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Spain and Portugal are at their driest for 1,200 years



  • Registered Users Posts: 17,918 ✭✭✭✭Thargor

    'Tried to get away with and got busted for what?'

    Ah come on now! I think you remember it very well, I seem to remember you had a little 2 week temper tantrum with Akrasia over it afterwards until people started laughing at that aswell 😂

    Dont worry Ill find it, Ive been meaning to go back to the old climate denial thread and grab that MTCranium post where he suddenly declared that catastrophic warming was happening after all and made several predictions that were worse than IPCC worst case scenarios now that he seems to have forgotten and is back talking about hysterical greens hijacking the science, that was the reason ye all abandoned that thread iirc...

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,425 ✭✭✭✭M.T. Cranium

    No you're missing the point, I haven't changed my mind about ongoing warming, you're calling it catastrophic ... I'm just saying there isn't much if anything we can do about it, and the attempts we are making are economically and socially counter-productive. There are mitigation strategies available. One is to deal with the changes in a rational way. If London has one or two days as hot as we have here ten or twenty times a year, so what? They can adjust, it's the same racial stock that puts up with 40C on a regular basis here. We tough it out. Giving away massive chunks of economic health and personal freedoms just to ratchet down the temperature by .01 C seems ridiculous to me.

    So don't waste your time hunting down quotes from me, I can reaffirm that I believe the warming is partly natural and partly human-caused, and that in reality, there is very little we can do, other than adapt. I've suggested a number of adaptations that make sense, but greens want to throw a spanner into every workable solution, I've heard that they are the main reason California refuses to take the obvious plunge into large-scale desalination. Ridiculous really, the same as their opposition to relatively clean nuclear and LNG solutions. It shows me that their real agenda is social destruction. Daddy issues on a very large and dangerous scale.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,219 ✭✭✭Gaoth Laidir

    Who are you referring to here? The guy who owned the heap described it as "a 3-foot high pile of grass". I have one higher than that in my garden and it's not only grass. It's right beside my oil tank too. Oops!

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,425 ✭✭✭✭M.T. Cranium

    That seems like a good thing. The next major glacial maximum (what you meant by ice age) will be a really harsh challenge on a much larger scale than warming or sea level rises. Our distant descendants will thank us if we put into place strategies that can somehow avert that outcome. At the very least, we can store all the gas guzzlers in a safe area and make them widely available around 50,000 (or 100,000 years) years from now to forestall the temperature plunge. Of course by then we will have a global population of 18,300 entirely descended from Bill Gates and quite comfortable to ride out the ice age in Polynesia, I suppose.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,425 ✭✭✭✭M.T. Cranium

    There's a lot of verbiage in this thread, I feel like we need to get back to the essential question, which I see as being this ...

    the IPCC recently announced that they believe that all the warming observed since 1975 or thereabouts is human caused, and in fact, they imply that the human warming signature is 0.2 C larger than what is observed because in their opinion, the background climate should be cooling due to natural variability, so in other words, if we all agree that the global climate has warmed by 1.0 C then human warming has a magnitude of 1.2 C.

    I am one rather isolated climate scientist who takes a different view, that natural variability has produced a significant portion of this recent warming. I estimate that portion to be in the ballpark of one third to two thirds (0.4 to 0.7) and the human signal is the remainder, although I would like to see more research done into complexities of the interaction, is it just as simple as adding two components, or more complicated?

    Other skeptics of various kinds have a range of other estimates. There are people out there, I don't know if any participate in this thread or not, who believe there is no warming, that it is a mistake in measurements. I don't share that view. Then there are some who say, okay we accept the warming, but it is all natural. I do not agree with that either.

    That is the only significant question in play, and all this other stuff about politics and social trends are details of that argument and its implications, because the implications are different for each estimate, if all the warming is natural then obviously we need to mitigate that, if it's 50-50 then a more balanced approach seems logical, if the IPCC are correct then we should see improvements because there are already changes underway in human behaviour. If we change our behaviour and it keeps getting warmer, then does that not argue that the natural variability proponents are right and the IPCC are wrong?

    Some people here act super surprised if anyone suggests incompetence at the top of our science. But allowing oneself to be blinded to complex reality because of an inherent political bias is a foundation for incompetence. Such persons are not likely to realize spontaneously the error of their ways, but other scientists in other disciplines without as much face to save might notice and might take corrective steps, otherwise, where is the accountability? Who oversees science? Scientists. It is of course a recipe for error to exist and persist. Scientists are hardly immune to the universal human condition of false pride.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,219 ✭✭✭Gaoth Laidir

    I'm beginning to think that you're actually Banana Republic 1. You've the same empty but toxic posting style. Now you're referring back to some events in the distant past to try to score what you see as points? What a sad little life.

  • Registered Users Posts: 408 ✭✭Orion402

    The entire basis of this unfortunate topic is founded on an inability to interpret basis temperature cycles and their underlying cause as a means to begin climate change research.

    This temperature graph indicates the daily temperature cycle is a property of a single rotation-

    The longer term seasonal cycle is a property of two surface rotations acting in combination-

    When contributors to this forum recognise planetary climate is a product of planetary dynamics by following the proper principles starting with the day/night cycle and then the seasons, then the standard of consideration is such that the computer gamers are no longer involved in the atrocity visited on the Earth science of climate and solar system research.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,208 ✭✭✭highdef

    You are literally repeating yourself over and over again with the same statements and you've posted at least one of those images before. Stop **** trolling and go off to somewhere where your "contributions" may be more appreciated. You're a record stuck on replay and yet the moderators are allowing this bolloxology to continue here in the meteorology forum.

    What has become of the moderators? Surely point #5 of the charter would apply:

    5. No trolling/goading posts which serve only to aggravate other users.

    I'm very **** aggravated and not for the first time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,219 ✭✭✭Gaoth Laidir

    At least if a record is stuck, its a record that you had wanted to play in the first place. Not this crap.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,208 ✭✭✭highdef

    May I ask if point #5 of the charter would also be applicable to yourself? I don't want this issue to give the impression that it is just myself that is aggravated by the posts in this section of Boards.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,235 ✭✭✭Oneiric 3

    OK, I'll nibble.

    I actually understand the basic point of day cycle = seasonal/yearly cycle etc, but then doesn't it follow that there would be longer seasonal cycles also? And this may not be just down to the 'tilt of the earth' alone, but also the tilt of other planets in our solar system. Tilts of other planets no doubt affected the climate of their planets and which may have, in turn, had an effect on ours. For example, the regular tilting of the sun and the resultant shift around of its equator and its tropical/polar zones, does make you wonder if this would have a longer term jarring influence on our own planet's climate.

    New Moon

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,219 ✭✭✭Gaoth Laidir

    I've really gone beyond the point of getting aggravated by the posts now. What aggravates me more is the fact that they're allowed continue.

    The same could be said for a couple of other posters too, but then we're getting towards backseat modding territory. I'll let them let off whatever steam they need to before they go back into hibernation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,913 ✭✭✭Danno

    One of the best posts I've read on this forum in a long, long time and I'm nigh on two decades reading stuff on here.

    Very reasoned statement.

    I'd share similar sentiments you've alluded to, but when it comes down to "human activity" I'd be more of the opinion that our geo-engineering of the landscape has more profound effects on the 2m temperature readings than any amount of diesel exhausts, cow farts, etc... has.

    We've drained land, felled forests, concreted large footprints of land and changed a huge amount of vegetation over the last century and a half. When the sun beats down on these changed surfaces it impacts temperature readings and if these landscape changes mean more heat retention into the night time hours, thats where we're really seeing the increases.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,913 ✭✭✭Danno

    If I were asked for my opinion on "AGW" in it's purest sense - how is human activity effecting temperatures and their observed ~1.0c increase, I'd offer the following:

    0.15c~0.25c increase owing to higher gas emissions

    0.55c~0.75c increase owing to land use changes

    0.3c~0.5c Natural change

    The lowest of all three exceed the initial "estimate".

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,235 ✭✭✭Oneiric 3

    Report here on the various Euro countries that are experiencing drought this year:

    Water scarcity: EU countries forced to restrict drinking water access | Environment | All topics from climate change to conservation | DW | 07.07.2022

    And according to the German Met Service in the article, both winters and summers are set to become even drier across the region:

    "Drier European summer and winters are set to become more frequent, according to a new study by the German weather service. The climatologists confirmed that after a very dry March with just one-third of the usual volume of rainfall, the post-spring drought in Europe has significantly reduced water levels. 

    A rainfall deficit was seen to be emerging across almost all 11 European regions studied, confirming a trend in Germany, for example, where nearly every spring since 2009 has been overly dry".

    Which does lend credence to the theory that the Azores High has been and is gaining more of a grip over the continent, which really doesn't bode well for us here in Ireland either, esp for those of us whole enjoy winter storms and snow etc.

    On the other side of the Atlantic, I believe quite a few of the southern US states are going through a rough patch as well regarding the lack of rainfall. Some big rains have occurred though in the last week from a region roughly from St. Louis down into eastern Kentucky, so some relief for them at least.

    New Moon

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,352 ✭✭✭✭Rikand

    Endemic of in general but the mods have largely buggered off since the switch to vanilla. Most have given up their roles or just simply left the forums such is their disillusionment with the changeover. What mods remain are fighting a losing battle in maintaining the masses.

    The end of days for is probably imminent. Is there a suitable forum we can move to if everything does go belly up in the near future ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,918 ✭✭✭✭Thargor

    I think whats happened the poor lad is that he's feeling a bit embarrassed by what was a pretty hysterical conspiracy theory even by his standards and is now trying to present a strawman whereby hes implying it was claimed that stuff starts spontaneously combusting at 40 deg C rather than the usual increase in frequency and likelihood of record breaking events as has been spoonfed to him hundreds of times.

  • Registered Users Posts: 408 ✭✭Orion402

    " I actually understand the basic point of day cycle = seasonal/yearly cycle etc, but then doesn't it follow that there would be longer seasonal cycles also?"

    The original explanation for the seasons 500 years ago was deficient for a number of reasons that are now easily corrected using visual imaging even if it has to be cobbled together from different sources. The small number of the original researchers like Copernicus, Galileo and Kepler were forced to work with the framework of Ptolemy, which took note of the annual cycle using the direct motion of the Sun through the fixed field of background stars (Constellations/Zodiac) and defined the year, but also the small 1 degree drift every 72 years known as the Precession of the Equinoxes or what they considered a 25,920 year cycle.

    Copernicus was compelled to resolve this drift by employing axial precession and this is where the problem arises with the more important explanation for the seasons, at least in terms of immediacy, which involves the rotation of the entire surface parallel to the orbital plane and to the central/stationary Sun once every year.

    The main fact here is - when daily rotation and all its effects are subtracted (day/night cycle, temperature fluctuations, ect), all locations on the surface still experience one rotation and one day/night cycle as a function of the orbital motion of the planet. This means that the older axial precession resolution has to be removed in order to allow the annual rotation to emerge as an explanation for seasonal and cyclical weather.

    This is why the annual graphs relating temperatures are so important as they represent the dynamics of two surface rotations acting in combination where temperatures lag the dynamics but are intimately tied to them like Arctic sea ice evolution which continues to decrease late into September-

    The danger of creating recent fluff like the meteorological seasons is that it diverges from the anchor in planetary dynamics which determines midsummer/midwinter on the Solstices as a reflection of the position of the North/South poles relative to the Sun and the dark hemisphere of the Earth. If sea ice was used as a guide, the seasons would be midwinter on March 1st and midsummer late September.

    So, the issue is extracting axial precession as a resolution for the Precession of the Equinoxes insofar as the actual resolution is far more interesting as an extension of the much larger drift of one day or 360 degrees after every fourth 365 day cycle-

    ".. on account of the procession of the rising of Sirius by one day in the course of 4 years,.. therefore it shall be, that the year of 360 days and the 5 days added to their end, so one day shall be from this day after every 4 years added to the 5 epagomenae before the new year" Canopus Decree 238 BC

    In attempting to make the genuine innovators through history look small so people can go on a misadventure with computer gaming the Earth science of climate, readers miss out on all the great material which connects them to planetary dynamics in a Sun-centred system.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,219 ✭✭✭Gaoth Laidir

    You've a vivid imagination, I'll give you that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,219 ✭✭✭Gaoth Laidir

    Possibly, but then when you read these parts...

    The situation is probably most dramatic in northern Italy, where the region is undergoing the most extreme drought since the 1950s.


     "On average, 25 % of fresh water is lost on the way from the water source, such as a river, to an industrial area," Zal noted. Making water infrastructure more efficient will bring "huge potential savings." (Portugal)


    Once fertile soils are increasingly turning to sand, especially after the second driest winter since 1961, according to Spain's meteorological bureau.

    And then factor in the greatly increased population and therefore demand for water, it's not just a question of agw but more about leaking infrastructure and sensible choices. Ireland loses more than half of its water through leaks in the system and we're on usage restrictions after just three weeks of no rainfall. Doesn't really mean our issues are all because of CO2, does it?

    But the real driver of European precipitation patterns is the AMO, which, in its positive phase, has always led to drier conditions in the Med and wetter in northern Europe. Oneiric posted a chart showing the difference between the rainfall in the 1961-90 and 1991-2020 periods, which tied in perfectly with the switch from negative to positive AMO. But mentioning the AMO seems to be taboo here for some reason.

    Post edited by Gaoth Laidir on

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,986 ✭✭✭OldRio

    Indeed. The strawmen he clutches to are really something else. He comes across as rather angry as well. 'Old man rages at sky' comes to mind.

    I only got involved in the conversation because of his conspiracy theory, climate activists being arsonists, which is plainly silly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,219 ✭✭✭Gaoth Laidir

    As I stated, it very well may turn out to be wrong, or it may not, only the investigations will tell. It's one opinion based on previous reckless antics by climate activists who had no regard for human life, theirs or others'. Or did I just make that up too?

    Instead of "only getting involved in the conversation" to have a go at me, why not rise above Thargor's level and explain more about compost heaps, seeing as you think I don't know what one is (having worked with them for 12 years).

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,986 ✭✭✭OldRio

    Well I'll raise your 12 years by another 10 years. 22 years of composting.

    You seem to have issues and I refuse to entertain them anymore. Therefore I'm going to leave you to it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,219 ✭✭✭Gaoth Laidir

    That's it, run away and dodge the question. I'm sure Thargor won't pull you up on it, though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,986 ✭✭✭OldRio

    I can assure you that I've never dodged anything in my life. Why should I tell you about compost heaps if you have used them for 12 years? What an odd thing to ask.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,219 ✭✭✭Gaoth Laidir

    Because you said I didn't know what one was. What an odd thing to say yourself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,986 ✭✭✭OldRio

    That was before you said you've used one for 12 years. So what's the point in me 'dodging' anything.

    Ah Now. You have serious problems.

  • Registered Users Posts: 465 ✭✭Mr Bumble

    Did you ever buy those BP shares you were wondering about just after they tanked because of the Gulf of Mexico disaster? Or those other oil stocks you were wondering about? Did you make cash out of them? If you did, do you feel even a small bit responsible for the state of the planet and why would anyone pay any attention to anything you say?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,219 ✭✭✭Gaoth Laidir

    The only contribution you made was to criticise my theory on the fires (which you're entitled to do) and then claim that "someone' doesn't know what a compost heap is", ignoring when I asked you question who that was.

    My point about explaining more on them was tongue in cheek to get you to at least tell us something mildly informative instead of the personal jabs. You ran the minute you learned your own compost strawman was made-up nonsense itself. A bigger man would own up to his mistake.

    Can't believe I'm having this conversation. Just go back into hibernation.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,986 ✭✭✭OldRio
