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Smelly people.



  • Registered Users Posts: 28,789 ✭✭✭✭ScumLord

    I've been prone to skin infections ever since I was a teenager and I've tried everything from constantly showering to using very expensive medical grade antibacterial soap. None of it worked, I'm almost sure the antibac soap made things worse.

    After reading about skin microbiome and how washing can be harming that balance I cut out the antibac soap and even tried showering every second day. It's certainly helped with skin infections. I know I stank, I can smell my own must at times, I change clothes every day and do what I can (I never wear deodorants though, they just smell like chemicals to me I don't understand how people like them) but **** being in pain for other people's sensibilities. I don't think I'm pungent, I look for signs of distress on other peoples faces but haven't seen anything obvious yet.

    I live in the country though, there's no tight spaces that people would get caught in with me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,231 ✭✭✭Hercule Poirot

    There was 5 of us in the room. 7 of us total in the class. 1 girl smelled so bad, we could smell her from downstairs, we knew if she was upstairs. We studied beauty therapy so every day we'd have to strip down to our underwear for one reason or another. So, it became quite apparent early on in the course she wore the same bra all the time, the same socks and quite regularly the same knickers, though it was probably the item of clothing most frequently changed. We all knew when she had her period because we could smell her.
    She smoked like a chimney too.

    Early on in the course we complained to our tutor. It wasn't fair as we had to work on each other, sometimes intimately, and it wasn't fair on having to work on her. The tutor spoke to her many times, which led her to use more deodorant trying to mask the horrific smell but still not washing herself or her clothes.
    The college director called her out of class many times to address it too but nothing changed. The 6 of us knew it was her and we would organise our pairings for the day ahead outside before we went into college, and then if one of the girls was out, that meant the girl on her own had to work with Smelly.

    Of course we discussed her, we all knew how dirty she was, we knew when she had her period, we'd be praying she had at least changed her knickers today if you knew going into class you were going to be partnered with her.

    So this day - let's call her Carol (smelly) - is sitting in the corner and one of the other girls (let's call her kate) was drowning herself in deodorant before the tutor came back into class. We were always joking around, late would be one of my closest friends and I said something like "you'd think you'd go home and wash yourself instead of bathing in deodorant." She gave me a smart answer back and I said "face it Carol, you really need a shower". As soon as it was out of my mouth I knew I'd ****ed up. The other girls were staring at me with looks of disbelief, horror and shock. Carol pretended she didn't hear it. I felt awful, like I'm pretty bitchy but even that's a step too far for me.

    I took myself off to rat myself out to the director, if that wasn't bullying I don't know what is. I explained to her what I said, I was joking with Kate but carols name came out instead, I know she heard but I'm really sorry. Expecting a serious bollocking. She shrugged and said "I think she needs to hear it from her peers. We have spoken to her already and she doesn't take it on board".

    She didn't take what I said on board either, to be fair.

    A real foot in mouth moment to be fair but as you say it didn't appear to do any harm - and Freudian slips are always good for the soul

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,812 ✭✭✭✭sbsquarepants

    ChikiChiki wrote: »
    The smell of damp clothes is the worst. Like if someone got wet on way to work, sat in the same clothes all day and wore the same trousers over next few days. Its nauseating.

    Or that old damp house smell that just gets into everything in the house. They walk into your house dolled up in their sunday best but you just can't hide that damp musty smell from their clothes!

  • Registered Users Posts: 297 ✭✭Daledge

    Two men in their late 40's/early 50's came in every Sunday (sometimes during the week) in a restaurant I used to work in and we always had to seat them in a separate section - You could honestly smell them from the opposite side of the restaurant. The two of them also seemed slightly simple, they never seemed to speak. They'd point at what the wanted to eat on the menu and just hand over a 50 as they were leaving. I know personally the last thing I want when enjoying my Sunday roast is a waft of manure. Thankfully there was one particular section we never used during lunch service so we always put them there.

    Turns out these same two men were extremely rich from working with horses, not sure if they trained them or what. Surely with that much money basic hygiene wouldn't be too difficult to achieve.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,100 ✭✭✭Autonomous Cowherd

    Of late, I am occasionally reduced to using the public transport system (buses...when they are actually working), and the assault on the nose often beggars belief. A few weeks ago after a VERY traumatic dental visit I sat at the back to be out of the way of the smelly folk who usually gather at the front, but wouldn't you know it, one oul backstard wandered down to sit directly across the aisle from me. I was in brutal pain. He deposited his bag of goodies gleaned from the pound shop onto his seat, and standing up in the aisle began to bend down repeatedly to extract and slowly examine various items, meaning his big woeful backside kept coming in closer to me, and the smell of atomised arse dust off him!! He kept it up even after the bus started moving. The whole experience was the definition of misery.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,763 ✭✭✭Aglomerado

    Of late, I am occasionally reduced to using the public transport system (buses...when they are actually working), and the assault on the nose often beggars belief. A few weeks ago after a VERY traumatic dental visit I sat at the back to be out of the way of the smelly folk who usually gather at the front, but wouldn't you know it, one oul backstard wandered down to sit directly across the aisle from me. I was in brutal pain. He deposited his bag of goodies gleaned from the pound shop onto his seat, and standing up in the aisle began to bend down repeatedly to extract and slowly examine various items, meaning his big woeful backside kept coming in closer to me, and the smell of atomised arse dust off him!! He kept it up even after the bus started moving. The whole experience was the definition of misery.

    "Atomised Arse Dust" :D:D:D:D:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,660 ✭✭✭armaghlad

    I ran a marathon and I didn't smell of bo after. I know other people who would reek straight away after breaking into a small sweat. People vary. Diet and other factors come in to play. Some people though just have plain bad hygiene.

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,365 ✭✭✭✭freshpopcorn

    Winterlong wrote: »
    There was a lad who worked with us a long time ago. He used to wear black leather slip on shoes with no socks. The bang of him would wake the dead.

    Darren Kennedy?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,576 ✭✭✭Paddy Cow

    If you can smell yourself a little, we can smell you a lot ;)

  • Posts: 26,052 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    That smell that smokers get when they either have a mint or chew gum because they think it neutralizes the smoke doesn't.

    Smoking damages your sense of smell, that's why smokers don't realize the extent of their special scent.

    There's a guy with really bad BO who works in a local supermarket. I avoid that supermarket just because of BO guy. You'd imagine someone would cop on that he might put customers off, and sort him out.

    I agree there's a difference between clean sweat, and that stale, acrid, unwashed smell of someone who just doesn't wash or change their clothes often enough.


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,010 ✭✭✭

    Only ever had to complain a guy once to management for being smelly.

    I worked in a clean room environment, requiring overalls,gloves ect. twas roasting and you'd sweat like fùck most days.

    This one fella had ONE work outfit a week. Usually a football jersey and jeans. Honest to god the smell. Turns my stomach just thinking about it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,263 ✭✭✭howiya

    howiya wrote: »
    Six months in work I've been asking my manager to have a chat with a lad on our team that stinks to no avail. She keeps putting it off, makes excuses about having to ask HR for advice etc. And I can guarantee he'll wear the same shirt that he's wore on Monday and Tuesday when he comes in to the office later

    Keep us posted. :)

    Personally, if it was me and after a few months I was getting nowhere through the HR approach, I'd leave a friendly "anonymous" note on his desk outlining the benefits of good hygiene.
    He's in a different shirt today. I'm convinced he only has two shirts. One of the women asked did he do anything before work and his reply was that he washed his clothes. Still smells

  • Posts: 26,052 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    howiya wrote: »
    He's in a different shirt today. I'm convinced he only has two shirts. One of the women asked did he do anything before work and his reply was that he washed his clothes. Still smells

    I'm convinced that the issue with some people who smell is the advent of the 20 minute wash programme on machines these days.

    They're only intended for a few items that just need freshening up, but people stick full loads in and expect them to be cleaned properly. Most of the dirt and smell comes off but what's left accumulates over time and the clothes stink even when they've been 'washed'. Combine that with someone generally unaware of their own smell and only a casual acquaintance with deodorant, and you have the perfect storm of BO and stale clothing.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,010 ✭✭✭

    Candie wrote: »
    I'm convinced that the issue with some people who smell is the advent of the 20 minute wash programme on machines these days.

    They're only intended for a few items that just need freshening up, but people stick full loads in and expect them to be cleaned properly. Most of the dirt and smell comes off but what's left accumulates over time and the clothes stink even when they've been 'washed'. Combine that with someone generally unaware of their own smell and only a casual acquaintance with deodorant, and you have the perfect storm of BO and stale clothing.

    Hence I wash everything on 60° wash. If it's not hot water,it's not clean...imo

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,259 ✭✭✭donkeykong5

    Winterlong wrote: »
    There was a lad who worked with us a long time ago. He used to wear black leather slip on shoes with no socks. The bang of him would wake the dead.

    Darren Kennedy?
    Brendan courtney ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,271 ✭✭✭annascott

    There's one manky bint where I work, she mush hold her smokes in that fashion where you cup them inside your palm/fist and the smoke drifts up your sleeves.

    She also uses that absolutely Rank "older woman" perfume whatever it's called, in an attempt to cover up the tobacco smoke smell.

    Disgusting individual.

    What is an older woman perfume? Really hope I do not own it or buy it.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 61 ✭✭purple_rose

    I wish somebody told me if i smelled. I hope i don't. There's something i only found out a few weeks ago. Anti perspirant is meant to be applied at night before going to bed. So i shower in the evening, apply anti perspirant and sometimes i shower again in the mornings if i sweat during the night which happens alot with the summer heat.

    I think alot of smelly people comes from our parents giving us a once a week wash as kids and they still think this is ok when they're older. Also one school uniform for the week with people thinking it's ok to continue on into the working week with the same clothes for the week.

    Smelly people are sick, no spray deodorant will cover up not washing yourself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,414 ✭✭✭XsApollo

    Worked with a fella who stank to high hell, don't know what it was but it would fill a room, could of been oral hygiene related, never smelt anything like it before or since , eating in the canteen with him was torture.

    Wear same clothes all week
    One fella knew him lived in the same area and would drop him home.
    Many a Friday he would drop him at dunnes, your man would go in buy a cheap shirt, Stick it on in the jacks and off up town on the piss.
    Shirt probably got binned after the weekend.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,363 ✭✭✭corner of hells

    I lived with an H- addict (boyfriend of a room mate - didn't know he was on H at the time) for a few month in my younger years. he never showered or brushed his teeth.apparently water feels really bad to people on H. dear god the rank smell in that room and left hanging in the kitchen...

    Only when they're sick from withdrawal. Feels like hot needles pricking them. Once they've got H into them into them it's fine.

    I've worked in drug services , both drop in and low threshold as well as homeless low threshold services mainly with heroin addicts and have friends who are former addicts and I've never heard of addicts avoiding showers or saying that hot water reminds them of hot needles.

    If anything addicts in structured accommodation are no different hygiene wise than anyone else showering and bathing regularly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,039 ✭✭✭✭retro:electro

    I worked with a girl before who I wouldn't say was smelly- but she for sure had poor hygiene. Her hair was always greasy and her skin just looked like it needed a good exfoliation and some moisturiser. Her nails were a bit dirty too and hadn't great manners when eating and always had a bag of cheese and onion tayto first thing in the am. So while she wasn't smelly, she clearly didn't look after herself either. I see a lot of people like this daily, more so than the stinky rotters.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21,448 ✭✭✭✭Cupcake_Crisis

    There was 5 of us in the room. 7 of us total in the class. 1 girl smelled so bad, we could smell her from downstairs, we knew if she was upstairs. We studied beauty therapy so every day we'd have to strip down to our underwear for one reason or another. So, it became quite apparent early on in the course she wore the same bra all the time, the same socks and quite regularly the same knickers, though it was probably the item of clothing most frequently changed. We all knew when she had her period because we could smell her.
    She smoked like a chimney too.

    Early on in the course we complained to our tutor. It wasn't fair as we had to work on each other, sometimes intimately, and it wasn't fair on having to work on her. The tutor spoke to her many times, which led her to use more deodorant trying to mask the horrific smell but still not washing herself or her clothes.
    The college director called her out of class many times to address it too but nothing changed. The 6 of us knew it was her and we would organise our pairings for the day ahead outside before we went into college, and then if one of the girls was out, that meant the girl on her own had to work with Smelly.

    Of course we discussed her, we all knew how dirty she was, we knew when she had her period, we'd be praying she had at least changed her knickers today if you knew going into class you were going to be partnered with her.

    So this day - let's call her Carol (smelly) - is sitting in the corner and one of the other girls (let's call her kate) was drowning herself in deodorant before the tutor came back into class. We were always joking around, late would be one of my closest friends and I said something like "you'd think you'd go home and wash yourself instead of bathing in deodorant." She gave me a smart answer back and I said "face it Carol, you really need a shower". As soon as it was out of my mouth I knew I'd ****ed up. The other girls were staring at me with looks of disbelief, horror and shock. Carol pretended she didn't hear it. I felt awful, like I'm pretty bitchy but even that's a step too far for me.

    I took myself off to rat myself out to the director, if that wasn't bullying I don't know what is. I explained to her what I said, I was joking with Kate but carols name came out instead, I know she heard but I'm really sorry. Expecting a serious bollocking. She shrugged and said "I think she needs to hear it from her peers. We have spoken to her already and she doesn't take it on board".

    She didn't take what I said on board either, to be fair.

    I wonder if she ever got a job? That'd force her into the shower fairly quickly, there's not a lot of work for a smelly beautician.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23,646 ✭✭✭✭qo2cj1dsne8y4k

    I wonder if she ever got a job? That'd force her into the shower fairly quickly, there's not a lot of work for a smelly beautician.
    No, she was kicked out of cidesco so just sat her itec and cibtac but did nothing with them. Last I saw of her she was a "writer".

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,106 ✭✭✭✭Esel

    ChikiChiki wrote: »
    The smell of damp clothes is the worst. Like if someone got wet on way to work, sat in the same clothes all day and wore the same trousers over next few days. Its nauseating.

    "Does a bear's fur stink when it's wet?"

    "Is the Pope a Catholic?"


    Not your ornery onager

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21,448 ✭✭✭✭Cupcake_Crisis

    No, she was kicked out of cidesco so just sat her itec and cibtac but did nothing with them. Last I saw of her she was a "writer".

    At least writing is a solitary job I suppose...

  • Administrators, Business & Finance Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 16,909 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Toots

    I remember when I was in 1st year in secondary school there was one girl who absolutely stank. She obviously never showered because her hair was coated in grease and she used to tie it back all the time, and if you were standing behind her you could see all the dirt behind her ears. It was rank.

    Worst part was she was a really nice girl and I think she may have come from a disadvantaged family, because her older sister a few years ahead used to come to school in a similar state. It got for the point that nobody wanted to sit next to her in class, and people would avoid her at lunch too. Me and a couple of other girls mentioned it to our year head because we just couldn't say it to the girl herself. As far as I know, the year head took her aside after school one day and said it to her. After that she would always come to school clean and didn't smell anymore.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,259 ✭✭✭✭endacl

    Taking care of personal hygiene and having the most basic consideration for others one has to share space with is the bare minimum of decency.

    I, for example, shower thoroughly on the first Sunday of every month. Even during the winter, when I know for a fact that I don't sweat as much. Its not a big comittment, and easier to remember with the advent of mobile phone technology. I simply set a reminder. Haven't missed a scrub day for years now. Wouldn't feel right if I did.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,203 ✭✭✭Parchment

    Toots wrote: »
    I remember when I was in 1st year in secondary school there was one girl who absolutely stank. She obviously never showered because her hair was coated in grease and she used to tie it back all the time, and if you were standing behind her you could see all the dirt behind her ears. It was rank.

    Worst part was she was a really nice girl and I think she may have come from a disadvantaged family, because her older sister a few years ahead used to come to school in a similar state. It got for the point that nobody wanted to sit next to her in class, and people would avoid her at lunch too. Me and a couple of other girls mentioned it to our year head because we just couldn't say it to the girl herself. As far as I know, the year head took her aside after school one day and said it to her. After that she would always come to school clean and didn't smell anymore.

    We had a girl in our primary school class who came to school filthy. We could actually see the lice crawling on her head. She came from a crazy family background. I realised i was very lucky coming from a normal background.

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    annascott wrote: »
    What is an older woman perfume? Really hope I do not own it or buy it.

    Eau de Stale Piss and Tweed?

  • Registered Users Posts: 865 ✭✭✭cbreeze

    I was in a long, slow-moving queue in a post-office one day and I was standing behind a man with greasy hair. He was not smelly, but there was a tiny little spider busily spinning a web in the sticky-up bits of his hair! Hilarious!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 297 ✭✭Daledge

    cbreeze wrote: »
    I was in a long, slow-moving queue in a post-office one day and I was standing behind a man with greasy hair. He was not smelly, but there was a tiny little spider busily spinning a web in the sticky-up bits of his hair! Hilarious!

    I just threw up a little in my mouth at the thought of that spider laying eggs.
