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Undeniable Chemtrail Evidence



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 891 ✭✭✭conceited

    Chemtrail Controversy

    In the November/December 2000 issue of Weatherwise,
    James Rowland of San Diego, California, asked. . .

    As a dedicated Web surfer, I've become aware of some recent controversy concerning contrails. Some think there is something sinister going on above our heads in broad daylight and go so far as to describe certain patterns as "chemtrails." Can you please define what a normal contrail is and distinguish them from "chemtrails," should there be such a thing?


    Before visiting Web sites concerning "chemtrails," I assumed that "chemtrails" was a new name given to contrails by environmentally conscious people who are concerned that subsonic jet traffic injects water vapor, carbon dioxide, other gases, and soot into the atmosphere at high altitudes. These substances can alter the chemistry and radiative properties of the atmosphere, the high-altitude cloudiness, and perhaps even the regional climate. I was very wrong. In visiting these sites, I learned that �chemtrails� is the name given to sky tracks left by the deliberate release, either by spraying or mixing with jet fuel, of substances not found in "ordinary" contrails. The releases are allegedly occurring in many countries without the knowledge or consent of the populace, and they are being blamed for respiratory and other health problems.

    I consider these claims unfounded. There is no evidence in the meteorological literature or photographs on these web pages to support them. I will summarize what is known about contrails (last treated in the August 1981 issue of Weatherwise), discuss some of the hallmarks that are supposed to distinguish chemtrails from contrails, and list some of the potential hazards of jet exhaust at flight altitudes.

    Natural cirrus clouds form high in the troposphere, usually at temperatures below -40 degrees F, when there are sufficient ice nuclei (tiny particles that ice crystals can grow on) in the air and when the water vapor content is high enough. Upward motion in the high troposphere causes the cooling that brings air to saturation and forms the ice crystals in natural cirrus clouds. Contrails (an abbreviation of condensation trails) form when jet aircraft inject water vapor into the high troposphere or lower stratosphere, thereby bringing the air to saturation.

    During this year, aircraft will burn over 200 million tons of fuel. The major byproducts of combustion are carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapor (H2O). There are other substances in the engine exhaust, notably, carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, sulphur dioxide, methane, nonmethane hydrocarbons, carbon soot, and other microscopic particles.

    For every pound of fuel burned, about 1.26 pounds of water vapor is created but less than 0.0004 ounces of soot because aviation fuel burns cleanly. Even so, the soot provides plenty of ice nuclei, and the water vapor can usually saturate a large volume of air at the low temperatures where commercial jets fly. The result is the immediate formation of a contrail, consisting of tiny ice crystals in large concentrations. At temperatures lower than about -76 degrees F, contrails almost always form, regardless of relative humidity. The higher the ambient temperature, the less likely that contrails will form. At temperatures above -40 degrees F, contrails are not expected.

    The persistence of contrails depends upon temperature, relative humidity, and the vigor of mixing between the exhaust plume and the ambient air. At low temperatures, with high humidity, and with stable temperature stratification (which inhibits vertical mixing of the air), contrails persist for many hours.

    Below are some misconceptions about contrails taken fromWeb sites. After each, I describe why they are misguided.

    Normal contrails usually dissipate very rapidly and are short in length. As noted above, under the right conditions, contrails can easily persist for hours. If the outside air temperature is very low and the humidity high along the flight path, the contrail can be one hundred miles long.

    Chemical plumes (chemtrails) linger for hours and gradually merge to occlude clear skies. Contrails have these properties, and they are easily explained. The longer a contrail persists, the more it spreads. Measurements made of contrails two to seven minutes old (roughly 16 to 56 miles behind the aircraft) indicated widths from 0.25 to 1.25 miles but depths of only around one thousand feet. The vertical expansion of the contrail is controlled by the stability (how quickly the temperature decreases with height); the horizontal spreading is controlled by the vertical shear (how the wind changes with height) and small-scale turbulence, which inexorably disperses the plume.

    It is not unusual for contrails to spread and merge so that they cover a good portion of the sky with a filmy veil of ice crystals. Sometimes the moisture and ice nuclei injected into the air by the jet engines can support the formation of natural cirrus, even if contrails didn�t form initially, provided that a gentle uplift causes enough cooling for clouds to form.

    Chemtrails are laid by aircraft flying for hours in dangerous crossing patterns and in illegal proximity to each other. Parallel furrows, Xs, and grid patterns are tell-tale signs. At least for now and unless they have to divert around thunderstorms, commercial jet aircraft fly on specific routes--wide highways in the sky. For safety reasons, every aircraft is tracked, vertical and horizontal separations are maintained, planes traveling in opposite directions never fly at the same altitudes, and FAA Air Traffic Control notifies pilots of crossing paths. Often, pilots have visual contact with each other and, even in the clouds, radar aboard the aircraft paints a clear picture of other planes in the vicinity.

    Contrails along parallel paths or criss-crossing contrails are merely indications of busy flight corridors. Many hundreds of aircraft are in the air over the United States at a given time, and many of them leave contrails. It is usually obvious at flight level but not often from the ground that the contrails are at different levels. Even if the contrails cross at the same level, the aircraft that created them were never less than a few kilometers apart.

    When struck by certain angles of sunlight, chemtrails display bars of color, indicative of a chemical signature. Like cirrus clouds, contrails contain ice crystals, grown from the vapor in the jet exhaust. Certain kinds of crystals in the proper orientation, such as columns or flat plates, refract sunlight and produce colored arcs or spots in the sky. Such optical phenomena have been discussed often before in this column; they are covered in depth in Robert Greenler�s book Rainbows, Halos, and Glories (Cambridge University Press, 1980.)

    Older, spreading contrails in which larger crystals have grown can produce refractive effects. There is some evidence that newer contrails may produce aureoles or coronas in the same part of the sky as the sun. These are diffractive phenomena most likely to occur when the crystal size in the contrail is uniform and very small. Several color photos of optical displays caused by contrails are on page 1,893 of the September 1997 issue of Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.

    Ice crystals from H2O and optics are all that are necessary to explain colors in contrails.

    Contrails appear as continuous tracks; chemtrails may be suddenly discontinuous. In fact, contrails may be suddenly discontinuous. Especially in winter, westerly winds crossing the Rocky Mountains generate gravity waves, a series of up-and-down motions that sometimes extend from near the crest of the Continental Divide to 30 to 60 miles downstream. Wave clouds sometimes form at the crests of these waves. Sometimes the waves are regularly spaced, sometimes not. Air ascends and cools as it rides up toward the crest of the wave; it descends and warms as it approaches the trough on the other side. In the same way that cloud formation may be aided near the crest of the wave, so is contrail formation.

    Even if the sky is clear, enough moisture may be added to the air by a passing jet that a contrail will form just at the crest of a wave but not elsewhere. Discontinuous fresh contrails are not uncommon in the Denver area in winter. They can appear in other parts of the country as well because gravity waves are ubiquitous. Flow across mountains is just one way to generate them.

    Sometimes a fresh contrail is visible within a thin layer of cirrostratus cloud, but the contrail ends at the cloud edge. Sharp gradients of moisture and vertical motion exist in the atmosphere. A quick transition--from gently rising motion in moist air to sinking motion in dry air--that is responsible for a cloud edge can be equally responsible for supporting, then preventing, contrail formation.

    I contend that there is no visible or other physical evidence of high-altitude spraying, and so I do not believe in chemtrails. The moniker might just as well be applied to contrails, however, for both the visible and invisible (chemical) components of jet exhaust are cause for at least some concern.

    The water vapor released into the atmosphere by jet aircraft is estimated to be only 0.04 percent of the amount evaporated from the Earth's surface, and so does not contribute significantly to the greenhouse effect (whereby outgoing radiation at infrared wavelengths is absorbed by atmospheric gases and reradiated back toward the Earth�s surface). Jet exhaust may be a significant source of water vapor in the stratosphere, however. Ice crystal clouds formed from the water vapor probably have a larger radiative effect than the water vapor itself.

    The average contrail coverage over Europe, where air traffic is quite heavy, is about 0.5 percent. The mean global coverage is less, perhaps only 0.1 percent. Researchers agree that increased cirroform cloudiness should affect climate, though they are still debating whether it will lead to tropospheric warming.

    Though aircraft inject well over 500 million tons of CO2 into the atmosphere each year, this amount is still only 2.6 percent of the total contributed by the burning of fossil fuels. CO2 is a greenhouse gas, and how to control its rate of input into the atmosphere has been the subject of international political debate.

    Aviation contributes about 3 percent of all anthropogenic sources of oxides of nitrogen (NOX) in the atmosphere. Nitrogen oxides tend to increase ozone in the troposphere, where it is not wanted. "Ozone alerts" in Houston made news last summer when the high concentration of ozone near the ground became a health hazard. There is suspicion that NOX also contributes to the destruction of ozone in the stratosphere, but the jury is still out. Stratospheric ozone partially shields the Earth�s surface from ultraviolet light that causes sunburn and is implicated in some skin cancers. Jet exhaust nearly doubles the background concentration of oxides of nitrogen in the Northern Hemisphere�s stratosphere.

    In summary, legitimate concerns about contrails and other products of jet fuel combustion are that 1) the Earth-atmosphere radiation budget may change because of more high, thin, ice-crystal clouds and the increase in greenhouse gases, principally water vapor and carbon dioxide and 2) oxides of nitrogen alter ozone concentrations in the troposphere and stratosphere.

    Weather Queries are answered by NOAA meteorologist THOMAS SCHLATTER.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 153 ✭✭Smudgeyboy

    Humanji, tampering with the water wouldn’t cause the same thing, you didn’t read what I've been saying.

    It seems the purpose to fill the atmosphere with barium in order to send energy from the HAARP facility in the U.S, to somewhere else. The energy must be reflected off these heavy metals in the air.

    The HAARP facility is an invention of Nikola Tesla. The U.S patented a lot of Tesla's work just before his death.

    Ciaran500, that's not even a point.
    Contrails are mostly water vapour
    Water vapour will disappear into our atmosphere.
    Now, in terms of this discussion, it doesn’t matter if it takes 30 seconds or 3 hours. It disappears, ok?

    In reality, I've never seen a contrail last behind a plane more than 2 minutes. These are also rare, usually it looks like the trail behind the plane is staying the same size because it's disappearing and reappearing so quickly.

    Take a look up and find one if you don’t believe me, or the videos I’ve posted up.

    Take a breath somewhere cold if you don’t believe water vapour disappears.
    On contrails-

    OscarBravo, I wish I had the answers to these questions! But with all Government conspiracies, these are the ones that are impossible to answer. I don’t know how they do the things they do, all I know is they do it. I'm aware this wont be enough to convince you of the existence of these, as I said before, keep an eye out.

    So to recap, contrails are mostly water vapour. Water vapour will disappear quite quickly into our atmosphere, meaning most of the trail will be gone.
    Contrails can spread out.
    Contrail can look like clouds.
    Contrails can cross paths.
    Contrails Disappear.
    If they do persist, there's no way there are doing so all over the world everday. Is everytown under heavy air traffic and have identical weather? No.

    What I call chemtrails appear in large groups, usually once a day.

    These trails are left in a grid-like structure usually. They spread out over the course of 3-5 hours (depending on wind) covering the whole sky over a town for the rest of the day. The next day is a whitish blue ‘messy’ looking sky.

    Conceited, the posts above covers your arguements.

    As I said before boys, keep an eye out and it will be obvious.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,225 ✭✭✭Ciaran500

    Smudgeyboy wrote: »
    Ciaran500, that's not even a point.
    Contrails are mostly water vapour
    Water vapour will disappear into our atmosphere.
    Now, in terms of this discussion, it doesn’t matter if it takes 30 seconds or 3 hours. It disappears, ok?
    Its a huge point because most of the videos/pictures are taken based on the assumption that contrails disperse quickly, if they last they're a chemtrail.
    Smudgeyboy wrote: »
    In reality, I've never seen a contrail last behind a plane more than 2 minutes. These are also rare, usually it looks like the trail behind the plane is staying the same size because it's disappearing and reappearing so quickly.

    Of course you haven't. Anything that lasts longer you decided is a chemtrail.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,980 ✭✭✭meglome

    So let's see then... It's been shown that all your picture/video 'evidence' of chemtrails are exactly what we should also expect from contrails. This so called weather control doesn't seem to work at all and in fact is having the opposite effect to make the weather worse at the moment. And to summarise other than you wanting chemtrails to exist there is no actual evidence whatsoever. Your fantasies are interesting and all that but that doesn't stop them being fantasies.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Mahatma coat

    Lad next time YOU see a 'chemtrail' ring Airtrafic controland ask

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Mahatma coat

    Lad next time YOU see a 'chemtrail' ring Airtrafic controland ask

  • Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 28,795 Mod ✭✭✭✭oscarBravo

    Smudgeyboy wrote: »
    OscarBravo, I wish I had the answers to these questions! But with all Government conspiracies, these are the ones that are impossible to answer. I don’t know how they do the things they do, all I know is they do it. I'm aware this wont be enough to convince you of the existence of these, as I said before, keep an eye out.
    You don't know anything of the kind. You've bought into a theory with no useful evidence to back it up, and are refusing to confront the sort of questions that would make it clear to you that the theory is half-baked.

    That's what I meant about a lack of critical thinking.

    Oh yeah, you were going to get me some evidence of elevated barium levels in Ireland?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 153 ✭✭Smudgeyboy

    Ciaran500, Im not a parrot. People who can read, please dont make me repeat myself.

    Contrails are VAPOUR TRAILS for the most part, would you not be weirded out if you took a breath in a cold day and the vapour lingered there for hours?

    CHEMTRAILS LAST FOR HOURS AND HOURS AND DONT GO AWAY, Anything else, Im labeling a contrail, seems a fair way of doing it dont you think?

    Contrails dont last 2-3 hours, they last minutes, but Im willing to call anything that does last 2-3 hours a contrail, ok? Anything more is suspect.

    Ok, apart from the barium levels in Ireland question, which, as far as I can tell, there's no proof of in Ireland at the moment, what did I not answer?

    As I said before, there's many reports of high barium levels under chemtrail effected areas online.

    Chemtrails take 5-6 hours usually to cover a sky in white, if you havent seen these and not willing to take video footage of this as evidence you can shut up until you see them yourself because nothing, as I've said, will convince you.

    Ive seen 4 contrails so far today (I'm working outside), one the trail lasted about 60 seconds (when focusing on one point), two of them were going faster, the trails lasted about 120 seconds, the last one was also about one minute.

    We still have the sky that was there when I woke up, no difference.
    I accept these contrails are normal.

    I will take still photos next time I see a chemtrail operation. You will see the sky go from clear blue to hazey white as a direct result of this spraying.

    Mahatma Coat, will do, thanks for reading what I've been, for the most part, wasting my time typing. Thanks to anyone else also.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,225 ✭✭✭Ciaran500

    Smudgeyboy wrote: »
    Contrails are VAPOUR TRAILS for the most part, would you not be weirded out if you took a breath in a cold day and the vapour lingered there for hours?
    You posted this above:
    The persistence of contrails depends upon temperature, relative humidity, and the vigor of mixing between the exhaust plume and the ambient air. At low temperatures, with high humidity, and with stable temperature stratification (which inhibits vertical mixing of the air), contrails persist for many hours.
    Smudgeyboy wrote: »
    CHEMTRAILS LAST FOR HOURS AND HOURS AND DONT GO AWAY, Anything else, Im labeling a contrail, seems a fair way of doing it dont you think?

    Contrails dont last 2-3 hours, they last minutes, but Im willing to call anything that does last 2-3 hours a contrail, ok? Anything more is suspect.
    Its not fair at all. You have decided that contrails last only a few minutes with no evidence to back this up and even posted evidence contrary to it.

  • Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 28,795 Mod ✭✭✭✭oscarBravo

    Smudgeyboy wrote: »
    Contrails are VAPOUR TRAILS for the most part, would you not be weirded out if you took a breath in a cold day and the vapour lingered there for hours?
    Not a valid comparison, unless your idea of a cold day is in the region of -60°C.
    Ok, apart from the barium levels in Ireland question, which, as far as I can tell, there's no proof of in Ireland at the moment, what did I not answer?
    Don't you think that's rather an important question?

    You've posited that the purpose of all this spraying is to increase atmospheric barium levels. You've also claimed that there has been a great deal of spraying over Ireland lately. This allows us to propose a test of your theory: if what you say is true, there should be evidence of significantly elevated barium levels in Ireland.

    There isn't.

    This means that your theory has been falsified. To continue to believe in it defies reason. Once you've posited a testable theory and found it wanting, you must reconsider your premises.
    As I said before, there's many reports of high barium levels under chemtrail effected areas online.
    Are any of these reports credible?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 153 ✭✭Smudgeyboy

    Ok, forget it everybody, these things act nothing like vapour, but I have no lab reports that saying there's barium in them so they must be vapour. Explain your logic?

    Is there regular testing going on for barium levels in Ireland? Can you link me please?

    To say this theory is falsified is also ridiculous, I cant prove myself there's barium in them, I dont have the know-how nor equipment.

    It's the most logical explanation when you look into Tesla and HAARP, and these online reports

    High Barium Levels frim spraying reports-

    You'll probably find this most credible, from a US news station (KSLA NEWS)-

    Same KSLA report here-

    Phoenix Air Quality test & Italy-


  • Registered Users Posts: 8,225 ✭✭✭Ciaran500

    Smudgeyboy wrote: »
    Ok, forget it everybody, these things act nothing like vapour

    Chemtrails are vapour...

    But I assume you mean contrails and they do act exactly like contrails.

  • Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 28,795 Mod ✭✭✭✭oscarBravo

    Smudgeyboy wrote: »
    Ok, forget it everybody, these things act nothing like vapour, but I have no lab reports that saying there's barium in them so they must be vapour. Explain your logic?

    Is there regular testing going on for barium levels in Ireland? Can you link me please?

    To say this theory is falsified is also ridiculous, I cant prove myself there's barium in them, I dont have the know-how nor equipment.
    You've claimed that they're spraying barium over Ireland. How come you haven't looked into whether barium levels are elevated?
    It's the most logical explanation when you look into Tesla and HAARP, and these online reports
    Tesla had nothing to do with HAARP.
    High Barium Levels frim spraying reports-

    You'll probably find this most credible, from a US news station (KSLA NEWS)-
    What's credible about it? It's hearsay.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 153 ✭✭Smudgeyboy

    Ok, sorry for wasting your time man.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,504 ✭✭✭✭kippy

    Here we go again, another chemtrails/contrails thread.
    Again, the original poster (God knows who he is, probably someone who was banned previously) completely avoids answering the very obvious questions that any right thinking human being would ask themselves when faced with a scenario such as this.
    OscarBravo put them to the original poster in one of the first ten replies but there has been no effort to answer them.
    As with any conpiracy the main things that tear them apart is the number of people who are involved in it and have to keep stum. For this theory to bear any credibility, a huge amount of people have to be complicit in it.
    I am not denying that people are up there spraying this and that (weather manupilation etc) however a lot of this would be known about and much of it is happening in other countries. NOT over Ireland and defo not Barium.
    Id like you to take some of this to the aviation forum (not the crackpot stuff) just posting a topic, asking people who work in the aviation inductry how likely something on the scale the OP is alleging is to be happening. It'd be an interesting topic and may help answer some of the questions OscarBravo put to the OP.

    There were multiple questions put forward in the last thread, very few of which were answered to my satisfacition by the people putting forward the theory.
    Being honest, I would be much more worried about the real world stuff happening around us every day that we can do something about, rather than some hair brained attempt at being controversial.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 891 ✭✭✭conceited

    CHEMTRAILS LAST FOR HOURS AND HOURS AND DONT GO AWAY, Anything else, Im labeling a contrail, seems a fair way of doing it dont you think?

    Contrails dont last 2-3 hours, they last minutes, but Im willing to call anything that does last 2-3 hours a contrail, ok? Anything more is suspect.

    And if you look at my above post you will see they last for hours or all day long.I think at this stage now your just pissing against the wind.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 891 ✭✭✭conceited

    kippy wrote: »

    Id like you to take some of this to the aviation forum (not the crackpot stuff) just posting a topic, asking people who work in the aviation inductry how likely something on the scale the OP is alleging is to be happening. It'd be an interesting topic and may help answer some of the questions OscarBravo put to the OP.
    Great idea.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 153 ✭✭Smudgeyboy

    Conceited, well done on your copy and paste job. You win. You>Me, Ok? :)

    It is possible that I run 30 miles and have sex with 50 different women everyday. It's also possible that I own a small island.

    Kippy, please dont suggest I'm a 'crackpot'. Im perfectly entitled to be concerned with what I want and also entitled to bring my concerns to the public. What other people consider 'real worries', I would call bull-hits.

    All I'm saying is look up people, you will see these.
    Ask yourself, was it always like that?
    I'd also like to remind ye that none of you gave any evidence at all proving me wrong.

    Have any of the naysayers actually seen the grids I am talking about? I didnt think so.

    I'm well aware of public opinion on this subject, as I am aware the public opinion on all true conspiracys.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,225 ✭✭✭Ciaran500

    Smudgeyboy wrote: »
    All I'm saying is look up people, you will see these.
    You will see contrails. You haven't given a way of identifying chemtrails other than watching for hours to see how the trails disperse.
    Smudgeyboy wrote: »
    Ask yourself, was it always like that?
    Of course not, the explosion in air travel has changed that.
    Smudgeyboy wrote: »
    I'd also like to remind ye that none of you gave any evidence at all proving me wrong.
    We have nothing to disprove. You posted videos saying these are chemtrails yet you can't give a good reason why they're not contrails.
    Smudgeyboy wrote: »
    Have any of the naysayers actually seen the grids I am talking about? I didnt think so.
    Have you?

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,443 ✭✭✭✭bonkey

    Smudgeyboy wrote: »
    It seems the purpose to fill the atmosphere with barium in order to send energy from the HAARP facility in the U.S, to somewhere else.
    Ah....good...we're getting somewhere....

    You can point to studies finding otherwise-unaccounted-for increases in barium levels in teh atmosphere, yes?

    Ideally, you can also point to studies showing that these unaccounted-for increases are highest when these alleged contrails are present, yes?

    Contrails are mostly water vapour
    Water vapour will disappear into our atmosphere.
    Now, in terms of this discussion, it doesn’t matter if it takes 30 seconds or 3 hours. It disappears, ok?
    Well, no, it does matter if it takes 30 seconds or 3 hours. If it takes 3 hours than all your "quickly disappears" capitalisation is just so much hogwash.

    I'd also ask you to consider the following, and to compare it to your above comments:

    Clouds are mostly water vapour
    Water vapour will disappear into our atmosphere.
    Now, in terms of this discussion, it doesn’t matter if it takes 30 seconds or 3 hours. It disappears, ok?

    Now...I'm not just larking about here. Contrails form only in specific atmospheric conditions - conditions almost identical to that of cloud formation. The whole "contrail turning into a sky full of cloud" argument is based on ignoring that fact....that you would have had the sky full of cloud even if you didn't have the contrail because that's where the atmospheric conditions were headed. Similarly, the whole question of duration of contrails've guessed it...dependant on whether the atmospheric conditions are far from / tending away from cloud formation (low duration), or close to / tending towards cloud formation (longer duration).
    In reality, I've never seen a contrail last behind a plane more than 2 minutes.
    To be more accurate...any contrail you've seen last more than 2 minutes, you've decided isn't a contrail but is something more sinister.
    Take a breath somewhere cold if you don’t believe water vapour disappears.
    Or, indeed, look at cloud-cover in Ireland! everyone knows that there is no such thing as a day where you never see the sun....the cloud always breaks up in a short period of time.

    If they do persist, there's no way there are doing so all over the world everday.
    Are you suggesting that they do? Are you really saying that there is nowhere in teh world where you can go through a day without seeing persistent trails?

    I know that I don't see them every day, but do see them from time to time. Unsurprisingly, the weather on those days is always pretty similar. Not only that, but the trails seem to line up well with international airports, or flight-paths that I've noticed commercial aircraft flying on days when there's no 'trails.

    I've kept my eyes open as a result of people telling me to. But hey...what would I know? I'm could be just making this sh1t up.
    What I call chemtrails appear in large groups, usually once a day.
    I'll also make the following predictions...

    The will appear in-line-with and down-wind of major flight paths.
    Where race-track formations are seen, they will match to known holding patterns for aircraft, typically around major airports.
    As I said before boys, keep an eye out and it will be obvious.
    Keep an eye out, and then read what someone tells you to believe. It will, indeed, be obvious.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,609 ✭✭✭Flamed Diving

    LOL! Is this for ****ing real? Do people actually believe this? Im incredulous!

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,504 ✭✭✭✭kippy

    Smudgeyboy, take it to the aviation forum. Be careful though, they may be in on it too......
    I wasnt calling you a crackpot, apologies. I was speaking about the theory.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 153 ✭✭Smudgeyboy

    I cant take it to the aviation forum, got banned for taking it to the Green issues forum!

    Oh it's a crazy world.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 153 ✭✭Smudgeyboy

    Just to recap the references I left.

    I wish people who dont believe in conspiracy theories respect those that do, Im tired of arguing this topic, the point of this thread was to leave reference point for those wishing to look into this subject.

    The Facts on regular Contrails.
    are mostly water vapour
    Contrails are usually thin lines that disperse and become invisible within minutes
    Contrails usually appear as single lines in the sky, though this depends on plane
    Contrails usually leave no long lasting mark on the sky
    Contrails are relatively safe for our atmosphere
    Contrails rarely cross paths, this is due to how planes are directed and how quickly a contrail dissapears.

    The Facts on man-made Chemtrails
    spread into cloud cover and sometimes has fallout (cob-web like filaments, red/yellow powders, milky-white fluid).
    Chemtrails are usually spread in grid-like structures, these spread out across the sky, depending on wind, and usually cover a sky within 3-4 hours.
    Chemtrail effected areas show high levels of barium, boron, aluminium and silica among other substances that are harmful to breathe in.
    Chemtrails do not dissapear, this is because, unlike contrails, they are not mostly water vapour.
    Chemtrails, more often than not, cross paths

    Video footage of regular, safe Contrail

    This should be a normal sight for ye, no need to show more.

    Video footage of accused Chemtrails
    4. - Photographic evidence over Dublin, Ireland for a year.

    Video comparisons between the two

    Still photos of chemtrails

    Dangerously high levels of barium reports-

    Chemtrails and Morgellons Disease, Part 1-5 (Dont worry it cant wash your brain!)

    Chemtrail 'white out' timelapses-

    Chemtrails on TV -NBC4

    EDIT*:Sorry everybody! There just Birthday Streams! Silly me, must only advertise in the U.S!

    Nikola Tesla

    Contrail Information

  • Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 28,795 Mod ✭✭✭✭oscarBravo

    I suppose repetition is one approach, if you can't make a useful argument.

    Here's a picture I took this morning from my front door:


    You'll notice there's a solitary contrail crossing the sky. You'll also notice the cirriform clouds in the sky. This illustrates perfectly bonkey's point about the conditions for the formation of this type of cloud also being ideal for the formation and persistence of contrails.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 153 ✭✭Smudgeyboy

    Very good, Ive seen this regularly also, you also still dont believe that there are completely different looking grids that cover the whole sky for days. You've never seen them.

    Therefore, you dont know if they exist or not, your banking on them not existing.

    As Ive said before, I left this here so people could look out for them, Ive never heard anyone say it's normal once they've seen them and the effect on our sky that they have (Im talking 30+ people)

    So, please respect my opinion, and the point of this thread, and dont go repeating yourself also, Im done arguing this.

  • Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 28,795 Mod ✭✭✭✭oscarBravo

    Smudgeyboy wrote: »
    Very good, Ive seen this regularly also, you also still dont believe that there are completely different looking grids that cover the whole sky for days. You've never seen them.

    Therefore, you dont know if they exist or not, your banking on them not existing.
    I've seen days where several parallel contrails stretch across the sky. I've seen contrails that cross each other, particularly in areas with heavy air traffic. The idea of "grids that cover the whole sky for days" is pure fantasy.

    As much as you'd like to think that this is merely me being unobservant, you should know that (a) I'm an aviation nut (although I've only 20-odd hours logged), so I look up at airplanes all the time; and (b) I passed a meteorology exam as part of my pilot training, so I have a reasonable entry-level understanding of cloud formation and weather.

    I don't see anything strange in the sky because there isn't anything strange in the sky.
    As Ive said before, I left this here so people could look out for them, Ive never heard anyone say it's normal once they've seen them and the effect on our sky that they have (Im talking 30+ people)
    And I'm countering your claims here so people won't blindly accept what you tell them, but will have the opportunity to weigh up the evidence and decide for themselves.
    So, please respect my opinion, and the point of this thread, and dont go repeating yourself also, Im done arguing this.
    You're not arguing it. You're blindly repeating something you read on the Internet and have swallowed hook, line and sinker. You're refusing to accept any argument or evidence to the contrary.

    Which, ironically, is probably what you'd accuse others of.

  • Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 28,795 Mod ✭✭✭✭oscarBravo

    Chemtrails or contrails? More photos taken in the last hour:




  • Closed Accounts Posts: 153 ✭✭Smudgeyboy

    Look like red X's to me, Paul.

    It's impossible to tell what they are from looking at still photos, I thought you would know this. They look to me to be contrails, they are similar to the between stage of chemtrails.

    Is the whole sky white now? If not, they are definetly contrails.
    Ive said it a dont know how many times.

    Grids turn the whole sky white for the rest of the day=Chemtrails/Spraying
    Anything else= Clouds+Contrails

    It really annoys you that I believe this is going on doesnt it?! Why?

    My objective is done man, you are only half arguing my point, if you were an eye witness to these operations you'd know this. It's far from 'fantasy'. And it's obviously not right.

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  • Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 28,795 Mod ✭✭✭✭oscarBravo

    Smudgeyboy wrote: »
    Look like red X's to me, Paul.
    What, we're on first name terms now?
    It's impossible to tell what they are from looking at still photos, I thought you would know this. They look to me to be contrails, they are similar to the between stage of chemtrails.

    Is the whole sky white now? If not, they are definetly contrails.
    Ive said it a dont know how many times.
    When the whole sky is white, that's a meteorological phenomenon known as "clouds". Another term you may find interesting is "overcast".
    Grids turn the whole sky white for the rest of the day=Chemtrails/Spraying
    Anything else= Clouds+Contrails
    So when you posted a picture of an airplane making what looked to me like a perfectly routine rate-1 turn, why was that evidence of spraying? I didn't see any grids.
    It really annoys you that I believe this is going on doesnt it?! Why?
    It doesn't annoy me at all. It's somewhat amusing (and slightly worrying) that people believe this stuff without being troubled by little details like a lack of credible evidence.
    My objective is done man, you are only half arguing my point, if you were an eye witness to these operations you'd know this. It's far from 'fantasy'. And it's obviously not right.
    Funny you should talk about eye witnesses, when you seem completely untroubled by the lack of witnesses to the ongoing tanking-up of these alleged spraying planes.

    It's fantasy, pure and simple.

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