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To Connemara and Beyond ...



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,009 ✭✭✭Firedance

    Oh enjoy!!!! I'll do a similar route tomorrow after parkrun but I'm only doing 11 :) good to see you're getting the runs in despite 'life' and welll done on the meeting!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    We still like your updates, they are not boring!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    You are getting like the Pied Piper at your work.

    Hope the LSR went well, I have 15 lined up for tomorrow myself ... will be interesting to see how it goes after all this time without proper LSRs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭nop98

    Neady83 wrote: »
    Great week of training Nop, I don't envy you that 15miles tomorrow, hope it goes well and the sun shines but there's also a nice cool breeze blowing :)
    Firedance wrote: »
    Oh enjoy!!!! I'll do a similar route tomorrow after parkrun but I'm only doing 11 :) good to see you're getting the runs in despite 'life' and welll done on the meeting!
    annapr wrote: »
    We still like your updates, they are not boring!!
    You are getting like the Pied Piper at your work.

    Hope the LSR went well, I have 15 lined up for tomorrow myself ... will be interesting to see how it goes after all this time without proper LSRs.

    Thank you all - just nailed the 15-miler, condtions were perfect and feeling great.

    FD, well done volunteering again! :)

    Neady, you must be going mad tapering for the Beast! Can't wait to hear it all.

    Hillside, one of the lads in work even asks me how far I want him to run at the weekend, and then sends me text when he's done. LOL. :D Good luck with the LSR.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    nop98 wrote: »
    Hillside, one of the lads in work even asks me how far I want him to run at the weekend, and then sends me text when he's done. LOL.

    Ah that's very sweet ;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭nop98

    Ah that's very sweet ;)

    Maybe it has gone too far.

    I just got this text:

    To which I reply:
    Well done! 3-4km really easy tomorrow, and then twice the 8k loop next week

    After a long, long silence, I finally get back:

    All I want him to do is to better his HM PB of 2h20!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    We might have next year's mentor in the making here... ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,009 ✭✭✭Firedance

    annapr wrote: »
    We might have next year's mentor in the making here... ;)
    I had called that already :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    nop98 wrote: »
    After a long, long silence, I finally get back:

    He's loving it ;) ...


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭nop98

    annapr wrote: »
    We might have next year's mentor in the making here... ;)
    Firedance wrote: »
    I had called that already :)

    Don't even think about it, ladies. How Dubgal has the time for it, is beyond me.
    He's loving it ;) ...


    I'll ask him tomorrow and let you know! :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭nop98

    Finishing off week 5:

    Target: 15M LSR
    Actual: 15M LSR: 24.4km @ 6:19 min/km [15.2M @ 10:09 min/mi]
    Nailed this one, and delighted about it. I was very keen to get this one on target. It would be longest in terms of distance and time on feet.

    I wrote some ramblings on the Novices thread about the LSR in case anyone is interested. And here's the Strava link to the route, as it was just overly fab :).

    Target: 3+M recovery
    Actual: 4M recovery: 6.5km @ 6:05 min/km [4.1M @ 9:47 min/mi]
    Dreadful day compared to yesterday, and towards the end of the afternoon, my 6yo daughter surprised me that she wanted to come out with me on my run (she has a new pink bike, that might have something to do with it). Great fun to be out together, her asking as my pacer, and me pushing her over the railway bridge in the park :)

    Miserable afternoon but we escaped most of the downpours. I was wearing my least-favourable running outfit, I didn't want to waste the good "hilly" socks on this :)

    Week 5/18:
    | plan | Planned | Actual
    Mon | rest/rec | rest | done
    Tue | 4M easy | 5M easy | 5M easy: 7.8km @ 6.02 [5M @ 9:42]
    Wed | 6M + strides| 6M + strides | 5M @ PMP: 7.9km @ 5:30 [5M @ 8:50]
    Thu | 4M easy| 5M easy, Garmin-free | 5M easy: 7.9km @ 5:39 [5M @ 9:05]
    Fri | Cross (Pilates) | Pilates & ?? | Pilates & bike-commute (~20 km)
    Sat| 15M LSR | 15M LSR | 15M LSR: 24.4km @ 6.19 [15.2M @ 10.09]
    Sun | 3M recovery | 3+M recovery | 4M recovery: 6.5km @ 6:05 [4.1M @ 9:47]

    Next week, focus is on nailing both the Wednesday session and the daunting 16M LSR

    Week 6/18:

    | plan | Planned | Actual
    Mon | rest/rec | rest | alright then :)
    Tue | 5M easy | 5M easy |
    Wed | 7M (5 @ PMP) | 7M (5 @ PMP)|
    Thu | 3M recovery | 5M recovery |
    Fri | Cross (Pilates) | Pilates & ?? |
    Sat| 16M LSR | 16M LSR |
    Sun | 3M recovery | 4+M recovery |

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭nop98

    Week 6 of 18 is a bit of a mixed bag so far.

    Monday: sweet nada.

    Target: 5M easy
    Actual: 5M easy: 8km @ 5:39 min/km [5M @ 9:05 min/mi]
    Usual lunchtime loop with quite a few colleagues, including one or two DCM graduates. Probably the most enjoyable run of the week so far, uneventful and quite a nice afternoon. Chatted throughout and got some thmubs-up from the lads about how easy it all looked. :cool:

    Target: 7M, 5M @ PMP
    Actual: 6+M, 5+M @ PHMP: 10km @ 5:16 min/km [6.3M @ 8.28 min/mi]
    Not quite sure what to make of this one. I ran this as a run-commute home, which is overall downhill. Logistically it's all a little challenging tho. It wasn't helped when I was asked to be home at a certain time as we were going out for dinner with friends & kids. This meant I had to cut my route short and run a lot faster than I had intended.

    So, while it all felt a little harried, I had no problem maintaining the pace and it was nice to stretch the legs. I did feel my right-calf tighten a couple of times during the run, nothing serious, I hope, but it certainly needs monitoring.

    Target: 5M easy/recovery
    Actual: 4M easy: 6.8km @ 5:40 min/km [4.3M @ 9:07 min/mi]
    Usual lunchtime stuff again, but I cut it short on account of calf. Loads of stretching and tiny, tiny steps to get going and ready to bail at the first sign of trouble. It actually held out fine, but was stiff again afterwards.

    The evening was spent foam rolling. :(

    Friday: Cross (Pilates) - nothing else as I wanted to rest the calf. It feels better today, but I finally have a Dubgal-approved physio appointment for Monday.

    Monthly total for July is 226.6 km [141.6M] which is a PB by over 20 miles. Looking back over the past 6-10 weeks, there's been some ups and downs, and some worries, but overall it's going fine and I'm happy with the progress. Week 6 is a little light on mileage on account of the calf, but it is what it is.

    Tomorrow, 16M LSR :eek: The distances are a bit ridiculous, I spent ages mapping it out and then I'm still a mile short. Tomorrow, I plan to go Southbound towards Bray, along the main road to Greystones, and back over the cliff-path to Bray and Shankill. As Ed Mc says, just put the head down and run.

    Week 6/18:

    | plan | Planned | Actual
    Mon | rest/rec | rest | alright then :) | done
    Tue | 5M easy | 5M easy | 5M easy: 8km @ 5:39 [5M @ 9:05]
    Wed | 7M (5 @ PMP) | 7M (5 @ PMP)| 6+M, 5+M @ PHMP: 10km @ 5:16 [6.3M @ 8.28]
    Thu | 3M recovery | 5M recovery | 4M easy: 6.8km @ 5:40 [4.3M @ 9:07]
    Fri | Cross (Pilates) | Pilates & ?? | Pilates
    Sat| 16M LSR | 16M LSR |
    Sun | 3M recovery | 4+M recovery |

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,009 ✭✭✭Firedance

    Well done on the 18 miles :) is the fridge empty yet?? :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭nop98

    Firedance wrote: »
    Well done on the 18 miles :) is the fridge empty yet?? :D

    Only 16M :pac: and yes, I have been eating and drinking all weekend since the run!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,009 ✭✭✭Firedance

    nop98 wrote: »
    Only 16M :pac: and yes, I have been eating and drinking all weekend since the run!

    oops sorry! well you will have to do 18 at some stage so echm well done in advance :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭nop98

    Target: 16M LSR
    Actual: 16M LSR: 25.8km @ 6:21 min/km [16.1M @ 10:13 min/mi].
    Third week in a row for a PB in terms of distance and time on feet. This was quite a struggle tho, I can't say I enjoyed it much.

    Left the house early and started with an extra lap in Shanganagh Park to ensure I'd hit the distance. I am pretty sure I wouldn't have done that at the end :). South to Bray, along the promenade towards Bray Head, and then inland to the provincial road to Greystones.

    My lower legs were sore and took their time loosening up, so much so that I considered (briefly) chucking it all in and taking the DART home. When I finally emerged out of Bray, I stopped to stretch and drink water. That actually seemed to work and I had no trouble getting over the hill and down towards Greystones. All very slow, and as usual questioning the wisdom of running so slowly (running at 5/10k pace seems so different and far away).

    Towards Greystones harbour and left, through the building-site, towards the cliff path to Bray. Much as I love that walk, I don't think it's the best choice of routes for an LSR. You spend all the time looking right in front of you and can't enjoy the scenery.

    11M in, I stopped again to stretch and take a gel and water. Looking along the coast I could see Shankill in the far distance and nearly gave up, it looked so far. But I put the head down and just ran home.

    I was happy with HTFU but the thought of another 10M is a sobering one.

    Target: 4+M recovery
    Actual: zip

    Woke up with a very sore back (happens every couple of months, I must have slept wrong) so I'm skipping today's recovery run. Didn't feel like running at all anyway.

    Week 6/18:

    | plan | Planned | Actual
    Mon | rest/rec | rest | alright then :) | done
    Tue | 5M easy | 5M easy | 5M easy: 8km @ 5:39 [5M @ 9:05]
    Wed | 7M (5 @ PMP) | 7M (5 @ PMP)| 6+M, 5+M @ PHMP: 10km @ 5:16 [6.3M @ 8.28]
    Thu | 3M recovery | 5M recovery | 4M easy: 6.8km @ 5:40 [4.3M @ 9:07]
    Fri | Cross (Pilates) | Pilates & ?? | Pilates
    Sat| 16M LSR | 16M LSR | 25.8km @ 6:21 [16.1M @ 10:13]
    Sun | 3M recovery | 4+M recovery | rest

    Week 7/18:

    This is going to be a funny week as we're off on holidays on Saturday. I want to try and get the LSR done on Friday, and so I'm bringing all runs a day forward. Edit: I'm changing the week, to do the 5M PMP session on the bank-holidays.

    | plan | Planned | Actual
    Mon | rest/rec | 7M (5 @ PMP) |
    Tue | 4M easy | 5M easy |
    Wed | 7M (5 @ PMP) | 5M easy |
    Thu | 4M easy | rest|
    Fri | Cross | 14M LSR |
    Sat| 14M LSR | rest / travel |
    Sun | 3M recovery | 3M easy |

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 261 ✭✭Ed Mc

    Well done on the lsr.
    Just remember why you're doing this, it'll make them easier.
    I think the cliff walks a good route, your mind is focused on your footing and less on the miles.
    The elevation would help too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭nop98

    Thank you Ed. Yes, eye on the finish-line. Or actually, if I make it to the start-line, I'll be happy enough. :)

    You're right, I do seem to clock up decent elevation on the LSRs, I'm quite "lucky" where I live.

    I did actually think about the distances you cover in your training and in Belfast during my run - and the "just run" mantra. It's inspiring!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Wohoo another LSR in the bag, you're really cranking up the mileage, well done Nop :):)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭nop98

    Thanks Neady!

    Now, stop spending time reading and posting here. We need to hear about The Beast!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭nop98

    Keeping the log ticking over :) Week 7 is going fine.

    Sunday: sweet nothing. That was a f.i.n.e. decision, if I may say so myself. :cool:

    Planned: 7M (5 @ PMP)
    Actual: 7M, 6M ~PMP: 11.5km @ ~5.27 min/km [7.2M @ 8:46 min/mi]
    I went to the Bay 10k in DL to spectate and child-mind. My better half ran the race and posted a fine PB. I had the rare experience to watch the finish (usually, the winners (m/f) have long showered by the time I get in), and one of the local runners won with just a few seconds to spare. Awesome sight.

    After that, Dubgal had recommended a local physical therapist, who spent an hour digging into my legs (of course I did not wince at all :rolleyes:) - and that was all good.

    Subsequently, I was got the 7M done. The first M was slow and controlled, after that, I did speed up but it was so windy that my splits were all over the place (some wind-assisted 5.0x min/km's which is definitely too fast). I just tried to measure on effort. Kids were in the playground handing out water as I passed them by. Really good fun, and a decent session.

    Planned: 5M easy
    Actual: 5M easy: 7.6km @ 5:25 min/km [4.8M @ 8:43 min/mi]
    I ran this one a little too fast. 2 colleagues had left a few minutes beforehand and I ran with a third, and we just ran without paying much attention to the clock. Didn't feel like we went at this pace at all - we just kept reeling in the guys ahead of us. Uneventful otherwise.

    Planned: 5M easy
    Actual: 5M easy (treadmill): 8.0 km @ 5:45 min/km [5M @ 9:15 min/mi]
    It looked overly miserable out, and I opted for the safety of the gym instead. Boring as it is, I like zoning out on the treadmill every now and again, but 45 minutes is a bit of a challenge. After a few km, another dude (DCM grad) appeared on the machine next to me and we had a nice chat about work, kids, etc. That made the km's fly - but once he disappeared, the last mile or so was sooooo long. :confused:

    Oh, and did I mention I sweat a lot? You should see me after an indoor run. Yuck. :eek:

    Week 7/18:

    | plan | Planned | Actual
    Mon | rest/rec | 7M (5 @ PMP) | 7M, 6M ~PMP: 11.5km @ ~5.27 [7.2M @ 8:46]
    Tue | 4M easy | 5M easy | 5M easy: 7.6km @ 5:25 [4.8M @ 8:43]
    Wed | 7M (5 @ PMP) | 5M easy | 5M easy (treadmill): 8.0 km @ 5:45 [5M @ 9:15]
    Thu | 4M easy | rest|
    Fri | Cross | 14M LSR |
    Sat| 14M LSR | rest / travel |
    Sun | 3M recovery | 3M easy |

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 77 ✭✭Runner Mojo

    Your LSR route sounds a lot nicer than mine!

    13 miler coming up for me on Sat when you are doing your 14 miles - mental note: run somewhere interesting!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭nop98

    Greetings from stunning Allihies, West Cork. Just back from 5M recce around the 'hood. What amazing scenery!

    8.1km @ 6.01 min/km [5M @ 9:40 min/mi]

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭nop98

    Long overdue update, on account of holidays :cool:

    (I had a much longer version of this written, but IE crashed and I lost it all :mad:).

    Week 7/18 finished with a 14M LSR, the first 8M in the enjoyable company of DG, and then 6M solo. We then travelled to Allihies, Co Cork, and I did a 5M recce around the "Heart of Allihies 5M route".

    Week 8/18 started with two more short runs (5M and 8M @ PMP) around stunning scenery and lovely weather. Really nice, and plenty of hills and wind to keep the legs well engaged and motoring.

    On Thursday, I ran an epic 17M LSR, from Allihies to the Dursey Island cable car (route:

    I left as early as I could (<7am) as I was a little nervous about the traffic on the main road. That said, within a mile I almost got clattered by a cyclist.

    The route starts with a massive climb to the Bealbearish Gap (+100m elevation) and then takes a right turn, where you're greeted by this road-sign:,-10.0660304,3a,75y,263.14h,69.49t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sgyFyMLdZISowSq2A41EiuQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

    OMG. 16km [10M] roundtrip from this point. Anyway, best to get it over with. Much enjoyable run albeit quite lonely and it took some effort not to loose confidence. Eventually made it to the cable car, feasted on a tasty gel, took a selfie to send to the family (and dropped/broke my phone in the process).

    On the way back up, I hit some low points and it took some effort to keep going. But to my surprise, I kept going and the garmin kept beeping for km-splits. So I got back to the Gap and paused briefly to savour the sight of Allihies in the far distance (>3M to go), mostly downhill. :cool:

    As I descent, the same cyclist from 3 hours ago pulls alongside me. "You must have done a marathon!" he says. I am so far in my own little cave that I can't respond other than a half-arsed wave. "I wish", I think about 3 minutes later once I have finally deciphered what he said.

    Spirits were duly lifted (thanks dude!) for the final mile climb to Allihies were I collapse on the sofa and eat/drink for the rest of the week (but the legs felt surprisingly good).

    On Saturday, I did the Bere Island parkrun and managed a modest PB :D:

    Week 9/18 is again going to be a little off-program. I am a little short re mileage from last week so I intend to do 5-8-5-5M, rest on Friday, and then race the Frank Duffy 10M on Saturday. I know I shouldn't be playing catch-up but I feel pretty good and I am looking forward to get plenty of easy miles in, as I am off work for another week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Jeez and here was I feeling virtuous about a 250m elevation gain today. Great going on the LSR, nop! And the Bere Island parkrun too... That one is definitely high on my list.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭nop98

    annapr wrote: »
    Jeez and here was I feeling virtuous about a 250m elevation gain today. Great going on the LSR, nop! And the Bere Island parkrun too... That one is definitely high on my list.

    Thanks Anna - the Bere Island run is definitely something I'd recommend. We did the express route (9am ferry from Castletown, 11:15am ferry back home), which suited well as the entire family including grandparents came along, and we had just been in the area for an entire week.

    But I didn't get to see much of the place itself. Given more time, I'd stay overnight to explore the island a bit more.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    I'm just going to say this quietly so I don't get into trouble with Dubgal for endorsing your rebelliousness ! Well done on the 5K, nop. That has to be worth 21:xx on a flatter course. Of course you won't find that out until after the marathon now, will you ?!? :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭nop98

    Bungy Girl wrote: »
    I'm just going to say this quietly so I don't get into trouble with Dubgal for endorsing your rebelliousness ! Well done on the 5K, nop. That has to be worth 21:xx on a flatter course. Of course you won't find that out until after the marathon now, will you ?!? :D

    Thanks BG - it was a bit unexpected. To my surprise, I seem to have gotten away with it :) :cool:

    Would love to do sub-22 at some stage, but I think it might need some specific training. I should have plenty of opportunity since the local parkrun is flat as a pancake.

    And yes, I am following the boards program to the letter now. No more cheeky races! :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    Bungy Girl wrote: »
    Well done on the 5K, nop.
    Heard that :p
    nop98 wrote: »
    I seem to have gotten away with it :) :cool:
    Ya think....?! :pac: :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭nop98

    This is a bit of a step-back week it seems, on account of the FD10 on Saturday. Me and my local park are getting to know each-other very well.

    Monday: 5M easy: 8.7km @ 5:39 [5.4M @ 9.05]

    Tuesday: 5M easy: 8.5km @ 5:46 [5.3M @ 9.16]. Struggled to keep the pace down on both occasions.

    Wednesday: planned run cancelled on account of niggles.

    Thursday: 5M easy: 8.8km @ 5.56 [5.5M @ 6.32]. After this, I went to see the physical therapist who had an merciless go at glutes and soleus calf muscles. To describe it diplomatically, I don't think I can be accused of having a high pain threshold. However, a clean bill of health (which is good), just needed the maintenance.

    Friday: 4M easy with 4x strides: 6.4km @ 5:42 [4.0M @ 9:02]. Out in the drizzle to stride-out some of the after-effects of the massage. Took ages to warm and loosen up and it was all quite sore, but once it clicked into place, it was fine. I wore the purple Frank Duffy 2014 shirt to mark tomorrow's occasion (:p)

    Tomorrow: Frank Duffy 10M in Phoenix Park. I did this race last year, with a nasty cold. Prep was 2 weeks in Tuscany, Italy. This saw plenty of vinos and gorgeous food, but little miles. :) Time was 89m or thereabouts.

    I am running with one of the greyhounds from work and we've planned to go out at 8min/mi and see if we can break 80 minutes. Looking forward to meeting some of the other Novices too!
