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Mandatory vaccination in Ireland



  • Registered Users Posts: 31,058 ✭✭✭✭Lumen

    It is obviously untrue we have restrictions due to unvaccinated people in hospital with COVID, or in fact any particular number in people in hospital with COVID, because:

    (a) we had restrictions when there were almost no people in hospital with COVID.

    (b) we had no restrictions when there were many people in hospital with other equally (or more) preventable respiratory viruses

    I would like to see someone attempt to formulate a law on restrictions based on hospital pressures that was both consistent with how we've managed hospital pressures and infectious diseases since the establishment of the State, and that didn't specifically mention COVID. It would be impossible.

    COVID is specifically novel but not unusual, even in the history of modern medicine.

    What is unprecedented is the response.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,438 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    I agree with all of that.

    As I see it, there is no legal or constitutional barrier to compulsory vaccination but the public health and safety barrier threshold is very high. I don't think that Covid has established that to date which shows how high the barrier is.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,556 ✭✭✭✭astrofool

    I would argue that restrictions/lockdowns up until vaccine rollout were needed to save lives, many vulnerable would have died if we had opened up to "hospital capacity" level during that period of time (march 2020 - June 2021), since then, lockdowns are no longer necessary (soon to come treatments will save an extra few %, but not so many that we close off everyone), the mistake made was not opening from August to November and then bringing back some level of restrictions (probably more than we have now as case counts would have started off higher), this was borne out of a desire to only reduce restrictions and never bring them back which it turned out, wasn't possible.

  • Registered Users Posts: 31,058 ✭✭✭✭Lumen

    I think we need to be a bit clearer about what we mean by "restrictions".

    IMO the only remaining restrictions that are in any way warranted are "mask" wearing in crowded public places, e.g. on public transport. And even then it is not my preferred policy choice, since it would be both less restrictive and more effective to provide those at risk of serious illness with high quality masks.

    Restrictions on pubs and nightclubs (distancing, opening hours) are both now and with hindsight completely unwarranted.

    Vaccine certs are more a point of principle at this stage. I feel strongly that the unvaccinated are idiots, but new Omicron infections are not going to be using up significant hospital capacity from this point onwards. The current ICU occupancy is largely from Delta infections, and 1,000 cases in hospital (of 14k bed capacity) represents around the same rate of prevalance as in the community.

    There is just no good case for coercive vaccination policies, either argued from first principles and bearing in mind our well established tolerance for self-harming behaviours, or in pragmatic terms based on what we know of human behaviour.

  • Registered Users Posts: 39,940 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

    I think it goes with out saying that Covid has exceeded that threshold at this moment in time, a once in a generation pandemic tends to do that.

    An applicant would be hard pressed to argue that it doesn't.

    The argument will be centered around the punitive actions for non vaccinated.

    e.g if someone is prevented from a earning a living, etc.

    I think there is a dozen odd European countries bringing in mandatory vaccination is some form, we shall see the court cases soon enough.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,865 ✭✭✭munchkin_utd

    >I think there is a dozen odd European countries bringing in mandatory vaccination is some form, we shall see the court cases soon enough.

    it wont be a dozen. So far its really only Germany and Austria and they have specific problems with millions of stone worshiping yoga lovers who believe so much in their immune system, and meditation, that they stubbornly refuse to get vaccinated, and that on top of neo nazis and government sceptic east germans BUT also most also expect to be looked after should their reliance on a healthy sun tan, hate for the government or herbal and alternative medicine somehow not work and they land into hospital

    Personally I'd be happy to have vaccines perfectly optional but maybe have the 13million odd shamans and neo nazis and former commies in Germany sign a release form that they are grand with field hospitals or no treatment should they get covid in a bad way and let the rest of us get on with life. (unfortunately it seems they cannot be excluded from treatment by the medical system so the only way to save the medical system from them is to make vaccines compulsorary)

  • Registered Users Posts: 72 ✭✭live4tkd

    No, No, absolutely f**king No! No mandatory vaccinations ever with Covid! How many vaccinated in the country now, we went through the longest restrictions in the world yet the highest case numbers in the world now! Absolute bollox now and I am saying that as someone that's triple vaxxed!

    We are only being held hostage by an overly conservative NPHET (who should should have been put in their box by our spineless Taoiseach), useless government, politicians and noisy hysterics in social and MSM who are terrified! They all should be ran out of it and anybody supporting this insane bullsh*t should be under permanent lockdowns / restrictions and let the rest of us get back to normal to f*ck!

    Ireland = The worlds most hysterical hypochondriacs and what did we get for it the highest rates of Covid! Enough is Enough now!!

  • Posts: 3,656 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Agreed. I saw a comment on a UK news website yesterday saying the Irish are the most vaccinated country in the World and are still living with an 8pm curfew on night life and restaurants 😊😊

  • Registered Users Posts: 39,940 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

    We are not even the most vaccinated country in Europe, I think that honor goes to Portugal who shut bars over Christmas.

    Probably best not to get your information from the Daily Mail comment section.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,008 ✭✭✭Cluedo Monopoly

    What is it that bothers the vaccinated so much about the unvaccinated?

    Obviously virus transmission is a key reason even though Omicron seems to be bypassing that somewhat. Overloading the hospital system is another one. But what makes some vaccinated people so angry about folks that refuse to get vaccinated.

    Is one reason that vaccinated people want 'everyone in the same boat' because of the unknown unknowns i.e. possible long term side effects? Does full compliance help validate the minor unknown risk?


    What are they doing in the Hyacinth House?

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  • Posts: 3,656 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    this link is from the Irish Times, 6 weeks ago ://

    So its hardly out of date and hardly inaccurate..... Portugal was 2nd after Ireland at that you're splitting hairs. We all know that Ireland has been one of the most compliant populations when it comes to vaccination. Yet we still live with multiple restrictions and an 8pm curfew on all night life. Funny that!

  • Registered Users Posts: 39,940 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

    It's 7 weeks old and in terms of accuracy as of today, out of date. That's not my opinion.

    It also doesn't back up the claim you read on the Daily Mail comment section.

    It does contain pertinent data though.

    Ireland has the highest vaccination coverage and among the lowest death rates from Covid-19 in the European Union, according to new data showing that vaccination radically cuts how often people die when infected.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,766 ✭✭✭growleaves

    I think the severity of the restrictions on the unvaccinated, such as digital certs and barring them from jobs (has not happened here in Ireland but has in influential countries like US, Canada, Italy, Oz), paradoxically fires up the vaccinated against the unvaccinated.

    These measures are very extreme and so to support them you'd almost have to rile yourself up a bit.

    When I am reading histories of 17th and 18th century France it reminds of the barring of Huguenots from public worship and most good jobs. (Some churches require certs now so even the religious parallel is not as fanciful as it seems).

    Of course they could go and convert and a get certificate of Catholicism (a real thing, required for professions like practicing law) anytime so it was all their own fault supposedly. One noble complained that a part of France (forget where) was "a nest of Huguenots".

    Also the higher the vaccination rate the more the pressure and bitterness increases, since if the mob knew that 40% of the population were unvaccinated would they be as confident in lashing out at them?

    The more powerless the unvax seem the more hassle they get - and also being comprised of marginal groups like travellers, Central and Eastern Europeans and people who are high in disagreeableness/ not pro-social.

    The certs are a disaster since we can all be arm-twisted into taking multiple boosters and having to justify ourselves everywhere we go.

    The explosions of anger and profanity against the unvaccinated on boards is something I observe with a cold eye. It doesn't build credibility for the case of the 'follow the science' people, it looks very suspect to me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,301 ✭✭✭✭Dav010

    The shortcomings in their knowledge about vaccines and their ability to latch on to obscure research and opinions mostly. How many times have you read posts or heard people say that vaccines don’t work because vaccinated people still catch Covid?

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,008 ✭✭✭Cluedo Monopoly

    Ok yes but that doesn't explain the anger, the vitriol. I know people who are furious about unvaccinated people and I am not sure they even know why they are so angry. You even see it within families.

    I personally don't give a damn if the person beside me is unvaccinated. The risk is on him/her for the most part and if they are happy to accept that risk, then off with them.

    What are they doing in the Hyacinth House?

  • Registered Users Posts: 64 ✭✭Pawinho

    There are not many critical thinkers in Irish society. You will do whatever these experts say, whether they are from NPHet, IMF, ECB. Basically you don't know what is best for you, somebody must tell you that what is good for your herd

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭charlie_says

  • Just want to point out giving an at-risk person a mask is pointless.

    Masks help to stop you spreading covid not catching covid.

    Honestly this kind of thing here is exactly where we failed with the pandemic— there’s too many who still don’t fully understand how things should & do work and that’s not a dig at the quoted post either, it’s rampant.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,301 ✭✭✭✭Dav010

    I suppose this is the other aspect, the assumption that the consequences of your decision are confined solely to you, they aren’t . There are wider considerations, most notably the affects on our mutual health system. When the proportion of hospitalisations is so wildly unbalanced, the affect on treatments of other illnesses suffers as a result of the numbers of unvaxed taking up much needed beds.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,008 ✭✭✭Cluedo Monopoly

    Yes I did cite the impact on our health system when I posed the question. I guess our hospital system was in dire straits with people on trolleys and long waiting lists long before Covid. Can the vulnerable in 3/4% make such an impact over the long term? I believe we are talking about 45 unvaccinated people in ICU?

    What are they doing in the Hyacinth House?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,301 ✭✭✭✭Dav010

    Mortalities have long since been a consideration when deciding restriction policies, now it is solely hospitalisations and schools. Everyone is **** sick of restrictions, if hospitalisations were lower we could all most likely get on with normal life. As long as over 50% of hospitalisations come from those 5-6% of the population who are unvaxed, restrictions will most likely continue. That pisses a whole lot of people off. Hopefully therapeutics will lower hospitalisation to the point where it won’t matter if everyone is vaccinated. But two events could plunge us back down the hole, a more dangerous variant and reduction in the numbers who take boosters, if that happens, it’s back to shittier times for all of us.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,008 ✭✭✭Cluedo Monopoly

    My guess is that we will see lower booster rates. I would guess approx 75-80% for various reasons. Much less for the 5-11 year olds though. I think that will be balanced by the natural immunity that people are getting now. Even the unvaccinated adults must have picked up Omicron so are we really still at the 5-6% level?

    We possibly will see another dangerous variant but you would have to expect reduced transmissibility too. That seems to be the pattern. Fingers crossed Omicron spells the end of the pandemic and restrictions.

    What are they doing in the Hyacinth House?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,876 ✭✭✭bokale

    Surely it helps with stopping droplets getting in too?

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,301 ✭✭✭✭Dav010

    Again, that expectation that things must be getting better has potential to be a huge issue. Omicrone showed that a variant can mutate to be more transmissible, there is nothing to suggest another mutation with increased severity of infection isn’t a possibility. It is much better to be proactive than reactive.

  • Registered Users Posts: 31,058 ✭✭✭✭Lumen

    No, you're entirely wrong. I can't even be bothered to explain it, do your own research, for example on the exhalation valve design on most FFP3 masks.

    Why do you think NBC suits have respirators on them? To stop the emergency responders breathing out nuclear fallout?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    There needs to be serious questions asked now as to why the health service is in such a state..there have been reports and recommendations for years, and having failed to do what they suggested, and being unable to provide a health system that can cope with 200 people needing acute care, for all the money that's thrown at it every year, those at the top of the HSE should have to answer some questions, as well as the current and three former ministers for health in government..

    That they think they can lock down society to cover for their failures for YEARS is unacceptable..

  • Registered Users Posts: 849 ✭✭✭MilkyToast

    As long as over 50% of hospitalisations come from those 5-6% of the population who are unvaxed, restrictions will most likely continue. 

    Is this something that applies at all rates of hospitalisations?

    Like if there are 2 people in hospital and one of them is vaccinated and one of them is not, do you still believe you personally have the right to dictate what other people have injected into their bodies, or is there a cut off for you?

    “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." ~C.S. Lewis

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,301 ✭✭✭✭Dav010

    I was replying to the poster who asked why people are pissed off at the unvaxed, not if I believe I personally have the right to dictate whether someone should be required to have a vaccine.

    For the record, I would not support mandatory vaccination. I still believe people should have the right to be as smart or stupid as they want to be.

  • Registered Users Posts: 849 ✭✭✭MilkyToast

    Ah, my bad. I thought you were giving your own opinion rather than just your read of the super-angry's.

    “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." ~C.S. Lewis

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  • Registered Users Posts: 18,374 ✭✭✭✭Bass Reeves

    No if you choose not to get vaccinated then society has a right to protect itself from you. We no long low people to smoke indoors in public or work environments.

    Nobody here is advocating forcing that people be held down to have injection. Most think that there activity should be limited so as not to have infect other. Therefore there have to carry out tests to travel.on a plane, they cannot enter indoor social activity it not unreasonable. In Austria and other countries they intend that they pick up some of the extra costs of being unvaccinated.

    Its all about the right of society to protect itself

    Slava Ukrainii
