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Pi in the Sky...

  • 23-08-2016 9:15pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 33,733 ✭✭✭✭

    So, having moved the bartop unit on, I needed something else to get my retro gaming fix from. I could have unpacked all my consoles from storage, but without the room to display them at the mo, that'd get very messy, very fast. Enter, the Pi3...

    The Pi 3 is a very, very cool little device...and seems almost perfect for what I want it for...retro systems, and some arcade games, all with the same controller, and all with the comfort of sitting down using a tv. The only problem, is I want a LOT of systems, a LOT of games/iso's/roms, etc, and don't want to be limited to the sd card slot. Enter, WD Labs...

    WD Labs offer something called the PiDrive, which is a 314GB usb hdd (there's a 1TB version too, I need space, but that much would be a waste for me). It's made so it draws very little amperage, and that's very important, because the next step is genius...

    Enter the PiDrive Cable - this is a modified usb lead essentially, which takes care of powering the Pi, powering the HDD, and connecting both by USB for data tranfer...all in one simple little cable. But who wants a Pi connected to a loose hdd with wires everywhere...

    Enter the Blue Square 4x4 enclosure - this neat & tidy little square is built to house the hdd, the Pi, & any cabling necessary. The end result is as close to a 'consolised' pi as you want or need.




    The drive only needs the USB cable attached, the other connector looks to be epoxied over.











    There's a VERY bright white led on the drive itself, which pules when there's activity. This might need a tiny flek of tape or something to dim it down. JJ-style...




  • Closed Accounts Posts: 33,733 ✭✭✭✭Myrddin

    If anyone wants to go this route, here's what's involved in setting it all up software wise, and getting the whole thing working. Note - these instructions will only be valid for a Pi 3, and RetroPie V4.0 and above. If you use a different hard drive, some settings may or may not work again, the below is just for the above exact parts. I've compiled the instructions from various other sources too, I'm certainly no Linux guru and learned all this as I went along. Some of the below may not be necessary, & there may be other/better ways of doing the same thing, but hey, it works!

    1) Format sd card using SDFormatter
    2) Burn latest Retropie image to card using Win32DiskImager (4.0 as of now)
    3) Boot Pi up, & allow to run first boot procedure
    4) Configure joypad (it should be autodetected if connected by usb)
    5) Connect to Wi-Fi (RetroPie menu, wifi)
    6) Disable USB-Rom Daemon (RetroPie setup, setup/tools, usbromservice, disable)
    7) Change User Password from default
    8) If there are any updates (4.01 in this case) - SSH via Putty - sudo ~/RetroPie-Setup/ (Update All Installed)
    9) Reboot with - sudo reboot
    10) Connect the PiDrive to a pc & format with NTFS (quick format)
    10a) Identify usb drive mount point (sudo fdisk -l) (/dev/sda1 in this case)
    11) Format the attached drive to ntfs (fat32 doesn't support symlinks, and these are VERY important later) (sudo mkfs.ntfs -f /dev/sda1)
    12) Make a directory in which to mount the hdd - sudo mkdir /mnt/roms
    13) Give pi ownership of the mounted drive, and grant read, write, execute permissions:

    sudo chown -R pi:pi /mnt/roms
    sudo chmod -R 775 /mnt/roms

    14) Set all future permissions for the mount point to pi and the usergroup

    sudo setfacl -Rdm g:pi:rwx /mnt/roms
    sudo setfacl -Rm g:pi:rwx /mnt/roms

    15) Verify the hdd is formatted with NTFS - sudo blkid (/dev/sda1 in this case shows as NTFS)
    16) Update repositories - sudo apt-get update (if file system is anything but ext4)
    17) If going ahead with NTFS, install these utilities - sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g -y
    18) Remove auto mounting software with this command - sudo apt-get remove usbmount --purge
    19) Unmount the drive with - sudo umount /dev/sda1
    20) Manually mount the drive with - sudo mount -o uid=pi,gid=pi /dev/sda1 /mnt/roms
    21) Get the UUID of the drive (we need this to automount the drive on boot) with sudo ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/
    22) Open fstab for editing with - sudo nano /etc/fstab (we need to edit fstab to configure auto-mounting the drive)
    23) Past this line in at the bottom of the file (above the#'s) - UUID=XXXX-XXXX /mnt/roms ntfs nofail,uid=pi,gid=pi 0 0 (where XXXX-XXXX is the UUID you obtained in step 21, and ensure the file system matches)
    24) Once the text is entered, press ctrl-o, enter, & then ctrl-x (save & exit basically)
    25) Test the fstab file with - sudo mount -a
    26) Reboot (if no errors) with - sudo reboot
    27) See if you can access the drive now with - cd /mnt/roms, followed by ls (change directory, and list contents)

    28) Now to install hd-idle (for spinning down the drive when inactive), use - sudo apt-get install build-essential fakeroot debhelper -y (these are compilation tools, as it has to be built/compiled)
    29) Then - wget (source files)
    30) To unpack the source files use - tar -xvf hd-idle-1.05.tgz && cd hd-idle
    31) Build and install the hd-idle package with:

    dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot
    sudo dpkg -i ../hd-idle_*.deb

    32) Open the config file to set spindown interval with - sudo nano /etc/default/hd-idle
    33) Change the flag to true by changing the line to - START_HD_IDLE=true
    34) Adjust this line so it shows as - HD_IDLE_OPTS="-i 0 -a sda -i 600" (10 mins, 60 seconds x10)
    35) Ctrl X, Y, and enter to save the changes.
    36) Restart the service with - sudo service hd-idle restart

    37) Now we need to copy the rom directories over to the newly formatted & mounted drive. We do this with - cp -Rav /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/* /mnt/roms
    38) Time to add some roms. Use WinSCP to sftp into the Pi, and upload roms to their respective directories on the hdd (/mnt/roms).
    39) Rather than editing config files to point the emulators to the new roms directories on the hdd, we can add a symlink to do the same job. Navigate to /home/pi/RetroPie via WinSCP, and rename the existing rom directory to roms1. Create a new link then by right clicking, calling the new link roms, and setting the target as /mnt/roms - You should now see a new symlink folder called roms, and clicking into it brings you to the roms folder on the hdd. This saves manually editing the config for every single emulator, and instead takes care of everything.

    40) Almost there, we just need to reconfigure Samba incase you want to still use that method for adding roms. First, going back to SSH via Putty, back up the existing config file with - cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf.bak
    41) Now edit the config file with - nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
    42) The file will open, use ctrl w to open the search box, and enter 'roms' without the quotes. Hit enter, and it will bring you to the roms section.
    43) Change the rom path to - /mnt/roms
    44) Ctrl + o to save, confirm with enter, & ctrl x to exit.
    45) Reboot the pi with sudo reboot
    46) Verify that any transferred roms are being picked up, and working as they should.
    47) Shutdown the Pi using the start button on the controller, and shutting down the system.
    48) Remove the Micro SD card, and place it back in your pc.
    49) Using Win32DiskImager, create an image of your sd card (keep this safe incase anything goes wrong with your installation & can revert back to this fresh installation and everything will work. If you format the hdd in the future, the UUID will change, so those few steps will need to be redone for auto mounting etc).
    50) Put the micro sd card back in the Pi, & boot it up. Press start on the controller, and go into the scraping section. Select the systems you want, choose missing images only, and select no user confirmation...then press start now. This will scrape the artwork & info for all detected games.

    51) Enjoy!

    Basic Scanline Tutorial

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 10,751 Mod ✭✭✭✭Andrew76

    Looks very neat, nice! Total cost all in?
    WD = Western Digital or just a coincidence?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,727 ✭✭✭The Last Bandit

    Nice solution to the limited storage problem of the PI. Very clever with the 314GB storage amount as well :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 33,733 ✭✭✭✭Myrddin

    Andrew76 wrote: »
    Looks very neat, nice! Total cost all in?
    WD = Western Digital or just a coincidence?

    About 65 blips for the three WD Labs items (Hdd, Modded Cable, & Enclosure)...the PiDrive is on offer at the mo so when it goes back up in price it'll be closer to 90 for everything. WD Labs is the r&d branch of Western Digital afaik :)
    Nice solution to the limited storage problem of the PI. Very clever with the 314GB storage amount as well :)

    Indeed :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 33,733 ✭✭✭✭Myrddin

    I've updated post #2 with the steps involved in setting this particular config up from start to finish.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 55,616 ✭✭✭✭Mr E

    Great setup! I have some expenses coming up over the next month (car tax, NCT, new tyres, bins, a relative's birthday...) but I might try this when things settle down.

    What controller are you using? I have an issue with my Pi3 and a wired 360 controller where the game list menus go a bit nuts after exiting a game (they keep scrolling down unless I press up to stop it). Anyone know what causes that?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 33,733 ✭✭✭✭Myrddin

    Mr E wrote: »
    Great setup! I have some expenses coming up over the next month (car tax, NCT, new tyres, bins, a relative's birthday...) but I might try this when things settle down.

    If you're buying, try pick up the hdd as soon as anyway because they're running a promo price on it at the mo. Also, for the enclosure, there's something weird about the product the link above, you have the change the GB in the url to IE, to get the euro price. I just took a chance doing this, because there's no other way to get the item into the basket, but it works:)
    What controller are you using? I have an issue with my Pi3 and a wired 360 controller where the game list menus go a bit nuts after exiting a game (they keep scrolling down unless I press up to stop it). Anyone know what causes that?

    I'm using some old thrustmaster pc usb pad & don't get any issues. I do intend moving over to a wired 360 pad soon though, so hopefully there's a fix for it...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,727 ✭✭✭The Last Bandit

    Mr E wrote: »
    What controller are you using? I have an issue with my Pi3 and a wired 360 controller where the game list menus go a bit nuts after exiting a game (they keep scrolling down unless I press up to stop it). Anyone know what causes that?

    Do you have 1 or 2 controllers plugged in ? I seen a similar problem with my RetroPi build but am using homemade usb controllers so assumed it was a bug in my code.

    What I found was if you have both controllers connected but don't press any buttons on the 2nd one it starts up with the directions uninitialised so appears to have Left & Down pressed all the time - which Emulationstation then picks up when you exit a game.

    My fix was to have one of PI's gpio pins simulate pressing a controller button on boot up to so the controller is correct initialised.

    Login to the Pi and run the jstest utility on both controllers to see their status.

    jstest /dev/input/js0
    jstest /dev/input/js1

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,909 ✭✭✭Steve X2

    Is that a solid state drive, or a normal spinning disk?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 33,733 ✭✭✭✭Myrddin

    Steve X2 wrote: »
    Is that a solid state drive, or a normal spinning disk?

    Regular 25" magnetic drive, that's powered by fresh air apparently :)

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,909 ✭✭✭Steve X2

    Myrddin wrote: »
    Regular 25" magnetic drive, that's powered by fresh air apparently :)

    I wonder is it really 314GB, or have they limited a larger disk so that they can advertise 314/Pi etc?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 33,733 ✭✭✭✭Myrddin

    Steve X2 wrote: »
    I wonder is it really 314GB, or have they limited a larger disk so that they can advertise 314/Pi etc?

    If I were to guess, I'd say the latter. I did consider using an SSD but the power requirements meant I'd have problems with stability, & I'd end up needing a powered usb hub - that means an extra power source, and not everything fitting in the enclosure.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 55,616 ✭✭✭✭Mr E

    Do you have 1 or 2 controllers plugged in ? I seen a similar problem with my RetroPi build but am using homemade usb controllers so assumed it was a bug in my code.

    2 controllers, correct. I'll run a test this evening, thanks!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,727 ✭✭✭The Last Bandit

    Steve X2 wrote: »
    I wonder is it really 314GB, or have they limited a larger disk so that they can advertise 314/Pi etc?

    It probably started life as a stock 320GB USB drive, all the WD USB3 drives I've seen are like this with the USB gubbins on the drive instead of the more usual SATA-USB bridges.

    You can program a drive to report whatever capacity you like once it doesn't exceed the physical limits, they usually are a couple of percent bigger than advertised anyway to allow for bad blocks etc.

    I used to work in a place where we'd have to reprogram 8GB drives down to 250MB to work with the old mini computers.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,516 ✭✭✭RedXIV

    This looks awesome! If I were to pick up a raspberry pi to go with it, is there a version you'd recommend?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 33,733 ✭✭✭✭Myrddin

    RedXIV wrote: »
    This looks awesome! If I were to pick up a raspberry pi to go with it, is there a version you'd recommend?

    The current latest one, the Pi 3 Model B :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,516 ✭✭✭RedXIV

    Just an note, if anyone else is thinking of this, the western digital store sent me a 20% off code I'm happy to share if someone wants it?

    Got my Pi this morning!

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 10,751 Mod ✭✭✭✭Andrew76

    RedXIV wrote: »
    Just an note, if anyone else is thinking of this, the western digital store sent me a 20% off code I'm happy to share if someone wants it?

    Got my Pi this morning!

    I'll take that if it's still available please. :)

    /Edit1: @Myrddin - is this 6x6 enclosure still ok to use? It's a decent bit cheaper than your 4x4 but not sure why. Looks flatter so wondering how it still houses everything.

    /Edit2: Ok the 4x4 comes with the PiDrive cable & a hdmi angle connector. Also looks like a slight different layout inside - the hd sitting above the Pi rather than side by side (looking at the Assembly section anyway).

    Thanks Red!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,516 ✭✭✭RedXIV

    Andrew76 wrote: »
    I'll take that if it's still available please. :)

    PM sent!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,516 ✭✭✭RedXIV

    My western digital stuff just arrived too!

    I'm gonna have a great evening :D

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  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 10,751 Mod ✭✭✭✭Andrew76

    RedXIV wrote: »
    My western digital stuff just arrived too!

    I'm gonna have a great evening :D

    Did it take long to arrive? Just ordered some bits there too. :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,516 ✭✭✭RedXIV

    Andrew76 wrote: »
    Did it take long to arrive? Just ordered some bits there too. :)

    Took about 4 working days for each to arrive :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 33,733 ✭✭✭✭Myrddin

    Andrew76 wrote: »
    /Edit1: @Myrddin - is this 6x6 enclosure still ok to use? It's a decent bit cheaper than your 4x4 but not sure why. Looks flatter so wondering how it still houses everything.

    The 6x6 enclosure looks grand, should make zero difference to any config work or anything. I'd say it's cheaper because it doesn't need the HDMI redirect cable, though it doesn't come with the PiDrive cable, that's an extra expense :)
    /Edit2: Ok the 4x4 comes with the PiDrive cable & a hdmi angle connector. Also looks like a slight different layout inside - the hd sitting above the Pi rather than side by side (looking at the Assembly section anyway).

    I'd say the 6x6 would be better if you're overclocking your pi, because in the 4x4 the Pi sits upside down at the top, leaving nowhere for any additional heat to go. The 6x6 solves this as the cost of space, plus it might look a tiny bit messier because the power cable for the Pi has to exit the case & then enter it again, but shouldn't be too noticeable.

    Stick up some pics of the enclosure when it arrives, might pick one up myself :)

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 10,751 Mod ✭✭✭✭Andrew76

    Myrddin wrote: »
    The 6x6 enclosure looks grand, should make zero difference to any config work or anything. I'd say it's cheaper because it doesn't need the HDMI redirect cable, though it doesn't come with the PiDrive cable, that's an extra expense :)

    I'd say the 6x6 would be better if you're overclocking your pi, because in the 4x4 the Pi sits upside down at the top, leaving nowhere for any additional heat to go. The 6x6 solves this as the cost of space, plus it might look a tiny bit messier because the power cable for the Pi has to exit the case & then enter it again, but shouldn't be too noticeable.

    Stick up some pics of the enclosure when it arrives, might pick one up myself :)

    Cheers. Yeah you have to buy the PiCable separately when going for the 6x6 and as you mention one of the USB cables will stick out a bit. But that will be at the back I think and I can live with that regardless. I think the flatter look sold it to me, it can sit beside the Steam Link. :)

    Ordered a Pi3B from Amazon which should be here by the weekend. WD stuff probably not til next week so will have a read over your instructions above then, thanks a mil for posting that list.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 33,733 ✭✭✭✭Myrddin

    The PiCable isn't included in the 4x4 either, incase anyone is ordering. The only thing that comes with the 4x4 is the HDMI redirect cable.

    Might pick up a 6x6 myself, as I'll be getting a Steam link at some stage too & it matches better with that :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 33,733 ✭✭✭✭Myrddin

    Ordered a 6x6 there, came to €9.46 with my 20% off code...hard not to at that price :)

    @Andrew, are you going the PiDrive route, or a different 2.5" drive?

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 10,751 Mod ✭✭✭✭Andrew76

    Myrddin wrote: »
    The PiCable isn't included in the 4x4 either, incase anyone is ordering. The only thing that comes with the 4x4 is the HDMI redirect cable.

    Might pick up a 6x6 myself, as I'll be getting a Steam link at some stage too & it matches better with that :)

    That's what had me puzzled about why it was much more expensive. It clearly says it comes with the PiDrive cable:
    Kit Contents:

    Enclosure – Cover & Base
    WD PiDrive Cable
    HDMI angle connector
    4 Phillips screws (to mount HDD)
    4 Torx screws (to mount RPI)
    Torx screw driver
    4 rubber feet (apply to bottom of base)
    Myrddin wrote: »
    Ordered a 6x6 there, came to €9.46 with my 20% off code...hard not to at that price :)

    @Andrew, are you going the PiDrive route, or a different 2.5" drive?

    Followed your lead and went with the PiDrive, plenty enough space for me for the time being. Probably just me but I'm usually not bothered with emulating past the 16-bit era. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 33,733 ✭✭✭✭Myrddin

    Andrew76 wrote: »
    That's what had me puzzled about why it was much more expensive. It clearly says it comes with the PiDrive cable:

    Interesting, never noticed that. Mine didn't come with one anyway, and I reckon it's mistakenly saying one is included, because if you look here and scroll down to it, it's not specified as having one included -
    Followed your lead and went with the PiDrive, plenty enough space for me for the time being. Probably just me but I'm usually not bothered with emulating past the 16-bit era. :)

    Much the same as myself. Most of the space will be taken up with 16bit glory and below. I've a good few Mega CD/Sega CD images on it, and a few full romsets (only because it's easier to dump an entire romset on there, than it is to spend half a day going through each system to only include certain games.

    One great thing about Retropie is you can add subfolders under each system, so if you go into Super Nintendo lets say, it'll show you folders for 0-9, A, B, C, etc etc. This is very easily done by creating a very simple batch file to automate the creation of these directories in Windows (a text file with the following "md 0-9 A B C D E" all the way to Z, and without the quotations, saved as *.bat. The simply extract the romset out, and mass select files by letter, to drop them into the relevant folder. Then once all sorted, SFTP them over to the PiDrive :)

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 10,751 Mod ✭✭✭✭Andrew76

    Myrddin wrote: »
    Interesting, never noticed that. Mine didn't come with one anyway, and I reckon it's mistakenly saying one is included, because if you look here and scroll down to it, it's not specified as having one included -

    Yeah has to be a typo. Mad how it's almost twice the price with the only real difference being that angled hdmi adapter.

    Myrddin wrote: »
    One great thing about Retropie is you can add subfolders under each system, so if you go into Super Nintendo lets say, it'll show you folders for 0-9, A, B, C, etc etc. This is very easily done by creating a very simple batch file to automate the creation of these directories in Windows (a text file with the following "md 0-9 A B C D E" all the way to Z, and without the quotations. The simply extract the romset out, and mass select files by letter, to drop them into the relevant folder. Then once all sorted, SFTP them over to the PiDrive :)

    I get ya. Yeah that sounds like a handy way of organising it. Can you create favourite lists per console do you know?

    Tempted to pull the trigger on one of those Snes 8Bitdo controllers super_furry mentioned. Looking on Amazon, I think I prefer the look of the US buttons. :eek:

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 33,733 ✭✭✭✭Myrddin

    Andrew76 wrote: »
    Yeah has to be a typo. Mad how it's almost twice the price with the only real difference being that angled hdmi adapter.

    Yeah big enough difference in the price, I wonder if the quality is better on the 4x4?
    I get ya. Yeah that sounds like a handy way of organising it. Can you create favourite lists per console do you know?

    You could, but you'd have to manually set up that folder with the games you want in it, So it'll be like this:

    -> snes
    ---> 0-9
    ---> A
    ---> B
    ---> C
    ---> D
    ---> E
    ---> F
    ---> Favourites
    ---> G

    and so on.
    Tempted to pull the trigger on one of those Snes 8Bitdo controllers super_furry mentioned. Looking on Amazon, I think I prefer the look of the US buttons. :eek:

    Pretty cool, any latency issues with them?

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 10,751 Mod ✭✭✭✭Andrew76

    Not sure about latency but I think there's a few folks on here who've used them or the Nes one. Here's a review of sorts (if you can tolerate the presenter):

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 10,751 Mod ✭✭✭✭Andrew76

    Another question about Retropie - does it give you scan line options to make the games tolerable on hdtv?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,727 ✭✭✭The Last Bandit

    Andrew76 wrote: »
    Another question about Retropie - does it give you scan line options to make the games tolerable on hdtv?

    Yes, if you use retroarch for all the emulators then it will use the shaders to emulate a CRT. There is a selection of different shaders installed but some of them are terrible..
    I find the default one ok for most stuff but for some reason looks awful on vertical mame games.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,824 ✭✭✭ShooterSF

    Just subscribe to floob trust me.

    Favourites fork of emulation station: (also has a kid and kiosk mode)

    Overlays and scan lines with a simple script:

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 10,751 Mod ✭✭✭✭Andrew76

    All the bits n bobs have dispatched, fingers crossed I might see them by the wkend. Looking forward to messing about with it now. :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 33,733 ✭✭✭✭Myrddin


    You can just use Floobs tool, which is the easy way, but here's what it's doing in the background if you fancy doing it the manual way just so your understand things.

    1) When in-game, press select + x (whatever you assign select and x to in your initial controller might not be a button labelled as x on the joypad!). This opens the RGUI menu.
    2) Scroll down to Online Updater, and confirm that selection (button R on my controller)
    3) Then scroll down to Update GLSL Shaders, and again confirm that.
    4) This downloads/updates the shader files.
    5) Then exit the game, and go into the Retropie Menu from the start screen.
    6) Select Configuration Editor from the menu
    7) Select Configure Basic Libretro Emulator Options
    8) Select either Configure All, or choose the individual emulator you want to configure. In this case I've chosen FBA (as it's way better than Mame on the Pi I find).
    9) Set Video Smoothing to 'False' (seems to be the general consensus, though it's down to individual preference on what you think looks best reall).
    10) Set Video Shader Enable to True
    11) Choose the specific shader file you like, in this case I think crt-pie-curvature-vertical looks the best on my current tv
    12) With all those options set, exit back to the main menu by 'cancelling' your way back out.
    13) Start up the game, and it will load your chosen shader file.
    14) To browse through the rest of them, press and hold Select on your controller, and use 'm' and 'n' on a keyboard to flick between the different shader files.
    15) If you find you like a different one & wish that to be the default one, simply choose that one for step 11 above.

    My tv is a 720p/1080i set (ancient plasma), so I think that's skewing up the scanlines for me slightly. Even at though, they make the games look way better than the raw image you'll see without them (think pixelated mess). Some/certain games don't play nice with certain shaders though...the one I chose above looks very well for arcade games...but for something like Sonic 1, it looks awful when the screen is moving. You need to play around and find the best one for each case I think.





  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 10,751 Mod ✭✭✭✭Andrew76

    Nice one thanks. That looks decent enough.

    I watched some of that Video Manager App video above (will go back and watch it all when I get all the gear) and it looks good. Does it also change the aspect ratio to 4:3 when he's displaying that retro tv border? 4:3 would look best rather than it getting stretched full screen?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 33,733 ✭✭✭✭Myrddin

    Andrew76 wrote: »
    Nice one thanks. That looks decent enough.

    I watched some of that Video Manager App video above (will go back and watch it all when I get all the gear) and it looks good. Does it also change the aspect ratio to 4:3 when he's displaying that retro tv border? 4:3 would look best rather than it getting stretched full screen?

    Afaik the emulators handle the aspect ratio, and any overlay (the old style tv) he puts in merely fills the black bars at the sides of a 4:3 image on a 16:9 panel. I haven't messed around with overlays yet, the scanlines I showed above are shaders. When I get a new tv I'll look into setting up the handhelds with overlays, so the gameboy roms play on the image of a gameboy on screen etc - handheld roms on a large panel look horrendous.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,894 ✭✭✭TinCool

    RedXIV wrote: »
    Just an note, if anyone else is thinking of this, the western digital store sent me a 20% off code I'm happy to share if someone wants it?

    Got my Pi this morning!

    Any chance I could get that WD pi discount code ? Want to order the pj hard drive and enclosure.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,516 ✭✭✭RedXIV

    TinCool wrote: »
    Any chance I could get that WD pi discount code ? Want to order the pj hard drive and enclosure.

    I'll PM this to you now.

    Finding the scraping process for the games very slow in Retropie, Like Myriddin, I've full rom sets and with my calculations it'll take 3 days to get through all of SNES games alone.

    On the bright side, that appears to be my only issue and everything else is awesome, thanks for the setup!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 33,733 ✭✭✭✭Myrddin

    RedXIV wrote: »
    Finding the scraping process for the games very slow in Retropie, Like Myriddin, I've full rom sets and with my calculations it'll take 3 days to get through all of SNES games alone.

    On the bright side, that appears to be my only issue and everything else is awesome, thanks for the setup!

    I'm actually on this part now myself, and from what I'm reading, we shouldn't bother with the built in scraper. There's an external one which is much better, see here

    I'm going to sftp into the Pi now shortly and delete the existing metadata, and then try the external scraper instead. The built in scraper saves its metadata in /home/pi/.emulationstation/gamelists apparently, so delete anything there & use the external one instead -

    Edit - the path for my scraped data is - /opt/retropie/configs/all/emulationstation/downloaded_images (not the one above in the home/pi directory)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 33,733 ✭✭✭✭Myrddin

    Where are my scraped images and metadata saved?

    Once your games have been scraped they will be located in two parts: Downloaded Images and Gamelists




    ^^ for existing scraped metadata that you want to delete

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,516 ✭✭✭RedXIV

    Gonna try that now myself!

    EDIT: That link in your last post shows that it should be easier to install the scraper than the youtube vid? just going through the menu? Am I reading this right?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 33,733 ✭✭✭✭Myrddin

    So once you delete the images from /opt/retropie/configs/all/emulationstation/downloaded_images and gamelists.xml files from /opt/retropie/configs/all/emulationstation/gamelists - make sure you press the start button, go to other settings, and turn "save metadata on exit" to OFF. Then reboot. If you don't do this, the old metadata will just be re-written to a newly generated xml file. Once you've rebooted, turn "save metadata on exit" back to ON.

    Side note, metadata greatly slows down the shutdown/restart procedures. When you have everything scraped, & have everything the way you like it, I'd suggest leaving "save metadata on exit" at OFF, to improve the shutdown/restart times.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 33,733 ✭✭✭✭Myrddin

    EDIT: That link in your last post shows that it should be easier to install the scraper than the youtube vid? just going through the menu? Am I reading this right?

    Yup, just SSH in and do it the way the link says...I'm doing it currently & it's installing away.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,516 ✭✭✭RedXIV

    Wayyyyyyyy faster, Def recommend that method

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 33,733 ✭✭✭✭Myrddin

    Yup, all systems done in ten mins or so. Think I'll switch off metadata saving on exit now, to sort out the shutdown time (takes a bloody age with everything scraped)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,894 ✭✭✭TinCool

    RedXIV wrote: »
    I'll PM this to you now.

    Finding the scraping process for the games very slow in Retropie, Like Myriddin, I've full rom sets and with my calculations it'll take 3 days to get through all of SNES games alone.

    On the bright side, that appears to be my only issue and everything else is awesome, thanks for the setup!

    Cheers mate. Will give it a go

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 10,751 Mod ✭✭✭✭Andrew76

    Got the Pi3 and gamepad in the post yesterday so decided to do the first few steps while waiting on the WD stuff to arrive.

    Got up to step 9 on your list Myrddin. Retropie 4.0.2 booting up fine.

    Was also watching a Youtube tutorial video and it mentioned the overscan option to get rid of the black borders so I enabled that. Borders are gone but I can't see all of the text on the main Retropie screen - Menu, Select and Choose aren't fully visible.

    So I turned off the overscan and rebooted, the bootup screen looks ok but once it gets back into the main Retropie screen it's still cutting off the text. Anyone have any issue with this and getting it back to before? I can live with black borders if this is the alternative.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 33,733 ✭✭✭✭Myrddin

    It could be a bug Andrew, have a look here -

    It seems the overscan=1 is commented out (there's a # before the line in the config file, which sets that line as a line to be ignored). You might have to manually edit it like the user did down near the end of that link

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