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January 2015 Babies Club



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,787 ✭✭✭Lashes28

    Think this is sharing a pic!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,495 ✭✭✭bobskii

    she is just gorgeous lashes!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,495 ✭✭✭bobskii

    mirrorwall if my wee woman cries she gets fed or burned . my mum pit her to sleep at 5 and she's asleep since,that's unheard of!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,495 ✭✭✭bobskii

    burned jesus!!I mean burped! !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 225 ✭✭HazelBee

    Hi all. Just catching up with the thread, glad everyone is doing well.
    Thinking of you Thumpette.

    Things going well here now. My little girl is all settled in at home. I'm combination feeding which seems to suit us both. She goes down at about 11 until 3 or 4 and then wakes for a feed and will sleep again until half 8 which is great. Once she is fed and burped she soothes herself in her crib and will doze off.
    Recovery is going well after the c-section and we have been out on a few walks this week. I still get a bit emotional or hormonal when I'm tired but I guess that is normal 3 weeks out?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 82 ✭✭millie14

    I have a similar routine with my two hazelbee , my little man is a devil for spewing up so feeding / winding takes a good hour, as for the tears that's totally normal, am heading into week five and am only slightly less teary now. My partner has gone back to work today so this should be fun, I think the tiny dictators have a big day planned for me today. Thinking of you thumpette.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,787 ✭✭✭Lashes28

    I often think of you Millie how you do it with two!! They say there's usually a more placid one which helps? I hope that's true for you
    Best of luck today.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,751 ✭✭✭mirrorwall14

    Glad all is going well for everyone. Millie fair play with two. My lad decided that last night would be a great time to start drinking half his bottle every 1-2hrs (he had been doing 3-4hrs) and mooch for the whole bloody night even just after feed/wind/change. I'm wrecked, he's wrecked and he's still at it this morning. Brat! He does seem to be having less poo's so I don't know if that's related.

    OH goes back to work tomorrow but my mum is coming to stay for a few days so should be a help if he keeps this up

    On a different note, I had an episiotomy and 2nd degree tear. Does anyone else find sneezing and coughing still sore? I'm not sore generally now and everything seems to be healing up well but I still feel bruised when I sneeze. Kegals seen to be paying off at least

  • Registered Users Posts: 926 ✭✭✭fall

    It's just when you think you have them sussed they throw you a curve ball. My girl tried to do that snacking but I tickle her feet or even take them out of her baby grow to keep her awake to finish her feed. Got out for a nice walk this morning. Can't wait for the weather to improve. I breast fed in a restaurant yesterday which gave me a great sense of freedom. Looking forward to getting out and about more.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,751 ✭✭✭mirrorwall14

    fall wrote: »
    It's just when you think you have them sussed they throw you a curve ball. My girl tried to do that snacking but I tickle her feet or even take them out of her baby grow to keep her awake to finish her feed. Got out for a nice walk this morning. Can't wait for the weather to improve. I breast fed in a restaurant yesterday which gave me a great sense of freedom. Looking forward to getting out and about more.

    Good work-I think Id be dead nervous breastfeeding in public. Delighted it's going well!!

    I've gone to the local shop with the buggy twice now, it's nice to get out. We're transferring the car seat base into to my car today prepping for hubby back at work. Bit terrifying!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,495 ✭✭✭bobskii

    I still haven't fed in public yet,well apart from in the doctors but that doesn't count!
    I had a 2nd degree tear too mirrorwall , It was painful for about a week but I don't remember it being sore after that . Maybe get your health nurse to check you.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,751 ✭✭✭mirrorwall14

    bobskii wrote: »
    I still haven't fed in public yet,well apart from in the doctors but that doesn't count!
    I had a 2nd degree tear too mirrorwall , It was painful for about a week but I don't remember it being sore after that . Maybe get your health nurse to check you.

    Well it's a good start bobskii!

    Ya I might do that, it's a wierd feeling not shooting pain just achey

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,495 ✭✭✭bobskii

    it could be just sore , our bits take an awful battering giving birth!!I would imagine brusing would still b sore . We have our 6 week check today,I'm hoping I don't have to have a smear I was up to date with mine before I got pregnant.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,751 ✭✭✭mirrorwall14

    bobskii wrote: »
    it could be just sore , our bits take an awful battering giving birth!!I would imagine brusing would still b sore . We have our 6 week check today,I'm hoping I don't have to have a smear I was up to date with mine before I got pregnant.

    Fingers crossed for you. Two week check for us on Wednesday tho the public health nurse is due so I might do it thursday instead to space things out a bit

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,787 ✭✭✭Lashes28

    bobskii wrote: »
    it could be just sore , our bits take an awful battering giving birth!!I would imagine brusing would still b sore . We have our 6 week check today,I'm hoping I don't have to have a smear I was up to date with mine before I got pregnant.

    They told me it takes four months for your bits to get back to normal before they can smear.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,751 ✭✭✭mirrorwall14

    Lashes28 wrote: »
    They told me it takes four months for your bits to get back to normal before they can smear.

    Good to know. Between checks and continuous fetal monitoring via head monitor on him and blood tests on his head for distress I'm quite happy for people to stay the hell away from me for a few weeks/months lol

    On an aside my shoes fit again!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,495 ✭✭✭bobskii

    no smear . she didn't even check me,asked if I wanted her to 'have a look' I just said no . little miss is up over 9lb now so she's thriving. He to get her hops checked the doc thought her left hip slipped today when she was check in them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 926 ✭✭✭fall

    Great weight Bobskii. I was told in the Coombe and by phn that it was smear at twelve weeks. I think the hardest thing about feeding in public is getting them on and off. I wear a top that I can lift up with a vest underneath that clips open. H and m do great vests. The top covers the top of your breast so once the baby latches you can't see a thing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,495 ✭✭✭bobskii

    ill have a look at h and m online tonight . I always wear a vest under my tops anyway when I'm out so I can lift one and pull the other down.
    I think it's just something I have to do and once I do it once ill be fine then!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,131 ✭✭✭RentDayBlues

    fall wrote: »
    Great weight Bobskii. I was told in the Coombe and by phn that it was smear at twelve weeks. I think the hardest thing about feeding in public is getting them on and off. I wear a top that I can lift up with a vest underneath that clips open. H and m do great vests. The top covers the top of your breast so once the baby latches you can't see a thing.

    Just jumping in here, If you're breastfeeding they won't be able to do a smear until either your period returns or you have weaned. Apparently it can give false results - its the reason I am well overdue one, been pregannt and/or breastfeeding since 2011 and still waiting on period to return, my little one is almost a year

    On the feeding tops, take a look at the Boob brand, expensive but great quality and I found them much more discrete than any others I tried. I bought quite a few and some dresses but they all lasted through feeding 2. Only stopped using them once they had dropped all their day feeds.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Thumpette

    Hi Bobskii, just wondering what the 6 week check consists of? I presume a lot of the checks are for the baby which obviously wouldn't be the case for me- to be honest I was a bit surprised when the doctor mentioned about 6 week checks at all.

    I still think everything is grand with me healing wise- bleeding totally stopped and no real discomfort at all. Had fully intended to avoid any funny business until after the 6 weeks but on Saturday night after a lot of wine and emotions running high we kinda lost the fear/ common sense! It was all great though- no pain and no bleeding or anything since so hopefully there's no harm done! Just wondering how the doc goes about giving you the 'all clear' at the 6 week check? Is there an internal or anything?

    4 weeks today since Max was born sleeping. It's been the hardest time of my life but still so filled with pride at the beautiful baby we made, and full of appreciation for the love and kindness we've been showered with.

    I'm thinking of starting to write a little blog- I think post one will be about 'what not to say!' I keep reminding myself that all this 'he's in a better place' and 'taken for a reason' comes from a well intended space but I find it hard to believe that there's any better place for a 4 week old baby than in his parent's arms and as for there being a reason- I'd very much doubt there's an acceptable reason anyone could come up with for this.

    Glad all the babies are doing well if a bit hesitant to get into a schedule :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,495 ✭✭✭bobskii

    thanks rentdayblues that's good to know. , I'll have a look at them tops might make the public feeding a bit less daunting.

    thumpette I was thinking of you and max this morning when I woke, I know self people say the stupidest of things at the most inappropriate times and it takes great strength to bite your lip,a blog is a great idea . usually if I don't know what to say I just don't say anything.
    The six week check for me today was more a chat than anything else . They checked my blood pressure and took blood to check my iron and thyroid(I'm on meds for it).she asked a lot about family life and how I was coping/sleeping etc.
    She also asked about contraception and what our plans are.

  • Registered Users Posts: 926 ✭✭✭fall

    It's definitely more about the mother than the baby at six weeks. I think they are on the look out for post natal depression and checking that you have healed properly, so stitches, section wound, any issues going to the toilet etc.
    Glad you are physically healing well Thumpette. The blog sounds like a great idea to and it would probably help so many others which could be an added bonus. Glad you are finding some solace in the arms of your husband, it can be a great emotional release.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,751 ✭✭✭mirrorwall14

    Thumpette if you do blog (and it sounds like a great idea) please PM the link, Id love to read it.

    After battling an intermittently screaming baby for the guts of four hours walking, winding, changing, soother, consoling and including a trip to the pharmacy for infacol the baba took a bottle and proceeded to throw up multiple times! Caught one of them but he got two different outfits. Once he was finished screaming the place down (he does not like throwing up) he conked out peacefully! Man it must be hard being a baby!

    (Does not have a temperature and does not appear sick-just seems to be a bad dose of wind that wouldn't shift for him)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,495 ✭✭✭bobskii

    lol mirrorwall my doll does that . I think it's called build up of trapped wind,I recognise when she's gonna do it now cos she gets all arsey before it happens!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,751 ✭✭✭mirrorwall14

    bobskii wrote: »
    lol mirrorwall my doll does that . I think it's called build up of trapped wind,I recognise when she's gonna do it now cos she gets all arsey before it happens!

    Lol. He doesn't throw up all that often, think the last time was Thursday so I'll just have to start watching for warning signs. I just realised that I'm covered in it too!

    Oh and can I boast a little??! I'm a plus size mama, size 22 before pregnancy though I had been losing weight for a year. Had to go jeans shopping today and I'm now an 18-20 depending on the cut!!! Very excited and great motivation to keep walking with babs and watch my diet!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,495 ✭✭✭bobskii

    that's great motivation alright . I need to start eating a bit better . I asked the nurse today bout join weight watchers but she didn't like the idea,just said eat healthy while I'm feeding.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,751 ✭✭✭mirrorwall14

    bobskii wrote: »
    that's great motivation alright . I need to start eating a bit better . I asked the nurse today bout join weight watchers but she didn't like the idea,just said eat healthy while I'm feeding.

    I'm not actually dieting as such, I had some very bad habits which I've been breaking slowly. The first was to eat breakfast and I've developed a real love of porridge. Then it was to drink more water. Then it was to try and cook proper dinners which is the one I'm still working on.

    I don't know about anyone else but I'm actually finding I forget to eat regularly with the baby, I need to make more of an effort

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,495 ✭✭✭bobskii

    Yeh I'm the same,I used to eat at . set times but the boss now doesn't allow for that,I could go the whole day on two slices of toast which isn't good for breastfeeding . I'm drinking plenty of water so that's something at least . I want to lose a stone and a half and I need to be disciplined to do it cos I have under active thyroid.
    we're being given hounded bout christening herself and is really rather not till I feel a bit better in myself .

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,787 ✭✭✭Lashes28

    Have you tried slimming world bobskii? I find it a bit more healthier than weight watchers cuz of the fruit and veg but it takes so much preparation. I'm down to ten stone even. I cannot wait to see 9 on the scales. N please God 8!! We are the sme regarding a christening but it was bad enough buying bigger clothes the other day cause the maternity ones sag and my regular ones still don't fit.

    Girls my woman has never vomited ever she's such a greedy monkey!!I'm now feeding 5ounces every three hours she's much better for it but it takes an hour to feed and then boom feeding time again!! But to be fair still can't complain. She's down since 10. And will prob be there till 8/9

    Thumpette yourself and especially Max pop into my head randomly and regularly I would also love a link to your blog. Your way with words is inspiring. Are you supposed to wait 6 weeks to have sex?? Oooppsies!!
