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Find Out About The Real David Icke.

  • 02-09-2007 6:07pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 25

    That picture shows us what our true nature really is. We are aspects of infinity, experiencing "life" in a three dimensional hologram, known as "the body".

    The vast majority of the population everywhere in the world do not know this, because it is being suppressed by the forces of evil, that are presently running the world.

    All this is going to change very soon, as more and more people wake up! There is a spiritual revolution going on across the globe. All our perceptions on what is "real" is going to change drastically, for the better.

    The world is going through some really bad things at the moment, but rest assured; We are heading into a paradise again, just like we used to have 1000's and 1000's of years ago.

    Find out about the real David Icke, not the one you hear about in the mainstream media.

    Here he is in his own words:
    (From this website - )

    Ignorance of 4 days is evil,
    Evil educators teach 1 day.
    1 day will destroy humans.

    Mother and father gave me birth, not a queer jew god.

    Singularity god is EVIL as
    Creation reigns as Opposite.
    Educators, and You - ought
    to be killed for ignoring the
    fact that "Earth is Cubed".
    (ignored and suppressed by EVIL educators)

    NASA's Moon Landing was
    far less of an achievement
    than Time Cube discovery,
    for I have Cubed the Earth,
    with 4 simultaneous corner
    days in 1 rotation of Earth.
    (singularity belief scientist can't comprehend T.O.E.)

    God SINGULARITY and the
    academic taught singularity
    constitute great evils in the
    Cubic World of Opposites -
    Opposites hemispheres and
    Opposite sexes of humanity.
    The Universe is composed
    of Opposites - existing only
    as Opposites - with a zero
    value existence - cancelling
    to nothing as a singularity.

    I think Cubic, therefore I
    rise above the singularity
    mentality human and the
    false gods they worship -
    discovering a Universe of
    Opposites their education
    will never allow them to
    know. Evil of believing
    is not measuring and the
    result of not measuring -
    is never knowing Truth,
    ineffable by man or god.

    Gene Ray, Cubic and Wise Above Gods

    Cubicism, Not group theory.
    If ignorant of the almighty
    Time Cube Creation Truth,
    you deserve to be killed.
    Killing you is not immoral -
    but justified to save life on
    Earth for future generations.
    Academic taught singularity
    within universe of opposites,
    has lobotomized your mind.
    You are Enslaved by Word -
    no whip or shackle required.
    You do not have the freedom
    to discuss/debate Time Cube.
    Academia destroys your mind
    by suppressing opposite view.
    God equals self masturbation
    of mind - for opposites create.
    You are educated singularities.
    in the Universe of Opposites.
    No God Can Make Himself
    as singularity is death, not life.
    Planets nor human are entities
    as they equal Zero Opposites.
    You are educated singularity
    stupid and evil, unfit for life
    in the Universe of Opposites.
    Mom and Dad OPPOSITES
    occur simultaneously with a
    baby birth - with a potential
    for creating opposite sexes -
    existing only as opposites &
    a zero value existence - that
    cancel to naught as an entity.
    Santa & God debase women
    as if non-existing opposites.
    How evil unto their mothers.
    Singularity educators are evil
    bastards unfit to live on Earth,
    for they create evil students -
    totally ignorant of Time Cube.
    Educator evil is to ignore Time
    Cube until forgotten - or I die.
    Singularity educators are evil
    bastards justified to be killed.
    Ignorant of Nature's Harmonic
    4 Day Time Cube Creation, the
    Americans are Dumb, Educated
    Singularity Stupid and Evil. It's
    not immoral to kill Americans
    who IGNORE their OPPOSITE
    sex parents who Created them,
    but instead worship a queer
    jew who claims to make people
    out of dirt - when the body is 90
    percent water. A God so stupid
    that he claims only a single day
    rotation of Earth - while my
    Cubic Wisdom has allowed me
    to create 4 simultaneous days
    within a single Earth rotation.
    Americans do not deserve life.
    They live only for today, the
    evil singularity word bastards.


    Singularity "education"
    inflicts a dog brain upon
    Students - ability to be
    taught servitude - but
    an inability to ever think
    opposite of brainwashing
    and indoctrination - very
    unlikely to ever recover
    to acknowledge Nature's
    Harmonic Simultaneous
    Rotating 4 Corner 24 Hr.
    Days in 1 Earth Rotation.

    Dr. Gene Ray, Cubic and Wise Above God.
    Cubic Nature is Omnific,
    Infinite, Ineffable and
    on Harmonic duty today.

    Singularity has no God
    within "The Universe of
    Opposite Corner Life" -
    opposite hemispheres
    and opposite sexes - by
    which all Earth life exist.
    For as long as you dumbass,
    educated stupid and evil
    bastards IGNORE Cubic
    Creation, your sons and
    daughters deserve to die
    and be maimed in foreign
    lands - while killing innocent
    women and children. Keep
    ignoring me you evil asses
    and observe the slaughter of
    your children protecting the
    oil barons ripping off their
    families back home. The
    enemy is back home, not
    in foreign lands. Ignore me
    & keep counting the dead sons.
    Creation occurs via opposites.
    Singularity is the death math
    of religious/academic Godism.
    Earth Opposites should split
    apart - and cascade molten
    lava upon God Worshippers,
    for they are the evil on Earth.
    If god is your father, your mother is a whore.
    Opposite Creation vs evil god entity.
    He who speaks, preaches, teaches, condones
    or practices SINGULARITY - an evil that
    equates DEATH by cancellation of universal
    OPPOSITES - hemispheres, sexes, seasons,
    races, temperatures, marriages and divided
    cell (the human Cubic who rotates a 4 corner
    stage family rotating metamorphic lifetime) -
    should have their evil lying tongue cut out.
    Educators are lying bastards.
    -1 x -1= +1 is WRONG, it is
    academic stupidity and is evil.
    The educated stupid should acknowledge
    the natural antipodes of+1 x +1 = +1and
    -1 x -1 = -1 exist as plus and minus values
    of opposite creation - depicted by opposite
    sexes and opposite hemispheres. Entity is
    death worship - for it cancels opposites.
    I have invested 30 years of my life and over
    1/4 millions dollars researching Nature's 4 -
    simultaneous 24 hour days within a single
    rotation of Earth. Religious/Academic word
    taught singularity is contradicted as evil lies
    by the simple math of the Cube's Opposite
    Corners - the most perfect symmetry within
    the Universe. Academic SINGULARITY
    is a contradiction to the opposite sexes, the
    opposite hemispheres and to the universe of
    opposites that exist as a zero value existence.
    The academic taught singularity/entity is but
    poison fed the human populace - slow death.
    I can say that educators "eat ****" and they
    only cower and hide, doing nothing that will
    induce debate, that will indict them as evil.
    Americans will die SINGULARITY stupid,
    their brain lobotomized by EVIL educators.
    Neither EARTH or HUMAN
    exist as entities, but opposites.
    Earth is composed of opposite hemispheres
    which rotate in opposite directions - equal
    to a zero value existence (plus & minus). As
    entity, the opposite hemispheres cancel out.
    Earth exist as 4 - 90 degree opposite corner
    quadrants, but not as a 360 degree circle.
    Earth is Cubic opposites, nothing as circle.
    A singularity inflicted scholar has not the
    mentality, freedom or guts to know that
    academia is a Trojan Horse mind control.
    Singularity brotherhood owns your brain,
    destroying your ability to think Cubicism.
    Evil academia blocks out Time Cube site
    and suppresses its discussion and debate.
    You are an educated singularity idiot who
    can stupidily deny Nature's Harmonic 4
    simultaneous 24 hour days within a single
    rotation of Earth, or even make parody of
    the Cubic Creation Principle - but your
    mental ability to comprehend thegreatest
    social and scientific discovery of all human
    existence has been lobotomized by the evil
    academic singularity bastards hired to
    destroy your ability to think opposite. You
    cannot comprehend Opposite Creation.
    Religous/academic taught singularity is the
    reduction of the human mind to android.
    The half of Earth seen from
    space, cannot exist without
    the opposite half not seen...
    existing as opposite values.
    Earth entity does not exist -
    for it is composed of opposite
    hemispheres which rotate in
    opposite directions - equating
    to a zero value existence, and
    to nothing as a "singularity".
    You were educated to live an
    evil lie - and your heirs will
    suffer hell for your stupidity.
    The entity you seek is death.
    Educators teach assumed math, but are too
    damn dumb, stupid and evil to know that
    until Word is cornered, Math is fictitious.
    Academic/Religious Word is a fictitious
    Trojan Horse and the most efficient form
    of human enslavement ever concocted by
    "Singularity Brotherhood of Bastardism".
    I INVOKE a CURSE upon the educators
    that their students will awake from their
    academic induced stupor & seek revenge.
    You are evil to believe in the
    singularity concept of a God,
    for the whole Universe and
    everthing within is composed
    of Opposites - which exists
    only as Opposites with a zero
    value existence - and nothing
    as an entity. When adults go
    to heaven, children still living
    on Earth will burn in the hell
    that adults created for them.
    Love of God is hate for child.
    Schools teach religious evil.
    YOU are a Cubic Creature,
    Opposites create Opposites.
    Educated Singularity stupid,
    empowering evil way of life.
    Religious / academic taught
    Singularity is Evil & Murder.
    Academia has enslaved you
    as a Word Animal - kneel,
    you educated stupid jackass.
    I can lead you to 4 Wisdom,
    but I can't free your brain
    from the evil of singularity.

    Academia teaches evil android singularity,
    displacing families with today's androids,
    passive, subsmissive, subservient &stupid.
    Religion is an evil singularity brotherhood
    contradicted by the simultaneous 4 corner
    24 hour days in a single rotation of Earth,
    and the 4 corner stages of a human lifetime.
    Opposite sexes equate a zero value existence.
    Family tribal/village are bodies of opposites.
    Religion/academia teach evil of singularity.
    Teaching singularity equals death by Word.
    Opposite sexes created you.
    Ignorance of the Time Cube, Life Cube &
    Ineffable Truth Cube, indicts you Stupid.
    Ignoring Cubic Creation indicts you evil.
    Singularity God impossible.
    Wikipedia allowing the educated stupid
    to evaluate the 4 simultaneous 24 hr. days
    within a single rotation of Earth, equates
    allowing atheist to proof-read the bible.
    Dr. Gene Ray --- is the only authoritative
    Time Cube expert, at
    Dr. Gene Ray offers Wikipedia $10,000.00
    to disprove math that 1 rotation of 4 Earth
    quadrants within the 4 quarter Harmonic
    Time Cube does create 4 simultaneous
    24 hr. days. Both Americans & Wikipedia
    are evil to deny or ignore Cubic Creation.
    Is Wikipedia a Singularity Brotherhood
    controlled Trojan Horse indoctrination -
    that edits Time Cube to a negative view?
    Who edits the Time Cube on Wikipedia?
    It is evil for Coryoth to edit Time Cube.
    Will I get reply or will the Wisest Human
    just be ignored until silenced by death?
    Religious Singularity is evil,
    Academic Singularity is evil.
    Singularity is damnable lie,
    Educators altered your mind,
    You cannot think opposite of
    what you were taught to think.
    You have a cyclop perspective
    and taught android mentality =
    lobotomized analytical ability.
    Educated singularity stupid -
    You can't think4 corner days.
    4 Earth Quadrants simultaneously rotate
    inside 4 Time Cube Quarters to create 4
    - 24 hour days within one Earth rotation.
    This simple ignored math indicts you evil.
    Demand evil educators explain Cubicism,
    or allow me to come teach Cube Creation.
    No man, nation or God equal
    Cube symmetry of opposites.
    Mathematically impossible for a Genius
    or any God to match my Cubic Wisdom.
    Educators fear me, they cower and run.
    6 sides constitutes a sextet -- not a Cube.
    Teaching that a Cube has '6 sides' with
    no top & bottom, induces an evil curse
    that pervades all academic institutions.
    Opposites create Opposites.
    Mom & Dad opposites create son & daughter opposites.
    Opposite Creators required,
    Depicted by Earth's opposite hemispheres.
    Singularity God impossible.
    Opposites de-god Religion.
    Opposites create the universe.
    Opposites compose the Earth.
    Opposites compose humanity.
    Opposites create your body.
    Opposites de-god academia.
    Opposites de-god singularity
    taught by religious/academia.
    I can call singularity educators the most
    putrid name on Earth and claim they eat
    cow-dung ambrosia, but the lying ass
    bastards will not even object - for they
    know I am right and that any debate will
    indict them for the evil they perpetuate
    against the students and future humanity.
    Scientists know Time Cube,
    but any scientist supporting
    the 4 simultaneous days in a
    single rotation of Earth, will
    be fired and banned for life
    from academic institutions.
    Scientists are evil cowards
    and should be castrated
    for obscurantism of the 4
    simultaneous days within
    a single rotation of Earth.
    Average people understand
    4 Day Creation when I tell
    them about it, but scientist
    can't accept it, for the evil
    bastards think singularity.
    Singularity can't procreate,
    a feat requiring opposites.
    Bible Word is a singularity.
    You are taught singularity.
    Singularity is death worship
    and damnation of humanity.
    No God equals the 4 corner
    simultaneous 24 hour days
    within single Earth rotation.
    The universe and all within
    it is composed of opposites.
    Religious/academic taught
    singularity is queer as 1 sex.
    Believing is not knowing -
    but evil that ignores facts.
    Santa vital to Christmas -
    No Santa - no Christmas.
    I know a lot of people will disagree with this, but that doesn't matter. What David is saying is true, and everyone will realize this in a few years.

    Infinite love to you all.

    Auron :)



  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Arts Moderators, Entertainment Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 16,589 CMod ✭✭✭✭faceman

    and no better place to put this stuff but in after hours

  • Moderators, Education Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 35,062 Mod ✭✭✭✭AlmightyCushion

    Auron wrote:

    I know a lot of people will disagree with this, but that doesn't matter. What David is saying is true, and everyone will realize this in a few years.

    Has he any proof to back up any of thís shít he's spouting?

  • Registered Users Posts: 612 ✭✭✭JoseJones

    What David is saying is true, and everyone will realize this in a few years.

    Can you prove this? why will everyone realise in a few years? how many years? 10? 50? 1,000?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25 Auron

    Well here is a 2hr lecture Icke did in 1994. A lot of what he predicted back then has come true today.


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,437 ✭✭✭Crucifix

    I'm not a racist, but these goddamn Lizard people are the cause of all of our problems.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25 Auron

    JoseJones wrote:
    Can you prove this? why will everyone realise in a few years? how many years? 10? 50? 1,000?
    Before the year 2012 to be precise.

    There is a spiritual revolution going on across the world.

    Have a watch of the lecture. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,708 ✭✭✭ec18

    Crucifix wrote:
    I'm not a racist, but these goddamn Lizard people are the cause of all of our problems.

    No its the crab people i tells ya!!

  • Moderators, Education Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 35,062 Mod ✭✭✭✭AlmightyCushion

    I just thought I'd let you know I was bored so I decided to spam you're site much like you are spamming this site.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭So Glad

    I just thought I'd let you know I was bored so I decided to spam you're site much like you are spamming this site.

    And THANKS for that because now hopefully more people will register here and post more stuff!! :D

    Nice one!

    Also, people, don't assume you know whether one person is lying or not when you've never heard what they have to present. I think that's called ignorance!

    Enjoy the videos!

    Love & Peace!


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25 Auron

    I just thought I'd let you know I was bored so I decided to spam you're site much like you are spamming this site.
    Yes, thank you!! Expect more truth seekers to be here now because of your efforts. :D

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  • Moderators, Education Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 35,062 Mod ✭✭✭✭AlmightyCushion

    Auron wrote:
    Yes, thank you!! Expect more truth seekers to be here now because of your efforts. :D

    I can't wait for one of the smods to come along and ban you.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭So Glad

    I can't wait for one of the smods to come along and ban you.

    Wow, that's very reactionary. I see nothing ban-worthy here....:(

    Love & Peace!


  • Moderators, Education Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 35,062 Mod ✭✭✭✭AlmightyCushion

    So Glad wrote:

    Wow, that's very reactionary. I see nothing ban-worthy here....:(

    Love & Peace!


    The spamtasticness of this thread.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27,857 ✭✭✭✭Dave!

    Infinite love to you brother!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭So Glad

    The spamtasticness of this thread.

    Coming from the man who registered on our site and spammed it with

    There's absolutely no spam here. Just a post of information and a wish to hear people's opinions. It's what people do on threads. Does that deserve a ban? :confused:

    Anyways, best wishes to you my friend! :D

    Love & Peace!

    So Glad

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭So Glad

    DaveMcG wrote:
    Infinite love to you brother!

    Right on! :D:D :cool: :cool:

    Love & Peace!

    So Glad

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25 Auron

    I can't wait for one of the smods to come along and ban you.

    Get me banned then! See if i give a ****! :D

    This information is going to be all over the globe, and even you my friend will remember this posting in a few years time, and say to yourself " ****! That David Icke spammer was right!"

    I look forward to hearing from you then!

    You know where to find me!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,734 ✭✭✭Newaglish

    Am I the only one that finds the idea of a long-lasting and well organised secret society running the world oddly reassuring?

  • Moderators, Education Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 35,062 Mod ✭✭✭✭AlmightyCushion

    So Glad wrote:

    Coming from the man who registered on our site and spammed it with

    There's absolutely no spam here. Just a post of information and a wish to hear people's opinions. It's what people do on threads. Does that deserve a ban? :confused:

    Anyways, best wishes to you my friend! :D

    Love & Peace!

    So Glad

    At least I didn't pretend to be offering people information.

  • Moderators, Education Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 35,062 Mod ✭✭✭✭AlmightyCushion

    Auron wrote:
    Get me banned then! See if i give a ****! :D

    you my friend will remember this posting in a few years time, and say to yourself " ****! That David Icke spammer was a twat"

    First of all I can't get you banned. Secondly I fixed your post. Thirdly where are your facts?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭So Glad

    At least I didn't pretend to be offering people information.

    Pretend to give people information?? How the hell is that possible!!

    hehehe, you're funny mate! :cool: :D

    Love & Peace!

    So Glad

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25 Auron

    Mr Almighty Cushion. What do you actually know about David Icke, other than what you have read / heard about in the mainstream media?

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,484 ✭✭✭✭Stephen


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25 Auron

    First of all I can't get you banned. Secondly I fixed your post. Thirdly where are your facts?
    I have posted a 2hr lecture by David Icke from 1994.

    Care to have a watch, and then come back to debate? If not, i have no interest in talking to you any further. :)

  • Moderators, Education Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 35,062 Mod ✭✭✭✭AlmightyCushion

    So Glad wrote:

    hehehe, you're funny mate! :cool: :D

    Love & Peace!

    So Glad

    Cheers. I only wish I valued your opinion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,019 ✭✭✭✭ejmaztec

    Everybody knows it's the ar**holes who are running the world, this week anyway!

  • Moderators, Education Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 35,062 Mod ✭✭✭✭AlmightyCushion

    I'll have to admit I've never heard his name before seeing this thread. My opinion of him now is that he is a twat. I don't fancy watching a 2 hour video so can you please post up a list of some of the things that prove this theory.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,484 ✭✭✭✭Stephen

    Yeah we do. Arseholes, not f**king lizards.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭So Glad

    I'll have to admit I've never heard his name before seeing this thread. My opinion of him now is that he is a twat. I don't fancy watching a 2 hour video so can you please post up a list of some of the things that prove this theory.

    That's a terrible attitude. How can you judge who someone is if you've never met them?

    We have supplied you a video of him and his ideas, if you chose not to watch it, your loss...

    Love & Peace!

    So Glad

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭So Glad

    Stephen wrote:

    Great input. Here, clearly, is a man who has researched everything there is to know on the topic and is ready to refute it all with one solitary piece on name-calling.

    Fair play.

    Love & Peace!

    So Glad

This discussion has been closed.