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Are there any credible conspiracy theories?



  • Registered Users Posts: 17,848 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    There's nothing that isn't put forward by some conspiracy theorist.

    Conspiracy theorists believe first, then manufacture evidence to fit their belief.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,245 ✭✭✭Cheerful S

    RJ Lee did a mainstream dust study and found that 6% of the weight of the dust from the WTC towers was iron microspheres. They call it a signature event. Researchers drew attention to the strangeness of finding pure iron in dust collected in such quantities. Iron melts at 1500 celcius. 

    Many debunkers dismiss the nano thermite theory, but Neil Harrit's study on the red/gray chip found in the dust explains why so many were found. When he burned some red/grey chips at low temperatures compared to typical thermite reactions, all the iron spheres appeared. It's also worth noting that NIST's highest temperature inside the the towers building never went over 1000 degrees. 

    These mainstream studies and truther studies give a lot of clues about how the conspirators pulled this off. Instead of months to rig up the entire building they brought in a chemical grade explosive nanothermite and applied it to the steel structure to get it to fail. There were rivers of yellow/red liquid at ground zero because of the extreme heat. It looks like the steel also had sharp edges and bits ripped out, which FEMA says is an unusual occurrence. There were all these little signs that some chemical had been used to collapse the towers.  

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    A quick Google of the iron microspheres makes it pretty clear that it's not remotely unusual. The smaller the metals are reduces the melting point. Eg it's possible to melt rust with a lighter. So everything from wiring to rust and anything low density would easily melt at low temperatures.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,848 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    If I ask you for the strongest alternative theory out there, you can't provide any. You'll utter something about magic explosives or secret Nazis at best. It's a complete nothing burger. Just a choose-your-own-adventure hobby.

    Post edited by Dohnjoe on

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,848 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    CS is currently trying to bait you into a circular "argument" on iron microspheres and whatology.

    It's what all 9/11 truthers do, drag you down into granular details on technical aspects which they then "don't get", therefore conspiracy. Essentially luring people into proving something to them they'll never accept. All they do is fine-tune those mental gymnastics over the years.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 25,232 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    But the RJ Lee study disproves your thermite theory. You ran away from this in the previous thread you brought it up in.

    The RJ Lee study stated that the iron microspheres were caused by melting. They were not the result of reduction which would be the case if they were the byproduct of a thermite reaction.

    It's also not possible for them to find pure iron microsphere as iron oxidises on contact with air. You are simply lying there.

    Similarly the RJ Lee study did not detect any aluminum oxide, which is the other byproduct of a thermite.

    So the study proves that there can't have been thermite at the WTC.

    You threw a tantrum and abandoned the previous thread because you could not address any of these points.

    You snookered yourself because you posted that study and declared it was infallible gospel. But you didn't realise how it was actually disproving your nonsense before it was too late.

    This happens with every rabbit hole you throw out.

    If any point is chased down it always ends in embarrassment for you. It always ends with points and questions you can't answer or counter. And it always ends with you ignoring, tantruming and running away instead of answering things.

    And yet, you pretend none of this happens. You pretend you weren't shown to be wrong. You ignore how you were upset by all of this. And you just respew out the same shite expecting people to fall for it.

    And this is supposed to be a thread where you show the PLAUSIBLE conspiracy theories.

    Keeping going man. You're making an excellent point for us.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    No,'s you who doesn't understand the word ignore. You're the one who claimed to be putting me on ignore, then kept responding to my posts.

    I've zero interest in getting into a pm argument with an Internet hardman like yourself. Especially one so adept at dodging questions and throwing their toys out of the pram when things don't go their way.

    You've been shown up as the hypocritical charlatan you are, and your response to that was to start throwing your weight around and challenging people to "sort it out by pm", whatever the fcuk that means.

    Cringeworthy nonsense.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭Tonesjones


    Who is spraying them and why

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,848 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    We'd had a few in here over the years and they can never answer this properly, but will swear blind it's happening.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,599 ✭✭✭Dr. Bre

    Crop Circles - who’s behind them?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,442 ✭✭✭bad2thebone

    A lot of circles cropping up here, but they're not germinating or producing anything of note .

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,245 ✭✭✭Cheerful S

    Iron microspheres found here are elemental iron, so that alone means it never came off the steel. There are other elements in steel, it's a mixed alloy.

    Another argument was put forward on here, that sparks came from the steel hitting steel, but that doesn't hold up. Sparks don't produce Iron microspheres. 

    Mick West often confuses iron oxide spheres with iron microspheres. He does this with other topics in the conspiracy field too, and then ignores evidence refuting his claims. 

     430 Celsius is the reaction temperature for red/grey chips, but 900 Celsius for commercial thermite. Based on the size of particles in a nano-composite substance, reaction rate and energy, found nanothermite. In addition, there seems to be gas released after the reaction happens, which might explain why the towers burst open like a mushroom cloud? It was the gas building up with the fire caused it?. 

    They're testing the material to use in new types of explosives, it's not theoretical or science fiction. These nanocomposites have gone off at this temperature before in tests.. 

    Lighter has ferrocerium and yes may produce Iron oxide spheres. Very low factor of probability for this event anyhow resulting in Iron microspheres because 6 percent of weight of dust had Elemental Iron so something inside towers produced enough heat to produce millions of these iron microspheres. 

    What trying to explain is the high amount in the dust Proton.  Very extreme heat that melted workers' boots that's weird! With only paper and wood and low fire burning materials present, it's hard to explain how this heat lasted so long under rubble? There's little chance of jet oil fires or any of these theories making sense since all official collapse studies say the towers never reached above 1000 Celcius.

    These red/grey chips have thermite ingredients at nanoscale. This explains a lot of anomalies here found after the towers fell. Steel just lost strength and connections snapped would not cause extreme heat pockets for weeks, eating through thick grains of steel and have look like swiss cheese (hardly), the pockets of yellow/red liquid, that's all signs of some chemical attack happened.

    Nanothermite explains how they did this without a lot of manpower and industrial work for weeks. We also have the Iron microspheres appear as byproduct on the chips after burning. Another byproduct, Aluminium Oxide, disperses and disappears almost like aerosol (like white smoke) which was seen in many photos.; A piece of steel was ejected sideways when the tower collapsed, and it had a white smoke trail coming off it. 

    A week later after 9/11 the Anthrax attacks started.  In the end, this turned out to be some anthrax developed in a military lab, not in a basement somewhere. It's pretty likely conspirators took material from US labs and used it for this separate attack. Nanocomposites/explosive materials and anthrax are highly likely removed by same team before 9/11. 

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,848 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    As I predicted

    Truthers started with explosives but then realised explosions make loud booms, so they changed their story to silent burning "nano" or "super" thermite (which isn't used by the demolition industry to take down buildings because it's completely absurd but hey the truthers need a magic "something" to explain their CD idea). Not to mention, explosives or demolition charges or silent explosives or any of that make utterly no sense of course in context of fuel-laden airliners striking buildings but of course none of this is based on any sort of reason, logic or proper evidence.

    CS borrowed that creative fiction to write their own, namely that boxes of this stuff were left around the office, wirelessly connected, took only a few people to rig up multiple skyscrapers, not a single witness, leak or suspect. All of which was pulled off completely perfectly by Nazis and Jews and the US president (and a whole host of other characters who change depending on which month it is)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,245 ✭✭✭Cheerful S

    Check your facts on that thermite early part of 20th century was used in cutting steel put into buildings. It became obsolete due to better explosives coming out that can be used. 

    Truthers talked about theories but never found any evidence until they found these weird red/grey chips in WTC dust. You're manipulating the facts for your own post. Now we have evidence of something that shouldn't be there.

    Why would they need to be wirelessly set off? Its a composite that reacts to heat. There would be a fire caused by planes hitting buildings, your source of heat!!

    Is every covert US military operation carried out in foreign countries known to the public because of leaks? You think everything gets out, but it doesn't.  

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,484 ✭✭✭Fighting Tao

    Truthers is such a strange word to use. Bullshitters is far more accurate.

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 24,092 Mod ✭✭✭✭robinph

    So which building was the fourth plane aimed for in this conspiracy? Presumably that building would be riddled with these super secret nano nazi explosives as well and setup waiting for the last plane to hit it as cover for them then demolishing it.

    Is that still rigged up, or did they also manage to sneak in post 9/11 and remove all the explosives?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,245 ✭✭✭Cheerful S

    Nanothermite was only used for Twin towers destruction.

    Was a controlled implosion for WTC7. 

    We dont know all we know was heading to Washington 4th plane. 

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,848 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    You claimed they were wirelessly set off.

    Why do you keep changing your own story? It's like a child caught in a lie.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,232 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Nope. You claimed that nanothermite was also used in building 7. You need this to be so to explain the silent explosions remember.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,232 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Yup. Ranting and dodging and ignoring of points and back to your weird obsession with this Mick West guy.

    Also again it's literally impossible for there have been purely elemental iron spheres with no iron oxide in them. Elemental iron oxidizes in contact with air.

    The fact you don't know this and don't understand this is the perfect demonstration that you're talking out of your ass when you're ranting about chemistry.

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  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 24,092 Mod ✭✭✭✭robinph

    So two super secret groups of nazi demolition experts from Saudi setup the twin towers, another group setup wtc7, some other group fire a missile at the Pentagon and there is another group (Im going to suggest led by President Kiefer Sutherland from Designated Survivor) wires up the Capitol Building.

    But there has been zero leaks from any of these groups, nobody has ever found any evidence of their existence, and otherwise the idea only exists in your head?

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,232 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    His contention was that theplane flew over the Pentagon but never actually hit while a totally different plane (which he identified as a different model) did the damage. I think. He flipping back and forth a lot when his claims painted himself into a corner and he stop answering questions about his theory.

    Weird how this seems to be a trend on this thread.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,848 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    Whether it's CS here or the head of the internet conspiracy movement, 9/11 truthers avoid detailing the conspiracy for one very simple reason, it exposes that they have nothing. This is why they go to extremes to avoid providing details or timelines.

    It's the same for all "truthers". Whether it's Sandy Hook, the 7/7 London bombings, the Boston marathon bombings, the Charlie Hebdo attacks, you won't find any credible or cohesive theory behind any of them.

    That's because most of these are people who have decided something is a conspiracy first. They then employ a mixture of disbelief and twisted logic to pour doubt on the facts. If something can't be explained to them - that's proof a conspiracy occurred. If there are any coincidences, that's proof of a conspiracy occurred. If authorities or press or investigators made any mistake, that's proof a conspiracy occurred. If something strange has occurred that doesn't fit their simplistic views on how the world works, that's proof of a conspiracy.

    They don't anything from the ground up like any normal academic or scientific or investigative approach. They work backwards. And upside-down.

    Finally there are narcissist's who aren't exactly conspiracy theorists, but they are just individuals who can't grasp something, so it becomes impossible to them that the event happened. For example, there are people out there, no matter how many times it's explained, who cannot grasp that 1960's computers could take man to the moon. In the same way there are people who can't fathom how a building falls due to fire. They don't propose any alternative theory or endorse the conspiracies, because they can't. They are simply "stuck" on a loop because ultimately they can't process that they can't understand something. These people orbit the conspiracy theorists and both sides validate each other.

    The solution to tackling both is the same - ask to demonstrate the theory. If they can't, in any normal way, then it's only demonstrating one thing.

    Post edited by Dohnjoe on

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,662 ✭✭✭✭The Nal

    Not just any old Nazis - Jewish Nazis. Secret ones.

    And yeah, apparently the plane missed the Pentagon and flew away. A 747 kinda dive bombed and flew away in the middle of Washington City and no one noticed. No word on what happened to the plane or the passengers as of yet but Cheerful is continuing his investigation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,994 ✭✭✭happyoutscan

    CS use of 'truthers' and 'we' is disturbing.

    Chap is living in cuckoo-land.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,245 ✭✭✭Cheerful S

    There were three complete structural collapses in New York. Twin towers collapsed and a building seven collapsed hours later.  

    Building seven has all the hallmarks of a controlled implosion. Explosives inside building seven could have been set of wirelessly the technology was available back then,

    As to how the twin towers collapsed, it's complicated because of the dust. In this dust, there's evidence that some people put nano-thermite inside the structures before the collapse. It's a clever way to hide their dark deed, but they didn't expect so many people to investigate it later. Probably thought no one would ever suspect foul play.  

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,232 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    But cheerful, the study you posted about the dust proved it can't be thermite.

    You admitted this. You're completely rewriting reality now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,245 ✭✭✭Cheerful S

    Here's the thing. This is the first time in human history a structure of this type has collapsed this way. There's your starting point. 

    You can't just say it collapsed because of fires inside. If that was the case, same buildings would start falling down whenever a fire erupted!

    In spite of plenty of details why the official narrative is wrong, prefer to ignore it. If the official study about the collapse got it so wrong, what does that tell you? Why you so confident was fire when NIST own structural models shows no freefall? Lack of understanding that freefall was is it? If structure is falling at freefall the only resistance is air thats it. How can NIST claim steel resistance and not specify how much? I never heard of a building falling through itself naturally. As the whole structure collapses, its top half crushes the lower half, but there's always concrete and steel to move out away. 

    On 9/11, the building structural rules don't apply because their top half didn't crush the lower half, it just smashed through it over 100 feet with no slowdown. That makes no sense unless there's some other energy pulverizing the concrete and steel. 

    Instead of claiming all conspirators believe the same stuff, stick to 9/11. Clearly pointed out numerous times the Boston marathon attack and 7/7 are genuine homegrown terrorist attacks. Now stop making the argument we all believe same things are true. 

    My theory is they were conspirators. The evidence shows seven building was not natural collapse. I try to think who could be behind and why.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,245 ✭✭✭Cheerful S

    This is a weird case that's hard to pin down with facts. People described two different Boeings in the area. There some anomalies in the FDR that today are unexplained. The FDR shows the plane flew over the building and kept going.

    From both sides, witnesses saw a plane coming in. Photos inside the Pentagon indicate a plane crashed. Photos can be faked. Metal on the grass doesn't mean a plane crash, it just means something happened. It's not so hard to believe that someone could hijack a plane and get to Washington, it's how skilled they are. According to official story, the plane was flying at about twenty feet off the ground when it hit the Pentagon, allegedly flying at 500-600 mph ( that speed from memory). Personally, I don't think make sense, the pilot should be slowing that plane down that low to avoid missing his target. 

    Due to my knowledge pulled of a controlled demolition in New York, I'm open-minded.  My guess is they'll move Flight 77 to another area for eradication and extermination not that complicated since planes once took off from the airport, went missing off radar for long periods of time. We're willing to place explosives and nanothermite in buildings that can do a lot more in the air when air radar and defences are all but shut down. Before you say mad kill 30 to 40 passengers believe that? Conspirators killied thousands in New York they dont care. 

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,245 ✭✭✭Cheerful S

    The official story doesn't mention that Atta had shady german friends and one of them was an international gangster with ties to criminal organizations and far right groups. All I know is that parts of it weren't discussed. An independent journalist conducted the investigation in Florida and spoke to people; and other training school heads and story is very odd. In a restaurant, Atta and some hijackers were arguing about money and owed it to family kept shouting about. This family's identity is a mystery. There's a narrative that these guys are devote Muslims. People in Flordia claimed would drink and smoke and and go to discos. Official story is a big lie. However, only real journalists on the ground found this out because big media is onboard with government lies. Then we have the cover ups of funding from Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, so these guys were well known to state actors before 9/11.

    As my opinion goes, the collapse of buildings was an operation based on intelligence gathered about the hijackers. Due to the complexity and state of power at the time, it's most likely a rogue group of neocons hijacked the event. I cant be sure so keep an open mind on who did it include ( international fascists) and Israel and maybe there a group i am unware of? 
