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Geography essays MEGATHREAD!!



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,989 ✭✭✭PictureFrame

    Patchy~ wrote: »
    Mid-latitude depressions and maybe anti-cyclones with that is basically guaranteed. :D

    Other ones that might come up are climate and economic development (eeeeeeek need to learn that >_<), uneven distribution of solar energy and a pattern of global winds maybe? Its such an unpredictable section :L

    My teacher said the pattern of global winds is just the circulation cells again but I have notes he gave us on mistral/fohn winds and stuff. Any ideas there? :o
    ^ Looks so difficult. Give me Composition/Characteristics of a Soil, Plant/Animal adaptations to a biome, Human Activites on Soil, and Factors influencing soil characteristics anyday! :P

    Does anyone think Isostacy will come up this year? I dunno whether to learn it or not tbh, it's really difficult to learn an essay about it

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,572 ✭✭✭Canard

    Ugh, it is so difficult, you actually have to understand it. :( Like I sat there for 10 minutes trying to actually understand how a depression forms, it makes sense kind of but I'd take soils anyday :rolleyes:

    I find isostasy really annoying, I know all about it but I dont get the marking we have to get 15 SRPs out of just two landforms? I mean theres so many to talk about, hardly fair to limit it so much. :/

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 51 ✭✭siobhan93

    Patchy~ wrote: »
    Mid-latitude depressions and maybe anti-cyclones with that is basically guaranteed. :D

    Other ones that might come up are climate and economic development (eeeeeeek need to learn that >_<), uneven distribution of solar energy and a pattern of global winds maybe? Its such an unpredictable section :L

    My teacher said the pattern of global winds is just the circulation cells again but I have notes he gave us on mistral/fohn winds and stuff. Any ideas there? :o

    Yess i love that Q lets hope its that one!! Haha

    Oh for circulations i just have polar,hadley and ferrel cell :)
    I know there's so much to learn in it.. its so hard :(

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,572 ✭✭✭Canard

    Oh I have the Coriolis Effect as a fourth heading with the polar, hadley and ferrel cells, might be an idea :) I knowwwwwww, and the worst part is we probably wont need anything but depressions and anticyclones but you cant take the chance haha :(

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 51 ✭✭siobhan93

    Patchy~ wrote: »
    Oh I have the Coriolis Effect as a fourth heading with the polar, hadley and ferrel cells, might be an idea :) I knowwwwwww, and the worst part is we probably wont need anything but depressions and anticyclones but you cant take the chance haha :(

    Do you really think that depressions and anticyclones will come up?? I loveeee that one :D haha I'm just so afraid that none of the questions il have done will come up:eek: Have you done anything on climate?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,888 ✭✭✭Fergus_

    If anyone uses the Exam Skills by Sue Honan.

    Does the sample answers include just 14 SRPs or a lot more?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,073 ✭✭✭David1994

    Fergus_ wrote: »
    If anyone uses the Exam Skills by Sue Honan.

    Does the sample answers include just 14 SRPs or a lot more?

    I know I learnt off an answer for a test from Sue Honan's book and I got 30/30 with like 3 extra SRPS. Not sure if this is a general trend for the asnwers..

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,572 ✭✭✭Canard

    siobhan93 wrote: »
    Do you really think that depressions and anticyclones will come up?? I loveeee that one :D haha I'm just so afraid that none of the questions il have done will come up:eek: Have you done anything on climate?
    Yesssss it so has to! Depressions came up in 06,08,10 and deserts in 07,09,11, it HAS to :) I'll actually be devastated if it doesnt...and anticyclones came up in 08 and not 06 or 10 so it'd make sense this year but I prepared an answer without them just in case :P

    Eeeeeeemmmmmm I did ages ago, I started one like, but never finished it so I cant learn it haha. Its just regional though, literally the headings are agriculture, tourism andddd I think desertification comes in somewhere :L

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 50 ✭✭Darren.993

    We did Culture & Identity for our 80 mark question and I have about 7 full essays learned off really well for it. It's an easy section to write about and I got full marks in my mock.

    However the other Georgraphy class told us today that we should have done Geoecology because it's hard to get full marks in Culture & Identity. Now I've learned that lots of people in our class have also done Geoecology by themselves. I don't want to start learning new essays at this late stage but I'm kind of worried. :o

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,572 ✭✭✭Canard

    ^A class in my year do Culture & Identity. The teacher doesnt have a degree in geography and his grade averages are higher than the rest of the classes because they always score extremely high in it. I'd kill to have done it, but all it takes is one picky marker or a tight marking scheme to mess it should be grand though :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 592 ✭✭✭fizzyorange

    Hey lads. :)

    I was wondering is someone could give me a list of the bare minimum to learn for regional geography based in what is most likely to come up this year? It's the one section that I just can't get my head around. :o

    Also sorry, I know this is probably in this thread somewhere but my phone is a bit slow and I'm actually studying well for the first time in days, don't want to ruin it by staying on boards too long. :pac:

    Thanks a bunch!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,989 ✭✭✭PictureFrame

    Considering leaving out Secondary Activities in Paris.. I'm learning these for the Activities:
    • Ireland- Teritary
    • Paris- Primary, Teritary
    • Mezzogiorno- Primary
    • SW USA- Primary, Secondary, Teritary

    Apart from that i'm doing:
    • Culture- SW USA
    • Growth of City in SW USA
    • Growth of City in Ireland
    • 2 Implications of EU Expansion
    Do you think that's enough?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 652 ✭✭✭Hayezer

    Ok so I'm preparing answers for regional questions and I'm just wondering is there any point in doing, say, Primary activities in Paris and then also Primary activities in the Mezz? Or do I just need the one? Feel like I'm wasting valuable time here :(!

    Also, if anybody has any pointers on essays for Regional that would be greatly appreciated as I really don't think I'm gonna be able to do an answer for every single topic :P

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,572 ✭✭✭Canard

    Hayezer wrote: »
    Ok so I'm preparing answers for regional questions and I'm just wondering is there any point in doing, say, Primary activities in Paris and then also Primary activities in the Mezz? Or do I just need the one? Feel like I'm wasting valuable time here :(!

    Also, if anybody has any pointers on essays for Regional that would be greatly appreciated as I really don't think I'm gonna be able to do an answer for every single topic :P

    Deeeeeeeefinitely - its likely they'll ask for a contrast like last year! And because we cant know which sector they'll ask it on we have to learn them all, shneaky :(

    Definitely learn an urban area in a c/sc region, tertiary in ireland, primary/sec in paris/mezzogiorno, culture in a c/sc region and maaaaybe EU expansion...everyones suggesting that but it came up last year :L

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,545 ✭✭✭Geo10

    How would you structure a contrast question. Say like "Contrast development of secondary economic activities in two European regions"
    The marking scheme for last years one said "2 contrasts and 13 SRPs"
    By 2 contrasts could you say, for example,
    1. How transport in both regions affects manufacturing (helps it in Paris and hinders it in Mezzogiorno) and then discuss
    2. How populations of both regions affects manufacturing (helps it in Paris and hinders it in Mezzogiorno) and then discuss

    Do you have to constantly contrast or could you use the above headings and then write about Paris in about 4 sentences and then Mezz in about 4 sentences??

    OR would it be better not to use any headings and kind of do one answer in which you constantly make diff contrasts e.g " Paris has many fashion industries like Lancome whereas Mezz has mainly heavy industries located in the industrial triangle. Mezz requires huge supports from government such as the Vanoni plan under the Cassa whereas Paris doesn't need much extra funding as it is already well developed..." and just keep making lots of contrasts like that?

    Please tell me how ye plan to structure a contrast Q if one comes up?? Does anyone have any ones done out?
    Is there a point in studying 2 Irish regions since the contrast question past year was on Ireland? I might just study the Western Region.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,989 ✭✭✭PictureFrame

    Geo10 wrote: »
    How would you structure a contrast question. Say like "Contrast development of secondary economic activities in two European regions"
    The marking scheme for last years one said "2 contrasts and 13 SRPs"
    By 2 contrasts could you say, for example,
    1. How transport in both regions affects manufacturing (helps it in Paris and hinders it in Mezzogiorno) and then discuss
    2. How populations of both regions affects manufacturing (helps it in Paris and hinders it in Mezzogiorno) and then discuss

    Do you have to constantly contrast or could you use the above headings and then write about Paris in about 4 sentences and then Mezz in about 4 sentences??

    OR would it be better not to use any headings and kind of do one answer in which you constantly make diff contrasts e.g " Paris has many fashion industries like Lancome whereas Mezz has mainly heavy industries located in the industrial triangle. Mezz requires huge supports from government such as the Vanoni plan under the Cassa whereas Paris doesn't need much extra funding as it is already well developed..." and just keep making lots of contrasts like that?

    Please tell me how ye plan to structure a contrast Q if one comes up?? Does anyone have any ones done out?
    Is there a point in studying 2 Irish regions since the contrast question past year was on Ireland? I might just study the Western Region.

    This is not going to be helpful but I was about to post the same thing. I don't understand the whole contrast thing. More than likely we'll get Contrast Agriculture in 2 European Regions this year as Primary Activities have never come up for European Regions! I just don't know how to do it though! The factors I talk about for Paris are:
    • Climate
    • Drainage
    And for the Mezzogiorno, I talk about:
    • Relief
    • Land Ownerships systems
    Like how do you contrast things like that?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 652 ✭✭✭Hayezer

    Patchy~ wrote: »
    Deeeeeeeefinitely - its likely they'll ask for a contrast like last year! And because we cant know which sector they'll ask it on we have to learn them all, shneaky :(

    Definitely learn an urban area in a c/sc region, tertiary in ireland, primary/sec in paris/mezzogiorno, culture in a c/sc region and maaaaybe EU expansion...everyones suggesting that but it came up last year :L

    Urban area in continental/ you mean like the growth of a region? My heads crying from all this geography :( Plan on doing all regional today, might just die

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,989 ✭✭✭PictureFrame

    Hayezer wrote: »
    Ok so I'm preparing answers for regional questions and I'm just wondering is there any point in doing, say, Primary activities in Paris and then also Primary activities in the Mezz? Or do I just need the one? Feel like I'm wasting valuable time here :(!

    Also, if anybody has any pointers on essays for Regional that would be greatly appreciated as I really don't think I'm gonna be able to do an answer for every single topic :P

    I'm doing the following (mighn't be a smart idea, i've no time left though)
    • Ireland- Teritary Activites, Growth of Dublin
    • Paris- Primary, Teritary
    • Mezzogiorno- Primary
    • SW USA- Primary, Secondary, Teritary, Growth of Region
    • Culture- SW USA
    • 2 Implications of EU Expansion

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 652 ✭✭✭Hayezer

    Same here, for European Primary Activites I dunno how youd do it.
    For Paris I have Soil,Climate as Physical factors and a little bit on Pop and Transport for human factors.
    For Mezz I have both Agriculture and Forestry. For Agriculture my factors are Relief and Land Ownership System and for Forestry I have Climate and Soils.

    Dunno how I'd contrast them unless I do my little bit on Soil and Climate in Paris and Soil and Climate for Forestry in Mezz :/. Think I might just write about each individually :D

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 652 ✭✭✭Hayezer

    Woa threads just got moved I'm confused D:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,109 ✭✭✭QueenOfLeon

    Hayezer wrote: »
    Woa threads just got moved I'm confused D:

    Just merged some threads to try keep the majority of geography stuff together! Will edit in quoted posts to make more sense of it :P

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 652 ✭✭✭Hayezer

    I'm doing the following (mighn't be a smart idea, i've no time left though)
    • Ireland- Teritary Activites, Growth of Dublin
    • Paris- Primary, Teritary
    • Mezzogiorno- Primary
    • SW USA- Primary, Secondary, Teritary, Growth of Region
    • Culture- SW USA
    • 2 Implications of EU Expansion

    Ok I think I'm gonna go with this list seeing as I've only got Primary for Paris and Mezz and Tertiary for BMW and GDA done :/. I wish Geography would just die like

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,572 ✭✭✭Canard

    This is not going to be helpful but I was about to post the same thing. I don't understand the whole contrast thing. More than likely we'll get Contrast Agriculture in 2 European Regions this year as Primary Activities have never come up for European Regions! I just don't know how to do it though! The factors I talk about for Paris are:
    • Climate
    • Drainage
    And for the Mezzogiorno, I talk about:
    • Relief
    • Land Ownerships systems
    Like how do you contrast things like that?
    My teacher lets us do "Physical factors" and "Human factors" as two factors :confused:
    Hayezer wrote: »
    Urban area in continental/ you mean like the growth of a region? My heads crying from all this geography :( Plan on doing all regional today, might just die
    Growth of a city, e.g. mine is San Francisco :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,073 ✭✭✭David1994

    Just out of curiosity how many essays can ye learn in say 2 hours?:confused:
    I just feel overloaded with stuff though I find myself getting better at remembering stuff :P

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,391 ✭✭✭Mysteriouschic

    David1994 wrote: »
    Just out of curiosity how many essays can ye learn in say 2 hours?:confused:
    I just feel overloaded with stuff though I find myself getting better at remembering stuff :P

    I'd say it depends on how quickly you remember each essay. i'd say maybe 3/4 at the most like if you're trying to learn it word from word without writing it out. I still have loads of geography I have about 7 geoecology essays and the rest of the human elective.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 652 ✭✭✭Hayezer

    I'd say it depends on how quickly you remember each essay. i'd say maybe 3/4 at the most like if you're trying to learn it word from word without writing it out. I still have loads of geography I have about 7 geoecology essays and the rest of the human elective.

    On geoecolody, what essays do you have prepared/predict? We only ever did the animals/plants in the biome and human interaction with the biome :/

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,888 ✭✭✭Fergus_

    How much would you be expected to write for a 30m question?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,391 ✭✭✭Mysteriouschic

    Hayezer wrote: »
    On geoecolody, what essays do you have prepared/predict? We only ever did the animals/plants in the biome and human interaction with the biome :/

    I have
    -Natural processes influencing soil formation
    -Factors influencing soil characteristics
    -Composition and characteristics of soils
    - Human influence on soils

    - Characteristics of a biome
    - Plants and animals adapt to biomes
    - Human influence on biomes

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 32 MartieG

    I have
    -Natural processes influencing soil formation
    -Factors influencing soil characteristics
    -Composition and characteristics of soils
    - Human influence on soils

    - Characteristics of a biome
    - Plants and animals adapt to biomes
    - Human influence on biomes[/QUOTE

    IF you just learn the biome section, you are guaranteed a question, right?? So why would you learn soils AND biome??

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,391 ✭✭✭Mysteriouschic

    MartieG wrote: »
    I have
    -Natural processes influencing soil formation
    -Factors influencing soil characteristics
    -Composition and characteristics of soils
    - Human influence on soils

    - Characteristics of a biome
    - Plants and animals adapt to biomes
    - Human influence on biomes[/QUOTE

    IF you just learn the biome section, you are guaranteed a question, right?? So why would you learn soils AND biome??

    I think someone was saying there was one year that biomes didn't come up.
    I'll do biomes in more detail just incase the question happens to be different and to have choice .

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 32 MartieG

    MartieG wrote: »

    I think someone was saying there was one year that biomes didn't come up.
    I'll do biomes in more detail just incase the question happens to be different and to have choice .

    Biome has always come up in some form. This year i reckon 2 soil questions and 1 biome..

    Anybody know where I should start with regional, haven't got a clue where to start

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5 Tuubbeess

    Paris basin !! Dublin region and human interaction with rock cycle ( oil and gas exploration )

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,545 ✭✭✭Geo10

    For regional, what I think is likely:

    • IRISH REGION: *Tertiary*
    • EU REGION: *Primary*
    • SUB CONTINENTAL: * Secondary*
    • URBAN REGION: *Sub Continental*
    • CULTURAL REGION: *Irish*

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,989 ✭✭✭PictureFrame

    Geo10 wrote: »
    For regional, what I think is likely:

    • IRISH REGION: *Tertiary*
    • EU REGION: *Primary*
    • SUB CONTINENTAL: * Secondary*
    • URBAN REGION: *Sub Continental*
    • CULTURAL REGION: *Irish*
    You know the way in 2007 and 2006 they asked Culture in a specific region (The SW USA). Could they do that again? I've only learnt Culture in SW USA and haven't a notion of Europe/Ireland :/

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,572 ✭✭✭Canard

    Well they've asked (albeit in the sample paper) "deep cultural divisons", which is Belgium or NI and no other region really, so they could easily. Or "boundaries change over time" which is the Gaeltacht or Berlin (the wall etc, didnt know it was on the course til about a month ago so no way was I learning it), but of course you can avoid those with all the choice anyway so meh :L

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 338 ✭✭deathbythelc

    For the geoecology option, which essays is everyone studying for it? I've only got three learned and I'm kind of panicking now. :')

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,545 ✭✭✭Geo10

    I have absolutely NO idea what to learn for Human!! I hate the general waffly questions about reasons why a place has a low pop density or why a region developed in a place using the OS maps!! Everything seems likely to come up! Usually there's some really nice Qs like a cause and effect of overpopulation or effect of migration on donor and host... But they'te often stuck in with an awful OS map Q or some really weird Q like "show how this town acts as a central place using evidence from map and photo"
    Anyone have any good predictions?? :confused:
    This is the section where they seem to ask you anything and not follow some pattern of set questions.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,545 ✭✭✭Geo10

    For the geoecology option, which essays is everyone studying for it? I've only got three learned and I'm kind of panicking now. :')

    I'm doing 3 as well! :)
    • characteristics of brown earth soils
    • characteristics of hot desert biome (which I can adapt to a Q on plant and animal adaptations in a biome or influence of climate on biomes characteristics)
    • human activity impact on soils

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 592 ✭✭✭fizzyorange

    For the geoecology option, which essays is everyone studying for it? I've only got three learned and I'm kind of panicking now. :')

    -Human interactions with a biome
    -Human interactions with a soil
    -Plant and animal adaptions in a biome
    -Processes affecting soil type

    Went through all of the geoecology questions that have come up since the new course started in 2006, with those four I was covered for every year, and would have had a choice of two questions in most years. :cool:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 338 ✭✭deathbythelc

    Thanks! I'm gonna learn Human Interaction with Soils too and hopefully I'll be covered! :)

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 652 ✭✭✭Hayezer

    I wish I was Sue Honan

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,073 ✭✭✭David1994

    Geo10 wrote: »
    I have absolutely NO idea what to learn for Human!! I hate the general waffly questions about reasons why a place has a low pop density or why a region developed in a place using the OS maps!! Everything seems likely to come up! Usually there's some really nice Qs like a cause and effect of overpopulation or effect of migration on donor and host... But they'te often stuck in with an awful OS map Q or some really weird Q like "show how this town acts as a central place using evidence from map and photo"
    Anyone have any good predictions?? :confused:
    This is the section where they seem to ask you anything and not follow some pattern of set questions.

    Overpopulation normally comes up I think :) This is what I am studying for human elective:
    • Overpopulation
    • Migration changes/Effects of migration
    • Land use zones
    • Patterns of settlement(Knowing the types of settlement)
    • Sector model-Hoyt
    • Urban problems

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,989 ✭✭✭PictureFrame

    David1994 wrote: »
    Overpopulation normally comes up I think :) This is what I am studying for human elective:
    • Overpopulation
    • Migration changes/Effects of migration
    • Land use zones
    • Patterns of settlement(Knowing the types of settlement)
    • Sector model-Hoyt
    • Urban problems
    Hoyt came up last year though! Development of land use zones (Burgess concentric zone model) has never been asked! I think they asked the Hoyt sector model last year!

    Saw a question there, haven't a notion how to answer it:

    2009 Q.11 (B)

    'With reference to one example you have studied, examine the effectiveness of urban planning strategies in dealing with urban problems'

    Went onto and the answer is shíte. Looked at the marking scheme and they were looking for 2 projects to improve problems in an urban area and if you didn't comment of the effectiveness of it you got 0 marks! Was a particulary strange one!

    I'm personally hoping for:

    -Effects of Overpopulation
    -Central Place Theory (no explaining, just write down the theory and criticisms)
    -Rural/Historic Settlement Patters <3 these
    -Changing land use
    -Changing urban functions

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 85 ✭✭treely

    ****ing geography course is so ****e. I love all the physical part and love learning about it, but the test is balls. Its purely based on rote learning a billion essays and vomitting them all over the page. I started 5th year with geography as my favourite subject from Junior Cert, but now I'm fed up of it and couldnt be bothered with it anymore. I'd much rather study accounting, maths or physics! Much more enjoyable.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 652 ✭✭✭Hayezer

    -Human interactions with a biome
    -Human interactions with a soil
    -Plant and animal adaptions in a biome
    -Processes affecting soil type

    Went through all of the geoecology questions that have come up since the new course started in 2006, with those four I was covered for every year, and would have had a choice of two questions in most years. :cool:

    Processess affecting soil type cam up last year, it wouldn't be likely to come up again would it?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 652 ✭✭✭Hayezer

    Hoyt came up last year though! Development of land use zones (Burgess concentric zone model) has never been asked! I think they asked the Hoyt sector model last year!

    Saw a question there, haven't a notion how to answer it:

    2009 Q.11 (B)

    'With reference to one example you have studied, examine the effectiveness of urban planning strategies in dealing with urban problems'

    Went onto and the answer is shíte. Looked at the marking scheme and they were looking for 2 projects to improve problems in an urban area and if you didn't comment of the effectiveness of it you got 0 marks! Was a particulary strange one!

    I'm personally hoping for:

    -Effects of Overpopulation
    -Central Place Theory (no explaining, just write down the theory and criticisms)
    -Rural/Historic Settlement Patters <3 these
    -Changing land use
    -Changing urban functions

    Not sure, think you'd write about Ballymun and Urban Planning or something, did it months ago I think. Haven't even glanced at elective yet :/ only just have my physical and regional answers out :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 592 ✭✭✭fizzyorange

    Hayezer wrote: »
    Processess affecting soil type cam up last year, it wouldn't be likely to come up again would it?

    No, not likely at all. It seems like characteristics of a soil type is due to come up. I just hate the characteristic essays for both the biome and soils and I also hate the factors essays, so I learned everything else. :o It's seems likely that out of my list I'll end up doing a question on human activities impacting on soils.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 652 ✭✭✭Hayezer

    No, not likely at all. It seems like characteristics of a soil type is due to come up. I just hate the characteristic essays for both the biome and soils and I also hate the factors essays, so I learned everything else. :o It's seems likely that out of my list I'll end up doing a question on human activities impacting on soils.

    So dyou think I'd get away with
    • Human Interaction with soil
    • Plant and animal adaptations
    • Characteristic of a soil
    Dont think I'd be able to learn anymore tbh!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 592 ✭✭✭fizzyorange

    Hayezer wrote: »
    So dyou think I'd get away with
    • Human Interaction with soil
    • Plant and animal adaptations
    • Characteristic of a soil
    Dont think I'd be able to learn anymore tbh!

    I'd say you'd most likely be okay with that. If characteristics of a biome comes up again and you are stuck just mention your plant and animal adaptions and then do a small paragraph and climate too and you're sorted!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 311 ✭✭Manic2

    Ok for the landform development part!

    Most people seem to be doing a waterfall/meander, but would it be ok to learn an Ox bow lake? Like I understand if they ask you to do it from the map and it's not there I'm screwed but it would count for erosion and deposition wouldn't it?

