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D&D Beginner's Game: Act 1, Scene 3: The Hunted



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,045 ✭✭✭Guffy

    Echtrae pulls out his rope, "elf can you cut a piece with that sword you've pilfered?"

    Echtrae helps to fashion a peg leg with the rope, arrow and clothed torch.

    "Keep the quarterstaff, better in your hands than mine, you might actually hit something"

  • Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭The Dungeon Master

    Ooc : ok officially Fector has a stealth pegleg, Echtrae has a 48 foot rope.
    As DM it's not my business, but as caretaker-manager for a couple of Player Characters might I remind you that Fector already has a melee weapon (hammer) and Webby has a spare ranged weapon (sling) and maybe a little strategic realignment of resources might be in order.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,045 ✭✭✭Guffy

    "Hmm, or maybe give it to Web (the quarterstaff).

    Right now that that is sorted. Webby, you want to lead on or are you up to it ninja Fect?"

  • Registered Users Posts: 468 ✭✭Nebelwerfer



    OOC: I'll stand the risk of gaining the "Curse of the Encumbered", perhaps best to divvy up the weapons into the hands of those capable but without relevant inventory. Thanks for the offer though!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,340 ✭✭✭conor222

    OOC: Im here for that fight if yore about

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  • Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭The Dungeon Master

    Meanwhile, at the field dentistry post

    9 Lives fires an arrow at point blank range, but the Boarman's uneven stumbling makes him a difficult target - the shot goes wide and the beast is upon him, swinging his cloven fists wildly as if drawing a pair of heavy chainmail curtains. A trotter connects, doubling over 9 Lives who drops his bow.

    In the corner, a small squeak escapes the mouth of the man with the drill - he drops it and fumbles at his belt pouch, then tumbles backwards into a portal which seals itself behind him. Further back down the corridor, Brutha begins swinging his mace to build momentum, but he can't close the distance fast enough. 9 Lives stabs forward with his dagger but the Boarman staggers to the side, dodging the blow and tripping himself. He tumbles into 9 Lives, crushing him against the wall. 9 Lives goes limp.

    Too late to help, but plenty early for a little revengeance, Brutha uses his momentum to shoulder charge the Boarman off of 9 Lives and, as the creature staggers backwards, deliver a mighty swing across it's snout, cracking off the other tusk. The Boarman lets out a mewling squeal and runs. Brutha makes to start after him, but remembers his fallen comrade.

    9 Lives is on the cusp of becoming 8 Lives, lying in an awkward heap like a used towel, his breathing ragged and shallow. Brutha does his best for him, strapping his broken ribs with lengths of leather belting scavenged from the dentist's cart, but the blood on 9 Lives' lips suggests there's internal bleeding that will require something a little more supernatural to address. He starts searching the alcove.

    OOC : 9 Lives, see PM :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,340 ✭✭✭conor222

    Anything ..... that c, c, could help?
    9 lives rasps out

  • Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭The Dungeon Master

    Brutha hastily goes through the cart. There are a number of bottles, but between their look, smells and labeling he can tell most of them mundane materials for cleaning or cementing compounds. At the bottom of the cart there's a crystal box with a yellow decal showing a silhouette of an ogre-like creature crushing a helpless stick-man, and the stick-man dropping something in his mouth. There's a small hammer hanging from a chain attached to this box. Looking over his shoulder as 9 Lives sputters, Brutha hammers away at the crystal box until it cracks open. Inside is a small yellowish ball, sticky and yielding slightly to the touch, and under it's surface something moves. Shrugging, he moves to push it into 9 Lives mouth.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,340 ✭✭✭conor222

    9 lives struggles to swallow it but gets it down

  • Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭The Dungeon Master

    On it's way down his throat he feels the capsule pop, and there's a very unpleasant wriggling sensation. His stomach cramps, as if he's being stabbed by hundreds of tiny needles. In his fragile state he blacks out.

    OOC : As a general rule, I'd leave you hanging there and let Brutha sweat for a bit but since he's no longer a Player Character that would be completely pointless :D

    When he comes to, the last of the medibeetles is sealing up the exit wound on his chest, it's front limbs and mandibles knitting furiously, before it follows the others as they swarm off southwards. He pulls himself gingerly into a sitting position, but though there's an ache as he does so there's none of the sharpness he'd expect from the rib damage he received. Those luminous little bastards did a solid job, and the livid circular scar near his naval where they ate their way out seems like a small price to pay for another chance at life.

    Brutha helps him to his feet.

    "That was the single most disgusting thing I've ever seen, and I used to clean the toilets in a leper colony. How do you feel?"

    OOC : There's now a hole in your armour, which an accurate stab will find, bypassing your AC. But maybe-dead-in-the-future beats definitely-dead-right-now! Also, I realise how convenient this looks, but you were quite lucky with both the rolls and the company you keep. There's only one other team member who could have kept you alive on those rolls...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,366 ✭✭✭✭Professor Moriarty

    Lalwende takes out her nail file and does her nails.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,340 ✭✭✭conor222

    Im shaken up, and my insides feel rough, but much better! Thanks for your help

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,340 ✭✭✭conor222

    Lets keep moving, I dont want to know what could be coming behind us
    9lives (8lives?) gathers up his belongings, tries to stretch out so he is a bit more limber, then proceeds down the corridor

  • Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭The Dungeon Master

    OOC : Brutha will mostly be a silent partner. Otherwise I might let something slip..... but...

    "Well, once he was injured that creature dragged himself this way" - he gestures north - "but we've already been that way..." - he gestures south. "Whichever you choose, by Om's grace I'll follow".

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,340 ✭✭✭conor222

    Lets head north, all going to plan the creature will be fleeing towrads an exit of sorts

  • Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭The Dungeon Master

    9Lives and Brutha follow the corridor north. Periodically there are drops of blood on the floor and smears on the walls, suggesting that the boarman creature indeed went this way and was in pretty bad shape when he did. The corridor turns east. About 40 feet ahead is an archway, and beyond that a room. From this corner they can see some kind of water feature in the middle of the room and beyond that the Boar-man fumbling desperately with the handle of a door on the opposite wall.

    OOC : In case I forgot to mention it, as per the Rolz board you were healed back up to your full 5HP, 8-Lives!

  • Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭The Dungeon Master

    Lalwende takes out her nail file and does her nails.

    Her nails are now exquisitely manicured, although I hasten to add not suitable for use in combat. +1 to any Saves vs Cuticle damage for 3 game days.

    OOC : your last position was described here

    While it's always advisable to stay in the group, you are not obliged to wait for the thrilling conclusion of their game of Pass the Quarterstaff :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,366 ✭✭✭✭Professor Moriarty

    Having finished an excruciatingly long manicure, Lalwende begins to reapply her lippy.

    Ooc: I've enough wandering off alone and encountering various traps, slurps and randy orcs. However, if my travelling companions remain in suspended animation I might make a darting run.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,340 ✭✭✭conor222

    9lives catches Bruthas eyes and draws his bow, lets finish this

  • Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭The Dungeon Master

    OOC : I'm commuting for the next couple of hours, but you have the drop on him - free shot at medium range (no penalty) - #d20+2 to shoot, then let me know if you're going to close the distance to him or not.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,045 ✭✭✭Guffy

    Echtrae attaches the quarterstaff to his bag. "If anyone wants it, grab it."

    "Ok so lead on then"

  • Registered Users Posts: 468 ✭✭Nebelwerfer

    Darting from shade to shadow, Webby weaves his way through the gloom, like a phantom in the night, albeit one that's chanting an odd mantra to itself. The whistling noise gets louder the closer he gets.

    OOC : Seriously, it's a dice roll, you don't need to tell me what you're looking for!

    Seeing nothing unusual about the archway, he leans around to look into the room. The first thing that strikes him is the spirals of white stone inlaid into the floor. They're almost mesmeric, adding to the already eerie atmosphere the whistling has created. The ceiling is higher than other rooms they've been in, and as his gaze moves to the southern wall it's clear why - Against the south wall there's a very large statue of a Troll archer, posed with his bow drawn, ready to loose. There's a door in that wall beyond the statue. Across the room from the statue is an ornate mirror.

    OOC : Why yes, yes you do get an AC bonus vs creatures larger than humans.

    Webby waves his companions over.

    He whisper-shouts "Careful where you're stepping!"


    Webby thinks he is hilarious.

    He grabs into his bag, to grab one of the stones he has collected. Intending to throw it into the room, though unsure what purpose that could possibly serve, he feels this may be the tactical thing to do.

    "Why am I in front... I am the smallest... This makes no sense..." he thinks to himself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,361 ✭✭✭✭Kolido

    Now that fector can move unaided, Stu catches up with Webby and takes a look around the big room. "Say Webby, are you sure thats a real statue, thread carefully"

  • Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭The Dungeon Master

    Webby waves his companions over.

    He whisper-shouts "Careful where you're stepping!"


    Webby thinks he is hilarious.

    He grabs into his bag, to grab one of the stones he has collected. Intending to throw it into the room, though unsure what purpose that could possibly serve, he feels this may be the tactical thing to do.

    "Why am I in front... I am the smallest... This makes no sense..." he thinks to himself.

    The stone skitters across the floor, occasionally bouncing at an odd angle due to the inlaid stones being a little uneven in places, but otherwise nothing of interest happens.

  • Registered Users Posts: 468 ✭✭Nebelwerfer

    Webby whistles into the room... waiting for any sign of life.


    He looks into the initial part of the room, the area following the door opening and scans for traps of pressure mechanics which would pose the more immediate danger if entering the room.

    The sight of the statue unnerves Webby.

  • Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭The Dungeon Master

    conor222 wrote: »
    9lives catches Bruthas eyes and draws his bow, lets finish this

    9 Lives nocks, draws and shoots - textbook medium range shot at the hapless Boarman's head. And it's a miss - there was a bit in the textbook about Aiming that perhaps he might like to review next time.

    Hearing the arrow clatter off the wall the creature lets out it's signature squeal. Brutha moves to intercept as it charges the pair on all fours, but, still groggy from it's recent surgery, it collides with the fountain and tumbles forwards harmlessly. Brutha brings his mace down on the back of the wretched manimal's head, which on the bright side does cure it's toothache.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,340 ✭✭✭conor222

    9lives searches through the room for anything of note. What is a fountain doing in a dungeon?

  • Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭The Dungeon Master

    Webby whistles into the room... waiting for any sign of life.


    He looks into the initial part of the room, the area following the door opening and scans for traps of pressure mechanics which would pose the more immediate danger if entering the room.

    The sight of the statue unnerves Webby.

    There is no apparent reaction to Webby's whistling, and he finds no evidence of any traps or danger. It is not clear if the sight of Webby unnerves the statue.

  • Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭The Dungeon Master

    conor222 wrote: »
    9lives searches through the room for anything of note. What is a fountain doing in a dungeon?

    OOC : Magic portals, rapping octopi, time-defying sunbathers, boar dentists, drama-queen Vampires... and the Fountain is your breaking point???

    With the threat of the Boar-man eliminated, 9 Lives takes stock of his location. The fountain, of a fairly rudimentary design, seems to be fed from underneath, feeding water into a channel that flows towards and under the south wall. In the northwest there's a weapon rack. In the east wall opposite the arch they came in by is the door the boarman was struggling with.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,340 ✭✭✭conor222

    Anything of note in the weapon rack?
