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May 2016 Babies Club



  • Registered Users Posts: 495 ✭✭Kathy22

    Lucuma wrote: »
    Oh no re the itching :eek: I had that on my last pregnancy, not on this one thank god. Mine was worst in the 1st trimester though, I think it was to do with skin stretching. I ended up having to take an antihistamine for it twas so bad. I presume you're trying every cream under the sun? Good to rule out cholestasis. There's another one called PUPS as well:

    Using Lansinoh for a week before baby is born? Never heard of that one. If you're very determined to BF, that's half the battle anyway. You have to really want to do it I think to get through the few little bumps in the road

    Its horrible!!! Actually really annoying me in work today. It feels like mini pin pricks, kind of like prickly heat. I always get allergies so if something is going to flare up its my skin, its uber sensitive. I wore tights today and am really regretting!! I am just going to try and lather up as much as possible with creams, I have been quite religious with moisturising every night with shea butter and burts bees oil. I had a lot of aches and pains over the weekend and seem to have extended quite a bit including the beginning of what looks like stretchmarks so i guess baby is going through a growth spurt and causing my skin to itch like mad. I will see if i can take an antihistamine, may just ring them today rather than waiting till my appointment next week as its really annoying me! :( Sounds like PUPS except I dont have a bad rash or anything. Going to try stock up on aloe vera gel which is usually great for everything. I have to laugh, I was only counting myself lucky on Friday that my heartburn had calmed down. Like trading in one thing for another.

    Lucuma how are you getting on, you must be 32 weeks now (think you are 2 ahead of me)? Not long left to go :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    Try washing with the E45 shower gel and lathering the E45 cream on afterwards as well. Also Aveeno is another good product. They were 2 I used. I was so glad I didn't get the itchiness on this pregnancy, you poor thing!

    I'm grand....still have the same symptoms really: Insomnia and SPD. The insomnia isn't bothering me as I said before, but the SPD is and it feels like it's getting worse. Just had a tough weekend with a lot of manual handling of my daughter (for want of a better expression haha) lifting her in and out of buggies/high chairs/car seats/shopping trolleys/the bath/the cot and carrying her up and down stairs as my husband was away. She weighs 12-13kg and regular lifting of 12-13kg in all kinds of awkward positions is not really recommended for SPD!! But a certain amount of it can't be avoided unfortunately. I had a friend helping me for the weekend but I still had to do a fair bit. Hopefully now that he's back I can do a bit less.

    On a positive note my stomach issues have gotten better. I hardly ever have indigestion now - during the 2nd trimester I regularly had days when I burped all day long - must be coz the baby has changed position happy days. And heartburn is really a background thing now.

    My new symptom is thirst that I can't slake! I'm gone from drinking approx 1L of water a day to needing 2 or 3. Whatever stage baby is at now she's using up a lot of H20 !!

    3 weeks left in work. 8 weeks left to baby :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭wuffly

    3 weeks left in work Lucuma.... I am soooo jealous!!
    I just got handed another big project last week... so much for worrying about getting let go when i go on Mat leave! I am beyond excited to be spending summer at home, first time in 5yrs.
    No matter how much water i drink i am still thirty and I'm not even peeing that much no idea where its going, although my skin is practically back to normal so that might be it.

    SPD is improving a bit, no more weaknesses which is great, have a sexy velcro belt to try and keep my pelvis aligned. Seems to be working. Still have the pain right in the middle so she's going to work on my upper thighs the next day.
    Lucuma, are you going straight back to ireland when you finish up? Will you have help with your daughter at home?

    Teggers hope you are managing ok with the diet at least it won't be for long.
    How are you feeling?
    OH has been sick for the last while which is very unlike him, the Dr thinks he is a ceoliac so we are trying to go gluten free.... its a bit daunting at the minute but at least if that is it, its manageable, he is a bit miserable going through all the food we have that he probably has to give up...poor fecker he eats way healthier than me.

    Kathy hope the itching clears up, sounds awful. A good few people have said to start with the Lansinoh before hand, mostly people on their 2nd that had a lot of pain on No 1, can't hurt anyway.

    Anyone else feel like the baby is running out of room? some kicks are so painful now!

    32 weeks today :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    Kathy22 wrote: »
    . I always get allergies so if something is going to flare up its my skin, its uber sensitive. I wore tights today and am really regretting!!

    Do you find that it's almost predictable which pregnancy symptoms you'll get or won't get? I find that they are just extensions of things I suffer from anyway. I have sensitive skin, therefore I got the itching, I have a dodgy stomach anyway hence I got the heartburn, I am a very light sleeper hence I got the insomnia etc etc. And on the flip side I never ever suffer from headaches and didn't get them in pregnancy either. I also never got the hair loss luckily! (that usually happens to women after baby is born)

    I couldn't have predicted the SPD though, that one just came out of nowhere!
    wuffly wrote: »

    SPD is improving a bit, no more weaknesses which is great, have a sexy velcro belt to try and keep my pelvis aligned. Seems to be working. Still have the pain right in the middle so she's going to work on my upper thighs the next day.
    Lucuma, are you going straight back to ireland when you finish up? Will you have help with your daughter at home?

    OH has been sick for the last while which is very unlike him, the Dr thinks he is a ceoliac

    You'll love the summer at home! I have one of those belts (Serola) as well from the last time, but haven't started wearing it yet this time around.

    That's what my physio does - works on my upper thighs. It's sore !! But that's how you know they're hitting the right spot I suppose.

    Yes going straight back to Ireland when I finish up. I'm actually being a bold girl. Aer Lingus don't let you fly past 34 weeks and I'm sneaking an extra week here (for the money - for an extra week's pay before I switch to earning nothing except irish statutory mat benefit for a few months) and flying home to Ireland at 35 weeks. I know from the last time they never ask you for the doctor's letter showing how many weeks you are, I assume because it's such a short flight they're not worried you're going to go into labour mid-air!

    Yeah when I go home I'll have my mother, my sister & one of my brothers all under the same roof so I'll have help. My mother doesn't work but she does have a very active social life with lots of hobbies etc !! So I'll still have to book her a few days in advance for baby sitting!

    Can the doctor not just do the ceoliac test on your boyfriend and give him a definitive answer ? A friend of mine had it done recently coz it runs in her family and the test came back negative so I know there's a definite test for it in Ireland anyway. Must be tough to go gluten free alright!

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭wuffly

    Lucuma wrote: »

    You'll love the summer at home! I have one of those belts (Serola) as well from the last time, but haven't started wearing it yet this time around.

    That's what my physio does - works on my upper thighs. It's sore !! But that's how you know they're hitting the right spot I suppose.

    Yes going straight back to Ireland when I finish up. I'm actually being a bold girl. Aer Lingus don't let you fly past 34 weeks and I'm sneaking an extra week here (for the money - for an extra week's pay before I switch to earning nothing except irish statutory mat benefit for a few months) and flying home to Ireland at 35 weeks. I know from the last time they never ask you for the doctor's letter showing how many weeks you are, I assume because it's such a short flight they're not worried you're going to go into labour mid-air!

    Yeah when I go home I'll have my mother, my sister & one of my brothers all under the same roof so I'll have help. My mother doesn't work but she does have a very active social life with lots of hobbies etc !! So I'll still have to book her a few days in advance for baby sitting!

    Can the doctor not just do the ceoliac test on your boyfriend and give him a definitive answer ? A friend of mine had it done recently coz it runs in her family and the test came back negative so I know there's a definite test for it in Ireland anyway. Must be tough to go gluten free alright!

    I totally just got caught trying to check the belt name under my bump sitting at my desk! lol Serola is the one! Yeah you know the physio its working when its painful! My back felt bruised after the first few sessions, think i will be walking like John Wayne after the next few:eek: that's great that you will have people around. Nice to have some time with your daughter before the new baby arrives as well, hope the weather at least drys up for you!

    Re OH, we thought it was a reaction to strong antibiotics he was on for a chest infection at the end of Jan, then a stomach bug but its dragged on a bit now so only just realising it must be something else. Just waiting on insurance to approve the coeliac test, they won't approve the full thing until some other stuff has been ruled out. They are such a*holes.. and try and pay out at little as possible especially near the end of the policy, should know by next week. To be honest I don't know whether we're hoping its a yes or not, if its yes at least we know if not, we don't know what's going on.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 495 ✭✭Kathy22

    @Lucuma Yes the E45 cream could be a good option, I was using Aveeno shower cream and also the sanex zero shower gel which was working fine. I definately find certain clothes make it worse like tights and similar fabrics. In my jeans today in work with a loose cotton top, I literally do not care what I look like these days, a large pregnant lady to most LOL! SPD sounds awful and really uncomfortable and I honestly do not know how you cope with insomnia and a toddler, I would not cope well with that, you really have your hands full.

    I feel you both on the thirst, literally guzzling water and running to the bathroom every 30 minutes. My manager picked up on it yesterday and said it was a symptom of her gestational diabetes but hearing you both are similar makes me think it is just a general symptom.

    Lucuma you lucky thing, 3 weeks left in work, I have 7, literally working up till they kick me out :(

    @Wuffly feel you on the work front, I am starting my handover at the moment but in the midst of a big project that will take me up to the end. Glad to hear your SPD has cleared up a little bit and the belt is working :) Baby is definately getting tighter in there, although I am a week or so behind you so still have a bit more wiggle room. Even with the Anterior placenta I am feeling them much more and finding they are much more responsive to touch. They did a roll over thing last night and Im sure it was there ass in my belly button.

    Has peoples belly buttons popped? I was at yoga last week and there was a second time mum there due a few days ahead of me and her belly looked huge with a popped out belly button. Wondering does it happen to most.

    This came into my email this morning:

    I have picked some up when they are on special in Dunnes and Tesco but these seem like pretty good value so think I will try and get 2 boxes. Wonder should I get loads of the number 1 and when do they move onto number 2 size? They seem similar in size, maybe just a slightly bigger newborn? Confusing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 495 ✭✭Kathy22

    Lucuma wrote: »
    Do you find that it's almost predictable which pregnancy symptoms you'll get or won't get? I find that they are just extensions of things I suffer from anyway. I have sensitive skin, therefore I got the itching, I have a dodgy stomach anyway hence I got the heartburn, I am a very light sleeper hence I got the insomnia etc etc. And on the flip side I never ever suffer from headaches and didn't get them in pregnancy either. I also never got the hair loss luckily! (that usually happens to women after baby is born)

    I couldn't have predicted the SPD though, that one just came out of nowhere!

    Yes going straight back to Ireland when I finish up. I'm actually being a bold girl. Aer Lingus don't let you fly past 34 weeks and I'm sneaking an extra week here (for the money - for an extra week's pay before I switch to earning nothing except irish statutory mat benefit for a few months) and flying home to Ireland at 35 weeks. I know from the last time they never ask you for the doctor's letter showing how many weeks you are, I assume because it's such a short flight they're not worried you're going to go into labour mid-air!

    Yeah when I go home I'll have my mother, my sister & one of my brothers all under the same roof so I'll have help. My mother doesn't work but she does have a very active social life with lots of hobbies etc !! So I'll still have to book her a few days in advance for baby sitting!

    Yes I definitely think it flares up pre-existing things, I am hyper allergic apparently, eczema as child, asthma, eye allergies which are linked to 3 cornea transplants, hay fever, dust allergies, heat allergies you name it LOL! I usually take antihistamines for the month of May to prepare me for the summer. Pregnancy has dried out my skin, ive had dandruff on and off, I had the itching thing early on with a rash, due to asthma I am prone to chest infections and I definitely had a long running cold for the winter months which turned into a chest infection (haven't had one in 2 years before that) and I also suffered from reflux anyway and was on medication for this so pregnancy just flared it up. For me the kidney infection threw me as I have never had one of them or a UTI before.

    I didn't realise you were having the baby in Ireland Lucuma. Great that you will get to come home for it and spend some time with your family. How much time are you taking off? I am thinking of taking 10 months but would be keen for an additional 2 if I can get it and we can afford to have 2 more months unpaid but I think we should be OK. I have been saving holidays so with bank holidays and my general holidays for this year should have nearly an extra 6 weeks on top of my paid maternity.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    wuffly wrote: »
    I totally just got caught trying to check the belt name under my bump sitting at my desk! lol Serola is the one! Yeah you know the physio its working when its painful! My back felt bruised after the first few sessions, think i will be walking like John Wayne after the next few:eek: .

    Have to say your physio sounds excellent. Sounds like they're getting straight to the nub of the issue and giving you the belt and all. I had to go to a few before I found one that knew what they were doing. I was just at the physio this arvo, I was telling her that I had to do a lot of lifting of my daughter last weekend, she said ''Did you remember what I told you about pulling in your lower belly before lifting her?'' Eh.....whoops! Have to try and remember that in future. I have been pulling in my lower belly before turning in bed and also when getting up from sitting to standing but totally forgot about doing it when lifting dd.
    Kathy22 wrote: »
    I definately find certain clothes make it worse like tights and similar fabrics.

    I feel you both on the thirst, literally guzzling water and running to the bathroom every 30 minutes. My manager picked up on it yesterday and said it was a symptom of her gestational diabetes but hearing you both are similar makes me think it is just a general symptom.

    This came into my email this morning:

    I have picked some up when they are on special in Dunnes and Tesco but these seem like pretty good value so think I will try and get 2 boxes. Wonder should I get loads of the number 1 and when do they move onto number 2 size? .

    I was the exact same with the fabrics. My preg itchiness was around my belly and lower back, so knickers were a huge factor. I had to stop wearing all lacey items or even anything with a lace trim and invest in lots of soft cotton granny knickers! :eek: Needless to say thongs were a thing of the past.

    Re what your manager said at each ante-natal appointment they test your urine for glucose to see if there are any signs of GD so if you've passed those tests til now....

    On the group on - DO NOT STOCKPILE NAPPIES !! Tempting as it may be, they grow out of them so fast you'll be left with loads that you didn't use. Buying a selection of different sizes using that deal would be the best. I can't remember when dd moved from 1 to 2 but I know I ended up with newborn nappies left over. If I'm tempted by nappy deals in the supermarket now I only buy ones that are too big for her. If you stockpile the current size you know Murphy's law is they'll grow out of it that week!

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭wuffly

    Lucuma wrote: »
    Have to say your physio sounds excellent. Sounds like they're getting straight to the nub of the issue and giving you the belt and all. I had to go to a few before I found one that knew what they were doing. I was just at the physio this arvo, I was telling her that I had to do a lot of lifting of my daughter last weekend, she said ''Did you remember what I told you about pulling in your lower belly before lifting her?'' Eh.....whoops! Have to try and remember that in future. I have been pulling in my lower belly before turning in bed and also when getting up from sitting to standing but totally forgot about doing it when lifting dd.

    Yeah she is very good, she has two kids herself so she's been through it. She has me doing a tummy pulling in exercise twice a day, on all fours keeping my back flat pulling in my tummy (20 reps) doesn't look like the belly moves far but she said it should help strengthen those muscles as the bump grows and reduce the pressure on my back a bit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    Kathy22 wrote: »
    SPD sounds awful and really uncomfortable and I honestly do not know how you cope with insomnia and a toddler, I would not cope well with that, you really have your hands full.

    Ah no she is my joy.....she's what makes all the other sh!te in life bearable!
    I found a description of toddlers lately that could not be more apt for my little one: ''a pint size dictator'' :D She rules the roost in our house and the 2 of us wake up every morning wondering will we get the angel or the devil this morning, it keeps life interesting and keeps us on our toes!! :P
    Kathy22 wrote: »
    I am hyper allergic apparently, eczema as child, asthma, eye allergies which are linked to 3 cornea transplants, hay fever, dust allergies, heat allergies you name it

    Just curious but were you breastfed? Coz they say that exclusively breastfeeding reduces the likliehood of the child developing asthma or allergies.....that's one of the selling points of BF. No food allergies though? Just asking coz the time you have to wait before giving your child certain foods (like nuts, strawberries, eggs) is longer if there's a history of allergies in the family.
    Kathy22 wrote: »

    I didn't realise you were having the baby in Ireland Lucuma. Great that you will get to come home for it and spend some time with your family. How much time are you taking off? I am thinking of taking 10 months but would be keen for an additional 2 if I can get it .

    Wow a year off! That wouldn't be for me now, I went back to work when dd was 10 weeks old ! I'm self-employed though and we are in the process of setting up our forever home in Ireland so we need the money and due to being self-employed my earnings take a huge hit any year that I have a baby. My current plan (although I have learned from last time that plans can go out the window where babies are involved.....) is to take the irish statutory maternity time off i.e. 26 weeks. That'll start from when I finish work obviously so I'll be 5 weeks into it by the time I get to due date. So that'll be 21 weeks post due date which would have me returning to work in September.

    But that was also my plan the last time and I ended up being tempted back into work 10 weeks post labour so we'll see!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 495 ✭✭Kathy22

    Thanks for the nappy advice Lucuma, I held off on the deal and as it turns out they are cheaper in Tesco. I have a few packs of size 1 and size 2's so should be enough to see us through the first 2 weeks or so.

    I actually don't know if I was breastfed, I must ask my mum that. Although knowing her she likely did. My husband is asthmatic also so not sure what the chances are of our baby escaping it. A lot of people on my side have it. No food allergies on my side so should be all good on the front :D

    Honestly I do not know how you went back to work after 10 weeks. Fair play to you!!! I actually don't even know how I will feel once on maternity leave, Im going to give notice of 10 months and if I want to shorten or extend it I can. I have never had an extended period of time off work so am honestly looking forward to the break and the head space.

    Went to the dentist for a checkup this morning, my gums are so sensitive of late and bleeding on and off. Got a clean, eek was horrible. Will have to go back for an x-ray and filling once the baby is born, she wasnt too keen on doing it whilst I'm pregnant. Something to look forward to!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    Kathy22 wrote: »

    I have never had an extended period of time off work so am honestly looking forward to the break and the head space.


    See those are not terms I associate with the newborn phase :D
    For me going back to work was the break. But maybe you'll love it, I think I was the exception. I love the toddler phase though so it was all worth it in the end :)

    I'm wrecked today. Couldn't even figure out a basic switch to a different method of printing in work....had to have it explained to me by a colleague....think the lack of sleep is catching up with me! Thank god only a fortnight left in work. Not that I'll get any more sleep when I'm on mat leave but I am hoping to lie down for an hour every day while my daughter naps (will have to resist the temptation to get stuff done during that 1.5 hr period though as it'll be the only part of the day she's not hanging out of me) And at least we won't have the pressure of the drop off and collection from the childminder every day so it'll be nice to get a break from that.

    I'm getting pins and needles a little in my hands and feet now, not all the time just occasionally. Hope it stays as just a twinge. Blocked nose has been bad this week and interfering with my sleep. Last night I was able to breathe through my nose for the first part of the night but woke up in the wee hours with dried out mouth as my nose blocked up in the interim. Didn't get a whole lot of sleep after that. I really can't wait for this blocked nose while sleeping to be gone, I'd nearly take a newborn's nocturnal cries over it now I'm so sick of it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 495 ✭✭Kathy22

    How is everyone getting on? Lucuma sorry to hear you still have the stuffy nose, I hated when I had that but it has totally gone since around December/early Jan. I am still itchy as hell and my feet and hands are a bit swollen in the morning and evening. Heartburn was horrendous on Friday and all day on Saturday, nothing killed it, not losec, gaviscon liquid and tablets and copious bottles of ice cold water. It eventually subsided Saturday night and I have not had it since. God I hope it stays away for a few days!

    We had our antenatal class on Saturday. Was a long day but I found it very useful and the midwife running it was lovely. I feel so much more informed now of everything and what to do on the day etc. We got to see the labour rooms which was good to get an idea of where I will be. I love having as much information as possible. Started getting my hospital bag ready and our Bugaboo arrived on Friday. Parents in law are buying us the car seat and others are getting us the monitors and a bouncer chair so I think we are kind of sorted. I picked up some nice dresses over the weekend, some non-maternity ones as well and I am feeling so much better having a wider selection to chose from. I was getting a bit tired of jeans and tops! Weather is getting so much better these days with the longer evenings. I wish I just had the energy to exercise more!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    The ante-natal class is a lot to take in alright isn't it! I hope you made notes or they gave you some? The tour must have been very helpful, which hospital are you going to? The heartburn sounds relentless!

    I've a feeling we'll just be exchanging moans in here for the next while!! At least we have somewhere to come to vent! When are you due a scan again Kathy? And idea of baby's position? And what about Teggars & wuffly, any idea if baby is gone head down yet?

    I'll find out 2 weeks from tomorrow now what the lie of the land/baby is.....can't wait. She was head down at 30 weeks so hopefully she hasn't moved.

    Kathy did you get a swimsuit sorted in the end? I braved the beautican last weekend and went was great. So nice to find a form of exercise that doesn't hurt! (SPD). And didn't hurt afterwards or I didn't have to pay for it later. My physio was delighted with me for going swimming....she's been heavily pushing it. I'll go again now next weekend and try to go once a week til D-day. It's good to get some kind of exercise esp if I want to be in shape for a natural birth

  • Registered Users Posts: 445 ✭✭teggers5

    Hi ladies!
    Been lurking about but just haven't had the chance to reply.
    Counting down the days til my maternity leave starts. I'm shattered!
    Lucuma, I've been having scans every 2 weeks for the past while and baby seems to be changing between head down and transverse.
    Its not going to make any difference to me as I'm scheduled to have a section at 39 weeks!

  • Registered Users Posts: 495 ✭✭Kathy22

    Lucuma wrote: »
    The ante-natal class is a lot to take in alright isn't it! I hope you made notes or they gave you some? The tour must have been very helpful, which hospital are you going to? The heartburn sounds relentless!

    I've a feeling we'll just be exchanging moans in here for the next while!! At least we have somewhere to come to vent! When are you due a scan again Kathy? And idea of baby's position? And what about Teggars & wuffly, any idea if baby is gone head down yet?

    I'll find out 2 weeks from tomorrow now what the lie of the land/baby is.....can't wait. She was head down at 30 weeks so hopefully she hasn't moved.

    Kathy did you get a swimsuit sorted in the end? I braved the beautican last weekend and went was great. So nice to find a form of exercise that doesn't hurt! (SPD). And didn't hurt afterwards or I didn't have to pay for it later. My physio was delighted with me for going swimming....she's been heavily pushing it. I'll go again now next weekend and try to go once a week til D-day. It's good to get some kind of exercise esp if I want to be in shape for a natural birth

    Yeh they gave us a lot of notes from the day, I found the physio element quite good as she gave a few tips to help support with sore backs etc. I really liked getting to go to one of the birthing rooms, smaller than I imagined and the poor husband only gets a hard uncomfortable chair to sit on. I am hoping to remain out of the bed as much as possible and going to try and use the baths. I am hoping to try go as far as I can (hopefully the whole way) minus an epidural, we shall see. I’m not going to tie myself to a dead set decision as things can obviously change on the day but I would love to do it without medical intervention. We are going to the Rotunda in Dublin. Fingers crossed there is not many births on my day and I get a private room :D

    Had my 32 week scan today, all went well, baby is head down which explains a lot of the change in movement (was kind of freaking me out again). I am measuring exactly to my date and on course to have an average sized baby (he guestimated they are approx. 2kg at the moment). Got some bloods done to check about this itch, fingers crossed nothing shows up but apart from that I am normal and healthy according to my doctor. I am back again in 3 weeks, looking forward to that point as it will feel like I am almost there!

    I bought a swimsuit but have not yet ventured to the beautician or made it to the pool, the thoughts of hauling my body out in a swimsuit is not very appealing although I am going to go this weekend, my husband has even decided to come with me. Now the evenings are longer I am committed to being less lazy, more walks for me!

    Lucuma what's your due date? I think you must be 2 weeks ahead of me? When are you due to return home to Ireland?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    teggers5 wrote: »
    Hi ladies!
    Been lurking about but just haven't had the chance to reply.
    Counting down the days til my maternity leave starts. I'm shattered!
    Lucuma, I've been having scans every 2 weeks for the past while and baby seems to be changing between head down and transverse.
    Its not going to make any difference to me as I'm scheduled to have a section at 39 weeks!

    That's great they're taking such good care of you considering what happened the last time. It's great you're getting scanned every fortnight and section scheduled, well obviously section isn't ideal but I'm sure it's the safest option. So you already know your baby's birthday!!

    I'm wondering if mine is on the move as well....I was feeling kicks at the top of the bump but last night all through the night I was feeling them down by my pubic bone. Of course they could have been punches by the pubic bone but I don't think they were, they felt too strong to be the hands, I think they were the feet! Little minx might have turned around (apparently quite common in 2nd and subsequent pregnancies for them to move around right up til labour) all will be revealed a fortnight from today!
    Kathy22 wrote: »
    and the poor husband only gets a hard uncomfortable chair to sit on. I am hoping to remain out of the bed as much as possible and going to try and use the baths. I am hoping to try go as far as I can (hopefully the whole way) minus an epidural, we shall see. I’m not going to tie myself to a dead set decision as things can obviously change on the day but I would love to do it without medical intervention.

    My hubby and all his family were born in the Rotunda :) There's actually a 1916 exhibition on there at the mo that I'd love to see! Well if you get your natural birth your hubby won't be sitting much anyway. I can tell you that the natural birth can be done, but you do need to be determined and there is an amount of luck involved. Often something unpredictable happens on the day which means you have to have medical intervention, but hopefully not. I had a TENS machine which I'd highly recommend, you have to start using it as soon as you start getting contractions though for it to be effective.

    I also used the gas and air and pethidine. But no epidural, no induction, no forceps or vaccuum or c-section so I was happy with that - although natural births are hard sweaty work! You could Always bring a little inflatable cushion along for your hubby if you're concerned about his comfort:p
    Kathy22 wrote: »

    Had my 32 week scan today, all went well, baby is head down which explains a lot of the change in movement

    Ah brill! You must be delighted!
    Kathy22 wrote: »

    I bought a swimsuit but have not yet ventured to the beautician or made it to the pool, the thoughts of hauling my body out in a swimsuit is not very appealing although I am going to go this weekend, my husband has even decided to come with me. Now the evenings are longer I am committed to being less lazy, more walks for me!

    Lucuma what's your due date? I think you must be 2 weeks ahead of me? When are you due to return home to Ireland?

    I LOL'd re the beautican......I put it off for so long too! :eek: It wasn't that bad in the end...... they are used to seeing heavily pregnant ladies, alot want it all off for the labour!
    You do have to walk really slowly in the pool, and BRING FLIP FLOPS. Great if your hub comes with you, that'll make it much easier. Pools tend to be busy at weekends so hopefully you'll hardly be noticed.

    My due date is 28th April, when's yours? I'm going home to Ireland on Good Friday, bring it on !!!!! Will see my consultant then on the Wed, that's when she has her rooms.

  • Registered Users Posts: 495 ✭✭Kathy22

    Just got a call from the hospital, I was being checked because of the itch. My liver functions are raised so they are worried about Obstetric cholestasis (OC). Have to fast tomorrow night and go back in and have my bloods redone on Friday morning :( Hopefully its not that but I will find out on Friday .... UGH!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    Oh no Kathy. As you didn't have itchy hands and feet I didn't think it would be that!

  • Registered Users Posts: 495 ✭✭Kathy22

    I know I really hope it isn't it, they have now asked me to come in tomorrow. I have done a bit of research and it seems that it doesn't have an impact on the baby. I can cope with the itch as long as the baby is OK, might just need to have some more monitoring etc. I am so annoyed as I came out so happy from the appointment yesterday that baby was doing so well and no longer breech. Seems it is based on genetics and sounds like my mum had it with me although un-diagnosed.

    Lucuma, I was going to rent a tens machine and use it on the day along with gas and air. I get very ansy when I am in pain and tend to wander corridors and walk around, basically I like to move around so Id like to avoid the epidural but sure with the OC I may need to be induced around 37/38 weeks and will likely need an epidural so who knows what will happen at the actual birth. We had a look at the 1916 exhibition on Saturday, it was interesting. Oh and my poor hubby won't have a look in on the day I'm sure it will be the last thing on my mind once I arrive :D;)

    I am due May 15th so still have 8 weeks or so left! You are due so soon. Hope everything goes well before your trip back to Ireland. Will you have to register with a hospital when you get here?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    Oh god didn't realise with OC you might have to be induced early, you're well prepared with your research anyway if it turns out to be that! I'd be the same, all over google!

    Yeah I don't think I could do induced (drip) birth without epidural. Having said that my SIL and my sister have done it.....they set the bar very high in terms of pain threshold in my family!! But my mother described the contractions from the drip as ''being like hit with sledgehammers'' so not sure the ol TENS or Gas and Air would cut it! I actually enjoyed some of my natural contractions during labour... There's a sense of satisfaction in the pain ....coz it's leading to something.

    Oh jeez I'm already fully signed up to the irish system and have been having all my ante-natal checks in Ireland, I fly back for them

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭wuffly

    hey ladies, how are ye all doing?

    Kathy hope all's ok with your OC, good that they are keeping a close eye on you. Hope the heatburn is still gone.

    Lucuma, I really wish I was as close to Mat leave as you! glad the swimming has helped with the spd, really should get myself 'sorted' lol! and do a bit.

    Teggers, hope you are keeping well, we are on the home straight now :)

    I've had an awful stomach bug the last few days, thankfully on the mend today. One of the girls i do yoga with has had to fly back to the UK due to complications with her pregnancy they found a double bubble at her 32 week scan so they had to redo the Downs test, which was thankfully clear but baby will need surgery as soon as its born as the found an issue with the intestines... they've had an awful few days. Poor things she's been fine all along. Really took the wind out of us all. She lives across the road and was dealing with all this while we've had really bad flooding in our area due to one heavy rain fall. This place isn't built for rain, thankfully as we are on a bit of a rise they and us were pretty ok. Some neighbours had their homes destroyed and our $hitty management company isn't helping them.

    We had our antenatal class and 32 week check up at the weekend, the antenatal was good, made it all seem a lot less scary and more managable, all good at the check up, no idea what way the baby is facing... no more scans but the Dr had a feel and measured the bump and said all was fine, seeing her again in 2 weeks. Still on for a waterbirth all going well. Although i'm finding physio so sore I'm wondering if I am capable of a natural birth! Keeping an open mind and no plans to martyr myself if the pain is too much.

    Work are faffing about insurance renewal so as of tomorrow, I'm not covered:mad: they seem a bit confused that this stresses me out and act like I've only just gotten preggers, one idiot asked if i could postpone 'things' until its sorted:eek: Finally gotten them on email confirming they will cover everything in the meantime! Royal suite here i come lol!! :D

    Happy Paddy's Day!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    Wuffly that poor girl in your yoga class, so will she have the baby in UK now instead? Would they not be able to deal with that surgery in the Dubai hospital no? Thank god at least the Downs test was negative though, but stories like that put everything in perspective don't the end of the day who cares what kind of birth you have as long as baby is born healthy that's all that matters coz it doesn't happen for everyone.

    Is this an obstetrican that you're seeing for your ante-natal appointments? They should defo be able to tell you if baby is head down by feeling. On my last preg, the GP was able to tell me from a feel of the bump and she even showed me where to feel for the head (just above the pubic bone). Speaking of which I'm feeling there now and can't feel a head....I think my lassie is on the move, am feeling kicks in all different places on the bump.

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭wuffly

    She went to a good few dr's here and they all advised the treatment and aftercare would be better at home, Dubai has a tiny population in comparison to the UK, so I guess there will be a lot more people qualified to deal with it and have experience back home. Was at physio this morning and most the staff in the clinic looked liked they'd been crying turns out the head nurse lost her baby 30 weeks, the baby got strep B in the womb, which is incredibly rare. So awful was crying myself leaving... really makes me grateful... everything else just pales in comparison... can't even being to imagine the utter heartbreak...

    In happier news one of my 4 friends that are expecting went 3 weeks early and had a beautiful baby boy on saturday. Mum and baby doing really well. Popped into see her yesterday, bit shocked but in great form.

    I think baby is definitely head down getting a good bit of pressure down there the last few days, Dr appoint on Sat so will see what she says. 34 weeks tomorrow! Feeling quiet nauseous again the last few days, no vomiting beyond the usual in the mornings thankfully. Need to get my hospital bag sorted. Last of my pre baby visitors is here at the moment, lovely to have people but looking forward to a quiet few weeks before baby arrives (hopefully)

    Kathy how is the OC? Hope its improving?

    Teggers hope baby is moving into the right position and staying put for you, how are you feeling?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    Well she's in the best place so, and hopefully they will be able to correct the baby's little problem easily. So sad about the nurse in your physio practice. I couldn't imagine losing this little bub at this late stage, heartbreak beyond belief. I've heard of Step B but I thought the danger was during labour if the mother has it, the baby could get it on their way out. Sounds like a totally random event, life can be so cruel!

    Oh no vomiting again in the mornings wuffly? What a dose at this late stage. You'd think as baby moves down your stomach which sits on top of the bump would be getting a bit of relief, must be the hormones, yuck!

    I'm definitely getting bigger and more uncomfortable now. Alot more tired and finding simple tasks more difficult. Went swimming again yesterday and struggled to do 10 lengths (25m pool) had to take loads of breaks. Whereas last week I think I did 12 or more without needing long breaks. I only do a kind of doggy paddle as well, not exactly Michelle Smith here.

    SPD is ok though, it's not getting any worse. Doing as little as possible (bar swimming) plus the physio (the last 2 weeks she changed from working on my upper inner thigh to working on my ass!) plus following all the advice about how you move your body seems to be doing the trick. Yay for good physios!

    Kathy will you get the results of your liver bloods today to see if you have OC or not?

  • Registered Users Posts: 495 ✭✭Kathy22

    Wuffly sounds like you have had a rough time of late! Did you get everything sorted with your health insurance. Its amazing the difference in company attitudes between here and abroad.

    I cannot even begin to imagine the stress that poor couple are going through. It really does put things into perspective. Having a healthy baby is such a blessing! Hopefully they get the care and support they need back home in the UK.

    Have had an eventful few days, my bloods came back high again on Friday for my bile acids and liver functions but not super high. I got them Friday evening and then had not felt baby move much even when lying down for a few hours so went into A&E. Of course as soon as we neared the door of the hospital they started moving about. Scan and trace on Friday night was fine, although the doctor who discharged me was very tired and not sure if she let the sex of the baby slip or she just refers to babies as a certain sex, my husband and I decided not to ask her!!

    I was back in again today for another detailed scan, trace and blood tests. My bloods have resumed to more normal levels and the itch has calmed down. Baby is happy out, weighing in at 4lbs 4oz and measuring exactly to size. They had the hiccups during the scan which was so cute to watch. Have moved again into a more transverse position but they werent worried and think the head is still low enough. They were in a very awkward position so didn't get a great view of them at the scan.

    They are going to keep an eye on my bloods and the itch and see how things pan out. I feel so much more relaxed now and really just can't wait till this little one arrives. Fingers crossed the itch stays at bay!

    Lucuma are you all set for your trip home on Friday? So exciting.

    Teggers how is everything with you?

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭wuffly

    Kathy sounds like you've a rough time of it yourself with all the bloods and A&E, hope your bloods stay at the normal levels and you get a chance to take it easy. When are you finishing up work.

    Glad the SPD is ok Lucuma, will you keep up the physio and swimming at home? haven't had any ass work, my back and thighs were sore enough!

    The nausea in the morning never really went away, straight to bathroom nearly every morning for a bit of retching or a bit more, but its creeping back in during the day now, which is wearing me out a bit, along with work and visitors. Really feeling the tiredness and the 'i've been pregnant forever feeling!' Want to crawl under a rock for a week. Baby shower this weekend after visitor goes, following weekend we are going away (just down the road for 2 nights), can't wait! I'll probably sleep but i won't be able to potter or start jobs around the house.

    No insurance sorted... No point stressing, will bring in my receipts and enjoy the air miles. If I go early, I'd nearly get a free flight home! lol!

    Getting excited about meeting this little person, haven't had a scan since 20 weeks so I haven't seen them in ages!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    Glad to hear liver bloods have gone back down to near normal levels Kathy and you must be so relieved to get a break from the itch!

    Yes I cannot WAIT for Friday and flying home to Ireland. Speaking of visitors though wuffly, I have the in-laws descending tomorrow night. They're coming over to visit for Easter and unfortunately I won't be gone before they arrive haha. There's 4 people coming to visit so including us we will have 4 adults and 3 kids in the apartment for 2 nights (Wed, Thurs) then I clear off on Fri and they're here for another few days. I wish I had gotten out before they arrive, coz even though they're not my family and not my responsibility I end up organising everything like my husband just does not even think about where everyone is going to sleep, pillows, blankets, sheets, pillowcases, mattresses, towels etc so I found myself leaving work early yesterday to buy blow up mattress, pump, towels, bedding, pillows etc. I've also been planning meals for them and batch cooking and putting in the freezer etc. He just thinks people can arrive and a magic bedding fairy will just appear with a magic wand and make beds for them all! To be honest I've a million things I need to be doing this week apart from this (like packing to move home for 3 months!) but I know what will happen if I didn't do it - they'd all arrive, he'll realise they don't have enough bedding and I'll be expected to give up some of my bedding rather than let guests go the moment I need extra pillows etc to be able to get my few hours sleep that I get, I'm not giving anything up! :-p

    Oh the hiccups Kathy, my baby has been getting them for the last fortnight or so. I had forgotten what they felt like since the last time. So cute! I think they're a good sign as well that baby is testing out its swallowing reflex? That's why you only get them in the 3rd trimester when that has been developed.

    Wuffly that's a very good question about continuing swimming and physio in Ireland! I don't know if I'd ever find a physio as good as the one I've been seeing here, but there is one connected to my consultant's practice in Cork that specialises in women's health so might be worth going to her once to see if she's any good. And as for the swimming, as my husband won't be with me I'd have to get someone to babysit my daughter so it mightn't be as easy but I will definitely try as want to try and stay active up til the labour.

    Do any of ye watch 'One born every minute"? I didn't allow myself watch it on no.1 but I watched a few episodes I had taped this week. So different watching it now having been through labour. I'm using it as a lazy refresher as I am not going to get to any ante-natal classes and didn't re-read any books this time. My hubby was asking me last night am I nervous and I honestly am not, not one jot. I'm nervous about the newborn phase alright (!!!! terrified!!!) coz it was so hard the last time but labour, I have no worries whatsoever. I suppose coz I did it without epidural last time and it took 24 hours to dilate to 10cm. On 2nd labour it should take a good bit less than that to dilate to 10cm so it's likely to be shorter, I already know I can handle the contractions, I know my hips are wide enough to let a 9 pounder through so the only thing I fear is breech baby coz that will result in a section and then I'm in uncharted territory!!

    Wuffly I didn't realise you'd had the morning retching the whole way through pregnancy, that's awful! I hated that feeling more than any other pregnancy issue I ever had. I was soooo glad to see the back of it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 495 ✭✭Kathy22

    Thanks guys. I really hope my levels stay normal, seems when they climb the itch gets bad. I believe from week 35 on wards is when they are most at risk of climbing due to the bodies reaction to the higher levels of Estrogen in the body. I will just have to play it by year, have regular bloods and do what my consultant says.

    Wuffly you poor thing with the morning sickness. I was so lucky in that I barely had any just some nausea early on. Hopefully your insurance sorts itself out, would that mean you have to pay for everything? Its crazy that its not an annual thing, i take for granted my company provides it for us. Enjoy your baby shower! I was unsure about doing one but my friends have asked if they can do something so I am going to do something small with close family and friends in my house. Will be nice to have everyone together before baba arrives.

    Lucuma I LOL'd at your message, my husband would be the exact same. would not stop for a second to think about the logistics of things and where people were going to stay. Its a male thing, I just don't get how their brains can work like that! I'm sure its the last thing you need before your trip, hopefully it goes OK and doesn't stress you too much.

    I never once saw one born every minute until last month, I have been watching them loads on 4OD, you will be able to access it when you are back in Ireland, it has all the episodes. I have to say it has made me less scared, most people said to avoid watching it. But sure its something you have to do and some way your another your body will cope. I think the biggest thing I have learned from it is that things do not always go according to plan and to listen to the midwives. I am with you on the C section, I really do not want to end up down that road!

    On the hiccups, the sanographer yesterday said its a good sign things are working properly. They had a full bladder on the scan as well so it shows things are moving through the right organs etc. It was so cute to see their little belly move up and down. They looked so squished in there and my placenta is literally sitting on their face. I find now they are much more responsive to my touch and wake when i press in near my belly button or at least give a jerk. Last night they were giving some serious moves and my whole stomach was moving. It feels so weird but I love being able to feel them more now. Damn anterior placenta!

    My tooth is in absolute agony today. I know I need a root canal and my dentist would not do anything the last time but I think an infection and abscess has surfaced as it is so sore, all day long. Paracetamol is doing nothing. Going to go in tomorrow morning and see if I can get an antibiotic!!!! God I am becoming a serious moan these days LOL!!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    Kathy, listen to the midwives within reason I would say. It's a busy maternity hopsital and they need to keep things moving. So that the hospital doesn't grind to a halt they need to keep the conveyor belt moving so they are not going to want you in there for 2-3 days waiting for your cervix to dilate or for contractions to start of their own accord. So they do have an agenda and may want to push things like gel to dilate the cervix, breaking the waters to try and get labour started and finally the drip to get contractions going. Whereas if left to your own devices could be all those things would happen naturally in time. Induced birth (and epidurals) have a higher liklihood of ending up with either forceps, vacuum or a c-section than natural birth does.

    In fairness when I rang them the last time saying I had contractions every 15 mins or so they said don't come in til you have them every 5 mins so they do encourage you to labour at home as long as you can. The exception to that now would be if your waters break though, if your waters break you should start making your way to the hospital. I'm sure they covered all this in your ante-natal appointment anyway!

    I realised after I wrote the above that my consultant is one of the few who will perform vaginal breech deliveries, she told me that before. She will only do them if you've had at least 1 successful normal vaginal delivery in the past (so she would never do one for a first time mum) so I actually would qualify so even if I do end up with breech baby I might not have to get a c-section. Vaginal breech could be sore/tricky though so I'd rather avoid if possibly just hope baby goes or is or stays head down!

    1 week to ante-natal appointment and scan now.....can't wait to see the lie of the land!

    Was delighted to read what you said about the hiccups being a good sign Kathy :-)
