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Heres an idea ..



  • Registered Users Posts: 18,067 ✭✭✭✭fryup

    I blame Next and the retards who get up at 5am to buy shît Next couldn't sell any other time of the year.

    a 6am start:confused: what sort of sad f*ck is gonna get up at that early hour for a cheap cardy, ridiculous

    do the staff at Next have any choice in the matter? i mean if i was told to start work at that hour on st stephens day i'd tell them to go jump!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,894 ✭✭✭UCDVet

    As has been exhaustively pointed out - there is no extra pay for the extra days. It's just not a holiday.

    Yes there is.

    If you don't work on a day - you don't get paid.
    If you do work on a day - you do get paid.

    I'm not talking about receiving a higher rate of pay; I'm talking about actual pay. Anyone who is paid hourly will receive more pay by working extra days. Any 'day off' they get is a day they don't get paid.

    I know lots of people who are able to pick up MORE hours than usual near the holiday because some other people would rather not work them. They want to work those extra house because they want/need more money.

    It's easy to imagine a perfect world where nobody has to do anything they don't enjoy and everyone is overflowing with riches. But that's not the real world.

    Shutting down someone's ability to work isn't going to benefit them.

    It's easy for well-to-do people to say, 'Nobody should have to work around the holidays'. And it's easy for someone with enough money during the holidays to say, 'They should shut the shop down'; but what they don't realize is that they are trying to dictate other people's lives for their own selfish gains.

    I know plenty of people who feel nobody should have to work a fast-food job because it's demeaning, or that nobody should have to clean toilets because it's dirty and gross. But it's awfully short sighted to think you are more qualified to decide what someone else should be able to do.

    If you don't want to work a certain day; don't work it.
    If you don't want to do a certain job; don't do it.

    But please don't try to tell me what I should and shouldn't be able to do because it might create a situation where you've agreed to do something you don't want to do.

    I hate waking up early; let's guilt everyone into not shopping before noon!
    I hate working Mondays; let's pass a law that says shops can't sell things on Monday's.
    I hate working long hours; let's pass a law that says nobody can work more than 20 hours per week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,194 ✭✭✭Corruptedmorals

    kjl wrote: »
    Well I think the OP is forgetting that we are all very busy, I don't always have time before Christmas to get everything I want and it's nice to be able to get something the day after, instead of the entire country shutting down for two days.

    This is the career the OP chose and he was well aware of the requirements before he started. I also think he should be grateful that he is getting work and the demand is high. I don't recall shops being open during the boom so surely it must be a good sign to the come back of our economy.

    I hope the OP knows there are a lot of people who would love to take his place and work on the 26th, he should stop moaning because he is easily replaced.

    My local shop was open from 9am - 5pm on Christmas day and I applaud him for his good business acumen. Made a bit of money and provided a decent service.

    You are missing the point. The high street only opens on the 26th in the last few years, therefore there is a huge proportion of staff who were there before it started. I would also take issue with retail being a career someone chooses...of course it is for higher positions, but the vast majority are either students or those who fell into it because they can't get anything else.

    Its amazing that the idea that overworked retail staff should hey 2 days off in a row is offensive for some. Especially given that the 2nd day is an extremely recent phenomenon. Not opening on the 26th is not going to kill the trade..if nobody is allowed open. Everyone who would shop on the 26th will shop on the 27th. People who shop online are not the hordes who queue for shops to open, they don't impact the sales rush. Have you any idea how much it costs to open a shopping centre for a few shops, or pay staff?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,045 ✭✭✭✭gramar

    We are turning into the USA - we are fostering consumerism. Do shops have to open on Sundays and holidays? Can't we go a couple of days without spending? It seems the new pastime is trawling through shopping centres
    and city centres looking for 'bargains'. Have our lives have become so empty that we can't find anything else with which to occupy ourselves that we have to turn to 'retail'? I find shops opening at 5am simply pointless and the people
    who queue to get in even more so. As someone pointed out they are getting up at ungodly hours to buy what couldn't be sold during the year. Queueing all night, rushing the doors and trampling over others at department stores is simply repulsive, and all for something that will be soon forgotten as our sights are set on more 'bargains'.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,236 ✭✭✭Dr. Kenneth Noisewater

    kjl wrote: »
    Well I think the OP is forgetting that we are all very busy, I don't always have time before Christmas to get everything I want and it's nice to be able to get something the day after, instead of the entire country shutting down for two days.

    This is the career the OP chose and he was well aware of the requirements before he started. I also think he should be grateful that he is getting work and the demand is high. I don't recall shops being open during the boom so surely it must be a good sign to the come back of our economy.

    I hope the OP knows there are a lot of people who would love to take his place and work on the 26th, he should stop moaning because he is easily replaced.

    My local shop was open from 9am - 5pm on Christmas day and I applaud him for his good business acumen. Made a bit of money and provided a decent service.

    What a condescending post.

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 34,567 ✭✭✭✭Biggins

    Originally Posted by kjl
    Well I think the OP is forgetting that we are all very busy, I don't always have time before Christmas to get everything I want and it's nice to be able to get something the day after, instead of the entire country shutting down for two days.

    This is the career the OP chose and he was well aware of the requirements before he started. I also think he should be grateful that he is getting work and the demand is high. I don't recall shops being open during the boom so surely it must be a good sign to the come back of our economy.

    I hope the OP knows there are a lot of people who would love to take his place and work on the 26th, he should stop moaning because he is easily replaced.

    My local shop was open from 9am - 5pm on Christmas day and I applaud him for his good business acumen. Made a bit of money and provided a decent service.
    deccurley wrote: »
    What a condescending post.

    I disagree.
    There is a lot of truth in it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 699 ✭✭✭Table Top Joe

    fryup wrote: »
    a 6am start:confused: what sort of sad f*ck is gonna get up at that early hour for a cheap cardy, ridiculous

    do the staff at Next have any choice in the matter? i mean if i was told to start work at that hour on st stephens day i'd tell them to go jump!

    My housemate was up at 5.30 this morning for a 6am start,she told me last year there were people queuing from 11.30 Christmas night(11.30!!)trust me theres plenty who do it,telling them "take a jump" is not an option,can lead to dismissal

    Some people seem to be in a mad rush to turn this country into Americas little brother with mindless consumerism 24/7,obviously working in retail means your gonna be working through Christmas,there would be no need to work the 26th though if they all closed and just opened the next day......LIKE THEY HAD BEEN DOING UNTIL UNTIL 2 OR 3 YEARS AGO

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,045 ✭✭✭✭gramar

    My housemate was up at 5.30 this morning for a 6am start,she told me last year there were people queuing from 11.30 Christmas night(11.30!!)trust me theres plenty who do it,telling them "take a jump" is not an option,can lead to dismissal

    Some people seem to be in a mad rush to turn this country into Americas little brother with mindless consumerism 24/7,obviously working in retail means your gonna be working through Christmas,there would be no need to work the 26th though if they all closed and just opened the next day......LIKE THEY HAD BEEN DOING UNTIL UNTIL 2 OR 3 YEARS AGO

    In the paper today - 17 year old queueing at 4.30am for a 12eur handbag.
    Beyond all logical comprehension.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,183 ✭✭✭✭Grayson

    Why follow the US. The Germans close all shops on Saturday afternoon and that's it for the weekend. Consumers shouldn't always trump worker rights.

    I don't think having boxing day off is a "right". Fair pay is a right, lack of discrimination is a "right". But having boxing day off isn't a right. And if it was then every doctor, ambulance driver, pilot etc that works on boxing day is haveing their rights attacked and would actually be entitled to walk out.

    Rights are something that unions fought for year to get. They are about fairness and equality. Not about having a day after xmas o9ff.
    Don't bandy a word as strong as "Rights" about unless you have any idea what they mean.
    ilovesleep wrote: »
    And pubs could follow suite too and open for xmas day (I know there's law preventing them doing this but the pubicans could lobby the government for change). Next door to the uk, pubs are open christmas day.

    Vintners Association Vs the Catholic church. That'd be an interesting fight.
    Shinaynay wrote: »
    The fact that people are saying things like 'arent ye lucky you have a job' and 'you should be thankfull for the few hours' , and 'youll be sad when the shops close' : I work 40 hrs a week and my weekly salary NEVER changes. Also no business will collapse from losing one days sales!

    Christmas should be spent with family, that is what it is all about!!

    Didn't la Senza close because of post Xmas sales last year.
    And sod off with your Xmas should be spent with familly crap. It's just another day and if you don't bother spending time with your family the other 364 days of the year, don't bother with this one.

    I know plenty of families that had xmas dinner on xmas eve or boxing day because they were the days that they could be together. It's just another day, get over it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,183 ✭✭✭✭Grayson

    gramar wrote: »
    In the paper today - 17 year old queueing at 4.30am for a 12eur handbag.
    Beyond all logical comprehension.

    That is stupid.
    I can understand queueing for some more expensive items. There's a recession on and saving a hundred euros on something like a big TV is a lot of money. Especially when the TV is something the family will probably use a lot.

    But a handbag is a bit nuts.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,194 ✭✭✭Corruptedmorals

    Grayson wrote: »

    Didn't la Senza close because of post Xmas sales last year.

    No. A shop won't die from one day or a period of 2 weeks. La Senza had been struggling for a long time before they closed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,478 ✭✭✭Shred

    Although I can empathise with the OP (I CHOSE not to get into retail for this and many other reasons), surely as a manger he understands that margins are extremely tight these days and every little counts. People saying stores have only been opening the past few years, sure I can remember queing outside HMV @ 8am in '89 with my mates for what turned out to be a fairly crap sale. Although I did pick up my first LP 'Saxon - Rock the Nations' \m/.

  • Registered Users Posts: 69 ✭✭nemesisdg

    Son0vagun wrote: »
    Here! Here! Well said.

    Hear hear!
