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Hypocritical Misandry



  • Registered Users Posts: 17,802 ✭✭✭✭VinLieger

    PARlance wrote: »
    I'm just glad that there are others who hate Peppa Pig. It wasn't the portrayal of Daddy Pig that I found offensive or the major problem... I'll often play the bumbling fool role to entertain my kids. It's the fact that Peppa is an absolute expletive.

    My little girl turned into a wagon once she started watching it, it took us a few months to figure it out but once we replaced Peppa she went back to behaving normally.

    Great theme song though.

    My nieces werent afraid of spiders until they watched the episode where peppa was afraid of spiders, I could easily point to several other examples of peppa negatively influencing their behaviors, it has absolutely zero positive influences on children

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 39,022 ✭✭✭✭Permabear

    This post has been deleted.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,176 ✭✭✭✭jimgoose

    Permabear wrote: »
    This post had been deleted.

    As many as you like! #MC1%Fuck'Em'All :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,812 ✭✭✭✭sbsquarepants

    Neyite wrote: »
    The makers of Peppa Pig got quite rightly roasted for their portrayal of Daddy Pig as an incompetent bumbling fool a while back so the more recent episodes have cut out all that crap.

    As someone who watches more than my fair share of peppa pig:cool:, I have to say it was a bit of a stupid argument. It's purpose is to amuse toddlers not indoctrinate the sisterhood.
    It never would have occurred to me in a million years as a man to compare the legs of Sturgeon and May. Wasn't it written by Sarah Vine, Michael Gove's wife?

    Sturgeon and May, no, obviously not.

    But Nadia Forde and Rosanna Davidson - quite probably.

    By the way if you answer wasn't Forde, it was wrong, there's no room for interpretation here:mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭Manion

    Has no one actually read the article? The mother in it comes across as extremely abusive towards her partner. Blaming hormones for being an absolute terror. The fact that it comes across so strongly in an article written from her prospective is very telling. The article does go on to discuss how after a years research she identified a lot of the triggers and root causes for her frustration. The constant criticizing and undermining of her partners efforts with the child was identified as a major reason why she ended up having to carry more of the parental load. She goes on to talk about how she started to include her partner in decisions about the child and all communications with others related to activities.

    tbh this person seemed like a head case to begin with. I'm unsure why you need a year of research to figure out it's not a good idea to be an arse to the person you're raising a child with.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,423 ✭✭✭✭Outlaw Pete

    Candie wrote: »
    What I don't support, for anyone, is seeking out and seizing upon any opportunity to take offence or grabbing every opportunity to be outraged on the basis of imagined slights.

    The level of paranoia in reading bigotry into every poorly phrased, misunderstood, barely glimpsed and not even read headline must be exhausting to live with.

    Life is much better when you take on board that the world isn't out to get you. There's enough real stuff to get upset about without imagining it everywhere.

    lol :p

    Candie, you've personally highlighted what you felt were examples of misogyny many many times on Boards, from Donald Trump comments, to the lyrics of the Blurred Lines song. Hell, you've even said that AH itself was a place were misogyny was 'relentless' but yet now when the subject turns to misandry... suddenly cited examples of it are all just 'imagined slights' fueled by 'paranoia' and life would be much better for those with this affliction if they could just somehow see that the world wasn't out to get them.

    Did someone mention hypocrisy.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,375 ✭✭✭✭kunst nugget

    Manion wrote: »
    Has no one actually read the article? The mother in it comes across as extremely abusive towards her partner. Blaming hormones for being an absolute terror. The fact that it comes across so strongly in an article written from her prospective is very telling. The article does go on to discuss how after a years research she identified a lot of the triggers and root causes for her frustration. The constant criticizing and undermining of her partners efforts with the child was identified as a major reason why she ended up having to carry more of the parental load. She goes on to talk about how she started to include her partner in decisions about the child and all communications with others related to activities.

    tbh this person seemed like a head case to begin with. I'm unsure why you need a year of research to figure out it's not a good idea to be an arse to the person you're raising a child with.

    Couple have a baby and they both react differently to the stress causing friction and arguments. She's self aware enough to know that something's not right and does research and gets couples therapy to help them out. It helps them to opening up the lines of communication between them again and gives them an understanding of where they are both coming from. I wouldn't call her a head case. Seems great to me that they were able to sort out their issues.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,951 ✭✭✭B0jangles

    I find it a bit irritating to be honest that in various locations on Boards we have: a very long-running thread about sexism against men, a long-running thread decrying Louise O'Neill's controversial feminist views, a thread about misandry against men and a men's rights thread, all of which run on and on and on without much dissent but any time there is a thread feminism from a female point of view it has to happen in the Ladies Lounge with very heavy moderation and strict warnings in the OP and even so, they usually get shut down within a few days/weeks.

    If Feminism is so powerful and all-pervasive why is it impossible to talk about it here from any other perspective than 'feminism=bad', or for a more nuanced view 'historical feminism= good, modern feminism=bad'?

    I know this is a thread about misandry so not exactly appropriate; I'd prefer to bring it up in thread about feminism but, hey, there isn't one at the moment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭Manion

    Couple have a baby and they both react differently to the stress causing friction and arguments. She's self aware enough to know that something's not right and does research and gets couples therapy to help them out. It helps them to opening up the lines of communication between them again and gives them an understanding of where they are both coming from. I wouldn't call her a head case. Seems great to me that they were able to sort out their issues.

    I read it as "I knew something wasn't right when I was screaming my head off at my husband for not immediately putting on the washing. My initial reaction to this was to hit the books and a year later our marriage was saved. Aren't I a hero for not being a total loop the loop." I wonder what the husbands take was. Anyway, the article I thought presented her in a very poor light. The bit about the toast sealed it for me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,509 ✭✭✭the_pen_turner

    B0jangles wrote: »
    I find it a bit irritating to be honest that in various locations on Boards we have: a very long-running thread about sexism against men, a long-running thread decrying Louise O'Neill's controversial feminist views, a thread about misandry against men and a men's rights thread, all of which run on and on and on without much dissent but any time there is a thread feminism from a female point of view it has to happen in the Ladies Lounge with very heavy moderation and strict warnings in the OP and even so, they usually get shut down within a few days/weeks.

    If Feminism is so powerful and all-pervasive why is it impossible to talk about it here from any other perspective than 'feminism=bad', or for a more nuanced view 'historical feminism= good, modern feminism=bad'?

    I know this is a thread about misandry so not exactly appropriate; I'd prefer to bring it up in thread about feminism but, hey, there isn't one at the moment.
    That because all the high profile feminists are putting out lies, bs , and propaganda.
    Their goal is not of equality but to build hatred of men.

    As a result these threads always go one way and that is men defending ourselves against these absurd and dangerous views.

    I would like to see a balance d honest thread in any forum that highlighted genuine women's inequality. Unfortunately that won't happen and we will end up with more of the usual

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,375 ✭✭✭✭kunst nugget

    Manion wrote: »
    I read it as "I knew something wasn't right when I was screaming my head off at my husband for not immediately putting on the washing. My initial reaction to this was to hit the books and a year later our marriage was saved. Aren't I a hero for not being a total loop the loop." I wonder what the husbands take was. Anyway, the article I thought presented her in a very poor light. The bit about the toast sealed it for me.

    I read it as 'Our marriage hit the rocks after our child was born, which is a pretty common experience for a lot of people, and rather than let it go completely down the tubes, we worked on it and this is what I've learnt from that experience.'

    Can't really see much problem with any of what she said. The toast example is her showing us how anal she was being and how she was not letting him have a look in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,499 ✭✭✭Carlos Orange

    wakka12 wrote: »
    I dont understand why the internet seems to create such friction between genders, but seemingly it does. But go into any mixed gender workplace, college, class etc and everyone gets along just fine

    I don't think it is just the internet. There are multiple women in my office who go on extended rants about how smelly gross and disgusting all men are and demand that roles we are hiring for have to be given to women. It is definitely a different vibe to what it would have been in the past.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,375 ✭✭✭✭kunst nugget

    psinno wrote: »
    I don't think it is just the internet. There are multiple women in my office who go on extended rants about how smelly gross and disgusting all men are and demand that roles we are hiring for have to be given to women. It is definitely a different vibe to what it would have been in the past.

    Never heard anything like that in my life in a workplace.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,237 ✭✭✭✭everlast75

    psinno wrote: »
    I don't think it is just the internet. There are multiple women in my office who go on extended rants about how smelly gross and disgusting all men are and demand that roles we are hiring for have to be given to women. It is definitely a different vibe to what it would have been in the past.

    I don't doubt a word you say.

    I'd imagine that in the past and today too, men might have said similar degrading things about women.

    I think what we all need to remember is to call bullsh*t on it, whether it be a man or woman spouting it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,105 ✭✭✭drugstore cowboy

    Hook got a lovely dig in at Vague Williams last night at the end
    Later in the show, the pair continued to clash as the conversation switched to feminism, with Hook declaring the "feminists have lost the plot entirely."
    "In the last couple of weeks, there was a guy allowed out on bail. Serial rapist. He has raped women within a stone's throw of where he lives in Mountjoy Square.

    "He's allowed out on bail. Were the feminists outside the court? Waving banners saying 'what about the poor girls of Mountjoy Square who are in danger?'
    He didn't wait for a response and answered his own question sarcastically: "They were in my eye!"

    Vogue responded by saying: "That's not the feminists' job. That's the State's job
    "The State's job is to look after who they let out on to our streets. If they're letting a rapist out on to the streets, it's not up to me because I'm a feminist to go standing outside Mountjoy Prison because somebody is letting a rapist out.

    She then asked George why he wasn't out protesting: "Why aren't you there then? Why don't you go there if there's a rapist being allowed out on the streets?"
    But George was having none of it as he cut in: "The feminist's job is to go on Twitter".

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,176 ✭✭✭✭jimgoose

    psinno wrote: »
    I don't think it is just the internet. There are multiple women in my office who go on extended rants about how smelly gross and disgusting all men are and demand that roles we are hiring for have to be given to women. It is definitely a different vibe to what it would have been in the past.

    Definitely a hiring policy update needed there - stop hiring illiterate braying asses of either gender.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭red ears

    B0jangles wrote: »
    I find it a bit irritating to be honest that in various locations on Boards we have: a very long-running thread about sexism against men, a long-running thread decrying Louise O'Neill's controversial feminist views, a thread about misandry against men and a men's rights thread, all of which run on and on and on without much dissent but any time there is a thread feminism from a female point of view it has to happen in the Ladies Lounge with very heavy moderation and strict warnings in the OP and even so, they usually get shut down within a few days/weeks.

    If Feminism is so powerful and all-pervasive why is it impossible to talk about it here from any other perspective than 'feminism=bad', or for a more nuanced view 'historical feminism= good, modern feminism=bad'?

    I know this is a thread about misandry so not exactly appropriate; I'd prefer to bring it up in thread about feminism but, hey, there isn't one at the moment.

    Because society at large is covering every feminist issue they can think of. Mens issues are ignored by the media, government, politicians, the law, education etc. Men are frustrated by that. Social media is the only place they can get a hearing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,654 ✭✭✭storker

    Candie wrote: »
    It's getting so bloody tedious, and it's starting to kill this forum.

    And it's usually - as someone else already noted - the ones who go on about snowflakes and privilege and safe spaces who are the first to get their tails up if they get the slightest whiff of possible bias.

    I poured my boss a cup of tea earlier, I must apologise for emasculating him and taking away his agency, while also apologising to Louise O'Neill for my rigid adherence to the caring and service orientated female stereotypes.

    Don't forget to check your privilege, too... :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,654 ✭✭✭storker

    everlast75 wrote: »
    Agreed - clickbate basically.

    Ah I don't know to be honest. I've noticed a theme over the last number of years in advertising for example. The husband is usually the hapless idiot and the wife is the competent and long suffering partner.

    The recent Car Insurance Ad for example where the male driver messes up and the woman sorts it. Or another ad where the dad is walking around and can't find his keys, so the kids and wife all have a good laugh at him because they were on his belt or something.

    It goes a little further in that in the same car advert, the wife actually looks at her next door neighbour (male) in a dreamy kind of way, while her husband (you know, the clutz) is right beside her.

    If those kind of adverts were once in a while I wouldn't mind so much. But they are becoming more common.

    And, it's becoming less and less subtle and to me and I guess its just getting a little tiring. I can understand if it doesn't bother others, I'm just saying it bothers me a bit.

    It does indeed seem to be a theme running through (mostly radio) advertising. There's another one about approaches to managing one's investments. The guy of course, couldn't care less about the details and is happy to sit back and leave it to the fund managers, and the woman is the one who wants to be in full control of it all. It may not be intended, but the man comes across as lackadaisical, and the woman comes across as focused.

    Now, I'm not saying that these are deliberate anti-men approaches on the part of advertisers. I'd say it's more along the lines of...needing two people in the ad, one who's a bit smart and one who's a bit dim, and the wish to avoid a backlash says make the woman the smart one. Granted, it's only a (bad) radio ad, and it makes me feel neither oppressed nor offended"triggered". It is, however, a bit irritating, because making men look thick in the name of equality isn't really acting in the name of equality. True equality would mean everyone gets a turn to wear the dunce's cap.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,987 ✭✭✭conorhal

    Permabear wrote: »
    This post had been deleted.

    I find that what irritates most people about the event, particularly this year, is the fact that such days are mostly about Caoimhe with her Trinners degree and her €50k marketing job and her concerns. It has very little time for women suffering opression in the third world who rarely get a look in, otherwise you wouldn't have the likes of Sharia law loving Linda Sarsour leading it.
    In Dublin it seemed to be mostly a reapeal the 8th march, which wouldn't leave much room for women like my mother for example, who fought against the very notion of being churched, started her own business after the marrige ban saw her leave the civil service and has always considered herself a feminist, but is staunchly pro life.
    Women's day would be best renamed 'Women embeded in Left Wing, Intersectional Identity Politics Day'.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,464 ✭✭✭tigger123

    psinno wrote: »
    I don't think it is just the internet. There are multiple women in my office who go on extended rants about how smelly gross and disgusting all men are and demand that roles we are hiring for have to be given to women. It is definitely a different vibe to what it would have been in the past.

    I've never met other men in real life that have the kind of chip on their shoulder attitude that I see on boards with regard to women, feminism, misandry and gender politics.

    I think they're over represented on boards, in after hours and the sexism thread in The Gentleman's Club.

    I've no clue why.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,857 ✭✭✭professore

    tigger123 wrote: »
    I've never met other men in real life that have the kind of chip on their shoulder attitude that I see on boards with regard to women, feminism, misandry and gender politics.

    I think they're over represented on boards, in after hours and the sexism thread in The Gentleman's Club.

    I've no clue why.

    Have you ever actually discussed any of these topics with a man in real life?

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,423 ✭✭✭✭Outlaw Pete

    B0jangles wrote: »
    I find it a bit irritating to be honest that in various locations on Boards we have: a very long-running thread about sexism against men, a long-running thread decrying Louise O'Neill's controversial feminist views, a thread about misandry against men and a men's rights thread, all of which run on and on and on without much dissent ...

    Firstly, one of those threads is in the tGC and has nothing to do with AH and secondly, I'd concede that perhaps the 4th wave feminism thread and the LON could possibly be merged as they are covering the same ground. However, even still, I don't see what the issue is with someone wanting to discuss Misandry in it's own thread as it's a separate issue. Unless of course you think all 4th wave feminists are misandrists. Either way though, you can always just ignore the threads, they're not compulsory reading.
    but any time there is a thread feminism from a female point of view it has to happen in the Ladies Lounge with very heavy moderation and strict warnings in the OP and even so, they usually get shut down within a few days/weeks.

    But nobody has started a thread about Men's Rights to be discussed from an exclusively male POV though. If they have, I haven't seen it. What I have seen though were many threads about Misogyny on different occasions. One was even a sticky for a short while and if you click here you'll see all the threads on it in AH down the years. Most of which remained open even though oftentimes they were accusing Boards itself of allowing misogyny. Yet here we have a thread just discussing Misandry in the world at large, and people are taking issue with it.
    If Feminism is so powerful and all-pervasive why is it impossible to talk about it here from any other perspective than 'feminism=bad', or for a more nuanced view 'historical feminism= good, modern feminism=bad'?

    There has been nothing stopping either yourself, or anyone else, from making the case that 'current feminism =/= bad' on either the 4th wave feminism thread or the LON thread. Nothing at all. It's just that when any one has attempted to do say, they have posted paper thin reasoning and then threw their toys out of the pram on having their views challenged.
    I know this is a thread about misandry so not exactly appropriate; I'd prefer to bring it up in thread about feminism but, hey, there isn't one at the moment.

    What are you talking about? There is a thread about feminism: it's called 'Fourth Wave Feminism' and the opening line of the OP is: "What is it all about?' What are you after exactly? A thread where nobody can say anything negative about feminism? If so, no wonder such threads need the kind of heavy moderation you cited.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,965 ✭✭✭✭Zulu

    Candie wrote: »
    Pretty soon every thread on this forum will be about either LON or some other gender war crap.
    You're around long enough to know that's not true.
    The gender war crap, like abortion threads, are a consistent constant on Boards.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,070 ✭✭✭✭pq0n1ct4ve8zf5

    tigger123 wrote: »
    I've never met other men in real life that have the kind of chip on their shoulder attitude that I see on boards with regard to women, feminism, misandry and gender politics.

    I think they're over represented on boards, in after hours and the sexism thread in The Gentleman's Club.

    I've no clue why.

    I've met maybe one, I think, and he was an internet person. And I have conversations about gender issues very frequently, I'm actually active enough in activism about suicide prevention which is a very gendered issue so the topic comes up.

    That shít you're talking about doesn't fly in real life, nobody gives a fúck about Louise O Neill and nobody needs a waaaambulance about how hard Tindr is for lads. In the past I've kind of assumed that lads would care (because I spend far too much time on the internet) and I'm met with blank looks all around. Do people care about men? Sure. Do people care about the shíte that gets moaned about here? No, not in my experience.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,951 ✭✭✭B0jangles

    Firstly, one of those threads is in the tGC and has nothing to do with AH. Secondly, I would be of the belief that the 4th wave feminism thread and the LON couldn possibly be mereged as they are covering the same ground. However, I don't see what the issue is with someone wanting to discuss Misandry in it's own thread. It's a sperate issue, unless of course you think all 4th wave feminists are misandrists. Either way though, you can always just ignore the threads, they are not compusory reading.

    But nobody has started a thread about Men's Rights to be discussed from an exclusively pov though. If they have, I haven't seen it. What I have seen though were many threads about Misogyny on different occasions. One was even a sticky for a short while. As for misogyny, click here and you'll see all the threads on it in AH down the years.

    There has been nothing stopping either yourself, or anyone else, from making the case that current feminism =/= bad on either the 4th wave feminism thread or the LON thread. Nothing at all. It's just that when any one has attempted to do say, they have posted paper thin reasoning and then threw their toys out of the pram on having their views challenged.

    What are you talking about? There is a thread about feminism: it's called 'Fourth Wave Feminism' and the opening line of the OP is: "What is it all about?' What are you after exactly? A thread where nobody can say anything negative about feminism? If so, no wonder such threads need the kind of heavy moderation you cited.

    At this point I generally don't bother trying to have a reasonable discussion about gender issues on Boards - in my experience no matter how I and other posters commenting from a feminist point of view try to talk about issues that face women while also acknowledging that men ALSO face issues due to their gender, there is rarely if ever any matching acknowledgment of women's issues from those who want to talk about men's issues.

    It always seems to turn into a point-scoring competition rather than a productive conversation - the aim appears to be to beat your 'opponent' rather than achieve any positive conclusion.

    edit: just checked out that Fourth Wave Feminism thread
    Looking forward to some parity. Sick of seeing female colleagues getting a six month paid holiday to have a child while I'm slaving in the office with no option for the same.
    68 thanks so far.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,965 ✭✭✭✭Zulu

    B0jangles wrote: »
    It always seems to turn into a point-scoring competition rather than a productive conversation - the aim appears to be to beat your 'opponent' rather than achieve any positive conclusion.
    Welcome to

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,885 ✭✭✭Optimalprimerib

    I saw that headline and was like ... meh, maybe we are dicks. Now I realise I should be offended. I really need to catch up on the PC trend that's going on

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 473 ✭✭__Alex__

    As someone who watches more than my fair share of peppa pig:cool:, I have to say it was a bit of a stupid argument. It's purpose is to amuse toddlers not indoctrinate the sisterhood.

    I'd have to agree. Remember people complaining about Spongebobs apparently gay undertone? Kids just see shiny, colourful noisiness.

    Ha, just noticed your username!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,423 ✭✭✭✭Outlaw Pete

    B0jangles wrote: »
    At this point I generally don't bother trying to have a reasonable discussion about gender issues on Boards...

    If you 'don't bother' anymore then why did you say:
    B0jangles wrote: »
    I'd prefer to bring it up in thread about feminism but, hey, there isn't one at the moment.

    Seems to me like you just want to be seen as a victim here, a user who wants to say something but Boards is preventing them from doing so.
    - in my experience no matter how I and other posters commenting from a feminist point of view try to talk about issues that face women while also acknowledging that men ALSO face issues due to their gender, there is rarely if ever any matching acknowledgment of women's issues from those who want to talk about men's issues.

    BS. On the 4th Wave thread and the LON genuine issues that women face in the world have been cited and I never once seen a user try and express their views and get undermined for doing so or anyone try and point score with them. In fact many female users posted on the LON thread saying they strenuously disagreed with how today's feminists portray women. Some of those women had been victims of rape in fact.
    It always seems to turn into a point-scoring competition rather than a productive conversation - the aim appears to be to beat your 'opponent' rather than achieve any positive conclusion.

    At times it can for sure, but that doesn't just go one way...
    Glenster wrote: »

    The real question raised by this thread is why so many men seem to hate women.

    The Feminism thread is there. Others have had to take personal attacks on the chin and carry on, so I don't see why you or anyone else can't do likewise.
