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IRL: 2X17 - "Lockdown" [** SPOILERS WITHIN **]

  • 05-06-2006 7:08pm
    Registered Users Posts: 43,835 ✭✭✭✭


    Episode Title: "Lockdown"
    Airdate: June 5th 2006

    Synopsis (from

    When the hatch suddenly takes on a life of its own, Locke is forced to enlist the help of an unlikely ally to control the matter. Meanwhile, Ana Lucia, Sayid and Charlie go off into the jungle to find out the truth about Henry Gale and see if there really is balloon craft out there in the jungle that carried him and his wife to the island.

    Next Episode: 2X18 - "Dave" - June 12th 2006

    Link to US Discussion thread for this episode!

    What did you think of "Lockdown"? 57 votes

    V9mollserskibumdentquazzyTobias GreeshmanDiarmsquidEamonnKeaneAliasFan47KamiKazicoidi 11 votes
    KolodnyjhegartysunbeamsnickerpussFaithChazsmythmarkweemcdeirebhoyPonsterJBoyle4evadeisedollyNecronomiconhomerjkeamossThe Gnometrishw78bingo9999djkeoghSilage 31 votes
    ManachjamescrombieCrucifixcolsterKillaqueen!!!cooperguychupacabraBartronilictired of life?MrMagoopokerwidowRowley Birkin QCeasy_as_easyEagleEye 14 votes
    arctic lemur 1 vote



  • Registered Users Posts: 43,835 ✭✭✭✭Basq

    One of if not my favourite episode of the second season...!


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,945 ✭✭✭Anima

    Agreed, its a great episode. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,739 ✭✭✭Jello

    Aye I'm looking forward to this, heard it's pretty good. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,784 ✭✭✭im...LOST

    This is a great episode.
    Like basquille said it probably is my favourites or one of the favourites of the season also.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 472 ✭✭Metacortex

    I just had the tv on in the background. It was great to see that episode again. Definitely one of the best

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  • Registered Users Posts: 123 ✭✭AOR

    yup that was really good, Dam I believed Mr Gale, oh well!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,326 ✭✭✭Zapp Brannigan

    Absolutely brilliant episode! I gasped when the blast door came down on Locke's leg!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,437 ✭✭✭Crucifix

    Good stuff. I can't help but wonder (as Locke did) what brought about the Lockdown.
    The supplies are odd too. When Sayid and co came out of the trees I was expecting it to be the others picking up their latest supply drop or somesuch.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,493 ✭✭✭Fuzzy_Dunlop

    Ah Brilliant!, excellent episode, i still couldnt get rid of the niggling feeling about mr. gale throughout the episode and i wonder what he's gonna do now. one thing im not sure about is whether or not he actually pushed the button

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 291 ✭✭pokerwidow

    Great episode. I belived him too. Why didn't he make a run for it?

    Also thought the back story was good. I thought that the guys looking for the money turned up and shot Locke in the spine i.e. wheelchair. Did we ever find out how he got in the chair? Can't remember now.

    The poker game was good comic relief. And Jacks comment about the guns, if I was Sawyer I would deck the guy. He is really getting on my nerves.

    Going off to read the US thread, thank you for posting the link.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 123 ✭✭AOR

    its a difficult one to call, he seems to know more than he is letting on, but something wants me to believe he isnt an other, although the evidence seems to point to otherwise.
    I think he was late to push the button so thats why we saw the images on the roof.

    As for the lockdown, it seemed completely random.

    Locke's cycling to bizarre music must have set it off.

    I wish every ep was like that

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,784 ✭✭✭im...LOST

    The lockdown was simultanius with the supply drop so when Desmond was down the hatch he wouldn't know where the drop came from.

    that is all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,589 ✭✭✭✭Necronomicon

    Great ep, more than made up for last week's dull show! Could anyone make out what the puzzle on the blast door was?
    Superb ending as well, can't wait for next week's now.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,634 ✭✭✭Kolodny

    Great episode - very suspenseful and a brilliant ending. What the hell was written over the Dharma logo in the UV light? Looked really creepy. Loved Kate's line to Jack and Sawyer too during the poker game "Shall I go and get a ruler?" :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,589 ✭✭✭✭Necronomicon

    Kolodny wrote:
    Great episode - very suspenseful and a brilliant ending. What the hell was written over the Dharma logo in the UV light?
    Yanked this from the US thread:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,149 ✭✭✭BFassassin

    it looks like all the bunkers are going to join up with something else. very interesting.
    really enjoyed this episode and gave it a 9. once agin they end the show when something is about to happen

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,657 ✭✭✭trishw78

    Brilliant glad to see things are finally hotting up. Mr. gale tut tut Did he not think that they wouldn't find out or is that why he didn't make a run for it when he had the chance. Is that why he made a deal with Locke.

    as for the food it had to be dropped by air but how high would the plane have to be not to see it. or was it dropped a few hundred miles away and wind currents brought it in but why didn't every one on the beach see it. Why weren't the others there before to claim the food.

    Although by Gales reaction to seeing the food last week maybe the others don't know about it, or is he just a real good actor.

  • Registered Users Posts: 481 ✭✭Evil_Bilbo

    deadly episode alright - the lockdown must've had something to do with the drop. Maybe the hatch locks down when there's something in the islands airspace or something (to protect from bombs being dropped or something?) I reckon henry made the lights go out so he could check something in the UV lights? that was seriously cool though - all those images on the blast door - totally slick!

    and what an ending! the real henry is a big black dude! the fake one is fecked!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,190 ✭✭✭Haven't a Clue

    I think that the UV light image shows there is more than one hatch on the island. We already know that the fella on the hanso video said the hatch was station 3 out of 6. If you count anti-clockwise from the one at the top left, it is no 3. The first one also looks to have the symbol that was in the place Ethan had Claire.

    I also believe that all the stations are linked up by a 'main hatch' or whatever you want to call it in the middle. This is where the others are and the lockdown therefore wasn't random last night, 'the others' made it happen from the main hatch. It's just a theory.

    A great episode though. Though Locke's flashback was as good as ever, still not up to the s1 standards but a lot better than the one in 'orientation'. And the revelation at the end, just when I was beginning to like Henry. Shame. I was also going to say how it was a shame that he didn't lead Sayid and co to 'the others' but what did happen was far more intruiging.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,589 ✭✭✭✭Necronomicon

    Still not sure if this Henry thing is an open and shut case now. I mean, if Lost has thought us one thing it's not to think of the obvious. Who knows, maybe the Others learned about Henry's capture and to throw everyone off, they went to his wife's grave and replaced her with this man with an ID saying Henry Gale. Just a wild theory, probably just saying it cause I like the guy :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,190 ✭✭✭Haven't a Clue

    No, he had a sort of guilty look last night. It's a shame too. After he said he'd never leave locke in the state he was in I began to like him. Funny how, in my opinion, the best episodes in lost have been the one with the Locke flashbacks. How much more torture can they inflict on the man? Well, by showing how he was crippled I suppose.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,714 ✭✭✭✭Earthhorse

    So the Riddler was behind it all! I knew it, I just knew it. Hopefully Batman will show up in series 3 and kick seven bells out of him.

    Not much to add. This was a great episode. The blastdoor coming down on Locke's legs. The UV only map on said door. The revelation that Dharma have been making drops (or have they?), which is possibly where the new washing machine came from. The twist involving Henry Gale at the end (the final twist in his tale?).

    If every episode of Lost was this good it would be deserving of the praise it receives.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭careca

    . How much more torture can they inflict on the man? Well, by showing how he was crippled I suppose.

    Sorry if this was covered before, but is there any chance the girl Locke wanted to marry is in cohoots with his 'father' in the scam. I was sure we would see the two of them on the plane together heading off.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,190 ✭✭✭Haven't a Clue

    Nah, wouldn't say so.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,026 ✭✭✭Killaqueen!!!

    Great episode! Even though the fake Henry Gale stayed and helped Locke, that didn't automatically make me like him. I was still a bit suspicious of him. I'm not sure if he knows a lot about the hatchs or not...he obviously has some connection with the numbers because when Locke told him them he remembered them instantly, and knew it was important to type them in. But did he do something else to make the lockdown happen? Or the UV map? Probably seemed pretty random.

    At first, I thought the hatch/island was trying to punish Locke by injuring his legs again (seeing as the island cured him in the first place) because he was doing something wrong. But then we saw the map....which is very cool!!!

    I liked the bits with Jack and Sawyer playing poker. It's always good to hav a bit of comic relief! "I'll call your 3 bananas...and raise you a papaya!"

  • Registered Users Posts: 242 ✭✭MeTV

    Received this "translation" of the UV map by mail this morn' as well as a better quality shot of the actual map, which I'll upload in a minute when my server reboots. The lockdown has to tie into the food drop, triggered by whoever was piloting the plane. Thing that gets me though is that, according to Hugh McIntyre (and some of the writing on the map), the Dharma Initiative was discontinued in the 80s so why are the drops still being made?

    Seems as though John has regained feeling in his legs or was that just a cock up?

    So we discover "Henry" isn't who he says he is but I'm still not convinced he's an other; none of the others (Ethan & Goodwin) who have infiltrated the survivors have gone to such lengths to assume someone else's identity. My current inkling is that he could be Calvin's partner who has been missing since Desmond arrived on the island. After all, he did seem to remember the numbers pretty handily, especially after the bump he took off the shelves when trying to get up into the vent.

    Loved Sawyer's comment about him being educated despite dropping out of school at a young age - it's always annoyed me how people tend to dismiss his intelligence.

    We also discovered that John is connected to yet another surivor - that was Nadia's house we saw him surveying.

    Anyone else spot the Widmore Labs logo on the basket of the balloon? That's 3 times we've seen their name mentioned now.

    Oh, and nearly forgot, the two planes we see flying over the motel are both Oceanic planes and the bag Anthony stuffs his share of the cash in had an Oceanic logo on it as well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,657 ✭✭✭trishw78

    one thing I noticed on the map is the Hatch with the staff is close to the arrow which is where the tallies came form which (an I know its a map an you can't judge scale) doesn't seem that far away.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,190 ✭✭✭Haven't a Clue

    Fascinating. Well, the tailies were around the 'arrow' hatch cause that was the symbol on the wall when Michael and co walked into their hatch in orientation I think.

    The staff hatch is where Claire was. It's also bizarre that it was written in Latin.

    And I think that the drop off thing happened due to Henry possibly never pushing the button. Maybe when you don't push the button, the magnets in the hatch activate and draw anything around the island into the island.

  • Registered Users Posts: 242 ✭✭MeTV

    The drop coinciding with the counter running down is just coincidence. Calvin & Desmond were adamant that the counter hitting 0 would result in something cataclysmic happening, a food drop just doesn't seem to tie in to that. Also, if replacements are due every 540 days, it would be reasonable to assume that the pantry would be restocked every 540 days. There are 388800 minutes in 540 days, which is divisible by 108 so the drop could conceivably happen as the counter hit 0. Of course, the only problem with that is the counter being reset by entering the numbers before it hit 0, which throws the maths off a good bit.

    That actually reminds me of something that's been puzzling me about the counter for a while, but I'm too knackered with this damn kidney infection to even begin to explain my thoughts so it'll have to wait for another day.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,367 ✭✭✭Agamemnon

    ...Funny how, in my opinion, the best episodes in lost have been the one with the Locke flashbacks. How much more torture can they inflict on the man? Well, by showing how he was crippled I suppose.

    There's even worse than that. Someday they'll have to show us how he lost his hair. I for one will be hiding behind the armchair when that episode airs.
