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STI Clinics in Ireland (list in first post updated 10/08/2010)



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭population

    AARRRGH wrote: »
    Well they will look at your genitals to see if you have either, but they don't do any sort of blood or swab or urine test for either of those STIs.

    But would a blood/urine test show up that sort of thing? Like I know that there is a link with cervical cancer and hpv. Surely to help prevent the spread of hpv an STI clinic, which I assume are the top dogs in this field, would test for that more thoroughly no???

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,645 ✭✭✭IzzyWizzy

    population wrote: »
    STD Clinics dont test for herpes or hpv? Does that not seem a bit reckless? Or is there no test? I watched a thing that Rupert Everret did following in Byrons footsteps. He actually did an std test in the show and I thought he mentioned he was tested for absolutley everything?

    No, they don't. With herpes, there are actually two strains, HSV-1 and HSV-2. You can get either on your lips or genitals, although type 1 prefers the mouth and type 2 the genitals. The majority of people are infected orally with one or the other (usually HSV-1), so a blood test is pretty useless. It won't tell you where the infection is, just that the antibodies are present in your blood. You can get swabbed for herpes, which will confirm the location, but only while the sores are present. So that's why they don't test blood for herpes - almost everyone would be positive for at least one type, so it's pretty pointless.

    As for HPV, I don't believe there's a test in Ireland. Women can get cervical smears, but not an actual test for HPV infection. There is a test in the States, but only for women. Again, HPV infection is so incredibly common that it's not really worth testing for. It's really only a problem if it causes warts or cervical lesions, for most people, it's just there. So why test for an infection over 7 in 10 people already have - it would just cause stress and worry.

    So you are right that they don't test for herpes and HPV, but they have good reasons for this.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 458 ✭✭I_am_Jebus

    There are herpes tests available and are fairly reliable. However, as far as I am aware they are not available in Ireland.

    There are some UK clinics that have them. I believe they are commonly known as Herpes Select tests. To be honest though, if you haven't shown any symptoms after 6 weeks you most likely don't have it. Herpes usually shows up within the first 10 days and normally there are very overt symptoms. There are of course cases where people go years without developing symptoms (but can still transmit the virus - "shedding").

    No test is available for HPV testing in men. unless genital warts appear. Pretty much the same for women. The strains of HPV that cause warts do not cause cancer.

    The HPV strains that cause cancer:

    Penile cancer - very rare and HPV infection rarely leads to this.
    Cervical cancer - quite rare, but on the increase in recent years. There is a huge success rate for preventing this type of cancer if abnormalities are diagnosed at an early stage. Smear tests are so important for this.
    All women should get the Gardisil vaccine. Although, not yet recommended for men there appears to be a belief that it will also vaccinate men against the 2 most common cancer causing strains of HPV and the 2 most common Genital Wart causing straings. Further research is being conducted into the effectiveness for men.

    hope that helps anyone/everyone.

    PS. Some STIs are tranmittable via Oral sex. so do be careful.

    However, HIV and Hep B are extremely unlikely to be transmitted via oral sex. And unless there are unusual circumstances such as blood in the mouth, testing would not be required and transmission is not a worry

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 stestevens

    Yeah as I said previously, I dont have any symptoms of anything dodgy at all and I did try to be as careful as I could, (bar the two unvovered oral sex which I regret) byt AAAARGH seems to know his stuff and I reckon Im ok.

    No sign of herpes or warts either and its been well over 10 days so again think Im ok. Just a question about hpv though? Is it like herpes in that you can have it for years on end and not know it? Is it only transmitted by sex?

    Thanks to everyone for the replies btw

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 458 ✭✭I_am_Jebus

    stestevens wrote: »
    Yeah as I said previously, I dont have any symptoms of anything dodgy at all and I did try to be as careful as I could, (bar the two unvovered oral sex which I regret) byt AAAARGH seems to know his stuff and I reckon Im ok.

    No sign of herpes or warts either and its been well over 10 days so again think Im ok. Just a question about hpv though? Is it like herpes in that you can have it for years on end and not know it? Is it only transmitted by sex?

    Thanks to everyone for the replies btw

    Genital HPV can only be transmitted via intimate contact.

    For most people a HPV infection causes no symptoms whatsoever and the body clears it by itself within 6 to 12 months. There have, I believe been cases were genital warts can appear after years. But you must understand that stats on these things are very difficult to truely compile because they rely on the honesty of the patient (particularly due to indiscretions etc..)

    Also there are over a 100 hundred different strains of HPV and only a few can cause GW and only a few can cause cervical abnormalities.

    To be honest tho, when it comes to HPV, unless your a virgin or have only been with one person (who was a virgin to begin with) chances are you have had at least one strain of HPV at some time.

    It's really not a big deal.

    I do recommend you get a full STD Screening. Having sexual relations with 4 different people in a year (irrespective of them being sex workers) really qualifies you for a screening.

    I don't say that to scare you but it's good health management and is particularly important if a third party is involved (i.e. your wife). Extremely high chance that you have absolutely nothing to worry about. But better safe than sorry. well done on the consistent condom usage.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 stestevens

    I am sure I will but have to say that the swab up the lad sounds painful. Not sure if I can go through with that, bloods/urine/exams no stress but have had nightmares at the thought of the other tbh. Would the tests be a waste without it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,770 ✭✭✭Bottle_of_Smoke

    stestevens wrote: »
    I am sure I will but have to say that the swab up the lad sounds painful. Not sure if I can go through with that, bloods/urine/exams no stress but have had nightmares at the thought of the other tbh. Would the tests be a waste without it?

    Its really not that bad. only lasts a few seconds. If doctors are all doing it there's bound to be a good reason for it. They wouldn't waste time with it if all that's required was a urine sample.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,952 ✭✭✭magneticimpulse

    I think people should be more aware of STDs. When I go out with someone new, I go for a full STD and the bf's have gone as well. I think its responsible that you can not just depend on the other person to say they are STD free. Most people have had the drunken one night stand and it only takes that one time to pass it on. So its always good to have peace of mind that your not passing something onto your loved one.

    Ive also got the HPV injection (2 more to go). Yeah I might already have a strain of virus, but at least I will have the antibodies against it. Although im 28, theres research to show that its effective in woman until 45. Its better to take before sexually active of course, but i figure ive increased my chances to prevent it. I still go for a smear test every year and in fact went for 2 this month!! Applied to 2 different clinics, and thought sure why not, one was free.

    Im happy to say I go for every check up possible. It takes like an hour out of your time and reduces the risk of sprending things. These are nearly preventable and the fact that so many people get them, show how many irresponsible people there are out there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    I'm a 24 year old female. I am 99% positive I have gentital warts, despite only ever having had sex with 3 people, all long term relationships, all with no outward signs of warts. Ashamed to say it but I have had them for the last 2 months or so and have taken no action. Finally have worked up the courage to go see someone about it, I'm going to go tomorrow. I'd really appreciate if someone could answer a few questions for me.

    1) The GUIDE Clinic in James' on a Thursday is from 1-5pm. What time should I aim to get there to ensure I'm seen? Please answer if you know.

    2) I know every case is different so there will be no definite answer to this, but is scarring likely? I have one large wart, and a cluster of about 3-4 small ones, all on my perenium. Hate the idea of people asking 'What's that?!' in the future, and having to explain that whilst I don't have them anymore, I used to have warts.

    Any help SO appreciated. Thank you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 78,333 ✭✭✭✭Victor

    1) The GUIDE Clinic in James' on a Thursday is from 1-5pm.
    I get the impression its really busy, so by noon.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Thanks for replying Victor... I think I may have to head in even earlier than that. Talking to a friend there and said he went in at 9 before and there were people already waiting?

    Anyone actually been there for an afternoon (1-5pm) clinic? What time did you get there and was there a huge queue already?

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Thanks for replying Victor... I think I may have to head in even earlier than that. Talking to a friend there and said he went in at 9 before and there were people already waiting?

    Anyone actually been there for an afternoon (1-5pm) clinic? What time did you get there and was there a huge queue already?

    You would want to be at the GUIDE clinic for around 8am in order to register generally. The clinic sees both follow up scheduled appointments and other cases on a First Come First Served basis.
    You will see a triage nurse first for an assessment regarding the importance of your visit. I think, given the presence of symptoms that triage would likely classify your visit as priority, so perhaps you can arrive a little later.

    Nobody here can give you medical advice, although, what you described does sound like a GW. However, it would need to diagnosed by a professional.

    In any event, don't worry, GW is treatable and is not a reflection on you as a person or the lifestyle you have lived. 80%+ sexually active people will develop a HPV infection during their life time. Luckily, for most, people don;t show symptoms. But even if you do it is treatable and hopefully in 6 months time this will all be behind you and usually they do not recur once successfully treated!

    best of luck

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 stestevens

    Hi all

    Just an update on my situation. Was still dodging unprotected sex with the o/h for fear of passing anything on. Have decided that this simply cannot go on as we never usually use a condom in our relationship and it just looks suspicious all of a suddne to b insisting on it. So have booked time off work mon/tue to go to the guide clinic and get the relevants done.

    I know other posters had suggested this all along and I am embarrassed about the procastinating but its bull by the horns time and I need to be ready to do what it takes to manage me health. Have always generally been responsible so I should continue doing so.

    Just a qs, on a mon/tue what time should I get there? Is 8am about the norm?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 playingitsafe

    po0k wrote: »
    condoms are quite expensive if buying them regularly.

    Possible solutions:
    Don't charge tax on them (is any tax applied to condoms already? I assume so)
    Regulate the pricing, possibly at EU level?
    Subsidise the cost
    Give out free condoms in colleges

    Does it really matter what the price of condoms are? I don't think so because if you respect yourself and your health you would go to one of the clinics on a regular basis and you would be given a big bag of them for free every time you went, the only thing that you have said here that i do agree with is that they should be given out for free in colleges

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭population


    don't stress about the swab

    had it done today and yes it is uncomfortable but takes about 20 seconds and you are done. For anyone going to James's, I am sure this has been mentioned before but it is a long process. I was there at 8.30 for the 1.30 clinic and there were already 10 people in front of me.

    Ended up done and dusted for about 4 so yeah it is a process so be prepared with a book and a paper

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    im planning on getting tested but in the mean time would like some advise,
    recently with the OH on holidays we had sex about 4-5 times a day and since then we have both been sore and i have a sore penis and my skin flakes off every day since then which was 4 months ago, the main pain is during and after sex.

    i had sex with another person but used protection during intercourse before the holiday but not during oral sex, any opinions on what my problem may be, thanks in advance=i know it was wrong and stupid but whats done is done.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    It could be a range of things, only way to know is to get tested.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    hi, i am a 26 year old male and i want to get myself tested for sti's. i have only had one girlfriend who i am going out with at the moment however before i was with her i have had sex with 5 women (three of whom i had worn a condom with). the ones i did not use the condom with i did not last a minute with out of fear of both catching something (too late i know) and getting them pregnant.

    two of these girls i had sex with were in 2005 (both with condoms), one in 2006 (with condom) and two in 2007 (both without in may and december). i know that i should have got checked after the two without a condom but for whatever reason i didn't. i didn't have sex in 2008 and didn't have any physical effects after the two in 2007, nothing abnormal feelings or effects down below. i started having sex again in early 2009 with my girlfriend and neither of us have had any effects, but i just want to start getting into a routine of getting checked out (even if there is nothing wrong with me).

    i just have two questions about sti's in relation to the two in 2007. if there was any problems would i know about it by now? and if there was an infection (even if it didn't effect me) would it have stayed in my body long enough to infect my girlfriend (who hasnt had any effects either)?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12 MonkhouseIHH

    i just have two questions about sti's in relation to the two in 2007. if there was any problems would i know about it by now? and if there was an infection (even if it didn't effect me) would it have stayed in my body long enough to infect my girlfriend (who hasnt had any effects either)?

    To answer those questions; Some STDs can present no symptoms and lay dormant, but still be dangerous, so it is best for both of you to get checked! Only that can give you a definitive answer.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2 muffin89

    hi, i have stupidly managed to catch chlamydia twice and since then have been careful about who i have sex with and make sure to use contraception. i recently have a new bf who assured me he is "clean" and therefore we have not been always using condoms. i know it was stupid for me to believe him but i am really paranoid about catching it again but he doesnt see the need for getting himself tested. is it sufficient if i get tested myself again or does he have to also?? any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    He has to other wise he could be just re infecting you over and over again.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2 muffin89

    well since i last got tested i have only had sex with him therefore if i have sti's when i get tested again it must have come from him. but if my tests come out negative can i assume i will not catch anything from him?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,645 ✭✭✭IzzyWizzy

    i just have two questions about sti's in relation to the two in 2007. if there was any problems would i know about it by now? and if there was an infection (even if it didn't effect me) would it have stayed in my body long enough to infect my girlfriend (who hasnt had any effects either)?

    That's the thing with STI's, most people don't know they have them. That's how they spread. Yes, it is quite possible you caught something and have no symptoms and yes it is possible that you could have infected your girlfriend. Most women have no symptoms of chlamydia and gonorrhea yet they can do a lot of damage. The only way to know for sure is to get tested.
    muffin89 wrote: »
    well since i last got tested i have only had sex with him therefore if i have sti's when i get tested again it must have come from him. but if my tests come out negative can i assume i will not catch anything from him?

    Chlamydia has about a 35% chance of transmission per intercourse, so chances are if he had it, he'd have already infected you by now, but I'd be very wary on relying on that, just because my head would be wrecked wondering about the possibility he had somehow not given it to me yet. I'd insist on him getting tested or wearing a condom every time.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    muffin89 wrote: »
    well since i last got tested i have only had sex with him therefore if i have sti's when i get tested again it must have come from him. but if my tests come out negative can i assume i will not catch anything from him?

    No he could have other sti which you didn't' catch but might again with more exposure.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,382 ✭✭✭✭AARRRGH

    muffin89 wrote: »
    hi, i have stupidly managed to catch chlamydia twice and since then have been careful about who i have sex with and make sure to use contraception. i recently have a new bf who assured me he is "clean" and therefore we have not been always using condoms. i know it was stupid for me to believe him but i am really paranoid about catching it again but he doesnt see the need for getting himself tested. is it sufficient if i get tested myself again or does he have to also?? any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Well first of all worrying is completely pointless, so try not to worry. If you can manage to do this, you will greatly improve the quality of your life.

    The reality is it is highly unlikely he has any sort of fatal STI. He might have chlamydia, but chances are you'd probably know by now.

    The fact that he isn't using condoms with you means he may not be using condoms with the random women he *could* also be sleeping with. I know this is controversial, but the reason I am saying it is so you can see that worrying about it is pointless.

    Get tested, put your mind at ease, and then just accept that **** happens but you are trying your best to limit it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    I think I might have early symptoms of genital warts on my foreskin and again around my anus so I want to get it checked out.

    Should I just go to my GP or get to the GUIDE clinic at St James nice and early?

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,770 ✭✭✭Bottle_of_Smoke

    I think I might have early symptoms of genital warts on my foreskin and again around my anus so I want to get it checked out.

    Should I just go to my GP or get to the GUIDE clinic at St James nice and early?

    Go to guide or a private sti place. If you read through this thread it appears most GPs aren't great for this kind of thing. Think about it - would you rather be seen to by someone who deals with this the odd patient or one who deals with this with multiple patients every day.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,609 ✭✭✭Flamed Diving

    Is Jame's the only place in Dublin that provides this for free or for a reasonable price?

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Go to guide or a private sti place. If you read through this thread it appears most GPs aren't great for this kind of thing. Think about it - would you rather be seen to by someone who deals with this the odd patient or one who deals with this with multiple patients every day.

    I went private in the end and got my STD/STI screening results yesterday. It's an all clear, which is nice considering some of the stupid things I've done in my youth. Now I need to wait for my girlfriend to get checked out too.

    What I thought were warts was just sebaceous prominence.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Im looking to get myself tested down in the everyman centre on mount street, I was there before and was happy with the service, the only thing is I cant remember how much it is to get tested.

    Any body tell me how much it is, for the swab, urine tet and blood test?

    Thank you

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