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But its cold outside



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭RubyK

    Great run at the weekend Anne! Happy Taper Time :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    I woke up this morning and was pleasantly surprised to find that my legs were feeling fine, but as the day wore on and the sitting at my desk they soon started to tighten up a bit. By 4pm i was almost asleep at my desk and a blast of coffee was required.
    Arrived home just after 6pm, sidestepped the dinner and headed for a 20min "powernap", before i fell down.
    Gobbled up a fab chicken curry (the joy of having a wonderful hubby;)) on my way out the door at 6.40 for Pilates.

    1Hr of Pilates later and my legs are feeling quite refreshed and now i'm ready for my bed:D

    Here is this weeks plan (Taper my ar$e:rolleyes:)

    |Rest|4 mile easy|Session 1|5m easy|20 min recovery|5 miles easy|Session 2

    Session 1 - 2 miles easy, 5 x 4mins w/ 2 min rec, 2 miles easy

    Session 2 - 2 miles easy, 4,3,2,1 miles @ MP with 3 min jog rec between, 2 miles easy (total mileage approx 15 including recoveries)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Bit of a Setback.

    Well Monday I had a bit of an achy hip after Sundays long run, but I wasn’t too worried about. I didn’t get out for Tuesday run as life just got in the way, so I headed out Wednesday morning to go my easy 4 mile, 2m in and the left calf and right hip were making a bit of a fuss. I passed no heed and a little while later the calf gave up/. I hip kept complaining but not enough to stop. I gave it a good stretch out after and on with my business.

    Wednesday evening session (I know, I know) during the warmup again it started to give out a little bit but again nothing too much. Started off the 5 x 4mins intervals and the first 2 were fine, the third was a good bit slower and by the fourth the hip was really giving out and it just kicked in for the last 50 metres and was really making its presence felt. When I was doing my recovery walk back to the start I felt like I was limping and decided to drop out of the last interval. Paddy, the trainer asked me were my legs ok as he noticed I was limping so it wasn’t just a “feeling”. I stretched it out and then went for a cool down but it really was sore so 1 lap and I called it a night. A bit worried as I headed home. I was noticeably limping when I got out of the car, the 20min drive seemed to make it worse.

    Had a lovely hot shower, session with the stick and then bag of ice and headed to bed. Got up this morning and it feels a lot better but I can still notice the hip is “a bit sore”, so I decide to be sensible and rest it today and will see how it is later. I might see if a few mins on the treadmill will help stretch it out or just completely rest it for a few days and not worry about missing a few runs, better than missing the marathon altogether, as I really wouldn’t be able to run on it it it got lake last night!!

    So fingers & toes crossed, its just my body having a bit of a hissy fit for a day or two. I’m actually knackered so the rest really is no harm!!!!

    Week 16 Run 1 - Wednesday 10th October (am)
    4.23m @ 9.38 - not my best run to date!!

    Week 16, Run 2 - Wednesday 10th October (pm)
    1m @ 9.40, stretching, drills,
    Intervals 4 x 4mins @ avg pace 6.42, 6.35, 7.22, 6.30
    1 lap cooldown 9.58!!
    Total 3.92m

    WTD: 8.15m
    MTD: 59.11m
    YTD: 938.79m

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Hope it's nothing but a minor niggle A, but if it's feeling off tomorrow I'd suggest you contact your physio person (I know you have a regular) for a massage, just in case! Don't want to jeopardise anything at this (late) stage in the game :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 86 ✭✭Lizzy C

    Sorry to hear that Anne...REST and REST. Missing the odd recovery run over the coming weeks will do you no harm, but running with that sore hip might aggravate it further.
    Emer (sorry Anne I know it's your thread!), how's the calf?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Time to do what you'd tell any of your mentored novices to do Anne and hopefully all will be well again soon...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Lizzy C wrote: »
    Sorry to hear that Anne...REST and REST. Missing the odd recovery run over the coming weeks will do you no harm, but running with that sore hip might aggravate it further.
    Emer (sorry Anne I know it's your thread!), how's the calf?

    Don't want to jinx it, but seems to be okay again. Fingers crossed for everyone to stay healthy for the next couple of weeks - taper madness excluded, obviously :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,070 ✭✭✭neilc

    Hopefully it's not too serious Anne, take it handy, as the saying goes you've the hard work done!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,685 ✭✭✭RunningKing

    Hope the recovery goes well, you're in good company as a lot of us are struck down right now!
    Keep positive, fingers crossed for you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 560 ✭✭✭madon

    Hope it comes right for you with a few days rest, as you say you're tired yourself so the rest will do you good all round.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,156 ✭✭✭jcsmum

    Anne, hope you're feeling better today. Take it easy....we're nearly there!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Thanks guys for the support, its feeling better, but still not fully right. I haven't tried running on it since, Like Dilbert 75 says its time to practice what i preach:o so will keep resting and icing it and i have physio on Monday so she will beat:eek: ease it out for me, no doubt.
    i hope everyone else is doing ok and its just the body say hey feck off im tired!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,677 ✭✭✭kit3

    Anne, fingers crossed for you that it all works out ok. You have all the work done at this stage so a small rest can only do you good. In the same boat myself with a physio visit booked on Tuesday - can't go over 8/9 miles without a niggle kicking in - think I might be in trouble but still hoping :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    kit3 wrote: »
    Anne, fingers crossed for you that it all works out ok. You have all the work done at this stage so a small rest can only do you good. In the same boat myself with a physio visit booked on Tuesday - can't go over 8/9 miles without a niggle kicking in - think I might be in trouble but still hoping :rolleyes:

    Kit3 i hope its ok for you, What are your niggles, mabye physio can sort you out, is it the same thing every run and have you managed to get long runs done in the past few weeks? might just need a good sports rub.

    I reckon my body is just tired after the last few weeks so hopefully only a niggle.
    Thankfully, I'm pre-booked with the Physio for Mon and Mon week as she is very hard to get an apt with and the intentions of these had been maintenace rubs to get rid of any niggles etc so will make full use of the apt this week and get a rub the following weeks and hopefully be sorted then.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,677 ✭✭✭kit3

    Younganne wrote: »
    Kit3 i hope its ok for you, What are your niggles, mabye physio can sort you out, is it the same thing every run and have you managed to get long runs done in the past few weeks? might just need a good sports rub.

    I reckon my body is just tired after the last few weeks so hopefully only a niggle.
    Thankfully, I'm pre-booked with the Physio for Mon and Mon week as she is very hard to get an apt with and the intentions of these had been maintenace rubs to get rid of any niggles etc so will make full use of the apt this week and get a rub the following weeks and hopefully be sorted then.

    Missed the last two long runs - 12 miles & 20. Was going to have a go at the weekend but won't be now. Have had a niggle on the inside of my ankle on and off since the week before the half marathon. Only kicks in after 8/9 miles. Came to a head two weeks ago when it felt tight also. I stopped running and went to the physio (1st time I've needed to !) last Tuesday week. He wasn't sure what was causing it but did need to realign my hips and put something in in my upper back (result of a fall just before the HM I think). He wasn't sure if he had sorted the problem but gave me the go ahead to run easy with the proviso that I come back to him if it reappeared. Did a 3 mile, two 5's and a 6 with no problems. Went out to do 10 yesterday and it came back after 8.5 miles. Was able to nurse it to finish the 10 by stretching each half mile or so but there is definately something there. While I know I'd probably get around the marathon on neurofen I'm not silly enough to risk a longer term injury. I've an appointment again on Tuesday and will see what comes of it. If I get to the start line at this stage I'll be happy just to get around and enjoy the experience. If not I'll be looking at one in the new year. fingers crossed.

    Hope you work out ok on Monday. C

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Mind the hip and the niggles (all of you)!!! The work is done, so a little extra rest to heal they body is not a worry at this point. You're nearly there.....and boy have you put in some quality work - that 22 miles you did last weekend is something that will stand to you on race day. I'm getting so excited for all of you and wish that I could be there to feel the buzz!!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,166 ✭✭✭red face dave

    Any update on the injury front Anne. Cotton wool from now until the big day the training is done

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    kit3 hope yours is nothing too serious.

    Week 16, Run 3 - not completed!!
    I went out for a test run today and it was a bit niggley from the off, but i decided to go the mile and see if it improved after a warmup. I stopped just after the mile and did a bit of stretching and it felt ok, so headed on down the road, but by the end of mile 2 it was getting very uncomfortable, i could definitely notice it and it was getting worse, so i turned and headed for home at a much slower pace.
    I did the 2m home very slowly, i didn't want to walk as i was afraid i'd get too cold, and it was still annoying me but seemed to be not as bad when i slowed but i was definitely limping by the time i got home.

    Its a bit worrying as i couldn't find anything with the foam roller or the stick so its in deep. Its around the sacral bone and im hoping a rub from the physio will find a knot in deep on Monday.

    It was sore all day but not as bad this evening.. running around after my 2 yr old twin nieces has numbed the pain for me i think,:eek: busy weekend here in my house as they are staying for the weekend!!!

    Total 4.1m

    WTD: 12.25m
    MTD: 63.21m
    YTD: 942.89m

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Had my first marathon nightmare dream last night. Someone picked me up on the way to the marathon and as it wasn't my planned route, my number and gear were at the running club.
    Someone photocopied my number and sent it up to me but couldn't bring me the original :confused::confused:
    The stewards pulled me out with 100m to go at a time of 3.45!!!!(wishful thinking) .....I think i have to stop reading the marathon thread... obviously linked to the "Keith" part of the thread.

    Anyway when they checked my number and my id(i just happend to be carrying), i was allowed to finish but the clock had blurred so didn't see the finish time!!!

    Strange stuff, woke up in a bit of a panic!!!!:rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Priceless! :D

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,915 ✭✭✭✭menoscemo

    Younganne wrote: »
    kit3 hope its nothing too serious.

    I went out for a test run today and it was a bit niggley from the off, but i decided to go the mile and see if it improved after a warmup. I stopped just after the mile and did a bit of stretching and it felt ok, so headed on down the road, but by the end of mile 2 it was getting very uncomfortable, i could definitely notice it and it was getting worse, so i turned and headed for home at a much slower pace.
    I did the 2m home very slowly, i didn't want to walk as i was afraid i'd get too cold, and it was still annoying me but seemed to be not as bad when i slowed but i was definitely limping by the time i got home.

    Its a bit worrying as i couldn't find anything with the foam roller or the stick so its in deep. Its around the sacral bone and im hoping a rub from the physio will find a knot in deep on Monday.

    It was sore all day but not as bad this evening.. running around after my 2 yr old twin nieces has numbed the pain for me i think,:eek: busy weekend here in my house as they are staying for the weekend!!!

    Hi Anne, by chance did you have a trip or fall recently?
    Your injury sounds very similar to mine and it turns out mine was not what I thought it was at all....

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,849 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    menoscemo wrote: »
    Younganne wrote: »
    kit3 hope its nothing too serious.

    I went out for a test run today and it was a bit niggley from the off, but i decided to go the mile and see if it improved after a warmup. I stopped just after the mile and did a bit of stretching and it felt ok, so headed on down the road, but by the end of mile 2 it was getting very uncomfortable, i could definitely notice it and it was getting worse, so i turned and headed for home at a much slower pace.
    I did the 2m home very slowly, i didn't want to walk as i was afraid i'd get too cold, and it was still annoying me but seemed to be not as bad when i slowed but i was definitely limping by the time i got home.

    Its a bit worrying as i couldn't find anything with the foam roller or the stick so its in deep. Its around the sacral bone and im hoping a rub from the physio will find a knot in deep on Monday.

    It was sore all day but not as bad this evening.. running around after my 2 yr old twin nieces has numbed the pain for me i think,:eek: busy weekend here in my house as they are staying for the weekend!!!

    Hi Anne, by chance did you have a trip or fall recently?
    Your injury sounds very similar to mine and it turns out mine was not what I thought it was at all....

    Hopefully a few days rest will help. I haven't ran since Wednesday as Achilles was sore but today feels good so will run tomorrow.

    Rest can do great things and u have the hard work done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    menoscemo wrote: »
    Hi Anne, by chance did you have a trip or fall recently?
    Your injury sounds very similar to mine and it turns out mine was not what I thought it was at all....

    Meno, no didn't trip or fall recently, but the pain is similar to one i had when i did fall few years back and did a good bit of damage to the sacral bone!!! heres hoping that its not that. How are you doing now?? I find im limping and its " niggly" even on walking at the moment but as i said earlier hopefully its just my weak back muscles giving out to me and Physio will sort it tomorrow night. Didn't even try running today!

    Average runner, hopefully yours is sorted with the rest!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,915 ✭✭✭✭menoscemo

    Younganne wrote: »
    Meno, no didn't trip or fall recently, but the pain is similar to one i had when i did fall few years back and did a good bit of damage to the sacral bone!!! heres hoping that its not that. How are you doing now?? I find im limping and its " niggly" even on walking at the moment but as i said earlier hopefully its just my weak back muscles giving out to me and Physio will sort it tomorrow night. Didn't even try running today!

    Average runner, hopefully yours is sorted with the rest!!

    Thankfully I am alright now. In the end the cause of my injuries weren't muscular at all rather my Sacroiliac Joint had become dislodged from a seemingly innocuous trip I had back in May. The physio popped it back into place last week and thankfully I can now bear weight on my right leg pain free :D. I was just asking as your symptoms sound very similar to mine...

  • Moderators, Regional Abroad Moderators Posts: 26,928 Mod ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    A lot of that sounds quite familiar to me... :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    menoscemo wrote: »
    Thankfully I am alright now. In the end the cause of my injuries weren't muscular at all rather my Sacroiliac Joint had become dislodged from a seemingly innocuous trip I had back in May. The physio popped it back into place last week and thankfully I can now bear weight on my right leg pain free :D. I was just asking as your symptoms sound very similar to mine...

    Dear lord that sounds painful! :eek:
    Glad to hear you got the right diagnosis and that you're on the mend.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,677 ✭✭✭kit3

    Best of luck tonight Anne - hope you get good news. C

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,821 ✭✭✭blockic

    Howd the physio go Anne?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Thankfully the problem is only muscular and hopefully has been sorted with dryneedling. I was the 3rd runner doing the marathon in with the same injury on Monday...overworked! (my muscle, not me!!!;))
    Have to rest it till Thursday and then go for a run and see how it is, back in next Monday for re-analysis!!
    She says she will tape it for me to get me throught the marathon, if needed!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭RubyK

    That's good news Anne. Hopefully all will go well on tomorrows run. All the hard work is done :)
