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The Boggers Log



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,140 ✭✭✭snailsong

    Glad to hear you're still alive and kicking, C.
    That hairdryer story sounds a lot like an excuse told in A + E to cover up some embarrassing sexual shenanigans :D.

    Well done on the weight loss and the 5k. Respectable time that. Love to see you back sub 20. Maybe hit a few parkruns?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,016 ✭✭✭Itziger

    Is that TBL in the bottom right by any chance?


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Great to read your update - don't be a stranger!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Well hello (again)

    I hope you are all keeping safe and well.

    Thought I pop back in here to bring back some good vibes and nostalgia.

    Used to post an awful lot in here, met lots of great Boardies (and Tang :) ), learned lots about running and miserably failed to go sub 3 for the marathon despite, numerous attempts, a great coach and some mad plans but Christ I’d great fun doing it.

    I miss it/you/this place terribly.

    I haven’t been able to run with any consistency since being diagnosed with spondylolisthesis over 2 years ago. Every comeback attempt failed as the body would break down despite losing weight and body fat and a huge improvement in core strength.

    I actually decided that I wouldn’t run anymore apart from the odd local 5k where I’d run 21.30 and immediately harbour notions of another great comeback only to wake up the next morning with a broken body. Running was becoming a depressing chore rather than an endorphin inducing stress relieving blast.

    For every run no matter the distance or pace I had to do a 20-30 minute warm up followed by 45 minutes stretching and foam rolling after.

    I just gave up.

    I started trying to get used to being a “non runner” but Jesus it’s hard, like an addiction or virus that never leaves your body. It was especially infuriating and frustrating that my rehab enabled me to ski and box!

    I did the Gort 5k in Feb but the usual body breakdown followed and I didn’t run another step.

    I diligently kept up the core and S&C and got leaner and stronger. I was still traveling all over the place with work when quarantine happened. It certainly was strange being home all the time and we got a new dog to help us get into a routine of walking. All the kids sporting activities were also cancelled so we were trying to trying to keep them fit.

    I got a proper punch bag and chin up bar installed in the shed and slotted into a routine of walking the dog in the morning, work from home till lunch, and hour of exercise or a swim in the sea at lunchtime, more work and then more walking or core exercise.

    I’ve also turned into a bbq chef extraordinaire, which Mrs TbL certainly appreciates. One evening while prepping the food I heard her come in the back door and say “hello baby”, Strange for Mrs TbL I thought but maybe my recently acquired toned and lean body was impressing her! The big smile on my face quickly changed to a wicked scowl as I turned around and saw her on her knees cuddling the new feckin dog!!!

    I burnt her food :)

    My daughter asked me to go for a run with her a few days into quarantine, I didn’t really want to but didn’t want to let her down so said I’d do 2 very slow miles with her. Pace was very slow and sure enough the next day, hips, glutes, hamstrings and calves were achey and sore. She seemed to enjoy it and wanted to go the next day but I cycled behind her. She seemed to enjoy the running and started going out every second day and I joined her. I then did a bit around the local pitches again nothing long or too fast but I was starting to enjoy it and the pains weren’t getting worse.

    It’s amazing how a chronic injury changes your perspective and expectations, in 2011 or 2012 I ran the Connemara race directors marathon and the ultra the next day and didn’t give it a thought. Last weekend I planned to run 2 consecutive days for the first time in nearly two years a 3 miler and an 8 miler and was really apprehensive about it. Eldest daughter accompanied me on the 3 miler and we took it easy but for the 8 miler I ran 1.5 miles to and back from the local pitch incorporating 5 miles on the grass. Was pleasantly surprised, no real aerobic issues the last few miles were the fastest with the last one close to 7.30 pace. Was buzzing afterwards but was nervous as to how the body would react overnight. Went for a swim in the sea and spent an hour warming down and stretching.

    Opened my eyes the next morning and did a quick body assessment, apart from the usual auld man ailments and a bit of stiffness I wasn’t in bad shape.

    I haven’t run since but I’ll try and get out for a short trot tomorrow, I’m not getting my hopes up as I’ve had more failed comebacks than Lindsay Lohan but even if I can get back to recreational running I’ll be happy!

    Anyway thats where I am now and I’ll take it.

    Stay safe and healthy and enjoy your running.



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,400 ✭✭✭ger664

    Ha Ha have missed your yarns so much always brought a smile.

    Remeber guys of our vintage, hurting in the morning to be vertical its good, means we are still alive.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,673 ✭✭✭juke

    Love this. Love your positivity. Keep safe, pop back more frequently!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    ger664 wrote: »
    Ha Ha have missed your yarns so much always brought a smile.

    Remeber guys of our vintage, hurting in the morning to be vertical its good, means we are still alive.

    Too true Ger, how’ve you been? Jesus I’ve met some great people through this place!


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,181 ✭✭✭healy1835

    As I trundled out of bed to tend to Erin Healy, currently the hottest thing in the Land of the Terrible Two's, I asked myself 'What's the deepest sleep you've ever been woken up out of?'. Before I answered it (a bit dramatic to be fair) I throw open Boards to find a TBL post!! A great turn of events :)

    Great to see there's a little light at the end of the tunnel pal. Your sub 3 quest was a great journey to read back on when I was starting to think along those lines...and you had your own cameo in my sub 3 journey with that DM to a guy who was out for the count in Rotterdam one sunny Spring afternoon :)

    PS. 7:30 pace? Stick yourself down for the Mile TT at the end of the month I reckon ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,016 ✭✭✭Itziger

    Jesus, TBL would have more fuppin' pacers than Kipchoge if he ever got back in sub 3 attempt shape.

    Take it easy though fella. Hopefully bump into you at some stage on one of your travels.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    While slightly unnerving & kinky, I’ve been sent photos of the body transformation. He’s gone from Rolly Polly to a Greek God with a washboard stomach, all the Grannies in Connemara must go weak at the knees when they see him coming!!!

    Quality update C, keep it going.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭KSU

    OOnegative wrote: »
    While slightly unnerving & kinky, I’ve been sent photos of the body transformation. He’s gone from Rolly Polly to a Greek God with a washboard stomach, all the Grannies in Connemara must go weak at the knees when they see him coming!!!

    Quality update C, keep it going.

    The love story continues. B was getting lonely round these parts.

    Great to see you back around hope the family are doing well. And always a silver lining, atleast the little lad hasn’t had to endure any Stoke performances in a while :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    That's one of the greatest stories told on Boards in recent times.

    Out of interest what was involved in learning to sleep /sit right? I have noticed with some of the lower cross issues that sometimes it's not even related to running. I can wake fairly often in the mornings with tightness in the lower back and hips. Just curious what you changed with your sleeping to help?

    Apologies SB I’d missed your question, for sitting I was a terrible slouch now I sit up very straight, core always engaged and never ever cross my legs. I found the sleep one harder, I’d sleep on my stomach one leg straight down and the other with the knee pulled up like a figure 4. Apparently this plays havoc with your hip flexors and back and I’d to sleep with a pillow between my legs. Still don’t find it that comfortable tbh but it suits the back. Hope your well.
    healy1835 wrote: »
    As I trundled out of bed to tend to Erin Healy, currently the hottest thing in the Land of the Terrible Two's, I asked myself 'What's the deepest sleep you've ever been woken up out of?'. Before I answered it (a bit dramatic to be fair) I throw open Boards to find a TBL post!! A great turn of events :)

    Great to see there's a little light at the end of the tunnel pal. Your sub 3 quest was a great journey to read back on when I was starting to think along those lines...and you had your own cameo in my sub 3 journey with that DM to a guy who was out for the count in Rotterdam one sunny Spring afternoon :)

    PS. 7:30 pace? Stick yourself down for the Mile TT at the end of the month I reckon ;)

    Hope your little one is better. How’s your running going? Still a bit jealous you smashed the sub 3 but I knew you’d do it :)
    Itziger wrote: »
    Jesus, TBL would have more fuppin' pacers than Kipchoge if he ever got back in sub 3 attempt shape.

    Take it easy though fella. Hopefully bump into you at some stage on one of your travels.

    Well D you still bashing out great times, you give geriatrics everywhere hope :) hopefully our paths will cross
    OOnegative wrote: »
    While slightly unnerving & kinky, I’ve been sent photos of the body transformation. He’s gone from Rolly Polly to a Greek God with a washboard stomach, all the Grannies in Connemara must go weak at the knees when they see him coming!!!

    Quality update C, keep it going.

    Just trying to keep you warm on cold nights! Surprised the virus didn’t drown in your sweat 😁 Good luck with your running plans and call me when you’re home next
    KSU wrote: »
    The love story continues. B was getting lonely round these parts.

    Great to see you back around hope the family are doing well. And always a silver lining, atleast the little lad hasn’t had to endure any Stoke performances in a while :D

    All good boss man, took me a while to figure out who it was, rumour has it those Rudolf Nureav running tights you used to wear out with me might have been a bit of a tight fit 😁

    Good to see you back at it and hope all is well with the family. Still have the Stoke season tickets and with quarantine I’m making the whole family watch reruns of Stoke winning the 1972 League Cup! Might be onto you looking for a sub 10 hour marathon plan 😐


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,400 ✭✭✭ger664

    Too true Ger, how’ve you been? Jesus I’ve met some great people through this place!


    Everyone good thank God.

    Seems to be a week for the comeback kids. Got a phone call from the I will stop at 50 Marathons man Monday looking to make a comeback at 5K's. I reminded him his Marathon PB was on a short Manchester course and he needs to address that first.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Well this is certainly a rarity, posting on my training log on consecutive days!

    With a couple of days rest after my 8 mile ultra, I was still a bit stiff today, 30 mins on the punch bag last night probably didn’t help 😮 but I decided to head off on a real old Nursing Home Special this evening. That would make it 4 runs in a week and it seems like a different era since I last did that!

    Decided to run a mile up the road, couple of laps of the pitch and back for a 5k. Started real real slow and noticed I was very tense and tight, shoulders rounded and almost touching my ears, my toes were curling and I’m supposed to concentrate on engaging my core but it was so tight I was getting ball ache. Must have looked like a constipated turtle as I shuffled along!

    Finished it a bit better, average pace 9.04.

    Trying not to get carried away but I’d just love to be able...I suppose to run but I’m so competitive I’m already thinking about more...I’m just petrified I’ll break down again, don’t think I’d handle it well...

    Nothing would give me more pleasure that meeting old acquaintances from here and running down a few targets.

    Any around Galway that’d fancy a running date, rules are it’d have to be short and slow.

    Murph give me a bell 🀣

    Stay safe all


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Apologies SB I’d missed your question, for sitting I was a terrible slouch now I sit up very straight, core always engaged and never ever cross my legs. I found the sleep one harder, I’d sleep on my stomach one leg straight down and the other with the knee pulled up like a figure 4. Apparently this plays havoc with your hip flexors and back and I’d to sleep with a pillow between my legs. Still don’t find it that comfortable tbh but it suits the back. Hope your well.

    That's interesting. Cheers. I sleep exactly the same way. Need to get me a pregnancy pillow. Haha

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Any chance I could tempt you over to the Mile TT thread we have for the 30th?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Any chance I could tempt you over to the Mile TT thread we have for the 30th?

    Sure, I’ll look for it. Might struggle to find it as I spent most of the last two years on the darts forum :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Good man. We have some of the old school coming back. Would be great to have you on board too

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,181 ✭✭✭healy1835

    Oh there was nothing actually wrong with her, just engaging in some mind games with her Dad. Games that she's winning comfortably.

    Running going well, touch wood. Was meant to have a rattle at something in the high 2:40's in Manchester last month, but that's on the back burner for now :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,448 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Any around Galway that’d fancy a running date, rules are it’d have to be short and slow.

    Murph give me a bell ��

    Cheeky fecker. Maybe you could learn something from my sustainable approach! And the last time I was in Galway you turned me down. :(

    Welcome back, and careful now.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 946 ✭✭✭KSU

    All good boss man, took me a while to figure out who it was, rumour has it those Rudolf Nureav running tights you used to wear out with me might have been a bit of a tight fit ðŸ˜

    Good to see you back at it and hope all is well with the family. Still have the Stoke season tickets and with quarantine I’m making the whole family watch reruns of Stoke winning the 1972 League Cup! Might be onto you looking for a sub 10 hour marathon plan ðŸ˜


    Ha to be fair probably about two or three usernames down since you were about at this stage. Can’t always believe rumours as svelte as ever (in fact probably moreso now that I am balder than B for the quarantine atleast) just not as spritely as I once was.

    10 hour plan? Now I really am gonna have to get the finger out if in order to resume pacing duties :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    So I’ve been suckered into this Time Trial yoke!

    Wobbled up to the pitch today in glorious sunshine and did a mile around the pitch as hard as I could.

    It wasn’t pretty! At the end I was stumbling and staggering worse that a Donald Trump press conference :)

    Lots of work to do and I’m gonna ask Salmon Eile for some pointers.

    I’m pretty obsessive/competitive so when I was out injured I didn’t just put on a little weight I did fat with bells on, was over 15 stone, then decided to focus on losing it and got down to below 12!

    Need to be careful that I don’t go mad running now and blow up, after all it’s only a bit of a time trial...

    4 miles [3 very easy 1 very “fast”]


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    How come I got photos minus the shorts!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    OOnegative wrote: »
    How come I got photos minus the shorts!!!

    Your mind will always see what your mind wants to see

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Your mind will always see what your mind wants to see

    I can send them to you if you want M!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,831 ✭✭✭Annie get your Run

    Best of luck with the recovery C, great to see you back posting :). Mind yourself..

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Anyone else see a face when looking at TBL's bod ??

    Tans not too bad either C.

    Good to have you hanging around.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Anyone else see a face when looking at TBL's bod ??

    Tans not too bad either C.

    Good to have you hanging around.

    Be thankful it wasn’t like Tom!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Anyone else see a face when looking at TBL's bod ??

    Tans not too bad either C.

    Good to have you hanging around.

    Next time we arrange a running date the way you’re going I’ll only be fit to hold your water bottle!

    I’m only a light oak on the tanometer, long way to go to mahogany :)


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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,003 ✭✭✭✭The Muppet

    Congratulations on the transformation . Good to see your log active again too.
