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Whats the most frightened you've ever been?



  • Registered Users Posts: 955 ✭✭✭Pot Noodle =

    Mary Harney in a Thong

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,095 ✭✭✭LadyMayBelle

    Thread has most definetly succeeeded in scaring the bejesus outta me, particulalrly the ball and spikes story, I mean wtf?

    Two scary things I can recall as a kid; walking home from school ione day, would have been one of the first days I woud have been allowed to walk home alone (about ten minutes from primary school, but twas a big deal at the time). Bit nervous, as I had the last stretch to do alone..I'll never forget it, some middle age chap literally leapt out fom behind a wall in front off me and I screamed like a howling banshee and ran..he tried to justify to a passerby apparently that he was waiting to jump out and surprise his kids on their way home and got me mixed up with them..either way to this day it scares me a little and I have seen him here and there and gives me the creeps..

    The second was on a family holiday in I think Salou...I must have ben only 6 or 7 and for some reason can't remember the logistics butu some creepy guy kept lowering his paper and waving at me from his sun lounger thing from (it was on a beach) it could have been completly harmless and innocent but I kow it unsettled me and whenever I would see a man like him in sort of brown aviator glasses I'll feel nervous.

    Recent scares probably came fom camping in the western/north Oz outback (we didn't take the normal package backpacker tours), so off on our own, and right after Wolf Creek too, and when the news of the story it's part modelled on hit the headlines again.

    Oh and the constant fear as a kid of blue or white transit vans because there were so many stories of kidnappings where I lived; always the cousin of someone's friend tho, never anyone we actually knew..:rolleyes:

  • Registered Users, Subscribers Posts: 13,459 ✭✭✭✭antodeco

    I was flying from Seattle to Chicago with my folks around 11 years ago. It was a nice normal flight, fairly packed, but was bright, so seemed ok. The stewards were bringing around lunch, but knowing there was a 9 hour flight from Chicago to Dublin afterwards, decided to skip the meal.
    So there I was, the smell of food in the air, babies crying, people eating their food. The occasional "psst" of cans being opened over the hum of the engines. All of a sudden there was a loud pop. Lights go off and the plane and the nose sharply pointed downward. Grabbing on tightly to the arm rests, saying hail marys (Im not a religious person, but I think its ingrained in every Irish person). Unable to move in the seat, adrenaline and panic passing through every vein in my body.
    Another pop, the plane shunts and trays and people start bouncing around the place upwards. Yelps and screams, as the plane descends further, unsure as to what part of my prayers I was in. Another shunt of the plane and it levels off. Heart beating, but now able to move in the seat. The pilot comes over the TA system "Sorry about that folks, we seem to have hit an air pocket."
    Since then, I am terrified of flying. Every piece of turbulence, knock of the plane has me in tears. I still fly, but I need to wear a cap, so I can cover my face.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 489 ✭✭dermothickey

    They say when people are in terrifying situations the first thing they do is Pray.

  • Registered Users Posts: 195 ✭✭Warrior011

    One time I was flying into a small airport in the south of Spain, we were making our final descent and suddenly the plane started a very steep climb, about halfway into the climb the plane started to bank sharply, it was then that we saw the incoming plane from Madrid through the side window :eek:. We circled around and landed perfectly on the second try, we had barely cleared the runway when the Madrid flight landed. It scared the living daylights out of me. It was between 3 and 4 hours before I could stop my hands shaking. I havn't been great in planes ever since

    It came out afterwards that the pilot wasn't happy with the lineup with the runway, hence the steep climb, when the plane climbed, it came into the flightpath of the Madrid flight, hence the severe banking.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 751 ✭✭✭Daisy Steiner

    They say when people are in terrifying situations the first thing they do is Pray.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,219 ✭✭✭PK2008

    The most frightened Ive ever been is today, after reading this thread

    Thanks guys

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,291 ✭✭✭wild_cat

    My friends and I were leaving a house party one night and these knackers start throwing eggs and yogurts at us. We start legging it to my friends car as we're getting completely distroyed.

    My friend was driving a three door car at the time and there was a mad rush to get in, so bar the driver we all had to get in via the front passenger door.

    One girl makes it safely into the back, as I go to hop into the back my other friend hops into the front. Puts back her seat, my leg is caught between the front seat and the back of the car, the other leg is still standing on the road. Driver takes off at top speed, I slap to the ground and she drags me 30ft before stopping.

    I actually thought I was going under the wheel, girl in front has the door wide open and is screaming, driver didnt know what was going on (:eek::confused:), I cant even scream.

    Eventually stops the car, the whole leg of my pants has been torn open, my leg and hand is all grazed, it was like I was bent down on my knee. I just get up and stand there.

    One of the knackers runs up to me and goes "you dropped your scarf" and hands it back to me. I get back into the car and the girl in the back goes "jesus, thought you were a dead girl there wild_cat". I say to the driver "You'd want to give a ****ing smoke right now for doing that"

    And we go home.

    The girl in the front said the look in my eyes while it was happening was the sadest thing she'd ever seen, we were staring each other in the face. I just couldnt understand why she wouldnt stop the car.

    We laugh about it now though. I'm starting to think as a bunch of friends one of us is going to end up seriously harmed with the **** we do to each other.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 489 ✭✭dermothickey

    Just reading some stories in the paranormal room about ghosts is giving me the heeby jeebies

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,331 ✭✭✭✭bronte

    I think the most frightened ever was when I was 13.
    Myself and my family had just landed in Turkey on a family holiday.
    I had been dying for a pee on the plane but the pilot had turned on the seatbelt sign, so I had no choice but to wait till I got inside the terminal.
    We arrived at the baggage hall and I legged it over to the loo.

    It was three in the morning and unfortunately the ladies was closed for cleaning, so everyone was told to use the mens.
    I noticed there was a male toilet attendant as I went in...I didn't think anything of it really and went to pee.
    As I went to wash my hands I noticed this guy was looking at me weirdly and I got a bit freaked out.

    The problems started when I went to leave...basically he blocked me from going out the door. At first I thought it had been a mistake and we'd just accidentally gotten in each others way. I went to step around him and he blocked me again. That's when I totally panicked. I had no idea wtf this guy was up to. I hadn't a hope in hell against him either.
    He was getting way too close for comfort , you know like when someone invades your personal space and I just needed to get the hell out of there.
    I managed to get halfway around him, but it meant that I'd backed myself into a corner and he was blocking me from running. I was so scared I couldn't even scream.
    Luckily for me a bloke from my flight came in to use the bathroom .
    He took one look at my face and asked me if I was okay.
    I just mumbled yes and legged it out the door. I ran back to my parents and weirdly enough never said a word to them about what happened.
    I know my Dad would have gone in there and killed the guy.
    I told them years later and they were horrified, but I just couldn't bring myself to tell them at the time. To this day I have never known fear like that.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 89 ✭✭Damo123

    Definitley the scariest thing thats ever happened me. Was in America last year and Id met a couple of college students, about 4 of us all together. We were walking round an estate trying to find a house party one night. So we were just standing on the side of the street wondering how to get to this party when a car turns onto the street and turns the lights out and starts driving real slow. TBH I kinda got nervous at this stage. Then they passed us but all the windows were opened. And just as they were passing one of the boys I was with says "they're some sketchy motherf***ers", the car then braked a bit, then went a bit, then stopped again. Kinda like they werent sure whether stop or keep going.

    After a few seconds this black guy shouts out "who the f**k you calling sketchy nigga" then the car reverses. At this stage I was thinking "damn theres gonna be a row, I hope I dont get my ass kicked". But nothing could have prepared me for what comes next. 3 black guys (all early to mid 20's) get out of the car, 2 with handguns and another with what looked to be an AK47. I sh*t myself. I really thought that was it. I thought it was game over for me. Then they started walking towards us saying "nigga you trying to say Im sketchy" and "nigga I blow your f***ing ass into next week if you call me sketchy again" and then after a few minutes he get really pissed off and told us to get down on out knees and start praying.

    But just as this was going on 2 latinos (who came out of nowhere) start shouting at them and with that the Latinos pull out guns. So the black guys put their guns down and backed off and got into the car and away like lightening.

    Turns out they are 2 fueding gangs over there. Similar to the bloods and crips except waaay smaller. I really hate to think what would have happened if those Latinos werent passing that night. They were really sound too, they stayed with us until the we found the house party and they knew the guy who oppened the door and they told him that he better look after us. We gave them 228 dollars (all we had) we were that thankful.

    Couldnt wait to get back to Ireland after that. Give me a Dublin junkie any day of the week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 779 ✭✭✭papajimsmooth

    Just lions she says and goes back to sleep.


  • Registered Users Posts: 12,556 ✭✭✭✭AckwelFoley

    Most frightened ive been?

    I was about 11. Expermenting. Pulled my foreskin back for the first time.

    Thought it was my stomach falling out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,004 ✭✭✭Ann22

    This is the best thread ever...sometimes on a really long thread, when I see a really long post it's a wee bit of an effort to read it all but here I see it as a really juicy read.

    I'm an anxious person so I'm always having heart stopping moments...The most recent and one of the worst happened lately. My oh and I were taking my 9yr old to practice riding his bike in a park in the centre of town. It's a large park with trees a pathway all around the edge with open gateways onto a public road.

    My oh and I were sitting on a bench watching him. I was straining to keep my eyes on my wee fella in the distance passing the trees as every so often I'd lose sight of him and I'd often seen dubious looking characters hanging about watching the kids.

    This particular time he was out of sight for a few oh was distracted watching a few lads playing football but I got up dawdled over towards the middle of the park looking all around. I could see the entire pathway and couldn't see him. I called his name but there was silence.

    My heart started to pound sturdily then as the minutes ticked by I felt myself breaking out in a sweat as I started to panic. I was calling his name loudly over and over. I looked back and my oh (much calmer and logical person than me) was starting to look worried..

    I'll never forget those moments. I could hardly breathe, the tears were pouring down my face and I was shaking..then thanks be to God much to my relief there the child was....coming wobbling on his bike. I hugged him so tightly.

    I really don't know how I couldn't see him, he maintained he never left the pathway and never heard me calling:confused:. It was flashing through my mind the whole time than anyone could've stopped a car on the passing road and bundled him into it.

    When he was about 3 he disappeared in Pennys one day for a fair few minutes..I sent my older son who was 13 to stand at the door in case he wandered out. I nearly had a heart attack that day too. Some of the staff were helping me look. I was shaking with terror..turns out one of the sharp eyed girls spotted him crouching on the ground under a stand of clothes. The wee villain was hiding on me!!

    One time my older son ran out onto the road unexpectedly when we were out for a walk..he was 17 (Joking, he was 3:D). Anyway a car was coming and the side of it knocked him flying! He was ok thank God..just hurt his little arm. The poor woman driving the car got an awful fright. When I lifted him up he was saying 'I'm sorry mammy':( poor wee lamb. I took him to the shop and bought him a wee packet of toy plastic insects, I kept bursting into tears after that episode for days over what could've happened.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,315 ✭✭✭Big Knox

    Just reading some stories in the paranormal room about ghosts is giving me the heeby jeebies

    Why? You have seen 3 yourself, surely you wouldn't be scared by others incounters having had 3 yourself?? :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,004 ✭✭✭Ann22

    Big Knox wrote: »
    Why? You have seen 3 yourself, surely you wouldn't be scared by others incounters having had 3 yourself?? :rolleyes:

    Some stories are scarier than others, maybe his ghosts weren't too spooky.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 489 ✭✭dermothickey

    They weren't but if you've been reading the stuff I'm reading there at the moment...Took me half an hour to get the courage to make my lunch :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,315 ✭✭✭Big Knox

    They weren't but if you've been reading the stuff I'm reading there at the moment...Took me half an hour to get the courage to make my lunch :D

    Why is your fridge haunted??

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 489 ✭✭dermothickey

    you all right there big knox

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,004 ✭✭✭Ann22

    I nearly drowned in Florida on my honemoon. I was in the pool and was bravely and stupidly swimming out of my depth (I can't really swim, can't get the hang of breathing) I started laughing and stopped to tread water 'til I got my breath back, I sank a bit so I stuck my leg down to tip the bottom to send me back up. To my horror there was no bottom:eek:.

    I started flailing about..All I wanted was one mouthful of air..there it face surfaced I gasped but then I was under again doing an underwater dance. I remember feeling that I really needed to inhale, the pressure in my chest was unbearable then suddenly I felt a hand under my arm dragging me to shallow water.

    It was my hubbie. He can't swim or even float and was out of his depth too but it was his strange ability to sink to the bottom of the pool like an anchor that saved me. He was calmly walking across the bottom hauling me like an underwater kite. Dunno a fcuk, his bones must have lead in them. Had nightmares about it for ages.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,563 ✭✭✭segaBOY

    snyper wrote: »
    Most frightened ive been?

    I was about 11. Expermenting. Pulled my foreskin back for the first time.

    Thought it was my stomach falling out.

    : PB

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,971 ✭✭✭we'llallhavetea_old

    They weren't but if you've been reading the stuff I'm reading there at the moment...Took me half an hour to get the courage to make my lunch :D

    i've read that thread and scared the living crap outta myself. :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,370 ✭✭✭✭Son Of A Vidic

    I was really afraid of my sh1t once, but I put it all behind me thankfully.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,577 ✭✭✭StormWarrior

    Degsy wrote: »
    Anybody actually been in fear of their lives?

    Yes, the night I took 3 boxes of magic mushrooms, 2 and a half tabs of acid and half a bar of hash chocolate in Amsterdam, then went to Madame Tussauds. I had never been to a Madame Tussauds before, I had no idea that they have a chamber of horrors in there. I went in, totally off my head, expecting to see nice happy celebrity statues, and instead found myself in a place of unimaginably horrific nightmares. I was so scared I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I had wondered why the woman at the start had asked us if we had any heart problems or anything like that. As it was in Amsterdam, they really should have asked if anyone was wasted beyond belief before letting them in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,224 ✭✭✭Bolag_the_2nd

    staker wrote: »
    Used to work as a helper in an abbatoir when i was younger. One day I was helping slaughter lambs, all I was doing was bringing them from a pen to the slaughter house,holding them while the butcher used the stun gun on the crown of their heads.
    So I bring in another lamb,holding him between my knees and 2 hands under the chin, when I feels the stun gun on the back of my neck and hear the bang of the cartridge. Next thing I know I'm waking up in a pool of lamb offal covered in warm blood and gunk.
    Obviously the bastard'n butcher had put his finger on my neck while shooting the gun with his otherhand.I had passed out.
    I can still feel that cold finger on my neck 17 years later.

    Sorry for your trauma, Staker, however, i just roared with laughter when i read it, priceless, but i am sorry,:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 329 ✭✭Smeggy

    It's quite tame compared to other stories in here but anyway....

    I was babysitting a little girl one night in a quite isolated part of the countryside, we were in the sitting room watching tv when I started to get texts from an unknown number asking me how I was etc so I just ignored them, then a while later I heard noises in the kitchen like somebody going through all the presses and slamming the doors, I froze with the fear and panic! I armed myself with a hurl I found in the sitting room and went up to the kitchen but there was nobody there.... Scary scary night, was relieved when the girls parents got back!

    On a lighter note I was in the bathroom one night after being outside, was washing my hands and just happened to look in the mirror, there was a giant moth thing on my head! It was like a slug with wings, I screamed! I hate anything with wings near me!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,716 ✭✭✭upandcumming

    Got a rock to the head when I was a gossan. I was out cold for a bit, then woke up alone, and blood in my eyes. I just started roaring and ran home. For a while there I thought I was gone.

    At a rally once and I was messing with the safety tape. Then this piece of shít of a golf came bouncing down the road and couldn't stop... I couldn't get my hand free and everyone else around me was gone. I kept pulling but my hand wouldn't free up... I just stopped and half accepted that this was it, my end. Thankfully it hit a gripe and rolled and went on again. My hand was sore. Not nice but I lived!

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 16,397 ✭✭✭✭Degsy

    Not terribly frightening but a bit weird just the same.
    I used to keep a guinea pig in a cage in my bedroom..guinea pigs make a strange sound sort of like a defective burglar alarm.
    When i was coming up the stairs he's start up his squealing and would rattle the wire on the cage till he was fed.
    The poor lil bastard died eventually and the cage was put in the shed but for several months afterward the noise he made could be clearly heard in the house as you came up the stairs..not the rattling of the cage,just the guinea pig noise.
    Everybody in my house remembers hearing it at various times untill it eventually faded and dissapered altogether...haunted by a guinea pig..weird.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9 lepidopteria

    The scariest one was when I was in hospital years ago, I was kinda depressed and had attempted suicide so they were trying different anti depressants on me and they tried one called Seroxat and one of the side effects of it can be lock jaw, for 3 ****ing hours my head felt like it was trying to dislocate from my jaw, they pumped me full of adrelin to counteract it but no mess my whole left side of my body just shut down and if felt like someone was clamping my brain and squeasing it, I'll never forget that day for as long as I live, the weird thing is I was there for attempting to kill myself and it took their **** up to make me actually fear death and I never want to be there again, it's not a nice place to visit and you don't want to live (or die) there

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,700 ✭✭✭fonecrusher1

    I was swimming in bondi beach in Oz six years ago & got caught in a bit of a rip-tide thingy. Im not the greatest of swimmers & i remember basically swimming as hard as i could & not really going anywhere for ages.
    It was a pretty freaky experience actually because i was gradually getting more & more tired. I was very close to just shouting & roaring for help to alert the life gaurd guys but i managed to get out of the current after about 20 minutes.
    When i got back on land i was shattered & shaking like a leaf but very very relieved.
    I was raging at my 2 buddies because they thought it was hilarious for some reason???

    Taking off from cork airport one & a half years ago on the windiest day recorded for years. When we got out of the taxi in the drop off zone the wind was so strong it nearly blew me off my feet. I can tell you we were all sh!tting ourselves getting on that plane to london.
    The take-off itself was fecking horrible, the plane lurched 10 ft to left just as we went airborne & someone let out a bit of a yelp which always makes things worse.
    Worst flight ever for me.
