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August 2015 Babies Club



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭irishgirl19

    Oh just realised its only 9 weeks left in work not 10 :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 322 ✭✭Dobbit

    Gift so far: Some baby gros and some small things from my parents, sister and my gran. Apparently my granny has a stash of stuff in her place! My FIL got us a nursing chair but that was because we asked for it after he suggested something we didn't have a use for and then something else someone had told me they were buying. My parents are getting us the baby elegance bundle which is very handy, still waiting on it to arrive though.

    I'm planning to send thank you cards after baby arrives.

  • Registered Users Posts: 281 ✭✭cowlove

    My husband hadn't seen me for 2 weeks, he said I look massive and ready to pop now. Lol

    8.5 weeks to go. Starting to get uncomfortable now!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭irishgirl19

    Oh the baby elegance bundle that's a great gift dobbit

  • Registered Users Posts: 322 ✭✭Dobbit

    Oh the baby elegance bundle that's a great gift dobbit

    Yeah it's very generous of them and it saves me a lot of hassle picking out stuff, delighted with it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭irishgirl19

    I bought the black baby elegance nappy bag the other day. Took me ages to get it.I could only find it in purple and red for a while

  • Registered Users Posts: 322 ✭✭Dobbit

    I think if I ever do this again I'm going semi private and I'm not going back to Holles Street, it's such a cattle market and although the midwives are lovely, the doctors just look right through you and the admin staff shrug their shoulders at every question.

    The doctor I had this morning was so sullen and when I asked her if she could tell me what weight the baby was, she couldn't. "Oh I'd have to go get a something something mumble mumble" "A WHAT?" Speak up for gods sake. She mumbled her way through my appointment and then when I had a question about my maternity leave form the admin staff were like "oh I think you don't need to fill in that box", you think? For 6 months of maternity benefit you need to do better than "I think". I'm so glad this is a complication free pregnancy because I really dread to think what they are like otherwise.

  • Registered Users Posts: 672 ✭✭✭Ms Tootsie

    Dobbit that is such a pity you are having a bad experience with them. I am going public with the coombe and so far have found them great esp at the beginning when I was classed as a higher risk pregnancy and had to get extra scans following leetz procedures. Now I am back down to standard I am loving the satellite clinics - far less queues, in and out in no time at all and usually only one or two others are in the waiting room. Last time I was the only one, even better! Do Holles Street offer midwife satellite clinics at all that maybe you could go to?

    The baby elegance package is a fantastic gift Dobbit!!! So generous! In the last week or two our families have been dividing things up and asking to get certain things. My parents got us the iCandy travel system. His mum and her husband got us the maxi coxi car seat and base, his sister is getting us the monitors with the mat sensor things, my sister is getting us the changing unit for downstairs, my brother got us the travel cot, our little niece 'got' us a baby bath, others are deciding between other big bits and pieces. I cannot get over how generous people are!! I feel almost guilty! My folks have also got us three months supply of nappys from newborn up.

    I was thinking we were so unorganised but when I list it all out we have a lot of stuff sorted. We ordered our mamas and papas nursery set last week and I raided Aldi during there baby event for some essentials for my hospital bag. I started on it last week as I want to get a few bits every week and spread the cost. I picked up soothers, breast pads and maternity pads yesterday - which by the way are GINORMOUS! I cant see how they will be comfortable, hoping I will be able to switch to normal sanitary pads as soon as possible.

    How is everyone else getting on with their hospital bag?

    YAY on getting your nappy bag Irishgirl. I still have to pick up mine. I want to get one that can double as a handbag for me and then himself and everyone else can use the generic one we got with the iCandy when we ordered it. I am so jealous of your 9 weeks left in work. I have 10. Counting down already!! Good luck with the mini scan today :)

    BL fair play to you with the extension! We are hoping to have a small extension added before nugget arrives. We had the builders out last night but with 12 weeks to go I really dont know if it is feasible but sure we will see. I would love it done before I go on maternity leave otherwise it will be closer to Christmas as there is no way I am starting into that with a brand new baby in Aug / Sept. Like you I figured I wanted to start on my hospital bag. I havent everything got - not by a long short - but I gave myself a big pat on the back for starting it haha!

    VandC as you can see we havent bought much - car seat ordered, iCandy ordered and nursery set ordered but everything else has been claimed for gifts and sure that was only in the last week. This weekend we are going to try and make a list of what we still have to get ourselves and take it from there. If people were not grabbing stuff to get as gifts we would be starting from scratch :D although we did get the tommy tippie starter kit at the baby fair in Dublin.

    Macha as for cards we havent done that yet. We havent actually received the gifts yet just family have been deciding among themselves who is getting us what. I will make a list of what people give us and send cards after the baby arrives safe and sound, I dont want to jinx it. It's mainly immediate family getting us things in advance of the little ones arrival anyway so I know they would expect a card until after nugget is here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 322 ✭✭Dobbit

    Ms Tootsie wrote: »
    Do Holles Street offer midwife satellite clinics at all that maybe you could go to?

    Only for Southsiders and I'm a Northwestsider! It's not that bad really, I'm probably being a drama queen. Better than they are hooshing me out than keeping me in for tests.
    Ms Tootsie wrote: »
    I cannot get over how generous people are!!

    Your family sound so organised! Other than my parents no one else has really said anything to us.
    Ms Tootsie wrote: »
    How is everyone else getting on with their hospital bag?

    So far I have:
    Maternity pads (giant and smaller size)
    Nursing pads (using these already!)
    Pjs x 2 for me
    Delivery nightdress for me
    Loose robe
    big knickers!
    new born nappies
    Bunch of sleepsuits and vest thingys

    Still need a whole bunch of stuff but haven't got round to making a list.

  • Registered Users Posts: 672 ✭✭✭Ms Tootsie

    Dobbit wrote: »
    Only for Southsiders and I'm a Northwestsider! It's not that bad really, I'm probably being a drama queen. Better than they are hooshing me out than keeping me in for tests.

    Your family sound so organised! Other than my parents no one else has really said anything to us.

    So far I have:
    Maternity pads (giant and smaller size)
    Nursing pads (using these already!)
    Pjs x 2 for me
    Delivery nightdress for me
    Loose robe
    big knickers!
    new born nappies
    Bunch of sleepsuits and vest thingys

    Still need a whole bunch of stuff but haven't got round to making a list.

    That is a pity that it only applies to one side of the city. What a nightmare. You think they would expand it to include both. Honestly the Midwife clinics are so handy. I can understand why most people want to go that way.

    Normally my family are far from organised lol :rolleyes: but I think they want to avoid some people getting me the same stuff. Both the parents wanted to get something big so we sorted that out early so that no one felt put out.

    Wow You are my hero - you have loads done for the hospital bag!! So far I have mainly stuff for the baby I think:

    Newborn nappies (and a few the next size up)
    Vests - still need to get sleep suits and hats and mits and also probably a few more vests
    1 cellular blanket - need another
    Cot sheet - which I realised is an actual cot size and not cradle / moses basket size so absolutely no use for the hospital
    Vaseline (to help with that first 'tar' poo - great tip from my midwife)
    Breast pads
    One pack of maternity pads (I didnt know they come in different sizes, do they?)
    One dark towel for showering (need another one)
    Shower gel, shampoo, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste (they are all going in so I dont have to run around the house picking up mine before we go)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 281 ✭✭cowlove

    I am just back from the hospital. I had a small bleed Monday evening. I thought I would be in for a couple of hours but they ended up keeping me for two days.

    Thankfully there has been no bleeds since and baby seems fine.

    I am so glad to be home. Hardly any sleep for two days, I am not in any rush back there, as fantastic as the midwives were.

  • Registered Users Posts: 672 ✭✭✭Ms Tootsie

    cowlove wrote: »
    I am just back from the hospital. I had a small bleed Monday evening. I thought I would be in for a couple of hours but they ended up keeping me for two days.

    Thankfully there has been no bleeds since and baby seems fine.

    I am so glad to be home. Hardly any sleep for two days, I am not in any rush back there, as fantastic as the midwives were.

    Crap what a scary few days cowlove. I hope you are resting up now you are at home. Good to know the midwives are nice!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 281 ✭✭cowlove

    Ms Tootsie wrote: »
    Crap what a scary few days cowlove. I hope you are resting up now you are at home. Good to know the midwives are nice!!

    I cannot fault the hospital at all. The care was fantastic and I am going public. I was very impressed. Even the food as lovely!

    It was scary. I am so happy all the scans were fine. I am trying to rest up before work tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭irishgirl19

    Cowlove ,glad u are feeling OK now.its very scary isn't it. At least u and baby are OK.
    Had a scan yesterday, mentioned to the doc I think I'm feeling her less past few days but doctor said its probably just because she is getting bigger. Baby is breech now aswell when she was in the right position the last time but the doc said she will probably move around herself in time.
    Doctor also said she was pleased with my weight gain even though I've been eating like a pig. Glad everyone is keeping well

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators Posts: 6,376 Mod ✭✭✭✭Macha

    cowlove wrote: »
    I cannot fault the hospital at all. The care was fantastic and I am going public. I was very impressed. Even the food as lovely!

    It was scary. I am so happy all the scans were fine. I am trying to rest up before work tomorrow.

    Wow, would they not sign you off work for a day or two to rest after that? I had a tiny bleed about a month ago and my gynaecologist gave me a week of work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 281 ✭✭cowlove

    Macha wrote: »
    Wow, would they not sign you off work for a day or two to rest after that? I had a tiny bleed about a month ago and my gynaecologist gave me a week of work.

    I should have taken the rest of the week off. I was stupid going in.

    I am resting now 😀

  • Registered Users Posts: 322 ✭✭Dobbit

    I've started to drop in the last day or two, just a little bit but enough to notice when I'm trying to walk up a set of stairs!

  • Registered Users Posts: 159 ✭✭catchery

    Hi ladies hope everyone is well ! Im heading into week 32 and on friday i got the whooping cough vaccine , i was fine until Sunday and then had full blown flu with a sore throat. Couldnt eat yesterday and felt really awful bit better today just had some tea and toast. So might be a coincidence i dont know but just a heads up if you are getting the jab !

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,340 ✭✭✭borderlinemeath

    catchery wrote: »
    Hi ladies hope everyone is well ! Im heading into week 32 and on friday i got the whooping cough vaccine , i was fine until Sunday and then had full blown flu with a sore throat. Couldnt eat yesterday and felt really awful bit better today just had some tea and toast. So might be a coincidence i dont know but just a heads up if you are getting the jab !

    I'm due mine in a couple of weeks, must read up on the literature on the side effects!

    Sitting in a very warm, very crowded waiting room for my antenatal appt. On the way here a car went straight through a red light as I was turning out of a junction, missed me by a few feet, left me shaking! I beeped and flashed along with another car but he ignored us. By coincidence we both ended up in the same car park where I shouted at him and all he said was he didn't notice. His face dropped then when I got out of the car with a big bump! Hopefully copped him on a bit!

  • Registered Users Posts: 672 ✭✭✭Ms Tootsie

    God BLM that must have been scary. Hope it hasnt sent your blood pressure up on anything!

    I am going to hopefully get my whopping cough vaccine when I am in with my gp for my antenatal check up this week. Does anyone know if we have to ask for it in advance or can we just show up and get it on the day?

    Oh Dobbit that is exciting about bump dropping! Definitely a sign you are heading into the home stretch. How many weeks are you now?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,340 ✭✭✭borderlinemeath

    BP grand, just had it taken 😊. I'm due to get my vacc on my next GP visit, I was told I don't have to commit to it but if I want I can get it next time I'm in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 322 ✭✭Dobbit

    Ms Tootsie wrote: »
    Oh Dobbit that is exciting about bump dropping! Definitely a sign you are heading into the home stretch. How many weeks are you now?

    33 on Friday so it's a teeny bit early but if I went a week or two before my due date I'd be delighted, so over this now!

    BLM I'm delighted you pulled him up on it, stupid people should always be made aware that they are stupid!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,340 ✭✭✭borderlinemeath

    Dobbit wrote: »
    33 on Friday so it's a teeny bit early but if I went a week or two before my due date I'd be delighted, so over this now!

    BLM I'm delighted you pulled him up on it, stupid people should always be made aware that they are stupid!

    He was a young gobshiite, too busy flicking his cigarette ash out the window :mad:. I know it's easy to get distracted but he completely ignored us when we both beeped, luckily it was a two lane carriageway we were turning onto and he stayed in the right lane while myself and the other car had turned into the left lane.

    I'm not going to get into the MLU though :(, my consultant said that I won't be let go over my due date, in fact they might take me in early - while they told me before that they don't like women over 40 going over, this was the first mention of the "early" word! I've been booked in for another scan as well at 34 weeks, which seems to be unusual enough and I've not had any complications other than my dodgy looking veins!

  • Registered Users Posts: 322 ✭✭Dobbit

    Antenatal class yesterday was gas, there was a very nervous looking dad or two, you're not the one who has to push the baby out dear! :P

    Baby is trying to burrow out today. I can feel it's hands down the bottom of the bump trying to dig!

  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭emka1984

    catchery wrote: »
    Hi ladies hope everyone is well ! Im heading into week 32 and on friday i got the whooping cough vaccine , i was fine until Sunday and then had full blown flu with a sore throat. Couldnt eat yesterday and felt really awful bit better today just had some tea and toast. So might be a coincidence i dont know but just a heads up if you are getting the jab !

    I got mine last Thursday, only had a bit of pain in the arm for a day or two after, but otherwise it was grand. I was told by my GP that no other side effects should take place.

  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭emka1984

    Ms Tootsie wrote: »
    I am going to hopefully get my whopping cough vaccine when I am in with my gp for my antenatal check up this week. Does anyone know if we have to ask for it in advance or can we just show up and get it on the day?

    I don't think you have to ask for it in advance, the GP should have it available. That being said, I guess it all depends on the GP...? And the amount of pregnant Ladies they're treating daily LOL

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭irishgirl19

    Starting my ante natal classes next week. Do u find them helpful dobbit?

  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭emka1984

    Starting my ante natal classes next week. Do u find them helpful dobbit?

    I'm doing mine in Holles St. I found the first one rather useless, but the following sessions have been rather good so far! I guess it's all down to who is running them & how they do it... But I find them interesting enough since you can ask questions, etc... Plus you're in a group and sometimes others come up with questions that I wouldn't have necessarily considered... I think it's good to have a bit of a "training" :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭irishgirl19

    Thanks Emka. I'm looking forward to them. Plus I get to leave work early which is an added bonus :)
    I'm in the midwife clinic in Lucan next tues then have my physiotherapy class thurs morning and ante natal Thurs evening. I'm noticing the appts are getting a lot closer now. Is there a cut off point for the whooping cough. I'm not back in with the doctor until I'm 33 wks

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  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭emka1984

    Thanks Emka. I'm looking forward to them. Plus I get to leave work early which is an added bonus :)

    Same here, LOL!

    I think for the vaccine they're saying that the best time is between 28-32 weeks, however the baby benefits from it even when you get it closer to your due date.
