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Planning - Lob Cabin behind House - Carlow



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭thinkabouit

    No, I’m saying people should be allowed build one under the right circumstances. In rural Ireland would work very well. Obviously not the Phoneix park.

    You’ll see just as much poverty in any concrete built social housing estates around the country.

    Your last paragraph means we have some common ground. If done right, they can be a great solution to people.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭thinkabouit

    Thank you Furze.

    When people have no other options to rent or buy & council’s Havent got the houses to house people what are we expected to do!?

    We can’t keep throwing money down the drain on rent or live with The parent’s forever!

    It’s not a perfect solution but what is the alternative? Wait and hope?

    Or let people build one of these and house themselves?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,282 ✭✭✭Homer

    So just to play devils advocate.. I have a house in rural north Dublin with a large plot over half an acre. I’m going to build as many log cabins on the site as I can fit and rent them out at whatever I can get for them and cha ching I’m in the money.. I never thought about that idea! You ok with that? Or am I a capitalist pig 😁

  • Registered Users Posts: 31,058 ✭✭✭✭Lumen

    The way I see it is that in general people will build as big of a house as they can, as cheaply as possible with little regard for how it looks or whether it bothers anyone else.

    If you relax building and planning regs to allow back garden "log cabins", they'll be all over the place in a couple of years and then impossible to remove, because these regs are only enforceable at the point of construction.

    We may not be building enough housing, but at least what is being built is of good quality.

    The government is perfectly capable of setting policy to achieve whatever level and quality of house building it wants, within reason. Nothing was built in the years after the crash because that's what the govt of the day wanted. Michael Noonan is on the record saying exactly that - he wanted to get property prices up and was deliberately setting policy to achieve it. This isn't a political point, I'm neither for or against FG particularly.

    If the govt wants cheaper housing it can achieve it at the stroke of a pen by (for instance) cutting VAT or development contributions.

    If the govt wants to solve labour shortages in the residential construction industry it can achieve that at the stroke of a pen, for instance by giving residential construction workers a 50k income tax threshold.

    The housing market we have is a result of deliberate policy, not accident. The solution is better policy, not sheds.

  • Registered Users Posts: 39,192 ✭✭✭✭Mellor

    You literally just said the councils should build them as substandard affordable housing. Now it's people (individuals) should do it in the country. You can't even keep your story straight.

    Why stop there. Get a small loan, build a big one, ignore all building regs, dress it up. Once complete sell as a normal house at the going rate. Pocket the profits and go again. Do that a few times and you'll be rolling it in. Screw the guys you ripped off and their negative equity. Not your problem amirite.

    And ye, you do get those issues in concrete social housing jungles - which is why they are a terrible social strategy. Yet here you are recommending the council build lower quality, smaller and cheaper houses so that they can build more of them. And you're really no seeing the obvious issue there.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭thinkabouit

    Yes they should, if they can’t build more permanent homes fast enough then this is a viable alternative than throwing money down the drain on HAP, homeless centres or hotels, b&bs etc

    And if people have a site that’s suitable & not going to cause conflict with neighbour’s etc then they should be allowed do it.

    And your last paragraph is pretty much what is happening in the housing market right now, but you have no problem with that if it’s built out of concrete or modular.

    I’m guessing you in the im alright Jack brigade so you haven’t a clue the struggles people like me are in.

  • Subscribers Posts: 41,379 ✭✭✭✭sydthebeat

    And if people have a site that’s suitable & not going to cause conflict with neighbour’s etc then they should be allowed do it.

    They ARE allowed to do it.

    its all the ones plopped into unsuitable site, which cause parking issues, fire access issues etc, that are the problem ones...

    and you can be sure its the owners of these unsuitable sites who are the ones crying loudest "why cant we plop a log cabin here to gouge rent out of furriners", much like a lot in this thread i would suggest.

  • Registered Users Posts: 39,192 ✭✭✭✭Mellor

    You want to lower the quality of house, allow people to be exploited, and support committing property fraud. And you think this helping people.

    And no it doesn’t happen now in the housing market as there are building regulations to prevent scams like that.

    Keep throwing the insults if you like, it’s clear you haven’t a clue what you are talking about, so won’t faze anyone.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,282 ✭✭✭Homer

    He conveniently ignored my post also!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭thinkabouit

    I agree the solution is better policy.

    But what good is that to people like me who can’t afford these new houses. Can’t get on the council list. Paying over 10k per year in rent down the drain & can’t save a deposit.

    This is the real world & reality.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,842 ✭✭✭✭Furze99

    There are two different issues here 1) mostly people in their 20s/30s who can't afford to buy an existing property and who are paying through the nose for rentals. They look at solutions and a valid one is to build something like this on parents site etc and 2) as you say, those who will build these to let out for exorbitant rates and including to the former group.

    The state should be capable of facilitating the former group and cracking down on the latter. If they have the will. Judging by their record in cracking down on unregistered short term lets, it's not great. We have serious problem in this country with bringing in rules and regulations and then blithely assuming everyone will follow them without enforcement.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭thinkabouit

    People are already being exploited in substandard accommodation already around the country you don’t have a problem with that?

    what scam are you on about? People having their own property like a log cabin & trying to make a few Bob from it when they have moved out?

    Go away

  • Registered Users Posts: 31,058 ✭✭✭✭Lumen

    But you're advocating for policy change, so why not advocate for change that gives you affordable housing of good quality, rather than affordable housing of poor quality?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭thinkabouit

    Given the choice of course i would rather good quality adorable permanent.

    But cheap & good quality in my experience is hard to achieve.

    Plus time it takes to build something these days is far too long.

    All im saying is, log cabins could be used as tool to take pressure off the housing situation & it can be done quickly & cheaper than what’s happening now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,282 ✭✭✭Homer

    Care to reply to my earlier comment? Or are your solution of log cabins only on your terms?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,307 ✭✭✭SharkMX

    Maybe look into what the process is to get you to remove it if you build it. You never know, it might take so long before you have to remove it, if ever, and you would be winning by the time it had to go.

    Seriously though, I have only ever heard of one person actually having to go through with removing a building when told to by the council and that took many, many years. But at the end of the day I think if its for a family member and its not visible from the road I wouldnt have a problem with it at all. I know one couple who sold their house and bought her parents house and they built one of these in the garden for the parents to live in. They are all happy with the arrangement.

    Am I seriously the only person who sees these going up all over the place for years now and not being taken down? Hell I have even stayed in a few over the years at back of pubs and on campsites. The last one this summer in Hidden Valley. I had the choice of one with a separate bedroom or a studio or a studio with no bathroom. We took the 1 bed one. I would happily live in it if I had to to be honest.

  • Registered Users Posts: 39,192 ✭✭✭✭Mellor

    By facilitating the former, you undermine the ability to crack down on the latter. The expect standard for modern buildings is universal.

    It's not fair to say its ok for people in their 20/30s to build substandard property but chastise others for building the same substandard property for others. Remember, those 20/30s years only will at some point put the substandard property on the market. Is the plan that you let them build it, live in it, but crack down and screw them when they sell. Not really a solution.

    Building to the required stadnard, with respect to planning and development, as I and others suggested, avoids those futures issues.

    I'm literally arguing against exploiting people. You are encouraging it. Your grasp of this simple issue is appalling.

    As for what scam, I outline it above.

    Get a small loan, build a big one, ignore all building regs, dress it up. Once complete sell as a normal house at the going rate. Pocket the profits and go again. Do that a few times and you'll be rolling it in. Screw the guys you ripped off and their negative equity. Not your problem amirite.

    You are saying people should be allow to build whatever that want. You realise that leads to people simply screwing over the purchaser.

    If there's a fire in a development of poorly built log cabins. And a few few people lose their lifes. You're saying that was their choice and risk while the seller who pocketed the profits walks away laughing. I don;t think you are intentionall being malicious, you are just unaware of what is involved.

  • Registered Users Posts: 39,192 ✭✭✭✭Mellor

    Hidden at the back, not visible, used by the family. You are alluding to potentially good, respectful planning. That's possible right now. If it meets regs.

    What others are asking for is permission for unrestricted, do what you want, screw everyone approach. That's many who would take advantage of that if the risk of punishment was removed. It's naïve to assume that the cabins that happen today, are as far as it would go with the rules removed - for a fact it is not.

    People also tend to focus on the wins. I'd ask you the same question as the above. There's a electrical fault from a uncertified install, a cabin goes up in flames, and an elderly parent or a kid dies due to the build not meeting fire regs. You honestly think whoever ever sold it or built it carrys no blame, and that's the risk they took. I can't imagine you do. If they happened in a council development, people who be cring for blood, the same people who are not complaining that the council won't allow it. Irony.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,307 ✭✭✭SharkMX

    But those fires havnt happened? Thjs is up there with, if my aunt had balls.

    You might as well say if there was a tsunami and one bult near the coast washed away. Both havent happened.

    In fact im sure there have been more faulty wires, fires and deaths in houses built with planning and to regulations than there have been in those things.

    I agree though that they shouldnt be built everywhere. Ones in parents gardens do not and would not get planning, but I think they are ignored by councils on purpose these days. Maybe some say, when the accommodation crisis is over, they will come knocking. But when the accommodation crisis is over the people living in them will probably be able to buy or rent for a reasonable price by then anyway. If they arent able to, im sure they process can be dragged out long enough for them to get on their feet.

    I dont think the accommodation crisis is going to be over fro a long time myself though. Probably another generation or two. They just keep making it worse all the time

  • Subscribers Posts: 41,379 ✭✭✭✭sydthebeat

    They're not happening

    And waiting for a tragedy to happen before we say no is a pretty despicable planning policy to have

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,842 ✭✭✭✭Furze99

  • Registered Users Posts: 39,192 ✭✭✭✭Mellor

    I’m sorry, you’ve lost me there. Are you really saying it’s ok to ignore fire safety and the like, because the potential loss of life hasn’t happened yet? Aunty has balls is not the same at all.

    I really hope that I’ve misunderstood because that’s frankly ludicrous.

    You might as well say if there was a tsunami and one bult near the coast washed away. Both haven’t happened.

    When did tsunami last wash a house person away in Ireland?

    What you basically saying is it’s ok to drive without a seat because you haven’t had a catastrophic crash yet.

    In fact im sure there have been more faulty wires, fires and deaths in houses built with planning and to regulations than there have been in those things.

    Than there have been what things?”

    I dont think the accommodation crisis is going to be over fro a long time myself though. Probably another generation or two. They just keep making it worse all the time

    It’s not a problem that’s going away. Population growth needs a response. And a continued response over the next 100 years.

    Log cabins are not a solution to a country wide issue. They are a tiny drop in the ocean. There are far better solutions involving actual urban planning and multi-res design

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,307 ✭✭✭SharkMX

    See I think you are trying to twist things here because you are set in your ways. Afraid to be wrong. And now you are just arguing for the sake of it. You are just exaggerating everything that MIGHT happen for dramatic effect.

    Log cabins are here. Log cabins have very good build quality, electrics and plumbing installed by qualified tradesmen, at least the ones ive seen. The people ive spoken to living in them are happy. The councils seem to be happy (its almost as if they have even been instructed to not follow up on planning issues about them). There hasnt been an outbreak of fires in them as far as i have seen. As much as you want to say they are impractical, they seem to be doing a job for people who have somewhere to put them. They are all over the place at this point. Id love to see the sales figures from those companies. I bet they are huge compared to a few years ago. Its not like anyone is advocating buying a €500 shed in woodies and moving into it.

    One thing you are right on is that they are not a solution to a countrywide issue, but they sure seem to be a solution for some people who have nowhere to live and have the money to buy one and somewhere safe to put it.

    Now fair enough if someone planted one in a field in the middle of nowhere or threw up a few of them to rent in the garden instead of one for their kids the council might be knocking on the door. But where is that happening?

  • Registered Users Posts: 45,958 ✭✭✭✭muffler

    Fancy throwing up some photos of all these log cabins that have suddenly sprung up in your area?

  • Registered Users Posts: 39,192 ✭✭✭✭Mellor

    I never mentioned perfection? I’m saying maybe aim for something above mediocrity.

    Seems a bit lazy to do nothing if you can’t be perfect. Odd life strategy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,307 ✭✭✭SharkMX

    Not going to show you my neighbors houses, but about 10km away near where i used to live in Dublin. Just from google earth. All these houses within a radius of 500m. I removed things like cars or stuff that could identify the houses.

    Are you seriously saying you need someone else to post you pictures of these things all over the place. You seriously havent seen them yourself, or the amount of places advertising them? I think you are just in denial tbh.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭thinkabouit

    Absolutely not build what you want. That’s stupid. Build within the requirements of planning permission. you can still build houses & apartments away like we are as now. Just accommodate log cabins also.

    If you have a problem with the standard of them, legislation. Tell the manufacturer what spec they need to be.

    The plan whenever people have finished their use for it is what do they want to do with it. That’s their choice & nobody else’s business.

    There’s 10s of thousands of people all over the country being exploited as is because we have no other option but to either pay extortionate rent, live with the parents or pray to god bit a house which is becoming harder & harder. More option’s for people will stop that exploitation. And an example this is my own situation.

    Iv paid nearly 50K in rent over the past few year’s living in worse conditions than any log cabin iv seen. If i had been allowed put a log cabin up like sharks example id be housed myself, out of my own resources, not on a council list & have money to spend elsewhere on the economy or bein a better position to buy more appropriate accommodation. As it stands for all the money iv wasted i still have nothing. I’m still at 0.

    You have no problem with that?

    So your grasp of what’s happening in the real world is appalling.

    What if people can’t afford to build a house to the required specs? Gone very expensive now.

    And your whataboutery about fire etc

    Plenty of fires happen & happened in property’s made of concrete built within planning.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,307 ✭✭✭SharkMX

    Except that that tradgedy isnt really what we are talking about here is it. Have you even read what you posted yourself?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭thinkabouit

    Plenty of accidents & tragedy’s have happened in houses & apartments that weren’t log cabins.

    Build log cabins to a desired fire safety standard, same as houses. Simple

    And the accommodation crisis isn’t going away for a very long time under the current system. So we need accommodation of all types to suit everybody’s needs & financial abilities.

    Have you seen the cost of new builds?

    Need a doctor’s salary to afford them!!!
