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Sad Sad Sad little man.



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,111 ✭✭✭MooseJam

    very true, woman shouldn't be allowed near cars

    Woman, Know your limits !

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,208 ✭✭✭✭JohnCleary

    He may be a saddo, but your GF can't park if she was over the white line, simple as. Take her license and burn it!*

    * Yes i'm the best driver in the world, don't even question me!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 37,214 ✭✭✭✭Dudess

    Spook_ie wrote: »
    **** neo-facist site
    Why on earth do you call it that?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 313 ✭✭Dalfiatach

    All hail that masked parking vigilante dude!

    It's long past time those of us who are reasonably competent behind the wheel start mercilessly lampooning the vast numbers of utterly sh1te drivers out there at every possible opportunity. Getting loudly jeered at 20 times a day might just penetrate their solid concrete skulls and convince them to learn how to drive (and park).

    Just because pig-ignorant me féin asshole chancers seem to be in the majority these days doesn't make them right.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 18,239 ✭✭✭✭WindSock

    If she parked far away from everyone else, why would she go for the tightest space beside the trolley bay, when there was loads of free space beside her?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,593 ✭✭✭johnnyrotten

    I say she deserved it!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,442 ✭✭✭Firetrap

    Years ago, I worked for a while in a place that had a small cramped carpark out the back for staff. The parking spaces were as tight as a camel's arse in a sandstorm. The security guard in the place was something of a carpark Hitler used to leave notes on peoples' cars if he felt they had parked badly and messed it all up for everone else. I didn't get one of those (all I can remember from the note was the line 'Learn to park properly') but you should have seen the one I got the time I parked in the loading bay :p

    Yes it's a pain in the backside if someone parks badly in a car park but you can't assume that just because they're parked over two spaces, that they deliberately did it. It can be because the first idiot into the car park made a mess of parking and forced all the cars that came after him(!) to park badly. And so, you can get a whole row of cars parked over the white line.

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 17,990 Mod ✭✭✭✭ixoy

    Good on him! Every morning I'm filled with a silent rage as I pass a line of cars parked right on the footpath (meaning they have to drive down there to park it).

    Bad as that may be, others compound and cement their crimes by parking halfway across the footpath so the second person in their car can be saved the apparent ignominy of having to slide across to the opposite door to get out. They may now have blocked anyone in a wheelchair or pushing a pram from getting past but hey that doesn't matter to these ignoramuses.

    I've often been tempted to leave some sort of scathing notice on their window, or some more obvious permanent physical impression on said window, and so I applaud the more pro-active members who do it in such a peaceful, and yet pointed, manner.

  • Registered Users Posts: 458 ✭✭Xaniaj

    LOL! Great stuff, the amount of times I have been tempted to do something similiar....why people can't put that little bit of effort into parking between the lines is beyond me.

    If you don't go in between the lines the first time, just take the 20 secs to straighten up!

  • Registered Users Posts: 890 ✭✭✭l3LoWnA

    I have absolutely zero tolerance for fully licensed drivers (unless they are learners or little old ladies who you can hardly even see behind the steering wheel) who cannot park properly! Why can't they park properly? I just don't understand?! There's nothing worse than a packed carpark and some b*stard has parked his/her (usualy quite new and large or just flashy - screams NOTICE ME NOTICE ME) car/jeep slap BANG in the middle of two parking spaces. They aren't BUSES you're trying to fit into a parking space. Are they afraid their dear-car would get damaged by someone next door? Well the next time I see a case of it they may well get damaged!!! I am a female driver. There's a threat! :D

    My other pet-hate is tail-gating (but I use my rear fog lights as deterants for these ignorant animals who choose to drive so close to my a$$ @ such speed!! They think it's brake lights, get freaked and cool it a bit - works every time) or . . . when you're driving at the speed limit and there's a car a few hundred yards behind you going at the same pace as yourself or possibly slower, until they realise your car/jeep/mpv is smaller/older/different-fkn-colour than theres (or they notice long hair and realise it's a woman ahead of them) so they speed up, pass you out and then zoom in right on front of you and slow down - so you end up right up their behind doing 100kph! This ALWAYS happens to me, and I bloody well HATE it!! If you pass them out you're lowering yourself to their level or playing their stupid and dangerous game even though you feel nervous being so close behind someone @ 100kph. It could be fatal if you stay there, but they just passed YOU what do you do? Slow down?!? All because some P€nis-Head needs to feel important - Some sort of weird and very dangerous power trip going on there! Has it ever happened anyone else or am I the only one?!

    Sorry I went completely off-topic there, phew rant over - it's late and I'm very bored :(

    I think the note in question was quite funny in a completely dry sense and the person who put it there probably saw humour in it, printed it off when he saw it and actually was watching out for the opportunity to slap it on a car window for the laugh/to show off to friends, I wouldn't take it too personally! Obviously, ye didn't irritate him/her THAT much as you said there was plenty of parking spaces. It was a joke I'd say, nothing more!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 313 ✭✭Dalfiatach

    @ l3LoWnA : no, it's not just you. I drive a lot, I work (mostly) in Galway, I'm from Derry, also have to work in Dublin, Belfast and Cork. So I spend a lot of time on the road.

    There are so many people on our roads that really don't have a clue how to drive. The eejits you describe that tailgate you at 100kph till you let them past, then they proceed to slow you down by driving at 55mph...then you have to overtake them again, and they don't like it and start accelerating till yer overtaking them at 90mph+...

    Bad drivers should just be shot. Cleanse the gene-pool, that's what I say.

  • Registered Users Posts: 890 ✭✭✭l3LoWnA

    Dalfiatach wrote: »
    There are so many people on our roads that really don't have a clue how to drive. The eejits you describe that tailgate you at 100kph till you let them past, then they proceed to slow you down by driving at 55mph...then you have to overtake them again, and they don't like it and start accelerating till yer overtaking them at 90mph+...

    Argh - that's EXACTLY what they do - I left out the accelerating when you do decide to pass them bit! That's why I just don't bother anymore - can be lethally dangerous!! I just don't get why they feel they have to tail-gate you for so long in such an impatient manner and then slow down when they do get passed you?! next time it happens, i'm reporting them (I'm not the "reporting" type but it's very dangerous really and truly, they're the drivers who should have their licenses taken away - those who do not understand courtesy and proper good driving on the roads) if they're in such a rush why don't they just bugger off ahead of you when they pass??

    It really pishes me off! :rolleyes: Driving to Galway tomorrow from Sligo, wish me luck :p

    OH and then there's the drivers who are behind you on a straight stretch @ night-time and refuse to dim their father does this ALWAYS and I murder him if I'm travelling with him coz it's the height of ignorance!

    Now, that's all off my chest, think I'll go to bed and dream of having my own private helicopter to fly above all the road-ragers and laugh down at them all :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 28,128 ✭✭✭✭Mossy Monk

    wil wrote: »
    Apologies, didnt realise in my previous post it was necessary to spell out that obviously a bit of common sense is required**. but rather than spell out every eventuality to indicate how to use your own god given ability to read a situation sensibly, I'll mention just a few.

    Most people entitled to use Wheelchair bays have prominently displayed Stickers.
    Most people with MND or other less obvious conditions will likely have such stickers and you wouldnt make such an approach unless they gave an indication otherwise.
    Casual use of your vision should give you a hint.

    If in the event of some person who doesnt have such sticker displayed, ie technically not entitled to use the bay, then that common sense comes in to play - eg passenger in different car, old person, person on crutches, blind etc (fill in the list yourself)

    However, a young, perfectly able bodied businessman parking across 2 wheelchair bays before running in to bank at lunchtime with no sticker displayed when there are other genuinely entitled drivers looking for a space, just because he is in a hurry and his time is much more important than anyone elses does not fit into this category.

    In the unlikely event that he turned out to be a particularly proficient double amputee with prosthetics who left his sticker in another car, he might just be able to appreciate the obviousness of the situation and I would apologise referring to the amount of people who continually abuse these facilities and maybe even compliment him on his remarkable proficiency if it felt appropriate.
    He might just appreciate that some people realise these bays arent just convenient halting spots for joe soap to collect their takeaway, lodge cheques, post letters, whatever.
    All said I am not in the habit of hanging around wheelchair bays to research this, purely from what I see in normal course of life.

    Do I now need to addend "use your common sense" to my otherwise usually lighthearted posts.

    OTOH, Most of the wheelchair drivers I have known or met are excellent parkers and would put many of our lazy sloppy drivers to shame.
    Perhaps they tend to place a little more pride in their driving.

    Meanwhile OT back to bad parking.

    (**I realise this could descend in to a circular argument so please dont.)

    Oh no you got me there. If you had included in your original post that you referred to people without disabled stickers then you wouldn't have received those replies**

    **Why do I reply to bull****?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 188 ✭✭onechewy

    I once did a park and ditch (as in 'car, I shall see you tomorrow...') in the church car park down in blackrock. When I got a lift down to pick up the car the next eve, somebody had left a signPOST on my car. It was one half of a fairly large carboard box with 'LEARN HOW TO PARK' written on it, tucked under my windscreen wipers. There was about 10 people at the bus stop beside my car spot that were highly amused at my attempt to disceetly remove this signfrom my machine. dickheads whoever they were.. grr... scorlet.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,896 ✭✭✭✭Spook_ie

    Dudess wrote: »
    Why on earth do you call it that?

    because the autocensor doesn't like **** sh/it in sh/

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 37,214 ✭✭✭✭Dudess

    Funneh :)

    Now, why do you call it "neo-fascist"?

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,458 ✭✭✭✭gandalf

    Well tbh it is very sad that he has these printed out and slapped one on your wifes windscreen.

    Although some peoples idea of parking is farcical. I have just moved recently into an apartment at the back of a normal housing estate in Firhouse. As a given with most Irish housing there isn't enough parking space for the residents of the houses so you have to run the gauntlet of cars on the side of the road which is fair enough they have to be parked somewhere but what kind of numpty parks their car parallel to one on the other side of the road leaving millimetres clearance for your wing mirrors.

    Also never park your car perfectly in a car park. I always park mine at a slight angle to get people worried to park beside me. Keep those so called Yummy Mummies away from me with their SUV's and one kid who loves to swing the door open at velocity !!

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,896 ✭✭✭✭Spook_ie

    Dudess wrote: »
    Funneh :)

    Now, why do you call it "neo-fascist"?

    Maybe a better choice of words would have been clandestine, however as most neo-fascist groups tend to be clandestine I think it fits

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 37,214 ✭✭✭✭Dudess

    And why do you find them so objectionable? From what I can see, they highlight the idiocy of a considerable number of this country's motorists on the roads. I'm not criticising you, I'm genuinely wondering what do you have a problem with?

  • Moderators, Regional North West Moderators Posts: 19,103 Mod ✭✭✭✭byte

    irish-stew wrote: »
    letterkennys not that bad, oh sorry, you mean the ticket, reakon some one was getting a bit of a power trip printing of that rubbish,
    The person who "issued" the "ticket" would need many of those tickets, as there is a lot of crap parking in that Tesco carpark.

    I wish I had one for the asshole who decided to park his/her new Hilux diagonally across two spaces!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,800 ✭✭✭Senna

    well this thread has given me a good laugh, but i see most boards members do have a sheep mentality when it come to posting a reply.;)
    the point of this thread was, why would anyone go to the bother of posting a 'ticket' in a half empty carpark at 8pm.
    so you could assume that we committed a horrendous offense of parking and that this post was a vain attempt at hiding my own (and the missus) clearly inadequate skills at parking and shifting attention onto the person who wrote the 'ticket'. or you can think i posted this up as i found it funny.

    I know what most of you will think:rolleyes:

    Still good response from my first thread in AH.:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 37,214 ✭✭✭✭Dudess

    Yeah, I know where you're coming from, Senna. There is a tendency among a LOT of After Hours posters to choose hostility (when it's not warranted) over a reasoned discussion.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21,191 ✭✭✭✭Latchy

    Dudess;Yeah, I know where you're coming from, Senna. There is a tendency among a LOT of After Hours posters to choose hostility (when it's not warranted) over a reasoned discussion.
    True, as sombody who has only being posting every other day on here for a few weeks now ,it is somthing i have noticed a lot in threads which may mean the stress levels amoung a % of members must be high .

    Also the driving skills of motorists in ireland is terrible....(increase in angry hostile stress levels goes up as i speak )

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,800 ✭✭✭Senna

    yeah Dudess, but its all good fun i suppose, wouldn't be on here if it was just all common sense discussion and everyone agreed with everyone else.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,555 ✭✭✭DublinWriter

    Driving back from Tescos Clarehall to Baldoyle today there was a learner driver who missed two turns of filters at the Darndale Hilton driving everyone in the right turning lane postal. Queue lots of angry horn-blowing.

    Said learner then proceeded to go through two sets of roundabouts taking the second exit *YET* still put her right-turning indicator on as if she intended to take the third exit.

    We really should be more like France and not allow such L-plated muppets on our road endangering life and limb.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,061 ✭✭✭✭Terry

    Driving back from Tescos Clarehall to Baldoyle today there was a learner driver who missed two turns of filters at the Darndale Hilton driving everyone in the right turning lane postal. Queue lots of angry horn-blowing.

    Said learner then proceeded to go through two sets of roundabouts taking the second exit *YET* still put her right-turning indicator on as if she intended to take the third exit.

    We really should be more like France and not allow such L-plated muppets on our road endangering life and limb.
    Is that a slang term?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,336 ✭✭✭Mr.Micro

    There are a lot of sad little men these days ready to jump out in car parks putting their noses in when it is none of their business and risking a slap from an irate driver .

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,139 ✭✭✭Orange69

    Mr.Micro wrote: »
    There are a lot of sad little men these days ready to jump out in car parks putting their noses in when it is none of their business and risking a slap from an irate driver .

    And ten times as many lazy ignoramuses who will throw their car into a space sideways with no respect or concern for anyone else's ability to find a parking spot.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,748 ✭✭✭Cunny-Funt

    Anyone actually stop to think that the guy who put it on the car was taking the piss/playing a kinda prank? Rather then actually be annoyed at the actual parking.

    Hence why he did it to her car, eg the less obvious the mistake = more funny.

    I mean chances are he was sitting in a car near by giggling his arse off while watching the reaction of you reading it.

    If he came across this thread I'd say he'd be on the floor laughing his arse off.

    Assuming of course that it was a bloke and he was playing a joke. ;)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 24,878 ✭✭✭✭arybvtcw0eolkf

    Driving back from Tescos Clarehall to Baldoyle today there was a learner driver who missed two turns of filters at the Darndale Hilton driving everyone in the right turning lane postal. Queue lots of angry horn-blowing.

    Said learner then proceeded to go through two sets of roundabouts taking the second exit *YET* still put her right-turning indicator on as if she intended to take the third exit.

    We really should be more like France and not allow such L-plated muppets on our road endangering life and limb.

    Dammit you and I were at the same junction at the same time!.

    I was telling the other half about that muppet. Although I've usually bags of patience I was about to walk up the line of car's and offer to drive the damn thing through myself.
