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Anti Immigration Sentiment



  • Registered Users Posts: 16,136 ✭✭✭✭Pherekydes

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,919 ✭✭✭✭Spanish Eyes

    €100 cut price visas for unskilled so. Fast tracked, because we need cleaners and baristas quick. That'll do, at least we'd have an idea who they are, and from whence they came.

    But I fear things like that cannot be said lest the two R words du jour are fired at me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 141 ✭✭highpressisbest

    So no discussion of immigration should be allowed because Irish people emigrated previously?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,544 ✭✭✭Tombo2001

    Thats a different argument - yer man is saying, why not doing honestly the way that I did it. When in reality it wouldnt be possible for them to do it that way. So a completely disinegenous argument.

    A id that grows up poor in Ireland can get a good job and become very wealthy.

    A poor kid that grows up in Ireland and wants to live in Europe or North America can fairly easily find ways to do that. A poor kid that grows up in Somalia can absolutely not do that. With apologies in advance for the cliche, there is a lot of white privilege going on here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,544 ✭✭✭Tombo2001

    You cant because you dont employ anyone.

    But somehow you are big expert on what employers should do nonetheless. Yes thats my point...... seriously.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,748 ✭✭✭Backstreet Moyes

    How many Ukrainians are in full time employment?

    We are giving them so much money they are better off at the end of the week than a lot of working couples.

    If there payments were brough in line with other countries then they would need to work work and fill a lot of the jobs where we are told we need immigrants to work in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,544 ✭✭✭Tombo2001

    Yeah - just like poor Irish kids straight through from the 1820s to the 1990s said 'ah yeah I dont need to emigrate to the US or UK' sure I can just get a science degree from Trinity College instead.

    They did say that didnt they.

    We didnt see collectively circa 30 million people emigrate from Ireland over that period. No, the history books have that wrong, that never happened.

    But we got it together though didnt we, why cant they.....sure it only took us hundreds of years, EU membership, a bumper low tax rate to do that....sure why cant they....

    the hypocrisy in this conversation is sickening, it is off the charts - I dont mean you personally, I mean on the whole.....

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,136 ✭✭✭✭Pherekydes

    Do you work in immigration? No? None of your business.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,931 ✭✭✭✭Ash.J.Williams

    I think the government are playing into the far right trap , they need to be more upfront and honest, what's currently happening is they are saying nothing and allowing the far-right minded idiots to fill in the gaps for their supporters

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,753 ✭✭✭growleaves

    A child who grows up in Ireland now cannot, will not, become wealthy through wage labour ('a good job'). Those days are over thanks in part to people who have helped to crash the price of labour through importation of workers

    To have a hope of getting rich now one must start a business and thanks to the internet people can have access to suppliers and customers digitally without crossing borders.

    Lads from Eritrea would better off starting small workshop manufacturing operations and selling online if they can than travelling across the world to become a low-paid servant of lrish people posing as their benefactors.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,063 ✭✭✭Padre_Pio

    I agree with the sentiment of your post, but it glosses over so many existing issues that it's unworkable.

    (1) Irish builders and healthcare workers were encouraged home with moving bonuses and other incentives. Very few returned.

    (3) EU migrants are entitled to apply for welfare in Ireland. Ireland cannot unilaterally stop this.

    (4) Limited medical training places are not the reason we don't have enough health care workers. Pay and conditions are the reason, something successive governments have failed to solve.

    Irish colleges are already in a bad way financially after COVID limited the number of internation students. They need these international fees.

    Social assistance and housing are available to anyone entitled to it. It's unfair that a non-EU migrant could work and pay tax here and not be entitled to assistance if they lose their job.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,239 ✭✭✭✭Donald Trump

    Your income tax incentive suggestion wouldn't be long backfiring

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,095 ✭✭✭Stephen_Maturin

    Only people that work in immigration can comment on our international protection system?

    That’s a really dumb thing to say.

    Presume you don’t comment on legal cases or the judiciary unless a lawyer? Or the health system unless a doctor?

    People exploiting the international protection system to circumvent immigration controls are absolutely the business of any Irish tax payer

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,753 ✭✭✭growleaves

    You are, knowingly or not, just funnelling disguised subsidies to business owners is my point.

    You see this country - yours and mine - as your gift to be given as an act of charity.

    Meanwhile business interests will make out like bandits and crash standards of living and overload infrastructure to squeeze a few more euros for themselves and their shareholders, by oversupplying labour. They are laughing at you.

    You are not doing good with your stance.

  • Registered Users Posts: 141 ✭✭highpressisbest

    All true. The only issue is that Somalians are fairly disastrous immigrants wherever they go. But if their mass arrival will assuage your white guilt, then I guess it’s a price worth paying.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,934 ✭✭✭Lewis_Benson

    That's not what I mean.

    What i mean is we have a cohort of people who are anti immigration, they forget that our own fathers were immigrants at one point and faced the same Situation. You'd think we would be more welcoming.

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,447 ✭✭✭✭murpho999

    All of the countries you mentioned are either very far away or remote or net emigration countries.

    None are in Europe or in proximity of Africa. they're all harder to get to.

    You do also realise that our country is actually underpopulated and less than it was 160 years ago with the least population density in Europe?

    There's certainly a problem with services and the government needs to improve that with significant investment and recruitment.

    And do you know what they will do for recruitment? Require immigrants.

    Seriously, immigration is not the problem that people are trying to make out. Government management and infrastructre is the problem. If there was not a poorly managed housing market here with very poor policies then the immigration question would not be an issue.

    What's happened is that people are angry as they can't afford a house or they see a queue at a hospital and they automatically blame the immigrants and not the curernt and past governments.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,753 ✭✭✭growleaves

    An abstract policy discussion has nothing to do with being welcoming or unwelcoming.

    Liberal pro-immigration advocates have one cliche - Irish people emigrated in the past - played on constant repeat.

    We *have already* allowed in huge immigration since 1996. Shall it just continue forever, in large numbers, with no thought or structure? No real reflection, no plan just "But Irish people emigrated".

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,447 ✭✭✭✭murpho999

    Have you any documentary evidence of how many immigrants arrive here without documentation, and receive social welfare through bogus claims?

    And when I say evidence I mean an official verified statistic not an anecdote?

    Do you worry as much about the amount of Irish people making bogus welfare claims like the looters and rioters last Thursday?

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,447 ✭✭✭✭murpho999

    That is for refugees, and they are not illegal immigration and people need to stop seeing refugees as illegal.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,015 ✭✭✭dmakc

    Well that's not fair is it? It absolutely is their business to have an interest in where their taxes are going. I don't know about you but I can't remember the last time my passport tore up mid flight.

  • To be fair Ireland is and always has been very welcoming to immigrants from within and outside the EU getting a bit concerned at the levels lately isn’t racism, bigotry or whatever other buzz word is being used today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,447 ✭✭✭✭murpho999

    What would that achieve. EU members have right to come here as we have a right to go there. That's the benefit of the EU.

    The rest that come in must come through very strict immigration controls and it is well known where they come from.

    You would swear that crime was never committed by Irish people they way people go on about it here.

    Post edited by murpho999 on

  • Registered Users Posts: 141 ✭✭highpressisbest

    When you have the massive level of immigration that we have had for the last twenty years, there is an inevitable housing crisis unless you build homes at Celtic Tiger levels. Immigration is certainly not the only reason for our housing crisis but to say it is not related to it is disingenuous.

  • Registered Users Posts: 141 ✭✭highpressisbest

    I don’t think thousands of people being allowed to proceed with their asylum claim after “losing” the identity papers they had to get on the flight to Ireland can be classed as “very strict”. And again with the Irish did this or that so we can’t comment on the same being done here. Frankly I couldn’t care where Irish people went in the past. One thing for sure is that they didn’t go to Algeria or Somalia in large numbers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,095 ✭✭✭Stephen_Maturin

    Population density in Ireland is irrelevant until we have adequate housing stock for our existing population.

    Absolutely, those issues are completely the fault of government mismanagement, agree entirely. However, it still doesn’t change the fact that continuing to increase our population so rapidly without sufficient infrastructure is only leading to more strain on our services and the existing population having greater difficulty accessing GPs, housing etc

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,063 ✭✭✭Padre_Pio

    "there is an inevitable housing crisis unless you build homes at Celtic Tiger levels"

    Celtic tiger levels not required at all.

    Irish government stopped building social housing decades ago, then mismanaged housing policy during recession years, then stopping construction during COVID years. Ireland needs to build at Celtic tiger levels purely to catch up on years of stagnation.

    Saying immigrants are making housing crisis worse is like saying sick people are making the health service worse. Things would be fine if ye all went home.

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