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Cannabis to be legalised 😁!

  • 16-08-2023 9:02pm
    Registered Users Posts: 12 Vinny Cleary 25

    ….. In Germany.

    What a wonderful step forward decriminalising what is essentially just a plant. It’d be great to see it happening here too but the pushback from the vintners would make the London Riots look like a minor misunderstanding.

    Why is it ok (legally) to drink yourself silly but not smoke a plant?

    QUOTE FROM ARTICLE: Instead, it said would launch a pilot project for a small number of licensed shops in some regions to test the effects of a commercial supply chain of recreational cannabis over five years.

    For that, it will need to present separate legislation in a second phase.

    Many countries in Europe have already legalised cannabis for limited medicinal purposes, including Germany since 2017. Others have decriminalised its general use.

    Malta became the first European country to allow limited cultivation and possession of cannabis for personal use in late 2021.

    The legislation presented today includes strict rules for growing the drug - cannabis clubs of up to 500 associates must have burglar-proof doors and windows, with greenhouses fenced off.

    Associates will not be allowed to smoke the drug at the clubs or in the vicinity of schools, nurseries, playgrounds or sports grounds.

    It is up to the regional governments of Germany's 16 states whether they allow such clubs.


