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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    With my eagerness to address the question I forgot to say well done on the session! You're officially back. Given the circumstances and the fact you're easing back into it I wouldn't worry about walking recoveries at the mo.

    Tnx SB,

    Prefer decent advice to "well done".

    I'm hoping to PB over 5k in next few months, I'm crap at 5k's, hate the hurt and need to address it.


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    I'm hoping to PB over 5k in next few months, I'm crap at 5k's, hate the hurt and need to address it.

    If it's any consolation I think everyone on here hates 5k (I have a love/hate relationship with it).

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    I also hate 5ks! Welcome back horse. As far as the recoveries go - yes it's better to jog, but that strength should come in time (or so I'm told). I'm only back doing session the last couple of weeks myself, and I find myself walking at least some of the recoveries, especially towards the end of a session - so for a 90s recovery I might have to walk for 20s-30s to avoid coughing up a lung, and then shuffle around for the next 60s before doing the next rep. It depends on the day really. I reckon that's a good enough compromise for now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,704 ✭✭✭✭RayCun

    Thx Ray,

    Was just thinking that walking during a session could lend itself to stopping and walking in races as has happened to me a few times in the past.

    Would 90 second reps be considered short sprints?


    I've been doing 5k pace intervals for the last few weeks and walking the recoveries, I'm more concerned with doing the intervals well. It's only this week with the intervals and recoveries getting longer that I've started jogging again in the recoveries.

    Psychologically, stopping at the end of an interval is very different to stopping during a race, especially if you go into the session planning to walk the recovery.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Nothing wrong with walking the recoveries C, do it myself on shorter more intense reps also. As the other lads have said the further distance related the intervals are the more i’d be looking at active recovery. I’d be like Ray also, concentrating at nailing the repeats at the right effort and pace. Good session.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,448 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    I do some walking during the recoveries all the time too, but sure you probably knew that already!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Thur: an hour of S&C, focusing on glutes, managed some weighted partial deadlifts and got the bar bell hip trusts up to 160kg. He said I'm getting stronger but I don't really feel it.

    At last I think I've gotten to the bottom of the problem with my feet, gone from plantar, to post tib to achilles but now I'm pretty sure it's my peroneals. Massage and stretching has relieved it but they are still painful.

    Friday: 1on1 Pilates.

    Had planned on doing some laps around the pitch but my young lads GA game in Inverin went to extra time and it was nearly dark when they finished so I left it and did some stretching instead.

    Sat: 2 hour walk with the dog, used the sore feet to convince myself that a few easy miles were a waste of time! Another very poor week mileage wise, need to do better.

    Sun: a couple of weeks ago Snailsong had mentioned the Castlebar Greenway 10 miler, I entered it on the chance that the Connamara Ayatollah would let me do it. Having received the all clear I was up early to drive to Castlebar, arrived early and collected my number.

    Grabbed a coffee before parking up in Lidl and heading for the start. Did about 20 mins non running warm up, it was cold, windy and threatening rain. Really started to feel sorry for myself and I dropped my planned sub 75 mins target to just getting around in one piece. I tied my Clonakilty marathon top to a lamppost at the finish (didn't want to lose it but couldn't wear it running as it's long sleeve). Lined up at the start and met Snailsong and Neady, both looking a lot fitter than me. No time for much of a chat before we were off. Felt crap from the start and my humour didn't improve as we got into the race, the course had some very sharp turns and I nearly came down after a particularly sharp one just after mile two. I wasn't liking this. Head started to drop and I lined up my excuses.

    As this was advertised as the "greenway" I had envisaged a gentle rolling course suitable for grannies and toddlers on their first bike. Not a granny or toddler in sight but there were a couple of vicious short hills. The back section was also into a stiff wind and after 6.5 miles I passed a runner but ran the last 3.5 completely solo.

    The last section was also a bit soul destroying as you'd to run past the finish line and do a loop to finish. I had to work hard over the last mile to just break 75 mins.

    Not sure what to make of this, ran a 10k at 7 min pace 2 weeks ago and I thought I might manage 7.15-7.20 today but just couldn't muster up enough fight. I need to get a lot tougher. On the flip side I've only run one other 10 miler in 10 months and in April I couldn't get out of bed for a couple of days coz of the back.

    Had a chat with Snailsong who ran a decent race in those conditions before I headed off as I was getting cold. My Clonakilty top had slipped down the pole and was damp, a nearby dog looked like he was laughing at me and I was convinced I could smell dog piss the whole way home!



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    The lack of sessions over the past while will impact the toughness... It'll come once you get more regular hard running in

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Decent run that C where you are, it’ll only help the fitness not hinder it. Guaranteed the dog was laughing at you!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,983 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Good aul run there, C - another step back in the right direction.

    Dog deffo pi$$ed on your top

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,448 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Well done, boss. Very respectable for where you’re at.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Good to get these done - will defo serve you in the future.

    Tie your top to a tree - on a branch where it cant fall down. I'm quite sure numerous dogs P!$$ed on your top, not just one (sure, you were out for ages running that thing :) ).

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Delighted to finally put a face to the name TBL.

    After the run through Tourlough village, I'd to run the rest solo too and it was pretty lonesome against that wind. With noone to do battle with, it's difficult to hold the pace on your own.

    You missed the best part of the race - the spread of food in the club house after was pretty epic.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Neady83 wrote: »
    Delighted to finally put a face to the name TBL.

    After the run through Tourlough village, I'd to run the rest solo too and it was pretty lonesome against that wind. With noone to do battle with, it's difficult to hold the pace on your own.

    You missed the best part of the race - the spread of food in the club house after was pretty epic.

    Likewise S. Next time we'll need more time to chat and bitch about other Boardsies :)

    There was food????

    I probably wouldn't have been welcome in any event given the odour emanating from my damp Clonakilty top :)

    Well done in tough conditions


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Mon: body was very very stiff, felt like I was getting land of the living rigor mortis. The 10 mile race obviously took a lot more out of me than I'd thought.

    am: hour of 1on1 Pilates
    pm: S&C session, had to can the planned glutes session as I could hardly move so we did some stretching and mobility stuff with some core to finish.


    am: S&C glutes session, I found this very tough and he scaled it back half way through as I wasn't able for it.

    pm: did a 3 mile nursing home special around the local GA pitch to try and loosen up.

    Wed: early morning S&C session focussed on shoulders, chest and upper back. Headed to London staying out near the O2, had thought about doing the Glue Factory session but still wrecked and tired so went to bed early instead.

    Thur: still in London and late finish with work meant I could only muster up the motivation for an easy 5k on the hotel treadmill. Had to ice the feet afterwards as they still aren't right.

    Fri: nothing, stiff, tired, sore and a bit disillusioned.

    Sat: forced myself out the door for a slow nursing home special just before it got dark.

    4 mile plod.

    Have decided to just take it easy for next few days too as the body is in bits and I'm in no rush to get the mileage up. I'll have missed my Glue Factory session and long run this week but I probably overdid it a bit last week with the session and 10 mile race.

    Sun: cinema and my weight in pic n mix!!!

    Note to self: cop on!


  • Registered Users Posts: 10,448 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Good note! But at least you’re still in one piece.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Ya still chewing on that pic n mix???

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Bit of a setback and back to the grass for a few weeks for me. As usual impatience got the better of me and I did more than the body was able for.

    I knew I’d have knockbacks so not too pissed off (well I am but I’m dealing with it!!)

    Still doing the S&C

    Best of luck B


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,016 ✭✭✭Itziger

    Bit of a setback and back to the grass for a few weeks for me. As usual impatience got the better of me and I did more than the body was able for.

    I knew I’d have knockbacks so not too pissed off (well I am but I’m dealing with it!!)

    Still doing the S&C

    Best of luck B

    Patience is such a difficult skill. No matter how slow/fast, thin/fat, old/young you are....... I have been going through something similar if not quite as bad as you. Over  two week spell in the Summer I went from 0/7 days to 7/7. Stupid or what? Then I got injured. Don't know how that happened!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    How are you doing?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,181 ✭✭✭healy1835

    aquinn wrote: »
    How are you doing?

    Was wondering the same myself :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    healy1835 wrote: »
    Was wondering the same myself :)

    Better off visiting him in his new home in the Darts forum....... Rumour has it he’s a ringer for Pa Scanlon now!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    aquinn wrote: »
    How are you doing?

    Hey A,

    Hope you're keeping well.

    Looking for another sport as it looks like my hobby jogging days are numbered!

    Any tips on sailing. :)

    Back keeps breaking down when I string even a couple of easy days together.

    I haven't totally given up and I'm at the gym a few times a week and looking to further strengthen the back and core. Going to try and ease into it again in February.

    Miss this place like crazy but find it almost impossible to come on here when I'm not running myself.

    All the best to running boardsies (and Tang :) ) for 2019 and happy Christmas everyone.


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,016 ✭✭✭Itziger

    Happy New Year ya cranky ould bollox. Get that back back in shape and we'll have a race to see who can hit the sub 2.55 first...... 2019 is the year. Or maybe 2020.....

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Itziger wrote: »
    Happy New Year ya cranky ould bollox. Get that back back in shape and we'll have a race to see who can hit the sub 2.55 first...... 2019 is the year. Or maybe 2020.....

    2.55...... it’s not 800m he’s trying to run!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    So hello again Boards my old friend!

    The journey continues, it’s been far from plain sailing but I’m learning plenty about my body and back condition.

    Many times I’ve thought of just giving up, retiring to the couch with a dribble blanket and a bucket of chocolate but I’m too thick and stubborn for that.

    After the Castlebar Greenway 10 miler in September the back was in bits and I was unable to do much apart from slow walks for weeks. Once the inflammation and pain receded I hit the gym again to try and work on strength and core. Kept tipping away with Pilates every week focusing on my mobility and flexibility.

    Tried a Tabata class and the back went all nurse like on me and staged an all out strike that had me out for another week!

    Chasing some fat burning workouts to shed my “Pat Scanlon” physique I tried a spinning class, more industrial action from the back and more days out.

    From the middle of November I kept a detail record of all daily activity and ranked the pain from 1-10. This proved very useful as I was able to look back and see what type of movement was setting off the back.

    Prolonged sitting and arching of the back (even slightly) can set of the back and its amazing how often you arch your back without even noticing it. If it does get inflamed I need to be very careful with it.

    I’ve been doing some sort of exercise almost everyday since although not much running.

    Recently I would do a couple of easy runs a week but any sort of accumulated miles seemed to aggravate it. Ran a 5k on NY’s Day in just under 23 minutes and enjoyed it. Gave MartyBoy a shout out at the start but I was so fat I don’t think he recognized me!

    The buzz I got from my fat ass aching and my lungs bursting as I held a puke in crossing the line under 23 mins was immense. Wanted more but was very wary of another long stretch out.

    Started to see a spinal physio in Dublin who specializes in movement and that has helped considerably. Was happy that on my last visit my core strength had improved significantly but was disappointed that my glutes and hips are very week. They need serious work and I’m also working to rebuild my Kenyanesque running style! So many things to fix for an auld lad, I’m like a burnt out tractor that needs to metamorphose into a Ferrari :)

    I’m trying everything I can to get on top of this condition and percentage wise my medical bill budget overspend makes the National Children’s hospital budget look like prudent planning!

    I’m testing out increasing the runs to 3 x easy 5ks a week.

    Ran an 8k race in just under 37 mins last weekend, back was ok but stepped it back as I was traveling during the week.

    Ran a 5k race in 21.16 on Sunday but my calf seized in the last 300 meters! The great thing about running is that the challenge is all relative, all I wanted to do was beat a mouthy work colleague, I was happy out despite having to RICE the calf :)

    Not sure if I’ll ever get back to any sort of decent volume but I think if I’m careful I should be able to get back to close to 20 mins for 5k over the next couple of months and then give a sub 20 a lash over the summer.

    Hopefully I’ll see some of you over the summer and remember if you’re running pain free enjoy it, it’s a blessing.

    I’ll jog on and hopefully come back again here with a sub 20 5k and a plan :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,181 ✭✭✭healy1835

    Hope things pan out for you pal, you've been missed around these parts.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    If ya metamorphosed into a Lada you’d be doing well!!! Keep it going C, nice to see you post again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,016 ✭✭✭Itziger

    Great to see you back, no pun intended. There's nothing wrong with becoming a speed merchant instead of a slogger. If you can concentrate on 5ks and not go beyond that, so be it. Do listen to the medical pros (who we often diss, "guy didn't know what he was talking about. Said I shouldn't run more than 6 days a week. Pfffft") and of course the old body.

    And yes, we should be grateful that we are able to get out and enjoy our running. We forget that too often..

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Super stuff - that's great progress on the injury front.

    The important thing is to enjoy the running & enjoy the process - everything else is a bonus.
