarding the rifle ) i have posted information on the rifle in an earlier post.

    "The package had Oswald's fingerprints on it and fibers closely matching the blanket in the Paine garage.
    The dissembled Mannlicher-Carcano fits inside the package.
    The package and the Mannlicher-Carcano were found on the 6th floor.
    Oswald's palm print was on the rifle barrel and his shirt fibers were in the crevice between the butt plate and the wooden stock.

    The evidence is irrefutable.

    So just cut the nonsense."

    i have already shown the experts own words regarding the fibres , you might be able to get two dissasembled carcanos to fit in the bag what does that proove, in the same post that i mention above the same expert said the bag bore no indication that the well oiled rifle was ever in it .i posted a link also in a previous post (showing the backyard photographs ) where you can clearly see in atleast one photograph that the sling on the rifle is bottom mounted and the carcano found in the texas school book depository has a sling thats side mounted . hardly irrefutable evidence .

    "The rear of Kennedy's head did not have a big hole in it.

    There was a small hole corresponding the size of a 6.5mm projectile and an exit wound in the top front right side of the skull.

    These are the autopsy pictures and x-rays of the head."

    im well aware of the photographs showing a small hole in the back of the head ,lets see what the staff at parklands said about this small hole and the throath wound shall we .

    "If you want to ignore iron-clad evidence but still expect to continue a debate with any reasonable person you are very much mistaken.
    The only reason you cannot move on is because you have been totally and utterly found wanting and you can't face facts.
    I have time and again shown you irrefutable evidence which shows that Oswald fired the assassination rifle that killed Kennedy.
    Case closed.
    My last post which you obviously completely ignored shows photographic evidence that proves that the rifle found in the TSBD was a Mannlicher-Carcano 91/38."
    i have tried to answer every claim you made and in fact i havent yet finished replying to all your claims so i have not ignored anything. show me where i have been found wanting ("case closed " now your starting to sound like gerald posner ) i have addresses the rifle issue above and in an earlier posts ,did you actually read the posts and visit the links i posted .
    i posted seymore weitzmans sworn affidavit where he said the rifle was a 7.65 mauser and roger craig also said it was a 7.65 mauser (the reason was ) because it had 7.65 mauser printed on ,by the way i posted a link showing a photograph of a mauser with 7.65 on it if you care to look at it .

    the photograph of the carcano in your post (if it is a carcano ) shows the sling has a side mount (the sling on the rifle in the backyard photograph has a bottom mount ) take a close look (you can see it )i posted a link with a blow up in an earlier post just in case, are you aware that recreations were staged as evidence was moved before it could be filmed ,

    one point i hadnt time to get around to till now ,

    the balistics (now im no expert on this as you pointed out in an earlier post )
    "Of the three shell casings, which Bill has assured me were found strewn about the floor of the sniper's nest, one of them (CE 543) was dented.

    That's not ideal for proponents of "Three Oswald shots; Three ejected shell casings".

    The shell in question was connected to Oswald's rifle. As Josiah Thompson (Author, 6 Seconds in Dallas, 1967) points out, "...Of all the various marks discovered on this case, only one set links it to Oswald's rifle, and this set was identified as having come from the magazine follower. Yet the magazine follower marks only the last cartridge in the clip ..." (Thompson, p. 145). In the case of Oswald's rifle, we're told that there was indeed one last round in the clip, but it wasn't this one. This one is different.

    Jim DiEugenio recently summarized the problem with this:

    "Author Michael Kurtz wrote an incisive account of CE 543 in his book Crime of the Century. Kurtz underlined Thompson's point that the only marks 'linking the case to Oswald's rifle were marks from the magazine follower.' Yet he goes on to write that this could not have been done on the day of the assassination since it was not the last round in the clip. But Kurtz also noted that the shell 'lacks the characteristic indentation on the side made by the firing chamber of Oswald's rifle.'"

    In "The Dented Bullet Shell" ( 4/26/01), Conspiracy Theorist and Author Michael T. Griffith describes the conclusion of forensic pathologist, Dr. E. Forrest Chapman who in 1973 was allowed access to Warren Commission assassination materials including CE 543.

    Dr. Chapman made this statement upon analysis of his conclusions: "CE 543 was
    probably "dry loaded" into a rifle. Since the dent was too large for the case to have contained a bullet on 22 November, it was never fired from Oswald's rifle. The empty case, however, for some unknown reason could have been loaded into a rifle, the trigger pulled, and the bolt operated. Dr. Chapman discovered this phenomenon through experiments of his own.

    "Dr. Chapman also noted that Case 543 had a deeper and more concave indentation on its base, at the primer, where the firing pin strikes the case. Only empty cases exhibit such characteristics. The FBI also reproduced the effect. Commission Exhibit 557 is a test cartridge case, fired empty from Oswald's rifle by the FBI for ballistics comparison purposes. It, too, contains the dent in the lip and deep primer impression similar to CE 543."

    "The ballistic anomalies are extensive.

    Gil Jesus has ten reasons Oswald never owned the alleged weapon.

    Craig and Weitzman et al found a Mauser.

    The report of three shells was an edit of an earlier find of two per this Dave Reitzes reference to Noel Twyman, Anna Marie Kuhns-Walko and others:

    A startling, new fact has emerged recently, from where it had been buried
    deep inside the National Archives for thirty-five years: Newly discovered
    documents prove that the Dallas Police did not find three spent shells in
    the Texas School Book Depository; they found TWO, along with one LIVE
    (unfired) round.

    These documents include:

    1) A Dallas Police Department report dated November 22, 1963, signed by
    Lt. Carl Day, the DPD's identifications expert, noting that evidence is
    being turned over to the jurisdiction of the FBI. It states that the
    listed items were found in the Texas School Book Depository between 1:30
    and 2:15 pm that day. The items are the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle, serial
    number C2766 (allegedly traced later to Oswald), and, an exact quote: "2
    Spent Hulls from 6th floor window." Lt. Day's signature is followed by
    that of Officer R. L Studebaker, who witnessed the transfer of the
    evidence from Lt. Day to FBI Agent Vince Drain, who "took possession of
    all evidence."

    2) A copy of the receipt of these items by the FBI: "1 6.5 Rifle # C2766"
    and "2 Spent hulls found at [illegible] School Book Depository."

    3) A handwritten receipt for these additional items from the DPD: "2
    [photographic] negatives + 4 prints of each of two 6.5 hulls + 1 "live"
    round of 6.5 ammunition from rifle found on 6th floor of Texas school
    [sic] Book Depository, Dallas on 11-22-63."

    4) The original FBI evidence sheet for all items in theirȠpossession
    purportedly belonging to Lee Harvey Oswald, which lists "Live round 6.5"
    and "6.5 spent rounds (2)." This report was originally introduced into
    evidence as Commission Exhibit 2003, and published on page 260 of the
    Warren Commission's twenty-fourth volume of evidence, but -- as J. Gary
    Shaw and Larry Harris noted in their 1976 book, Cover-Up -- the published
    version's "6.5 spent rounds (2)" has the two altered to a three that
    appears to be handwritten. These and the following items are reproduced
    in full in Noel Twyman's 1997 book Bloody Treason (62).

    5) Commission Exhibits 510 and 512, two police photographs of the three
    spent shells as they were allegedly found near the sixth floor window.
    Noel Twyman points out that in CE 510, one of the three hulls appears to
    be a live round; while the same hull in CE 512 (63) has been
    conspicuously blacked out, with a crude forgery of a shell drawn or
    scratched onto the negative (64).

    6) The original FBI evidence envelope, signed by Special Agent J. Doyle
    Williams, which once contained the above-mentioned negatives and
    photographs of the spent shells from the Book Depository: "2 negatives
    and 4 prints of each," listing, "two 6.5 bullet hulls + 1 "live" round of
    6.5 ammunition from rifle found on 6th floor of Texas Book Depository
    [sic], Dallas on 11-22-63" (65).

    7) And the frosting on the cake, discovered in the National Archives
    recently by researcher Anna-Marie Kuhns-Walko, one of the actual DPD
    photographs depicting (you guessed it) two spent shells and one live
    round (66).

    Subsequently a third spent shell was added to the evidence. Whoever it
    was who ordered this third shell planted was also powerful enough to
    ensure not a single Dallas policeman, Sheriff's deputy or official would
    reveal to the Warren Commission that their signed, dated records of
    evidence had been altered and replaced, and that a third spent shell had
    been introduced as being from the Book Depository.
    "Mr. SPECTER. Now looking at that bullet, Exhibit 399, Doctor Humes, could that bullet have gone through or been any part of the fragment passing through President Kennedy's head in Exhibit No. 388?
    Commander HUMES. I do not believe so, sir.
    Mr. SPECTER. And could that missile have made the wound on Governor Connally's right wrist?
    Commander HUMES. I think that that is most unlikely ... The reason I believe it most unlikely that this missile could have inflicted either of these wounds is that this missile is basically intact; its jacket appears to me to be intact, and I do not understand how it could possibly have left fragments in either of these locations.
    Mr. SPECTER. Dr. Humes, under your opinion which you have just given us, what effect, if any, would that have on whether this bullet, 399, could have been the one to lodge in Governor Connally's thigh?
    Commander HUMES. I think that extremely unlikely. The reports, again Exhibit 392 from Parkland, tell of an entrance wound on the lower midthigh of the Governor, and X-rays taken there are described as showing metallic fragments in the bone, which apparently by this report were not removed and are still present in Governor Connally's thigh. I can't conceive of where they came from this missile.
    Representative FORD. The missile identified as Exhibit 399. Commander HUMES. 399, sir. "
    "Mr. SPECTER. And could it [CE 399] have been the bullet which inflicted the wound on Governor Connally's right wrist?
    Colonel FINCK. No; for the reason that there are too many fragments described in that wrist. "
    From Mr. Frazier, FBI firearms expert:
    "Mr. EISENBERG. Mr. Frazier, did you determine the weight of the exhibit-that is, 399?
    Mr. FRAZIER. Yes, sir. Exhibit 399 weighs 158.6 grains.
    Mr. EISENBERG. How much weight loss does that show from the original bullet weight?
    Mr. FRAZIEɒ. We measured several standard bullets, and their weights varied, which is a normal situation, a portion of a grain, or two grains, from 161 grains--that is, they were all in the vicinity of 161 grains. One weighed--- 160.85, 161.5, 161.1 grains.
    Mr. EISENBERG. In your opinion, was there any weight loss?
    Mr. FRAZIER. There did not necessarily have to be any weight loss to the bullet. There may be a slight amount of lead missing from the base of the bullet, since it is exposed at the base, and the bullet is slightly flattened; there could be a slight weight loss from the end of the bullet, but it would not amount to more than 4 grains, because 158.6 is only a grain and a half less than the normal weight, and at least a 2 grain variation would be allowed. So it would be approximately 3 or 4 grains. "
    . . .
    "Mr. SPECTER. Mr. Frazier, is it possible for the fragments identified in Commission Exhibit 840 to have come from the whole bullet heretofore identified as Commission Exhibit 399?
    Mr. FRAZIER. I would say that based on weight it would be highly improbable that that much weight could have come from the base of that bullet since its present weight is--its weight when I first received it was 158.6 grains.
    Mr. SPECTER. Referring now to 399. Mr. FRAZIER. Exhibit 399, and its original normal weight would be 160 to 161 grains, and those three metal fragments had a total of 2.1 grains as I recall--2.3 grains. So it is possible but not likely since there is only a very small part of the core of the bullet 399 missing."

    guys just click on the link below to see all the above and more
    in essence what these guys are telling the warren commission is that the so called magic bullet (having examined the fragments found ) could not have caused all the wounds to both jfk and connally ,so that means we have a missed shot /the head shot /the magic bullet (that couldnt have caused all the wounds ) thats 3 so far, so how did the victims get the other wounds ? . as you say im no ɥxpert on ballistics but it doesnt take an expert to read (the official warren commision testimony ) and see that the warrren commission knew the pristine bullet (the magic bullet ) couldnt have caused all the wounds in jfk and connally ,and because this meant more shots were fired than oswald could have fired they simply ignored their own experts .

    You are after posting up more garbage.

    The photos clearly show that the rifle the mountings of the sling are on the fore grip and and through the rear of the stock.

    So stop making rubbish just so you can cling on for dear life to your precious conspiracy theories.

    There was no gun oil found on the paper-bag because the bolt mechanism is the part that is oiled. That is internal not external.

    The x-rays and photos I showed you of the President's head were taken at Bethesda Naval Hospital after the body arrived.
    They are genuine.

    If you want to ignore them and make up some story about the body being switched or surgically altered or some other crap go right ahead.

    The Parkland doctors never treated Kennedy for his head wound.
    The attempted to make him breath by inserting the tube through the throat wound and tried keep his heart pumping by massaging his chest.
    Kennedy lay on his back and was never turned over in the ER.

    The claims that the back of the head were blasted out are mistaken because the doctors could not have seen the back of the head.

    The head was also covered in blood and brains were spilling out, which means they could not have been able to accurately guess at the size of the head wound.

    The rear neck wound and rear head wound were only discovered at Bethesda.

    They were discovered to be entrance wounds.

    The pathologists had to confer with doctors in Parkland to find out how the wound in the throat was created and were told it was a wound that had been enlarged by surgical incision to insert the breathing tube.

    The doctors in Bethesda thoroughly examined the head, x-rayed it, they removed the brain and measured the extent ɯf the damage to the skull shattered by the bullet. They discovered the rear wound to the head was a bevelled crater which could only have been caused by a bullet entering the head from above and behind. They found a roughly semi-circular beveled edge on part of the front portion of the skull and a large roughly triangular skull fragment embedded with lead with another bevelled edge was matched to it. This was the wound of exit in the front right of the head where the skull broke apart and pieces detached and flew off. A trail of lead fragments through the cranium shed by the bullet as it passed through the head show the bullet passed from back to front.

    The position of Kennedy's head in frame 313 of the Zapruder film - chin down, turned to the left means that the track of the bullet projected back and to the right goes right through the 6th floor south east corner window.

    There were three spent cases found on the floor of the sniper nest and one whole unfired bullet was found in the rifle chamber and was ejected by the police officers who discovered the rifle.

    This article debunks the claims of conspiracy theorists.

    Witnesses to the assassination directly below the 6th floor window heard the rattle of the rifle bolt and shells hitting the floor as the three shots were fired.

    This pictures shows where the spent hulls were located.


    The Warren Commission conducted a test where three shells were ejected from the rifle rapidly with the bolt mechanism and they bounced off the boxes and were distributed on the floor in a similar pattern to the shell cases in the above photo.

    We have already discussed the CE399 bullet.

    The Warren Commission conducted tests with the 6.5mm bullet by firing it into gelatine blocks mimicking human flesh compared with the NATO M80 7.62mm round and the .257 Roberts soft nose hunting round.

    The Western 6.5mm bullet had terrific penetrating ability and remained intact outperforming both of the comparable rounds.

    A series of tests have been conducted over the years - it has been found that high speeds the same round striking bone will be mangled and mushroomed. However when it has been significantly slowed by passing through flesh it will smash bone without suffering significant damage.

    The most comprehensive test of the bullet was conducted by the Discovery Channel when they used surgical models molded from gelatine to almost exactly recreate Kennedy and Connally's torsos, with a gelatine wrist block and a gelatine thigh block. A 6.5mm Western cartridge was fired into the back of the neck and the results were staggering.

    The bullet almost exactly created the wounds to both Kennedy and Connally - the marksman's shot was slightly off hitting the back of the neck in the wrong place, exiting the chest rather than the throat. The bullet created a hole in Connally's back very closely matching the elliptical wound behind his right armpit. The bullet shattered two of the model's ribs causing the bullet to be more damaged than the CE399 bullet. However it passed through the wrist block smashing one of the radius bones and instead of penetrating the thigh block - it bounced having lost too much momentum. The two ribs were broken because the bullet tumbled and yawed in flight.

    The bullet flight was a very close match - more or less a straight line line and proves that the flight of the magic bullet is more than probable - it is the only logical explanation for the seven wounds to both Kennedy and Connally.

  • Registered Users Posts: 153 ✭✭fergus o brien

    you claim to support the warren commision and the official report (and yet you have ignored their own experts testimony) which i posted above in which they say the (magic bullet ) could not have caused all the wounds in both jfk and connally .buts its hardly surprising you would do that as the warrren commission did the same because the testimony of the experts (their own experts ) showed that at the very least one more shot was fired one more shot than oswald had time to also ignored their experts testimony on the fibres and the fact that he said there is nothing to say a rifle was ever in that package .do you only support the warren commission report assertions and not the actual evidence and testimony in it (you cant have it both ways) either the entire warren report is correct including all evidence and testimony in it or its not ,if you are rejecting testimony and evidence in the report then you are saying to all that the warren report is wrong .

    and you obviously are going to ignore all the staff at parklands who not only say they saw a large gaping wound in the right rear of jfks head but also saw an entry wound in jfks throath ( i can see why you want to ignore them) ,not to mention jackies testimony which i posted a link to in my last post . i also posted links where the staff who worked at parklands are clearly seen showing where the wound was on jfks head in my last post .i suppose jackie didnt really see jfks head when he was laying on her lap .

    you are aware that the house select committe admitted to a possible conspiracy on the basis of accoustical evidence that points to a shooter in the knoll area .have you done any research at all other than on the mcadams site.

    and we havent even really spoke about tippits killing yet .

    lets have a look at mr mcadams in who you have such great fate in,

    This FAQ exists to answer some of the most frequently asked questions about John McAdams. <H5><H5>This FAQ will be posted regularly to forewarn new users of the dangers of becoming another McAdams victim. <H5><H5>
    <H5><H5>1. Who is John McAdams? John McAdams is a professor of political science employed in the Jesuit Marquette University. <H5><H5>
    <H5>2. Is John McAdams hell-bent on destroying the (alt.conspiracy.jfk) newsgroup? Sadly yes. His own words appended below summarize his intentions better than I could.
    From Sat Feb 15 05:17:02 1997
    Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy.jfk
    Subject: Re: Blown back by shot
    From: (John McAdams)
    Date: 14 Feb 1997 22:17:02 -0700

    You buffs have been cooperating marvelously with my scheme to make this group a shambles. And you know the bizarre part? My scheme is not a secret.
    I have publicly announced it.
    I have made it perfectly obvious.
    I have rubbed you buffs' noses in it.
    It's blatantly obviously to everybody.


    <H5>This recent post by McAdams should be viewed in terms of the Charter he submitted as part of the process of forming the moderated JFK group:


    This group will be for the purpose of providing an area for serious discussion and research of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The group will be moderated to prevent the noise and chronic personal attacks which have plagued alt.conspiracy.jfk and made it nearly useless as a vehicle for intelligent research. Questions surrounding JFK's death have made this one of the most talked about and controversial issues of our generation. This will be the one usenet group which deals seriously with this important topic.

    One supposes that since the noise and chronic personal attacks which have plagued the alt.conspiracy.jfk group were and are part of McAdams freely admitted plans to turn the group into a shambles, the moderated group can only be seen as his personal vehicle for selective manipulation of content.

    <H5>3. Is McAdams connected to the CIA?

    Many people have suggested he is and it would not be difficult to imagine how useful a professor of political science at a respected university would be as a CIA asset. It is impossible to know if McAdams has "company" links but his background and behavior may shed some light.

    The following is a quote from a letter written by McAdams to the Milwaukee Sentinel Newspaper:

    (Dr) Gary Aguilar accused me on the politics forum of being A CIA sponsored disinformationist because I was once the Marquette Official representative of the I.C.P.S.R. an utterly unspooky social science data archive.

    The article below throws some light on just how "un-spooky" the ICPSR actually is:

    Not being widely known outside its narrow area of research the ICPSR may not register with most people, but if you are familiar with intelligence and covert action, you will recognize that some of their "classes" deal in "nation building" concept, which is what the interventionists call it when they set up a puppet government through subversion of the existing institutions of said nation.

    The ICPSR is housed in the Institute for Social Research, or ISR which itself has been documented has recipient of spook research grants.

    This is a repost of something Lisa Pease posted a while back that elaborates on these spook research grants and also contains Mcadams' admission, if not boast, that he was at one time "official representative" to ICPSR.

    They have a web page, so you can check it out for yourself. You may notice studies on assassinations and the courses on the "formation of elites" in Chile etc..

    The URL is:

    Of course, McAdams may or may not be connected with the CIA, you pay your money and take your chance in dealing with him.

    <H5>CIA infiltrating as Teachers ?

    Search for "Marquette University & the CIA" on any search engine a see what comes up... Here's a small sample of what I found

    CIA Sends Agents To Schools -- To Teach ... Floyd L. Paseman, who ran the CIA's East Asian operations and is now on a two-year teaching stint at Marquette University in Milwaukee, draws similar plaudits ... - 14k - Cached - Similar pages

    CIA Officer in Residence Program ... according to Carlos D. Davis, deputy director of the CIA's ... of Southern California,the University of Maryland, New Mexico State University, Marquette ... - Similar pages

    Center for Studies of Intelligence: Educational Outreach ... Since the program started in 1985, CIA has ... University of South Carolina, University of Oregon, University of Kentucky, Texas A&M, Marquette ... - 6k - Cached - Similar pages


    ... American University, US Naval Academy, US Naval War College, Ohio State University, Marquette University ? New Information Services Governance Process: CIA?s ... dci_annual_report_99_22.html - 17k - Cached - Similar pages [ More results from ]

    Marquette University - Chris Sloane

    ... For more on the trebuchet, visit http://www.marquette ... Future plans: PhD program in Physics at the University ... working in industry or government — maybe the CIA. ... - 23k - Cached - Similar pages [ More results from ]

    <H5>4. Has McAdams any track record in covert-type activity?

    It seems he has!

    John McAdams attended the 1995 Copa Conference using the assumed name Paul Nolan. More than that, he also fabricated a background to go with the name in that he purported himself to be a jet-propulsion expert and some-time computer store owner from Sherwood, Wisconsin. In that guise, he was quoted in an article in the Washington press by journalist Matt Labash. Mr. Labash later confirmed that McAdams had duped him. Mr. Labash had quoted Paul (McAdams) Nolan in good faith whilst in fact McAdams was lying through his teeth.

    McAdams later claimed he had used an assumed name to avoid contact with users of the alt.conspiracy group who may have been attending the conference. With McAdams record of willfully abusing users of the group, this story might seem plausible but going to trouble of inventing a detailed cover story and lying to the press have more sinister overtones.

    <H5>5. Has McAdams accused other group users of pedophilia and drug abuse?

    He most certainly has!

    In 1997 McAdams openly accused one Stuart Lyster of having served time in prison for child abuse and accused Dr Gary Aguilar of being a drug addict.

    In the light of McAdams behavior in the group and his other activities such as at the Copa Conference, Stuart Lyster asked McAdams explain his motives in using this group and in return posted the following offensive reply:

    From: (John McAdams)

    Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy.jfk

    Subject: Re: A cornered rat turns vicious

    Date: 12 Sep 1995 13:04:53 GMT

    Organization: Marquette University - Computer Services

    In article <, (Stuart Lyster) writes:

    And .John refuses to discuss how he uses this newsgroup for profit. So, .John, are you ready to discuss your *REAL* use of this newsgroup and why you are here, and....

    Stuart, you've first got to address charges that you are a pedophile who has served time in jail for molesting young children. I'm going to keep after you on this until you respond.


    This reply earned McAdams coverage in the Milwaukee Sentinal newspaper:

    By Tom Vanden Brook of the Journal Sentinel staff


    A Marquette University professor who hurled profane insults across the Internet - including accusations of drug use and pedophilia - has been chastised by university officials, has annoyed people across the country, and has sparked a small, intense debate on etiquette in cyberspace.

    John McAdams, a political science professor who teaches a course on the Kennedy assassination and has created a home page on the World Wide Web devoted to the topic, admitted to using blue prose in computer correspondence.

    But he defended himself by saying he was responding in kind to people he says are viciously critical of his views on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. "The Internet used to be a reasonable place to discuss the Kennedy assassination," McAdams said. "Now, it's a complete 'flamefest'."

    "Flaming," in Internet circles, refers to diatribes aimed at those with differing viewpoints. McAdams is a vocal opponent of academics and others who ascribe to various conspiracy theories concerning the assassination.

    Last fall, participants in an assassination discussion group complained to the Roman Catholic university about McAdams' profane references to them on computer bulletin boards. Gary Aguilar, a San Francisco surgeon, said he contacted MU after McAdams asked him to respond to charges that he had used drugs. Aguilar vehemently denies using drugs.

    "He's extremely mean-spirited," Aguilar said. "What academic purpose can be served by calling people these names? I find it peculiar in the extreme that a professor at Marquette University, a Catholic institution, would do this."

    In response to these criticisms McAdams said:

    "I refuse to be driven off the Internet by abuse or attacks," McAdams said. "If I called somebody a bimbo, it's in reaction. I refuse to be bound by any notion of political correctness."

    Of course McAdams didn't call anyone a "bimbo" which is hardly a description calculated to fuel anger. What he did do is make allegations of child abuse and drug taking which is quite different.

    McAdams has made repeated claims that he did not accuse Stuart Lyster of child abuse, merely asked him to address allegations.... readers will recognize semantics when they encounter them.

    Subsequently, McAdams claimed Stuart Lyster had apologized to him and was not making an issue out of the pedophilia slurs.

    To date, despite repeated requests, McAdams has been unable to post this alleged apology. McAdams protestations of not actually having called Stuart Lyster a pedophile fails to square with an article written by Heather Anichini in Marquette University's own newspaper:

    In condemning Vanden Brook’s ‘unfair’ assessment of him, McAdams wrote that his school paper, the Marquette Tribune, had produced a very fair story. In that story, written by Heather Anichini and printed on 10/17/95, McAdams claimed he had only called someone a pedophile in response to that correspondent’s accusing me (McAdams) of using the group to write a book....

    McAdams explained his actions in the Tribune saying, I was attempting to show the ridiculousness of such claims. ONE DOES NOT MAKE SUCH STATEMENT WITHOUT FOUNDATION. (emphasis added).

    The man later wrote and apologized (as noted above, no proof of this alleged apology has ever been offered by McAdams...perhaps he doesn't know how to fake email)

    So McAdams, in order to illuminate the inadvisability making charges without having a foundation, made himself the unfounded, and decidedly more mean-spirited, charge of pedophilia!

    The purpose of this FAQ is to address the McAdams problem facing this group and provide some insight for new users to the group of what is actually behind the flame wars being carried out by McAdams and a few of his associates.

    <H5>Van:Robert Harris (
    Datum:2003-09-30 12:32:52 PST
    Just to set the record straight:

    McAdams did indeed, make comments that were intended to imply that Aguilar was a drug addict. IMO, they were deliberate, malicious and intended to smear the doctor.

    His statements about destroying this newsgroup, as well as those about "pedophillia", were very obviously, sarcastic and not meant to be taken seriously.

    As for a CIA affiliation, I would bet the ranch on it, although he is probably not an employee.

    But none of those things are what is important here, or even comes close to defining what makes him the despicable slug that he is.

    McAdams' real crime is that he is a professional propagandist, who has positioned his website to become *THE* primary source of information on the internet, about the JFK assassination.

    As you probably know, that site is the greatest collection of lies and disinformation that has ever appeared in this case. McAdams has publicly stated that he will permit nothing to appear there that challenges his LN theory, or corrects factual errors in his or his lackey's "articles".

    And he does all of that, knowing full well that JFK was the victim of multiple assassins.

    Robert Harris

    <H5>Van:Michael T. Griffith (
    Datum:2001-01-15 13:46:14 PST

    I have a little story to tell about McAdams' censorship. Last year I was engaged in a dialogue. My opponent repeatedly resorted to name-calling and personal insults. Finally, three or four replies later, I made one comment about my opponent that called his integrity into question. Incredibly, McAdams sent me an e-mail saying he would not post my reply unless I deleted the comment. In response, I noted to McAdams that he had allowed my opponent to make several far more egregious attacks on me. McAdams said nothing but merely repeated his position that he wouldn't post my reply unless I deleted the offending statement. Until then, I had dismissed reports of McAdams' censorship as overblown. Now I know better.

    Visit my Real Issues Home Page, where you'll find web pages on the LDS Church, creation vs. evloution, American politics, and the JFK assassination:
    <H5>Van:Martin Shackelford (
    Onderwerp:John McAdams: A Few Tidbits for his "fans" here
    Datum:2003-10-09 06:30:10 PST

    Internet issues:

    VILE TACTICS: During a JFK discussion, implied that one of his critics might be a child molester, and that another might be involved with drugs. Totally unrelated to the discussions, but a way of distracting attention from the issues.
    SEARCH HOGGING: His website is designed to pop up first and often in search engine inquiries about JFK. One website review service described McAdams as the Matt Drudge of the JFK assassination.

    PSEUDONYM: Attended 1995 COPA conference in Dallas as computer store owner Paul Nolan, and was interviewed by City Paper under that alias.

    DOUBTFUL: Marquette University Associate Professor; PhD. Harvard University His official Marquette syllabus for his JFK course includes a link to his Judyth Baker attack page--the only name in that group linked to his website. I wonder if Marquette realizes they are "sponsoring" this attack.

    DEATH PENALTY: Most pro death penalty websites include a McAdams quote. He managed to convince USA Today (1998) that he was an "unlikely defender" of the death penalty, though he was a propagandist for executions. He admits that blacks are more likely to be executed, but noting that blacks make up nearly half of all murder victims, he argues that eliminating the death penalty would be assign less value to black murder victims, "a subtle kind of racism." In other words, you are a racist if you don't support a death penalty that executes blacks disproportionately--in fact he argues for MORE executions of blacks. What a guy!! He admits that the death penalty doesn't work as a deterrent, then turns around and argues that it deters murders (same way he argues JFK issues). His "cost-benefit" argument is that the more murderers we execute, the more victims we spare. He happily informed ABC News that executions were becoming more popular. Comments like this led to a Catholic group, JusticeSeekers, to ask whether McAdams shouldn't resign from Marquette University, a Catholic institution, as a majority of Catholics opposed the death penalty.

    DUBIOUS "RESEARCH":JFK researcher Stewart Galanor has exposed McAdams' manipulation data in his analysis of Dealey Plaza witnesses:

    POLITICS: On Wisconson public radio discussions involving a liberal and a conservative, McAdams was one of the frequently tapped conservatives. In 1991, he received an award from the Dirksen Center. He is on the Board of Advisors of the Heartland Institute--but is not listed under ANY of the Institute's areas of expertise, unlike most Advisors. He has been cited as an opponent of campaign finance reform: Wrote a briefing paper against campaign finance reform for the conservative Cato Institute.

    Original Message
    From: Nathan Howland
    Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2007 4:13 PM
    Subject: John McAdams

    Hi there,

    I wish I had seen some of your information about McAdams before going into 'his' Assassination Newsgroup.

    I find this all quite an irony, as John's aims is to actually assassinate anything that draws a reasonably intelligent comment or questioning mind toward the mass of irregular and tampered with evidence reported by the 26 volumes of the Warren Commission's report. I suggest everyone shold keep a copy of this vital work in your toilets should have the emergency of running out toilet paper!

    I had only joined the newsgroup for a few days, and have been quietly researching the events on that fateful day in Dealy Plaza for about 15 years. however, it took only 48 hours of questioning 'against the grain' of the Lee Oswald official line, for me to be set upon by John's abusive, and patronising lackies. He is msart enough not to do his own dirty work for fear of exposing himself.

    In response, I defended my corner (without lowering myself to using abuse) by merely pointing out that the kind kindergarten behaviour being exhibited was not only very suprising from so-called adults, but was counterproductive to open investigative debate, especially given serious subject matter at hand. Also, if my humble theories were wrong (which is fine by me!), I requested that they please discuss show how any mistakes had been made in my research, as I was more than happy to keep an open mind about everything. I believe this to be true investigative debate. I believed it to be a mature arena for educated and inspiring analitical conversation ! A reasonable retort you might think, right??

    Not in the slightest! To my 'reasonable' response I was sent an email by McAdams stating that my reply had been censored and deleted, and that its (and I quote) "Rhetoric was too tough!" To me this comment only appeared to be a euphemism for "I am John McAdams, and quite often talk out of my backside!" A Professor of Politics, and so-called open mind in full view. He should know full well that we have a democratic right to free speech and comment. I wasn't using foul language or attacking anyone......unlike his little slave-hands. This was another direct seige on this fundamental right, for which he showed absolutely no remorse whatsoever!! Even when, later, it was brought to his attention there not a hint of regret. That in itself is deeply disturbing behaviour by someoneof his standing reputation. At this moment, I stood back, and looked in more depth at the newsgroup. I then realised this was a blatant and common manipulation of open, truthful, investigation and discussion that he not only support, but actively encouraged. Worryingly, there was a long history of this type of behaviour by McAdams and his 'helpers'. The tactics being used are very much akin to the bullying, rude, offensive, and exhaustive grinding tactics, often seen used by members of the head freaks of the Scientology fraternity.

    John McAdams seems on a single-minded mission to completely gloss over the truth in the labyrinth of lies, avoidance, intimidation, foul play, and obstruction waged by the government for decades in the aftermath of the assassination of 35th President of the United States. I find it a complete disgrace! It is almost as if, in his role as teacher, he is carrying out some other agenda to at least ensure the truth is obscured and fudged from the new generations of younbg sparkling bright minds, who might carry on the torch of questioning this miscreant plot. He does this, manipulatively dictatorial in his position as Head Moderator to this group, standing with his 'surrogate bible', the Warren Commission Report, as he silences those voices and opinions he does not want heard any longer.

    A man of his educated position should be shamed of his actions in this way. And there's me thinking we in a Democracy!?

    Thank you for listening to me....and keep up the good work exposing this dictatorial idiot and his Munchkins!

    In gratitude for all your efforts

    Nathan Howland "

    "If you do any research of major figures in the JFK assassination via web search engines you will soon find yourself on John McAdams’ website. He is clearly the main disinformation source on the net. He adopts an academic tone and if one was not aware of the facts of the person or event he is writing about, one would think he has logically looked at the evidence available. He is therefore doing a successful job in misleading students about the JFK assassination. In fact, it could be argued that his impact has been as great as other disinformation agents such as David Atlee Phillips, G. Robert Blakey, Dick Billings, Jack Anderson, Gary Mack and Gerald Posner.

    Macadams is reluctant to get involved in debate over these issues. Although he is a member of this forum he has so far refused to post. I thought that if we analyse his articles in great detail we can expose his disinformation strategy. We might even goad him into trying to defend himself (maybe another non-posting member, Gary Mack, will help him out).

    Over the last few weeks I have been involved in researching Dorothy Kilgallen. John McAdams’ page is ranked number 2 at Google. I was appalled when I read his article and thought it might be good idea to analyse it paragraph by paragraph.

    If you believe what the conspiracy books tell you, and know little else about the case, then the death of Dorothy Kilgallen, like many deaths of people tangentially connected to the case, seems "mysterious." Kilgallen, a gossip columnist for the New York Journal-American and a panelist on the popular game show "What's My Line" was found dead in her New York City apartment on November 8, 1965.

    How was she connected to the Kennedy assassination, and why was her death "mysterious?" Conspiracy author Jim Marrs explains:

    “Whatever information Kilgallen learned and from whatever source, many researchers believe it brought about her strange death. She told attorney Mark Lane: "They've killed the President, [and] the government is not prepared to tell us the truth . . . " and that she planned to "break the case." To other friends she said: "This has to be a conspiracy! . . . I'm going to break the real story and have the biggest scoop of the century." And in her last column item regarding the assassination, published on September 3, 1965, Kilgallen wrote: "This story isn't going to die as long as there's a real reporter alove (sic) - and there are a lot of them."

    “But on November 8, 1965, there was one less reporter. That day Dorothy Kilgallen was found dead in her home. It was initially reported that she died of a heart attack, but quickly this was changed to an overdose of alcohol and pills. (Crossfire, p. 425)”

    How much of this is true, and how much of what's true is "mysterious?"

    As always McAdams starts off by giving the impression he is going to approach the subject with an open mind. He also puts forward the view that he has considered all the evidence available: “If you believe what the conspiracy books tell you, and know little else about the case, then the death of Dorothy Kilgallen, like many deaths of people tangentially connected to the case, seems "mysterious." People he disagrees with are always dismissed as “conspiracy theorists”.

    McAdams selects a paragraph from Jim Marrs’ book Crossfire. One wonders why he has not started at the beginning and quoted from William Penn Jones, the first journalist to raise the issue of Kilgallen’s death. For example, this is what Jones wrote in The Midlothian Mirror (November 25, 1965):

    “I have a concern for the strange things happening in America in recent months. With the passing of the second anniversary of the murder of President Kennedy, we take not of some of the strange things which continue to plague those around the principals.”

    “Miss Dorothy Kilgallen joins the growing list of persons who have died after a private interview with one of the two members of the Jack Ruby-George Senator team. We have printed the strange deaths of Bill Hunter and Jim Koethe after they had a private interview with George Senator and Ruby’s attorney, Tom Howard. Hunter and Koethe were murdered. Lawyer Tom Howard died under strange circumstances...”

    “Now Miss Kilgallen dies under clouded circumstances. During the Ruby trial in Dallas, Judge Joe B. Brown granted Miss Kilgallen a privilege given no other newsman. She had thirty minutes alone in a room with Jack Ruby. Even the guards were outside the door. Miss Kilgallen told some of what went of during the interview in her columns. But was someone afraid she knew more?”

    It is clear why McAdams does not use this quote. For it provides a great deal of information that he would be unable to refute. Jones also provides a motive for Kilgallen’s death. Nor does McAdams refer to another part of Jones’s story, that Kilgallen’s friend, Florence Smith, who was given details of what she had discovered about the JFK assassination, died two days later.

    Let's start with the story as reported in Kilgallen's own paper, the Journal-American.

    Dorothy Kilgallen, famed columnist of the Journal-American, died today at her home, 45 E. 68th St. She was 52.

    Miss Kilgallen died in her sleep. She was found by a maid and a hairdresser who came to the home to keep a 12:15 p.m. appointment. Alongside her bed was a book which she apparently had been reading before falling asleep.
    She had written her last column, which appears in today's editions, early in the morning and had sent it to The Journal-American offices by messenger at 2:30 am.

    Miss Kilgallen's husband, actor and producer Richard Kollmar, and their youngest child, Kerry, were sleeping in other rooms when she died.
    The article notes that Kilgallen's father said that Kilgallen "apparently suffered a heart attack." Marrs makes this out to be a sinister "story," but it clearly was the speculation of a grieving father who knew his daughter had been found dead with no evidence of foul play.

    McAdams seems to be suggesting that because this passage is from Kilgallen’s own newspaper it must be true. Do newspapers always get the facts right about recent events? Of course they don’t and this is no exception. McAdams implies that Kilgallen could not have been murdered because her son and husband were sleeping in other rooms. In fact, it is far from clear if Kollmar was in the house at the time of her death. He told Detective John Doyle he had not seen his wife when she came in that night. However, he told another policeman, Mike Ward, that she came in at 11.30 p.m. and they had a drink together. This was clearly untrue as Kilgallen was seen by several witnesses at the Regency Hotel after midnight. The police decided not to take action against Kollmar for giving false testimony. As Doyle later pointed out, when he interviewed Kollmar soon after Kilgallen’s body had been found: “He was completely inebriated. I don’t even think he knew his own name.” Kollmar was an alcoholic and if he had been in the house he would have been in a drunken stupor and would not have heard what was going on.

    Nor does McAdams point out that Kilgallen’s home was a very large five story house. Servants and students also lived in the house. There was much coming and going and Kerry would have unlikely to have been woken up by visitors arriving in the early hours of the morning. If so, he would have been woken every night as both Kilgallen and Kollmar always arrived home in the early hours of the morning.
    The newspaper account does not point out which bedroom she was found in. In fact it was the master bedroom on the third floor. That was the murderer’s first mistake. Kilgallen had not slept with her husband in the master bedroom for many years. What a coincidence that on the night she dies she decides to sleep in a different bedroom to the one she always used.

    A week later, in the Nov. 15, 1965 number, the Journal-American quoted Assistant Medical Examiner James Luke on what happened:

    The death of Dorothy Kilgallen, Journal-American columnist and famed TV personality, was contributed to by a combination of moderate quantities of alcohol and barbiturates, a medical examiner's report stated today.

    As many personalities whose multiple duties and responsibilities demand unceasing attention, Miss Kilgallen experienced recurring tensions in meeting her deadlines for performances - both as a newspaperwoman and TV performer.

    In his report today, Dr. James Luke, Assistant Medical Examiner, said that although Miss Kilgallen had only "moderate amounts of each," the effect of the combination had caused depression of the central nervous system "which in turn caused her heart to stop."

    Once again, McAdams implies that this report must be true because it was in the Journal American. The implication is that Kilgallen committed suicide because she “experienced recurring tensions in meeting her deadlines for performances - both as a newspaperwoman and TV performer”. There is no truth in this statement at all. Kilgallen had no trouble with her deadlines or her attendance on “What’s My Line”. In fact she had appeared on the programme on the day she died. Far from not writing her column for the Journal-American she was doing extra work for the newspaper, including writing several articles on the JFK assassination.

    However, if you are to believe the 3rd paragraph, what are you to make of the 4th paragraph. Dr. James Luke’s evidence suggests that Kilgallen has died as a result of an accident. Luke does not mention the fact that he also found 50 cubic centimetres of “pink fluid” in Kilgallen stomach. This liquid was sent to toxicology for analysis. For some reason Luke never published what this was.

    McAdams does not inform the reader that Dr. Charles J. Umberger, director of toxicology at the New York City Medical Examiner Office, believed that Kilgallen had been murdered. This was because he identified what was in her stomach at the time of her death. This included amo, pento and secobarbitol. He also found quinine in the brain, bile, and liver. This is important as it had been used my murderers before to disguise the bitterness of secreted barbiturates. In 1968 Umberger told his assistant what had been found in these toxicology tests on Kilgallen. However he was told to keep the information secret: “Keep it under your hat. It was big.”

    It could be argued that McAdams is unaware of this evidence. However, this is unlikely as he has obviously read Lee Israel’s book Kilgallen, where some of the other quotes he uses comes from.

    The details of Kilgallen's death are recorded in documents produced by the office of the Medical Examiner. These are National Archives Record Number 1801007110433 — Agency File number 007250 from the House Select Committee on Assassinations.

    This set of documents includes the "Report of Death" form from the Office of Chief Medical Examiner, the "Autopsy Report" (with the autopsy being performed by Junior Medical Examiner James Luke with doctors Sturner and Baden present), a handwritten addendum to the "Autopsy Report" that gave the microscopic and chemical findings, and "Notice of Death" of the Office of Chief Medical Examiner of the City of New York.

    Key points include:

    1. Her husband was with her in her New York east side apartment, although not in the same bedroom.

    2. Her husband said she returned from "What's My Line" feeling chipper. She went to her bedroom. The next day he found her dead.

    3. The examination of the body at the scene found "no trauma" and "no signs violence" [sic].

    4. The autopsy found no injuries whatsoever that could account for her death, nor any evidence of a struggle nor (say) pills being forced down her throat.

    5. The cause of death in the autopsy says "PENDING FURTHER STUDY." A handwritten note below that says "Acute ethanol and barbiturate intoxication. Circumstances undetermined." This handwritten note was apparently based on the chemical findings, which were appended to the report. She had a blood alcohol level of 0.15, and barbiturate level that says "UV - 2.4 [illegible]" in the liver.

    Point 1 is unproven. Point 2 is clearly false. As the Journal-American pointed out the day after Kilgallen died: “She was found by a maid and a hairdresser who came to the home to keep a 12:15 p.m. appointment.” As McAdams knows from reading Lee Israel’s book, the body was actually found by her personal maid, Anne Hamilton, and the hairdresser, Marc Sinclaire, at around 12.30 p.m. Richard Kollmar was still asleep in his room at this time (Kollmar was an alcoholic who always slept late).

    It is noticeable that McAdams never refers to Marc Sinclaire in his article. This is understandable because Sinclaire provided the evidence that indicated Kilgallen was murdered.

    It was Sinclaire’s regular duty to wake Kilgallen in the morning. Kilgallen was often out to the early hours of the morning and like her husband always slept late. Sinclaire knew immediately that foul play had taken place.

    (1) Kilgallen was not sleeping in her normal bedroom. Instead she was in the master bedroom, a room she had not occupied for several years.

    (2) Kilgallen was wearing false eyelashes. According to Sinclaire she always took her eyelashes off before she went to bed.

    (3) She was found sitting up with the book, The Honey Badger, by Robert Ruark, on her lap. Sinclaire claims that she had finished reading the book several weeks earlier (she had discussed the book with Sinclaire at the time).

    (4) Kilgallen had poor eyesight and could only read with the aid of glasses. Her glasses were not found in the bedroom where she died.

    (5) Kilgallen was found wearing a bolero-type blouse over a nightgown. Sinclaire claimed that this was the kind of thing “she would never wear to go to bed”.
    Conclusion? It's really impossible to believe some Oliver Stone scenario of hoods coming into her apartment and forcing a bunch of pills down her throat. Neither the alcohol nor the barbiturate level was absurdly high, as it would be with an intentional overdose. I suppose it's possible she committed suicide by mixing both alcohol and barbiturates intentionally, but this really looks like an accident.

    As far as I am aware no researcher into this case has suggested a “scenario of hoods coming into her apartment and forcing a bunch of pills down her throat”. It is believed that Kilgallen arrived home with her young boyfriend, the man who Israel calls the “Out-of-Towner”. It is interesting that McAdams does not refer to this man.

    Mark Lane said in 1976 that “I would bet you a thousand-to-one that the CIA surrounded her (Kilgallen) as soon as she started writing those stories.” I agree. Dick Billings played this role when Jim Garrison was working on his investigation. Billings was also called in to monitor Gaeton Fonzi and his team in 1976-78. Who did the CIA use against Kilgallen?

    The only new person who became close to Kilgallen during this period was her new secret lover. Lee Israel calls him the “Out-of-Towner”. He arrived on the scene in June, 1964. According to Israel she met him in Carrara during a press junket for journalists working in the film industry. The trip was paid for by Twentieth Century-Fox who used it to publicize three of its films: The Sound of Music, The Agony and the Ecstasy and Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines. Israel claims that the “Out-of-Towner” went up to Kilgallen and asked her if she was “Clare Boothe Luce”. This is in itself an interesting introduction. Kilgallen and Luce did not look like each other. Luce and her husband (Henry Luce) however were to play an important role in the JFK assassination. Henry Luce, a CIA media asset, owned Life Magazine and arranged to buy up the Zapruder film. Life Magazine also successfully negotiated with Marina Oswald the exclusive rights to her story. This story never appeared in print.

    I don’t believe “Out-of-Towner” did use this line when he met Kilgallen. I suspect that Kilgallen suspected he was a CIA spy. She therefore told her friends this is what he said so that if anything happened to her, a future investigator would realize that “Out-of-Towner” was a CIA agent with links to Clare Boothe Luce. Unfortunately for her, investigators missed this clue.

    Why does Israel not name Kilgallen’s young lover? She knew who he was because she interviewed him for her book on Kilgallen. The story goes that she was worried that he would take her to court if he was named in the book. But why? Israel does not accuse him of murdering Kilgallen. All Israel does is to suggest that he met her on the night she was killed. I believe it was his employers, the CIA, who placed pressure on Israel not to name him. She also gives him a false identity by claiming he was a songwriter when in reality he was a journalist working for Columbus Citizen-Journal..

    The man’s real name was Ron Pataky. He was interviewed by David B. Henschel in 1993. He admitted that he was the “Out-of-Towner” and that he worked on articles about the JFK assassination with Kilgallen. Pataky confessed to meeting Kilgallen several times in the Regency Hotel. However, he denied Lee Israel’s claim that he was with her on the night of her death.

    The existence of Pataky creates problems for McAdams’ version of events so he is ignored. Pataky, who was almost certainly a CIA media asset sent to discover what Kilgallen had found out about the JFK assassination. He was with her at the Regency Hotel on the evening of her death. He probably introduced her to the killer and the three returned to the house together.

    And she seemed to be in good spirits the night she died. Quoting the Journal-American:

    A member for years of the panel on the nationwide CBS TV show "What's My Line," Miss Kilgallen appeared with the panel last night.

    She was at her usual best, asking probing questions and guessing the occupation of two of the five persons who appeared on the show.

    "She was in excellent spirits and, as usual, right on the ball," said John Daly, moderator of the show.

    Of course, the Journal-American would have a vested interest in presenting their columnist in the best light. But it's also true that the "Report of Death" quoted her husband saying she was "chipper" after appearing on "What's My Line."

    When it suits him McAdams claims that Journal-American must know the truth because it employed Kilgallen (depressed because she had not been meeting deadlines). However, when the Journal-American claims she was “at her usual best” the newspaper is lying in order to protect her reputation. All the evidence suggests that at the time of her death Kilgallen’s journalism and television performances were as good as they had ever been.

    Interestingly, she was working on a book to be titled Murder One. It was to be a compilation and study of all the trials she had covered — including the Sam Sheppard trial, the Wayne Lonegan trial, the Dr. Bernard Finch trial, as well as the trial of Bruno Hauptman. There is no mention in the article that the book would include the Jack Ruby trial, although it's very logical to assume it would have done so, since she had covered it and it was even more celebrated than the others (Journal-American, Nov. 8, 1965).

    In fact, in the November 15, 1965 article, it is claimed that she was particularly happy that she had completed the preface to her book and submitted it to Bennet Cerf, fellow panelist on "What's My Line" and "a book publisher."

    McAdams is particularly badly informed about Murder One. Yet this is covered in some detail in Lee Israel’s book on Kilgallen. The book was commissioned by Bennett Cerf of Random House in 1961 while she was covering the murder trial of Bernard Finch and Carole Tregoff. The book was to contain a series of chapters on famous murder cases she had reported on over the years. The book was virtually finished by 1963. However, after JFK was assassinated she decided to include a final section on the “crime of the century”.

    Kilgallen spent 18 months on this section of the book. Some of the material appeared in the Journal-American. For example, she appears to have had a good contact within the Dallas Police Department. He gave her a copy of the original police log that chronicled the minute-by-minute activities of the department in the immediate wake of the assassination, as reflected in the radio communications. This enabled her to report that Chief Curry’s first reaction to the shots in Dealey Plaza was: “Get a man on top of the overpass and see what happened up there”. Kilgallen pointed out that he lied when he told reporters the next day that he initially thought the shots were fired from the Texas Book Depository.

    Kilgallen also had a source within the Warren Commission. This person gave her an 102 page segment dealing with Jack Ruby before it was published. She published details of this leak and so therefore ensuring that this section appeared in the final version of the report.

    In another of her stories, Kilgallen claimed that Marina Oswald knew a great deal about the JFK assassination. If she told the “whole story of her life with President Kennedy’s alleged assassin, it would split open the front pages of newspapers all over the world.”

    Kilgallen’s courageous reporting brought her into contact with Mark Lane who had himself received an amazing story from the journalist Thayer Waldo. He had discovered that J.D. Tippit, Jack Ruby and Bernard Weissman had a meeting at the Carousel Club eight days before the assassination. Waldo, who worked for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, was too scared to publish the story. He had other information about the assassination. However, he believed that if he told Lane or Kilgallen he would be killed. Kilgallen’s article on the Tippit, Ruby and Weissman meeting appeared on the front page of the Journal American. Later she was to reveal that the Warren Commission were also tipped off about this gathering. However, their informant added that there was a fourth man at the meeting, an important figure in the Texas oil industry.

    Several conspiracy books point out that Kilgallen was the only reporter to get a private interview with Jack Ruby. As far as I know, none provide the full background details of this interview. It was set up by Ruby’s lawyer Joe Tonahill. Kilgallen went to Tonahill with a message for Ruby from a mutual friend. It was only after this message was delivered that Ruby agreed to be interviewed by Kilgallen. Tonahill remembers that the mutual friend was from San Francisco who was involved in the music industry.

    The interview with Ruby lasted eight minutes. No one else was there. Even the guards agreed to wait outside. Officially, Kilgallen never told anyone about what Ruby said to her during this interview. Nor did she publish any information she obtained from the interview. There is a reason for this. Kilgallen was in financial difficulties in 1964. This was partly due to some poor business decisions by her husband, Richard Kollmar. The couple also lost the lucrative contract for their popular breakfast show (due to Kollmar’s heavy drinking). Kilgallen also was facing an expensive libel case concerning an article she wrote about a fellow journalist. In 1964 her financial situation was so bad she fully expected to lose her beloved house at 45 East 68 Street in New York.

    Kilgallen was a staff member of Journal American. Any article about the Jack Ruby interview in her newspaper would not have helped her serious financial situation. Therefore she decided to include what she knew about the JFK assassination in Murder One. She fully expected that this book would earn her a fortune. This is why she refused to tell anyone, including Mark Lane, about what Ruby told her in the interview arranged by Tonahill. Just before her death Kilgallen told Lane that she had a new important informant in New Orleans. At this point Lane left the US for a meeting in Europe. When he returned he discovered that Kilgallen had died.

    Still, if she had "broken open" the JFK assassination case, it's very hard to see why she would have relegated her earth-shaking information to a chapter in a book that covered a half-dozen or so murder cases, rather than writing a book on the assassination, or using her column to reveal the nature of the plot. In fact, she had written numerous columns on the assassination. None of the columns, however, contained any earth shaking information. Rather, they just repeated conspiracy factoids that had been, or soon would be, all over the JFK assassination literature.

    As I have explained, there were financial reasons why Kilgallen kept the important information for the book. This also explains why she initially planned to include this information in Murder One. By the time she had completed a book on the assassination she would probably have lost her house in New York. Like many journalists, Kilgallen had difficulty writing something of book length. Except for a collection of her newspaper articles she had never published a book. This caused her some concern and was determined that Murder One would establish her reputation as a investigative writer. It has to be remembered that Dorothy idolized her father, Jack Kilgallen, who had a reputation of being the finest journalist of his generation.

    McAdams claim is completely untrue that: “None of the columns, however, contained any earth shaking information. Rather, they just repeated conspiracy factoids that had been, or soon would be, all over the JFK assassination literature.” Kilgallen was the first to publish details of the original Dallas police log that chronicled the minute-by-minute activities of the department in the immediate wake of the assassination, as reflected in the radio communications. This revealed that Chief Chief had lied when he told reporters the next day that he initially thought the shots were fired from the Texas Book Depository.

    Kilgallen also provided details of what the Warren Commission report would contain. This ensured that this section appeared in the final version of the report.
    She also broke the story that Marina Oswald’s silence was being paid for by Life Magazine.

    Finally, she was the first to publish details of the J.D. Tippit, Jack Ruby and Bernard Weissman meeting at the Carousel Club eight days before the assassination.

    Her claim that she was going to "break the case" appears to be nothing beyond professional bravado. She never claimed to "have broken" the case, or said "I know who the conspirators were." Whatever her high hopes, there is no evidence that she had any information dangerous to any conspiracy, nor that she would have been able to do what no reporter has done since. Her death was thus yet another tragedy trivialized by conspiracist "researchers."

    Kilgallen did in fact tell several of her friends that she would “break the case.” According to David Welsh (Ramparts - November, 1966): “Miss Kilgallgen's "What's My Line" makeup man said that shortly before her death she vowed she would "crack this case." And another New York show biz friend said Dorothy told him in the last days of her life: "In five more days I'm going to bust this case wide open." According to Lee Israel Kilgallen also told Mark Lane a similar story.

    It is unlikely Kilgallen had the full story. However, she did know a great deal about the JFK assassination? To understand this you need to realise the way she worked. By the 1950s Kilgallen was the most important gossip columnist in America. She had achieved this position by developing a very good strategy for gaining secret information about famous people. This is how it worked. Kilgallen was swamped with requests by press agents to plug the activities of their clients. For example, an actor’s latest movie or a singer’s latest record. Kilgallen always refused these requests. Instead she offered a deal. Bring me three detrimental stories concerning other stars and I will include a good piece about your client. As these stars were usual rivals of their clients, they were only too willing to do so. Some of the information she received was political. She often wrote about political issues and developed a reputation for holding right-wing opinions.

    Kilgallen also had another sources. According to several of her close friends, Kilgallen received information from the CIA. Kilgallen was in fact an important CIA media asset. Kilgallen was given a great deal of information about the situation in Cuba. In 1959 and 1960 Kilgallen included a large number of anti-Castro stories in her column. According to her friends she was also receiving information from Cuban exiles based in Miami.

    Kilgallen sometimes included highly subversive material in her column. For example, on 15th July, 1959, Kilgallen became the first journalist to suggest that the CIA and the Mafia were working together in order to assassinate Fidel Castro.

    J. Edgar Hoover was fully aware that Kilgallen was not a loyal right-winger. The FBI maintained a dossier about Kilgallen’s activities. As a result of the Freedom of Information Act some of these files have been published. It shows that in the 1930s and 1940s Kilgallen was seen as being “cooperative”. However, concerns about her behaviour was raised by her behaviour in the late 1950s. Kilgallen was obviously considered an important figure The files that have been released shows that Hoover added his own handwritten comments in the margins of these FBI reports.

    Kilgallen also received a lot of information from the CIA about JFK. However, she was a close friend of JFK. Kilgallen’s friendship with JFK was kept a secret. On one occasion Bobby Short was with Kilgallen at the Stock Club. JFK came over to Kilgallen and began talking to the couple. One of JFK first comments was: “Dorothy, do you remember the night we played charades at your house?” Up until that time, Short was not even aware that Kilgallen knew JFK.

    Kilgallen was fully informed about JFK’s sexual affairs with women. One day she was gossiping about this with her friend Allen Stokes. He asked her why she did not write about it in her column. She replied “I couldn’t possibly”. It would indeed be a great scoop for her. But she decided to protect him.

    However, Kilgallen broke this rule when on the 3rd August, 1962, she became the first journalist to refer to JFK relationship with Marilyn Monroe. She did not actually name him but left enough clues for the readers to identify JFK as the secret man in Monroe’s life (later Kilgallen claimed she was in fact referring to Robert Kennedy). One can only assume that she came under severe pressure from someone to write this story. My belief is that it was the FBI or CIA who had put her under pressure to print this information.

    The following day Monroe was found dead. Kilgallen must have realised that the FBI/CIA had set her up to smear the Kennedy brothers. Rumours soon began circulating that RFK had arranged Monroe’s death to protect JFK. In reality, Monroe had been killed to implicate the Kennedy brothers in murder. At the time, the murderers must have been confident that JFK would be ousted from power. In fact, Hoover used the incident to get JFK to promise him the job as head of the FBI for life.

    McAdams ends his article with the passage: “Whatever her high hopes, there is no evidence that she had any information dangerous to any conspiracy, nor that she would have been able to do what no reporter has done since. Her death was thus yet another tragedy trivialized by conspiracist researchers."

    Kilgallen probably knew more about the conspiracy than any other writer. That is why she had to be killed. McAdams is completely wrong about her death being used by conspiracy researchers. In fact, her death is hardly ever referred to in conspiracy books. Those that do, tend to dismiss her death as being unconnected to the assassination.

    Nor do conspiracy books have much to say about the friend who she passed on details of her chapter on the JFK assassination. She is often referred to as Mrs. Earl Smith. In fact her real name was Florence Pritchett (she married Earl Smith in 1947). None, as far as I know, have pointed out who Earl Smith was. He was in fact the US Ambassador to Cuba (June, 1957 to January, 1959). Smith held extreme right-wing views and was deeply involved in the CIA plots to overthrow Castro. It was probably Pritchett who was Kilgallen’s source on the CIA plots against Castro. Pritchett was also JFK’s long-term girlfriend (1944-63). In fact, they even had houses next to each other in Palm Beach.

    According to one account: "JFK would elude the Secret Service on occasion in order to have trysts with women. He did this in Palm Beach when he hopped a fence to swim with Flo Smith. The Secret Service agents couldn't find him and called in the FBI. They finally turned to Palm Beach Police Chief Homer Large, a trusted Kennedy family associate. The Police Chief knew exactly where to find Jack - next door in Earl E. T. Smith's swimming pool. Jack and Flo were alone, and as Homer put it, "They weren't doing the Australian crawl."

    Kilgallen and Pritchett were two people who were in a very good position to know about the CIA attempt to remove JFK from power in the months preceding his assassination. It is no coincidence that they died within two days of each other. "


  • Registered Users Posts: 769 ✭✭✭bog master

    Lads, lets cut out the insults and take a deep breath here and reflect. Yes, I question the evidence against Oswald as the lone gunman and would lean towards at the very least, some sort of conspiracy beccause of the conflictinting evidence in nearly every aspect of the case,an inept investigation by the DPD and FBI, an autopsy that ignored proctocl and best procedure at the time, and a Warren Commission that as one poster told me, cherry picked evidence, distorted witnesse's testimony unless it fit in with their pre-conceived notion of the lone gunman ie Oswald.

    But as some posters claim, the evidence is so ironclad and conclusive, why in 2010, do we have such debates going on about an event that occured in 1963? Why have eminent doctors, university professors, and other various experts in chosen fields writing about this,with divergent opinions, along with us "common people" posting here on the net?

    My interest began in 1965 when I saw Mark Lane on television. Until the advent of the worldwide web, those with an interest had to buy books, yes, spend hard earned cash to follow this.And yes, many I book was purchased by me. Now, anyone can follow this, for no cost, read one site and be a fecking expert. And yes, many pro conspiracy posters have limited knowledge, and do no justice to well informed debate.

    However, I do find the attitude of some of the SBT outright obnoxious to anyone who disagrees with them, not a sign of someone searching for the truth. At least, they should admit, yes there is some conflict in evidence, but I believe in my postion because of xyz? Instead there is there, you are stupid, all the evidence points to this. Witness testimony was fine, until conflicting witness testimony is shown, then well, the physical evidence is the final key! Well, lads, the pysical evidence has to be adjudged by a witness, expert whatever. So, back to square one.

    But, as I have posted before, the public has been led to believe in recent history, USA never bombed or invaded Cambodia, the Birmingham 6 were all guilty via "evidence," also the Guildford 4, those killed and wounded on Bloody Sunday attacked, fired shots, and were in poesession of nail bombs, and of course weapons of mass destruction was the reason Iraq was invaded. So in the case of JFK, can we believe the Warren Report?

    Sorry for the rant.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 170 ✭✭silkworm53

    buts its hardly surprising you would do that as the warrren commission did the same because the testimony of the experts (their own experts ) showed that at the very least one more shot was fired one more shot than oswald had time to fire.

    Every thing you write is full of errors I don't know where to start.

    So I will address just this one point which undermines everything you said.

    The time clock for the assassination begins at 223-224 of the assassination when we know for sure Kennedy has been struck by a bullet as he emerges from behind the roadsign bringing his hands up to his throat.

    It ends at frame 313 when Kennedy receives a fatal wound to the head.

    You can see for yourself by watching the Zapruder film:

    The actually time between the neck shot and the head shots is 313 - 223 = 90/18.3 frames per second = 4.918 secs

    The Warren Commission said that the bolt action of the rifle could be cycled in 2.3 secs which gives a minimum of 4.6 secs to fire 3 shots.

    So the fastest sequence would be 1st shot, + 2.3 secs, 2nd shot, + 2.3 secs = 4.6 secs.

    Most of the witnesses said the shots happened in about 6 secs.

    This is a video of a man shooting a Mannlicher-Carcano 91/38 rapidly.
    He is able to get off three shots in six seconds.

    This video show a man on a range firing a scope mounted 91/38 rifle. He gets off 5 shots in 5.1 secs.

    Many witnesses said the first shot was fired before the car disappears behind the roadsign.

    Dale Myers who created an exacting computer animation of the shootings based on the Zapruder film pinpoints the first shot at or before frame 157 based on the reaction of both Kennedy and Connally in the Zapruder film with both men turning to the right.

    This means that there could have been as much time as 8.5 secs and maybe between the first and the last shot which would have given Oswald more than enough time to fire three shots and score two hits - especially if he recovered his aim following the miss of his first shot.

    Dale Myers believes that the first shot missed because of Oswald's tunnel vision through the scope as the car past behind the branches of a tree in his field of fire.

    In 1967 CBS conducted an experiment with a panel of riflemen using duplicate Mannlicher-Carcano rifles mounted with the same type of 4X power scope used by Oswald in 1963.
    They fired at a head and shoulders size target moving on a rail at precisely the same direction and speed - 11mph- as Kennedy in Dealey Plaza.
    Everyone of them were able to fire three shots in less than 5.6 secs and the majority got at least 2 hits out of 3.

    This is a video of the experiment:

    Oswald was a trained Marine who qualified as a sharpshooter.

    He was mediocre shot for a Marine but compared to civilians he was an exceptional shot.

    However the target he was shooting at was not at all difficult - a head and shoulder sized target moving at 11mph in a direct line away from him from an elevation of 60 feet and a distance of less than a maximum 88 yards with a 4X scope that effectively reduced the visual distance to 22 yards.

    He could have easily hot 2 hits out of 3.

    He clearly did - the CE399 bullet and the two bullet fragments recovered from the limousine were matched to his rifle excluding all other weapons.

    Kennedy was shot in the back of the neck and the back of the head.


  • Registered Users Posts: 769 ✭✭✭bog master

    silkworm53 wrote: »
    The x-rays and photos I showed you of the President's head were taken at Bethesda Naval Hospital after the body arrived.
    They are genuine.

    Then why has the radiologist assistant and photographer and his assistant both testified in the ARRB hearings that x rays and photographs shown to them as "official" and testified they did not take them?
    If you want to ignore them and make up some story about the body being switched or surgically altered or some other crap go right ahead.

    Have you read the testimony of Humes as to when he recieved the body which conflicts with Boswell, which conflicts with the Honour Guard which brought in the body, which conflicts with others present, and which type of casket the body was in, some say in was a viewing casket, some say a plain shipping casket.

    The claims that the back of the head were blasted out are mistaken because the doctors could not have seen the back of the head.

    Read the Dr's reports and WC testimony.

    The pathologists had to confer with doctors in Parkland to find out how the wound in the throat was created and were told it was a wound that had been enlarged by surgical incision to insert the breathing tube.

    Yes indeed, the next morning, which perhaps why Humes burned his original autopsy report, and maybe the next one. He is doing an autopsy on the President, would he not have the power and authority to have someone locate the Parkland Dr.'s at any hour to discuss the wounds?
    The doctors in Bethesda thoroughly examined the head, x-rayed it, they removed the brain and measured the extent ɯf the damage to the skull shattered by the bullet. They discovered the rear wound to the head was a bevelled crater which could only have been caused by a bullet entering the head from above and behind. They found a roughly semi-circular beveled edge on part of the front portion of the skull and a large roughly triangular skull fragment embedded with lead with another bevelled edge was matched to it. This was the wound of exit in the front right of the head where the skull broke apart and pieces detached and flew off. A trail of lead fragments through the cranium shed by the bullet as it passed through the head show the bullet passed from back to front.

    Care to comment on Humes testimony to the Warren Commission, and may I paraphrase just a bit here. "Scientifically sir, it is impossible for it to have entered from other than behind, or exited other than from behind!

    There were three spent cases found on the floor of the sniper nest and one whole unfired bullet was found in the rifle chamber and was ejected by the police officers who discovered the rifle.

    This article debunks the claims of conspiracy theorists.
    Perhaps you might read up on Tom Alyea, who filmed it, and the spent cartridge cases when found, put in a DPD officers pocket, Fritz, I believe, but could be wrong, and then thrown onto the floor when the photos were being taken. He also states, the photos of the boxes of the snipers nest where re-arranged for the official photos.

    This pictures shows where the spent hulls were located.


    We have already discussed the CE399 bullet.

    Yes, which stretcher was in found on? Read your Warren Commission testimony and give me your opinion.
    The most comprehensive test of the bullet was conducted by the Discovery Channel when they used surgical models molded from gelatine to almost exactly recreate Kennedy and Connally's torsos, with a gelatine wrist block and a gelatine thigh block. A 6.5mm Western cartridge was fired into the back of the neck and the results were staggering.

    The bullet almost exactly created the wounds to both Kennedy and Connally - the marksman's shot was slightly off hitting the back of the neck in the wrong place, exiting the chest rather than the throat. The bullet created a hole in Connally's back very closely matching the elliptical wound behind his right armpit. The bullet shattered two of the model's ribs causing the bullet to be more damaged than the CE399 bullet. However it passed through the wrist block smashing one of the radius bones and instead of penetrating the thigh block - it bounced having lost too much momentum. The two ribs were broken because the bullet tumbled and yawed in flight.

    The bullet flight was a very close match - more or less a straight line line and proves that the flight of the magic bullet is more than probable - it is the only logical explanation for the seven wounds to both Kennedy and Connally.

    A top class marksman, I assume, having all the time in the world to aim,
    having a meter to gauge the cross wind speed, and with a stationary target still misses slightly and almost recreates the wounds! And no one knows Connolly's exact position in the limo when the shot was fired. He may have been perfectly aligned or not?

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 2,005 ✭✭✭Di0genes

    bog master wrote: »
    But, as I have posted before, the public has been led to believe in recent history, USA never bombed or invaded Cambodia, the Birmingham 6 were all guilty via "evidence," also the Guildford 4, those killed and wounded on Bloody Sunday attacked, fired shots, and were in poesession of nail bombs, and of course weapons of mass destruction was the reason Iraq was invaded. So in the case of JFK, can we believe the Warren Report?

    Actually we can because in all those instances you mentioned, the cases and arguments for the conspiracy were immediately suspicious, and were undone, because it is so hard to keep a conspiracy quiet for so long. We are supposed to believe because X was a coverup JFK's assassination was also a cover up, despite the fact that in over 40 years, there hasn't been a coherent alternative theory, a whistle blower or exposé?

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 2,005 ✭✭✭Di0genes

    silkworm53 wrote: »
    The actually time between the neck shot and the head shots is 313 - 223 = 90/18.3 frames per second = 4.918 secs

    Actually 18.3 seconds is a conservative estimation of the speed the camera used by Zapruder. It was a spring loaded clockwork Bell and Howard camera. These cameras have a maximum frame speed of 18.3 fps, but as the power is discharged from the spring the frame rate drops considerably, and is good for a maximum of 30s before having to be recoiled using the clockwork mechanism. Depending on when Zapruder started filming, the camera could have been going from anywhere between 18 and 12 fps. Which may not count for much but it could have given Oswald several additional seconds to aim and fire, using the camera's frame rate as our guide for timing the shots.

    Any first year film student knows this, yet Stone ignored it when he was making JFK.
