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Elvis goes Up & Over



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Just a sunburn update, eh i'm starting to blister in part so i have either 2nd or 3rd degree burns:o

    Looking back now i have no idea how i finished the race seeing as the exposed part of my body was slowing baking and my core temp was going through the roof.

    Calves are a little tight and if i can get cycling gear on me later i'll go for a quick 30k odd just to spin out my legs and test my new wheels.

    I might have to go to the doctor with these blisters..........i'm giving it a few hrs. I have a high pain treshold but sometimes that can be just stupid.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,166 ✭✭✭red face dave

    Sounds rough Elvis. Hope its not to bad. I bloody hate sunburn its a childhood thing

  • Registered Users Posts: 691 ✭✭✭Briando

    Well done Elvis you are a warrior!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Only back training today, back was badly blistered over the last two days and not a hope of getting any gear on me.

    60 to 70k odd cycle this evening at a slow pace, 10k run after work tomorrow and double event weekend coming up !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    A nice 65k on the bike last night with Wes from Up & Over. We headed up to the Curragh to decide on our end line for the public event and measure the Half Marathon backwards to define the start line as our end line is in a set position.

    We had the wind ( not much ) in our face on the way up and on our back on the way home. It was a pleasure to be cycling home with such little effort on such a lovley evening.

    Average speed of about 29k and there was lots left in the legs at the end. I also got to test out the new wheels and them went well. Road bike needs a service and it needs to go off today so i have it for next week !

    This evening i'll take out the TT and i'll back measure the 10k route and i'll clock up about 30k. Ah its not much but another hr or so in the saddle !

    This weekend is all about dong back to back LSR. With only 4 weekends left before the taper i need to do at least for sets of back to back LSR.

    This weekend will be 21k & 21k on sat and sun. I also plan to do the same Tues and Wen as well so the running numbers are going to go up, up, up until the taper begins !

    I'll only being swimming and cycling once a week from now on with the running being the focus as i feel its where i need to spending the majority of my time this close to the event.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    I felt nasty on Fri evening and fell asleep on the couch at 7pm, i woke up about 30 min later but still felt rather ugh. I got my little man to bed and managed to get some food into me. My daughter then woke and ended up down with us, 20 min later pukefest begun ! She got sick 3 or 4 times and i think i had to same but i have a very strong stomach.

    Woke up Sat morning and felt average, i said i'd put off my run until later in the day. I had a lovely morning as "the girls" went shopping for a dress for my wife's 30th which is on in a few weeks.

    Myself and Ethan ate breakfast and watched the WWE wrestling, pure bliss !

    Off to Dublin to sort out some tech stuff for the car ( roof top dvd and new headunit ). Home and shopping had to be done. I got back had a lovely mango with some yougrt and said to myself get out there and get running !

    I got my ass in gear and as my wife went to my sister in laws house i got out on route and run to the start of the Up & Over 10k route. I ran it backwards from the end line at a nice slow pace, it was still warm but nothing like it was earier in the day. I kept the pace just around 6 min km mark and didn't want to push to hard as i had to run Sunday as well.

    I got to the end of the 10k in about 62 min turned around and ran the 1k home.

    Recovery drink and extra fluids into me ! Nice shower and a bit of tv before i was off to work. I put in the compression socks as my calves were a little sore but nothing major.

    I was gigging at a wedding that was local so i got that extra time at home. Great gig and i even met a billionaire, the owner of the Miami Dolphins no less ! Ah the life i lead:cool:

    Home and in bed at 2:15 Sunday morning after getting my fluids and nutrition ready for Sunday morning !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Up at 06:45 Sunday morning and was out the door at 07:15. I had to get out early as Mrs Jones was doing a 10k Sunday morning at 10am and was meant to be bringing the kids to the start line. I had planned to meet them there at 09:45 so only 2:30 of running:(

    Anyway i had a nice 7k loop set up after an initial 7k and was planning to hit about 22k in total. But while i was out she found me and told me the kids had gone back to sleep so i get to stay out a bit longer !

    Temp was nice and i was running faster than planned and kept having to tell myself to slow down. I had my Power Bars shots with me and got fluids every 7k ish. I got to the 22k mark and felt good, it was then time to head to the 10k to meet my wife.

    I was still running a little fast but it felt good, i felt good and was enjoying my running. At 25k i really had to tell myself to sloooooow it down. I decided to get a nice 2.5k warm down at a very slow pace.

    I made it to the end line of the race and found the car. A quick towel rub to get rid of sweat and the Up & Over t shirt went on. I was handing out leaflets for our public event while waiting for Mrs Jones.

    She came across the line at 60:22, she wasn't happy that she didn't get under the hr mark but she's come a long way. In Sept 2011 it took her 77 min to do a 10k so she's really done a lot of work, dropped her time and is getting a lot fitter. I was really proud seeing her coming in. It was nice to be there for her for a change as she's always there for me and if it wasn't for her i wouldn't have a hope of doing Up & Over.

    27.5k in total for me yesterday at 6:45 pace. It was a little too fast but felt good. The final 2.5k dropping the average a little so i was really doing closer to 6:35.

    Seeing as i was finished training so early it allowed us to have a full day with the kids going to to a play centre which was empty so the kids had it to themselves, a fab BBQ ( Elvis can cook:cool: ) and for me...........Froome coming over the line to win De Tour !

    A total of 40k over the weekend which was the plan, it was just done slightly differently.

    Cycle this evening, nothing long just something to stretch the legs if i don't do that i'll do 6k slow to break in new runners.

    I have back to back 20k runs planned for Tues & Wen again. Back to back long runs are really important in the next few weeks, we are down to 3 weeks before taper and Up & Over begins one month day:eek:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    My toughest section week of training is coming up now, its flat out really until the taper begins on Aug 12th !

    From next Monday i'm starting my "run week" that will see me run every day for 8 days and will get my body used to back to back long runs along with allowing me to work on my recovery and fueling

    My training plan from today until the taper begins is below.

    Mon - 4k run to breakin runners
    Tues - 20k run
    Wen - 20k run
    Thurs - 3k swim
    Fri - rest
    Sat - Sprint Triathlon in Longford
    Sun - Duathon ( worth doing lads if you're free ) 5k - 20k -5k
    Mon - 10k run
    Tues - 16k run
    Wen - 10k run
    Thurs - 16k run
    Fri - 10k run
    Sat - 20k run
    Sun - 30k run
    Mon - 20k run
    Tues - Rest
    Wen - 60k bike
    Thurs - 6k swim
    Fri - 2k swim
    Sat - 60k cycle
    Sun - 20k run

    Then taper begins with my longest run in this peroid being 16k and out of the 10 days of taper there will be at least 5 of them will be rest !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Plan for yesterday and today was and still back to back LSR. 21k done last night at just under 7 min km pace. I felt good at the start but begun to fade from 15k ish onwards. Mrs Jones joined me for the last 10k which really helped.

    Thankfully there wasn't as much fluids needed as the last few weeks but i had them stashed at the loop point. I had a cereal bar and Power Bar shots on route as well.

    Finished and got my recovery drink into me, shower, dinner and 40 min of tv to relax and then................BED with my recovery sleeves on !

    Same distance again today, so back to back half marathons !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    A statement i never thought i'd make..................another day another half marathon:D

    legs were a little heavy this morning but nothing serious, i got home at lunch and collected my little lad from his summer camp. In and got changed. I decided to break in new runners by doing 21k in them..............actually a good idea !

    I did my 7k loop 3 times with a drink and refuel stop each time. My legs felt good as i started and just stayed the same, i was strong and holding back at times. In the end i ran faster than yesterday with less effort.

    At 19k mrs Jones met me and commented that i didn't look like i had ran at all which was great to hear.

    Home recovery drink, shower and a sambo before playing with the kids and a nice long chat outside with some club mates !

    That's running four days out of five for a total of 82.5k, i'm finally starting to feel fit and can't believe i've ran two half marathons in two days. I remember when i ran 5k and had to take 3 days off.

    Anyone starting out, just keep plugging away and the results will might not be today or tomorrow, but if you stick at it you'll see the results !

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  • Registered Users Posts: 226 ✭✭c07

    Fab work there elvis! I'm mightily impressed. Your hardworking is totally paying off, by the bucketful!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 116 ✭✭aficionado

    Insane amount of running, fair play.
    Do you do much stretching or cross training afterwards?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    aficionado wrote: »
    Insane amount of running, fair play.
    Do you do much stretching or cross training afterwards?

    I just do my basic stretches after a wram up and the same again at the end. No cross training afterwards at all, recovery sleeves and epsom salts in the bath seems to work for me.

    I wear the compressport recovery sleeves to bed and normally wake up fine, walking down the stairs can be a little hard sometimes but after walking for a few min i feel nothing at all.

    I have 9 days running in a row coming up so its a perfect chance to perfect my recovery !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Yesterday was a rest day and i wnet for lunch with my wife and kids ! I was in work late so home for some cheese on toast and tv before bed !

    Swim at lunch today, 1500m to 2k depending time ! I'm gigging in Sligo tonight and staying in Longford, up early for Lord of the Dring sprint tri. I'm really looking forward to it !

    I intend to get a good disco nap tomorrow afternoon/evening as mrs Jones is out tomorrow night and i'm gigging so i'll be up early with the kids after 3 hrs sleep ! We'll pop up to a local duathlon while mrs jones has a sleep, i'd love to do it but she deserves a lie in she puts up with a lot with my training and going away for 11 days !

    Then my run week begins with 16k in the afternoon, this week will help me to perfect my recovery, teach my legs to run day after day and most importantly give me the confidence needed to run 225k over 5 days.

    This is how the week is laid out.

    Sun - 16k
    Mon - 10k
    Tues - 16k
    Wen - 10k
    Thurs - 16k
    Fri - 21k
    Sat - 30k
    Sun - 21k

    That will be a total of 140k over 8 days !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Only 1k in the pool at lunch, i had no nose clip and i hate swimming with no clip. I could have kept going but i got out early to go and buy a new clip for the race tomorrow !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Lord of the Dring sprint yesterday in Longford. Full report later when i have my splits.

    Great event with a lovely lake swim, tech bike with 6 left turns and about 100m of flat cycling and a run in the woods of which 3.5k was uphill !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Satutday was Lord of the Dring in Longford, the 1st time this sprint tri has taken place and a must for me as the area is where i grew up.

    As almost usual was working the night before at a wedding in Sligo. Home to my parents in Longford at 3:30am, i got about 3hrs of broken sleep with the kids in and out to me.

    Up at 8 and a nice feed of boxty for breakfast ( midlands & northwest regional food ).

    I packed the bike up and headed to the HQ on the Dring Shore of Lough Gowna which was only about 10 to 15 min drive away from me.

    I had registered the night before so it was straight into transition to set up. I was there early enough so get all together and went to chat to a few locals i knew and did some catching up.

    My wife, kids and ma came down to cheer me on and thankfully brought the sun cream that i forgot:o i got that onto me and after briefing i was ready for the off.

    The swim was the usual triangle with two right turns. I got going at the back and at times found it impossible to see the yellow buoys. I settled ino a nice pace and at times forgot to kick my legs. I got to and around the buoys and said to myself "eh you have lots in the tank will ya push it". I increased the strokes and got to the exit, i got up a little too early and ended up walking 30m in the water that i should have swam. Anyway i got to the slip and ran for it with wetsuit already at the waist.

    I got the swim done in 19:15, i've finally got myself under that 20 min mark for the swim ! If i had swam that 30m i'd be under 19 min:(

    Out to T1 which only had carpet up to the entry to it ( which left me with cuts on the bottom of my foot ) and wetsuit off, helmet on and off i went. 01:19 T1 which was an improvement on recent events but still needs work.

    The exit to the mount line was neutral zone which lost me 20 sec as the girl in front was all but walking ! Anyway onto the bike and i noticed something........i had nothing in my legs. The cycle is normally my strongest part but i had nothing. It was a tough course with all but none of it flat, 6 left turns and hill after hill. I managed to pick off 16 riders but each time i tried to push my legs said fcuk off !

    I got to the dismount like with an idiot of at TI official standing in the middle of the dismount line ( this same mouthy guy shouted at someone in transition, " you're too fat to be racing", he might have known them but stupid thing to say ) i don't know what would have happened to him if someones brakes failed. Bike was done in 42:36 which is slow for me BUT looking at other times it wasn't bad at all with the course.

    Anyway into T2, bike racked, helmet off and then i lost time. As i put on one of my runners the tongue got stuck down i had to take it off and try again. I lot at least 30 sec there ! T2 was slow at 01:21, it should have been under a mintue.

    Out of T2 and here is where i had another row with my legs. After running 85k this week there was nothing there to push at all. The only saving grace for me was that it was a hilly course with about 3.5k uphill. As some struggled with the hills i had some good hill running done in 2013 so i picked off a few runners but would have liked to get a more but legs kept saying fcuk off and leave us alone !!!

    I got over the line in 1:31:44 which was slower than Athlone but the run was longer here and the cycle was much much tougher.

    If i'm honest i said to myself midway durig the cycle will you just sit back and enjoy the race, you have a really tough week of training ahead so just get to the end with a smile on your face !

    A great race, a local race for me and nice to see some faces and places from my past including where my parents had their wedding reception ( same place which where i cut my teeth as a wedding dj about 15 yrs ago ) and the 1st place i ever wore shoes:)

    Very well organised race and well done Longford Triathlon Club. With themselves and Lanesboro tri club triathlon is alive and well in Longford for many years to come !

    Only negative for me was a large blood blister on the heel of my foot:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    including where my parents had their wedding reception and the 1st place i ever wore shoes:)


    You first wore shoes at your parents wedding reception?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    You first wore shoes at your parents wedding reception?

    Pee off and go running:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,583 ✭✭✭✭tunney

    I got to the dismount like with an idiot of at TI official standing in the middle of the dismount line ( this same mouthy guy shouted at someone in transition, " you're too fat to be racing"

    For clarification this was not me.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    tunney wrote: »
    For clarification this was not me.

    No this guy weighed 13st and thats 1.6 pounds too heavy to be you.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    ( in the big brother voice ) Day one of the run week !

    Started off my run week with a nice simple 10k. It was flat enough with a little wind in the face on the way back in.

    Handy pace at 6 min km and lots left in the tank when i finished. I'm in work until 8 tonight and intend to do some roller work on the calves when i get in.

    16k tomorrow after work at a slow pace.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Good on ya.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    legs were a little sore this morning so i decided to go for a slow ( do i do any other type ) swim on my lunch. A nice 1100m just up and down followed by some time in the sauna and hot tub. Legs feel great after it.

    16k this evening when i get home !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    16.5k yesterday evening, he pace was a little fast but legs felt good so i went with it. 6:25 km average pace overall and it was a double loop with only one water stop. I went with wine gums as my snack of choice and they seemed to work well for me.

    I have to split my run today so 10k at lunch and the remainder this evening as i have stuff on. I'll do either 6k or 10k this evening.

    Only two days gone in the week, its going to me a long one:(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Very tough 10k at lunch yesterday, legs were very heavy and a little sore. I got to the end of it with lots left in the body but not the legs !

    I did some rolling on my calves last night ( but no more running ) and they feel a little better today but we'll find all out this evening when i have to head out for 16k !

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,454 ✭✭✭mloc123

    At 42km into your run week, how confident are you that you can do over 200km in 5 days?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    mloc123 wrote: »
    At 42km into your run week, how confident are you that you can do over 200km in 5 days?

    I'll do the 225k ish in 5 days, it will be slow but i'll do it. My calves are sore and i'm looking forward to the end of run week as i ran 90k last week as well.

    I'll have the benefit of daily rub downs, more rest and having to deal with work etc during the event so that will all help.

    I just need to get off the bike and to Galway in a good place and i'll get there.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 558 ✭✭✭mrbungle

    Are you running 5 marathons or doing splits ?

    Last 5 days sounds like the hard part.
