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Army/Navy Recruitment 2014



  • Registered Users Posts: 10 Shice

    The IDF still haven't made a decision on Flat feet or laser eye correction. The same happened to my cousin passed all the stages until the medical and was told no due to his flat feet

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,339 ✭✭✭brembo26

    Lads the IDF is the Israeli defence force.

  • Registered Users Posts: 35 Gazoc90

    Well we would hardly talk about the Israeli defence force in this thread so it's common sense to know what IDF means here. It's the same as writing OMG which no1 would think as "object management group" (which is what comes up on google first)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,798 ✭✭✭Local-womanizer

    If you type in IDF into google number 1 result would be Israeli defence forces. It's common knowledge that the Irish defence forces is PDF. If you were to refer to the Irish defence forces in your interview as the IDF, you would get odd looks, and probably ticked off the list....

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,339 ✭✭✭brembo26

    Gazoc90 wrote: »
    Well we would hardly talk about the Israeli defence force in this thread so it's common sense to know what IDF means here. It's the same as writing OMG which no1 would think as "object management group" (which is what comes up on google first)

    Ya but its totally incorrect. No point trying to ill inform people, someone might pick it up as being fact.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 35 Gazoc90

    I'm sure most people understood what we were talking about on this very noticeable irish army recruitment 2014 thread. I'll say PDF next time to avoid confusment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15 Liverpool !!

    Well lads. Has anybody heard back from the navy on the results of the medical ?? when is the start dates ?? sound !

  • Registered Users Posts: 22 stekelly95

    Brugha will be the second platoon alright.

    Brugha is the first intake on the 25th of august pal, then another in October in athlone

  • Registered Users Posts: 22 stekelly95

    Is there anyone that applied to the 2brigade (Dublin) who actually got the first platoon, you would have found out last Thursday? I got accepted and starting on the Brugha 25th of August so just seeing if anyone on here is in the same platoon as myself

  • Registered Users Posts: 242 ✭✭killer91

    stekelly95 wrote: »
    Brugha is the first intake on the 25th of august pal, then another in October in athlone

    Do you know when in October?

    I thought the first two platoons were in Dundalk and Brugha.

    Then another one in Brugha in October.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 22 stekelly95

    killer91 wrote: »
    Do you know when in October?

    I thought the first two platoons were in Dundalk and Brugha.

    Then another one in Brugha in October.

    Well this one is a week off on when they were planning to take us in, most likely cause he Garda vetting (takes months and almost a year at times), but everyone's should definitely be back by then so that shouldn't be an issue! I couldn't tell you an exact date but it's roughly as someone mentioned before between the last week of September to roughly a week or so into October is when the induction will be I reckon. There will be another into the Brugha I'm guessing as there is 170 getting accepted and 50-60 or those being put on a panel for early 2015 so I've been told! So from what left there will be 4 platoons in total been inducted this year. So 2 in the Brugha, one athlone and the other Dundalk does makes sense pal

  • Registered Users Posts: 242 ✭✭killer91

    stekelly95 wrote: »
    Well this one is a week off on when they were planning to take us in, most likely cause he Garda vetting (takes months and almost a year at times), but everyone's should definitely be back by then so that shouldn't be an issue! I couldn't tell you an exact date but it's roughly as someone mentioned before between the last week of September to roughly a week or so into October is when the induction will be I reckon. There will be another into the Brugha I'm guessing as there is 170 getting accepted and 50-60 or those being put on a panel for early 2015 so I've been told! So from what left there will be 4 platoons in total been inducted this year. So 2 in the Brugha, one athlone and the other Dundalk does makes sense pal

    Ye cheers for the reply.

    The sergeant at my medical on the 5 the of Aug said we'll be in the platoon for Brugha in the last week of September or first week in October.

    Suits me as I've an electric picnic ticket ha.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22 stekelly95

    killer91 wrote: »
    Ye cheers for the reply.

    The sergeant at my medical on the 5 the of Aug said we'll be in the platoon for Brugha in the last week of September or first week in October.

    Suits me as I've an electric picnic ticket ha.

    Yeah I done medical back in July on the 24th I think

    You'll be starting on a Monday and you'll find out the Friday or Thursday roughly 10 days before that you've got it so you can kind of work out the 25th of September or the 2nd of October you'll be told that you've got it.

    Well you got lucky cause I had to sell mine!! Enjoy it :( haha

  • Registered Users Posts: 242 ✭✭killer91

    stekelly95 wrote: »
    Yeah I done medical back in July on the 24th I think

    You'll be starting on a Monday and you'll find out the Friday or Thursday roughly 10 days before that you've got it so you can kind of work out the 25th of September or the 2nd of October you'll be told that you've got it.

    Well you got lucky cause I had to sell mine!! Enjoy it :( haha

    Ye lucky enough.

    Think I might book a quick holiday before the 6 months of hardship haha.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22 stekelly95

    killer91 wrote: »
    Ye lucky enough.

    Think I might book a quick holiday before the 6 months of hardship haha.

    Be weary of booking holidays and stuff just so you know you could get called into the pest platoon anytime up to 3 weeks at least into training as people will drop out and they will need to be replaced you know! Just so you know haha

    But of your lucky enough to get some sort of holiday in then your one lucky guy and il envy you to some point pal hahaha!

  • Registered Users Posts: 242 ✭✭killer91

    stekelly95 wrote: »
    Be weary of booking holidays and stuff just so you know you could get called into the pest platoon anytime up to 3 weeks at least into training as people will drop out and they will need to be replaced you know! Just so you know haha

    But of your lucky enough to get some sort of holiday in then your one lucky guy and il envy you to some point pal hahaha!

    Ah ye Ill prob just head for a wkend.

    I will wonder do many drop out during the 1st week or two.

    I think its pointless to go through all the tests and not knowing what's expected during training.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22 stekelly95

    killer91 wrote: »
    Ah ye Ill prob just head for a wkend.

    I will wonder do many drop out during the 1st week or two.

    I think its pointless to go through all the tests and not knowing what's expected during training.

    The estimate roughly 8 week in the first week drop out at minimum

    Some people genuinely go in thinking its an easy job and that they'll love it. Your suppose to hate your first few weeks cause your nothing to them, no point I'm thinking everything's all butterflies and rainbows when you join cause them type of people will certainly be let down BIG TIME hahahaha! It's your nightmares worst nightmare for the first few weeks!

    But all the pain and torture is worth it when you come out the other end...I hope haha :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 242 ✭✭killer91

    stekelly95 wrote: »
    The estimate roughly 8 week in the first week drop out at minimum

    Some people genuinely go in thinking its an easy job and that they'll love it. Your suppose to hate your first few weeks cause your nothing to them, no point I'm thinking everything's all butterflies and rainbows when you join cause them type of people will certainly be let down BIG TIME hahahaha! It's your nightmares worst nightmare for the first few weeks!

    But all the pain and torture is worth it when you come out the other end...I hope haha :)

    Ha ye any of the lads I know in the PDF have said its tough going but when your passing out its all worth it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1 domin1234

    Hi, Im probably a bit late... I wanted to join the army and i see there are no current competitions at this time. Does anyone know when will be the next recruitment? Is it on an annual basis?

  • Registered Users Posts: 33 lorflower

    Quick question which I know the answer is in back pages ......does fasting for the medical mean 'no food only' or 'no food and no liquids'


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  • Registered Users Posts: 7 Summers1994

    Had my medical the 5th of August in Cork was declared fit by the doc and still haven't heard from them, should I be worried ??

  • Registered Users Posts: 21 Paul Aaron x

    Hi, I have my medical next week 26th I think. I've a situation and need some help, last week I hurt my back playing football couldn't sleep and took a valium(10mg). I wasn't thinking and forgot about the medical I've been told these stay in your system up to 6 weeks on occasion. Will I fail the medical over this? Should I mention it to them when I'm down there? Thanks

  • Registered Users Posts: 7 Summers1994

    Hi, I have my medical next week 26th I think. I've a situation and need some help, last week I hurt my back playing football couldn't sleep and took a valium(10mg). I wasn't thinking and forgot about the medical I've been told these stay in your system up to 6 weeks on occasion. Will I fail the medical over this? Should I mention it to them when I'm down there? Thanks

    Explain this to them because you are required to give a ten day history of medication you have taken

  • Registered Users Posts: 40 Gazo66

    Explain this to them because you are required to give a ten day history of medication you have taken

    In the forms you fill out before seeing doctor it says give account of medications taken and vitamins like I had ta rite down berrocca, aspirin, neurephon and all that jazz cause it will show up in your bloods and urine test ya no, i don't see it been a major problem but make sure to write it down as if somethin shows in your bloods that you didn write down ya no wat I mean, were you prescribed a valume or ya got one from someone who has them, nite be worth going to your gp and telling him the story and Mabey ya could say he gave it to ya as a back up ya no

  • Registered Users Posts: 21 Paul Aaron x

    Explain this to them because you are required to give a ten day history of medication you have taken

    Ok thanks
    Gazo66 wrote: »
    In the forms you fill out before seeing doctor it says give account of medications taken and vitamins like I had ta rite down berrocca, aspirin, neurephon and all that jazz cause it will show up in your bloods and urine test ya no, i don't see it been a major problem but make sure to write it down as if somethin shows in your bloods that you didn write down ya no wat I mean, were you prescribed a valume or ya got one from someone who has them, nite be worth going to your gp and telling him the story and Mabey ya could say he gave it to ya as a back up ya no

    I wasn't prescribed them, I might go to my gp and see if he could do something for me, if not I doubt they'll let it slide heard they are strict on passing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29 egan04921

    did anyone get an email today from the army, a friend of mine got his about an hour ago

  • Registered Users Posts: 2 Paj95

    Does anyone know if we will recieve confirmation of fully passing medical by phone or email?

  • Registered Users Posts: 40 Gazo66

    Paj95 wrote: »
    Does anyone know if we will recieve confirmation of fully passing medical by phone or email?

    I don't think ya hear anythin if ya passed the med I think your only contacted if you failed it case of no news is good news, when did you do your med lad

  • Registered Users Posts: 2 Paj95

    Gazo66 wrote: »
    I don't think ya hear anythin if ya passed the med I think your only contacted if you failed it case of no news is good news, when did you do your med lad

    Last week man, sounds good then thanks

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8 Nicki80

    Hi does anyone know if you did your medical early July and heard nothing is that a good sign?
