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What's Your Game Plan?



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,884 ✭✭✭Eve_Dublin

    Oh dude. I'm a very proud person to my detriment and don't like to show my vulnerable side in case I get knocked back hence the reason I'm single. It's a massive insecurity on my part and is only with men I really like a lot (they come around so infrequently I don't think I've enough practice). With men I just like, I can be very forward...make the first move, organise the date..but because I just like them, it never lasts. I lose my cool big time with men I really like and I'm not sure how to sort that out. Same problem as you,OP but I'm older than you and should really know better. This is one lesson I'm finding difficulty to live and learn from but that I'm great at giving advice about :-/
