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Geography essays MEGATHREAD!!



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 338 ✭✭deathbythelc

    Manic2 wrote: »
    Ok for the landform development part!

    Most people seem to be doing a waterfall/meander, but would it be ok to learn an Ox bow lake? Like I understand if they ask you to do it from the map and it's not there I'm screwed but it would count for erosion and deposition wouldn't it?


    If you do learn ox-bow lake do you not have to basically explain meanders in the answer anyway?

    It's a little risky if it's not on the map, but in the end it's up to you! :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,391 ✭✭✭Mysteriouschic

    In the human section I think historical settlements always comes I had a look at the papers the other day it seems to come up a lot.

    I'm just after remembering I didn't look up urban renewal of Ballymun(I think that was it) I'm not sure if you can use the city centre docklands on that question and write about how it changed over the years . I just wanted to know my teacher hasn't gone through the human section and I remember the year before we covered Ballymun the urban renewal? anyone know :).

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 65 ✭✭Geographyhater

    Gotten physical and regional learnt ! Now to go through all of human elective and half of geoecology .. Wbu guys much more to learn??

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,545 ✭✭✭Geo10

    Gotten physical and regional learnt ! Now to go through all of human elective and half of geoecology .. Wbu guys much more to learn??

    Still have half regional and all human to learn FROM SCRATCH! :(:eek:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,989 ✭✭✭PictureFrame

    N.B. for Human Elective ~ Urban Problems in Developed world hasn't been up since 2008!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 652 ✭✭✭Hayezer

    Ok so we need a comprehensive elective list :L :L

    • Overpopulation (Came up last year though?)
    • Historical settlement

    and thats all I know :LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 65 ✭✭Geographyhater

    Geo10 wrote: »
    Gotten physical and regional learnt ! Now to go through all of human elective and half of geoecology .. Wbu guys much more to learn??

    Still have half regional and all human to learn FROM SCRATCH! :(:eek:
    Ha ur like me leaving it to the last week!! Only cse i hate the subject and dont like studying it..

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 298 ✭✭FreeFallin94

    What are we meant to learn for human interaction with a biome? I learnt the answer in Exam Skills but that covers two biomes and sometimes they only ask for one which means I couldn't use that answer at all. I have the Today's World geography book but I think the notes for human interaction are useless to be honest. Could I get away with just learning the answer in Exam Skills?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 170 ✭✭bobjimmy

    Say if we were asked again for a contrasting regional question again this year, how would you go about answering it? Would you just write out your answer for each region or what?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 121 ✭✭rkeano5

    Ha ur like me leaving it to the last week!! Only cse i hate the subject and dont like studying it..

    Cool username bro..:cool:

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 65 ✭✭Geographyhater

    rkeano5 wrote: »
    Ha ur like me leaving it to the last week!! Only cse i hate the subject and dont like studying it..

    Cool username bro..:cool:
    Thanks! It speaks the truth!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 338 ✭✭deathbythelc

    Quick question, does anyone have a sample answer for meanders? I have one written up but I'm worried that I haven't got enough SRP's in it. :/

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,989 ✭✭✭PictureFrame

    Ok, Plant and Animal Adaptations to the Soil/Climatic Conditions of the Biome HAS TO come up this year! Please god let it come up.. It's only been up once, ever (2007) and has never come up since! 4 years of a gap is too long! They have to ask some Biome Question, they asked Characterisics/Human interference last year, what else can they possibly ask about Biomes?


    Thanks SEC,


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,323 ✭✭✭Cruel Sun

    Ok, Plant and Animal Adaptations to the Soil/Climatic Conditions of the Biome HAS TO come up this year! Please god let it come up.. It's only been up once, ever (2007) and has never come up since! 4 years of a gap is too long! They have to ask some Biome Question, they asked Characterisics/Human interference last year, what else can they possibly ask about Biomes?


    Thanks SEC,


    Human alterations on a biome me thinks (hopes).

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 592 ✭✭✭fizzyorange

    Plant and animal adaptions in a biome, human interaction with a soil, human interaction with a biome.

    C'MON, pls

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 652 ✭✭✭Hayezer

    Plant and animal adaptations are the easiest aswell I'd think, just listing out all the different animals etc. Actually more interesting than the other ones aswell :D.
    Anyone have any human elective pointers?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,989 ✭✭✭PictureFrame

    Martin_94 wrote: »
    Human affects me thinks (hopes).
    They asked that last year didn't they? Not saying it won't come up or anything but I think it did!

    Can anyone help me with a quick Soil Question?

    In 2010 they asked about 'Characteristics of a Soil' which is grand. 4 Aspects @ 20 marks each (Texture, Humus Content, pH value and Colour)

    But in 2007 they asked 'Composition and characteristics of a Soil'. How do you structure an answer for this? Do you do a little heading at the start re: Composition and then when you're finished do your 4 characteristics or what?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,391 ✭✭✭Mysteriouschic

    I just finished learning how plants and animals adapt to the tropical rainforest biome :). I really want this question up, I wanted it to come up last year but it didn't maybe it was waiting for this year :).
    I have characteristics done next up is the human impact.

    Would I be safe with those three or should I learn a couple soil essays just to be safe?
    Which biome are you's doing?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,989 ✭✭✭PictureFrame

    Just plant/animal adaptations! It's so handy! It has to come up this year! Other than that i'm doing Composition/Characteristics of a Soil, Human Interference with Soil and Factors influencing Soil characteristics (although I haven't learnt the last 2 and still have all of regional and some physical to study!)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 699 ✭✭✭Boeing777

    Just plant/animal adaptations! It's so handy! It has to come up this year! Other than that i'm doing Composition/Characteristics of a Soil, Human Interference with Soil and Factors influencing Soil characteristics (although I haven't learnt the last 2 and still have all of regional and some physical to study!)

    For the plant/animal adaptations question would you just describe how both have adapted to climate and soils yeah?

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,391 ✭✭✭Mysteriouschic

    They asked that last year didn't they? Not saying it won't come up or anything but I think it did!

    Can anyone help me with a quick Soil Question?

    In 2010 they asked about 'Characteristics of a Soil' which is grand. 4 Aspects @ 20 marks each (Texture, Humus Content, pH value and Colour)

    But in 2007 they asked 'Composition and characteristics of a Soil'. How do you structure an answer for this? Do you do a little heading at the start re: Composition and then when you're finished do your 4 characteristics or what?

    I have a essay done for that it's in the exam skills.
    For the composition paragraph talk about the materials the soils contains.
    So mineral matter, air and water , living things and humus.

    Then the characteristics . After then the variations of brown soils. The acidic , shallow and podzolised soils.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 652 ✭✭✭Hayezer

    Boeing777 wrote: »
    For the plant/animal adaptations question would you just describe how both have adapted to climate and soils yeah?


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,989 ✭✭✭PictureFrame

    Boeing777 wrote: »
    For the plant/animal adaptations question would you just describe how both have adapted to climate and soils yeah?
    Well at least 1 aspect has to relate to climate and 1 to soil. My answer has:

    -Animal adaptations to climate + soil
    -Plant adaptations to soil
    -Plant adaptations to climate

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,391 ✭✭✭Mysteriouschic

    Just plant/animal adaptations! It's so handy! It has to come up this year! Other than that i'm doing Composition/Characteristics of a Soil, Human Interference with Soil and Factors influencing Soil characteristics (although I haven't learnt the last 2 and still have all of regional and some physical to study!)

    I have most of those to learn too plus all of the human elective. I'm literally memorising them word from word. This is the only way that works for me I've stopped writing them out. I hope I don't get confused or mixed up on the day memorising so many things.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 699 ✭✭✭Boeing777

    Hayezer wrote: »

    It's amazing how just two words mean so much! :pac:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 652 ✭✭✭Hayezer

    I have most of those to learn too plus all of the human elective. I'm literally memorising them word from word. This is the only way that works for me I've stopped writing them out. I hope I don't get confused or mixed up on the day memorising so many things.

    I've got flash cards for physical,regional and geoecology done out...gotta learn them all too :L. Haven't looked at elective yet :P.

    I hope when people say 'they know regional' they don't know every single answer to every question :O? I'm basically picking and choosing random answers here and there and hoping it will work on the day

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,888 ✭✭✭Fergus_

    I'm studying characteristics of Aridisols and characteristics of Desert Biome, and if I learn Plants/Animals adaption for Desert Biomes, should I be sorted?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 652 ✭✭✭Hayezer

    Boeing777 wrote: »
    It's amazing how just two words mean so much! :pac:

    Do you have the book ya? Our teacher basically refused to teach us and told us to buy the book :L :L

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 715 ✭✭✭Wesc.

    Actually, I'm not confident at all with one of her answers. In fact I'm not even sure it'd earn full marks tbh. If you look at her answer on Human Interference with Biomes, she doesn't have too much points done out on acid rain's effect on rivers/lakes :confused: Did anyone else notice this? Or, does anyone have any extra SRPs for it?


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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,391 ✭✭✭Mysteriouschic

    Hayezer wrote: »
    I've got flash cards for physical,regional and geoecology done out...gotta learn them all too :L. Haven't looked at elective yet :P.

    I hope when people say 'they know regional' they don't know every single answer to every question :O? I'm basically picking and choosing random answers here and there and hoping it will work on the day

    I've left out the EU part I didn't study it this year nor did my previous teacher in my old school. I had a load of answers written but I lost the sheets so learning the exams skills answers again. I've always wondered for the irish region if I could just stick to the bmv as it normally just asks you to talk about a irish region you have studied. I prefer the bmv for writing about it.
    I haven't done much of regional in a while still working on physical and the option there's so much to learn.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 170 ✭✭bobjimmy

    Just wondering for the plant and animal adaptaions to a biome is anyone doing it on the desert biome or is every one doing the tropical rainforest biome. Also what biome is everyone doing for the characteristics?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,989 ✭✭✭PictureFrame

    Wesc. wrote: »
    Actually, I'm not confident at all with one of her answers. In fact I'm not even sure it'd earn full marks tbh. If you look at her answer on Human Interference with Biomes, she doesn't have too much points done out on acid rain's effect on rivers/lakes :confused: Did anyone else notice this? Or, does anyone have any extra SRPs for it?

    I find a lot of her answers only have 13/14 SRP's when you need 15. And then some answers have about 20 SRP's (Human elective) and you end up with too much detail, I don't think it's that great a book tbh!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 699 ✭✭✭Boeing777

    Hayezer wrote: »
    Do you have the book ya? Our teacher basically refused to teach us and told us to buy the book :L :L

    Luckily I do I just don't look at the Biome section. She tends to deal with the Tropical Rainforest Biome whereas I'm doing the Desert Biome.
    But, I actually don't know what I'd do without the book? She's actually a life saver!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 652 ✭✭✭Hayezer

    I've left out the EU part I didn't study it this year nor did my previous teacher in my old school. I had a load of answers written but I lost the sheets so learning the exams skills answers again. I've always wondered for the irish region if I could just stick to the bmv as it normally just asks you to talk about a irish region you have studied. I prefer the bmv for writing about it.
    I haven't done much of regional in a while still working on physical and the option there's so much to learn.

    Yep but then theres always the danger of them asking you to contrast BMW and GDA, but I suppose you could do your BMW and bluff GDA.
    I dunno if it's worth it really :/ I'm spending so much time on geography and if the questions come up with ones I don't know I'm gonna cry in the exam.

    Whats everyone hoping for in geography? Got like 50 in the pre from 100% bluff-as in this is the first time I've ever studied geography in the 3 years. Not that hard, just such a painfully boring subject

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 715 ✭✭✭Wesc.

    I find a lot of her answers only have 13/14 SRP's when you need 15. And then some answers have about 20 SRP's (Human elective) and you end up with too much detail, I don't think it's that great a book tbh!

    Yeah it's not actually that good at all. She often elaborates too much on a point when there's no need to. In that answer I doubt it gets even close to how much SRPs it ideally should have. It says discuss two ways, but in discussing the rivers/lakes she has about 7, and surely that's not enough. Hopefully some people will realise that.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,989 ✭✭✭PictureFrame

    Hayezer wrote: »
    Yep but then theres always the danger of them asking you to contrast BMW and GDA, but I suppose you could do your BMW and bluff GDA.
    I dunno if it's worth it really :/ I'm spending so much time on geography and if the questions come up with ones I don't know I'm gonna cry in the exam.

    Whats everyone hoping for in geography? Got like 50 in the pre from 100% bluff-as in this is the first time I've ever studied geography in the 3 years. Not that hard, just such a painfully boring subject
    I have to get an A2. It's not worth my while doing the Leaving if I don't, won't get my course *which I think I want, not 100% sure yet* if I don't get an A in Geography and basically everything else! :/ Pressure..

    I just hope it goes my way on the day.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 652 ✭✭✭Hayezer

    Wesc. wrote: »
    Yeah it's not actually that good at all. She often elaborates too much on a point when there's no need to. In that answer I doubt it gets even close to how much SRPs it ideally should have. It says discuss two ways, but in discussing the rivers/lakes she has about 7, and surely that's not enough. Hopefully some people will realise that.

    Yeah but tbf it is a lifesaver in the way it's layed out with pretty much every question and answer possible! But yeah I was doing tertiary in SW USA earlier and I just take bullet points of key information that I'll be able to waffle on on the day and i only got like 6 points from her answer :L. Dunno, each point might have a few SRPs with the waffle attached or something

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 652 ✭✭✭Hayezer

    I have to get an A2. It's not worth my while doing the Leaving if I don't, won't get my course *which I think I want, not 100% sure yet* if I don't get an A in Geography and basically everything else! :/ Pressure..

    I just hope it goes my way on the day.

    Imagine if your short questions lost you the A2 :O mental breakdown would be on the cards if that was me

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 715 ✭✭✭Wesc.

    Hayezer wrote: »
    Yeah but tbf it is a lifesaver in the way it's layed out with pretty much every question and answer possible! But yeah I was doing tertiary in SW USA earlier and I just take bullet points of key information that I'll be able to waffle on on the day and i only got like 6 points from her answer :L. Dunno, each point might have a few SRPs with the waffle attached or something

    Oh yeah I know it's a great book for students and it definitely teaches geography the way it ought to be taught aswell! I'm just lucky I've had a really good geo teacher who from day one had us focused on the leaving cert and what we need to do. He's a strict c*nt but tbf I would get my A1 without him :')

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,391 ✭✭✭Mysteriouschic

    I'm hoping for a B1 thats what I need I'm usually good at geography.
    I failed it in my mock in last year though but only because I didn't study and same in the actual leaving studied to late got a D I knew I could've done so much better the exam was hard as I forgot and didn't have everything studied. I've gotten C/B's this year through studying so hopefully a B1 :).

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 145 ✭✭Astrozombies

    I know this new course has only been around since 2006, So even though I've learned off all the recurring essays on the elective (economic) and most on physical I just feel that something NEW is going to come up.. anyone else feel that?
    I have an essay on trade in Brazil from last year, about Cargill and such, but that's never appeared as an essay before, either has globalisation in Ireland :S regardless I've learned off both.
    I'm just terrified that something will come up I havent covered. I have Sue Honan's book, but I also have 'Shortcuts to Succes Geography LC HL sample answers' and that book has so many sample answers to questions that havent even been asked on the new course yet! :/

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 338 ✭✭deathbythelc

    I don't think it's that great a book tbh!

    BLASPHEMY! :eek:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 298 ✭✭FreeFallin94

    In regional geography when it says "examine 2 factors which have influenced the development of a primary economic activity" can you choose physical and human as the factors or are they meant to be more specific? (e.g. climate and relief as the two factors).

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 652 ✭✭✭Hayezer

    In regional geography when it says "examine 2 factors which have influenced the development of a primary economic activity" can you choose physical and human as the factors or are they meant to be more specific? (e.g. climate and relief as the two factors).

    Not sure really, but for that question in SW USA I've got Climate and Drainage so I'm doing more specific. You could write more on physical and human though.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 145 ✭✭Astrozombies

    In regional geography when it says "examine 2 factors which have influenced the development of a primary economic activity" can you choose physical and human as the factors or are they meant to be more specific? (e.g. climate and relief as the two factors).

    you usually can pick human and physical and then say "the human factor that effects this is transport&comminications and the physical factor effecting it is climate"

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,572 ✭✭✭Canard

    In regional geography when it says "examine 2 factors which have influenced the development of a primary economic activity" can you choose physical and human as the factors or are they meant to be more specific? (e.g. climate and relief as the two factors).
    My teacher is an examiner and he lets us do that, but then again he also tells us that "Climate" and "Relief and Soils" are acceptable :S In my mock he marked me down for using 3 headings in a question that said "examine the factors" (unfairly) and my headings had been Climate, Relief and Soils, Common Agricultural Policy - I got 10/10/8 and he gave me 20, i.e. my best 2 headings, and said if I'd done it as "physical" and "human" I'd have gotten 28/30.

    I still wouldnt be sure though, oh god, why is geography so confusing :eek:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 145 ✭✭Astrozombies

    Patchy~ wrote: »
    My teacher is an examiner and he lets us do that, but then again he also tells us that "Climate" and "Relief and Soils" are acceptable :S In my mock he marked me down for using 3 headings in a question that said "examine the factors" (unfairly) and my headings had been Climate, Relief and Soils, Common Agricultural Policy - I got 10/10/8 and he gave me 20, i.e. my best 2 headings, and said if I'd done it as "physical" and "human" I'd have gotten 28/30.

    I still wouldnt be sure though, oh god, why is geography so confusing :eek:

    CAP has to be under specific headings WHAT? For my cap essay I just talk about what it is and what it's doing for us, the 4 schemes that have been implemented, and the CAP's impact on our economy :S and I've gotten full marks for that from my teacher, urrrgh confusing :P

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 170 ✭✭bobjimmy

    Would i be covered if i studied these essays
    • Factors affecting soil formation
    • Soil Characteristics
    • Human impact on a soil
    • Characteristics of a biome

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 715 ✭✭✭Wesc.

    bobjimmy wrote: »
    Would i be covered if i studied these essays
    • Factors affecting soil formation
    • Soil Characteristics
    • Human impact on a soil
    • Characteristics of a biome

    I'd say you'd be fine with that bobjimmy

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,323 ✭✭✭Cruel Sun

    Do you think I'd be alright with these for Biome Question.

    - Characteristics of a biome
    - Characteristics of a soil
    - How Humans have altered a biome

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