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Elvis goes Up & Over



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Late start in work this morning so i got out the door early and went to the pool. I got delayed slightly as i had to bring the kids to the child minder so the session was less than i hoped.

    2k in at a constant pace done in 57 min. My stroke seems good and the 2k isn't taking as much effort as it did in Jan.

    Working late so thats it for today. It will be the pool again tomorrow if this blister is still at me. Its also Tri Laois weekend so i'll be helping out tomorrow evening and out the door at 6am on Sat !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Early lunch today so off to the pool as my blistered foot still isn't better ( poor me ). Time was limited as i had to drop a tri suit to someone. A simple straight 1500m and i'm still just working on my stroke and breathing while building distance and fitness.

    This weekend 2 yrs ago i did my 1st tri and one length of that 18m pool was a struggle, i did 83 lenughs today non stop and only got out as i was in a hurry to get back to work. So anyone who's struggling like i did, hang in there it will come.

    Busy weekend ahead with TriLaois. I'll be on site this evening helping with set up and putting flyers into bags for 3D Tri !

    Tomorrow morning i'll be back there at 6am to eh "entertain" the masses ! I'll get a cycle in when i get home tomorrow and grab a disco nap before work ( another sat night another gig ).

    Up on on Sunday and my foot should be better so LSR time.

    My quiet weekends are at an end and Aug 22nd will hit me in the face before i know it !

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Busy weekend ahead with TriLaois. I'll be on site this evening helping with set up and putting flyers into bags for 3D Tri !

    Tomorrow morning i'll be back there at 6am to eh "entertain" the masses !

    I'll dig my play list out again and see if you can manage to play one this time. I can't remember it in full but I know my most recent includes Survivor - Eye of the Tiger as I'm coming in T1 and Bonnie Tyler - Holding out for a Hero as I come down the finish chute


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    I'll dig my play list out again and see if you can manage to play one this time. I can't remember it in full but I know my most recent includes Survivor - Eye of the Tiger as I'm coming in T1 and Bonnie Tyler - Holding out for a Hero as I come down the finish chute


    Is your helmet in the shape of a mullet ?

    You can have one of them at the end of one of the days in Aug. Is it road or TT tomorrow ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Is your helmet in the shape of a mullet ?

    You can have one of them at the end of one of the days in Aug. Is it road or TT tomorrow ?

    I'm going to set speakers up on the back of the van to listen to whilst we're running and put on my 'Soft Metal' collection. There's some classics on there - "It Bites", "Saxon", REO Speedwagon", "Survivor", "John Parr" - I could go on... ;)

    Flat enough course so probably TT - I'll take it out on the road to see how it's going and as long as there's no problems it'll be grand. I've been using it all winter on the turbo so there's no problems I know of - but you never know.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    Busy weekend ahead with TriLaois. I'll be on site this evening helping with set up and putting flyers into bags for 3D Tri !

    Hero :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    BTH wrote: »
    Hero :D

    they arrived and are going into the bags !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    No training on Sat, 9 hrs on site at TriLaois and home home to watch WWE with my little fella. A rest was more important !

    Cycle tomorrow as this blistered foot still isn't right after being on it all day.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Yesterday i was wacked ! I was just plain tired after the 20 hr day on sat and being on my feet for about 14 hrs of it. Soooooooooooooo i rested and spent time with the kids, mentally it was good and i feel recharged.

    It also gave me time to think about my training and how 1. I need to start going longer more often 2. I need to manage my parental leave better !

    Once a week i'll be finishing early in work at either 1 or 3 depending on the week. After thinking about it this will have to be a cycle day as going long on the bike just takes up so much time.

    So the plan going forward is to

    1.Get at least one 20k run a week in by running home from work at 5pm( they'll also be a longer LSR at the weekend )
    2.Use my parental for long mid week cycles
    3. At least every 3 weeks do back to back LSR

    Its all about building distance and recovery from this point onwards. What we're doing has never been done before either so theres no set plan in place.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Let me just get this out of the way aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    Out at lunch today to run and i put lots of valeline in the area where my blister was but alas it was no good:( 1.5k in i had to stop as if i struck my foot straight down it was painful so i tried to lay of it slightly but that just caused pain in my lower lef so i had to give up and walk back to work.

    Its annoying that after a week its still causing me pain and its another day wasted !

    I'll get up a little earlier in the morning and i'll do a turbo before work. I have an early lunch as well so i'll be able swim. I have an 18k run planned for Wen so i hope this heals in 48 hrs.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Today i read something that almost made me cry..........couerdelions training log:( I'm miles behind and have so much work to do but every so often we need a kick in the rear end to get us off it and bring it up a level:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    I had planned to swim at lunch today but it didn't happen as i needed to get a few bits for my car and was stuck in the motor factors for almost 30 min so swimming was out of the question.

    I had also said i'd watch part of Wrestlemania with Ethan so i kept me promise, he didn't get to bed until 19:30 so i put the bike on the turbo and decided to do an old set i did last year and really enjoyed, no HR strap in sight and a simple stopwatch !

    6 min warm up
    1 on
    2 on
    1 off
    3 on
    1 off
    4 on
    1 off
    5 on
    1 off
    5 on
    1 off
    4 on
    1 off
    3 on
    1 off
    2 on
    1 off
    1 on
    1 off
    4 min warm down

    Total of about 50 min and a nice workout to get the heart pumping !

    Its a long time since i've done a set like that and it was lovely to get away from the HR strap.

    Midweek LSR tomorrow, about 16k from work to my sister in laws to collect my car !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    So yesterday was my midweek LSR, these are going to be up to 21k but yesterday was 16k. I intend to do them at a slightly faster pace than the weekend one.

    I finsihed work at 5pm and race towards home to collect my car which was being work on ( and has to be sold:( ). It was a hilly course but i was able to keep up my pace and it felt great to be home just after 7pm with a 16k run done:)

    My left knee is a little sore today and i'll keep an eye on it as i have my weekend LSR tomorrow. I'm running home via a different route that i have to measure today but i think its about 23k.

    Swim at lunch.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    No swim yesterday or run today as the area where my blisters were is infected and i have lovely green puss coming out of it. Now if that wasn't bad enough one of my toes is the same, its swollen, red and exploded with puss this morning as well:(

    So i'm finished early and home to do a turbo session, then i'm soaking this foot in salt and water. I have a conformation to go to and then home to soak it again !

    I'll do my long cycle tomorrow and if the foot is ok i'll do my LSR on Sunday

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Well another week fcuked up:mad:

    I got a great turbo session done on Friday nbut since that i've been dealing with infected toes. Now thats not normally something that would stop me BUT i'm diabetic and infections in that area can lead to serious problems.

    I've been bathing them with salt and tea tree oil and keeping them dressed but i've had to bite the bullet and spend 50 quid on the doctor and no doubt meds as well. I'm off to see him this evening and my mood is so low. I'm just sick of it all and i'm honestly starting to think that Up & Over is slipping away from me.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Well another week fcuked up:mad:

    I got a great turbo session done on Friday nbut since that i've been dealing with infected toes. Now thats not normally something that would stop me BUT i'm diabetic and infections in that area can lead to serious problems.

    I've been bathing them with salt and tea tree oil and keeping them dressed but i've had to bite the bullet and spend 50 quid on the doctor and no doubt meds as well. I'm off to see him this evening and my mood is so low. I'm just sick of it all and i'm honestly starting to think that Up & Over is slipping away from me.
    As a doctor phobic person (and a spending-money-on doctors phobic person) I hear where you're coming from. But part of your fitness has to involve keeping a medical eye on your health. I read your posts over the last while about your troublesome foot, and did hope you were keeping an eye on it with your diabetes thing and all. You of all people cannot get away with neglecting stuff, and like your wife probably is already, Im gonna nag you about it.

    As for up and over slipping away, if you lose the correct mindset, it definitely will. Give it another shot. Look at where you are in swimming this year. Bet you never thought youd achieve that, and you have. You can still pull this out of the bag.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Oryx wrote: »
    As a doctor phobic person (and a spending-money-on doctors phobic person) I hear where you're coming from. But part of your fitness has to involve keeping a medical eye on your health. I read your posts over the last while about your troublesome foot, and did hope you were keeping an eye on it with your diabetes thing and all. You of all people cannot get away with neglecting stuff, and like your wife probably is already, Im gonna nag you about it.

    As for up and over slipping away, if you lose the correct mindset, it definitely will. Give it another shot. Look at where you are in swimming this year. Bet you never thought youd achieve that, and you have. You can still pull this out of the bag.

    As you've said before do i want to finish strong or do i want to crawl over the line in pieces. I think i'm moving from the 1st to the 2nd. I will finish and i have to as i've invested so much time, effort and emotional baggage into it so i will plug on but i don't think the marathons will be very quick and will involve walking.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Back from the doc and its blisters that have become infected so i'm on tablets to clear it up. I changed socks brand recently to wear compression socks and he believed this caused it so its back to aldi for me and compression socks after my runs.

    I'll be on the bike tomorrow evening and Thursday, swim fri morning and run fri at lunch.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Comeback was delayed again as i had to get a new car for mrs jones over the weekend and it was my little princess birthday on sat.

    I finally got back out on the road with a nice 8k yesterday evening. It felt good to get out in just a t shirt without the compression top !

    I'm racing in Limerick this weekend so i better try a brick this evening on the TT.

    Once little this is i hadn't trained for almost a week but kept the diet good and i lost almost half a stone. Perhaps if i sit on my arse and eat healthy i'll do better with getting the weight down:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    49 shades of lime green hit the road for the 1st time this season:cool:

    Simple brick session 18k cycle with 9k into a head wind and one tough hill, average speed 30.5k which kept me just under the magic 2min per km mark !

    Then a 4k run 2k up hill and 2k down hill, 21:15 which is slow but is fast for me.

    Overall i enjoyed it and i plan do to that at least once a week making the distances longer and i'll use it as a specific session for the HIM in July.

    Run at lunch tomorrow, 8k at a slow pace.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Toe infected again..............mood not great:mad::mad:

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Toe infected again..............mood not great:mad::mad:

    Boooooo :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Well i missed Joey as i couldn't get in the pool with a toe that was leaking green puss:D I looked on it as a positive and spent the weekend with the kids and had great fun with them. I finished the weekend with 5 nice cans of Carlsberg and some football on the tv.

    I got up yesterday morning and my mojo was back, the tablets ( both for the toe and head ) seem to be working well. I feeling so positive and in the mood to organise and train again !!!

    15 weeks of training left until i have to taper so its time to fcuk $hit up and rack up some numbers !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    I'm lucky in that i have two lovely runs home that i can do at least twice a week.

    I picked the 16.75k one yesterday and i did it almost 10 min faster than the last time i did it. I kept a good pace going ( for me ) and did it in an average of 6:09 min per km. My aim is to get that down to 5:40 by the end of the summer.

    I'm focusing on running for the next two weeks and need to be in a position by the end of may that 16k is my standard run. I'm out this evening for a slow 7.5k with mrs jones and 16.75k again tomorrow.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Slow run last night with mrs jones, 6.3k at a nice pace just to stretch out the legs and get a sweat going.

    Quads are a little sore today but nothing too bad. I'm finished at 1 today and heading for a nice long swim, 3k+

    17K run in the morning into work which i'll do at a slower pace than Monday. I'm not in work until 10 so its the ideal morning for a run before work.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    My 1st swim in almost 3 weeks and it was a nice, slow and steady ! 3.25k and the last few lengths were tough if i'm honest. But it was nice to do a long swim session and i think after the 7.6k on Aug 22 i'll need a shoulder massage.

    17K LSR in the morning !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Quads were sore this morning so decided to hold off on the 17k and do 10k today at lunch and 10k tomorrow at lunch.

    I wanted to do it at a good pace but not flat out. So 10K on 55:50 which isn't lightning fast but its fast enough for me. Its a new route i got and its fairly hilly. I was slow enough for the first 3k but the legs started to turn over nicely after that.

    I'm not where i should be re the training for Up & Over BUT i'm way ahead of where i've been any other year on the 1st week in May. Fingers crossed i'll have a good May and i'll go back to have my body fat measured and VO2 max done as well just to see have i moved forward at all.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Early lunch before an hr back in work and i head off to Dublin for a few beers !

    8K ran at a slow enough pace but fast enough to get a sweat going. Its been a good week so far but i can't see myself doing anything tomorrow as i'll be wrecked after tonight.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,166 ✭✭✭red face dave

    How is everything going Mark???

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    How is everything going Mark???

    Not great, another quiet week as i got a mystery virus at the weekend and he had me in a heap until yesterday. I was either in work or in bed:(

    I finally feel better and intend to get out this evening for a run.

    I'll cycle this evening and i've decided to do the Kildare Half Marathon on Sunday. Its nice to decide to do a half marathon 3 days before it:p
