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Gardai now best paid workers in the state - CSO

  • 28-11-2023 3:35pm
    Registered Users Posts: 9,545 ✭✭✭Padraig Mor

    Interesting stats released by the CSO here, reported by the Irish Times here, particularly in view of the now globally acknowledged policing - free lawlessness of Dublin, and perennial claims that Gardai are poorly paid. Across the broad categories of workers as delineated by the CSO, Gardai have now rocketed to the top of the list with average total earnings (including overtime etc) of €1579 - equating to annual pay of over €82,000, up 16% in a year. Total of basic pay vs premium pay is not recorded but given that Gardai also have the highest number of hours worked per week (45.9), it's safe to say that premium payments contribute substantially to their pay packets. With the background of controversy over Garda rosters, note that it's been previously reported that "the new [current] rosters proved hugely popular. Because Garda members were working for 12 hours, they were eligible for more unsocial hours allowances." I guess now we can see just why they want to keep those rosters! One has to wonder though whether such high payments represent value for the taxpayer given the many, many stories of lack of interest by Gardai in pursuing even the very basics of policing. Note also that, for all the talk of collapsing Gardai numbers, it's the same now (14300) as a year ago, and only down 200 since pre Covid times.

    One thing to note is that the payment figures represent the average of all grades in the organisation. While this inevitably brings claims that the average is significantly increased by a few top Gardai, this is not the case according to separate stats released previously by the Gardai - as the large majority of Gardai are at 'rank and file' Garda rank, their average is likely to be not hugely below the overall average.


