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Elvis goes Up & Over



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    A lovely lunch time swim that totaled 1500.

    It was 1000m pull buoy and 500m front crawl.

    It mixed it up every 10 lengths or so and used the pull buoy to rest the legs but get a session done.

    I finished it with some time in the sauna and hot tub to get some heat in the legs.

    Nice session and well refresh me niecly for a double day tomorrow with run at lunch and turbo session watching the football !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Run at lunch and a nice 8k done. Its the 1st time this year that i felt anyway fit at all with my HR staying down and i actually felt like i was moving. Now it was nothing special pace wise but it was lightning fast compared to what i've done do far this year.

    A decision has been made not to turbo tonight but instead to drin Peroni and eat nachos while watching the game:D

    Another run at lunch tomorrow:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,166 ✭✭✭red face dave

    Think I may have passed you on the block road but was not 100% sure until I went by and recognised the up and over top.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Think I may have passed you on the block road but was not 100% sure until I went by and recognised the up and over top.

    Twas indeed myself, it was a lovely day to get out and run............unlike today and i have 8k to do:(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Just catching up on this log now, and fair play man that’s a huge challenge! Me and a few friends are planning a run across Ireland for charity. More info here if you’re interested. We are running from Salthill to Bray over 3 days at the end of July so we’ll probably be running a similar route to the one you are taking! I’ll be sure to send you on any hotel tips and places to stay/avoid. Best of luck with the training and raising money for the charity!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Just catching up on this log now, and fair play man that’s a huge challenge! Me and a few friends are planning a run across Ireland for charity. More info here if you’re interested. We are running from Salthill to Bray over 3 days at the end of July so we’ll probably be running a similar route to the one you are taking! I’ll be sure to send you on any hotel tips and places to stay/avoid. Best of luck with the training and raising money for the charity!


    I followed the crew doing it last year ! We'll be taking a different route from Ballinasloe onwards as we'll be heading for Tullamore from there and not the N4 route !

    I'm keeping an eye on your log and the back to back LSR which i'll have to try and do at least one a month in May, June, July and Aug !

    Good luck with the training.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Well its been a while since i've been here, ther gutts of two weeks from what i can see. There's been 2 reasons for this !

    1. I was fcuking of everything, organising, training and talking about the event.

    Since last July this event has taken over my life months and months and months of it morning, noon and night. Two weeks ago i had to just step back for a few days and have nothing to do with Up & Over. No training, no emails, no calls.....nothing. I needed it i was moody, staying up til all hrs looking up routes etc.

    So fast forward a week and i felt much better and my interest and hunger was back and i got a chest infection:mad: alas that was me out for a week.

    All i got last done last week was a swim session and a turbo.

    Back at it today and i did a nice 6.75k run at lunch today. I know i'm way way way behind where i should be at this point in relation to training but my saving grace is that my event is based on distance and not time so i can just plod along.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Back at it today and i did a nice 6.75k run at lunch today. I know i'm way way way behind where i should be at this point in relation to training but my saving grace is that my event is based on distance and not time so i can just plod along.
    You know this, but don't let yourself coast. You need to put in the miles or it will hurt, badly. And you need to build into it now. Every session needs to matter, and needs to get done.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Oryx wrote: »
    You know this, but don't let yourself coast. You need to put in the miles or it will hurt, badly. And you need to build into it now. Every session needs to matter, and needs to get done.

    Well said and during my run today i thought that i'll focus more on the running over the next few weeks and swap a swim session for a run to get more miles in the legs.

    I'm at 3.5k in the pool so half way there and i can hold that. But i thing miles in the legs is where the focus should be for the rest of March and into April.

    The long evenings will allow more cycling as well which will be a help.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Was meant to run yesterday evening but took one look outside and decided a turbo session would be better !

    As i went to grab my bike my TT was looking lonley so i used it instead. I need to use it more as i'm not used to the saddle and having had the bars etc moved over the winter i need to get used to it as well.

    In total about 50 min with the focus on keeping the legs turning over at a high pace while keeping the HR in check.

    A good session, swim today and LSR tomorrow.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Swim at lunch and its the 1st time i can say i felt like a swimmer in the pool.

    My stroke felt longer, i felt i gilded through the water and breathing was natural.

    1500m in just over 40 min so i'm improving all the time. When you consider this time two years ago 750m took me 33 min.

    A nice positive session:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    I forgot to add that i'm seeing my swim coach next week and am going to try and crack breathing from both sides. I can do it on my right side no problem at all but i just can't grasp the left side at all.

    Breathing every 3 strokes would save a lot of energy and would help with vision during races.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Just been talked into doing Hell And Back in June.......

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Just been talked into doing Hell And Back in June.......
    Easy peasy to you. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Oryx wrote: »
    Easy peasy to you. :)

    It should be a bit of fun !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    A few strange days where i have had to face up to something thats been part of my life for the last 10 years or so...............depression.

    Its a hard to one to put into words but it came to a head on sat when i had a meltdown about my wife not buying me eggs that were fresh enough to poach, ya something that small sent me over the edge. I ended up in bed for half the day curled up in a ball.

    Anyway i took a step back and decided to go back to the doc and get back on my meds ( i haven't taken them in alomst 5 yrs ). So thats where i am at the moment. It will take them a few weeks to kick in properly but in the mean time i just need to drag myself off the couch and focus on getting back on the road towards Up & Over:)

    Its just like any other injury only mine is in my head and doesn't cause a limp or need a massage !!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Swim at lunch today, i had to get back to work for a meeting so did 1600m in about 44 min. Stroke felt good again and i can feel myself getting stronger and more confident in the pool.

    I'm going to have a major training weekend from Fri to Tues and access where i am after that.

    My weekly early finish ( 1 or 3 pm ) start next week and i plan to use them for an extra LSR or cycle.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Once you recognise depression I think you're already halfway to getting through it. Me and the 'black dog' been acquainted for years, in my experience training is very good for it, pressure to train is not. Glad to hear you're still motoring on.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Oryx wrote: »
    Once you recognise depression I think you're already halfway to getting through it. Me and the 'black dog' been acquainted for years, in my experience training is very good for it, pressure to train is not. Glad to hear you're still motoring on.

    Cheers, changing and just getting out the door is the majority of the battle with the training !!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Early lunch today so headed to the pool as its very quiet at that time.

    Very simple session, a slow 2k at a constant pace. Up, down, up, down and soon it was over.

    Once again i can say i'm starting to feel that finally i can actually swim with my stroke becoming more fluid and breathing easier.

    I have a major catch up weekend planned over easter and i'll post as i do it. I don't want to put sessions down in writing that i don't end up doing.

    All i can say is that tomorrow will be a 5k race, i'll run out to it ( 8k ish ) and do the race so 13k in total:)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    A few strange days where i have had to face up to something thats been part of my life for the last 10 years or so...............depression.

    Its a hard to one to put into words but it came to a head on sat when i had a meltdown about my wife not buying me eggs that were fresh enough to poach, ya something that small sent me over the edge. I ended up in bed for half the day curled up in a ball.

    Anyway i took a step back and decided to go back to the doc and get back on my meds ( i haven't taken them in alomst 5 yrs ). So thats where i am at the moment. It will take them a few weeks to kick in properly but in the mean time i just need to drag myself off the couch and focus on getting back on the road towards Up & Over:)

    Its just like any other injury only mine is in my head and doesn't cause a limp or need a massage !!!

    I hear ya on the curling up in a ball in bed over something silly. I've battled with depression myself my whole life. I think my triathlon training has helped me no end but also whenever I feel the overwhelming need to go to bed I fight it. I talk to someone who understands and I often feel better for just that achievement- not getting back into that bed. Makes me feel stronger, more in control.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Friday evening the local AC club held a 5k run at the Heritage Hotel in Kilenard. 50% of the profits were to be donated to Up & Over so off i went in my lovely lime green t shirt to run semi fast for the first time in about 9 months.

    Well over 120 turned up and at 6:30 we were off. I started towards the back and managed to pass out a few along the route. I finished in 25:50 which i was happy with seeing as all i've done in slooooooooow running for as long as i can remember.

    Only negative was my quads started to spasm after the end line and i looked like John Cleese from the funny walk routine.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Saturday i went out with Wes who's doing Up & Over with me for a cycle. We covered 70k at roughly 26k an hr pace. There was very little wind but it was fairly cold. I wrapped up well and have to say i really enjoyed it !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Sunday i was meant to run but i was working until 5am ( with the clocks going forward). Add to that my mother was coming to visit for only the 2nd time in 6 months. So Elvis was cooking:cool: Only problem was my quads were killing me, it was the worst they've ever felt !

    Ham fillet soaked, boiled in coke and scored, pointed with cloves and covered in wholegrain mustard, marmalade and honey.

    Steamed cabbage cooked in butter with garden peas and slices of smoked streaky bacon.

    Honey and butter roasted carrots & parsnips.

    Mashed rooster potato's

    Roasted Maris Pipers.

    Homemade Bread Sauce !!!

    They stayed until 4 and i was off to Strictly Come Dancing afterwards so nothing was done.

    Oh and i forgot desert was homemade red velvet cake was cream cheese icing !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Up this morning after a few pints last night i had breakfast of coffee and a Yorkie !

    I watched the Utd match and at half time grabbed a nice sambo with what was left of my baked ham from yesterday.

    I finally got up off my arse at 3 and went for a run. It was rather cold but i warmed up fairly quickly. i did a loop that had me go over a tough hill twice. A nice run of 12k and i smiled all during it ( Oryx style ).

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    An extra day off for Easter and i was up early with the kids. i was rather bold and had Crunchy Nut Cornflakes for breakfast followed by bringing the kids to Mc'Ds for lunch ( nice chicken tenders for me:) )

    Home and some housework to be done and most importantly washing all my gear so i could do something !

    Gear washed and dried by 4pm !! Off out i went for a slowish recovery run with some nice hills in it. 6.4k done in total at a nice slow pace BUT major negative being a big blister on my right instep:mad:

    I have an 18k LSR planned from work tomorrow home so i hope i can clean it up in time and cover it in Vaseline to keep the pain at bay during it. If not i'll be home and heading out on the bike for a LSC ( is that a real term ? ).

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Blister isn't healed so bike it is !

    I'm going out at a slow pace and its all about time in the saddle rather than how fast i'm going !

    I've set my myself a target of running & cycling more in April than i have in Jan/Feb/March combined !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    With the way the wind was blowing today i put together a route that would have me have the wind in my face on the way out and to my back returning.

    A total of 65k with a nice average pace of 25k an hr, my legs felt good and i really enjoyed it.

    I want to build my midweek cycle towards 100k and finishing early once a week will allow me to do it and still spend time with the kids in the evening.

    Late start in work tomorrow so i'll be swimming !

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Blister isn't healed so bike it is !

    I'm going out at a slow pace and its all about time in the saddle rather than how fast i'm going !

    I've set my myself a target of running & cycling more in April than i have in Jan/Feb/March combined !

    What kind of weekly/monthly targets have you set?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    What kind of weekly/monthly targets have you set?

    For April to to beat what i did in Jan, Feb & March combined.

    Run - 148k
    Cycle - 360k

    Than in May beat April and so on through the months until we reach Aug.

    Swim wise i'm actually happy where i am with my normal session being 2k.
