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Has anything genuinely creepy or unnerving ever happened to you?



  • Registered Users Posts: 13,701 ✭✭✭✭cj maxx

    Not really creepy, but on the theme of premonition. I was convinced I was going to win something. It was the weekend Dolores Keane won the euromillions and i already was spending it in my head.then a I got a call to say I'd won an all expenses trip to china. I was the most ungrateful bestard ever ,!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,949 ✭✭✭saabsaab

    Andreas77 wrote: »
    Last night, I had a dream that a thick and pale member, with bulging blue veins, was risen high into the sky, perfectly straight like a mast, breaking the clouds at about 250ft, or the point at which the the hood was retracted. As I have observed this stubborn piece of trunk can move very slightly with the tensing of my pelvic muscles, I’ve realised this member is my own. Weather was clear, blue sky, about 60 °F. Then I’ve noticed an unexpected phenomenon, many tiny women working their way up the body of the stalk, clutching onto veins and knots, some using pockets of dust, taking their time (this was not a race I don’t think), working methodically to ascend the penile, and all I can do is watch. I cannot shake them off, and even if I could, I’m not sure I would want to. When they disappear above the cloud cover I can no longer see what they are doing on my glans heads,. Are they salivating that? or interfering with my chute, or, actually this thought occurred to me during the dream, that since there was no sensation, that they were boarding some sort of craft, which would escort them from this world to another. Now is when it gets very weird, as I have noticed then for the first time, hundreds of other stalks, smaller penises, distributed all over the terrain, coalescing more or less around my own, but there were some outliers, but none even half as big as my own. I’ll admit it is a strange. It’s been on my mind all day .
    Good God, Freud would have been all over this. It is said that the penis when larger shows you feel more powerful that others around you. The little women might represent women in your life trying to control you.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 814 ✭✭✭debok

    Andreas77 wrote: »
    Last night, I had a dream that a thick and pale member, with bulging blue veins, was risen high into the sky, perfectly straight like a mast, breaking the clouds at about 250ft, or the point at which the the hood was retracted. As I have observed this stubborn piece of trunk can move very slightly with the tensing of my pelvic muscles, I’ve realised this member is my own. Weather was clear, blue sky, about 60 °F. Then I’ve noticed an unexpected phenomenon, many tiny women working their way up the body of the stalk, clutching onto veins and knots, some using pockets of dust, taking their time (this was not a race I don’t think), working methodically to ascend the penile, and all I can do is watch. I cannot shake them off, and even if I could, I’m not sure I would want to. When they disappear above the cloud cover I can no longer see what they are doing on my glans heads,. Are they salivating that? or interfering with my chute, or, actually this thought occurred to me during the dream, that since there was no sensation, that they were boarding some sort of craft, which would escort them from this world to another. Now is when it gets very weird, as I have noticed then for the first time, hundreds of other stalks, smaller penises, distributed all over the terrain, coalescing more or less around my own, but there were some outliers, but none even half as big as my own. I’ll admit it is a strange. It’s been on my mind all day .

    Think you need a tom hank

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,139 ✭✭✭What Username Guidelines

    cjmc wrote: »
    Not really creepy, but on the theme of premonition. I was convinced I was going to win something. It was the weekend Dolores Keane won the euromillions and i already was spending it in my head.then a I got a call to say I'd won an all expenses trip to china. I was the most ungrateful bestard ever ,!

    OT, Did the euromillions online a few years back. About midnight I get the email “you’ve won a prize” and opened the app to login. I remembered reading that “larger” wins aren’t paid into your account balance. App balance shows €0. I nearly shat myself. Woke my wife up and all as I tried to find the ticket in the app.

    Can you imagine winning €2k and the initial feeling is a slight disappointment?! God I felt like a dick. But I had the whole jackpot spent in my head in the space of 45 seconds.

    Went on a lovely holiday in the end :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 632 ✭✭✭Sorry about that

    Andreas77 wrote: »
    Last night, I had a dream that a thick and pale member, with bulging blue veins, was risen high into the sky, perfectly straight like a mast, breaking the clouds at about 250ft, or the point at which the the hood was retracted. As I have observed this stubborn piece of trunk can move very slightly with the tensing of my pelvic muscles, I’ve realised this member is my own. Weather was clear, blue sky, about 60 °F. Then I’ve noticed an unexpected phenomenon, many tiny women working their way up the body of the stalk, clutching onto veins and knots, some using pockets of dust, taking their time (this was not a race I don’t think), working methodically to ascend the penile, and all I can do is watch. I cannot shake them off, and even if I could, I’m not sure I would want to. When they disappear above the cloud cover I can no longer see what they are doing on my glans heads,. Are they salivating that? or interfering with my chute, or, actually this thought occurred to me during the dream, that since there was no sensation, that they were boarding some sort of craft, which would escort them from this world to another. Now is when it gets very weird, as I have noticed then for the first time, hundreds of other stalks, smaller penises, distributed all over the terrain, coalescing more or less around my own, but there were some outliers, but none even half as big as my own. I’ll admit it is a strange. It’s been on my mind all day .

    I heard a dream analyst on the radio a couple of years ago, and he said that the focus your dream reflects how you feel about yourself.

    I'm not suggesting for a moment that deep down you see yourself as an absolutely massive d**k. Like massive.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 13,762 ✭✭✭✭dubstarr

    Lately in my house,i have been noticing shadows.Coming down the stairs tonight,coming in to the sitting room,there was like someone walking past.I thought it was my partner,walked in.Nobody here.And the door i used is the only one coming in and out.

    Yesterday sitting here,the hall was very shadowy,like bulky.Thought it was a coat,went out and there was nothing hanging.But it was like a solid shape.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,028 ✭✭✭Ficheall

    dubstarr wrote: »
    Lately in my house,i have been noticing shadows.Coming down the stairs tonight,coming in to the sitting room,there was like someone walking past.I thought it was my partner,walked in.Nobody here.And the door i used is the only one coming in and out.

    Yesterday sitting here,the hall was very shadowy,like bulky.Thought it was a coat,went out and there was nothing hanging.But it was like a solid shape.
    Try turning off the lights.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 124 ✭✭randomspud

    I occasionally get these random dreams of snippets of fairly ordinary day to day stuff happening to me, usually just as I'm waking up.

    Without fail these things will happen to me in real life a few weeks later, exactly as they played out in my dream.

    I know it's happening as it's happening but I can never change what I do/say in these situations. It happened recently with a friend of mine and he said that I looked terrified for no reason for a brief few seconds when we were talking about something utterly trivial.

    I explained to him that I'd dreamt these few seconds weeks ago and he just looked at me funny.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,633 ✭✭✭✭Widdershins

    This ^^^. I know it well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,762 ✭✭✭✭dubstarr

    Ficheall wrote: »
    Try turning off the lights.

    Wow,what a helpful post.Thanks

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,246 ✭✭✭ardinn

    I think I "inceptioned" last night - I was dreaming about something that didnt make sense, then I woke up and was like, ye that was odd, knew it was a dream, then I went on about my day and woke up again - im fully expecting to wake up and have not written this post in reality!

    They were both really interesting dreams too, pity i cant flippin remember them!

  • Registered Users Posts: 669 ✭✭✭idnkph

    A few premonition type things popping up so here's mine.
    Had a dream a few years back. A friend I used to work with was in it being his usual happy go lucky self and kept coming into the room I was in to tell and reassure me that's he is doing great and really happy.
    I hadn't seen him in a few years because I moved to a different part of the country and we were both getting on with our lives and lost touch. I had deleted my Facebook account for obvious reasons ( it's sh1te) a couple of years before this dream too.
    Any way when I woke I went downstairs and the OH was there.
    We were general chit chatting and I told her about my dream that it was weird but really vivid. She never met this friend but I had told her a couple of anicdotes involving him.
    She asked was he on FB and I said he was when I was and she says she would stalk him and see... Maybe send him a message with me number and meet up.
    She was typing away on her phone and I could see the change in her look.
    Of course it wasn't good news. His final post was a picture of him and his family and him saying support SOSAD.
    I hit me like a train. I found out where he was buried and that weekend jumped into the car and went to visit his grave. Left some flowers and had a can of beer for each of us while I thought about the good times we had and how guilty I was feeling that I lost touch and maybe could have helped him.
    Later that week I popped into a casino/slot machine place to pick up another mate. I never used the poker machines before and always took the piss or of my old friend for going on them anytime we were in the pub after work ( fun times).
    Popped in 2 quid and first turn of the cards I got 4aces and a joker. I had won just over 500 quid on a bonus jackpot thingy.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    dubstarr wrote: »
    Lately in my house,i have been noticing shadows.Coming down the stairs tonight,coming in to the sitting room,there was like someone walking past.I thought it was my partner,walked in.Nobody here.And the door i used is the only one coming in and out.

    Yesterday sitting here,the hall was very shadowy,like bulky.Thought it was a coat,went out and there was nothing hanging.But it was like a solid shape.

    Take a close look at the light bulb(s) if there is any coating/dust/flaw on them, web with moving spider etc. Check if other places seem to have shadows and if so get eyes checked in case of an impending retinal tear or other ocular issue.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,094 ✭✭✭✭Gael23

    I was chatting to a woman on Facebook last night and she dropped stone dead an hour later

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Gael23 wrote: »
    I was chatting to a woman on Facebook last night and she dropped stone dead an hour later

    Anything to do with what you said? :D

    Which reminds me of a time I was admitted to a private hospital following a relatively rare form of heart attack. I had pain in my chest and felt nauseous and weak, guessed it might be cardiac so decided to present myself at the hospital where I had other stuff done. Living alone, I really didn’t have much time and no help to put stuff together so arrived with very little, and since these days a heart attack (once you survive it) is usually no more than a two night admission I didn’t trouble my relatives to get my stuff.

    I was sharing a room with a very interesting and forthright Dublin Liberties lady, and I wasn’t worried about being in a frequent state of undress in the room as she knew the score and didn’t worry. I was relying totally on hospital gown. That first night, after all our visitors had gone, an elderly gentleman was pacing up and down the corridor to give himself exercise, turning just at the point of our room which was the end one. As he turned his gaze hit me, stark naked and non too pretty a sight. My room mate said “Jaysuuus, he paused quite long there, did you see his eyes just staaarin atcha”. We were in hysterics as he retreated to the room next door.

    This was about 10pm. 15 minutes later an alarm sounded and the crash team arrived next door. After about 30 minutes a relative was standing outside our room sobbing into the phone (I’ve changed bane here) “Uncle Peter’s dead...can’t believe it...he was perfectly ok...don’t know what happened,..know they said there’s the risk it could happen...” More relatives arrived, undertakers called. My room mate said “Oh goodnigh-aaat, we may as well stay awake and listen, not gonna get any sleep, are we?”

    I had killed him!

    Actually, as the cardiologist explained, he had a silent immense lethal clot that was inevitably going to kill him, it happens in a small percentage of cases where stents are placed and they would equally have died without intervention.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,021 ✭✭✭✭Strumms

    When I was 9 my grandmother who I was very close to was admitted to hospital in quite a bad way, dying. My mother was at the hospital with her this night and no other females in the house. I remember at some point in the early hours of the morning just as it was getting light I woke. I was the soundest sleeper ever so for this to happen was unusual. I looked at the door of my room, it was open, I NEVER left it open, my grandmother was stood there...looking well and happy, she said “hi, //// everything is going to be alright”. She disappeared... my mother came back at about 10 am and told us that granny had passed away...

    Anyone who knows me would tell you that I’m one of the most skeptical people when it comes to stuff like this, hugely so, the paranormal, religion, whatever, but nothing like this every happened to me before or since... I just can’t explain it... not creepy maybe but strange in a peaceful kind of way, reassuring.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,762 ✭✭✭✭dubstarr

    Anything to do with what you said? :D

    Which reminds me of a time I was admitted to a private hospital following a relatively rare form of heart attack. I had pain in my chest and felt nauseous and weak, guessed it might be cardiac so decided to present myself at the hospital where I had other stuff done. Living alone, I really didn’t have much time and no help to put stuff together so arrived with very little, and since these days a heart attack (once you survive it) is usually no more than a two night admission I didn’t trouble my relatives to get my stuff.

    I was sharing a room with a very interesting and forthright Dublin Liberties lady, and I wasn’t worried about being in a frequent state of undress in the room as she knew the score and didn’t worry. I was relying totally on hospital gown. That first night, after all our visitors had gone, an elderly gentleman was pacing up and down the corridor to give himself exercise, turning just at the point of our room which was the end one. As he turned his gaze hit me, stark naked and non too pretty a sight. My room mate said “Jaysuuus, he paused quite long there, did you see his eyes just staaarin atcha”. We were in hysterics as he retreated to the room next door.

    This was about 10pm. 15 minutes later an alarm sounded and the crash team arrived next door. After about 30 minutes a relative was standing outside our room sobbing into the phone (I’ve changed bane here) “Uncle Peter’s dead...can’t believe it...he was perfectly ok...don’t know what happened,..know they said there’s the risk it could happen...” More relatives arrived, undertakers called. My room mate said “Oh goodnigh-aaat, we may as well stay awake and listen, not gonna get any sleep, are we?”

    I had killed him!

    Actually, as the cardiologist explained, he had a silent immense lethal clot that was inevitably going to kill him, it happens in a small percentage of cases where stents are placed and they would equally have died without intervention.

    You obviously have a killer body:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,633 ✭✭✭✭Widdershins

    Anything to do with what you said? :D

    Which reminds me of a time I was admitted to a private hospital following a relatively rare form of heart attack. I had pain in my chest and felt nauseous and weak, guessed it might be cardiac so decided to present myself at the hospital where I had other stuff done. Living alone, I really didn’t have much time and no help to put stuff together so arrived with very little, and since these days a heart attack (once you survive it) is usually no more than a two night admission I didn’t trouble my relatives to get my stuff.

    I was sharing a room with a very interesting and forthright Dublin Liberties lady, and I wasn’t worried about being in a frequent state of undress in the room as she knew the score and didn’t worry. I was relying totally on hospital gown. That first night, after all our visitors had gone, an elderly gentleman was pacing up and down the corridor to give himself exercise, turning just at the point of our room which was the end one. As he turned his gaze hit me, stark naked and non too pretty a sight. My room mate said “Jaysuuus, he paused quite long there, did you see his eyes just staaarin atcha”. We were in hysterics as he retreated to the room next door.

    This was about 10pm. 15 minutes later an alarm sounded and the crash team arrived next door. After about 30 minutes a relative was standing outside our room sobbing into the phone (I’ve changed bane here) “Uncle Peter’s dead...can’t believe it...he was perfectly ok...don’t know what happened,..know they said there’s the risk it could happen...” More relatives arrived, undertakers called. My room mate said “Oh goodnigh-aaat, we may as well stay awake and listen, not gonna get any sleep, are we?”

    I had killed him!

    Actually, as the cardiologist explained, he had a silent immense lethal clot that was inevitably going to kill him, it happens in a small percentage of cases where stents are placed and they would equally have died without intervention.

    Just had this image of you going to the cardiologist, stricken, confessing that your wantonly waltzing around in the nip had been too much for the poor chap :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 124 ✭✭randomspud

    Just had this image of you going to the cardiologist, stricken, confessing that your wantonly waltzing around in the nip had been too much for the poor chap :D

    "Yer wan next doors bangin' rack was just too much for the auld lad so he popped his clogs. There was nothing we could do about it."

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,949 ✭✭✭saabsaab

    There are many stories of odd events dating back to the pre electric age. Has anyone something related to modern technology strange messages on PCs or radio broadcasts etc?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,070 ✭✭✭✭pq0n1ct4ve8zf5

    saabsaab wrote: »
    There are many stories of odd events dating back to the pre electric age. Has anyone something related to modern technology strange messages on PCs or radio broadcasts etc?

    Oooh I have one.

    Long story behind this involving some decisions which were ethically fine but legally not so much, anyways, one of my housemates ended up with a collection of very old (1890s up to 1920s) glass photography plates, it was a family collection so all the same people in it, you could see them growing up, it was nice. I'd say it was the first time they were looked at in decades. Meticulously organised and labelled, real labour of love, and a quite fantastically expensive one I'd imagine. Hundreds of the things.

    I was looking through them and there was one with two little boys in it, I read out their names, wondered aloud if they were alive and then saw the date and said "oh no, they must be long dead and gone". Like the second that last syllable left my mouth, the radio turned itself on. It's an old analog radio, you have to slide a click button across to turn it on and off, there was nobody near it.

    My housemate was really freaked out, I wasn't though, thought maybe someone had left it on but not tuned into a station (though there wasn't any static) and for some reason something had appeared on that frequency. It's a local radio station.

    The next day though, I was up at my friend's house and as I was leaving I was humming a song that had been in my head all day. He asked is that such and such a song, tis says I, well that's fcuking weird says he, that's been in my head all day too.

    Left the house, popped in my headphones, turned on the radio which was tuned to that same local station, and what fcuking song is playing? :eek:

    Now, obviously had it been an Ed Sheeran song or something, that's a bit of a coincidence but nothing really odd. But, it was quite an old, obscure-ish song. By a little band called Ace of Bass. With a little chorus that goes

    "I saw the sign
    I opened up my eyes
    I saw the sign"

    tl;dr: child ghosts are haunting me through the medium of radio to punish me for saying they're dead, and also for handling their property :D I think they've given up now though because they got bored because I could not give a fcuk. House I grew up in is allegedly haunted, I would say I am open minded about and also deeply disinterested in the existence of ghosts. Fcuking turn the radio on and off and move sh1t around and bang doors see if I fcukin care I'm fcuking alive!!! Stupid fcuking dead eejits.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,070 ✭✭✭✭pq0n1ct4ve8zf5

    That got away from me slightly at the end there sorry...

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,949 ✭✭✭saabsaab

    Great story, thanks. The song is one of my favourites too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,642 ✭✭✭Day Lewin

    Oooh I have one.

    Long story behind this involving some decisions which were ethically fine but legally not so much, anyways, one of my housemates ended up with a collection of very old (1890s up to 1920s) glass photography plates, it was a family collection so all the same people in it, you could see them growing up, it was nice. I'd say it was the first time they were looked at in decades. Meticulously organised and labelled, real labour of love, and a quite fantastically expensive one I'd imagine. Hundreds of the things.

    I was looking through them and there was one with two little boys in it, I read out their names, wondered aloud if they were alive and then saw the date and said "oh no, they must be long dead and gone". Like the second that last syllable left my mouth, the radio turned itself on. It's an old analog radio, you have to slide a click button across to turn it on and off, there was nobody near it.

    My housemate was really freaked out, I wasn't though, thought maybe someone had left it on but not tuned into a station (though there wasn't any static) and for some reason something had appeared on that frequency. It's a local radio station.

    The next day though, I was up at my friend's house and as I was leaving I was humming a song that had been in my head all day. He asked is that such and such a song, tis says I, well that's fcuking weird says he, that's been in my head all day too.

    Left the house, popped in my headphones, turned on the radio which was tuned to that same local station, and what fcuking song is playing? :eek:

    Now, obviously had it been an Ed Sheeran song or something, that's a bit of a coincidence but nothing really odd. But, it was quite an old, obscure-ish song. By a little band called Ace of Bass. With a little chorus that goes

    "I saw the sign
    I opened up my eyes
    I saw the sign"

    tl;dr: child ghosts are haunting me through the medium of radio to punish me for saying they're dead, and also for handling their property :D I think they've given up now though because they got bored because I could not give a fcuk. House I grew up in is allegedly haunted, I would say I am open minded about and also deeply disinterested in the existence of ghosts. Fcuking turn the radio on and off and move sh1t around and bang doors see if I fcukin care I'm fcuking alive!!! Stupid fcuking dead eejits.

    No offense, like, but is your username anything to do with this?

  • Registered Users Posts: 976 ✭✭✭8valve

    After the M9 had recently opened between Carlow and Dublin, I was dropping the ex and her friend to the airport, for their early morning flight. We had travelled from Waterford on the old N9, which was a complete pain in the arse and hard to make quick progress on, so it was great to get onto the newly opened stretch of motorway to make up a bit of time. Time was probably around 2am or so.
    I had only been on the motorway less than half an hour, when I saw blue lights ahead. I slowed down and a guard had the squad car across the two lanes, blocking any further progress and diverting us off the motorway. He said there had been a fatal accident further on but we could rejoin the motorway a couple of exits further north.
    I eventually dropped the others at the airport and headed back for home. Back on the M9 southwards, I eventually passed by the scene of the earlier accident on the other side. No flashing blue lights at that stage but there were still a couple of emergency service vehicles there, probably finishing up, doing clean up etc.
    I drove on, probably between 4-5am, enjoying the early morning sunrise and total lack of traffic on the motorway.....until I heard distinct, loud sobbing from the back seat of my car! Being a sceptic, I checked the electric window switches and the sunroof switch, making sure it wasn't a window or something left slightly open and the wind whistling.. All closed fully.
    I heard it again and with a bit of dread, looked in the mirror...Nothing.
    I swept onto the hard shoulder, jumped out, opened the back door, the tailgate (car was an estate) but nothing or nobody was there.
    I closed up the car, got back in and drove off, absolutely freaked out.
    I didn't hear it again for the remainder of the journey but it had genuinely spooked me.
    I've never been able to rationally explain it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,479 ✭✭✭Kamili

    I have to laugh at Ace of Base's The Sign being described as obscure.
    It was 6 weeks at number one on the billboard top 100.

    I feel old now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,846 ✭✭✭Princess Calla

    Kamili wrote: »
    I have to laugh at Ace of Base's The Sign being described as obscure.
    It was 6 weeks at number one on the billboard top 100.

    I feel old now.

    Yeah I was abit unnerved by that too :D

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 76,680 Mod ✭✭✭✭New Home

    Ah, yes, but that was back in 1992/93...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,070 ✭✭✭✭pq0n1ct4ve8zf5

    Kamili wrote: »
    I have to laugh at Ace of Base's The Sign being described as obscure.
    It was 6 weeks at number one on the billboard top 100.

    I feel old now.

    I did say obscure-ish!

    Grand tune like, just what are the odds.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,439 ✭✭✭tupenny

    8valve wrote: »
    After the M9 had recently opened between Carlow and Dublin, I was dropping the ex and her friend to the airport, for their early morning flight. We had travelled from Waterford on the old N9, which was a complete pain in the arse and hard to make quick progress on, so it was great to get onto the newly opened stretch of motorway to make up a bit of time. Time was probably around 2am or so.
    I had only been on the motorway less than half an hour, when I saw blue lights ahead. I slowed down and a guard had the squad car across the two lanes, blocking any further progress and diverting us off the motorway. He said there had been a fatal accident further on but we could rejoin the motorway a couple of exits further north.
    I eventually dropped the others at the airport and headed back for home. Back on the M9 southwards, I eventually passed by the scene of the earlier accident on the other side. No flashing blue lights at that stage but there were still a couple of emergency service vehicles there, probably finishing up, doing clean up etc.
    I drove on, probably between 4-5am, enjoying the early morning sunrise and total lack of traffic on the motorway.....until I heard distinct, loud sobbing from the back seat of my car! Being a sceptic, I checked the electric window switches and the sunroof switch, making sure it wasn't a window or something left slightly open and the wind whistling.. All closed fully.
    I heard it again and with a bit of dread, looked in the mirror...Nothing.
    I swept onto the hard shoulder, jumped out, opened the back door, the tailgate (car was an estate) but nothing or nobody was there.
    I closed up the car, got back in and drove off, absolutely freaked out.
    I didn't hear it again for the remainder of the journey but it had genuinely spooked me.
    I've never been able to rationally explain it.

    You think you heard a noise.. wow
