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Cross dressing = right of passage to ladies toilets?



  • Registered Users Posts: 13,983 ✭✭✭✭Cuddlesworth

    asked my advice on translucent powder as in did I know a heavy duty one good enough to cover stubble,

    I'd be worried as to why he asked you that question? I'm sure you can find a few sites to teach you how to sha........

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,946 ✭✭✭red_ice

    Ill start my post by saying outright that Kazobel's comments at the earlier section of this thread want not to be aimed at me. I never once made an offencive comment towards the transgender/crossdressing crowed. If he took offence to it thats his problem, but his retaliation is out of order.
    Kazobel wrote: »
    Firstly what you are actually talking about is Transsexuals not crossdressers. The different being that a Trassexual is a person changing from one gender to another whereas a crossdresser is a man who wears female clothes for sexual gratification and if you did a google search I think you'd find most crossdressers and Transvestites identify as Hetrosexual.

    Ill answer the first point with a quote.
    red_ice wrote: »
    As i came in the door i saw 2/3 men dressed in full womens attire.

    Im sorry to burst your bubble here, but its not everyones interest to know about someones sexual preference by the way they dress. I dont google transvestites or hetrosexuals, sorry, its not my bag.
    Kazobel wrote: »
    You just proved why we need to use the female toilet because if we used the male toilet and encountered a person like you who was drunk we'd most likely leave in an ambulance.

    Who do you think you are putting me in a box like that? For a start i wasnt drunk. Secondly im far from a violent person and i stated in my first post that i didnt mind what a person looked like and that if it makes them happy im all for it.
    Kazobel wrote: »
    And for the record not all of us present so badly that you (or anyone else on this thread) would be able to tell anyway, these were probably just 2 friends out for a drink and getting on with things, I don't see how it's anyones business how they choose to live as long as it hurts no-one else.

    Again, where did i say i cared about what they did? Get off your jerry sringer stool and stop trying to present yourself like your a care case. I never once made a comment about their choise of lifestyle.
    i think he was talking about crossdressers, and not transexuals, but anyway

    Terry wrote: »
    Or it was just three guys out having a laugh and seeing how much they could get away with.

    i was angling around that. or at least i ment to.

    Knowledge of a subject doesn't automatically mean knowledge of a situation.

    How profound! Good point
    daiixi wrote: »
    What bothers me is people with a lack of a basic command of the English language.

    How mature of you.

    Kazobel wrote: »
    No, I'm suggesting that it's closed minded homophobics like you that are the number one cause of assults on Transsexuals in this or any country. Wether you engage in an assult or not an attitude like your's would be whats called an iniciator whereby instead of minding your own business or having the balls to start something yourself you'd comment to work others up. You don't even say the things you are saying because you feel one way or another about it, you say them to be controvercial and get off on the reactions of others to those comments especially if someone quotes you and does a ":D:D", you think it makes you look "cool" but trust me on this, it doesn't it's kinda like how a five year old would say "f*ck" just for the reaction.

    So all of a sudden making a post or commenting on a subject automaticly makes you a homophobe and a violent person? Wise up. I minded my own business THATS why i said nothing. I realist those comments are aimed at someone else, but my god you have a chip on your shoulder simply because people have an opinion that doesnt match up to your own.
    Kazobel wrote: »
    Number 2: Again more proof he was not TS since we'd never do that because we get enough **** in everyday life without actually attracting it.

    No no, you do attract it and im starting to see its not by how you express yourselves physically, its how you interact with people - this post being a prime example. You completely flew off the handle and started to assume the worst in everyone thats made a comment here.
    Jay D wrote: »
    Don't know whether you are aware of the number of women that do this but I'd say you are. Also I think you're a bit of a drama queen, big deal like.

    Yea i am, and i see it on a regular basis and it has been a topic of conversation before in my social circle, i dont like it. The fact that i've brought up an interesting conversation which seems to be close to alot of peoples hearts and spans 5 odd pages makes me a drama queen? Grow up, Welcome to afterhours... like
    So where are these statistics that prove all straight males are rapists and paedophiles.

    Its a known fact that 90% of all statistics are made up... see where im going?
    Terry wrote: »
    Kazobel, AlmightyCushion & Jay D, do not post in this thread again.
    Should you decide to ignore this warning, your post will be deleted and you will be banned.
    If a post happens to slip in before this one, then it will be allowed.

    I would like to protest this warning for the sake of a mature conversation. I havnt been able to get to a computer over the weekend and id like to get some sort of a response from kazobel because i would like to see how someone could get all he got from my post and make it out like i have some sort of chip on my shoulder simply because i have a problem with people not using the toilets they are assigned to... regardless of how they dress.
    If I have to use the gents, I will close my eyes and apologise to anyone in there. Its only polite. Some girls get aggressive when they use the gents, as some guys will say things like "Oh what were you doing in there?" (in a sleazy way) or will give out tha a gir is in the gents.

    I suppose i have been less adgitated by the more apologetic type coming into the mens toilet.. Definitly infact. The loud annoying type or the type that just whalze in like they belong in there are the type that get on my nerves.
    Thaedydal wrote: »
    It is illegal for a man to be in the ladies toilets. It falls under the dency laws from victorian times.

    Very good. Does it merrit a slap on the wrist?
    What kind of bathrooms do you think we have? Seatless, some lockless, and usually toilet-paper less.

    Well, if a bloke was in the womens toilets it wouldnt really matter would it? We dont have to sit down really.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,263 ✭✭✭Varkov

    I'd be kinda freaked out if I saw a tranny in the jacks when I was drunk. :eek:
    But yeah, dont be OTT about it or acting the maggot and I dont know anyone who would be arsed attacking you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,061 ✭✭✭✭Terry

    red_ice wrote:
    I would like to protest this warning for the sake of a mature conversation. I havnt been able to get to a computer over the weekend and id like to get some sort of a response from kazobel because i would like to see how someone could get all he got from my post and make it out like i have some sort of chip on my shoulder simply because i have a problem with people not using the toilets they are assigned to... regardless of how they dress.
    I'll allow it, but standard rules apply.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,168 ✭✭✭Kazobel

    jtsuited wrote: »
    ffs, Kazobel is really not a great ambassador for transgenderism.

    Why would I be? I'm not Transgendered :confused:

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,168 ✭✭✭Kazobel

    red_ice wrote: »
    Ill start my post by saying outright that Kazobel's comments at the earlier section of this thread want not to be aimed at me. I never once made an offencive comment towards the transgender/crossdressing crowed. If he took offence to it thats his problem, but his retaliation is out of order.

    At no point does any of my posts reference you other than to explain the difference between CD/TV and Transsexuals, my first comment was directed at Canis Lupus (who I quoted) for refering to us as "Freaks" and all my subsequent replies were based on that one insult so all the rest of your little outrage here is kinda moot and by the way what's "this thread want not to be aimed " is that some pathetic attempt at a threat? :rolleyes:

    red_ice wrote: »
    Im sorry to burst your bubble here, but its not everyones interest to know about someones sexual preference by the way they dress. I dont google transvestites or hetrosexuals, sorry, its not my bag.

    If that wasn't your point then why say this "But hes a woman trapped in a mans body" or what ever"? If you don't understand the differences and aren't bothered to look them up then don't make assumptions
    red_ice wrote: »
    Who do you think you are putting me in a box like that? For a start i wasnt drunk. Secondly im far from a violent person and i stated in my first post that i didnt mind what a person looked like and that if it makes them happy im all for it.

    Again directed at Canis Lupus for calling us "freaks"

    red_ice wrote: »
    Again, where did i say i cared about what they did? Get off your jerry sringer stool and stop trying to present yourself like your a care case. I never once made a comment about their choise of lifestyle.

    Again Canis Lupus, (you really didn't try be sure before you went on this little rant did you? )
    red_ice wrote: »
    So all of a sudden making a post or commenting on a subject automaticly makes you a homophobe and a violent person? Wise up. I minded my own business THATS why i said nothing. I realist those comments are aimed at someone else, but my god you have a chip on your shoulder simply because people have an opinion that doesnt match up to your own.

    Again Canis Lupus and yes, if his quote was to a gay guy or lesbian and he called them "freaks" he'd be jumped on as a homophobe or to a black guy simply because he was black he'd be called a racist, Its not a chip we just deserve the same simple respect as any other minority group in the world and that includes being able to live our lives without being branded "freaks" over something that is not a choice but a nesessity if we want to keep our sanity.
    red_ice wrote: »
    No no, you do attract it and im starting to see its not by how you express yourselves physically, its how you interact with people - this post being a prime example. You completely flew off the handle and started to assume the worst in everyone thats made a comment here.

    Since when is arguing about discrimination "flying off the handle"? and the post that this is quoting doesn't seem overtly agressive at all, infact most of my posts on this thread were of the informative kind which everyone chose to ignore (especially the one where I informed you all that you were infact conceived girls, how convenient) and instead jump on anything that would iniciate a row, even you yourself have quoted my replies to another poster in an attempt to impose them on you just for a scrap.

    Happy now? All you questions to me have been answered.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,497 ✭✭✭✭Dragan

    Kazobel wrote: »
    even you yourself have quoted my replies to another poster in an attempt to impose them on you just for a scrap.

    Thats a bit assumptive, to be honest. In the past i have misread posts and thought they were aimed at me. It can happen...... especially as so many of the posters here tend to be posting from work, in between tasks and such.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,893 ✭✭✭Canis Lupus

    Kazobel wrote: »
    (especially the one where I informed you all that you were infact conceived girls, how convenient)

    Convenient for you maybe but at least explains my urge to bitch and munch on chocolate.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,168 ✭✭✭Kazobel

    Both of which I'm sure you do very well
