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Isreal and American forces ready to attack Iran within days



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 33,733 ✭✭✭✭Myrddin

    This despite they are the only state in the history of the world to use them in anger?

    and your feelings on Israel having nukes?

    60 years ago, and its a bit convenient how you didnt quote where I said in the time since then, I think they have learned their lesson about them - about how effective and ineffective they really are. Do you not think Hitler would have used them if he had them in his arsenal? What if Hitler had developed the bomb first? Instead of 2 bombs ending the war, it would have been two bombs for starters. Yes the price was sickeningly high, but in the hear & now, today, Im glad the US developed them first. I cant see the US ever using them again being honest, short of another superpower war which isnt going to happen any time soon, and we can thank the cold war for that (MAD).

    I dont agree with the US's use of WMDs in WW2, frankly I dont think anyone does. What Im saying is though, is that having used them in war, the US has had to live with that stigma for nearly 70 years. They carried out an act of horror which will never be forgotten about, nor should ever be - but I dont think they are too eager to repeat that mistake.

    My thoughts on Israeli held WMDs'? Why would they be any different to my thoughts on Russia having them? Is it because they are allies with the US? Im no lover of Israel, or their policies, but surely they are following UN policy on the ownership/storage/useage of WMD's....i.e weapons inspectors etc? Im not that well up on middle east politics, and Id rather no country had nuclear weapons including Israel, which to me causes unnecessary friction in the region. Israel having WMDs', yes its a problem, thats my thought on it. Not an imminent problem, but not far off. And I dont see a resolution to that...

    Can a country like Israel just take it upon themselves to launch a nuclear attack? Is there no council? What would the reprecussions be of such an attack, from the international community/UN?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,627 ✭✭✭uprising2

    EnterNow wrote: »
    60 years ago, and its a bit convenient how you didnt quote where I said in the time since then, I think they have learned their lesson about them - about how effective and ineffective they really are. Do you not think Hitler would have used them if he had them in his arsenal? What if Hitler had developed the bomb first? Instead of 2 bombs ending the war, it would have been two bombs for starters. Yes the price was sickeningly high, but in the hear & now, today, Im glad the US developed them first. I cant see the US ever using them again being honest, short of another superpower war which isnt going to happen any time soon, and we can thank the cold war for that (MAD).

    I dont agree with the US's use of WMDs in WW2, frankly I dont think anyone does. What Im saying is though, is that having used them in war, the US has had to live with that stigma for nearly 70 years. They carried out an act of horror which will never be forgotten about, nor should ever be - but I dont think they are too eager to repeat that mistake.

    My thoughts on Israeli held WMDs'? Why would they be any different to my thoughts on Russia having them? Is it because they are allies with the US? Im no lover of Israel, or their policies, but surely they are following UN policy on the ownership/storage/useage of WMD's....i.e weapons inspectors etc? Im not that well up on middle east politics, and Id rather no country had nuclear weapons including Israel, which to me causes unnecessary friction in the region. Israel having WMDs', yes its a problem, thats my thought on it. Not an imminent problem, but not far off. And I dont see a resolution to that...

    Can a country like Israel just take it upon themselves to launch a nuclear attack? Is there no council? What would the reprecussions be of such an attack, from the international community/UN?

    Man, your view is far from the reality of how it is, Israel officially don't have nukes, yet unofficially we all know they have, officially they don't need UN, the IAEA or anybody looking for what they say they don't have, and nobody looks or seems to mind, they have said they would have no problem nuking Iran, and are a messed up bunch of lunatics, who would not hesitate, and your assumption that they would worry about what the international community may think, these people see themselves as way above humans, with every right to kill whoever and whatever they so wish.
    Revealed: Israel plans nuclear strike on Iran

    USA has been developing mini nukes for a few years now, with the view to using them in "normal warfare" on the battlefield, the US is the most bloodthirsty, killing machine on the planet with its bloodsoaked hands in a lot of pies all over the world, it is the biggest mass murdering nation of our time, with millions of kills under its belt in every corner of this planet
    If anybody wants to make judgement on a war mongering nation, and compare the US to Iran, please do, then ask yourself who is the bad guy here, but cowards will always lick the biggest baddest ones ass, and promote their illusion. Iran has always been the US and Israel's real target, from way back, we've been bombarded with this propaganda for years, and people who don't fully research things fall for the lies and bullsh1t.

    Also something slightly off topic, but the USA was behind the rise of the Soviet Union, with funding and military aid.
    In 1973 Sutton published a popularized, condensed version of the three volumes called National Suicide: Military Aid to the Soviet Union, and was thereby forced out of the Hoover Institution. His conclusion from his research on the issue was that the conflicts of the Cold War were "not fought to restrain communism", since the United States, through financing the Soviet Union "directly or indirectly armed both sides in at least Korea and Vietnam"; rather, these wars were organised in order "to generate multibillion-dollar armaments contracts".
    So according to this man the USA armed their enemies as they were killing American soldiers.,_Antony


    Before anybody disregards this out of hand as absurd, well it is absurd, but it's coming from a very reliable source, he said what others in his position were afraid to, he was certainly no crackpot and what he says should be researched before being dismissed out of hand.

    Bottom line is the USA is a master illusionist, and has perfected the art of lying and deception, and have no qualms about it, it has no problem whatsoever destroying life, be it guilty or innocent, friend or foe.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 33,733 ✭✭✭✭Myrddin

    EnterNow wrote: »
    Im not that well up on middle east politics. Can a country like Israel just take it upon themselves to launch a nuclear attack? Is there no council? What would the reprecussions be of such an attack, from the international community/UN?
    uprising2 wrote: »
    Man, your view is far from the reality of how it is, and your assumption that they would worry about what the international community may think, these people see themselves as way above humans, with every right to kill whoever and whatever they so wish.

    If you re-read my post, you'll actually see me admitting Im not well up on the middle east situation. See, its right there in black & white. Oh and my "assumptions", are actually questions I was asking. Not rhetorical questions, genuine questions Id be interested in peoples answers about. See this mark here "?", well thats called a question mark. People use it when asking a question, not when they are assuming something.

    Have another go at reading my post, and if you get stuck again, cross reference anything that confuses you with this.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,627 ✭✭✭uprising2

    EnterNow wrote: »
    If you re-read my post, you'll actually see me admitting Im not well up on the middle east situation. See, its right there in black & white. Oh and my "assumptions", are actually questions I was asking. Not rhetorical questions, genuine questions Id be interested in peoples answers about. See this mark here "?", well thats called a question mark. People use it when asking a question, not when they are assuming something.

    Have another go at reading my post, and if you get stuck again, cross reference anything that confuses you with this.

    Sorry, you are right, I apologise without reserve, I jumped the gun there with my reply.

  • Registered Users Posts: 43,311 ✭✭✭✭K-9

    I thought this was supposed to happen last year?

    Mad Men's Don Draper : What you call love was invented by guys like me, to sell nylons.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,823 ✭✭✭WakeUp

    G8 Fully believes Israel will attack Iran- Berlusconi

    Stratfor has published a naval chart on their website showing US carrier deployments. They say it is accurate as of 23/06. USS Dwight D. Eisenhower has been joined by the USS Harry S Truman in the North Indian Ocean not far from the Strait of Hormuz-chart

    USS Dwight D.E


    USS Harry.S.T


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,823 ✭✭✭WakeUp

    Last Thursday the US congress passed tough new unilateral sanctions aimed at Irans banking and energy sectors. Is all very familiar, the US used the same sort of tactics leading up to the invasion of Iraq-pre 2003.

    The US has not officially declared war on a country since WW2 the preferred method seems to be these unilateral sanctions. These sanctions may well be an unofficial declaration of war with Iran.-Reuters

    Michael Oren is Israel’s ambassador in the States. He believes the sanctions passed will either force Iran back to the negotiating table ( unlikely if past actions are anything to go by) or they will respond with terrorist attacks in the middle east- through Hamas and Hizbullah -Oren

    Things would appear to be moving fast.

    Douglas Herman is a retired USAF Veteran. He writes for He penned a few articles both before and after the US invasion of Iraq and their new shock and awe tactics, what is likely to happen when they attack and the aftermath. He was fairly accurate in what he had to say.

    This is what he believes an attack on Iran will look like on day one of the war should it happen. Im copying and pasting the article direct from Rense for anyone interested in reading it. Let us all hope he is wrong.

    Day One -
    The War With Iran
    By Douglas Herman
    A Exclusive
    The war began as planned. The Israeli pilots took off well before dawn and streaked across Lebanon and northern Iraq, high above Kirkuk. Flying US-made F-15 and F-16s, the Israelis separated over the mountains of western Iran, the pilots gesturing a last minute show of confidence in their mission, maintaining radio silence.

    Just before the sun rose over Tehran, moments before the Muslim call to prayer, the missiles struck their targets. While US Air Force AWACS planes circled overhead--listening, watching, recording--heavy US bombers followed minutes later. Bunker-busters and mini-nukes fell on dozens of targets while Iranian anti-aircraft missiles sped skyward.

    The ironically named Bushehr nuclear power plant crumbled to dust. Russian technicians and foreign nationals scurried for safety. Most did not make it.

    Targets in Saghand and Yazd, all of them carefully chosen many months before by Pentagon planners, were destroyed. The uranium enrichment facility in Natanz; a heavy water plant and radioisotope facility in Arak; the Ardekan Nuclear Fuel Unit; the Uranium Conversion Facility and Nuclear Technology Center in Isfahan; were struck simultaneously by USAF and Israeli bomber groups.

    The Tehran Nuclear Research Center, the Tehran Molybdenum, Iodine and Xenon Radioisotope Production Facility, the Tehran Jabr Ibn Hayan Multipurpose Laboratories, the Kalaye Electric Company in the Tehran suburbs were destroyed.

    Iranian fighter jets rose in scattered groups. At least those Iranian fighter planes that had not been destroyed on the ground by swift and systematic air strikes from US and Israeli missiles. A few Iranian fighters even launched missiles, downing the occasional attacker, but American top guns quickly prevailed in the ensuing dogfights.

    The Iranian air force, like the Iranian navy, never really knew what hit them. Like the slumbering US sailors at Pearl Harbor, the pre-dawn, pre-emptive attack wiped out fully half the Iranian defense forces in a matter of hours.

    By mid-morning, the second and third wave of US/Israeli raiders screamed over the secondary targets. The only problem now, the surprising effectiveness of the Iranian missile defenses. The element of surprise lost, US and Israeli warplanes began to fall from the skies in considerable numbers to anti-aircraft fire.

    At 7:35 AM, Tehran time, the first Iranian anti-ship missile destroyed a Panamanian oil tanker, departing from Kuwait and bound for Houston. Launched from an Iranian fighter plane, the Exocet split the ship in half and set the ship ablaze in the Strait of Hormuz. A second and third tanker followed, black smoke billowing from the broken ships before they blew up and sank. By 8:15 AM, all ship traffic on the Persian Gulf had ceased.

    US Navy ships, ordered earlier into the relative safety of the Indian Ocean, south of their base in Bahrain, launched counter strikes. Waves of US fighter planes circled the burning wrecks in the bottleneck of Hormuz but the Iranian fighters had fled.

    At 9 AM, Eastern Standard Time, many hours into the war, CNN reported a squadron of suicide Iranian fighter jets attacking the US Navy fleet south of Bahrain. Embedded reporters aboard the ships--sending live feeds directly to a rapt audience of Americans just awakening--reported all of the Iranian jets destroyed, but not before the enemy planes launched dozens of Exocet and Sunburn anti-ship missiles. A US aircraft carrier, cruiser and two destroyers suffered direct hits. The cruiser blew up and sank, killing 600 men. The aircraft carrier sank an hour later.

    By mid-morning, every military base in Iran was partially or wholly destroyed. Sirens blared and fires blazed from hundreds of fires. Explosions rocked Tehran and the electrical power failed. The Al Jazeerah news station in Tehran took a direct hit from a satellite bomb, leveling the entire block.

    At 9:15 AM, Baghdad time, the first Iranian missile struck the Green Zone. For the next thirty minutes a torrent of missiles landed on GPS coordinates carefully selected by Shiite militiamen with cell phones positioned outside the Green Zone and other permanent US bases. Although US and Israeli bomber pilots had destroyed 90% of the Iranian missiles, enough Shahabs remained to fully destroy the Green Zone, the Baghdad airport, and a US Marine base. Thousands of unsuspecting US soldiers died in the early morning barrage. Not surprisingly, CNN and Fox withheld the great number of casualties from American viewers.

    By 9:30 AM, gas stations on the US east coast began to raise their prices. Slowly at first and then altogether in a panic, the prices rose. $4 a gallon, and then $5 and then $6, the prices skyrocketed. Worried motorists, rushing from work, roared into the nearest gas station, radios blaring the latest reports of the pre-emptive attack on Iran. While fistfights broke out in gas stations everywhere, the third Middle Eastern war had begun.

    In Washington DC, the spin began minutes after the first missile struck its intended target. The punitive strike--not really a war said the harried White House spokesman--would further democracy and peace in the Middle East. Media pundits mostly followed the party line. By ridding Iran of weapons of mass destruction, Donald Rumsfeld declared confidently on CNN, Iran might follow in the footsteps of Iraq, and enjoy the hard won fruits of freedom.

    The president scheduled a speech at 2 PM. Gas prices rose another two dollars before then. China and Japan threatened to dump US dollars. Gold rose $120 an ounce. The dollar plummeted against the Euro.

    CNN reported violent, anti-American protests in Paris, London, Rome, Berlin and Dublin. Fast food franchises throughout Europe, carrying American corporate logos, were firebombed.

    A violent coup toppled the pro-American Pakistan president. On the New York Stock Exchange, prices fell in a frenzy of trading--except for the major petroleum producers. A single, Iranian Shahab missile struck Tel Aviv, destroying an entire city block. Israel vowed revenge, and threatened a nuclear strike on Tehran, before a hastily called UN General Assembly in New York City eased tensions.

    An orange alert in New York City suddenly reddened to a full-scale terror alarm when a package detonated on a Manhattan subway. The Mayor declared martial law. Governor Pataki ordered the New York National Guard fully mobilized, mobilizing what few national guardsmen remained in the state.

    The president looked shaken at 2 PM. The scroll below the TV screen reported Persian Gulf nations halting production of oil until the conflict could be resolved peacefully. Venezuelan president, Hugo Chavez, announced a freeze in oil deliveries to the US would begin immediately. Tony Blair offered to mediate peace negotiations, between the US and Israel and Iran, but was resoundingly rejected.

    By 6 PM, Eastern Standard Time, gas prices had stabilized at just below $10 a gallon. A Citgo station in Texas, near Fort Sam Houston Army base, was firebombed. No one claimed responsibility. Terrorism was not ruled out.

    At sunset, the call to prayer--in Tehran, Baghdad, Islamabad, Ankara, Jerusalem, Jakarta, Riyadh--sounded uncannily like the buzzing of enraged bees.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    These threads are hilarious, how many years have I been seeing this.

    Israel will attack Iran, K boom on CNN. Heck could we just blow up CNN. It's the reason why Panadol sales is booming. Constant fear fear fear fear. It's like a nagging granny "oh the big bad terrorist" is out to get us.

    This is Lucifer's war, and nobody here knows why they are invading Iran. it's actually pretty simple. AND NO ITS NOT OIL:rolleyes:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,823 ✭✭✭WakeUp

    mysterious wrote: »
    These threads are hilarious, how many years have I been seeing this.

    Israel will attack Iran, K boom on CNN. Heck could we just blow up CNN. It's the reason why Panadol sales is booming. Constant fear fear fear fear. It's like a nagging granny "oh the big bad terrorist" is out to get us.

    This is Lucifer's war, and nobody here knows why they are invading Iran. it's actually pretty simple. AND NO ITS NOT OIL:rolleyes:

    To be honest Mysterious I dont think its hilarious at all poor choice of word you used there, it takes months and years to have everything in place. I hope this doesn't happen as any sane person does but it still doesnt change the fact that both America and Israel would appear to be lining Iran up for a strike regardless of their motive for doing so.

    Yes the world is full of fear fear fear as you put it but that isn't highlighting anything its just stating the obvious.

    And yes its not about oil your right about that. Its about Iran allegedly trying to enrich uranium to weapons grade and in turn building a bomb or so the Americans and Israel keep claiming.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 2,005 ✭✭✭Di0genes

    WakeUp wrote: »
    Day One -
    The War With Iran
    By Douglas Herman
    A Exclusive
    The war began as planned. The Israeli pilots took off well before dawn and streaked across Lebanon and northern Iraq, high above Kirkuk. Flying US-made F-15 and F-16s, the Israelis separated over the mountains of western Iran, the pilots gesturing a last minute show of confidence in their mission, maintaining radio silence.

    Just before the sun rose over Tehran, moments before the Muslim call to prayer, the missiles struck their targets. While US Air Force AWACS planes circled overhead--listening, watching, recording--heavy US bombers followed minutes later. Bunker-busters and mini-nukes fell on dozens of targets while Iranian anti-aircraft missiles sped skyward.

    The ironically named Bushehr nuclear power plant crumbled to dust. Russian technicians and foreign nationals scurried for safety. Most did not make it.

    Targets in Saghand and Yazd, all of them carefully chosen many months before by Pentagon planners, were destroyed. The uranium enrichment facility in Natanz; a heavy water plant and radioisotope facility in Arak; the Ardekan Nuclear Fuel Unit; the Uranium Conversion Facility and Nuclear Technology Center in Isfahan; were struck simultaneously by USAF and Israeli bomber groups.

    The Tehran Nuclear Research Center, the Tehran Molybdenum, Iodine and Xenon Radioisotope Production Facility, the Tehran Jabr Ibn Hayan Multipurpose Laboratories, the Kalaye Electric Company in the Tehran suburbs were destroyed.

    Iranian fighter jets rose in scattered groups. At least those Iranian fighter planes that had not been destroyed on the ground by swift and systematic air strikes from US and Israeli missiles. A few Iranian fighters even launched missiles, downing the occasional attacker, but American top guns quickly prevailed in the ensuing dogfights.

    The Iranian air force, like the Iranian navy, never really knew what hit them. Like the slumbering US sailors at Pearl Harbor, the pre-dawn, pre-emptive attack wiped out fully half the Iranian defense forces in a matter of hours.

    By mid-morning, the second and third wave of US/Israeli raiders screamed over the secondary targets. The only problem now, the surprising effectiveness of the Iranian missile defenses. The element of surprise lost, US and Israeli warplanes began to fall from the skies in considerable numbers to anti-aircraft fire.

    At 7:35 AM, Tehran time, the first Iranian anti-ship missile destroyed a Panamanian oil tanker, departing from Kuwait and bound for Houston. Launched from an Iranian fighter plane, the Exocet split the ship in half and set the ship ablaze in the Strait of Hormuz. A second and third tanker followed, black smoke billowing from the broken ships before they blew up and sank. By 8:15 AM, all ship traffic on the Persian Gulf had ceased.

    US Navy ships, ordered earlier into the relative safety of the Indian Ocean, south of their base in Bahrain, launched counter strikes. Waves of US fighter planes circled the burning wrecks in the bottleneck of Hormuz but the Iranian fighters had fled.

    At 9 AM, Eastern Standard Time, many hours into the war, CNN reported a squadron of suicide Iranian fighter jets attacking the US Navy fleet south of Bahrain. Embedded reporters aboard the ships--sending live feeds directly to a rapt audience of Americans just awakening--reported all of the Iranian jets destroyed, but not before the enemy planes launched dozens of Exocet and Sunburn anti-ship missiles. A US aircraft carrier, cruiser and two destroyers suffered direct hits. The cruiser blew up and sank, killing 600 men. The aircraft carrier sank an hour later.

    By mid-morning, every military base in Iran was partially or wholly destroyed. Sirens blared and fires blazed from hundreds of fires. Explosions rocked Tehran and the electrical power failed. The Al Jazeerah news station in Tehran took a direct hit from a satellite bomb, leveling the entire block.

    At 9:15 AM, Baghdad time, the first Iranian missile struck the Green Zone. For the next thirty minutes a torrent of missiles landed on GPS coordinates carefully selected by Shiite militiamen with cell phones positioned outside the Green Zone and other permanent US bases. Although US and Israeli bomber pilots had destroyed 90% of the Iranian missiles, enough Shahabs remained to fully destroy the Green Zone, the Baghdad airport, and a US Marine base. Thousands of unsuspecting US soldiers died in the early morning barrage. Not surprisingly, CNN and Fox withheld the great number of casualties from American viewers.

    By 9:30 AM, gas stations on the US east coast began to raise their prices. Slowly at first and then altogether in a panic, the prices rose. $4 a gallon, and then $5 and then $6, the prices skyrocketed. Worried motorists, rushing from work, roared into the nearest gas station, radios blaring the latest reports of the pre-emptive attack on Iran. While fistfights broke out in gas stations everywhere, the third Middle Eastern war had begun.

    In Washington DC, the spin began minutes after the first missile struck its intended target. The punitive strike--not really a war said the harried White House spokesman--would further democracy and peace in the Middle East. Media pundits mostly followed the party line. By ridding Iran of weapons of mass destruction, Donald Rumsfeld declared confidently on CNN, Iran might follow in the footsteps of Iraq, and enjoy the hard won fruits of freedom.

    The president scheduled a speech at 2 PM. Gas prices rose another two dollars before then. China and Japan threatened to dump US dollars. Gold rose $120 an ounce. The dollar plummeted against the Euro.

    CNN reported violent, anti-American protests in Paris, London, Rome, Berlin and Dublin. Fast food franchises throughout Europe, carrying American corporate logos, were firebombed.

    A violent coup toppled the pro-American Pakistan president. On the New York Stock Exchange, prices fell in a frenzy of trading--except for the major petroleum producers. A single, Iranian Shahab missile struck Tel Aviv, destroying an entire city block. Israel vowed revenge, and threatened a nuclear strike on Tehran, before a hastily called UN General Assembly in New York City eased tensions.

    An orange alert in New York City suddenly reddened to a full-scale terror alarm when a package detonated on a Manhattan subway. The Mayor declared martial law. Governor Pataki ordered the New York National Guard fully mobilized, mobilizing what few national guardsmen remained in the state.

    The president looked shaken at 2 PM. The scroll below the TV screen reported Persian Gulf nations halting production of oil until the conflict could be resolved peacefully. Venezuelan president, Hugo Chavez, announced a freeze in oil deliveries to the US would begin immediately. Tony Blair offered to mediate peace negotiations, between the US and Israel and Iran, but was resoundingly rejected.

    By 6 PM, Eastern Standard Time, gas prices had stabilized at just below $10 a gallon. A Citgo station in Texas, near Fort Sam Houston Army base, was firebombed. No one claimed responsibility. Terrorism was not ruled out.

    At sunset, the call to prayer--in Tehran, Baghdad, Islamabad, Ankara, Jerusalem, Jakarta, Riyadh--sounded uncannily like the buzzing of enraged bees.

    I don't think the word "exclusive" should be used in the title of the piece. A better choice of words would be "fiction".

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  • Registered Users Posts: 33,389 ✭✭✭✭Penn

    WakeUp wrote: »
    At sunset, the call to prayer--in Tehran, Baghdad, Islamabad, Ankara, Jerusalem, Jakarta, Riyadh--sounded uncannily like the buzzing of enraged bees.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,619 ✭✭✭fontanalis

    Eight days from the day of the post. Any day now, fingers crossed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,473 ✭✭✭robtri

    fontanalis wrote: »
    Eight days from the day of the post. Any day now, fingers crossed.

    i was thinkin same thing myself.... maybe its part of the 2012 plan.. and when that doesnt happen, maybe the 2020 plan..... and so on and so on and so on

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,619 ✭✭✭fontanalis

    robtri wrote: »
    i was thinkin same thing myself.... maybe its part of the 2012 plan.. and when that doesnt happen, maybe the 2020 plan..... and so on and so on and so on

    That's the best bit about this type of CT, always something to look forward to.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    WakeUp wrote: »

    And yes its not about oil your right about that. Its about Iran allegedly trying to enrich uranium to weapons grade and in turn building a bomb or so the Americans and Israel keep claiming.

    No it's not. Again wrong. Just another excuse like oil, WMDs etc. It's hilarious because people don't get it. War isn't funny and that's not what I was implying.

    The thing that is funny is how stupid the lies are. And all I can do is laugh because I'm sick of reading this shiite day in day out and everyone falling for it. I can't stop these demons from lying. So it's best to laugh and rise above it.

    Read my post again, carefully.Notice I said Lucifers war.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,619 ✭✭✭fontanalis

    mysterious wrote: »
    No it's not. Again wrong. Just another excuse like oil, WMDs etc. It's hilarious because people don't get it. War isn't funny and that's not what I was implying.

    The thing that is funny is how stupid the lies are. And all I can do is laugh because I'm sick of reading this shiite day in day out and everyone falling for it. I can't stop these demons from lying. So it's best to laugh and rise above it.

    Read my post again, carefully.Notice I said Lucifers war.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    fontanalis wrote: »

    You have way to much time on your hands to try pick different sentences out and twist it around to make it seem like something else. Talk about the low of the low. This is a discussion forum not a play school ground.. Do you get paid to drill this shiit on this forum? Serious question?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,122 ✭✭✭TalkieWalkie

    It's on. Of course the skeppies will say it's all above board... :rolleyes:
    In a rare move, Iran has declared a state of war on its northwestern border, debkafile's military and Iranian sources report. Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps men and equipment units are being massed in the Caspian Sea region against what Tehran claims are US and Israeli forces concentrated on army and air bases in Azerbaijan ready to strike Iran's nuclear facilities.

    The announcement came on Tuesday, June 22 from Brig.-Gen Mehdi Moini of the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), commander of the forces tasked with "repelling" this American-Israeli offensive. He said: "The mobilization is due to the presence of American and Israeli forces on the western border," adding, "Reinforcements are being dispatched to West Azerbaijan Province because some western countries are fueling ethnic conflicts to destabilize the situation in the region."

    In the past, Iranian officials have spoken of US and Israel attacks in general terms. debkafile's Iranian sources note that this is the first time that a specific location was mentioned and large reinforcements dispatched to give the threat substance.

    Other Iranian sources report that in the last few days, Israel has secretly transferred a large number of bomber jets to bases in Azerbaijan, via Georgia, and that American special forces are also concentrated in Azerbaijan in preparation for a strike.

    No comment has come from Azerbaijan about any of these reports. Iranian Azerbaijan, the destination of the Revolutionary Guards forces reinforcements, borders on Turkey, Iraq and Armenia. Witnesses say long IRGC convoys of tanks, artillery, anti-aircraft units and infantry are seen heading up the main highways to Azerbaijan and then further north to the Caspian Sea.

    On Tuesday, June 22, Dr. Uzi Arad, head of Israel's National Security Council and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's closest adviser, said "The latest round of UN Security Council sanctions on Iran is inadequate for thwarting its nuclear progress. A preemptive military strike might eventually be necessary."

    debkafile's intelligence and Iranian sources point to three other developments as setting off Iran's war alert:

    1. A certain (limited) reinforcement of American and Israeli forces has taken place in Azerbaijan. Neither Washington nor Jerusalem has ever acknowledged a military presence in this country that borders on Iran, but Western intelligence sources say that both keep a wary eye on the goings-on inside Iran from electronic surveillance bases in that country.

    2. Iran feels moved to respond to certain US steps: The arrival of the USS Harry S. Truman Strike Group in the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Sea and its war games with France and Israel, which included live-fire bombing practices against targets in Iran.

    3. The execution of Abdolmalek Rigi, head of the Sunni Baluchi rebel organization (including the Iranian Baluchis), on June 20 was intended as a deterrent for Iran's other minorities. Instead, they are more restive than ever. Several Azeri breakaway movements operate in Iranian Azerbaijan in combination with their brethren across the border. Tehran decided a substantial buildup in the province would serve as a timely measure against possible upheavals.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,704 ✭✭✭squod

    Many similar news reports
    Iranian nuclear assets are fairly well dug-in while Iranian forces are well equipped and motivated enough to repulse the attack as well as give a bloody nose to Israel
    WASHINGTON — Iran has moved radar to Syria that could provide early-warning against a possible surprise Israeli air attack against Tehran's nuclear sites, a US defense official said on Friday.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 2,005 ✭✭✭Di0genes

    For the people who claim they are Pro Palestine and not "anti Jewish"

    Why no mention of the success of the EDO plowshares success in a UK court this last week?

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 2,138 ✭✭✭paky

    Im holding out for the 11th of july. Its world cup finals day and theres a total eclipse. So maybe something screwed up may happen if your a conspiracy theorist,_2010

  • Registered Users Posts: 831 ✭✭✭IrelandSpirit

    Di0genes wrote: »
    For the people who claim they are Pro Palestine and not "anti Jewish"

    Oxymoron. Jews can be Palestinian too.

    I wish people would just get it into their heads that Jews can be British, Spanish, Asian, Irish, African and on and on - Judaism like Islam and Christianity is an Abrahamic religion.

    Your attempts to equate any support of Palestine with "anti Jewish" is just plain nonsense and actually quite disturbing when you think about it.

    BTW, Muslims can also be Israeli:

    (And here, Abrahamic Religions, just in case you don't know what that is either:

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 2,005 ✭✭✭Di0genes

    Oxymoron. Jews can be Palestinian too.

    I wish people would just get it into their heads that Jews can be British, Spanish, Asian, Irish, African and on and on - Judaism like Islam and Christianity is an Abrahamic religion.

    Your attempts to equate any support of Palestine with "anti Jewish" is just plain nonsense and actually quite disturbing when you think about it.

    BTW, Muslims can also be Israeli:

    (And here, Abrahamic Religions, just in case you don't know what that is either:

    I think my point went way over your head.

  • Registered Users Posts: 831 ✭✭✭IrelandSpirit

    Di0genes wrote: »
    I think my point when way over your head.

    I think your point made me very, verrry sleeeepy ... zzzzzzzzzzzz

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 2,005 ✭✭✭Di0genes

    I think your point made me very, verrry sleeeepy ... zzzzzzzzzzzz

    Do you even know about the EDO plowshares trial?

  • Registered Users Posts: 284 ✭✭Cinful

    digme wrote: »
    Israeli government desperately needs the distraction from the flotilla massacre, and the US government desperately needs the distraction from the unfolding catastrophe playing out in the Gulf of Mexico and beyond.
    No way! I live in California. Most are exhausted by 2 endless wars. Plus the federal deficit is at an all time high (exceeding $13 trillion and climbing). Obama promised to end the wars. If he started another, he would not be reelected in 2012.

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    Oxymoron. Jews can be Palestinian too.

    I wish people would just get it into their heads that Jews can be British, Spanish, Asian, Irish, African and on and on - Judaism like Islam and Christianity is an Abrahamic religion.

    Your attempts to equate any support of Palestine with "anti Jewish" is just plain nonsense and actually quite disturbing when you think about it.

    BTW, Muslims can also be Israeli:

    (And here, Abrahamic Religions, just in case you don't know what that is either:

    A very good point. One that goes against the conditioned view. You can be "pro-Israeli" and "pro-palestinian" at the same time, like Chomsky or that American Jewish girl who was protesting the flotilla massacre and had her eye shot out of her face by the IDF - she "still loves Israel". You can be "pro-Palestinian" and "anti-Hamas". You can be "pro-Jewish" and "anti-Israel" like Neuterei Karta. You can be "anti-Israeli", "Anti-Jewish", "anti-Palestinian" and "anti-arab" like some white nationalists. These are just examples of the many combinations of labels that could be applied. To suggest that you can only be one or the other is a bit of thick point to be frank.

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    Cinful wrote: »
    No way! I live in California. Most are exhausted by 2 endless wars.
    Poor things. Imagine how the Iraqis and the Afghans feel...

  • Registered Users Posts: 284 ✭✭Cinful

    Poor things. Imagine how the Iraqis and the Afghans feel...
    All Americans did not vote for Bush. Or agree with these wars. These were Bush's wars. Bush didn't carry the California vote in either 2000 or 2004. Obama promised to end the wars. He carried California with over 60% of the 2008 vote. No way would Obama carry California in 2012 if he started another war in Iran.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 831 ✭✭✭IrelandSpirit

    Cinful wrote: »
    All Americans did not vote for Bush. Or agree with these wars. These were Bush's wars. Bush didn't carry the California vote in either 2000 or 2004. Obama promised to end the wars. He carried California with over 60% of the 2008 vote. No way would Obama carry California in 2012 if he started another war in Iran.

    True, not all Americans voted for Bush, in fact wasn't it the other fella who won first time, the puppet on the left...? And that's the thing, puppets and puppet masters - I don't believe for one moment Obomber Obama personally cares if he starts war with Iran or not, getting votes only matters as far as the agenda is advanced - centralisation of ever-increasing wealth and power - it's just a sick game to these 'people' pulling the strings.

    Though I can't see a war kicking off with Iran without another false flag attack somewhere, on the scale of 911. We'll see, but this war long over due, IMHO.

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