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Elvis goes Up & Over



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    8k run this evening, did it at a nice slow pace and my legs were in pain up to 6.5k. All sorts of niggles from top to bottom but they all went away in the end.

    It was good to get out there again, i feel awful after spending a week out but i'm back and time to get some work done.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    I had a big long post done out earlier today and lost it aaaaaaaahhhhh
    Anyway here goes again.

    It was another busy DJ weekend working local on Fri night and a late bar in Dublin on Sat night. I had planned to do a nice slow 6k on Sat but Mrs Jones went out Fri night and got just a little drunk. She was playing the part of pukeahontas on Sat so I was on daddy duty all day and didn’t get out.

    Off I went to work on Sat night and sat down when I could (I hate doing it but I wanted to save the legs ). I got home and to bed at 03:45, back up at 10:30 for a nice feed of porridge with cranberries !
    I had my outfit all laid out from the night before. I decided on my lovely bright yellow Brooks Ghost 5, Lidl tri suit ( my fav and so comfortable for long runs ), compression socks and of course my Up & Over t shirt.

    I left the house at 11:15 with my recovery drink mixed up and a towel to put on the seat of my car for afterwards ( I just my lovely beige interior valet and wasn’t getting it dirty ). I’m not one for gels, they are just plain yuck but I need to start looking at options with 5 marathons in 5 days coming up. That’s where the Power Bar Shots come in. Nice jellies with a gel centre. I brought and used a packet of them and they worked well during the race. I am going to start using these on longer runs that I do at speed but not on the slower runs.

    I arrived at the course and put on my lovely fashionable bin bag ( hey I wasn’t getting cold ). I met up with my brother in arms for Up & Over Wes who was also running the half ( at this point I have to say well done to Couerdelion who ran a 4:30 in his 1st marathon, fair play to ya Richie ). We stood around chatting about times and all in the group felt that the wind would hinder us then the dire MC ( she was soooooooooooooo bad ) told us to make our way to the start line.

    The start line was almost 1k from the main stand and the wind on the way up was awful, we looked at each other wondering……….why are we here ??? Anyway up to the start and I met some Trilogy members, some work mates and others I knew. I found a place in the pack and did my usual warm up ( nothing, I’m the laziest runner on the planet ).
    Once again the borefest MC told us we were ready to go and only 2 mins late !!!

    In my head I had a projected time but the wind had my wondering if I’d get it. This was a training run for me but I still wanted it to be a productive one. My PB for a half is 2:06:50 and I wanted to get below that, not by much but below it by sticking to a race plan. My plan was for a 2:05 with a 59:30 10k x 2 and a final 1.1k of about 6 min.

    So we were off with the wind behind us and downhill so I could have gone off like a hare but I held back and stuck to the plan.

    The initial 5k was perfect time wise and I hit the 5k mark just under 30 min. Over the next 5k there was no wind as we were isolated on back roads, I started to take on the gel shots at about 8k ( 14 in the pack, 2 every k ish over the next 7k ).

    I hit the 10k mark at 58:57 which was a little ahead of where I wanted to be but in all honestly I was holding back and could have gone quicker.
    The next 5k were my favourite of the race, I was feeling strong and passing people for fun. Others who had busted past me at the start were slowing and I was getting stronger. I hit the 15k mark in 1:28 which was just ahead of my target. I was still holding back and afraid that if I pushed I’d go too hard and destroy all my work so far.

    15 to 20k was a mixed bag with nice pace coming into Kildare town passing a good few and then we hit a few hills that stalled my pace for about 1k but I held it as much as I could. Coming out of Kildare we turned right and from there on the wind was on my back. From there on I pushed and really begun to make up what I had lost on the hills in Kildare. As I reached 20k I was still going strong with guys beside me lifting the pace as well but then I felt a slight twinge in the right quad and decided to pull back slightly for the last 1k.

    The last 1.1k was at a slower pace, not because the legs were gone but I was just afraid I’ll damage my quad and leave myself fcuked for a few weeks.

    Anyway after all was said and done I crossed the finish line in 2:04:57 which was a PB and only 3 sec off my projected time. All in all it was my best ever race, honestly I race to the pace I set, I stuck to it and I had the confidence to believe that I could do it.

    So I got a PB and what was even better was that I got it while holding back around the course ( also as i only decided to do the race on Thursday & i was off sick two days last week ) I know that magic sub 2 hrs is in my sights !!!

    PS I was home for 3:30 to have quick bath and watch Sir Alex's last game at OT.........many tears were shed !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Quads were a little sore today, nothing major. I went for a quick recovery swim at lunch and did a nice 750m before i headed to the sauna.........that heat in the legs is lovely.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    8k recovery run today at lunch. It was at a nice slow pace and it was just about turning over the legs and getting some feeling back into them.

    I think the time has come as well to get the recovery tights as i'll be upping the distances over the next while. The compression socks seem to be sorting the calves but the quads are remaining sore after long runs. So i think a certain man in Oranmore is about to get a call !!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    1500m swim at lunch, 40:40. I'm getting closer to the magic sub 40 min 1500m.

    Its going to be a double session today, as soon as i get the little ones to bed this evening i'm heading out for a slow 12k. I'm back to running sloooooooooooooow and building distance in my legs. The slower sessions mean i still get the time/distance on my feet but the recovery for the next day is a lot easier.

    Diet is good at the moment and i really hope to see a change on the scales ( and less belly ) in the coming weeks. I had a great laugh with mrs jones at the weekend saying i have th legs of an athlete:o. If only i could get rid of this bloody belly !!!!!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Long slow swim session today. A simple up-down-up-down 3.6k !

    Stroke felt good after about 500m and i kept it at as solid pace with good breathing and nice long stroke.

    I stopped for about 30 sec after each km to take on some energy drink.

    My plan is to build 400m per slow session up to about 7k at the end of July.

    I felt great after the session and honestly had more in more, another positive training session.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Some goodie arrived today from Amphibian King:cool:

    I went for full leg compression sleeves to help my calves and quad recover. I'll have them on after my LSR in the morning.

    Oh and i got a lime green nose clip for swimming:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Well no LSR this morning as i'm currently having a row with my new phone as the alarm isn't going off when i set it.........i slept in:o

    So i still got out at lunch and did 12k, nice pace and i enjoyed it. It was warm and the smell of cut grass when i was passing houses really brought a smile to my face.

    Something else happened. As i ran past a filling station i saw a mother helping her little boy who must have been about 4 walk along with a little green zimmer frame get to the car from the door of the filling station. It make me feel thankful for being able to run. I'm not religious in any way but it did make me think, keep going........while the legs allow it, keep bloody going and more importantly, do it with a smile. A lot would be able to do what i was doing at lunch but cant and we take it for granted and grunt and complain when we "have to" run and not that "we can" run !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Order gone in to PapaJohns for an 8pm pick up, i have no shame:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    I headed to Cork with the kids for a few days on Sunday but i got a nice 10k done on Sat evening between gigs. I did a day time gig and down to a hotel after that to sj at a mates wedding. I robbed someones room for a while, changed and did 10k.

    Off to Cork then on Sunday and it was a rest day, my legs were sore and tired after a tough week.

    On Monday i managed to grab 1k in the pool in the hotel.
    On Tuesday i managed to grab 600m in the pool.

    Yesterday was a rest day we were on the road most of the day and i had to play football with my little lad when we got back.

    It was a nice few relaxing days with good food, good beer and time with the kids !!!

    Back to the real world today and run this evening !

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Some training over the weekend but my brother in law was home from the UK and vast amounts of Guinness were drank. I walloped my foot off the couch on sunday and i have some lovely bruises so no running since then but i have been in the pool.

    This weekend is crazy with Athy being on and i'm doing the PA/MC, thats from 05:30 Sat morning ( I'm working at a charity event Fri night as well so i'll be lucky to get 3 hrs sleep ) until 21:00 and then i'm off to Dublin for another gig. I should be in bed by 04:00 Sunday morning so a 23 hr day.

    Then its up on Sunday for a cycle to measure some routes for Up & Over. Then its off to gig at my own charity event in the local rugby club for Up & Over.

    So all in all i'll be rather busy:o

    Oh and one thing is no more booze until its all over, i finish outside a pub and i want the owner outside with a pint of Guinness for me !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Speaking of busy i have to post about Up & Over. Last July i had an idea to do something for a cancer charity after my mother was diagnosed with cancer. Well from that one thought came Up & Over.

    It started as a small event involving a few people and 3 lads doing some swimming, cycling and runnuing.

    But now its a facebook page, twitter, website, my charity, posters, flyers, online registration, charities, full marathon, half marathon, 10k, 7k, support crew, hotels, clothing, press, sponsors, fund raising, bank accounts, permits, Garda, first aid, safety statements, e mails, texts, phonecalls and a bit of training.

    Its a monster if i'm honest, a stressful monster and every so often i need to step away from it and try to forget about it.

    When you add in a full time job, my dj work, a wife and 2 amazing kids into the mix its a lot.

    I honestly think that the organisation is going to be harder than actually doing the event.

    All this when all we really want to do is to get funds together for two worthy charites and two smaller local charities. My dog its all so complicated !!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Swim at lunch yesterday. I was a little stuck for time so just did 1500m. I was in work until 8 so home for 45 min to sort out video for charity gig on sunday night and then off to a meeting about Up & Over until 11m, ugh.

    And so this morning another one of my crazy epic weekends begins, at leasy my Nov holiday in NY will be paid for come Tuesday !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    I went splashy at lunch !!!! 1650m in a quick session as i was on the early lunch and had to get back. Nice swim but short compared to what i have to do in june !

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    I went splashy at lunch !!!! 1650m in a quick session as i was on the early lunch and had to get back. Nice swim but short compared to what i have to do in june !
    Listen to you, with your 'short' 1650 swim. I remember Bunclody... youre a different person now!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Oryx wrote: »
    Listen to you, with your 'short' 1650 swim. I remember Bunclody... youre a different person now!

    Thanks ya my swimming has come on a bit, i'm slow but constant !!!!! And ya its true at anything under 2k is considered a short session.........well for this year it is anyway !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Wow that was a tough weekend work wise, i survived Athy again ( just about ) after working Fri night and having to gig Sunday night as well.

    The June training program started yesterday. Its all about increasing the length of the session while dropping back pace so as the max hrs training and making recovery easier.

    runs - 3
    cycle - 2
    swim - 2

    I am going to try and make it 6 days on 1 day off just to allow the body to rest and recover.

    Once thing i have to do is not miss any sessions. Even if i have to come home from work at 2am and train or get up at 5am before work it will be done.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Back running last night after holidays and once again giving myself a stupid foot injury.

    My little toe is still sore on my right foot while wearing my work shoes ( so i leave it off at my desk ) but its fine in my runners which was a big relief as i thought i'd be laid up.

    12k done in total with a nice hill covered twice in the session. So good to get out in just the tri suit with the viser and sun glasses on !

    As i said above i'm keeping the pace slow no matter the session as i need to recover quicker with the amount of work that has to be done in the coming weeks.

    6:25 per km was my pace and i was happy with that, ok the sessions are going to be longer time wise but its all about time on the feet.

    Swim at lunch and cycle this evening:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Swim at lunch, simple 1500m session at a nice pace. It worked out at 7:20 per 250m, that would give me a pace of 29 min per km which is spot on for the 7.6k. I had it in me to go faster but i just kept it at that and found it very relaxing !

    Cycle this evening, i'll be measuring the 7k & 10k route for our event on Aug 31s as i go. I'd say it will be roughly 50k. I'll have to reintroduce myself to the bike as i haven't seen it in a while:o

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    40k cycle this evening, average pace of about 28km and there was actually some decent wind out there.

    I measured the 7k and 10k while out and tried out some of the gear we got for the event. The bib shorts were very comfortable.

    Double 10k tomorrow. It will be morning and lunch as i'm working tomorrow evening.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Its been just one of those day.

    Alarm didn't go off this morning so i didn't get one to run, i got got a flat tyre on the way to work and then i forgot my sun cream so i only got to do 8k at lunch and tried to stay in the shade as much as possible:o

    Ah well, but at least a session was done and it was a nice 8k at roughy 5:50 per km which is a little faster than i want to run but i had no garmin ( ugh ) and only divided time by distance when i finished.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    I was going to swim this evening but how could i pass up an evening like that to get out on the bike:cool:

    This weekend is

    Fri - cycle
    sat - cycle
    sun - run

    In the middle of that are meetings, gigs and daddy time so i'll be looking forward to coming back to work for a rest:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Got home from work yesterday evening to be greeted by 2 over heated grumpy kids who were hanging out of me and looking for burgers from the bbq so i went on daddy duties and before i know it it was meeting time so no cycle but good time with the kids.

    Up early this morning and out the door just after 9 on the bike. I was all happy in my new Up & Over gear:cool:

    The route i did was mainly flat and there was no wind to speak of, 85k in total at an average of 29.4km per hr. I was happy with that as i haven't been on the bike much recently. If i'm honest i really enjoyed it and only came back as i had to head to a daytime gig.

    The thing that pleased me most is how easy it was, i found 85k at just under 30km an hr easy and it took nothing out of me really............we have progress !!!!!

    LSR in the morning but at another gig now trying to work out next weeks training plan in my head.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    LSR yesterday, ugh is all i can say.

    A while back i got saucony compression socks and they've caused nothing but hastle since i got them. The 1st time they gave me tiny blisters on my toes that i didn't even notice and eventually they got infected and i was laid off for nearly two weeks. The next time they were fine but yesterday i begun to get a blister developing on the bottom of my right foot at about 10k and thats where the fun started:mad:

    I was up early yesterday, breakfast in the belly, sunscreen on and out the door before half 9 !

    I knew it was going to be warm and i arranged for water to be dropped at roughly 7k and i'd get more at 16k at my sister in laws house. I'm not great at drinking when i'm running but yesterday wasn't a problem i stopped and sipped as i needed !

    So as i hit 10k ish i begun to get that burning feeling on the bottom of my right foot, i slowed down a bit but kept pushing on. At 12k i had to stop and try to move my sock a bit and see could i sort it. I got going again and made it to my sister in laws where i had a cereal bar and more water. I tried to fix the sock again but alas nothing worked. I asked my sis in law to get mrs jones to come out and get me but in the mean time i headed off to do a lap of their block which brought me up to 21k and in the end my foot was on fire !

    All in all 21k and not happy about it, i had planned to do 25k to 30k and without the foot problem i would have done it. But i made the decision not to continue and to be able to get out again later this week to hit 30k.

    I got home, recovery drink into me and recovery sleeves on the leg. Not a bother on me this morning and thats a positive. I'm getting out at lunch for a nice slow 10k !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    9 hrs 30 min training in total this week, its 30 min below what i had planned but a good step up on recent weeks. I plan to build an hr a week over the next 9 weeks with a run week and cycle week built in to training plan so the body can get used to running distances X days in a row and the same with cycling.

    9 weeks of training left before taper begins so focus needed.

    Training plan is in my head for the week and it begins with the slow 10k i mentioned above.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    First session of the week is over ! Very gentle 10k run on the dreadmill as i was stuck for time but needed to get the session done.

    Legs felt fine during it and by sticking a big blob of vaseline on the bottom of my foot no problems with the blisters either.

    Nice to get it out of the way and have no reactions:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Swim at lunch today 2k in 55:20. I think thats the fastest i've done that distance and i believe by the end of the summer i'll be able to do 2.5k at lunch.

    I can finally see my fitness improving and more importantly my recovery times dropping. The recovery is so important as theres a session of some sort every day, maybe 2 and they are getting longer and longer.

    I got out of the pool with the tank far from empty and only that i had to come back to work i would have loved to stay on and keep going.

    Tomorrow is 10k at lunch and 60k + in the evening.

    One decision i made this morning is to more my"long" LSR to the middle of the week. That way i'll only have to do 20k at the weekend and with gigs this will be easier and i'll be able to spend more time with the kids !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Uwful evening weather wise and Elvis jr was having a puke fest so i only got in a quick turbo session on the TT. I worked mainly on turning over the legs and my position on the bike as i've done very little cycling on it. I need to get it out at lunch once a week and get at least 30k for the next while with some races coming up.

    Another LSR today, old socks and no sun so i should hit the 25 to 30k mark !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    So yesterday was my second LSR in four days and i was out the door at 2pm ( i waited for the rain to stop :o ) well anyway i brought the ipod and listen to some speech podcasts to pass the time. Along with that i had my old socks on !!!

    I designed a route so i could stash water and a bar that i could grab twice. The clouds looked black but the rain stayed off for the full run but it was windy which helped cool me down when it was in my face.

    In total i did 25.5k and the truth is the final 3k were tough but thats how its going to be over the next 8 weeks as the sessions just keep coming and recovery becomes more important.

    I got in the door and within five minutes i had my recovey drink in the the belly and i was sitting down with my two year old daughter playing on my knee.

    A nice long shower and recovery sleeves on the legs for the evening !

    Overall a nice run and good to get over 25k, i'll get over 30k on Tuesday when i do my next LSR.

    Oh i forgot to say i got bloody sunburn yesterday !!!!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Up and out the door early this morning as i was traveling with mrs jones and the little ones !

    I dropped them off and headed to the pool for a recovery swim. A nice slow 1200m followed by sauna and hot tub. Even without doing any of that my legs feel fine today, the recovery sleeves really seem to work !

    Hell and back tomorrow so i'm wearing a rather old pair of New Balance for that:D
