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D&D Beginner's Game: Act 1, Scene 3: The Hunted



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,340 ✭✭✭conor222

    That sounds like some kind of trap mecahnism, lets see if we can find it and avoid whatever just happened to Aesc!
    9lives looks at the squiggle on the floor to see if it makes any sense in thieves cant, and then proceeds to slowly move forward searching for traps

  • Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭The Dungeon Master

    9Lives creeps forward into the northern branch, moving beyond the light from the torches in the main corridor. The darkness is complete and there are no sounds to guide him - he trails a hand along the eastern wall, finding the corner where the corridor turns west with that hand before his head. Brutha, who was following the other wall stumbles when it's suddenly not there. Both stay on their feet.

    It's difficult to judge the length of this next stretch, the far end is hazily lit by the glow of a torch unseen, possibly around a corner, and between there and here is darkness.

    There is no sight or sound of Aesc.
    OOC : If you're continuing, please let me know if you wish to follow along a wall (North or South) or walk in the middle. No particular reason, I'm just curious..... and it's mandatory

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,361 ✭✭✭✭Kolido

    Stu pushes the vision of Mourinho to one side shouting "haha, we have a Champions League final to look forward to you looser" while trying to make Lalwende comfortable. "Let me see if I have some water old friend, you're going to be just fine"

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,045 ✭✭✭Guffy

    "You know this elf? What happened, did you see who was at the other end of the opening?"

    Echtrae looks through the gap to see a smashed up orc. He tries to ascertain whether or not it is safe to squeeze through, if so he does and searches the corpse.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,340 ✭✭✭conor222

    9lives places a hand on the south wall and one on the ground and slowly progresses ahead, watching carefully for any stones that feel loose, pressured or unstable

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  • Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭The Dungeon Master

    Guffy wrote: »
    "You know this elf? What happened, did you see who was at the other end of the opening?"

    Echtrae looks through the gap to see a smashed up orc. He tries to ascertain whether or not it is safe to squeeze through, if so he does and searches the corpse.

    With Stu and Webby's sweat, and Fectors expert guidance, the rubble has been cleared sufficiently that the party can get through without fear of further collapse, provided they do so one at a time and do not rush.

    Echtrae goes first, rifling through the dead orc's belongings. He finds a lump of moldy cheese, an unfinished piece of embroidery that reads "yoo 'da' be" and a half finished and a ceramic troll that clinks when you shake it.


  • Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭The Dungeon Master

    conor222 wrote: »
    9lives places a hand on the south wall and one on the ground and slowly progresses ahead, watching carefully for any stones that feel loose, pressured or unstable

    Finding nothing, 9 progresses west. In the darkness, Brutha cries out, stumbling on a wide stone standing a little proud of it's neighbours. Feeling around in the black, they can tell that it is abnormally regular in shape.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,340 ✭✭✭conor222

    9lives attempts to see why this stone is out of place, could it be some kind of trigger?

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,366 ✭✭✭✭Professor Moriarty

    Lalwende continues to writhe in agony. Through her pain she hears dim and seemingly distant voices. Unsure of what is happening, her mind slips in and out of consciousness.

  • Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭The Dungeon Master

    conor222 wrote: »
    9lives attempts to see why this stone is out of place, could it be some kind of trigger?

    Grooves around the outside of the stone suggest that it slides down into the floor but it appears to be locked in place now, as if expended or requiring reset. In searching around the floor, 9 discovers a dart on the ground - luckily he does not discover the pointy end first. It seems likely that this is the device that did for Aesc.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭The Dungeon Master

    Lalwende continues to writhe in agony. Through her pain she hears dim and seemingly distant voices. Unsure of what is happening, her mind slips in and out of consciousness.

    Splashes of water from Stu's waterskin help bring her around to consciousness, but do very little to assuage the pain in her ribs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,366 ✭✭✭✭Professor Moriarty

    "Oh Mourinho, Oh Special One, save me or let me die." Lalwende prays silently but earnestly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,340 ✭✭✭conor222

    9lives continues along the darkened corridor, again a hand on the south wall and one on the ground

  • Registered Users Posts: 468 ✭✭Nebelwerfer

    Webby crawls past the rubble and into the corridor where he, only earlier, heard the Orcish brethren argue over who would spooj the elf.

    Trying to get a lay of the land, he also looks for any clues as to where the other brother may have ran off to.

  • Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭The Dungeon Master

    "Oh Mourinho, Oh Special One, save me or let me die." Lalwende prays silently but earnestly.

    An accented voice echoes down the corridor "no no no! Degea saves..." and she senses the presence has left her.

    Looking down she sees that her waterskin was damaged in the collapse, the silver liquid has leaked out and into the rubble.

    OOC : To be clear, you are injured but fully capable of exploring with the rest of the team.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,366 ✭✭✭✭Professor Moriarty

    Wondering if the god Mourinho will maintain his ownership of the god Degea, Lalwende struggles to her feet gasping with pain from crushed ribs. She wonders aloud if any of her companions has healing spells. She decides that there may be safety in numbers and decides that she will stay close to her companions from now on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭The Dungeon Master

    conor222 wrote: »
    9lives continues along the darkened corridor, again a hand on the south wall and one on the ground

    The pair reach the corner without further incident. Ahead of them a dimly lit corridor stretches out north several hundred feet, dotted with the odd torch. About halfway down this corridor there's what looks like something sticking out of the wall. It trembles occasionally and there's a high pitched noise that sets your teeth on edge.

  • Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭The Dungeon Master

    Webby crawls past the rubble and into the corridor where he, only earlier, heard the Orcish brethren argue over who would spooj the elf.

    Trying to get a lay of the land, he also looks for any clues as to where the other brother may have ran off to.

    Given that the corridor runs east-west, and until recently the east end was blocked, Webby concludes that the orc ran west. It occurs to him that if he ever escapes from this place, there may be an opening to return in an official capacity and add a little pizazz, because this corridor looks like all the others - dimly lit, a torch on the wall and another at the corner at the end. There is no physical evidence to suggest that the orc went around that corner, but there doesn't appear to be anywhere else he could have gone.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,340 ✭✭✭conor222

    9lives progresses down the corridor, being careful for any trap remembering what he learnt from watching the earlier ones being reloaded and set to trigger. He inches as close as he can to see what this thing in the wall is while allowing the maximum distance between himself and it

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,045 ✭✭✭Guffy

    Echtrae considers the meagre offering and stops himself from tossing it aside, you never know whem you might meet an Orc who is easile distracted by a rattle.

    He wraps the ceramic carefully in the embroidery to prevent it from making a noise and puts it into his pack knowing he will probably never touch it again. Still.... hoarding feels good.

    "Fector, are you able to keep up alone? (Ooc: if not echtrae helps him).

    Hello elf, I'm Echtrae. Are you steady? Take this potion I've been trying to help people with for god knows how long and see if it can restore your health."

    Echtrae tosses the potion to the elf.

    Echtrae looks down the passage, dissapointed by its sameness.

    "Shall we carry on and get out of here? I'm fed up of this dungeon. Not a shilling in sight"

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  • Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭The Dungeon Master

    conor222 wrote: »
    9lives progresses down the corridor, being careful for any trap remembering what he learnt from watching the earlier ones being reloaded and set to trigger. He inches as close as he can to see what this thing in the wall is while allowing the maximum distance between himself and it

    Brutha hangs back while 9 Lives investigated with his roguish skills.

    As he gets closer 9 realises that what he's looking at are feet twitching, and they're not sticking out of the wall, there's a sudden brief widening of the corridor. Creeping ever closer, he becomes aware that the owner of the feet is lying on a cart much like the one he saw leaving the mask room while another figure, previously hidden in this nook, hunches over him whispering soothingly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,366 ✭✭✭✭Professor Moriarty

    Lalwende catches the potion thrown by the stranger and moans as a dart of pain runs along her ribcage. "Thank you". She wonders if she is about to drink poison but reasons that at least she would be free of pain. She uncorked the bottle and takes a swig.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,340 ✭✭✭conor222

    9lives motions for Brutha to come over with him but stay silent.

  • Registered Users Posts: 468 ✭✭Nebelwerfer

    There is no physical evidence to suggest that the orc went around that corner, but there doesn't appear to be anywhere else he could have gone.

    Webby starts exploring west, picking up the torch he left on the floor earlier, he heads through the corridor and onto the corner, where he has the inkling the orc disappeared off to.

    Cautiously in his approach, checking for traps, blobs, goblins and rats... Orcs, wizards, squids and bats... Poison, vampires, goblins and gnats... Kobolds, curses, spiders and prats.

  • Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭The Dungeon Master

    Lalwende catches the potion thrown by the stranger and moans as a dart of pain runs along her ribcage. "Thank you". She wonders if she is about to drink poison but reasons that at least she would be free of pain. She uncorked the bottle and takes a swig.

    Lalwende feels a little better, although there's an uncomfortable itch as a couple of minor fractures begin to knit back together at an accelerated rate.

    ooc : Healed for 2HP.

    For reference, typically a healing potion heals 1d6+1 the same as a casting of Cure Light Wounds, and unfortunately it was as bad a roll as you can get.

  • Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭The Dungeon Master

    Webby starts exploring west, picking up the torch he left on the floor earlier, he heads through the corridor and onto the corner, where he has the inkling the orc disappeared off to.

    Cautiously in his approach, checking for traps, blobs, goblins and rats... Orcs, wizards, squids and bats... Poison, vampires, goblins and gnats... Kobolds, curses, spiders and prats.

    He creeps ever closer to the corner, his eyes watchful for tripwires and triggers and switches and squids and bats and wizards and orcs and poison and vampires and goblins and gnats and kobolds and spiders and prats. He see's none of those things. But he see's his torchlight suddenly reflected back at him and instinctively reacts.

    OOC : Dex Roll to dodge whatever it is -

    #d20-2 #Webby dex roll, target 16 or under

    Quick point: You don't get any sort of bonus for listing all the things you're looking for, and your list was not a factor here. However, by extrapolation I can make a list of things you're not looking for, if I were that way inclined, to ensure you're surprised by them. Just say you're checking for traps and secret doors :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,340 ✭✭✭conor222

    "Who goes there?" 9lives asks, bow drawn

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,366 ✭✭✭✭Professor Moriarty

    Lalwende turns to Echtrae and hands back the potion. "Thank you, Echtrae, I'm in your debt." Feeling better by the second, she thanks Mourinho the Special for her recovery with a silent prayer. She then places herself beside Echtrae "I'm also happy to move on. Too many dangerous characters about the place."

  • Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭The Dungeon Master

    conor222 wrote: »
    "Who goes there?" 9lives asks, bow drawn

    The hunched figure -a man wearing a vellum mask over his mouth and nose - jumps in fright, which triggers a squeal of pain and rage from the creature he was bent over - it flails it's arms and sits up screaming, shoving the man up against the wall. The creature is a little shorter than a human. It's head looks quite boar-like and one of it's two tusks is broken with the stump covered in some kind of putty or glue. It locks eyes with 9 Lives and lurches forward, unsteady on it's feet. The man stays in the corner, his eyes darting from the board creature to 9-Lives and back, holding a small hand-drill defensively against his chest.

    At the sound of this commotion, Brutha breaks into a run to catch up.

    OOC : Roll init!
    Note - Brutha cannot join the fight for 1 round due to the distance. Also, you'll get 1 shot off at close range before you're forced into melee.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,485 ✭✭✭✭Banjo

    OOC : Incidentally, Webby is engaged in combat. Echtrae, Lalwende, Stu and Fector have the option of joining in after round 1
