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Irish Mercenary Killed in Bolivia



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,285 ✭✭✭Frankie Lee

    Eduardo Rosza Flores' reasons for being in Bolivia are clear to see.
    The long awaited interview with Flores

    #fullpost{display:inline;} edu.jpg
    In the secretly recorded interview, boadcasted today in the Hungarian television Flores said that he went to Bolivia to defend Santa Cruz, in case of a civil war. He said to András Kepes that he had received a request to help defending Santa Cruz from government forces.

    About one and half year ago, it appeared that Bolivia would plunge into a civil war. He had been asked to help organizing the defense of Santa Cruz, said Flores. Those who contacted him wanted a peaceful secession of Santa Cruz, by demonstrating force.

    There was a chance that government forces will sweep through the city and we declare independence. We had got the money and the weapons acquiring them through illegal channels, continued Flores.

    He crossed into Bolivia illegally from Brazil.

    He hadn't asked commission for this project because of the love of his country, said Flores. "I have never been a mercenary and never will be" he said.

    When he was asked about death, he said "Here too, a brick can fall on my head, how strange it would be". "If something will happen to me, it was destined to happen" he said.

    This is basically, the gist of the interview.

    Linda Szászvári, the girlfriend of Flores said he had had a heart attack in 2007, when the situation in Bolivia was pretty tense. He was angry and helpless that made him sick.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,691 ✭✭✭RedPlanet

    oscarBravo wrote: »
    So, straight question: given that the police have clearly lied and appear to have engaged in a cover-up, do you still believe that Dwer et al were involved in a plot to assassinate Morales, and if so, why?
    I believe that Dwyer fancied himself a soldier of fortune and sleepwalked into a situation beyond his abilities and his comprehension.
    He's guilty by association in this instance.
    Does he deserve death?
    Probably not, unless he actually fired on the police.
    Do i believe Mr. Flores was plotting to assasinate Morales? Yes i think that's a distinct possiblity.

  • Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 28,793 Mod ✭✭✭✭oscarBravo

    RedPlanet wrote: »
    Do i believe Mr. Flores was plotting to assasinate Morales? Yes i think that's a distinct possiblity.
    It's also theoretically "possible" that the Columbia Three were birdwatching.

    What's your basis for the belief that he may have been plotting an assassination? Why do you think the police failed to bring along a public prosecutor (as they are required to do) on an evidently pre-planned operation? Why do you suppose they refused to allow the public prosecutor access to the scene for several hours afterwards?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 459 ✭✭eamonnm79

    Eduardo Rosza Flores' reasons for being in Bolivia are clear to see.

    Yes but who financed this independence of santa cruz?
    Who was paying for the tiperary lads wages?
    Why would a tiperary guy try to aide a very dubious independance campaign which was about trying to prevent redistribution from a wealthy area to poorer ones

    It is amazing that any conflict flores was involved in he always was on the side that was of US strategic advantage.

    BTW the Irish media coveredge on this matter is to say the least, predictable.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 459 ✭✭eamonnm79

    oscarBravo wrote: »
    It's also theoretically "possible" that the Columbia Three were birdwatching.

    What's your basis for the belief that he may have been plotting an assassination? Why do you think the police failed to bring along a public prosecutor (as they are required to do) on an evidently pre-planned operation? Why do you suppose they refused to allow the public prosecutor access to the scene for several hours afterwards?

    When was the last time you saw a special forces Op that brought a public prosicuter with them?

    That is a complete red herring!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,559 ✭✭✭✭Sand

    It is amazing that any conflict flores was involved in he always was on the side that was of US strategic advantage.

    Equally as amazing as how US strategic advantage tends to mean everything and nothing.

    We dont know who Dwyers employers are. George Bush and Dick Cheney have a lot of time on their hands these days....coincidence? I think not. Read all about it on


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 459 ✭✭eamonnm79

    Sand wrote: »
    Equally as amazing as how US strategic advantage tends to mean everything and nothing.

    We dont know who Dwyers employers are. George Bush and Dick Cheney have a lot of time on their hands these days....coincidence? I think not. Read all about it on


    tends to mean Everything and nothing? actually american poreign policy is shortsighted and predictable.
    Any government in south America that is left of centre and democratic is proof that there is another way of living other than deeply inequitable societies are dangerous to America and they actively try to destroy them.
    This policy has so many examples. Cuba, Nicuragua, Chile etc. This is not in any doubt, what planet are you on?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,285 ✭✭✭Frankie Lee

    eamonnm79 wrote: »
    Yes but who financed this independence of santa cruz?
    Who was paying for the tiperary lads wages?
    Why would a tiperary guy try to aide a very dubious independance campaign which was about trying to prevent redistribution from a wealthy area to poorer ones

    It is amazing that any conflict flores was involved in he always was on the side that was of US strategic advantage.

    BTW the Irish media coveredge on this matter is to say the least, predictable.

    I would suspect this man.
    Bolivians Tear Down a Myth of Croat “Homeland War”

    Branko Marinković, Croat tycoon in Bolivia lobbying for dismemberment of the Latin American state, is suspected of planning and organizing a coup attempt, failed after Bolivian security forces foiled a series of planned assassinations by the group of international mercenary terrorists, lead by Eduardo Rozsa Flores, a neo-Nazi war criminal who commanded the “International Brigade” of worldwide psychopaths within the Croat paramilitary troops during the civil war in former Yugoslavia, in the 1990s. Marinković’s close ties with the current U.S. Ambassador Philip Goldberg, called “Ambassador of Ethnic Cleansing” because of his role in dismemberment of Yugoslavia, are also under investigation by the Bolivian officials.
    The latest probe into subversive activities of Croat emigration and especially examination of the criminal past and fascist ideology nurtured by the Croat paramilitary troops, including the notorious psychopaths gathered in Croatia’s “International Brigade”, had triggered an uproar of fury in Croatia and in the Croat communities worldwide.
    Enraged by the unexpected scrutiny of the myth according to which instigation and fomenting of the civil war in former Yugoslavia in 1991, and subsequent genocide against Serbs in Croatia resulting in ethnically clean state, were all legitimate “actions” and part of the “war of liberation”, Croats have launched a veritable lynch campaign against Bolivian government and everyone who dares question the motives of the “defenders” in Croatia’s latest “homeland war”.
    Consequently, following the latest revelations about the involvement of Croat paramilitaries in the assassination attempts of Bolivian state leadership, Croat Foreign Ministry warned it has instructed its representative in Chile, “who also covers Bolivia”, “to closely follow the situation in Bolivia and if necessary, have talks at the Bolivian Foreign Ministry”.
    According to Croat media, their government also considers “sending a diplomatic note” to Bolivian state, to urge toning down of the investigation of the true character of all the “wars of liberation” Croatia lead in its short, rather nasty history.
    Philip Goldberg, Ambassador of Ethnic Cleansing

    But just in case the **** does hit the proverbial fan this time around, Croat government announced it is ready to distance itself from the mercenaries and psychos it took under its wing during the civil war in the 1990s — those who have unexpectedly found themselves under the unpleasant limelight of public attention:
    “However, regardless of who it may be and how much someone deserves credit for the defense of Croatia, the Croatian government cannot be held responsible for the things former defenders are doing at present,” said Jadranka Kosor, minister for veterans and vice president of Croat government.
    As far as Bolivians are concerned, nothing will succeed in shutting the floodgates: neither the violent knee-jerk reactions and “warnings” coming from nervous Croats, nor the pressure campaign orchestrated by the Western mainstream media eager to cover up the background of the recent events and shield the key figures involved in a failed coup attempt by portraying Bolivian President Evo Morales as a kook who invented the foiled plot and smearing Bolivian government by suggesting the three hired assassins were killed in cold blood.
    Croat Tycoon and US Ambassador of Ethnic Cleansing

    According to Bolivian media, neo-Nazi mercenaries who have plotted assassination of a number of Bolivian officials (including some opposition leaders) in an attempt to create chaos in Bolivia akin to the one used to dismember former Yugoslavia and tear the country apart, were in all probability hired by “Don Marinković”, tycoon of Croat nationality who lobbies against the state’s socialist government and leads the separatist movement in Santa Cruz, advocating secession of the richest Bolivian provinces.
    Marinkovic’s supporters drive around Santa Cruz sporting fascist insignia while advocating secession of Bolivian richest provinces

    According to earlier reports, Marinković has close ties with the current U.S. ambassador in Bolivia Philip Goldberg, who was instrumental in fomenting separatist movements in former Yugoslavia.
    A year ago, reporter Roberto Bardini offered less known, but entirely illuminating details about Goldberg’s long history of subversive activities and his connections with the main secessionist in Bolivia, Croat Branko Marinković.
    “In the Bolivian diplomatic world, as an expert pusher of separatism, Philip Goldberg’s nickname is ‘the Ambassador of Ethnic Cleansing.’ Between 1994 and 1996 he was Special Assistant to Ambassador Richard Holbrooke, one of the strategists behind Yugoslavian disintegration. He also promoted Serbia’s and Montenegro’s separation and was in Kosovo, where he fomented conflict between Serbian and Albanian forces,” Bardini wrote.
    Balkanization of Bolivia

    Bolivian cartoon comment of the illegal “referendum” Marinkovic staged for dismemberment of Bolivian state

    Marinković, whose parents fled to South America after WWII since his father Silvio supported Croat fascists (Ustasha), is accused of becoming one of Bolivia’s richest men through plunder and illegal land grabs in areas inhabited by Guarayo Indians.
    According to Bolivian media, Marinković and his compatriots living in Bolivia are trying to break up that country in the same way Croat secessionists have dismembered Yugoslavia in the 1990s. Marinković is accused of seeking to foment a civil war to create a breakaway country in the lowlands, exactly like Tudjman, aided by the Ustasha emigration, Germany and Vatican, has done in former Yugoslavia.
    Even though Marinković vehemently denies these allegations, the New York Times quoted his direct threats of instigating a civil war in Bolivia, unless his separatist goal is supported and aided by the “international community” (presumably the same Berlin-Washington-London “international community” that supported violent dismemberment of Yugoslavia).
    “If there is no legitimate international mediation in our crisis, there is going to be confrontation. And unfortunately, it is going to be bloody and painful for all Bolivians,” Marinković growled.

    Excerpt from Bolivian documentary titled “Who is Branko Marinković”

    Pro-Ustasha Mercenary Terrorists Recruited from Montenegro

    Simon Romero, chief New York Times correspondent from Bolivia, told Croat media that Bolivian reporters are investigating rumors the Croat oligarch was bringing pro-Ustasha mercenaries from Montenegro, a legal gray zone in the Balkans, regarded a safe-haven for smugglers and all types of criminals in the region, under the protection of Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic, local mafia boss charged by the Italian prosecution for involvement in large scale smuggling operations since the 1990s.
    On Friday, Bolivian security forces shot three and arrested two terrorists belonging to the group of neo-Nazi assassins plotting to behead Bolivian state leadership.
    According to Bolivian police chief Victor Hugo Escobar, it was established the leader of the gang of terrorists planning to assassinate President Evo Morales among others, was Eduardo Rozsa Flores, a Spanish-Hungarian national who commanded the “International Brigade” within the infamous Croat paramilitary Zenga units, responsible for horrific atrocities and ethnic cleansing of Serbian population from their ancestral land in Slavonia and Serbian Krajina in Croatia during the 1990s. Flores was also accused of smuggling weapons and narcotics, as well as of killing a Swiss and British reporter who worked for the German EPA news agency and were investigating ties of the mercenaries in the Croat paramilitary troops with the Western fascist groups.
    Of the two arrested terrorists, Croat Mario F. Tadic (58) also took part in Tudjman’s war against indigenous Serbian population

    Apologies for the poor source of information, there is bound to be factual inacuracies there but the jist of it about marinkovic is true.

  • Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 28,793 Mod ✭✭✭✭oscarBravo

    eamonnm79 wrote: »
    When was the last time you saw a special forces Op that brought a public prosicuter with them?

    That is a complete red herring!
    No: as I understand it, it's a legal requirement in Bolivia. If the police plan a raid, they must inform a public prosecutor, who will accompany them on the raid.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 459 ✭✭eamonnm79

    oscarBravo wrote: »
    No: as I understand it, it's a legal requirement in Bolivia. If the police plan a raid, they must inform a public prosecutor, who will accompany them on the raid.

    Who brings a suit to a shootout?
    I saw a journalist say this in the times today, what a complete croc!

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  • Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 28,793 Mod ✭✭✭✭oscarBravo

    eamonnm79 wrote: »
    Who brings a suit to a shootout?
    I saw a journalist say this in the times today, what a complete croc!
    If you're accusing the journalist of lying about it, presumably you have informed sources.

    Actually, don't even bother responding. The Bolivian government confirmed that it's the case when they made up a cock-and-bull story about why it wasn't necessary in this specific case.

    But hey, maybe you know better than the Bolivian government how their own police procedures are supposed to work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,285 ✭✭✭Frankie Lee

    oscarBravo wrote: »
    No: as I understand it, it's a legal requirement in Bolivia. If the police plan a raid, they must inform a public prosecutor, who will accompany them on the raid.

    Sorry for constantly using other peoples quotes but from the irish times:
    Mr Sosa also denied accusations within Santa Cruz that police acted illegally. “In this case the presence of a prosecutor was not necessary. The police just went to the hotel to see if the men were there. There was a confrontation and they defended themselves.”

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,559 ✭✭✭✭Sand

    Mr Sosa also denied accusations within Santa Cruz that police acted illegally. “In this case the presence of a prosecutor was not necessary. The police just went to the hotel to see if the men were there. There was a confrontation and they defended themselves.”

    So they came *all* the way from the capital with police special forces, in the middle of the night, not informing the local cops and preventing the local prosecutors from entering....just to do a house call? "Howya lads - been some rumours youre up to no good so wed like to clear a few things up"?


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,285 ✭✭✭Frankie Lee

    Sand wrote: »
    So they came *all* the way from the capital with police special forces, in the middle of the night, not informing the local cops and preventing the local prosecutors from entering....just to do a house call? "Howya lads - been some rumours youre up to no good so wed like to clear a few things up"?


    Sorry but I'm only quoting the same prosecutor who has said he has found no evidence to date that the group was planning to assassinate Bolivia’s left-wing president and other senior government leaders.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,934 ✭✭✭OhNoYouDidn't

    oscarBravo wrote: »
    Oh, I remember it. Let me guess: you're one of those people who subscribe to the idea that one or two Gardaí, for absolutely no reason whatsoever, suddenly decided that it would be a good idea to just start randomly attacking whoever happened to be within reach?

    No, I'm one of those people who subscribe to the idea that for some reason never explained, back up units were incorrectly told Gardai were being attacked and went in swinging at anyone and anything and then refused to cooperate with the investigation. But thats for another debate
    oscarBravo wrote: »
    At the same time, you're happy to accept the word of the Bolivian police - whom you've already accused of cold-blooded murder, and who have demonstrably lied and blatantly disregarded operating procedures - as to the motives of the people they appear to have executed?

    This is not the first time you have said this and its appalingly weak. I have never accepted what they have to say or endorsed it. I have looked at the various versions of events and believe that there was something sinister going on that the police rumbled and ended. Are you honestly representing my position as state murder and believe them?
    oscarBravo wrote: »
    I've seen some people carry around serious chips on their shoulder regarding the Irish police, but I'm wondering how you manage to walk upright. I'll make this as clear as I know how:

    I have a chip on my shoulder about a force that tolerated the planting of bombs. Call me old fashioned. I hope someday the Fullerton family get a tribunal and the people involved in the assasination of an elected offical of this Republic are held accountable. ACAB oscar, not just in Bolivia.
    oscarBravo wrote: »
    I refuse to accept at face value anything the Bolivian police say about the people they cold-bloodedly murdered (by your own description), when they are clearly lying about the situation, and appear to have orchestrated a cover-up.

    You seem to feel this is an unreasonable position.

    So you should then logically extrapolate that to every police force who breaks the rules and then covers it up. ACAB oscar, not just in Bolivia.
    oscarBravo wrote: »
    So, why don't you explain to me why you feel that I should believe the lying cold-blooded murderers' account of the situation. No, a bigger picture can't be inferred from it. Similarly, I'm not trying to infer a bigger picture from the situation in Bolivia. You might have a point, if I actually mentioned anything about state sponsored death squads. How about you stop making stuff up, and actually discuss what I'm saying?

    I don't and have never said you should. I'm asking if you refuse to believe anything the Met said about the deMendez case for example, and if not, why not? ACAB oscar, not just in Bolivia.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 850 ✭✭✭Instant Karma

    Let this be a lesson to all want-to-be blueshirts out there.

    I have no doubt that this guy was out there involved in serious anti-gvernment activities. Maybe he was shot in cold blood but who really knows at this point, but please don't try to paint this guy as an innocent bystander caught up in something he had no idea about, thats nonsense.

  • Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 28,793 Mod ✭✭✭✭oscarBravo

    ACAB oscar, not just in Bolivia.
    Assuming that means "All Cops Are Bastards", we have nothing further to discuss. I'll leave it to others to judge the irony of continually accusing me of generalising about an entire police force - although I only commented on the actions of those police involved in this incident - while simultaneously passing this sort of judgement on every member of every police force in the world.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,723 ✭✭✭nice_guy80

    Let this be a lesson to all want-to-be blueshirts out there.

    I have no doubt that this guy was out there involved in serious anti-gvernment activities. Maybe he was shot in cold blood but who really knows at this point, but please don't try to paint this guy as an innocent bystander caught up in something he had no idea about, thats nonsense.

    let me say it again.

    there is NO WAY this fella was involved in a plot or terrorism. i mean he had NO military training.

    i'd hazard a guess to say he was doing security detail or something for people he did not know

  • Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 28,793 Mod ✭✭✭✭oscarBravo

    I have no doubt that this guy was out there involved in serious anti-gvernment activities.
    Really? I'd love to know what makes you (and others) so sure of this.

    I have no idea what he was doing there. The police claim to know what he was doing there; but the same police are demonstrably lying about the whole situation, so I'm not going to blithely accept their word for it.

    When some credible evidence is produced that he was involved in "serious anti-government activities", I'll assess that evidence on its merits. Until then - unless you know something you haven't shared - none of us has a clue what he was doing out there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,285 ✭✭✭Frankie Lee

    oscarBravo wrote: »
    Really? I'd love to know what makes you (and others) so sure of this.

    I have no idea what he was doing there. The police claim to know what he was doing there; but the same police are demonstrably lying about the whole situation, so I'm not going to blithely accept their word for it.

    When some credible evidence is produced that he was involved in "serious anti-government activities", I'll assess that evidence on its merits. Until then - unless you know something you haven't shared - none of us has a clue what he was doing out there.

    What about the fact that the leader of the group openly stated that his purpose there was effectively terrorism (defence from his warped point of view).

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  • Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 28,793 Mod ✭✭✭✭oscarBravo

    What about the fact that the leader of the group openly stated that his purpose there was effectively terrorism (defence from his warped point of view).
    Yes, I saw your link earlier. I'll still reserve judgement until I see some more actual, y'know, facts.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,285 ✭✭✭Frankie Lee

    oscarBravo wrote: »
    Yes, I saw your link earlier. I'll still reserve judgement until I see some more actual, y'know, facts.

    The interview was on Hungarian TV another link: Taiwan News
    Hungarian killed in Bolivia went to form militia

    Associated Press
    2009-04-22 05:51 AM
    Fonts Size: icon_a+.jpg E-Mail This icon_email.jpg [URL="javascript:print_article()"] Printer-Friendly [/URL] icon_printer.jpg

    BUDAPEST, Hungary _ A Bolivian-Hungarian man killed under mysterious circumstances in Bolivia last week said in a 2008 interview broadcast Tuesday that he was returning to his birthplace to help form a militia to defend the eastern province of Santa Cruz against the national government.Eduardo Rozsa-Flores was one of three men killed in what Bolivian authorities said was a shoot-out at a hotel in the eastern Bolivian city of Santa Cruz. Bolivia claims the group, which also included two men captured by police, was plotting to assassinate Bolivian President Evo Morales.
    "I have been called to organize the defense of the city and province of Santa Cruz," Rozsa-Flores said in an interview with Hungarian journalist and television anchor Andras Kepes taped Sept. 8, 2008, but broadcast for the first time Tuesday on state television. "This isn't about me going to the Bolivian jungle to play Che Guevara."
    Rozsa-Flores said he was going to be smuggled into Bolivia from Brazil and would start organizing a militia based on the decision of a Santa Cruz Province council.
    "There is a legal background" to the mission, Rozsa-Flores claimed in the interview. "I am not going there to attack La Paz or to help organize an attack on the capital and to drive away the president. ... It is the defense which has to be organized, the resistance."
    Rozsa-Flores said the militia was expecting to get weapons through illegal channels from both inside Bolivia and abroad and said the aim of the militia was to be a "show of force."
    "They won't be marching with flags or bamboo sticks, but with weapons," he said, adding that they wanted to demonstrate that, if Santa Cruz was not allowed greater autonomy, it would be ready to break away from the rest of Bolivia.
    "Then we will declare out independence and we will create a new country," Rozsa-Flores said.
    He also held Croatian citizenship and fought for Croatia against Serb rebels in the 1991 war that was part of the breakup of Yugoslavia.
    According to e-mails received by Kepes, Rozsa-Flores arrived in Bolivia on Oct. 4. He asked Kepes not to use the secret interview until he returned from Bolivia or died. Kepes said it could be considered Rozsa-Flores' "last will and testament."

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,934 ✭✭✭OhNoYouDidn't

    oscarBravo wrote: »

    I have no idea what he was doing there. The police claim to know what he was doing there; but the same police are demonstrably lying about the whole situation, so I'm not going to blithely accept their word for it.

    No-one is blithely accepting the police line.

    What people are saying is that the cops acting in the way they did to neutralise the threat does not automatically mean there was no threat.

    Because the plod acted beyond the pail does not mean that the people killed were not acting illegally. If anything it should point to the opposite.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 299 ✭✭Gruffalo

    gandalf wrote: »
    Please stop reguritating the dross that passes for arguement and discussion on other sites. I have seen the picture of his tattoo. I know quite a few lads who have similar ones. Saying it is Neo-Nazi is pathetic and mis-information of the higest order.

    The questions that need to be answered are from Mr Dwyers side of things.

    What exactly was he doing in Bolivia, holiday, work, revolution?

    Was he employed as a bodyguard or did he have any active role in this perceived plot (if indeed there was a plot)?

    From his previous employers side.

    What kind of training requires that one of their employees needs to be sent to Bolivia?

    Were they involved in getting Mr Dwyer his latest job, if so what was their relationship with his new employer?

    From the Bolivian Authorities side.

    Why were CCTV cameras off for the duration of the assault on the hotel, surely it would have been more use to the authorities to have this footage if the operation was legitimate?

    Why did they kill these men when it appears they were unarmed and taken by surprise?

    Were the mens fate decided before the operation begun?

    Was the operation legal, reports coming from Bolivia are saying the forces involved did not have the correct warrants?

    Was the operation designed to make Morales look strong at the Summit of the Americas?

    I would love to see the pictures of your friends tatoos for comparison.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,691 ✭✭✭RedPlanet

    more stuff on Flores.
    Images of him with assault rifles leaked to media.

    And, his background which should be required reading at this stage.
    Zoltan Brady, editor of the Kapu magazine that Flores wrote for, said he had gone to Bolivia last spring “to fight against its communist government” and for the independence of the province of Santa Cruz.

    I think the authorities need to know whom bankrolled this operation. Follow the money. Doubtless the trail ends at the doorstep of some dodgy Opposition figure in Santa Cruz.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,082 ✭✭✭lostexpectation

    is that photo not an old one from the his blog in the hell would it be photoshopped?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,691 ✭✭✭RedPlanet

    Hotel Manager completely contradicts his previous claim.
    THE manager of the Bolivian hotel where Michael Dwyer was shot dead said he saw a weapon in the room of another man killed by security forces.

    He said there were signs the man had fired back at police.
    Mr Rossell said Eduardo Rozsa Flores, a Bolivian-Hungarian, who was also killed by police, "had a weapon" in his room.

    "I remember ... I went to check the room with the insurance people, and I am no expert, but we saw traces of crossfire, of retaliation," he added.

    He also said he didn't see a weapon in Mr. Dwyers room:
    "The Irishman was the second body I saw, I was shocked, he was on the ground, wearing only his underwear but I do not remember seeing a weapon in his room, but I turned around quickly because I was shocked."

    What's neat about this is that it totally contradicts what the papers here claimed he said, you all remember i'm sure.

    Government Intimidation? :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,148 ✭✭✭✭Lemming

    RedPlanet wrote: »
    Government Intimidation? :rolleyes:

    Given the amount of back pedalling by the state apparatus, the level of involvement of La Paz authorities (i.e. political orchestration) vs. local Bolivian Police, and the fact that the hotel manager utterly, utterly contradicted his previous statement, I would think intimidation - or at the least cohercion - is a likely contender. He didn't just correct himself, he reversed himself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,458 ✭✭✭✭gandalf

    Gruffalo wrote: »
    I would love to see the pictures of your friends tatoos for comparison.

    All the other questions in that post and thats all you can back to me with. Pretty pathetic really and no I am not going to take piccies of my friends tattoo's for you :rolleyes:

    The issue at hand is why an unarmed Irish Citizen was murdered in cold blood by the Bolivian authorities. His politics, body decorations, social habits are distractions from the issue which is the summary execution of this man and the putting aside of proper procedures for an operation of this type in Bolivia.

    RedPlanet wrote: »
    What's neat about this is that it totally contradicts what the papers here claimed he said, you all remember i'm sure.

    Government Intimidation? :rolleyes:

    More than likely, people have been executed in the place he works without mercy. Its interesting that this version of the story appears nearly a week after the event. It is not beyond reason to assume they had a chat with Mr Rossell and made him realise that if they could execute foreign nationals with impunity then his safety was also of little interest to them.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,082 ✭✭✭lostexpectation

    the why of it was why was he there
