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Strippers at parties - how do you react?



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,952 ✭✭✭magneticimpulse

    Love it, I think its all just abit of a laugh but once its just a night out. Not actually at someones birthday party. I think id be shocked then.

    I enjoy male strippers on ladies nights in nightclubs or gay pride nights...but not at a family event.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 37,214 ✭✭✭✭Dudess

    xzanti wrote: »
    I was at a 21st a few weeks ago and the stripper actually pulled her thong to one side and rubbed 'herself' off the guy.. I felt so sorry for his GF.. she had actually booked it, I guess she probably thought it was just to be a bit of 'slap & tickle' feather duster job.. Boy was she wrong
    Wow, an actual sex act as part of her stripping routine - I know there is sometimes physical contact by strippers but that seems pretty off the wall...
    Brendog wrote: »
    In my opinion, Its brilliant! contrary to popular belief the whole fun out of it comes from the persons absolute akwardness in the situation.

    You can have the biggest "lad" ever. Some idiot named wayne or something, obsessed with "KNOCKERS!! WAHAY!!" and he'll be like a child when given a lap dance. Its all a good laugh.

    can't stand the heat? Go to another room....
    If it's your friend and it's their special event, surely you wouldn't want to cause them awkwardness? :confused:
    MrDarcy wrote: »
    And of course I imagine the rules are completely changed then when it's a girl who the party is for and a male stripper shows up... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
    Based on...? I know I would do the very same if it were a male stripper. You really seem to have a problem with women.
    Fishie wrote: »
    I know a girl whose friends organised a male stripper for her 21st birthday party, even though her family (parents, grandmother etc) were there. She was mortified but went along with it at first, even when he got her to lean over a table and 'spanked' her, but when he tried to get her to eat a banana out of his crotch she couldn't go along with it anymore.
    Jesus Christ. I would absolutely die of mortification and would feel horribly mortified for anyone else whom it happened to, male or female, with or without grannies there. I don't have a problem at all with stripping as a job (I actually think: if you've the body, go for it) but in terms of who the audience is, they should only be viewing a strip-show/involved in it of their own accord. And it must be especially embarrassing when there's physical contact between the stripper and whomever's event it is.
    It's not prudish or not having a sense of humour to not want this at your party - some people would prefer tits or arse in their face in private, and belonging to people whom they fancy.
    It's quite pitiful really of some people to forget about their friend's enjoyment of their night and prioritise a few of the guests' having a laugh at others' expense.
    Trier wrote: »
    The way to piss off guys and have fun (not getting ulcers in the process and not being a killjoy) and being really egalitarian is to ENJOY yourself more, have an equivalent, show female solidarity in a positive way... Trust me. It's the tougher, most unconventional route for someone but it's all worth it!
    Don't see where anyone said they wanted to piss off guys - oh but wait, it's the Ladies' Lounge so it must be the case... And if you don't ENJOY yourself when there's a stripper at your party, then you shouldn't be made to feel like you're a killjoy, seeing as you can't help what your preferences are.
    Then you have the 'it was family party, was not really appropriate' talk not forgetting to mention the "but it was good fun after all, you should make tactful mistakes and provocations like this more often" in humour
    So you'd advocate lying? The rest of your post is difficult to make head or tail of, it just seems like semi-conscious babble.
    I think strippers can be great fun. Maybe at a 21st with family members is not the best timing.
    But if it's discussed in advance and it's a fun crowd then bring it on.
    God so many people in this country are just so dry and prudish.

    We got one recently for a 40th birthday and it went down a treat.

    The crowd at Stripireland are great and their performers will tame down the performance if asked. It's just supposed to be a bit of fun.
    Most people here seem to have no problem with stripping, just not at a family do or to humiliate someone. Don't really see how not wanting to simulate oral sex on a guy in front of your friends is dry and prudish. But you did get to shill the website I suppose... :pac:
    Whether it's fun or not is really down to the individual - personally, witnessing a near naked woman writhing around virtually on top of a guy, and he absolutely mortified and possibly erect, or an oiled-up, orange beefcake spanking me or one of mate's: my idea of a kind of hell. And believe me, I am ANYTHING but prudish. I always wonder why the "prude" word is thrown out in these discussions anyway, as in sexually conservative - seeing as it's about as erotic as a pool of puke.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,933 ✭✭✭Logical Fallacy

    Dudess wrote: »
    I always wonder why the "prude" word is thrown out in these discussions anyway, as in sexually conservative - seeing as it's about as erotic as a pool of puke.

    Because if we are not all into the same things there must be something wrong with us.

    I assume.

  • Registered Users Posts: 132 ✭✭duracell_bunny

    Two years ago I was at a 21st for a male (his family and my oh's family had been friends for years - the parents were mates and the kids were all mates). His friends arranged a stripper who took everything off and I mean everything. The poor guy was mortified. There were about 80 or so people there including his parents & grandparents and this totally naked girl was all over him - she even started to unzip his jeans at one point so his mother grabbed the girl and threw her out the back door of the venue and flung her knickers out after her!!! His friends then ran out after her to see would she finish off the dance for them out the back since they'd paid for the full half hour and she'd only done 10 mins of it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 489 ✭✭perri winkles

    Was at a 21st before where the girl's PARENTS ordered a stripper.
    He was awful looking and on the wrong side of 40.

    We were all so embarrassed for her *shudder*

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  • Registered Users Posts: 496 ✭✭rantyface

    I'd be really upset if my boyfriend was clearly aroused by a stripper and enjoyed it. I'd feel like an ugly fat f*cking whale forever afterwards. I don't think I would be intimate with him again. I'd just go out with someone who isn't into strippers instead.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,342 ✭✭✭✭starlit

    Honestly, I'd run a mile! I be so embarrassed!:o I'd be mortified If that sort of thing was at a party!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,635 ✭✭✭dotsman

    Strippers are like controversial jokes. You gotta know the audience.

    What kind of freak organises a stripper when they know the parents/sisters etc are going to be there? As for the wife/girlfriend etc (or boyfriend/husband etc for girls) being present - you would certainly want to run it by them to make sure they are cool with it in advance.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,670 ✭✭✭✭Wolfe Tone

    Jayzus if I was the lad I would be mortified, wouldn't know what to do really!

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,028 ✭✭✭✭--LOS--

    Nuggatey wrote: »
    The stripper arrived over....sat yer man on a chair....basically gave him a lap dance taking off all her clothes except for knickers.....sprayed whipped cream on her nipples and other places and made the stag AND a few of his mates lick it off...then poured baby oil over herself.....took off the guys top and pulled down his jeans....pulled out his boxers from his waist....poured the lotion down his pants and stuck her hand down where she copped a good feel for a few seconds.

    wayyyy too far.
    If the guy had a gf/wife/ w/e and was in a monogamous relationship, how is that any more than a very lame excuse to betray the girl. It's no better doing that with a stripper than some randomer.

    If the guy is not 'taken' fair enough if he wants to go along with it, totally pathetic if he's not comfortable with the situation and just accepts w/e is done to him by whoever.
    Dudess wrote: »
    Most people here seem to have no problem with stripping, just not at a family do or to humiliate someone.

    I'm a bit lost on the whole if we don't see it it's ok tbh. Fair enough, no ones family needs to see that but at least friends who organise it more publicly are not hiding anything. A lot of the time stripping is harmless but a lot of situations described in this thread definitely aren't. The internet is a good distance for strippers :P

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,385 ✭✭✭Jemmy

    Family functions I think its a big no no, but for hen/stag dos its grand. Was at a hen about a yr ago and my god was he gorgeous and didnt go to far or anything like that. I was shocked by how far some of the strippers in previous posts went, would not be happy with that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 62 ✭✭FayeRayRay

    Not only do I never want to be that position ever, I dont even like the idea of it behind my back. Gross.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 34 JaneB

    About ten years ago I was working in the UK with a group of about eight other girls, and one guy. There was one rather shy girl who was going to be 21 at the weekend, so it was decided we would go for a few drinks and organise a cake etc. after work on the Friday. A particularly loud woman who worked with uis collected some money off each of us for the cake and to "organise some entertainment". This entertainment turned out to be a male stripper. He arrived dressed as a bullfighter and made a slightly lewd-but-funny recitation about grabbing things by the horn etc. Re the stripping I think he was judging things as he went along (this was only at about 6.00 in the evening in the backroom of a local pub) and would have stopped as the gold-lurex briefs he was wearing, but the loud woman, who was already well tipsy by this stage, would have nothing but that he went the full monty and started encouraging him to basically thrust his crotch in the birthday girls face--she was visibly upset to this, and to be fair to the stripper he copped onto the situation and got dressed again and did another routine with his cape, kissed the girl on the cheek, gave her flowers and left and to a large extent saved the evening from turning into a complete disaster. The following monday at work loudmouth clearly thought the stripper had been the highlight of the evening and was saying that she souldn't wait to get the photos devellopped, (this was pre digital camera thank goodness). I have nothing against naked men--I once shared a flat in Dublin with a man who used sometimes walk around it in the nude but I wasn't in the least bit bothered as there were no sexual overtones--but what happened above and to the original poster in this thread and to several other posters is tantamount to sexual assault, if someone pushes "sexual bits" of themselves at you without your consent I consider that akin to sexual assault, and I have no time for it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,130 ✭✭✭Azureus

    In front of your family/in-laws? Mortifying!!

    I think I go along with the general concesus here, time and a place. I was at a 21st house party with strippers once, 2 of em, down to their knickers and grinding on my mate and all sorts-tied him to a chair etc. There was only 2 girls there including myself, but we were all mates in the room and it was a bit of a laugh, nothing too seedy or awkward.

    If my bfs mates got him a stripper on a lads night for some occasion it wouldnt bother me at all, once there was no sexual contact. If I was gonna be there, Id expect the lads to tell me in advance but I certainly wouldnt stop em, sure its only a bit of fun. Obviously if his sister or mother was gonna be out Id suggest maybe leaving it til another night :P

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14 A Very Pointy Stick

    I would be so angry if this happened to me. If it was my boyfriend I would expect him to throw her out, whether I was there or not. Not just because he's going out with me and so shouldn't be watching another woman in that way anyway but also because it's degrading to women and I'd hope he had more sense than that. Men who watch strippers are supporting the sex industry, and are ranking women as below themselves in the social ladder even if they do so subconsciously. I would also expect my boyfriend to leave even if he weren't the subject of the poor girl's attentions. I wouldn't expect him to stop the party because I appreciate that it wouldn't be his place to do so but if he didn't leave I'd lose a lot of faith in him.

  • Registered Users Posts: 709 ✭✭✭Exile 1798

    I would be so angry if this happened to me. If it was my boyfriend I would expect him to throw her out, whether I was there or not. Not just because he's going out with me and so shouldn't be watching another woman in that way anyway but also because it's degrading to women and I'd hope he had more sense than that. Men who watch strippers are supporting the sex industry, and are ranking women as below themselves in the social ladder even if they do so subconsciously. I would also expect my boyfriend to leave even if he weren't the subject of the poor girl's attentions. I wouldn't expect him to stop the party because I appreciate that it wouldn't be his place to do so but if he didn't leave I'd lose a lot of faith in him.


    Before looking out at the world and casting judgement it's advisable to look within and examine your own thinking and attitudes. If nothing else, it teaches one not to be overbearingly strident.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14 A Very Pointy Stick

    Sorry, and I'm not trying to be rude (too new here for that!) but I don't really see your point? Could you clarify it please? I meant that I would expect him to say that he was sorry, he wasn't expecting a stripper and he's not comfortable having one. He would then insist that she leave. I'd like to think that the stripper would probably be happier with that situation - she wouldn't have to degrade herself, after all.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,941 ✭✭✭caseyann

    I would call them some friends,and he would want to question their respect for him his wife and family.They could have arranged it for another night.Instead of ruining it for everyone else.Or at the very least brought him to another room.
    And one thing they most definitely should have done asked his wife was she ok with it.Obviously they have no gf's or wives or have very little respect for women and only got it for themselves or to humiliate him.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,496 ✭✭✭irishgrover

    It's all a bit sad and pathetic really...... :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 709 ✭✭✭Exile 1798

    Sorry, and I'm not trying to be rude (too new here for that!) but I don't really see your point? Could you clarify it please? I meant that I would expect him to say that he was sorry, he wasn't expecting a stripper and he's not comfortable having one. He would then insist that she leave. I'd like to think that the stripper would probably be happier with that situation - she wouldn't have to degrade herself, after all.

    Well you said you would expect your boyfriend to “throw her out”, as if she were rubbish.

    Then you complained about the degradation of women and men who watch strippers "ranking women below themselves" You then referred the hypothetical stripper as "the poor girl."

    It seems clear that it’s you who rates strippers as being below yourself, and it's you who seeks to degrade them in language.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 172 ✭✭padraig91

    well perhaps his wife, mother, and sisters should have been in the kitchen making him a goddamn sandwich after all it HIS birthday

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 16,696 Mod ✭✭✭✭Silverfish

    padraig91 wrote: »
    well perhaps his wife, mother, and sisters should have been in the kitchen making him a goddamn sandwich after all it HIS birthday


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 34 JaneB

    Azureus wrote: »
    In front of your family/in-laws? Mortifying!!

    If my bfs mates got him a stripper on a lads night for some occasion it wouldnt bother me at all, once there was no sexual contact.

    What would you define as "sexual contact"--would a girl pushing your boyfiend's face in between her naked boobs count?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,247 ✭✭✭milli milli

    I remember - many moons ago - when people had stripOGRAMS at family birthdays, not strippERS.

    I also remember when teenagers didnt go out dressed as hookers or RAG week didnt consist of wet t-shirt competitions.

    Why has Ireland turned into a bad episode of Ibiza Uncovered? :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 37,214 ✭✭✭✭Dudess

    Was it kissograms, not stripograms?

    I saw a programme about stripograms - SERIOUS amount of physical contact, definitely the bridge between stripper and prostitute. The guy was able to put his hands/mouth everywhere except her crotch.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,952 ✭✭✭magneticimpulse

    I have to say I do get excited by male strippers...but its normally at gay pride parties and not family related parties.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,247 ✭✭✭milli milli

    Dudess wrote: »
    Was it kissograms, not stripograms?

    I saw a programme about stripograms - SERIOUS amount of physical contact, definitely the bridge between stripper and prostitute. The guy was able to put his hands/mouth everywhere except her crotch.

    It could be Kissograms. I thought Stripograms were the same - obviously not! :D
    I always thought strippers - male/female - were pure crass and tacky. I can't imagine how anybody would be turned on by them. It makes a joke of sexuality tbh.

    But seriously what will be next - strippers that have sex with the bride/groom on the stage? It's not like it's a serious leap of imagination.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,650 ✭✭✭sensibleken

    As a bloke if someone did that, regardless if it was a boys night only, i would thanks the stripper politely, ask her to leave, find which friend ordered it, and thump him. I have a gf and i find watching strippers pretty pathetic.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19,341 ✭✭✭✭Chucky the tree

    I think people are missing the point of a stripper, you'd dont hire one for a mate so he can get a hard on. You do it to embarress him.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 37,214 ✭✭✭✭Dudess

    I think people are missing the point of a stripper, you'd dont hire one for a mate so he can get a hard on. You do it to embarress him.
    One begets the other. :pac:

    Sh1tty to embarrass a friend anyway on his birthday. It's fratboyish, and non appreciation of it isn't necessarily a sign of not being able to have a laugh.

    I don't have a problem with strippers/stripping as a job though - although while I understand men finding female strippers genuinely erotic, I think male strippers are just hilarious and naff-looking...
