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The Continuity training thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,447 ✭✭✭FBOT01

    ECOLII wrote: »
    Sounds about right although I would always encourage people to set a pace range rather than particular time to make allowances for conditions, how you are feeling etc. Setting a hard fast pace rule lends itself to a pass fail perception based on that pace alone. I would say 7.30-7.40 would probably be a better aim

    I would agree with that and generally give myself 5 or 10 sec headroom either way depending on conditions, etc. Cheers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,447 ✭✭✭FBOT01

    ECOLII wrote: »
    Sounds about right although I would always encourage people to set a pace range rather than particular time to make allowances for conditions, how you are feeling etc. Setting a hard fast pace rule lends itself to a pass fail perception based on that pace alone. I would say 7.30-7.40 would probably be a better aim

    Needed the extra headroom this eve but got it done which is the main thing:pac::pac:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 558 ✭✭✭ECOLII

    Whoops could have sworn I updated Saturday :o

    Session 1
    1-3 mile warm up
    2 x (3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3 min @ 5k-10k effort w/ 2 min rec) 5 min between sets
    1-3 mile cooldown

    This session can be a pain because while the effort is increasing in the second half of the session so to is the distance of the rep's great one for mentally prepping you for races.

    Session 2
    1-3 mile easy
    3 mile tempo (0.75 @ MP, 0.25 @ 10k) All continuous running
    1-3 mile easy

    These are what Canova/Magness calls Alternation and there is a good article here on them

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 558 ✭✭✭ECOLII

    This weeks session given that many will be racing at the weekend I will have pre race session as well as an optional session for those not racing

    Session 1

    1-3 miles warm up
    6 min @ 10k pace
    2x1 min @ 5k pace
    4x30 sec @ 1 mile pace
    1-3 mile cooldown

    Recoveries 2 min between all reps

    The aim of this session is more focused at the 1st half of the session, we focus on getting the legs exposed to race pace followed by a short recovery and then upping the pace.

    As the session gets on it gets easier as the recoveries increase in relation to rep length so it is quite controlled and a session which you can recover from pretty quickly so will leave you well prepped for a race normally I would try to do this on a wed for a Sunday session

    Session 2

    2 hours Steady pace (mid point between MP and Easy roughly

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,447 ✭✭✭FBOT01

    Thanks Ecolii,

    I did my planned Session 1 for this week last night which was 12x1min @ 10k Pace with 1 min jog recovery between each rep. Given I am running in Raheny on Sunday as you would expect I won't be doing the 2 hour Steady later in the week. Would you advise that I stick to easy running for the week with some strides thrown in which is what I have planned or should I look at doing the above Session 1 tomorrow or Thursday?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 558 ✭✭✭ECOLII

    FBOT01 wrote: »
    Thanks Ecolii,

    I did my planned Session 1 for this week last night which was 12x1min @ 10k Pace with 1 min jog recovery between each rep. Given I am running in Raheny on Sunday as you would expect I won't be doing the 2 hour Steady later in the week. Would you advise that I stick to easy running for the week with some strides thrown in which is what I have planned or should I look at doing the above Session 1 tomorrow or Thursday?

    I would say stick to strides personally. If you are afraid of being sluggish throw in a half mile at the end of your Thurs/Fri run at race pace but nothing too strenous just enough to keep the pace in touch with the legs

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,447 ✭✭✭FBOT01

    ECOLII wrote: »
    I would say stick to strides personally. If you are afraid of being sluggish throw in a half mile at the end of your Thurs/Fri run at race pace but nothing too strenous just enough to keep the pace in touch with the legs

    Thanks I was leaning that way, alright. A man of my vintage (and limited experience) needs to be careful not to think he can try these things and get away with them. The mind might be willing but the body not so able :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 709 ✭✭✭cianc

    Wanted to double check: late comers like myself should be jumping in, not starting from week 1 right?
    I think that was stated somewhere near the start of the thread, but I'm too lazy to trawl the whole thing :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 558 ✭✭✭ECOLII

    The thread itself is not really an overall plan it is simply weekly unspecific training trying to touch on various training stimulus in order to prepare someone for a better specific phase later on and as such I don't think there is a need to start from the start however there has been a bit of progression throughout the plan so if you were to jump in I would say aim for 60-80% volume of sessions for a couple of weeks to ease into it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 558 ✭✭✭ECOLII

    Session 1
    1-3 miles warm up
    5 x 3 min hills (full recovery 2.30-3 min)
    1-3 miles cooldown

    This is a session is great for developing 5k/10k power. These should feel like about 5k effort but paces will probably be a little closer to 10k-HM, Hill does not have to be that steep but rather simply a constant incline

    Session 2
    1-3 miles warm up
    3 x (1 mile MP, 1 mile steady)*
    1-3 mile cooldown

    *(If your MP pace is slower than 7.30 min then base it off time i.e 7.30/8.30 min segments roughly)

    This is one that I have many of my athletes might recognise as I find these sort of session great in marathon training mentally as you are actively trying to restore MP after you slow and as the session goes on the heaviness can take its toll.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    I only started this three weeks ago but started from week 1. I have to say I'm finding it very good. Lots of variation to keep things interesting!! Cheers ECOLII :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 558 ✭✭✭ECOLII

    Okay another week down hopefully people are still finding this one useful

    Here is the plan for this week

    Session 1
    1-3 miles warm up
    4x4 min @ 10k effort w/ 2.30 recovery, 4x1 min @ 5k effort w/ 45 sec rec
    1-3 miles cooldown

    Session 2
    1 mile warm up
    50 min MP
    1 mile cooldown

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,447 ✭✭✭FBOT01

    This thread helped me to get back into the groove for 2015 and to bag a sub 30 PB in Raheny. I will be sticking with it as part of my quest for a sub 18 5k and a PB in Ballycotton. Keep'em coming.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 558 ✭✭✭ECOLII

    Here is the plan for this week

    Session 1
    1-3 miles warm up
    10* 90 sec @ 5k effort w/ 1 min rec
    1-3 miles cooldown

    Session 2
    2 hour progression (40 min easy, 40 min steady, 30 min MP, 10 min HMP)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,447 ✭✭✭FBOT01

    FBOT01 wrote: »
    This thread helped me to get back into the groove for 2015 and to bag a sub 30 PB in Raheny. I will be sticking with it as part of my quest for a sub 18 5k and a PB in Ballycotton. Keep'em coming.

    Quest for sub 18 5k completed.....that's two pints I owe you;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 558 ✭✭✭ECOLII

    Session 1

    70 min steady

    Session 2
    1-3 mile warm up
    10 min @ 10k effort, 6 min @ 5k effort, 4 x 1 min @ 3k effort
    1-3 mile cooldown

    Recoveries (4-5 min between each and 1 min between 1 min efforts)

    I have set up the week to focus on the second session as its a relatively tough one but I did a version of this session last year and absolutely loved it

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 542 ✭✭✭Netwerk Errer

    ECOLII wrote: »
    Session 1

    70 min steady

    Session 2
    1-3 mile warm up
    10 min @ 10k effort, 6 min @ 5k effort, 4 x 1 min @ 3k effort
    1-3 mile cooldown

    Recoveries (4-5 min between each and 1 min between 1 min efforts)

    I have set up the week to focus on the second session as its a relatively tough one but I did a version of this session last year and absolutely loved it

    What's the idea behind that session ecoli? It resembles a combo interval I've seen from hansons.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 558 ✭✭✭ECOLII

    What's the idea behind that session ecoli?

    My use for the session might be slightly different than the original intent as this is a bastardized version of a session I shamelessly stole from here

    Good to do off the back of base phase or at tail end of a heavy endurance phase, to get the body used to running faster off a high intensity but also works a bit better if a person is not sharp simply because it can make the session a little more manageable. Given a number of people will be coming off 10 milers and HM's and possibly looking to 5 km/10km races coming through March and April it can be a good transition style workout for those who are slightly lacking on the lower end of paces in comparison to their longer distance times.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,447 ✭✭✭FBOT01

    ECOLII wrote: »
    Sorry about the delay on this

    I wouldn't worry about the feeling you are having regarding the sessions to be fair I think most people on boards would be the same for the exact reason that you mentioned. This is one of the points I made previously about all round running athleticism rather than marathon conditioning (as opposed to marathon fitness) you are a product of our enviroment and that is why touch on multiple systems will yield results

    In terms of targetting those races I would say still aim to have variety in the training but have it geared between 10k and Marathon paces

    To give you a simple plan than of sessions geared towards strength

    Week|Session 1|Session 2|
    1|10x2 min @10k pace w/90 rec| 45 min MP|
    2|5x6 min @ HMP w/90 sec rec| 2 hours steady|
    3|8x3 min @ 10k w/ 2 min rec| 50 min MP|
    4|12x1 min @ 10k pace w/ 1 min rec|RAHENY|
    5|4x8 min @ HMP with 2 min rec| 2 hour Progression run
    6|5x4 min @ 10k with 2.30 rec| 55 min MP|
    7|10x1 min hills w/2 min rec| 30 min HMP|
    8|2 hours steady| 3x20 min MP w/2.30 recovery|
    9|5,4,3,2,1 min @ MP,HMP,10k,5k,3k with 2 min rec between all| Ballycotton

    Hi Ecolii, This plan worked a treat and a managed to bag a 40sec PB in Ballycotton as well at the end of it. So thanks for your guidance.

    I avoided the temptation to sign up for Cork and launch into a 12 week Marathon Program. Instead I signed up for the GIR to give me a short term goal race and am also on the look out for a half sometime between now and June.

    The plan is to stick with a similar structure with 2 Key Sessions and one "long run" with the rest all easy/recovery running. I might be pushing my luck here but if you have any suggestions for good sessions over the next four weeks that would be geared towards helping me to give the GIR a good blast they would be much appreciated.

    Thanks again for your help so far.
